Where did the name Olga come from? Famous people named Olga

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Olga, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Olga's Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • The color of the name Olga is yellow
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Olga's treasured plant - buttercup
  • Olga's patron saint is an owl
  • Olga's talisman stone - amber

What does the name Olga mean?: this is the female form of the male name Oleg / Volga and means “sunny”, “significant”, “good”, “great”, “big” (the name Olga is of Slavic origin).

Short meaning of the name Olga: Olya, Lelya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusha, Lyusha, Olyanya, Lena.

Olga's Angel Day: The name Olga once a year celebrates a name day: July 24 (11) - St. Blessed Princess Olga, in holy baptism Elena.

Signs of the name Olga: On Holguin's day, they tell fortunes by thunder: if it is deaf, it will rain quietly, booming thunder - to a downpour.

Positive traits of the name Olga: Since childhood, Olga has been serious, thoughtful, prone to introspection. She does not tolerate familiarity, frivolity, repeated requests, female tears, adheres to strict moral standards.

Negative traits of the name Olga: a girl named Olga takes grievances hard, is prone to digging into her own feelings. Sometimes she lacks perseverance in actions. It is difficult for Olga to ask for forgiveness, and she herself does not forgive anything, she will be able to recall old faults. As a rule, the name Olga is the ruler of the family. In order to suffer less in communication with Olga and be on an equal footing with her, one should have emotional strength and strong-willed stability.

The nature of the name Olga: Here is what the great Russian philosopher P.A. Florensky about the bearers of this name: “Olga usually have significant facial features and figure, and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost unfeminine strength breathes in them, at least according to modern concepts ... Olga’s mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the most correct way to achieve the desired. A girl named Olga does not tolerate when she is given advice, and she treats those who know something worse than her from above: this shows the limitations of her nature. Olga is characterized by hypocrisy; very amiable with superiors, and with people dependent on her, she is often dismissive. Olga is a faithful wife, but women with this name are traditionally considered cold: games of the heart are not for them.

The name Olga is a serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. The vulnerable name Olga may suddenly become closed, after some harmless remark, tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness. A girl named Olga is equally friendly with both boys and girls, she always finds something to talk about with both. She is capable, but studies without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. Keeps in the shadows, never commits daring acts, there are no troubles at school, but sometimes she can be rude with loved ones.

For all her good looks, Olga has a rather tough character. The name Olga always knows what she wants, and nothing and no one can be an obstacle to her. Olga is smiling, sociable, will always support the company, but will not relax enough to forget where the boss is and where the subordinate is. She has a rather difficult, domineering character, but even in anger she does not lose control over herself. Olga treats failures calmly, with endurance and patience overcoming any obstacles. You can add the ability of the name Olga to hard work, a heightened sense of responsibility - everything leads to significant career success, including in leadership positions. The latter is important for Olga in most cases. A doctor, a political or public figure, the head of an enterprise is Olga's field of activity. In extreme cases, she can be a store manager, manager, work in the service sector.

The meaning of the name has a cold, prudent mind, adheres to strict moral standards, does not forgive anything and will always be able to remind you of long-standing faults.

The name Olga negatively refers to weakness, sentimentality, violent expression of feelings, but if she liked someone, she does not keep it a secret. Most often, Olga gets married quite early and will devote her whole life to her husband, firmly believing that her chosen one is the smartest and best. If she suddenly has a rival, then it’s easy with what she has in her hands, Olga will not part. She is a fighter with a strong character, and her devotion deserves the highest respect.

As always, the name P.A. very accurately characterizes. Florensky: “Olgas usually have facial features and figure significant and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost non-feminine strength breathes in them ... Her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal, and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the surest way to achieve what is desired.

Choosing a profession by name: Work for Olga means a lot. She can become the leader of a public organization, lead the opposition, or choose the path of a lone rebel. The name Olga is able to perform male work, both intellectual and physical. If she is forced to do only household chores, then sooner or later she is likely to protest against routine and thankless work. Olga has many plans, and she wants to realize them. Purposefulness and vanity allow the name Olga to achieve success in sports, ballet, cinema, theater.

Olga's business and career: Olga can make incredible efforts, overcome herself and do such work, which not everyone will undertake, and for this she will be rewarded.

Olga's love and marriage: If the first love does not end in marriage, then Olga worries for a long time, compares new fans with the first man in her life, and will not be able to get married for a long time. The marriage of the name Olga with Anatoly, Barzda, Boris, Boyan, Bryachislav, Viktor, Gavrila, Zakhar, Ignat, Igor, Leo, Oleg, Semyon is favorable. Difficult relations of the name are likely with Andrey, Bazhen, Bashilo, Bogdan, Bazan, Denis, Mal, Peter.

Health and talents named after Olga: In infancy, Olga is calm, there are no difficulties with feeding. All difficulties begin at the age of six. At this time, she often suffers from respiratory diseases. Many diseases are inherited. So, psoriasis or diabetes can be transmitted from Olga's father, which can manifest itself both in childhood and in adulthood. As a child, Olga, like all children, suffers from respiratory diseases, childhood infectious diseases. There are no special deviations in health. The lungs and bronchi are somewhat weakened.

A December girl named Olga may be deaf and mute from birth, but she is a very smart girl, and if she begins to deal with specialists in time, she will begin to speak and understand by her lips what they say to her. Such a child requires increased attention, she is irritable, emotional. Very affectionate and kind, needs human warmth.

Olga is prone to complications after the flu, can get sick with infectious meningitis, after which her mental development slows down somewhat. In this case, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. Often, doctors state mental retardation, while this may be a mild form of mental retardation. The name Olga perfectly assimilates everything, only a little slower than healthy peers.

Olga's health problems arise in adulthood. She has bad teeth, after giving birth she quickly loses them. There may be an overbite, but this is fixable if the parents convince Olga that treatment is necessary, she is very stubborn and reluctant to wear corrective plates, takes them off when her parents are away, and puts them on only in their presence so that they do not scold her.

"October" Olga may have complications after childbirth, possibly the formation of cysts on the ovaries. A summer girl named Olga, already in adulthood, suffers from jaundice. High probability of removal of adenoids. Olga, born in August, may have a blood circulation disorder, which leads to varicose veins. Olga is not suspicious and turns to doctors in extreme cases. By old age, the name Olga is disposed towards fullness, although until old age she remains mobile and easy-going. Her hip joints are weak.

Name Olga in other countries: The translation of the name Olga in different languages ​​​​has a similar sound. In Belarusian it is translated as Volga, in Italian: Olga, in German: Olga, in Polish: Olga, in Ukrainian: Olga.

The fate of the name Olga in history:

  1. St. Olga is a Russian princess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich. According to the chronicle story, she cruelly took revenge on the Drevlyans who killed her husband, destroying their prince Mal, along with his most important associates, and established "charters and lessons" in the Drevlyan land, that is, tribute and natural duties; then she went to Novgorod land and set up graveyards here, that is, administrative centers, and determined dues and tributes in favor of the prince. Olga died in 969 at a ripe old age, having bequeathed to bury her according to the Christian rite. She is considered a saint by the church.
  2. Olga Vasilievna Lepeshinskaya - ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. In 1933–1963 danced at the Bolshoi Theatre. Among the parties: Kitri ("Don Quixote" by L.F. Minkus), Tao Hoa ("Red Poppy" by M.R. Glier), Cinderella ("Cinderella" by S.S. Prokofiev), etc. Was a teacher-consultant in Hungary , Germany, Sweden, etc. Four times awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
  3. Olga Spesivtseva - (1895 - 1991) Russian ballerina.
  4. Olga Zabelinskaya - (born 1980) Russian cyclist, two-time bronze medalist of the 2012 Summer Olympics - in the group and individual race. World Junior Champion 1997.
  5. Olga Knipper-Chekhova - (1868 - 1959) Russian and Soviet actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). A.P. Chekhov's wife.
  6. Olga Berggolts - (1910 - 1975) Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer.
  7. Olga Korbut - (born 1955) Soviet Belarusian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972). Olga Korbut was the first to perform the unique element "Korbut's Loop". The gymnast stands on the high part of uneven bars and does a back somersault, clinging to the top bar of the bars with her hands. The element was performed during her routines on uneven bars at the Munich Olympics.
  8. Olga Khokhlova - (1891 - 1955) ballet dancer of Russian-Ukrainian origin, better known as the first wife of Pablo Picasso and the mother of his son Paulo.
  9. Olga Rozanova - (1886 - 1918) artist, one of the brightest representatives of Russian futurism.
  10. Olga Rubtsova - (1909 - 1994) world chess champion.
  11. Olga Sadovskaya - (1849 - 1919) Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1911).
  12. Olga Aroseva - (born 1925) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985). Known for performing comedic, poignant roles.
  13. Olga Voronets - (born 1926) pop singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978). In 1956, at the International Folklore Festival in France, the Russian folk song "Kalinka" performed by Voronets enjoyed such success that the singer was nicknamed Olga-Kalinka.
  14. Olga Androvskaya - (1898 - 1975) real name - Schultz; Soviet theater and film actress, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1948). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952). Aunt Alexei Batalov.
  15. Olga Ostroumova - (born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  16. Olga Kabo - (born 1968) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), member of the Russian Stuntmen Association (1995).

What is the meaning of the name Olga? The owners of this beautiful name always go their own way and pave the way for others. Let's try to figure out what secret Olga keeps in herself.

The name is Old Russian, consonant with the male name Oleg. But initially it was derived from the Old Norse name Helga. From Scandinavian it is translated as "holy", "bright", "sacred", "clear".

Diminutive forms: Olya, Olechka, Olyunya, Olchik, Lelya, Olyushka, Olya, Olenka, Olyusya. Angel Day only once a year - July 24 (July 11, old style).

General characteristics of the name Olga

Little Olya is very diligent, she studies well at school. At the lessons he behaves diligently, grasps new information on the fly, gets good grades, but at the same time he does not show any particular desire to study. The strengths of little Olya are a broad outlook, a sharp mind and a strong intellect. From early childhood, the girl shows the stubbornness and seriousness characteristic of adults. Getting into an unfamiliar company, she demonstrates not the best character traits - isolation and resentment. Olya does not have a very developed imagination, which gives her thoughts a certain earthiness.

When she grows up a little, she becomes more emotional or, conversely, restrained and balanced. The second option is more common, since the meaning of the name Olga gave her such a character trait as self-criticism. Girls with this name have a good mind and are well aware of their shortcomings. To compensate for them, they very often do good and noble deeds.

A sense of humor and easy character help Olga achieve her goals. But at the same time, there is a “white” envy of the success of their girlfriends, which makes them rethink their priorities. She has large reserves of energy, which gives her the strength to go to the bitter end. Olga is an energetic, active and easy nature, sometimes her actions are unpredictable.

She is not satisfied with little, if she knows that she can get more - this is her maximalism. It is paradoxical that girls with this name easily combine responsibility and seriousness with a mischievous character, gentleness with determination. These traits are especially evident in adolescence.

If we talk about the meaning of the name Olga at a more mature age, then this is generosity and friendliness. Women with this name are easy to communicate, sincere, responsive. In extreme situations, Olga shows leadership qualities, becomes an example for others.

Negative character traits include resentment and commercialism. In addition, Olga is a very suspicious person. Women with this name can rarely be called romantic. Olga is very vulnerable emotionally, she needs to take life easier and calmer, not to take minor troubles to heart.

The meaning of the name Olga leaves its mark on relationships with men. She attracts the opposite sex due to a combination of courage and strength, simplicity and eccentricity. Olga chooses a companion for a very long time, relying more on emotions and feelings than on reason. If Olya loves, she will never betray her man. She is a good housewife, loving wife and mother.

What does the name Olga mean?

Shy, kind and modest girl. Tends to introspection. Likes to be in silence. The most important thing in Olga's life is her family. Often the eldest, but not the only child in the family

The name Olga, which came from the Old Norse language, means, in translation, “holy”.

The name Olga came to us from the Old Norse language, and is an analogue of the name Helga, which, in turn, comes from the male Scandinavian name - Heleg.

The nature and interpretation of the name Olga:

Little Olya has been very stubborn since childhood, does not like to ask for forgiveness, because even if she considers herself wrong, she will never admit it. The girl prefers to play boyish games. Olya's favorite toys are cars, balls, constructors. She is very vulnerable, takes to heart any comments about her. For a long time he cannot forget the grievance, he is very worried about this. Olga always approaches the matter very seriously, having thought it over and weighed everything in advance. Rarely gives in to any impulses, and then often regrets it.

Olga does not show great success in her studies, but she does not slip into solid "twos" either. He performs all tasks only within the framework of the school curriculum, he will never delve deeper into it or read additional literature in order to better understand the subject. With classmates he behaves with restraint and calmly, he will not support anyone's initiative to disrupt classes.

She always analyzes her actions and actions, often listens to her own feelings. Often, having not achieved success in life, Olga envies more successful friends. As a rule, after childbirth, her tendency to be overweight is manifested. Despite this, she can be very attractive in appearance, because she tries to take care of herself. Usually chooses comfortable and high-quality clothes, prefers sports style. He does not like to wear jewelry, but at a young age he has a penchant for piercing and tattooing. Often Olga loves needlework - sewing, knitting, embroidering. She can make simple cosmetic repairs in the apartment.

Olga is very worried about the break in relations with her partner. Therefore, he tries to quickly “jump out” to marry his chosen one. She will become a faithful and devoted wife. She will also demand fidelity from her husband, she will not forgive betrayal, but she will not ruin the marriage because of her. Olya cooks well, but she does housework, rather, out of a sense of responsibility to her husband and children, but not because she likes to do it. She likes to be with her family, she prefers to spend her holidays in nature, arranging family picnics. In the family, she gives the main role to her husband, but will not allow him to teach himself how to do household chores.

Olga loves children, she will devote all her free time to her kids. However, when the children grow up, it will no longer be so hard to patronize them.

This name, in addition to Russia, is also popular in Finland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Scotland, Spain, England and France.

On the Russian stage there are a large number of songs called "Olga".

The Germans borrowed the name Olga from the Russian language.

Name Olga in different languages:

  • Name Olga in English: Olga (Olga)
  • Name Olga in Chinese: 奥尔加 (Aoerjia)
  • Name Olga in Japanese: オーリガ (O-ri-ga)
  • Name Olga in Spanish: Olga (Olga)
  • Name Olga in German: Helga (Helga)
  • Name Olga in Polish: Olga (Olga)
  • Name Olga in Ukrainian: Olga

Forms and variants of the name Olga: Olya, Olya, Olgushka, Lyolya, Lyalya, Lyoka, Olenka, Olyulya, Lusya, Olyukha, Olyusha, Lyulya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusya, Olyasha, Olyanya, Olena, Olgunya, Olgusya, Olgukha, Olgusha

The color of the name Olga: bright red

Olga's flower: snowdrop

Olga's stone: amber

Nicky for the name Olga / Olya: Snowdrop, Scarlet flower, Flower, Lelya, Lyalya, Leka, Helga, Princess, Princess, Lelik, Olik, Olka, Olgitta, Olga, Olgesha

What does the name Olga mean, and how to communicate with Olga

What does the name Olga mean for those who live or work near her? First of all, it is worth noting that Olga is a very determined lady who reasonably believes that they are no worse than men. The origin of their name goes back to the Old Norse word "helga" or "elga", meaning "bright", "great" or "holy". And the ancient meaning of the name Olga, inherited by them, is proudly carried through life.

People around say that Olga are fighters who tenaciously hold in their hands what they have. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the totem animal of this name is a powerful and beautiful predator leopard. Their character can be described as balanced, secretive, not amenable to special influence. Women with this name endure failure and always find an opportunity to subsequently defeat their enemy. Suffice it to recall Grand Duchess Olga, who methodically and cruelly punished the Drevlyans for the death of her husband.

Some mothers do not know what the name Olga means when they choose it for their daughter. Perhaps in the future they will understand that this name gives their daughter independence from an early age and the desire to exist separately from her mother. Olga will always have her own point of view, as well as developed logic and intelligence. They are reluctant to show their feelings, on the contrary, they will sometimes express contempt for sentimentality and weakness - someone else's weakness, because they themselves are very strong personalities.

What does the name Olga mean for colleagues? In this case, there is a high probability of encountering a woman who has exceptional self-confidence and does not want to play secondary roles. When Olga is sure of something, it is almost impossible to convince her, even if she is wrong. This is aggravated by the fact that communication with these women develops only on business grounds.

Olga is emphatically kind only to those who are higher in the hierarchical ladder. In other cases, she is quite cold and emotionless. Olga is a type of female ruler who seeks to dominate everyone.

The above set of qualities indicates what the name Olga means for members of her own family. Here, too, she seeks to dominate. It is believed that she is more of a business woman than a domestic woman. Therefore, Olga treats the house and life coolly, and is more friendly with children than loves them. So affects its some natural coldness.

When Olga (a name whose meaning is associated with loftiness and detachment) is born in the summer, then the sharpened properties of her character can be somewhat softened. "Summer" Olgas are much more amorous and trusting, in contrast to the overbearing "winter", ultra-practical "autumn" or arrogant ladies born in the spring and named after this name.

What does the name Olga mean in general? This is the name of a serious, highly moral, responsible, strong woman. They are often compared with the Scandinavian maidens - Valkyries, formidable warriors, who possessed rare beauty and integrity of character, who aroused the love and worship of many men.

Most parents are very responsible in choosing the name of the unborn child. It is generally accepted that a name is not just a set of letters written in a certain sequence, but the future of a person. Character traits, abilities, success in business and relationships are programmed at the stage of its assignment. With this point of view, one can argue or agree. A well-known aphorism says that it is not the name that makes a person beautiful, but quite the contrary. Another popular phrase claims the opposite: "What do you call the ship ...". Loving parents use every chance to make their child's life better, to give it an extra impetus.


For identification, each member of society must have a designation that is different from the others. The name is assigned at birth and accompanies a person until death, and sometimes continues to exist independently and without its bearer. There are many such examples in the history: Spartacus, Casanova, Narcissus, etc.

The meaning and origin of the name depends on the people who assign it, on its culture, history, traditions and customs. In the modern world, unfortunately, due to the too rapid process of integration, individuality has been lost. Many names are used in different countries, and their original meaning is lost. The ancient peoples called each child a word that meant something. The name spoke of the unique properties of a person or, conversely, was assigned in order to acquire certain qualities. For example, the meaning is clear to every modern Dobrynya, Subotka, Malusha, Besson, etc.

Origin and meaning

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the process of replacing Russian (pagan) names with Greek ones took place. They were introduced by force. Each baby was named by the priest during the rite of baptism, the parents did not participate in the process. Therefore, for a long time, people had two or more names, one of which was given from God, the other from their ancestors.

In our country, the situation changed with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. God was canceled, churches were demolished, new names were invented, which were an abbreviation for revolutionary events and dates. They took root and are used to this day along with the Old Slavonic ones. This is logical, since the formed cultural layer of that time has the right to exist.

The science of onomastics is engaged in the study of proper names, the process of their transformation and modernization during a certain time period. The names of people have a certain meaning. It depends on the language origin, and the personal qualities inherent in it (according to astrologers) can affect the life of the carrier. But onomastics can not always give reliable information. Many names are of such ancient origin that their origin is a matter of controversy. The history of their application is amazing and interesting. For example, the name Olga is quite widespread in our time. The origin and meaning of this name for a girl can be determined with the help of special literature. Parents will certainly find a lot of sources with various information, but do not get too carried away, as the child will grow in accordance with innate inclinations. The name will help him if he believes in his strength and influence on his own destiny.

Name Olga

The origin and meaning of this lexical unit is controversial. This name is of ancient origin. The events associated with it are part of the history of our country. For researchers, the first documents containing the name Olga are of interest.

The origin of the modern lexical unit goes back to the tenth century. Its form does not change over more than ten centuries of further use, only diminutive variations are added.

The name Olga (the origin and meaning of this lexical object in every Russian person evokes one association - with the Grand Duchess) was worn by the wife of Prince Igor. Accordingly, the personal qualities of this historical figure are also assigned to the name (although Olga was named Elena at baptism). In the annals there are earlier references to existing derivatives in the name of Olga. Origin and meaning for a child can play an important role in life. That is why it is worth exploring all versions.

Version one

Most often, various sources appear of Old Norse origin. Olga - a derivative of Helga (Heleg, male form) - has several translation options: sacred, wise, bright, holy. In Rus', this name appears in the 9th - 10th centuries. together with men's Igor, Oleg, Rurik.

Version two

Quite often there is an opinion that this lexical unit is not independent, i.e. its roots are Scandinavian, but the masculine form is not related to the existing name Heleg. The reference is made to another name, close in pronunciation and spelling (Olga - origin from Oleg). In the case of identification, the translation of the female name will mean precisely “saint”. In any case, the Scandinavian origin of the name in this version is considered proven.

Version three

The opinion about the ancient Slavic origin is based on the surviving chronicle documents. They often feature two spellings. The name Olga (the origin of the name is connected with the male forms Volga, Volkh, which were used in Rus' for a long period of time before the arrival of the Varangians) was quite common. In the annals, the variants Olga and Volga appear, which are used in relation to one woman.

Fairy-tale and epic heroes were called by these names. Volga is a hero who grew by leaps and bounds, while he could turn into any animal at will, possessed the wisdom of an old man and the strength of a young man. In this case, the name Olga has a Slavic origin (some experts write that it is Old Russian). It can be translated as "great", "significant", "big", "good". If we take the name Volkh as a one-root, then we get a direct appeal to paganism, in which it meant “healer”, “knowledgeable”, “knowing”. Such people have always enjoyed authority among fellow tribesmen and could be both men and women. Accordingly, the name Olga has a pagan origin and is translated as "knowledgeable, enlightened."


In any case, the history of the origin of the name Olga is connected with Kievan Rus. The first recorded in the annals of its owner was baptized (Christian). Princess Olga, after the death of her husband, ruled a rather large state at that time alone until her son ascended the throne. Her domestic policy was supported by her grandson Vladimir, who continued the process of uniting the Russian lands and was baptized.

The image of Olga was canonized, she went down in history as "the foremother of the Russian princes." The name did not enter into popular use; in estate communities it had the status of a prince. During the reign of Elizabeth (by her decree), Igor, Oleg, Lyubov, Vera and the name Olga returned to everyday life to raise Russian patriotism. The origin of the name and its history made it possible to name girls of noble origin in this way. But the first step has been taken. One of Olga becomes in the 60s of the XX century.

Foreign analogues

As a result of intensive trade and cultural interaction between states during the Middle Ages, the name Olga spread throughout Europe (Scotland, Germany, Czech Republic). In Brazil and Argentina, it can also be found, although not as often. The pronunciation of the name in these countries has a Scandinavian bias and most often sounds like this: Helga. In states with a population with Slavic roots (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), this form has not changed phonetically. The name is pronounced and spelled - Olga. The origin in this case plays an insignificant role, most often parents are attracted by the sound and the powerful energy inherent in it.


The connection between the name and the human qualities of its bearer has not been scientifically proven. Although statistical studies confirm the presence of similar character traits in those who bear the same name. Most people named after some great person subconsciously try to cultivate in themselves the qualities inherent in him.

The name Olga is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a rather heavy phonetic unit (“lg”), which softens in diminutive and affectionate forms. On the other hand, it is identified with alder - a flexible, soft and beautiful plant.

The owners of this name are full of contradictions, but at the same time they are very focused, self-confident, smart and decisive. Another feature that is inherent in them is stubbornness, and it manifests itself most often on everyday grounds. It is difficult for Olenki to admit their mistake, and they will never apologize for it. Parents who give their daughters this name are potentially rewarding them with tremendous piercing power, which often brings success in their careers or creative lives.

Famous people

There are a lot of successful and famous women named Olga, most of them became famous due to their creative potential:

Olga Knipper-Chekhova (1868-1959);

Olga Sadovskaya (1849-1919);

Olga Aroseva (1925-2014);

Olga Ostroumova (b. 1947);

Olga Kabo (b. 1968).

Among the famous athletes, the following can be distinguished:

Olga Zabelinskaya (b. 1980) cyclist;

Olga Korbut (b. 1955) gymnast;

Olga Rubtsova (1909-1994) chess player.

Famous ballerinas and dancers: Olga Spesivtseva (1895-1991); (1891-1955).

All of the above outstanding representatives of the fair sex bear the name of a strong-willed woman - Princess Olga. Perhaps this is partly due to their success.

She feels in herself a huge supply of strength and energy. Her only and cherished dream is to become the most feminine and attractive among all women on the planet. She needs to distinguish herself from the gray mass of the crowd. To men, she seems to be an ideal wife, able to understand, reassure and help in difficult times with advice. She attracts with femininity and coldness at the same time. It is the coldness that stops them in a rush to propose to her. There is self-doubt, it seems that she has not yet made her choice. If they knew that all her thoughts are chained to herself, she is afraid of her assessment, which means that she cannot relax, give herself freedom, which makes her a little detached, cold. In her soul, she is Princess Olga, allowing her to admire herself and building her house at her own discretion, according to her own laws.

We can say that she was born to become an ideal wife and mother. The character is soft, but selfish, in need of praise and attention, which she expects and demands with all her appearance. In the absence of attention, selfish qualities are amplified to the maximum, pushing her to completely ignore the environment that does not compliment her. She needs everyone to love her, praise and approve of any of her undertakings. She is not prone to envy, greed and quick-witted. However, her self-esteem requires only the highest possible rating, as others do not suit her. Her behavior is unstable, she strives for renewal and novelty, she constantly requires jewelry, outfits, cosmetics, because this is the only way she can count on a surge of sensuality, because in her normal state she is cold, which contradicts her external brightness and the efforts that she spends on it. Her husband must learn to accept her desire for brightness and external showiness without jealousy and irritation. However, it is precisely because of her inconstancy and desire to please everyone that men are afraid to approach her and start a serious relationship, confident that they will not be able to maintain her devotion. It is this circumstance that most often leads her to loneliness, but it is loneliness that gives her the freedom to show herself to many men, especially since this does not contradict her spirituality, in which there are no strict prohibitions and taboos. Of the professions, she is most suitable for her: a nurse (better in cosmetology), an actress, a model, a makeup artist, a gymnast in rhythmic gymnastics, a dancer, a ballerina, etc. It is better if her husband is much older than her, necessarily wealthy, important, a leader who has weight in society, which will allow her to feel superior to other women whose husbands do not have such qualities. In such a family, she will become a true keeper and mistress of the house, especially since sexual relations do not play a special role for her.

The most important thing for her is to achieve the maximum result in the manifestation of her attractiveness, femininity. However, her practicality can be discouraging and even frightening, since men see her as a spectacular woman, and she immediately shows herself as a zealous mistress of his wallet and adviser, which frightens them with a possible loss of freedom. That is why the husband must be a weighty figure, able to provide her with his home as her territory, where she will rule and establish her own rules, feeling like Princess Olga (both externally and in her soul).


It is advisable to pay attention to weak lungs, heart and liver. The liver should be nourished, and it will restore the other two weak organs. To do this, it is recommended to take milk thistle and eat chicken meat, cereals (for example, wheat groats), pumpkin and pumpkin juice more often.

The meaning of the name Olga, like the meaning of other names, is closely related to its history. The name Olga came to us from the Scandinavian languages. This is not so common among popular Russian names, the origin of which is connected with Greece, Rome or ancient Judea. Linguists believe that the meaning of the name Olga is "saint". It is believed that the name comes from the Scandinavian Hélga, and it translates as "holy." According to this version, the name Olga and the male name Oleg are related.

The second option for the meaning and origin is the origin from the other Slavic Volga. This name is translated as a miracle. So the second meaning of the name Olga is "miracle". In ancient chronicles, the name of Princess Olga is used in two meanings. It is interesting that in the Belarusian language the name Olga sounds exactly like Volga.

The meaning of the name Olga for a girl

Olya is growing up as a very interesting child. It is a combination of two opposites. She is quite an active and contact child, which is combined with a certain isolation. That is, she is superficially contact, but only she knows what is really on her mind. He communicates well with children and easily finds a common language.

Olya shows herself well in studies, although she does not particularly like studying. Her knowledge is superficial, but sufficient for good grades. She is rarely interested in the subject and teaches something beyond the necessary. It does not cause problems for teachers both in the classroom and during breaks.

The girl's health is average. Problems appear in several places. Olga's weak point is usually the digestive system and vision. These areas need to be given special attention and protected. Well, remember that prevention is much easier and easier than treatment.

Short name Olga

Olya, Olka, Olchik, Olly, Olgusya, Lelka.

Diminutive names

Olechka, Olenka, Olyushka, Olyunchik, Olgunya, Olgusha, Olyunya, Olyulya, Olyasha, Lelya.

Name Olga in English

In English, the name Olga is spelled as Olga.

Name Olga for passport- Olga.

Translation of the name Olga into other languages

in Arabic - اولغا (Ulgha)
in Belarusian - Volga
in Bulgarian - Olga
in Greek - Όλγα (Olga)
in Icelandic - Helga (Helga)
in Italian - Olga
in Chinese - 奥尔加 (Aoerjia)
German - Helga
in Polish - Olga
in Romanian - Olga
in Serbian - Olga
in Ukrainian - Olga
in Finnish - Helka
French - Olga
in Japanese - オルガ (O-ri-ga)

Church name Olga(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - this is a church name. Of course, this is if Olga was not given a different name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Olga

Bearers of the name Olga are characterized by a strong and strong-willed personality type. They are focused and somewhat secretive, although they usually try to appear outgoing and friendly. They are persistent and sometimes even stubborn, which both helps and hinders them in life. Perseverance often helps in achieving important goals and interferes with building personal relationships. So perseverance does not allow Olga to apologize, even if she is wrong. Even apologizing, it is clear from her that she considers an apology a good form and remorse for an act is not necessary.

At work, Olga often combines successes with failures. If Olga has efficiency and talent, then the ability to get along with people and work in a team is not always the case. She often herself is the culprit of her failures. She needs to learn humility and foresight.

In the family, Olga is a wonderful wife and mother. She loves children and her husband very much, she is a wonderful hostess. She is not inclined to leadership in the family, but chooses several cases in which she always has the last word. This can be any direction of family life, for example, where to go on vacation, etc.

The secret of the name Olga

As we already wrote, an apology is not Olin's strong point. Even when apologizing, she rarely repents, so she tends to repeat the same mistakes. This is her secret. Know that if Olga apologized, then it does not mean anything.

Olga is a very touchy person. Her excellent memory for insults can be called a secret. She can remember the most distant troubles, but she remembers them at the right moment. She does not have the habit of remembering them all the time, but in the depths of her memory, grievances are never erased.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

totem animal- Owl.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Buttercup.

Stone- Amber.

Guardian angel named after Olga and his patron will depend on her date of birth. If you know Olga's date of birth, then read the article "Patron named after Olga" on our website.

Olga is childhood, this is jealousy,
It's snow and music and sadness
This is all pagan antiquity,
All forest, princely Rus'.

The name Olga means "holy, great". The name comes from the Old Norse Hælgha (Helga). This is one of the oldest female names.

The word Olga gives the impression of something simple, good, beautiful, majestic, powerful, big and bright. Olga herself, as a rule, is quite stubborn, in eternal problems, the ruler in her environment and a dangerous person in anger, but her devotion is worth a lot. Olga usually suffers from love, love from suffering. In youth, this, as a rule, is a completely different child - light, with a twist, with a madness.

The name is very favorable, usually a woman with the name Olga combines intelligence and beauty, which is the real key to success in life.

Abbreviation of the name: Olenka, Olyunya, Olyusha, Olya, Olyulya, Olyusya, Olyukha, Olgushka

Olga's Angel Day: July 24 - Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, July 17 - Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Olga.

Olga Romanovskaya, singer

Patrons named after Olga

  • Planet - Moon
  • Color – Yellow, bright red
  • Talisman Stone - Amber
  • Plant - Ash, ranunculus
  • Patron - Leopard, owl
  • Lucky day - Monday
  • happy season- Summer
  • Key traits – Will, determination, hard work


Little Olechka means a sweet, kind and friendly child. However, those around her often notice her quick mood swings. As a child, Olya is very vulnerable and touchy. Any minor remark or joke can hurt her and cause tears. Parents and educators should be sympathetic to this feature of the child and control words and emotions when communicating with him.

Olya has been very stubborn since childhood. It is very difficult for her to ask for forgiveness, even if she feels guilty. She would rather fight her conscience than force herself to apologize.

Olenka has many friends, and she is friends with both boys and girls. She is a capable child, therefore she easily gains authority among her peers and becomes an example for them. But as a child, Olya is in no hurry to take on the role of a leader in the team; it is more common for her character to remain in the shadows.


Having matured, Olya becomes a stately girl with a difficult character. This attracts a lot of attention to her person from the opposite sex, but it is very difficult for many suitors to achieve reciprocity. Olya knows how to plan for the future and is in no hurry to exchange her plans for intrigues. The first love interests arise at a fairly early age, but Olya does not attach much importance to them. She is sure that she will connect her fate with only one man who will stand the test of time. Therefore, boyfriends at a young age automatically move into the status of friends.

Olya's studies are in the first place, but she does not forget about leisure either. Prefers to rest in the company of girlfriends and friends, often does not wait for an invitation, but acts as an organizer herself.

Olya likes to daydream, drawing detailed images of desired events in her head. In her case, this is not a waste of time or inaction, but rather a kind of planning for the future, because she confidently translates most of her dreams into reality with the help of diligence and perseverance. For Olya, it is important to learn not to go to extremes and be able to distinguish between appearance and reality, as well as correctly assess your strengths.

Olga Shelest, presenter


Olga is a good mother, wife and hostess. She can be attributed to those women who will gladly devote their whole lives to raising children and creating comfort in the family nest. Even if Olga wants to build a career, she will be able to combine household chores and work.

With age, some of Olga's negative qualities intensify. For example, her stubbornness and pride in tandem make up an explosive mixture that all Olga's relatives and colleagues have to face at least once. She is not one of those women who are ready to easily give in or agree to a compromise. On the one hand, these character traits help to achieve success in business, and on the other hand, this creates difficulties in communication.

At the same time, Olga is a good-natured and sensitive person. She will always lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Her openness and dedication attracts many people, so Olga always has a lot of friends and good acquaintances.

Olga can be described as an ambitious and hardworking nature. This helps her achieve significant success in life: build a career, start her own business. Olga is completely devoted to her beloved work and does not feel envy of more successful colleagues.


Olga is the true embodiment of femininity, charm, temperament and sexuality. The feminine principle is especially pronounced in her, which attracts a large number of fans to her at any age. But at the same time, this is a principled woman who will never deviate from her convictions. Regardless of the situation, she will not allow herself or others to give up slack. She always controls what is happening and will not allow herself to go beyond the limits of decency and morality. Such restraint sometimes prevents her from building a personal life.


Olga is a romantic and amorous person, but she will be devoted to the man with whom she decides to connect her life. Treason is a low and unacceptable act for her, which she is inherently incapable of. By the way, she can forgive her husband for betrayal, despite the fact that it will be a deep wound for her.

Mind (intelligence)

One of Olga's main features is her intellect. The ability to think analytically and think ahead often helps her to achieve real success in life.

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