Seascapes in oil, paintings of the sea - buy a seascape painting in the artrussia gallery. Russian marine painters Paintings depicting the sea

Seascape, marina- absolutely special genre painting. It is impossible to draw a moving sea without the ability to imagine. According to the great Russian marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky, "...the movement of living elements is elusive to the brush: painting lightning, a gust of wind, a splash of a wave is unthinkable from life". All the more amazing is the skill of the painter, capable of capturing all the beauty of the sea element. With the advent of seascapes made by skilled photographers, paintings of marinas did not leave the scene. Vice versa, collective image waves painted by a talented artist excites a person even more. The sea has always interested and fascinated people, causing admiration and fear at the same time. The grandeur and beauty of the waves, the reflection of the moon and the peaceful sunset - what could be better! The marine theme in the work of contemporary artists has undergone significant changes. Not only the sea element, but also people became important characters paintings by contemporary marine painters. Beautiful seascapes painted in oil on canvas are still especially popular. You can always buy at the ArtRussia gallery seascape picture of a famous contemporary artist painted in oil or watercolor. Paintings of seascapes are presented in different styles painting.

A seascape can calm and calm you in any situation, because water is one of the three things you can look at endlessly. A picture with the sea can be hung in any room; it will look harmonious everywhere. The history of the seascape spans more than seven hundred years, during which it managed to become fundamental. Oil painting exceptionally conveys the surface of water and its shine in the sun.

“Morning at sea”, Ivan Aivazovsky

  1. Emergence and formation;
  2. Famous representatives;
  3. Characteristics of the genre;
  4. Order a painting on a marine theme.

Seascape as an independent genre

In the paintings early artists It was rare to find a maritime theme, let alone a full-fledged plot on this topic. But in the middle of the seventeenth century everything changed thanks to just one painting, which was painted by Rembrandt himself. This is the only seascape of the great artist, with his help he laid the foundation for the development of an entire genre.

"Christ during a storm on the Sea of ​​Galilee"

The painting gave a powerful impetus to the development of seascapes in Holland, and then throughout Europe. By the way, this painting was stolen in 1990 from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in the USA, and nothing is still known about the whereabouts of the only seascape by Rembrandt.

Famous marine painters

  • Ludolf Backhuizen (1631 - 1708, Amsterdam)
  • Canaletto (1697 - 1768, Venice)
  • Francesco Guardi (1712 - 1793, Venice)
  • William Turner (1775 - 1851, London)
  • Ivan Aivazovsky (1817 - 1990, Feodosia)

All these artists worked in the genre of seascape, but with a different slant. Some of them focused on battle scenes on the water, while others focused on romanticism. William Turner went further and completely revised the image and presentation of the seascape to the viewer. The image of the visual part was not enough for him, and he began to depict the impressions and emotions that arose in him at the moment of contemplation.

"The Last Voyage of the Ship" by William Turner.

Ten years after Turner's success, already in France, artists began to use this style of painting - and journalists called them impressionists. Monet And Renoir picked up the idea of ​​such an image of a seascape, and created dozens of masterpieces.

"Twilight. Venice", Claude Monet.

In addition to the Impressionists, marine themes were promoted on a broad level by Russian artists - Aivazovsky And Kuindzhi. Ivan Aivazovsky created more than 6,000 paintings on the theme of seascape, which is an absolute record and a huge feat. He contributed huge contribution into art, and to this day is the most famous artist of marine subjects.

“Night in Crimea. View of Ayudag", Ivan Aivazovsky.

Characteristics of the genre

Seascape is often confused with Marina; essentially they are the same thing, but there is one exception. Marina is a picture that depicts only water and any actions that can only take place there. That is, the view of a beach with the sea in the background does not fit this term, since water and the phenomena on it are not the main motive of the landscape. These and other subtleties are not always important to the viewer, but increasing the stock of knowledge in the field of art will never be a bad idea. Also, artists generally believe that sea paintings are among the most technically complex. The main difficulty is to correctly display the waves and reflections on them, because light passes through water and completely unpredictable colors and shades are created there. Only with the correct supply of water and its glare, the viewer will be able to see the entire depth and distance of the picture. Color saturation should also convey the depth of the landscape, but when you work only with uniform shades, it becomes difficult to balance them. A similar situation arises when drawing winter landscapes, because everything there is covered with snow, and it needs to be shown beautifully and naturally. It is difficult to implement such a task when the whole picture is white and gray shades. But now the topic is not about winter landscapes, although these two genres are really close in spirit.

Sea sunset in modern style.

In addition to piggy banks interesting facts: almost all marine painters lived near rivers, seas, oceans, etc. This is precisely what their love for water and passion for painting this kind of canvas is connected with. Aivazovsky was born in Crimea and learned to paint water on the banks of Feodosia. Before setting off on a long voyage for an internship, Edouard Manet took paints and canvases with him, and practiced a lot while right on the water. Van Gogh and Gauguin, when they lived in Arles, also constantly went to the Rhone River and practiced there. There are a lot of such examples, so the geographical location of the artist is clearly reflected in his work.

Buy a painting of the sea

To buy or order a painting marine theme, go to the section, where you can familiarize yourself with all the details that are important to know when purchasing an oil painting. Also, an important page will be where you can learn about pricing for paintings. Seascapes are most often bought as gifts, because such scenes are bright and everyone likes them.

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The sea is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for many creative people. website selected works by famous marine painters and simply talented artists, in which there is an infectious love for the sea element.

Artem Chebokha

Russian artist, master digital painting and catchy images. Artem creates his masterpieces in Photoshop, while also mastering traditional techniques and materials. Despite the fact that the works are based on pixels and not oil strokes, the paintings are mesmerizing, and it seems that in a moment they will come to life.

Zaria Forman

American artist who creates her deep paintings using her fingertips. Zaria was inspired by her mother, who was inspired by the idea of ​​transferring her experience of participating in an Arctic expedition onto canvas. With her works, the artist tries to draw attention to environmental problems.

Bond. Paul Bond Pesqueira

Mexican artist juggling reality on canvas. Living by the ocean, it’s hard not to draw it, so Paul couldn’t resist. Some call his style magical realism, others surrealism, but we were simply hooked by his images and metaphors.

Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubov

Grandson of the writer A.N. Radishchev and part-time famous Russian marine painter. Alexey Petrovich was not only a professor of painting and an influential person, but also a benefactor for the benefit of widows and orphans of artists. His paintings are academic, but at the same time imbued with a love of nature and its movements.

Jim Warren

An American artist whose paintings may be familiar from the wallpaper on a colleague’s desktop or from popular pictures on the Internet. Jim's works are interesting to look at, they are rich in color and imagery. He also skillfully interweaves parts of the composition with each other.

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski

A genius whose talent is recognized throughout the world. He was compared to a poet who composed poems with a brush. Ivan Konstantinovich’s paintings amaze with their monumentality, play of colors and realism. After viewing his paintings, you want to drop everything and fly to the sea.

Love for the sea has a huge history. For thousands of years, it has more than once become the center, beginning and starting point for the creation of the most famous masterpieces, which to this day delight the viewer. We want to tell you about the most famous Russian marine painters, whose works admire the whole world.

Around the 17th century, originated in Holland new genre painting. In it, the main character of the image was not a person, not a vase of flowers or fruit, but something that is very difficult to convey in words, but which from time immemorial has attracted people to itself - the element. Russia is surrounded by 15 seas, and our rivers are incredibly wide and deep, so it is not surprising that it was Russian marine painters who became famous throughout the world. Of course, everyone knows Ivan Aivazovsky, but he was not our only artist who preferred the sea to everything else.

Magician with brushes

Envious people loved to spread rumors about Aivazovsky. They said that to create his paintings he uses special paints, and at exhibitions he places a lamp behind the canvas to achieve the signature glow of water and sky in his paintings. Of course, this was not the case, and the artist proved this more than once, drawing in public and surprising everyone with the enormous speed and clarity of his work.

Little Ivan began to amaze people from childhood. First by learning to play the violin on his own, and then discovering remarkable artistic ability. Patrons began to help the talented but poor boy - they gave him pencils and paints, and tried to get him enrolled in education at public expense. At the age of sixteen he came to the capital, where he entered, as they now say, the budget department of the Imperial Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg. At the Academy young talent everything was going great too. Public recognition at exhibitions, a silver medal for two landscapes, becoming an assistant to a famous and fashionable artist Philip Tanner. And then Aivazovsky’s career, which was soaring upward like the seagulls in his paintings, was under threat.

“View of the seaside in the vicinity of St. Petersburg”

The fact is that Philip Tanner was an envious man and did not tolerate attacks on his glory. The thought that a student could surpass his teacher was unbearable to him. Therefore, he forbade his gifted apprentice to write own paintings and display them anywhere. Aivazovsky mixed paints and ran errands for a jealous Frenchman. Tanner relaxed, and at that moment Aivazovsky presented as many as five of his works at the autumn exhibition of the Academy of Arts in 1836, which were very enthusiastically received by both critics and the public. The teacher could not tolerate such insult and complained to the tsar, who ordered the removal of Aivazovsky’s paintings from the exhibition for disobedience, and to the young artist banned from working for six months.


This story played the role of black PR for rising star Russian painting. His paintings had previously delighted the public, and the fame of the banned artist fueled interest even more. Gold medals showered on him, and then the Academy of Arts decided to release the talented young man from its walls two years early and send him to Crimea with the task of painting several landscapes. Aivazovsky coped with this, as always, brilliantly, so at the expense of the Academy he was sent to Europe.

“View of Venice from the Lido”

“Bay of Naples”

“Amalfi Coast”

There he writes a lot and gets acquainted with interesting people, communicates with Gogol, and his exhibitions are held with constant success. The painting “Chaos” is one of a series of his paintings based on biblical stories, even the Pope buys it. Gogol writes to Aivazovsky about this: “Your “Chaos” created chaos in the Vatican.”

Everyone wants to get a painting from the same artist whose works adorn the walls of the Vatican! So Aivazovsky became more and more popular. His paintings sold very well, despite the fact that some criticized him for his compositional and coloristic cliches. But the artist was in constant search. He drew a lot and quickly. Over the course of his life, he created more than six thousand paintings, which seems incredible unless you look closely at them.

If you come, say, to Tretyakov Gallery and look in detail at several of the master’s works, you will notice that they all have a lot in common. Aivazovsky began painting each painting with a bright visual center. It could be the crest of a wave, a ship or a raft. He drew it in detail and clearly, but the rest - the sea, the sky, objects in the distance - was painted very easily and schematically, a little in an impressionistic manner. Once the painting looked more or less complete, the artist added precise and bright touches and details. He worked out the foam on the waves and on the surface of the water, glare of light, and details of ships meticulously and realistically. Thanks to these techniques, we perceive Aivazovsky’s paintings the way our eyes see reality - in general, but noting small details that interest us.


By drawing in this manner, it is impossible to create, for example, a portrait, and perhaps for this reason Aivazovsky did not like to draw people. Even in the famous portrait by his brush " Pushkin's farewell to the sea"The poet was written by Ilya Repin.

“Pushkin’s Farewell to the Sea”

However, later Aivazovsky wrote Pushkin on his own more than once, however, also on the seashore, because he incredibly admired the poet and was often inspired by his poems.

“Pushkin on the seashore”

Despite fame and wealth, the artist continued to work hard and with great dedication all his life. He was sure that his best painting was the one he was working on right now. That is why his painting is so inspiring.

Throughout the second half of his life, Aivazovsky was involved in charity work. He supported young artists financially, taught them (if you don’t remember the unpleasant story with Arkhip Kuindzhi, whom Aivazovsky tried to forbid to write, as his teacher had done to him), opened museums and was engaged in the improvement of his native city.

In our time, Aivazovsky’s works are still loved, as they were during his lifetime. They are successfully sold at auctions, and in 2012, at Sotheby’s, the painting “View of Constantinople and the Bosphorus” was sold for £3.2 million.

“View of Constantinople from the Bosphorus”

Artist of the future emperor

Nikolai Gritsenko and Pavel Tretyakov.

All childhood Nikolay Gritsenko dreamed of traveling. His surviving childhood drawings show boats and the sea. Therefore, at the age of 19 he entered Technical school Naval Department, after graduating from which he began to serve as an engineer on a ship. It was there, looking at the endless expanses of the sea, that he embodied his passion and realized that he wanted to share it with people. Therefore, without interrupting his naval service (how can one leave his beloved sea?!), he began to study at the Academy of Arts. Having become a painter, he saw many countries and often traveled around Russia. And from all his travels he brought back amazing seascapes. When he was appointed artist of the maritime ministry, he went on a sea voyage to Asia with Tsarevich Nicholas, the future Nicholas II.

During the trip, Gritsenko made more than 300 drawings, doing the work that official photographers are now doing. He depicted the ceremonial meetings that were organized for the Tsarevich in foreign ports, painted monuments, recorded details of costumes and appearance of people. He coped with this task so brilliantly that later he was invited more than once to the retinue of the highest persons for such work.

Gritsenko lived the entire second half of his life in Europe, working as a marine painter and participating in exhibitions. His works were often bought by retired military men who missed their naval service and ships. Before his death, the artist was awarded the French Order of the Legion of Honor.

His works do not have as much passion and impulse as Aivazovsky's. Rather, they see admiration of the calm elements of the sea, giant majestic ships and powerful steamers. He was so attentive to detail that from his works you can study all the details of the appearance sea ​​ships that time.

“Armored cruiser 1st rank “Admiral Kornilov” during construction in Saint-Nazaire, Brittany.”

“Clipper “Cruiser” in the Suez Canal”


That's what he called himself Alexey Bogolyubov. And for good reason: his whole life was connected with the sea and painting.

Bogolyubov has a lot in common with Nikolai Gritsenko, although Aivazovsky had a huge influence on his style of writing.

(picture on the left - Ilya Repin. “Portrait of the artist Alexei Petrovich Bogolyubov”)

Like Gritsenko, Bogolyubov showed artistic talent from childhood, but his first education was different, although also related to the sea. He graduated from the Marine Cadet Corps, after this he traveled a lot, which gave him the opportunity to observe the oceans and ships in all their glory. Under the patronage of the president of the Academy of Arts, whom the talented officer met right on his ship, he began to study painting. And after graduating from the Academy, like Gritsenko, he became an artist at the Main Naval Staff, going on a sea voyage with the future Emperor Alexander III.

The sea element is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists and creative people. We have selected 20 paintings that have hyper-realism and an infectious love for the sea. This list is a small selection of exciting marine-themed paintings that we think deserve your attention. Moreover, all images are available for printing on canvas in our online store.

I.K. Aivazovsky “The Ninth Wave”, “Brig “Mercury” attacked by two Turkish ships”, “Sunrise in Feodosia”

Perhaps the most famous marine painter not only in our country, but throughout the world. His works are real masterpieces, and he himself is a genius not only technical execution elements, but also a reflection of its subtle character.

M.A. Alisov “Seascape”

Our talented compatriot is considered Aivazovsky’s best student, he wrote many works on marine subjects, his works are in art museums Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and other cities.

A.P. Bogolyubov " Last minutes imperial yacht Livadia", "Shore near Sorrento"

His works are considered academic, and he himself was a professor of painting and quite an influential person of his time. Grandson of the writer A.N. Radishcheva was an artist at the Main Naval Staff and was involved in charity work for widows and orphans of artists.

Claude Joseph Vernet "Shipwreck in a Storm", "Storm on a Rocky Shore"

The French painter became famous during his lifetime as a master of depicting sea storms. His paintings decorated palaces, and today are in the collections of the most major museums Europe.

L.A. Afremov Marine theme

Our contemporary impressionist artist is not a typical marine painter, but his seascapes, as indeed all his works, are striking in color and technique. You can find the artist's breathtaking works on our website.

An American artist whose philosophy of “To hell with the rules... draw what you like” accurately characterizes the style of his paintings. He perfectly connects different parts of compositions, uses unusual images and colors, it’s impossible to tear yourself away from his paintings!

Zaria Forman "Greenland no.54", "Maldives no.1", "Greenland no.50"

No that's not real photos and not even Photoshop, but deep and hyper-realistic works American artist Zaria Forman, who creates paintings without any artistic tools, but only with the help of her fingertips. With her masterpieces, the artist strives to draw public attention to environmental problems.

Katsushika Hokusai " A big wave in Kanagawa", "Wave"

Great Japanese artist worked in many techniques, recognized as one of the most famous Japanese engravers in the West. “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” is made in the style of Ukiyo-e and is one of the works of the artist’s famous series “Thirty-six Views of Fuji”.

Artem Chebokha (RHADS)Digital marine art

The young artist creates his works not on canvas, but in Photoshop, and uses pixels instead of paints, but his works are difficult to distinguish from traditional painting. Fantastic plots are so realistic that it seems that they are about to come to life.

Dehong He

Dehong He is a freelance illustrator from Singapore and his fantastic reality, in our opinion, deservedly takes a place in this top. His works are definitely interesting and deserve attention.

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