How old is Olga Ushakova, presenter of Channel 1. Olga Ushakova: “Superstitious people told me that I was bringing trouble on my daughter

“From a long relationship, I gained tremendous experience and two beautiful daughters,” the Channel One TV presenter gave a personal interview for the first time.

Olga Ushakova. Photo:

From the outside it may seem that success came to her easily. She came to Moscow from Ukraine, conquered the capital and, without journalistic education or experience, became the face of the country’s main channel. In fact, before luck smiled on Olga, she had to work hard. Our heroine spent almost a year as an intern, worked in different departments - from editorial to international, and learned to write and create stories. And only then did it appear on the silver screen. She hosted a news program for nine years, and now she charges people with positivity on Good Morning. Olga owes her “luck” to her enormous work, willpower and desire. But she managed to decide on her calling thanks to one wise man.

Olga, your day starts at five in the morning. Is there any way to look cheerful and fresh?
Olga Ushakova:
“We broadcast at five in the morning, and my “day” begins at half past two in the morning. The sense of responsibility really invigorates me. When I open my eyes and realize that I need to go to work, despite the fact that I want to sleep, I jump up with such vigor! Well, make-up artists provide me with a blooming appearance.” (Laughs.)

Do you have a routine, do you go to bed before eleven?
“Since I started working at Good Morning, I haven’t had a clear routine. In “News” everything was more predictable. I knew perfectly well what time I would finish work when I got home. Here, working days can be a couple of times a week or once every two weeks. So these early rises happen periodically, and force yourself to wake up in the middle of the night if not morning broadcast, cruel."

Why do you love your job?
"When I worked at information programs, I answered this question like this: because every day there is news. This is a drive, an endlessly vivid sensation. But even now, “Good Morning” is no less interesting to me, it is also a live broadcast, responsibility. And a kind of drug - such a “direct ether addiction”, the need for a daily healthy portion of adrenaline. At one time I was a very extreme teenager, I tried everything! As soon as I started working on television, the desire to bungee jump, climb or dive disappeared completely.”

Who was the one a wise man who advised you to direct your energy in a peaceful direction?
“You are right, really wise. This is the father of my children. We met in Ukraine, where I lived then, but over time I had to move to Moscow, since usually a woman follows a man. And here the question arose, what should I do? In Ukraine I worked in business. And by the age of twenty-three she became the head of one of the branches of a large trading company. We promoted fashionable foreign brands to the market. But once I arrived in Moscow, I wondered: is it worth continuing to work in this direction, or maybe try something new? And then my man asked a question that radically changed my life: “What did you dream about when you were a child?” I answered that I wanted to be a news anchor. Indeed, as a child, I constantly pretended to be announcers, read newspaper articles, trying to memorize the text as much as possible. And later I began to imagine that I was conducting an interview, pestering my acquaintances, tormenting them with questions. I have always been interested in listening to other people, bringing them to some revelations. But to become a TV presenter was then such an unrealistic dream from the category of “I want to become a princess,” as if even dreaming was stupid. However, this man managed to make me believe in myself, and I decided to try. When I came to Ostankino for the tract (these are television auditions), they looked at me, appreciated the recording, and it turned out that the camera “loved” me. However, there was one serious problem- accent. I remember then I was internally indignant: “What accent?” Where?! I have a Russian-speaking family, and I lived most of my life in Russia.” But now, looking through the records of those years, I understand that the accent was really quite strong, and I still had the audacity to doubt! Nevertheless, I was accepted for an internship. On Channel One, no one simply needs cute “talking heads”. The presenter must be able to write and take part in the creation of the program. Therefore, for many months I studied the television kitchen from the inside, tried myself in different departments, and learned to write. At the same time, I studied speech techniques. I remember that period with gratitude. People whom I consider information gurus shared their experiences with me. And finally, when I began to doubt that I would ever get into the picture, one presenter moved to another position and the vacant position was offered to me. True, it was a very difficult schedule, I had to work at night, but it was another step towards my dream.”

Some people think that getting on Channel One is the same as pulling happy ticket. Are you lucky?
“I’m not afraid of this word, yes. All my dreams are coming true. I am sure that what I dream of now will also definitely come true. Probably because I visualize the picture well. (Laughs.) It’s hard to say what percentage of efficiency there is, and what percentage of luck, luck.”

So, you moved to Moscow. What impression did the city make on you?
“Before I got here, I was tormented by “reverse déjà vu”: it seemed to me that I was out of place, not living my life. Some seconds, fleeting visions that worried me. And in Moscow I felt that I had found my city and belonged to it. They say Moscow will chew you up and spit you out, but apart from the fact that the climate doesn’t suit me, everything else is great! I love dynamics, rhythm. Recently my sister came from Crimea, and I showed her the sights of the capital. I was touched by literally everything. I thought: “What kind of beautiful city, which good people they live here.” For example, a gloomy grandmother-inspector is sitting in a museum and, as if casually, says: “You have such a beautiful coat - if you don’t want to put it in the cloakroom, you can take it with you.” That’s how many Muscovites are: with absolutely unfriendly faces they do some nice things.”

Are you attracted to cultural life capital Cities?
“Moscow, of course, provides great opportunities for our own development. I love theaters and cinema. But I’m not limited to Moscow in this regard; I love cultural excursions abroad. I like to plan a weekend to go to Austria and go to a concert in Vienna Opera, For example. I can go somewhere during the week if my schedule allows it. I am a very mobile person. Friends often joke that I was probably taken from the gypsies as a child. In fact, my entire family led a nomadic lifestyle. My dad was in the military, and we moved every six months: different cities, schools, houses. For some it is stress, but for me it is an adventure. After all, every yard is a new playground that has yet to be mastered. And this wanderlust remained. My children became hostages of the “gypsy mother.” (Laughs.) Now they are grown up, and they can be left alone. (Olga has two daughters: Daria is eight years old, and Ksenia is seven. - Author's note.) And before that I took them with me, and they were not always happy, because not everywhere there is Disneyland, but I try to combine ours with their interests. I still enjoy trains even when you travel for a day or two. Once Dasha was very scared on the plane (there was wild turbulence), and the psychologist advised us to avoid flying for a while so that she would forget the unpleasant sensations. And for a year we traveled to Europe by train: to Germany, France, Holland. The Moscow-Amsterdam train is still the same, the shelves are narrow, in three rows - they have different cars. This didn't bother me at all. Staying at home is not about us. We even got to Spain by train, can you imagine?! Children are either used to early childhood, or it was passed on to them with genes - they are also travel frogs, they always ask: “When are we going somewhere?” Now this has become more difficult: my daughters are studying, already in second grade. There is a year difference between them, but when it was time for Dasha to go to school, the younger one said: “I want it too!” They are very close, and the thought of even a short separation is painful for them. So Ksyusha passed all the tests and was accepted.”

Well done!
“I also went to school at the age of six. It was hard to cope physically with the workload, but I was glad when I graduated from school at sixteen. And with a gold medal. She was an excellent student, every “B” was a tragedy. Not to mention the “C” grades, which happened extremely rarely, but I even got sick from stress. Naturally, something started to hurt me! Our frequent migrations taught me communication skills, the ability to easily find mutual language with people. Because every time you are new in the class, you had to build relationships. Despite short stops at one school or another, I still had friends everywhere. I even managed to gain some authority. True, sometimes with fists. When we were driving around Russian cities, they teased me with a khokhlushka, and when they stopped at Ukrainian ones - with a katsapka. So my parents were sometimes called to school because of my bad behavior: again your daughter got into a fight at recess! Indeed, I could hurt the offender’s sides. Most of my fights at school were because of this national issue. I also get angry easily if I offend my family. If someone distorted my last name, I felt offended, because this is my father’s last name, no one dares to laugh at it. It’s the same now - I can get involved in some kind of altercation to protect someone close to me.”

It’s probably not easy to build relationships on television: there is competition and envy of other people’s successes.
“My ability to adapt and integrate into the team helped here. I worked in different teams, I had a huge number of chief editors. And I found a common language with everyone.”

Was there initially awe of those who are usually called TV stars?
“On one of my first visits to Ostankino, when I came to apply for a temporary pass, I met Leonid Yakubovich in the corridor. I remember he was walking towards me, I looked at him, and then suddenly said: “Hello!” He seemed so dear and familiar to me, I’ve been watching his show for so many years. He, not the least bit surprised, greeted her in return. And here I fell into some kind of semi-fainting state. "Wow! Yakubovich just said hello to me! “This is not awe, rather respect. My dad is in the military, so a sense of subordination is in my blood. I always address managers as you, although creative team Informal communication is accepted. But I believe that a person occupies a high chair for a reason, and I do not stoop to familiarity. Although, probably, I could “make friends” with someone and build a career differently. This kind of behavior is unusual for me, and I don’t want to break myself.”

Do your fans write to you?
“Before, everything was much more romantic. They wrote real letters to the address: Academician Koroleva Street, 12. Now they send emails or write to pages on the Internet, sometimes without a signature, they can also send some nasty stuff. But mostly I still get good letters. Such Feedback It’s important to me personally. I feel who I work for. After all, when you sit in front of the camera, it turns out that you are broadcasting into the void. And so you can imagine people who this moment are at the screen. My most devoted fan was my grandmother. When I started broadcasting on “Novosti” and said: “Hello,” she answered: “Hello, granddaughter!” My grandmother lived in Crimea, and we rarely saw each other, but I seemed to feel our connection at that moment. Unfortunately, she passed away this year. This is a huge loss for me, from which I still haven’t recovered.”

Is the man who showed you the way happy with how your career is going?
“Although he, along with my mother, is one of my harshest critics, I think in his heart he is proud of me. In the summer we had a special project “Good Day”: we invited famous people and talked with them on various topics for forty minutes. Speakers also came to our studio Central television Igor Kirillov, Anna Shatilova. Just the people I copied as a child. During the program, I caught myself thinking: “Olya, do you even understand what’s happening now? What a huge step - from the moment when you, a child in stretched tights, sat and tried to retell a newspaper article on an imaginary TV, and now when you are interviewing these most legendary figures! Indeed, I have come a good way.”

You are also the mother of two children. And when did everyone have time?..
“Despite my great love for my work, family still comes first for me. I realized that I definitely wouldn’t go back to work a month after the birth of the child - my wild spirit woke up. maternal instinct. It so happened that when the eldest, Daria, was three months old, I became pregnant again. And I was on maternity leave for quite a long time. The baby is already one year old. It's hard to leave a child when all these whooshes, smiles, and first words begin. Thank God, the youngest did it all early enough: she said her first words and took her first steps. So my mother went to work with a clear conscience.”

Are your daughters just as beautiful?
“Of course, for me they are the most beautiful! But they are completely different from me. One is blonde with blue eyes, the other is fair-haired. I have brown eyes and dark hair. True, the youngest has my facial expressions and mannerisms, so I call her “mini-me.” But when we travel, we always encounter problems when leaving Russia. The children are interrogated: who is this aunt to you? They are too different, and their surnames are also different.”

Why are they different? Are you in a civil marriage?
“I don’t want to talk in detail about this topic. I think Oscar Wilde said it: if I love someone, I don’t say his name because I don’t want to share this person with others. I'm not sure I reproduced it verbatim, but the meaning is clear. In any case, when in a couple one person is public and the other is not, there are always problems with this. One thing I can say is that from my long-term relationship I took away the most important thing: two beautiful children and tremendous experience. And these same children got the most best father in the world that one could wish for. I am glad that these years my life partner was a man who gave me a lot in terms of spiritual and intellectual development. He is older than me and in many ways became my mentor. God grant that the children take as much as possible from him.”

What are their hobbies?
“Oh, they are very busy people: they have dancing, horse riding, ballet, and piano. By the way, I learn a lot thanks to children. I enrolled them in a riding school, and then decided to try it myself. When I realized that they played the piano better than me, I also began to study. At school they started going to a chess club, and recently my daughter asked: “Mom, will you play a game of games with me?” She had absolutely no doubt that I could do it! So now I'm learning to play chess to keep up. Children are a powerful stimulus for one's own development. Besides, you don’t want them to become smarter than you so quickly! My daughters and I read a lot. I myself started reading at the age of four. My older sister taught me. She was no longer interested in playing my games, and she came up with something for me to do. And I still have this love for books.”

You are a very versatile person. How, for example, can horse riding be combined with yoga?
“I don’t go very deep into the philosophy of yoga, I don’t repeat mantras, I don’t meditate. It's more of a way to keep yourself in good shape physical fitness. Well, it relaxes you mentally. And horse riding is also a good find, both physically and as psychotherapy. It is vital for me to have contact not only with people, cars, asphalt, but also with nature and animals.”

Do you have any pets?
"Dog. Our friend came for his daughter's birthday and brought a puppy. At first I thought it was a toy - the dog looked so touchingly doll-like. And now this is a joy for the whole family, a pet that perfectly suited our temperament. Today Lu-Lu woke me up for work. I didn’t sleep for several nights because my daughter was sick, and yesterday my temperature dropped, and I fell asleep with a clear conscience and forgot to set the alarm. I woke up from a dog barking. I think: “Okay, now I’ll get up and tear off my ears.” I open my eyes and it’s getting light outside the window, and I’m about twenty minutes away from going to work. So Lu-Lu saved me. The perfect dog! She has a character that I would like to meet in a person. She intuitively senses when I need to be left alone. I don’t shout or be rude at such moments, but apparently the vibes emanate from me: “Don’t come near - it’s dangerous!” Unfortunately, not everyone reads them. (Laughs.) And Lulusha waits for me to move away, and then she comes up and, as if nothing had happened, begins to caress me and play. Without any offense. It would be wonderful if people felt the same way about each other.”

What else is important to you in a life partner? Talent, charisma? You are surrounded by such people.
“No matter how boring it may sound, now my life is work and home. At work I actually meet a lot of people. interesting people, but I don't look around. And I try to program nothing. By the way, unlike all other life goals, I have never visualized my chosen one. Here I rely on providence. What is important to me? Understanding. By my age, I realized that no one can be changed. You either accept a person or you don’t. You are not the Lord God or your mother. And if you don’t like something, either accept it or move on. I imagine relationships as a scale: while there are more advantages, you put up with the disadvantages. As soon as the negative begins to outweigh, it’s worth thinking about why all this is needed at all? Relationships are meant to give each other joy. I am an independent, self-sufficient person, and I have no other interest than receiving positive emotions, feeling love and understanding from a man.”

Olga Ushakova (on Instagram - @ushakovao) – Russian TV presenter on Channel One. Born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Dad was a military man, so the family did not stay anywhere for long, but she even liked it: she quickly learned to settle in an unfamiliar city and gain authority, even if it was necessary to defend her interests by force. After school, she entered the university in Kharkov, after which she went into business with her boyfriend. But since childhood, she dreamed of getting on television and becoming a presenter.

In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to the audition and passed, but without a journalistic education she could not be immediately allowed on the air. At first, she interned in different departments, learned to write stories, practiced her diction, and after all this she began broadcasting news, where she worked for 9 years. In 2014, she appeared on Channel One, in the program “ Good morning", and a year after her arrival, the program received the TEFI Award for the first time.

Olga Ushakova got married for the first time at a young age, but some sources claim that it was a civil marriage. From her first husband she gave birth to two children: the eldest daughter Dasha and the youngest Ksenia. Eldest daughter suffers from autism, but Olga, as soon as she found out about it, began to do everything to prevent this disease from progressing. As a result, she now goes to regular school and even more: she has discovered a photographic memory, she is interested in different topics, constantly reads books and encyclopedias about stars or dinosaurs (depending on what he is currently interested in), also learns languages ​​from dictionaries and dreams of becoming a translator.

Ushakova’s youngest daughter has discovered other talents in herself - she loves to draw and create images using clothes and accessories, so it is logical that her dream is to become a designer. The presenter herself got married again in July 2017. Olga Ushakova doesn’t like to talk about her second husband, so almost nothing is known about him. The TV presenter’s wedding itself was very romantic: Olga Ushakova’s Instagram has several photos from the bachelorette party and the ceremony itself - the newlyweds spent it on the seashore.


Both in the program and on the official Instagram website, Olga Ushakova promotes positivity always and in everything. She often posts photos from work, and in them she looks perfect, despite the fact that every day she has to get up at 02.30 am to arrive at the place by 5 am.

Also on Olga Ushakova’s Instagram, photos often appear in which she does yoga. This helps her keep in shape. In general, judging by her posts on Instagram, she plays sports at home. She devoted one post on Instagram to the fact that there is no need to make excuses for yourself if you can’t go to the gym: you just need to take a jump rope and go to work out.

How did you meet your husband?

We met about four years ago in London. My friend and I were standing in line in the dressing room of a popular restaurant, and Adam and his friend did not notice the line and approached from the other side. Fairly hungry and irritated by the slowness of the cloakroom attendant, I called out to the “insolent people.” They apologized profusely and profusely. And then, according to my husband, he watched me from the side all evening and, when we got ready to go home, he realized that he couldn’t let me leave... And now we are husband and wife, although initially it was difficult to imagine that we In principle, we can have at least some kind of relationship. We're both too difficult people, besides, all the circumstances were against us, the most important of which was distance.

How did Adam propose to you?

For several years we rushed between two cities, arranged dates on neutral territory. And at one of them, in Vienna, Adam proposed to me. In principle, we have already discussed for a long time further development our relationship and came to the conclusion that it was enough to fly in the skies both literally and figuratively, it was time to create a family, a hearth, a nest - in general, something earthly and tangible, and I didn’t think much about the topic of engagement. First, Adam had to ask the children for my hand, then my dad. And all this was so touching and important for me that, it would seem, no more was needed. But my beloved chose the moment when I least expected the proposal, and got down on one knee in the royal scenery - in the park of Belvedere Castle.

How many guests were there?

We decided to invite only the closest relatives: parents, brothers and sisters with their families - 18 people in total. Although the original plan called for a big wedding. That’s what the groom wanted, and I didn’t seem to mind. I love big holidays and enjoy organizing them. But this time I wanted something different. Having started organizing, I realized that this wedding would not be about us. I wanted something soulful, intimate, to slowly enjoy every moment.

Why did you decide to have your wedding in Cyprus, and in the hottest time?

On one of our first trips we went to Cyprus and stayed in a very beautiful place- in a private villa complex with beautiful garden. In the evenings we sat in the gazebo overlooking the sea. And somehow everything was so perfect, elegant and romantic that the thought involuntarily crossed my mind: it would be great to have a wedding here.

As for the date, everything is much less romantic - we squeezed the wedding into our work schedules and combined it with a short summer vacation. But already within the resulting interval, they chose a beautiful date: 07/17/17. Adam's birthday is on the 17th and mine is on the 7th. We thought it would be symbolic. But it’s really hot on the island at this time, so we scheduled the ceremony for the evening, literally an hour and a half before sunset. It's funny that we initially chose 16:00. Then, a few days before the wedding, I arrived at the place and every day I went to the beach at a certain time: first at four o’clock, then at five, at half past six - and finally, experimentally, I found out that six o’clock in the evening would be ideal.

What were the decor, floristry, music, food, entertainment like?

When celebrating a wedding on the beach, the most obvious thing seems to be to use a nautical theme. But this is exactly what I categorically did not want - no starfish, ropes or anchors. The only reference to the sea were the shells on which the calligrapher wrote the names of the guests for seating. To describe the style, in a conversation with a decorator, I ultimately came up with the following definition: wealthy fishing village. Real boats, which now served as decoration for the garden, fit perfectly into this concept. We dressed the children in blue linen overalls and loose white shirts, and completed the look with straw hats. For other guests, the dress code was limited to a certain color scheme- there was a ban on bright colors. I wanted the brightest colors to be the natural blue surface of the sea, olive trees and pale pink sunset. And in general, we tried to use natural scenery to the maximum. So we abandoned the classic altar.

I initially knew that I didn’t want a flower arch - I always feel incredibly sorry for the flowers that are left to die immediately after Mendelssohn’s march subsides. We chose two trees that form a natural arch and decorated them a little with white bougainvillea - it blooms at this time. The rest of the flowers were ordered from Israel - all within our pastel-powdery range. Although I must say that the local florists know their business and all the compositions delighted us for several days after the wedding. By the way, our team turned out to be international. I knew who my photographer would be even before I got ready to get married. Elina and I met just while filming for Wedding - I was filming as a bridesmaid. The photographer, in turn, recommended a videographer. I found the organizer in Moscow also through a recommendation. It was important to me that we were on the same wavelength and not far from each other. Cyprus has its own criteria for a good wedding: the main thing is to invite as many guests as possible and feed everyone well. On details they special attention don't pay attention. Therefore, even Cypriot contractors are our former compatriots. Only the musicians were native Cypriots. We invited a violin duo for the formal part and a jazz band for dinner.

Almost the most important question: How did you choose the dress?

The dress added another accent to the overall style. I chose it shortly before the appointed wedding day completely by accident. It was buried in a heap of others lush dresses. I saw only a piece of lace and immediately realized that this was what I was looking for. Real Lush Wedding Dress with corset and train. But at the same time it did not look pretentious at all. Cypriot style lace fit perfectly into the wedding concept and even gave it a new direction. We added lace to the decor and ordered personalized napkins made from the famous Lefkari lace as souvenirs for the guests. This is an ancient local craft, which is even protected by UNESCO. We also prepared lace parasols and wooden fans with our initials for the guests.

It took us no more than an hour and a half to create the image, and I was ready even before the groom. True, right before going out, force majeure happened: one of the bridesmaids caught her heel on my dress. The sound of the fabric cracking made my heart skip a beat. The hole in the top layer of lace turned out to be huge. But I decided for myself that this was for luck. They mended the hole right on me, and, in fact, no one noticed anything. One of the organizers later complimented my self-control, saying that some people would have postponed the wedding after this.

What was the most important thing at this wedding?

Atmosphere! She was perfect, exactly what we wanted. Everything was moderately solemn, but nevertheless very family-like. Absolutely everyone felt comfortable.

What was your most touching and emotional moment?

Our first eye contact with my future husband. He stood at the “altar”, and I walked towards him through the garden on my father’s arm. At this moment, the violinists tore our hearts out with our favorite Coldplay melody. It was a fabulous moment.

What do you remember most?

To be honest, it’s hard to pick just one. It was like one tune, well played from start to finish. First, a very touching solemn part, vows, rings, congratulations from loved ones. Then a short romantic photo session at sunset. At this time, guests were treated to drinks, fruits and light snacks at the lemonade bar, which we organized on real, very heavy barrels. I remember how much work it took to get them there. Then we all sat down at the table, speeches and toasts began. Both families have a good sense of humor, so we laughed until we cried. Since we have international family, then the wedding turned out to be a kind of mix of European and Russian traditions. Due to the fact that the company was small, any games went with a bang, since everyone was involved - a shoe battle, a dance battle and other entertainment kept the mood high until the very end. Naturally, the first dance of the newlyweds was not complete. It was a delicate moment because we didn't have the opportunity to rehearse. Therefore, the day before I showed the groom literally a few movements. And to disguise our clumsiness, I put together a slide show, which, along with music, was shown on big screen while dancing. As a result, everything worked out surprisingly well for us, and it even became a little disappointing that the photos drew some of the attention to themselves, while we danced very wildly. The final touch, of course, was a cake and a small fireworks display. But even after that, no one wanted to leave, and we sat on the beach and chatted for a long time.

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Biography, life story of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova is a Russian TV presenter.

Childhood and youth

Olya was born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Her father was a military man. Because of the work of the head of the family, the Ushakovs constantly moved from place to place - they lived either in Russia or in Ukraine. They stayed in one city for a maximum of six months. For any other child, such frequent changes would be stressful, but for the strong and active Olya, this was not the case at all. On the contrary, Olya grew up as a very sociable girl; she managed to make friends everywhere. At the same time, she also managed to study well. It is worth noting that Olya went to school at the age of six. And she graduated, by the way, with a gold medal.

It cannot be said that Ushakova’s childhood was cloudless. When she migrated from Ukraine to Russia and back, other peers often teased her - either as a katsapka or as a Ukrainian girl. Olya could only stand up for herself with the help of physical strength. The girl's parents were called to school more than once for fighting. But for Olya herself, this was a plus - careless classmates, those who called her names, began to be afraid of her, and in a teenage environment this is different from respect.

After school, Olga Ushakova entered the V.N. Kharkov National University. Karazin and successfully graduated from it.


After receiving a diploma higher education Olga Ushakova went into private business with her then boyfriend. Already at the age of 23, Ushakova took the post of head of the Ukrainian branch of a trading company, whose activities consisted of promoting European brands.

Very soon Olga moved to Moscow. In the capital of Russia, Ushakova seriously thought about what she should do next. The girl suddenly remembered her childhood hobby. A long time ago, while still a little girl, Olya loved to pretend to be a television announcer, using any available objects as a microphone. Ushakova’s lover advised her to take a risk and make her childhood dream come true. And Olya made up her mind.


In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to Russian television, Channel One, as a trainee. Without a specialized education, Olga began to fight her way to fame with her inherent tenacity and perseverance. As a result of long and difficult studies, she managed to get rid of the Ukrainian accent and learn to speak clearly and coherently, as required by the norms Russian television. In combat (in the sense of working tasks) she learned to write news stories.

For nine years, Olga hosted the “News” program, then she began appearing in the “Good Day” program, and in 2014, already an experienced professional, Ushakova took the place of TV presenter in the “Good Morning” show. A year later, Olga received the well-deserved TEFI award.

Personal life

Olga never mentioned the name of her first husband (according to some sources, this marriage was not registered). The only thing she always told the public was that her first husband was a wonderful man, a real support that any woman dreams of. It is known that the chosen one was somewhat older than Lena.

From her first husband, Ushakova gave birth to two daughters of the same age. Daria was born first, Ksenia was born later. Dasha is a girl with special needs. It so happened that Ushakova’s daughters were born in the same year (Olya found out that Ksyusha would be born when Dasha was only three months old), so the sisters went to school together in the same class.

Daria and Ksenia are active and versatile girls. Since childhood, they became interested in music, choreography, ballet, horse riding, and chess. When asked what they would like to become when they grow up, Dasha answered that she would be a translator, and Ksyusha – a designer or singer.

In the summer of 2017, Olga Ushakova married restaurateur Adam. A beautiful wedding ceremony took place in Cyprus. And in January 2018, the lovers delighted the public by announcing that they would have a baby at the end of April. In this regard, Ushakova said, she is temporarily leaving work and going on well-deserved maternity leave.

Olga Ushakova and Timur Solovyov in the Good Morning program

Olga Ushakova For more than three years he has appeared in the Good Morning program on Channel One. At the end of January, the TV presenter shared with fans good news about the imminent addition to the family.

Yesterday Olga posted a tender photo on Instagram with her husband and child, captioning it: “04/14/18. 9 months after the wedding, our miracle was born. They say children conceived in Honeymoon, will be happy... Let it be so.”

It is known that the TV presenter gave birth to a girl. The baby was born in one of the most prestigious maternity hospitals in the capital - the Lapino Mother and Child Clinical Hospital. The first ever photograph of Olga Ushakova’s third daughter was taken by a professional photographer working at the hospital.

A post shared by Olga Ushakova 📺(@ushakovao) on Apr 4, 2018 at 9:54am PDT

Olga Ushakova with her husband Adam

Olga Ushakova is raising two daughters of the same age: 12-year-old Daria and 11-year-old Ksenia. U older girl diagnosed with neurological disorders resembling high-functioning autism. Olga admitted: “Raising special children in our country is like surviving on a desert island.” The TV presenter almost didn’t talk about the girls’ father and didn’t mention his name, however, that her daughters bear his last name.

Olga lived in a civil marriage for several years with a much older man, having met him in Ukraine. After her lover moved to Moscow, the TV presenter followed him. According to her reviews, the man communicates well with his daughters and helps her raise them.

Olga began dating her current husband, restaurateur Adam, in October 2013. The TV presenter carefully guards her personal life and does not say anything about her husband. It is known that Adam does not live in Russia most of the time. The couple got married on July 17, 2017 in Cyprus. Even before the wedding, Adam found a common language with Olga’s daughters. “They have fun together. The husband generally handles children skillfully, and all the children, familiar and unfamiliar, always circle around him,” noted the TV presenter.

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