Jim Carrey: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Jim Carrey, a tragic true story

James Eugene Kerry was born on January 17, 1962 in Newmarket, Canada. His mother had a mental illness, and his father had a hard time supporting Jim and three other children, so they had to work. According to Jim, at that time he became a withdrawn child; he did not want to communicate with his peers, since their problems seemed insignificant to him. Then Jim began to make faces in front of the mirror, trying to imitate some singer or actor.

At the age of 15, Jim's father took him to the Yuk-Yuk comedy club. Jim performed there, but was unsuccessful - he was pelted with tomatoes. The young comedian began to hone his skills all day long. Two years later he returned to this club and performed to loud laughter and applause. At the age of 20, Jim had already become the star of this club.

Carrey became famous in 1993 with the release of the low-budget film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Jim himself came up with the image of Ventura, his unique hairstyle, and also invited his favorite band Cannibal Corpse to take part in the shooting. For this film, Kerry received $350 thousand and a nomination for the MTV Movie Awards for Best Comedy Role. At the same time, he was nominated for a Golden Raspberry as Worst New Star. Ace Ventura became a pop icon and entered the top 100 immortal characters according to Empire magazine.

The following films with Jim's participation - "The Mask" and "Dumb and Dumber" - became even more popular than the first. For his work in "The Mask" he was nominated for a Golden Globe and an Oscar. The roles of losers came very easily to the actor; he starred in his usual role with Ben Stiller in the film “The Cable Guy”, and then with Tom Shadyac in the film “Liar Liar”.

In 1998, Carrey appeared in the film The Truman Show. Truman Burbank became Carrey's first tragic role. With his acting, Jim wanted to prove that he could play not only idiots, but also serious roles. Critics were pleased; The Truman Show received three British Academy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards (including for Best Acting in a Drama) and three Oscar nominations.

In 1999, the actor faced a difficult task - to play comedian Andy Kaufman. Over the course of many months, Jim interviewed everyone who personally knew Kaufman and studied tapes of the late comedian's recordings. However, Man on the Moon was Carrey's first film to fail at the box office.

In 2000, Carrey returned to comedy. He starred in the films “Me, Myself and Irene,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and “Bruce Almighty.”

In 2004, Carrey starred in Michel Gondry's drama Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The film grossed $70 million and received rave reviews from film critics. The film was nominated for many awards, but Carrey never received one.

Carrey was married twice: to Melissa Womer, a waitress at the Comedy Store, with whom he has a daughter, and to actress Lauren Holly, his co-star in the film Dumb and Dumber. After filming the film “Me, Myself and Irene,” Jim dated Renee Zellweger, then actress Jenny McCarthy, with whom he broke up in 2010.

09 October 2017

How the actor survived the suicide of his fiancee, argued in court that it was not he who brought her to this point, then he almost went crazy, but found the strength to return to cinema.

Jim carrey. Photo: Dave BEDROSIAN/Future Image/globallookpress.com

It happens often. The life of comedians - people forever fused with a smile and synthesizing laughter out of thin air - suddenly turns into hell. Maybe because buffoonery is just a disguise for a lost soul. Often this ends in tragedy.

Such was the case with the great Max Linder, a graceful dandy and silent film star of the early 20th century. At 41, the comedian committed suicide.

That's how it was with Soviet actor Frunzik Mkrtchyan, whose wife went crazy and whose daughter was killed in an accident, after which the actor became an alcoholic and died in front of his son - he also inherited a mental disorder from his mother.

This was the case with the touching Briton Robin Williams, who suddenly fell into hopeless depression - .

One of the most flexible and “convex” actors of our time, Jim Carrey, was going towards this. However, the Canadian literally at the last moment pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair, like Munchausen. Soon we will see the actor in the comedy series “Childhood”.

"She was a delicate Irish flower"

The stunning success of the films “The Mask”, “Dumb and Dumber”, “Liar Liar”, “The Truman Show”, “Bruce Almighty” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is left behind. Two Golden Globes stood on the shelf. And at the beginning of the tenth Jim starred in cute films like “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”, the sequel to “Dumb and Dumber” and developed as a producer.

Jim and Catriona were a happy couple, despite their 23-year age difference. Photo: Legion-Media

30 years have passed since the actor’s only daughter, Jane Eirin, was born. There were many women around him. The actor’s heart was, if not completely broken, then pretty battered. First, he experienced a painful breakup with Playboy model Jenny McCarthy, with whom he lived together for five years. Then he started a short-term affair with Russian student Anastasia Vitkina. And in 2012, on the set, the actor met Catriona White, a makeup artist from Ireland. The couple was seen in restaurants and at events: she laughed at his jokes and signature grimaces, kissed and hugged his waist during walks. But a few months later the couple suddenly separated. After this, White very quickly married a certain Mark Burton - this happens in predictable Russian TV series when the heroine decides to take revenge. Catriona's marriage fell apart after two years. In the spring of 2015, the girl resumed her relationship with Kerry, and everything seemed to be heading towards the wedding. But on September 24 of the same year, as it turned out, they broke off their relationship again. Three days after that, in his own home in Los Angeles. She was 28 years old.

Next to the corpse were two important pieces of evidence - a bottle of pills and Catriona's suicide note. It read: “For three days I couldn’t believe that you weren’t with me. I could try to put my broken heart back together. I could, but this time I have neither the strength nor the desire. I'm sorry that you felt like I wasn't supporting you. I tried to give you the best part of me." Jim Carrey responded: “She was a truly kind and gentle Irish flower, too sensitive for this world.”

At a funeral in Ireland, like Robinson Crusoe. He carried the coffin on his shoulder - everyone remembers the photo.

At the funeral in Ireland, the actor carried his beloved's coffin. And he cried. Photo: IMP Features/Collins/EAST NEWS

Devil in the flesh

The examination showed that before her death the girl took a cocktail of three potent drugs.

First, the relatives filed a lawsuit. The mother of the deceased, Bridget Sweetman, said that Kerry infected Catriona with three sexually transmitted diseases, and then abandoned her after learning that she was sick. According to the girl’s mother, she received positive tests in 2013, when Kerry and White were still dating. But the actor told his friend that this was not his problem; Catriona could have gotten infected anywhere.

Feeling crushed and spoiled, as Bridget Sweetman claimed, her daughter became addicted to psychotropic drugs. It was Jim who supplied them - after all, he was not interested in publicizing this story. Mrs. Sweetman called Kerry a true devil-tempter, a heartless and despicable exploiter.

“You did nice things for me, but you destroyed me as a person. I was infected with HPV (human papilloma virus). Before I had nothing, but I had self-respect, I was happy man. I loved life, I was confident in myself, and you introduced me to drugs and girls of the lungs behavior, with mental disorders and diseases."

Then widower Mark Burton came to the fore - legally the most close relative deceased, because they did not have time to divorce - and without hesitation he dumped the correspondence between Kerry and White. “I wanted to talk to you before signing the document, since we were discussing something else,” Katriona texted. “All I'm trying to do is do what you asked me to do.” I want to write to you every second.” But Jim hurried the girl somewhere: “You understand what I’m talking about. Hurry up, stop being a brat. I want to be your friend, but you continue to be a brat."

The widower insisted that it was Kerry who gave his wife a sexually transmitted infection. And this is one of the important factors that pushed her to suicide. Burton assured that the actor persuaded the girl to sign a contract in which Catriona would indicate that she had no complaints about illnesses. This is what the correspondence allegedly confirmed. The defense insisted that the actor took the drugs for himself.

"I went into the forest to find a fairy"

The court examined it carefully. The investigation established that Kerry actually bought psychotropic drugs and gave them to Catriona, probably knowing about her tendency to depression. He took the pills under a false name - Arthur King. In Hollywood, many celebrities do this so that information about their illness does not leak to the media.

The best psychotherapy for Kerry was drawing. In his paintings he reflected all the accumulated pain. Photo: youtube.com

In the trial, which began at the end of 2016, Kerry insisted that gonorrhea and herpes, which he could have passed on to his lover, did not relate to the fact of suicide. And he asked the court to take this into account by canceling the claims. The defense argued that statements of claim It is not clear whether the actor is accused of negligence or deliberate incitement to suicide.

Los Angeles judge Deridre Hill refused to recognize the actor's innocence. The circumstances of the case require detailed analysis. The next trial of the actor is scheduled for April 28, 2018. During the grueling litigation, the actor changed a lot. Older. Kerry stopped caring for his beard, which stuck out in all directions, like Porfiry Ivanov’s, and dialed excess weight and in the photo he smiled in an emphatically artificial way—the imprint of pain, frozen as a thorn in the actor’s eyes, was looking into the lens.

Against this background, another unpleasant story surfaced: the mother of the deceased recalled that the actor publicly promised to pay for Catriona’s funeral expenses. But he didn't. Under oath in court, Kerry admitted that this was so. And he explained: one of the girl’s relatives has his own funeral agency, so the family can cope without his help.

After several very strange comments to the press, Hollywood began to doubt the actor’s mental health. But he healed himself with art. He painted pictures and a book. “People were wondering where I had gone,” Kerry said. “I went into the forest after a fairy, you know, when this happens, you definitely follow her.” I searched for a very long time and now I am calm.” Hieroglyphs, Bruce Lee, children's faces in bright yellow tones. Drawing freed the actor from emotional burden - he created without thinking about anything else. In addition to paintings, Kerry is writing a novel with writer Dana Vachon. The public transformation happened at the 74th Venice Film Festival, where Jim came to present a documentary about comedian Andy Kaufman. 55 years old and wearing a rocker biker jacket. It was a different Jim. The same Jim.

Recently it became known that French director Michel Gondry (“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”) will direct the comedian. This time in the series “Childhood” (Kidding). The plot centers on Jeff, nicknamed Mr. Pickles. He hosts children's programs, the viewer adores him, but personal life the comedian is bursting at the seams. The large family falls apart, and Jeff's depressive nerves slowly seep onto the screen. Doesn't remind you of anything?

The actor was absent from television screens for ten years. And soon we are again. The same as before. With only one difference: his eyes went out forever.

Western media are wondering what happened to Jim Carrey? The actor got rid of his beard, gave a strange interview to a journalist as part of the ICONS party, reflecting on reality and the meaning of life, and now a kiss with a man on the red carpet of TIFF-2017?

"We don't exist!"

IN last years the Hollywood comedian maintained a rather private image, and after the tragic events with his ex-lover Catriona White in 2015, he stopped communicating with journalists and accepting invitations to social events. Let us remember that Kerry was accused of the girl’s death and of giving her psychotropic drugs, which led to thoughts of suicide.

And here is the first appearance on the red carpet and a scandal! Eonline portal journalist Katt Sadler decided to have a dialogue with the star, but the conversation didn’t work out from the very beginning. Kerry meaningfully walked around the girl and declared publicly that everything in this world is meaningless, he, as a person, does not exist in this reality, and people, in their essence, are insignificant!

The reporter tried to retort and inform the guest actor that the event was dedicated to fashion and style icons, who were chosen by fashion journalist and former editor-in-chief of French Vogue Carine Roitfeld, but the comedian replied philosophically:

“I don’t believe in individuals who are credited with the status of icons, these are all masks and pretense. I believe that peace of mind is beyond the personal self. We are all a concentration of an energy field dancing on its own. Do you believe in icons? Honestly, I doubt that you exist, but I smell your wonderful aroma in the air perfectly!”

Let us note that Kerry was dressed to the nines at the event, but reacted ambiguously to the compliment:

“I didn’t set myself a goal to dress up, I don’t have one at all, and this is great news! There is only a cluster of tetrahedrons that move together, a reality that occurs and is visible to you.”

Journalist Catt Sadler did not understand the actor’s speech and did not find anything to answer Kerry. Comments from tabloids and fans were varied, some suggested that the actor was on psychotropic drugs, others thought that Kerry was “in character.”

Jim Carrey as a movie hero?

Note that the comedian attended the event as part of the promotion and presentation of his documentary film"Jim and Andy: After Death - The Jim Carrey and Andy Kaufman Story" at the Venice Film Festival. The film reveals the history of the filming and creation of the 1999 film “Man on the Moon.” Fans noticed that the comedian’s communication style is very reminiscent of the image from the presented film. If so, then he did an excellent job as an actor!

The team of the film Jim and Andy, the posthumous story of Jim Carrey and Andy Kaufman

Note that Jim has been interested in Eastern practices, transcendental psychology and meditation, so such thoughts are not new to him!

Kiss Tony Clifton!

After scandalous interview, the actor presented a new film at the Canadian Film Festival in Toronto. This time too, in front of the guests present, Jim Carrey kissed the actor in the image of Tony Clifton (one of the most famous characters of comedian Andy Kaufman)! Was this planned? Judging by the awkwardness of the extra, it was a complete surprise for him!

Kerry's kiss with the vulgar salon singer in black glasses was captured by all the photo reporters! It was only at the film festival that it became known that the comedian's madness was feigned, during the entire promo he was supposed to play the role of Andy Kaufman playing Tony Clifton.

Amazed actor as Tony Clifton

James Eugene "Jim" Carrey. Born January 17, 1962 in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. Canadian-American actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer. Best known for the films “The Mask”, “Batman Forever”, “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective”, “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls”, “Dumb and Dumber”, “Liar Liar”, “Bruce Almighty”, “ The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

One of the highest paid comedians in the United States. The first major role was Mark Kendall in the film Once Bitten.

Kerry's talent is highly appreciated by critics: he is the winner of two and a nominee for six Golden Globes, a BAFTA Award nominee, and also the winner of a number of other awards. At the same time, the media noted many times that Carrey was never nominated for an Oscar in his career.

James Eugene Kerry was born on January 17, 1962 in Newmarket, Canada. His parents were Kathleen Kerry (nee Oram), a singer and later housewife, and Percy Kerry, a self-taught saxophonist and accountant.

Jim has older sisters Pat and Rita, and an older brother John. Jim grew up in a Catholic family. His ancestors were Irish, Scots, French, and his surname originally sounded like Carré.

When Jim was 14 years old, his family moved to Scarborough, Ontario, where Jim attended Blessed Trinity School in North York for two years. Next year he studied at the Agincourt Institute and then briefly attended High School Northview (Jim spent three years in 10th grade overall).

Financial problems in the family began when Jim was in school. When his father was fired from his job, the whole family had to move to Scarborough, where Percy found a job as a security guard at the Titanium Wheels factory in suburban Toronto, which produced steel rims and tires. Kerry’s entire family also had to work there. After school, Jim and his sisters and brother had to do the cleaning, wash the floors and wash the toilets. At this time, Jim becomes a withdrawn child.

Jim's mother, Kathleen, suffered from a form of neurosis: hypochondriacal syndrome - she attributed to herself the symptoms of various diseases. Therefore, sometimes his mother was considered crazy. When the whole family decided to quit this job, they had to live in a Volkswagen van. After Percy found work, the family moved to Burlington, Ontario. He lived here for 8 years, attended Eldershot High School and in 1979 founded the group " New wave» "Spoons". Here he also worked at the Dofasco steel mill. In a February 2007 interview with The Hamilton Spectator, Carrey noted that if his career in show business had not worked out, he would still be working at the Dofasco plant.

Even as a child, Jim's favorite hobby was antics. Even then, he amused his classmates, relatives, and parodied Brezhnev and Jack Nicholson. At age 11, Kerry sent 80 skits to The Carol Barnett Show but received no response. At the age of 15, Percy Carrey took Jim to the Yak-Yak comedy club in Toronto. His first performance was a disaster, he was booed and did not perform for two years.

Only in 1979 did Jim decide to perform again. This time he was successful. He began performing at the club under manager Litrais Spivak and in February 1981 became the club's main star. One Toronto Star critic called Carrey "a real star in the making." Kerry created his stage image based on the image of his idol Jerry Lewis.

In the early 80s, Jim moved to Los Angeles and began performing at the Comedy Store club. There he was noticed by the famous American comedian Rodney Dangerfield and invited him to open his performances. Since then, Carrey began to pay attention to television, and tried to audition for NBC's Saturday Night Live in the 1980-81 season, but was unsuccessful (Jim still got on it, but as a guest host in May 1996 and January 2011 ). Joel Schumacher arranged for him to audition for the film “Capital Taxi Drivers,” but nothing came of it either.

Carrey mostly imitated celebrities. He was a hit with the public, and in 1984 People magazine named him one of America's top young parodists. His first leading role On television, he played the role of Skip Tarkenton, an animation producer, in the children's animated series “The Duck Factory.”

Kerry's career was taking off, and he decided to invite his parents to Los Angeles. However, the program closed after 13 weeks. He had to support his parents and establish a career. In the end he had to send his parents home. There was no work, and the mother's health deteriorated. Jim began to experience depression. He regularly attended various auditions, and in free time sculpted sculptures of cartoon characters. Jim stopped touring and disappeared from the stage for two years.

While playing minor roles on television, he met comedian Damon Wayans. He later starred with him in the film Earth Girls Are Available, and when Damon’s brother, Keenan, began recruiting actors for the Fox comedy show In Living Color, he invited Jim to appear. Carrey was one of two white actors on the program. Most famous characters his sketches included masochistic safety inspector Bill Burns and female bodybuilder Vera de Milo. The program aired from 1990 to 1994.

In 1983, Jim made his acting debut in the film Rubberface. directed by Glen Salzman. The same year, he starred in the films “Everything is in Good Taste” and “Cooper’s Mountain” directed by David Mitchell in the role of Bobby Todd. Two years later, Carrey landed his first starring role in Storm Howard's Once Bitten. In this film he played Mark Kendall, a virgin who fell in love with a vampire countess. Critics did not appreciate the film. A year later, in 1986, Jim starred in the film Peggy Sue Getting Married by Francis Coppola as Walter Getz.

In two subsequent films, “The Death List” in 1988 and “Pink Cadillac” in 1989, where he played Johnny Quares, he met Clint Eastwood, who noticed the aspiring comedian in one of the clubs where he performed and imitated celebrities, including and Eastwood. In the film “Earth Girls Are Easy to Get” by Julian Temple, Jim played one of the main roles, Whiplock, an alien who ended up on earth. The film received good reviews from film critics.

In 1991, Carrey convinced producers to trust him own show and appeared on screens with Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act. He dedicated this show to his deceased mother. The same year he starred in the film “Nerves on the Limit.” In 1992, Jim starred in the film Life on Maple Drive and the animated film Tiny Spider, voicing a bug exterminator.

Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act

In 1993, Carrey began filming the low-budget film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The film was expected hard way: no one wanted to sponsor the script, and the most famous comedians in America refused to participate in the film. Jim also acted as a screenwriter. The film was directed by Tom Shadyac and co-starred by Courteney Cox.

Jim himself came up with the image of Ventura, his unique hairstyle, and also invited his favorite band “Cannibal Corpse” to take part in the shooting. The film was a success at the box office - box office receipts amounted to more than $100 million. Kerry received 350 thousand. On the one hand, fans accepted the film, and Carrey himself received a nomination for the MTV Movie Awards for Best Comedy Role. But on the other hand, critics derided the film, and Carrey was nominated for a Golden Raspberry as Worst New Star. The character Ace Ventura became a pop icon and was included in the 100 immortal characters according to Empire magazine.

In 1994, Kerry starred in the films "The Mask" and "Dumb and Dumber". The director of the film “The Mask” was Chuck Russell, and Kerry’s partner was Cameron Diaz, for whom this role became her debut. Kerry associated his character, Stanley Ipkis, a shy bank employee, with his father, Percy, and he based the colorful costume worn by his character Mask on the costume created by his mother, Kathleen. The film was popular with critics and grossed $350 million. Kerry received a fee of 500 thousand. The film received numerous nominations prestigious awards: MTV Movie Awards, BAFTA, Golden Globe (for Carrey) and even an Oscar. For Jim, the Golden Globe nomination was the first serious recognition from film critics.

The directors of the film “Dumb and Dumber” were the Farrelly Brothers, Kerry’s partners were actor Jeff Daniels and actress Lauren Holly, Kerry’s future wife. Critics praised the film. “Dumb and Dumber” grossed $247 million worldwide. Kerry received 7 million and his first MTV award for best comedy role. To make Carrie's character Lloyd Christmas look funnier on screen, Jim had fillings removed from his two front teeth. Jim also wrote the final scene of the film.

Dumb and Dumber

In 1995, Jim Carrey starred in Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever as the villainous Riddler (Riddler). Jim said in an interview that the resulting image of the Riddler is similar to Michelle Pfeiffer and Fred Astaire. It was the first time Kerry filmed with such a “star” cast Stars: Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones and Nicole Kidman. The film grossed $336 million, and Carrey received $5 million. Critics did not appreciate the film, but Carrey was nominated for an MTV Award as Best Villain (Jones was also nominated), but both lost to Kevin Spacey.

Jim also starred in the sequel to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, directed by Steve Oedekerk. Filming in this sequel became an exception, since later Kerry never starred in the sequels of his previous work. The character has not undergone any changes externally, but has changed internally, becoming a follower of Buddhism. At the box office, the film grossed $212 million, Kerry received $5 million. Critics, like the previous film, were unhappy, and the film was nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award as the worst sequel. However, this did not stop Kerry from receiving two MTV awards: “Best Actor” and “Best Comedy Role.”

In 1996, Jim accepted an invitation to star in the film “The Cable Guy” by Ben Stiller. Kerry played another loser, of which there are many in his film career, Chip Douglas. This role was the first in his career when he played not just in a comedy, but also in a drama. The film grossed about $100 million, and Carrey received record amount 20 million. Before him, no comedian had ever received such an amount. However, 20 million became his standard fee. Critics reacted coolly to the film, and Carrey received further MTV awards for Best Comedy Actor and Best Villain.

The same year, Kerry took part in the Saturday Night Live program. He became very famous for the sketch Roxbury Guys, in which he starred alongside Will Ferrell and Chris Katten. Based on this sketch, the film “A Night at Roxbury” was shot in 1998.

In 1997, Carrey starred in the comedy “Liar, Liar” by Tom Shadyac, his partner was Maura Tierney. He played the deceitful lawyer Fletcher Reed, forced to tell the truth. After Carrey's rise to fame, this was his first film where the viewer sees his real hair.

During filming, Jim himself banged his head against the toilet, walls and other objects in order to use these sounds during dubbing. For this film, he turned down the role of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. The film grossed $300 million, and Carrey's fee was $20 million. Critics were delighted with the film, and Carrey was nominated for a Golden Globe for the second time for Best Actor in a Comedy. MTV once again awarded him for Best Comedy Role.

Jim Carrey - Rocky Balboa

In 1998, Jim starred in Peter Weir's film The Truman Show. The role of Truman Burbank was Carrey's first tragic role. With his acting, Jim wanted to prove that he could play not only idiots, but also serious tragic roles, so it was forbidden to say “stupid” lines from his past roles on the set. Ed Harris became his partner on the set. The film grossed more than $260 million, and Carrey himself received $12 million. Critics were delighted with the film, “The Truman Show” received three British Academy awards, three Golden Globe awards, including for best acting in drama (Carrey's first Globe) and best supporting actor (Ed Harris), and three Oscar nominations. Carrey also received an MTV Award for Best Actor. Carrey called the script for “The Truman Show” one of the most interesting in his career, only recently putting “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” on the same level with it.

The same year, Kerry played in Mark Steven Johnson's film Simon Birch.

In 1999, Jim starred in Milos Forman's film Man on the Moon. The competition for the role of Andy Kaufman was enormous: Sean Penn, Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey, but when Foreman saw Jim's audition, he decided that Carrey would be the best to play the role. When it became known that Carrey would play the lead role in Man on the Moon, most of Kaufman's fans were categorically against it. Vocalist of the group "R.E.M." Michael Stipe, one of Kaufman's most ardent fans, even called Foreman and convinced him that Carrey would never be able to impersonate Kaufman and drop his "Carreyisms."

Kerry himself began to seriously prepare for the role: for many months he interviewed everyone who personally knew Kaufman and studied tapes of the late comedian’s recordings. On set, Kerry asked to be called Andy, not Jim, even Foreman had to obey this rule. However, "Man on the Moon" became Carrey's first film that did not break even at the box office - it grossed only $47 million. Kerry received 20 million. Critics reacted coolly to the film, the film received a prize Berlin Film Festival. Carrey received his second Golden Globe - this time as Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical - and a nomination for an MTV Award as Best Actor.

In 2000, Carrey returned to comedy. He starred in the Farrelly brothers' film Me, Myself and Irene as Officer Charlie Bellygates, who suffers from multiple personality disorder. His partner was Renee Zellweger. The film grossed $150 million, and Kerry received $20 million. Critics did not like the film, and Kerry was nominated for an MTV Award as Best Comedy Actor.

The same year, Carrey starred in Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Jim played the Grinch. Make-up artists spent three hours applying makeup to him, and he hated the yellow lenses that Kerry had to wear. They were so inconvenient that some scenes had to be filmed without them, and then the lenses had to be completed on the computer. “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” grossed $345 million, Carrey received a standard fee of 20 million. Critics did not like the film, “The Grinch...” was nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award in two categories. On the other hand, the film won the British Academy Film Prize and the Oscar for best makeup. Kerry himself was once again nominated for a Golden Globe, and received an MTV Award for Best Villain.

In 2001, Jim starred in new drama Frank Darabont's Majestic. His partner was Laurie Holden. The film did not pay off at the box office, grossing only $37 million; critics did not like the film, and some of them believed that Carrey played the role of Peter Appleton in order to win an Oscar.

In 2003, Carrey starred in Shediac's film Bruce Almighty. His partners were Jennifer Aniston and Morgan Freeman. Jim played reporter Bruce Nolan, who was given his power by God. An emergency happened on the set of the film: during a strong gust of wind, the camera crane fell, almost hitting Aniston, who was standing with her back to it. But Jim Carrey, noticing the fall of the crane, quickly pushed her aside and saved her from a tragic outcome. Shocked by what happened, Aniston threw herself on Jim's neck and began to thank him, calling him a real hero. The film grossed $484 million, becoming not only Carrey's highest-grossing film, but also one of the highest-grossing comedies. Kerry received 25 million. Critics, however, reacted coolly to the film. Jim was nominated for an MTV Award for Best Comedy Actor and Best Kiss (c).

In 2004, Carrey starred in Michel Gondry's film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Jim's partner was Kate Winslet. Kerry played Joel Barish. The actors, despite problems with adapting the script, were allowed to improvise. Michael Gondry's favorite moment of the film was the scene with the sudden disappearance of Clementine (Winslet). Jim Carrey did not know about this, and therefore, when Kate Winslet disappeared, Jim was scared and did not understand what was happening. As a result, it was this moment that entered the picture. The footage of the elephant parade was not specially prepared. Kate saw him through the window and they all film crew and the actors ran to film this parade. During this parade, reporters tried to interview Jim Carrey.

If you listen closely, you can hear a cry from the crowd, “Talk to me.” Also, during filming, we mostly did without computer graphics, with help visual illusions. A scene from the film called “Pecan Pie” also became known, where Jim drives the bed like a car. The film grossed $70 million and received rave reviews from film critics. The film was nominated for many awards: Cesar, British Academy (including best male and female roles for Carrey and Winslet, respectively), “Saturn” (also for the leading roles of Carrey and Winslet), “Golden Globe” (also nominations for leading roles (for Carrey this is the sixth Globe nomination)) and “Oscar”. Kerry, however, did not win any awards.

In the same year, Jim also starred in Brad Silberling's comedy Lemony Snicket: 33 Unfortunate Events.

Most of the characters' lines played by Carrey were improvised by him. The film grossed $208 million and was praised by critics. The film received an Oscar for Best Makeup, and Carrey received an MTV Award nomination for Best Villain.

Jim Carrey - Karate Instructor

In 2005, Carrey starred in Dean Parisot's film "Hustlers: Dick and Jane Have Fun." His partner was Tea Leoni. Jim played swindler Dick Harper. The film grossed $201 million at the box office. Critics did not appreciate the film.

In 2006, Jim terminated his contract with the UTA agency, with which he had collaborated for more than 15 years. Experts say that the breakup followed the suspension of filming on the films Used Guys and Ripley's Believe It or Not!

In 2007, Jim took on a new role - a thriller actor. This film was Schumacher's thriller "The Number 23". Jim gladly starred in the film, as he himself was fascinated by the magic of the number “23”. Virginia Madsen became his partner in the film. The film grossed $77 million. The film was completely criticized, and Kerry himself was nominated for a Golden Raspberry Award as worst actor.

Despite the failure of previous projects, subsequent ones were successful. In 2008, Carrey made his debut as a voice actor in the animated film Horton. Jim voiced the main character, Horton the elephant. The cartoon grossed almost $300 million. Critics received the film warmly.

The same year, Peyton Reed's comedy Always Say Yes was released. Carrey starred with Zooey Deschanel. Jim approached the role of Carl Allen in detail: he taught Korean, independently performed a number of stunts (jumping from a bridge on a cable, riding a Ducati). While performing one of them, Jim broke three ribs.

The film grossed $223 million. Kerry's fee was 36.2% of the fees, taking into account all expenses. Although the film did not receive warm reviews from critics, it was well received by fans. After a long break, Carrey received an MTV award for Best Comedy Actor. As a result, in 2008 Jim earned about €18.6 million (≈$25.4 million).

In 2009, several films featuring Jim were released. “A Christmas Carol” by Robert Zemeckis was Jim’s first project, which was filmed using motion capture technology. Jim has voiced several roles: Ebenezer Scrooge, The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The film grossed $323 million at the box office. Critics reacted coolly to the film.

Carrey also starred in the acclaimed drama I Love You Phillip Morris by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, where he played homosexual Stephen Russell, who was imprisoned due to a daring scam and fell in love with cellmate Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). Film due explicit scenes I couldn’t find distributors for a long time. They even thought that the film might be limited to DVD rental. The film was received ambiguously both by critics, it was considered too “homosexual”, and by fans. Carrey contributed to the creation of the image of Russell, as in all of his previous characters: to show the wisdom of Russell's experience, Jim shaved part of the hair above his forehead, as a result of which the forehead appeared higher. The film was released in 2010, collecting a modest box office.

In 2010, Jim starred in the FunnyOrDie.com sketch "The President's Reunion."

Jim Carrey - Bieber Parody

In January 2011, Carrey took part in Saturday Night Live with a parody of the film Black Swan. He also had a small role in the Season 7 finale of The Office.

In 2011, a comedy starring Jim, Mr. Popper's Penguins, was released. He played the role of businessman Tom Popper, who became the owner of 6 penguins.

Jim Carrey - Bodybuilder

In 2013, two films starring Kerry were released: “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” and “Kick-Ass 2.” In both comedies, the actor played supporting roles. In The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, Jim played the role of antagonist Steve Gray, a street magician and Wonderstone's (Steve Carell) main rival. Gray was based on magician Criss Angel, who served as a consultant during filming. The film did not pay off at the American box office and received negative reviews from critics. In Kick-Ass, Jim played the role of Colonel Stars and Stripes, the leader of a gang of street heroes.

Jim Carrey's height: 188 centimeters.

Personal life of Jim Carrey:

On March 8, 1987, Jim marries Melissa Womer, a waitress at the Comedy Store. On September 6, their daughter, Jane Erin Kerry, is born. The relationship between Melissa and Jim was not ideal: at times, Kerry's behavior towards his wife was characterized by various oddities.

In November 1991, his mother died from a failing kidney. She never saw her son's triumph. In 1994, Percy Kerry, Jim's father, a man to whom Jim owed a lot, died. Frequent family quarrels eventually pushed Kerry to divorce in 1995. Kerry paid Womer $7 million. He began to feel depressed again, he began to use antidepressants, but they did not particularly help Jim.

In 1996, Jim and Lauren Holly, Carrey's co-star in the film Dumb and Dumber (she was with him and his daughter when Carrey left his hand and foot prints on Hollywood Boulevard on November 2, 1995) got married. After 10 months they divorced.

Kerry dated Renee Zellweger, his personal physician Tiffany Silver, and Playboy model Anine Bing.

From 2005 to 2010, he dated fashion model Jenny McCarthy, who, like Jim, is an activist in the organization Help for Generations.

Their relationship was also tense and was characterized by Kerry's strange behavior. After breaking up with McCarthy, there were rumors that Carrey paid her $25 million for her silence. The payment of such a huge sum could be explained by the fact that Kerry wished to keep the details of his personal life with McCarthy secret. However, as McCarthy herself said: “This is all speculation.”

Jim's daughter Jane began performing in her own rock band, the Jane Carrey Band. In the fall of 2009, she married, already pregnant, to rock musician of the same group, Alex Santana. On February 26, 2010, Jane Kerry gave birth to a boy, he was named Jackson Riley Santana. However, 9 months later, in December 2010, Jane and Alex divorced, and Jackson remained with his mother.

Kerry had an affair with Russian student Anastasia Vitkina.

He has been in a relationship with Catriona White since 2012. The novel ended tragically: in the fall of 2015.

Ex-husband Catriona White (she was officially married at the time of the relationship) and the girl’s mother accused Jim Carrey of murdering him ex-girlfriend, that he infected her with sexually transmitted diseases and treated her roughly.

Filmography of Jim Carrey:

1983 - Rubberface (Introducing... Janet) - Tony Moroney
1983 - Copper Mountain - Bobby Todd
1983 - All in Good Taste - Ralph
1984 - Chop, mine! Finders Keepers - Lane Bidlekoff
1984 - The Duck Factory - Skip Tarkenton
1985 - Once Bitten - Mark Kendall
1986 - Peggy Sue got married Peggy Sue Got Married - Walter Goetz
1988 - The Dead Pool's Death List - Johnny Squares
1989 - Earth Girls Are Easy - Whiplock
1989 - Pink Cadillac Pink Cadillac - Comedian
1990-1994 - In Living Color - Various roles
1991 - Nerves on edge High Strung - Death
1992 - mf Tiny Spider Itsy Bitsy Spider - Insect Exterminator (voice)
1992 - Life on Maple Drive (TV) Doing Time on Maple Drive - Tim Carter
1993 - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Ace Ventura
1994 - Dumb and Dumber Dumb & Dumber - Lloyd Christmas
1994 - The Mask - Stanley Ipkiss
1995 - Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - Ace Ventura
1995 - Batman Forever Batman Forever - Edward Nygma/Riddler
1996 - The Cable Guy - The Cable Guy/Chip/Ricky
1997 - Liar, liar Liar Liar - Fletcher Reed
1998 - Simon Birch Simon Birch - Adult Joe Wentworth
1998 - The Truman Show The Truman Show - Truman Burbank
1999 - Man on the Moon - Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton
2000 - The Grinch Stole Christmas How the Grinch Stole Christmas - The Grinch
2000 - Me, Myself and Irene - Officer Charlie Baileygates/Hank
2001 - Majestic The Majestic - Peter Appleton
2003 - Bruce Almighty Bruce Almighty - Bruce Nolan
2004 - Lemony Snicket: 33 Misfortunes Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events - Count Olaf
2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Joel Barish
2005 - Scammers Dick and Jane Fun with Dick and Jane - Dick Harper
2007 - Fatal Number 23 Number 23 - Walter Sparrow
2008 - Always say “Yes” Yes man - Carl Allen
2008 - MF Horton Horton Hears a Who! - Horton (voice)
2009 - I love you, Phillip Morris I Love You Phillip Morris - Steve Russell
2009 - MF A Christmas Carol - Ebenezer Scrooge, ghosts
2009 - Under the sea in 3D Under the Sea 3D - narrator
2011 - Mr. Popper's Penguins Mr. Popper's Penguins - Tom Popper
2011 - The Office - The Guy from the Finger Lakes (one episode)
2013 - The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Burt Wonderstone - Steve Gray
2013 - Kick-Ass 2 Kick-Ass 2 - Colonel America
2013 - Anchorman 2 Anchorman: The Legend Continues
2014 - Dumb and Dumber 2 Dumb & Dumber 2 - Lloyd Christmas
2016 - Bad Batch, The - Peter, Hermit


Biography of Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey is one of the most famous, popular and highly paid comedians of our century. It seems he was born for this. His gait, his face, which depicts a gamut of emotions at the same time, are like plasticine from which you can mold whatever you want, and his natural charisma determined his role in the cinema.

Of course, he also had serious roles in which he performed well, but he still remains a comedian.

Like everyone else around famous person, hundreds of hundreds of rumors gathered around Jim Carrey. In this article we will highlight only verified, well-known facts of his biography.


James Eugene Kerry was born on January 17, 1962 in Canada in a very poor family. He wasn't only child in the family, the father held the position of accountant, and the family barely made ends meet until the father was fired. Then all the children of this family had to work.

In childhood

Jim worked full shifts in a supermarket from the age of 10 and often slept in class because of this. He was not very sociable and did not make friends, most likely because he already had other concerns than his peers.

In his free time, Jim loved to make faces in front of the mirror and even recorded about eighty parodies on the Carol Barnett show and they were even sent to this show, but to no avail.

At the age of 15, Jim Carrey became a participant in the popular comedy show “Yuk-Yuk,” after which many comedians became famous. But Jim's first performance turned out to be a failure, he was even bombarded with tomatoes. Jim spent two years rehearsing the next performance and, fortunately, it was resounding success. The public fell in love with him, and offers began pouring in for supporting roles in films and TV series.


When he turned 19, People magazine awarded him the title the best parodist. Plus he was approved for a role in the series “Duck Factory.” Thanks to this role, Jim moved his parents to Hollywood, but, unfortunately, not for long. Three years later, the series closed, and the parents had to go back to Canada. This only pushed Jim Carrey even more to achieve success and work hard for it.

Luck turned to him again in 1985, when he got a role in the film “Once Bitten.” He also married waitress Melissa Womer, and in 1987 they had a daughter, Jane.

In 1991, Jim Carrey was given the chance to host his own show, and Jim Carrey's Unnatural Act was born. And then real popularity comes to him, which his mother could not find...

But all this was not enough for his wife, she believed that he worked little and earned little for the family (although he received $7 million for the film “Dumb and Dumber” alone). They divorced in 1955. The same year he starred in the film “Ace Ventura: Call of the Wild.” After breaking up with his wife, Jim wanted to try himself in a more serious role and played a villain in the film Batman Forever.

Jim Carrey's wife and children

Despite his stunning career and success, Jim Carrey was very unlucky in his personal life. His second wife was actress Lauren Holy, with whom he lived for less than a year.

And then for the third time, Jim Carrey met the woman he loved more than anything in the world - Renee Zellweger. She was very different from his past lovers (she was finally interested in Jim himself, and not his money and position). But, unfortunately, Jim could not hold her.

With Renee Zellweger

After this separation, Jim Carrey starred in the film “Bruce Almighty” and his career began to decline. There were many more films with his participation, but they were no longer so loud and memorable. But in 2009 he became a grandfather.

In 2018, Jim continues to participate in television projects, for example, in the filming of the comedy-drama series “Kidding”. In it, the actor plays the leading role and tries his hand as a producer. IN Lately Kerry moved away from big cinema and returned to his old hobby - painting.

Being in adulthood, the loving actor easily started new relationships. Jim's romance with actress Jenny McCartney, which began in 2005, lasted until April 2010. Having parted, the former lovers did not want to comment on the end of their relationship, telling meticulous journalists that they would still remain good friends.

In 2012, Jim meets student Anastasia Vitkina from Russia. But their relationship did not last long. And Jim turns his attention to 28-year-old Irishwoman Catriona White. But this relationship was not destined to last long.

In 2013, Catriona leaves Jim and marries another man. However, in May 2015, Catriona and Jim resumed their relationship, but after 3 months they broke up. The girl then decided to commit suicide by taking a lethal dose of sleeping pills.

Surely this is not the end of the Jim Carrey story, and we will see a lot more good films with his participation and we will see him finally happy!

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