Characteristics of the heroes of the Russian folk tale, the frog princess. Characteristics of the characters “The Frog Princess”

It is unlikely to be found among Russian folk tales more famous than “The Frog Princess”. It is not possible to accurately determine the time of its birth, just as it is impossible to name its author exactly. The author is the people, it is not for nothing that it is called the people's book. Like all folk tales, it has its own meaning, purpose and purpose: to teach goodness, to believe in the inevitable triumph of good over evil. Its educational role is invaluable, “a fairy tale is a lie, but in it a hint to good fellows lesson".

The composition of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is built according to the traditions of Russian folk fairy tales. There is a fairy-tale plot, a development in which tension increases, sayings and triple repetitions, and, finally, a happy ending. The temporal-spatial dimension of the world of a fairy tale occupies a special place here.

Analysis of a fairy tale


The plot of the fairy tale is quite complex, many heroes fill it, from ordinary people to fabulous animals and others magical characters. The plot begins with the fact that the Tsar Father sends his three sons for the brides. A rather original method is used for this - a bow and arrow. Wherever the arrow hits, look for your bride. This is my father's parting words. As a result, each of the sons gets a bride, with the exception of the younger Ivan, whose arrow landed in the swamp with the corresponding choice of a swamp creature - a frog. True, not simple, but speaking in a human voice. Ivan, as they would say today, being a man of honor, took the frog at her request as a bride. It cannot be said that he was delighted with such a choice, but such was the will of his father.

In the course of the story, the tsar arranges three tests for his daughters-in-law, two of which the older daughters-in-law successfully failed, and the wife of Ivan Tsarevich, who turned out to be actually the enchanted girl Vasilisa the Beautiful, coped with them perfectly, bringing the tsar into admiration. On the third task, she had to appear at a feast thrown in honor of the king's daughters-in-law in her human form, completely charming the king.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the frog's young husband goes home, finds the frog's skin and burns it in the oven. As a result of this rash act, he loses his wife, who goes to the kingdom of Kashchei the Immortal. All that remains for Ivan Tsarevich is to follow her in order to return her. Along the way, he meets various fabulous animals who are ready to help him for the lives and help he saved. Among his supporters is the fabulous Baba Yaga, whom Ivan conquered with his good manners. She told him about effective way destruction of Kashchei. As a result of long adventures and the help of animal friends, Ivan defeats Kashchei and returns Vasilisa the Beautiful.

The main characters of the fairy tale

Main positive heroes fairy tales are, of course, Ivan the Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. Ivan is the embodiment of valor, courage and dedication, ready for the sake of his beloved to go to the ends of the world and engage in mortal combat even with such an enemy as Kashchei the Immortal. At the same time, he is generous, merciful and selfless. All these qualities are fully manifested when meeting those animals that meet on his way. The time comes and those whom he helped also help him in difficult times.

The main idea runs like a red thread through the entire fairy tale - be selfless, help others from the bottom of your heart and all this will come back to you with even greater goodness. Be purposeful and take responsibility for your actions, do not be afraid of difficulties and luck will always accompany you.

Vasilisa the Beautiful is the ideal of a woman, smart, loving, devoted. In addition to the main characters, the fairy tale is filled with many assistant heroes. These are nannies who help Vasilisa, talking animals, an old man who gave Ivan Tsarevich a guiding ball, and Baba Yaga, who helped him find his way to the kingdom of Kashchei.

And finally, Kashchei the Immortal himself. The embodiment of evil! The character is as malicious as he is loving, since in most Russian fairy tales he is the kidnapper of beauties. His actions are far from moral, but he also gets what he deserves.


The moral of the tale is completely consistent with Christian commandments. No unseemly actions go unpunished. Treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Every fairy tale carries within itself moral lessons and a certain morality that allows you to draw certain conclusions, distinguish good from evil and cultivate the best human qualities in yourself. In this case, the fairy tale teaches kindness, tolerance, care for one's neighbor, hard work and love. The fairy tale teaches that one should not draw conclusions based on appearance. Any unattractive frog may hide Vasilisa the Beautiful, with her rich spiritual world. You should treat people more attentively and tolerantly, be more modest and courteous. Then everything will work out fine and beautiful for you.

Since ancient times, fairy tales have been an integral element of the culture and creativity of any people. Each country has its own stories for them, its own good and evil characters. For us, one of our favorite heroines is Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”. For many generations of children, she has become a symbol of kindness and intelligence, caring and modesty. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is accompanied by many vivid epithets and is a celebration of the beauty and greatness of the original Russian female character.

The fairy tale “The Frog Princess” and its main character

The plot of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is known to everyone from an early age. Vasilisa the Wise is a sorceress bewitched by her father because she surpassed him in the art of witchcraft. In the fairy tale, she becomes the bride, and then the wife of Ivan Tsarevich. As the plot develops, the girl shows her skills by carrying out the king's orders: she bakes bread, skillfully weaves a silk carpet (or in other versions, a shirt). The description of Vasilisa the Wise at the feast, where she turns into fairytale beauty and amazes guests with its magical art.

Ivan, wanting his wife to always remain in the guise of a princess, burns the frog's skin. After this, Vasilisa disappears. To find his love again, the prince has to go through many dangers and, most importantly, fight with his wife’s father, Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale has a happy ending - Ivan and Vasilisa overcome all difficulties and end up together forever.

What is so attractive about Vasilisa the Wise? Russian folk tale is not only a figment of fantasy, but also a reflection real life of people. Keeping this in mind, we can trace in the image of Vasilisa the most valuable feminine qualities for the Russian people.

Appearance of the main character Vasilisa the Wise

I wonder what about appearance main character the tale says practically nothing. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is given to the reader by characterizing her actions and words. Only at the royal ball is the heroine portrayed as a written beauty. But this description is quite typical for most fairy tales.

This once again confirms that the image of Vasilisa the Wise is a collective, generalizing one. Moreover, for a fairy tale, it is much more important to depict not the external, but the internal merits of the heroine.

Character traits of Vasilisa the Wise

Vasilisa the Wise is loved not because of her beauty, but because of her character. The fairy tale emphasizes that it is not bright appearance (it would seem that there could be something uglier than a frog) and not wealth (“the girl’s competitors in the palace were the boyar’s and merchant’s daughters”) that leads the heroes to happiness. And understanding and desire to be together.

From the fairy tale is given through her actions. The way she consoles Ivan Tsarevich, with what skill she carries out the king’s tasks, and how she behaves during the feast, speaks about her better than any description. Her character combines both deep intelligence and the majestic simplicity of the Russian soul, pride in herself and modesty.

Many people ask why Vasilisa is called the Wise? In fact, this epithet suits her perfectly. The fact is that she perfectly mastered magical wisdom and even surpassed her father, a powerful sorcerer, in this. It is also characteristic that in the fairy tale she is called that in those moments when she works and shows her skills as a needlewoman, housewife or sorceress. In addition, the heroine has the ability to remain calm and make the right decision even in the most difficult trials.

Why was Vasilisa turned into a frog?

The question often arises about why Vasilisa the Wise was turned into a frog by Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale does not give a direct answer to it. However, different researchers offer their own options.

For example, we can recall that one of the leading artistic techniques in a fairy tale there is an antithesis, opposition (for example, good and evil, day and night, living and dead water, beauty and ugliness). Already the name of the heroine - Vasilisa - speaks for itself. From Greek it can be translated as royal, sublime. On the other hand, what could be more unattractive and mundane than a frog living in a swamp.

The image of Vasilisa in other Russian fairy tales

The description of Vasilisa the Wise can be found not only in the fairy tale about the frog princess. She is also depicted in other works of the Russian people. For example, you can remember the fairy tale about Vasilisa and Baba Yaga. A similar image appears under the names of Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful and Marya the Princess. All these heroines have wisdom and magical knowledge, in particular the ability to transform. This allows them to be identified.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa one of the most perfect female images created by the imagination of the Russian people. How many wonderful qualities she combines in herself, educating and admonishing all the new younger generations. But let us remember that initially fairy tales were written not for children, but for adults. Those in which Vasilisa the Wise is present are no exception. The Russian folk tale, with its inherent wisdom and poetry, reminds us of what true role women in the family - to be a helper and support to their husband.

We will also find out what qualities have long been valued in Rus'. Intelligence and modesty, caring and kindness, the skill of a needlewoman and homemaker, uniting, give rise to true wisdom and beauty. And the image of Vasilisa the Wise fully combines all these wonderful qualities.

A very important and integral part of our lives are magical Russian folk tales. They teach to distinguish evil from good, to appreciate in people good qualities. Each has its own separate plot, but all, without exception, are instructive.

Russian fairy tales always end with good triumphing over evil. Every nation has its own positive ones, and our task is to characterize the Frog Princess. She is one of the most beloved characters of children. Vasilisa the Wise is the personification of femininity, intelligence, kindness and care. Full characteristics The frog princess, which we will provide in this work, also includes a description of the image of the heroine.


The image of a beautiful girl appears before our eyes when the author describes the very perfection of divine creation. The characterization of the Frog Princess, like any other hero, should begin with a description of her appearance. We suggest you start doing this. There are many images of beautiful brides in Russian folk tales, why is the Frog Princess so memorable? She remains in our memory for a long time precisely because she appears in a non-human form. She is hardworking, wise and caring. The author focuses on her internal qualities, thereby showing that the main thing in a person is not the outer surface, but the inner world.

Our heroine is beautiful on the inside, but terrible on the outside. The characterization of the Frog Princess does not end there; an important element is what qualities are characteristic of the character.

Inner world

Vasilisa the Wise is very simple by nature, but also majestic. She is proud of herself, but does not show it off. Her heart is filled to the brim with love and care, sometimes it feels like it is bottomless. She is ready to sacrifice herself for the good of other people, and this is a very important quality characteristic of a small number of representatives of our world.

How can we fully characterize the heroine from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? A very bright and versatile nature - that’s what actually lies under the frog’s skin.


We have briefly reviewed the characteristics of the Frog Princess, but there remains one more very important question. Why was this image introduced into Russian folk tales?

As it would seem at first glance, fairy tales are written for children, so that, using the example of invented characters, they learn to see positive and negative aspects in people. But before they were written for adults. The image of Vasilisa the Wise tells that a wife should always help her husband in everything. Always be ready to support him, no matter what trouble happens.

The imagination of the Russian people has created many different bad and good images, but it is the Frog Princess who is the ideal of a Russian woman. With the help of fairy tales, we also learn what qualities were valued in Rus'. Kindness, decency, skillful hands, intelligence - all this is fully reflected in the image of our heroine. The question is often tormented: “Why was the image of a frog chosen?” Everything is actually very simple. In fairy tales, the device of antithesis or opposition is often encountered. So here, Vasilisa is a sublime and refined name, and the frog is a mundane and ugly creature.

The fairy tale is magical because it contains magical transformations(Vasilisa the Wise turns from a frog into a man every night) and magic items(if you break the needle, then Koshchei the Immortal will be overtaken by death). Based on the type of plot, the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” can be attributed to liberation from captivity (Ivan Tsarevich rescues Vasilisa the Wise from captivity of Koshchei the Immortal)

Compositionally, the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is built according to the tradition of Russian folk fairy tales. Here there is a typical fairy tale beginning and ending, sayings, triple repetitions, a gradual increase in the tension of events (after Vasilisa’s imprisonment in the kingdom of Koshchei, the action becomes more dynamic), a special temporal and spatial construction of the world of a wonderful fairy tale.

Main character folk tale"Princess Frog" - younger son Tsar Ivan Tsarevich, does not seek wealth (unlike the older princes), submits to his father and fate and marries a swamp frog. He faces the most difficult trials: he has to go on a difficult journey to the distant kingdom, find and free Vasilisa, defeating Koshchei the Immortal.

The sending hero is a king who sends his sons to find brides and subjects his daughters-in-law to trials. Antagonist heroes: Ivan Tsarevich's older brothers

Helping heroes: nannies helping Vasilisa the Wise cope with the royal trials; wonderful talking animals (bear, hare and pike); assistant-donor (an old man who gave Ivan Tsarevich a guiding ball); Baba Yaga, who indicated the location of Vasilisa the Wise and the way to defeat Koshchei. The hero-pest - Koschey the Immortal, in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess", as in other Russian folk tales, appears as a kidnapper of women, turning them into slaves

Moral message: No wrongdoing goes unpunished Do not act towards others as you would not want them to act towards you ( Golden Rule morality). Only thanks to our moral qualities Ivan Tsarevich enlisted the support of wonderful assistants. The main idea associated with the image of the frog princess: you should not judge a person by their appearance, you should evaluate people by their deeds, by their inner merits.

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The Frog Princess is a Russian fairy tale that is loved by both adults and children. Children listen to it with pleasure, and parents always read it to their children before bed. If you tell the frog princess summary from 5-6 sentences, then this is a fairy tale about how Ivan Tsarevich, with the help of his arrow, found a frog. I had to take her as my wife. As it turned out, it was beautiful princess, and so that she no longer turns into a frog, Ivan burns the frog's skin. For this action, Ivan had to go in search of the princess. Having overcome distances, found their beloved and won her from Kashchei, they lived happily ever after. However, in order to be able to answer the teacher’s questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” in its more complete summary.

The frog princess summary

The Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” begins in brief with the fact that a tsar and his sons lived in the same state, and now the time has come for the sons to get married. And since they did not have chosen ones, the father invited them to shoot arrows, to which courtyard they would fly, they would have to marry that chosen one. So the first son launched it, and the second one. Their arrows flew to the boyar and merchant court, respectively. And when Ivan Tsarevich launched an arrow, his arrow flew very far. He looked for her for a long time, but found her in a swamp. The frog held it in its mouth. Ivan had no choice but to take the frog with him, although he didn’t want to, because now he would have to marry her, he said that everyone would laugh. But the frog told him that he would never regret his choice.

Three weddings were played, and already on the second day the king decided to see the skills of the chosen ones, ordering them to bake bread. The prince began to worry, because he couldn’t imagine how the frog would bake, but the frog said that the morning is wiser than the evening and sent her husband to bed. She shed the skin of the frog herself and baked the best loaf. The king was delighted with the loaf from the frog, while the other loaves were terrible.

Then the king told his chosen sons to weave a carpet and the prince weaved it again. The frog was not at a loss even now. While the prince was sleeping, the frog princess wove such a carpet that neither could be said in a fairy tale nor described with a pen. The king was delighted again.

For the third time, the king invited his sons and wives to visit. Ivan was very worried, he didn’t want to be a laughing stock. And the frog tells him. so that he can go on his own and have fun. and when he hears thunder, he will say that a frog has arrived, but after the thunder rolled, not a frog, but a beautiful princess entered the palace. Ivan couldn't believe his eyes. Everyone was having fun, dancing, and the princess danced in a way that is difficult to describe. She put on quite a show. Ivan Tsarevich ran home and threw the frog skin into the fire. Some three days remained for the princess to remain a frog, and then she and Ivan would live forever, now, having turned into a swan. The princess flew away to Kashchei.

Ivan went to look for his beloved. I walked for a long time. I've already worn out two pairs of iron boots. He met an old man who told him about Vasilisa the Wise, the daughter of Kashchei, who bewitched her and sent her to the swamp. The old man gave Ivan a ball, which led him to Baba Yaga. True, on the way Ivan met a bear, a drake, a hare, and a pike. Ivan wanted to eat them all, but he pardoned them, and they promised to come to his aid if necessary.

He came to Yaga, and she told him about the chest where Kashchei’s death was kept.

Ivan found the oak tree on which there was a casket, the bear helped him get that casket, and then the duck, the hare and the pike helped him get the very egg where the needle was kept, and at the end of that needle was Kashcheev’s death.

He broke off the tip of the needle, Kashchei and dissolved. Vasilisa joyfully met Ivan, who took her and took her to his kingdom. There they lived in love and harmony.

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