The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it... And what is the lesson for the good fellows? Consultation “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

How to treat yourself and people [Another edition] Kozlov Nikolai Ivanovich

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it... And what a lesson good fellows?

The child finds models, prescriptions, and instructions not only in the direct words of parents and other Elders. He hears fairy tales, learns poetry, sings songs, watches cartoons - and, putting himself in the place of the Hero, goes through life with him. The heroes of fairy tales, like caring nannies, step by step teach him to get acquainted, make friends, make peace and forgive; True, they immediately become rude, quarrel and kill.

Having carefully looked through the collections folk tales, I realized that reading them to children without thorough editing is simply dangerous. I believe that most parents with a moral sense will understand me.

Indeed, here are a few passing episodes. Ivan, a peasant son, walks through the forest, enters Baba Yaga’s hut, and she asks him: “Hello, good fellow, where are you going?” Ivan answers her: “Oh, you old hag! First, feed the good fellow, give him something to drink, take a bath in the bathhouse, and then, old woman, ask questions!”

Are you really sure that this is how a young man should respond? old woman, to whom he came to visit?

Do you remember the Russian folk tale, where the fox hired himself as a carpenter for the bear and built a chicken coop so cleverly that he could then climb into it every night? I also condemn the dishonest fox, but how should I read to children a fairy tale in which the bear, having learned about the fox’s trickery, “unraveled it over the bumps” (in one edition) and “killed” (in another literary edition)?

If the Russian people believe that this is how it should be, then I cannot agree with this and would not want my children to learn something similar.

Or the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Flint”. Mom reads to the children in a calm, measured voice: “The soldier got angry and cut off the old woman’s head.” Like this. He got angry, decided to kill the old woman, took out a saber and cut off her head. This is not even hooliganism, this is murder, which is covered by the Criminal Code of any country.

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Jamilya Mikulenko
“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!” Abstract extracurricular activities about the dangers of using surfactants

Creative development

« Harmful habits and their consequences

Tobacco, intravenous drugs, nasvay"

« The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint -

good fellows a lesson»

Mikulenko Jamilya Dilmuratovna,


Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children "Children and Youth" Military Sports Center "Patriot"

[email protected]


Subject: harmful habits their consequences

« The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint, good fellows a lesson»

In our difficult times of socio-economic instability in all spheres of life, the least protected segments of the population, and first of all, children, suffer especially hard.

One of the main problems of a child is to successfully integrate into modern society and independently build a life option worthy person. And one of the important missions of the teacher is to help in the social adaptation of the student.

According to "Novokuznetsk Narcological Dispensary" During 2013, the number of children and adolescents increased 3 times, consuming drugs, and half of them are schoolchildren. Therefore it is important to early stages win over the child, find out his interests, and carry out preventive work in a timely manner. After all, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are laid in childhood. That is why the goals of this classes are: prevention harmful habits and promotion of healthy lifestyle. Your main tasks I think:

Bring information to children about harm the damage that smokers cause to their health, consuming intravenous drugs and nasvay man;

To form a negative attitude among students towards smoking, drug addiction, use of nasvay;

Prevent students from developing a desire mindset

try drugs, tobacco;

The target audience: students 7-9 years old

Form: practical class

Equipment: interactive board, multimedia presentation, Baba Yaga costume, costume of Koshchei the immortal, A4 sheets, paper samples of human lungs, glue, cards (nasva - drug, nasvay - good, benefit, pictures of a syringe with a narcotic drug, pencils, felt-tip pens.

One of the first harmful The habit I chose was smoking. Tobacco smoking among minors is taking on increasingly threatening forms, significantly deforming the moral, physical and mental health of the younger generation, which causes enormous damage to the ethnic group as a whole.

What makes the problem particularly acute is the fact that it is in childhood and adolescence

At age, smoking becomes one of the first forms of deviant behavior, which is subsequently combined with alcohol, and in some cases, drugs.

The topic of drug addiction is not accidental, because it is well known that drug addiction leads to severe medical and social consequences that pose a threat to public health. According to Federal service Russian Federation for drug control, in Russia there are about 6 million drug users, about 600 thousand drug addicts. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the annual increase in drug addicts among the adult population is 50%, and among youth and teenagers – more than 100%. The age level of initiation into drug addiction dropped from 19-18 years to 13-14, and in in some cases and up to 8 years.

Another common drug among schoolchildren is the so-called "nasvay". Even children from junior classes- while selling cigarettes and alcohol is allowed only to persons over 18 years of age. This substance does not require subcutaneous or intravenous injections, which still scares many schoolchildren. According to statistics from oncologists in the Central Asian region, namely where I come from "nasvay", 80% of people suffering from cancer of the lip, tongue or larynx regularly use"nasvay". Prevention of this problem is necessary in the early stages of education, to prevent a huge mistake in the lives of children.

To achieve my goal and objectives for this event, I used the following methods: visual-figurative, verbal, practical.

Visual-figurative: in children 7-9 years old, visual-figurative thinking is well developed. Through fairy tales, brightly and emotionally played roles of Baba Yaga and Koshchei the immortal this material will remain in the child’s memory for a long time. Demonstration of a multimedia presentation will help in mastering the material and expand the range of knowledge of children.

Using the verbal method, I selected the following kinds: explanation, story, conversation. Explaining the reasons why people start use narcotic substances, story symptoms of a dependent person, explanation and conversation with children about the consequences that lead to use of surfactants. This method expands the knowledge of younger students about drugs, leads to an understanding of this problem, and helps test the material studied.

In the practical method I used the following exercises: application, work with cards, creative task. This method contributes to the development logical thinking, independence when performing a task. The practical method also plays an important role in assessing the material learned by the child, expanding and deepening knowledge.

Main content: methodological development

Subject: harmful habits their consequences

(tobacco, intravenous drugs, nasvay)

« The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint, good fellows a lesson»

Progress of the lesson

Guys, do you love fairy tales? And what do you like fairy tales? Name goodies Russian-folk fairy tales. Name negative heroes (Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal)

Did you know that Baba Yaga and Koschey the immortal were not always bad and evil? What made them like this? And they will tell you about this themselves.

(Baba Yaga and Koschey appear)

Presenter: Met on the path

Evil Koschey, and grandma-hedgehog

Together they wander through the forest

Yes, they are having a conversation:

Koschey: - Why are you, old man, limping?

Are you groaning or sighing loudly?

Baba Yaga: - Oh, Koshcheyushka, it’s a shame!

I'm not happy with life either

After all, she ruined herself,

Here, listen to how everything is was:

I settled in a hut

On a remote forest edge,

Everything was lying on the stove, counting the bricks.

And when spring came

I felt kind of sad,

Bored, without worries

I started a vegetable garden.

I planted onions, garlic,

Yes, fragrant tobacco.

I dried the tobacco,

Finely crushed it in a mortar,

I filled my pipe with tobacco

From then on I started smoking.

Everything seems like entertainment

My head is foggy, spinning,

I don’t care about melancholy, sadness

And there is grace in the heart.

So I got involved in this matter,

I didn’t have time to look back,

Like instead of a forest grandmother

She became a grandmother-yaga.

Crooked nose, watery eyes

My legs can barely drag,

I'm out of breath when walking...

This illness sits in me,

Dries, suffocates, kills,

Turns the heart into stone.

And now for all the children

No Grandma is scarier.

Oh, why did I plant tobacco?

And she ruined herself.

After all, she might not be a yaga,

And the beauty of the forest.

Koschey: How to help such grief?

Presenter: Koschey says here

Koschey: But I bet it's my destiny

Much more terrible

And scarier and more dangerous,

Although they call me immortal,

But I'm still vulnerable

About the needle in the treasured egg

Known to my enemies.

That needle is not an ordinary one

There was living water in it,

To make it faster rejuvenate

I poured that water into my blood.

But trouble happened -

The needle ran out of water

How can we be here?

Where can I get immortality?

There is a merchant here -

From overseas Well done.

I didn't skimp on gold

He got hold of some water.

But I'll tell you, sister,

That water is not alive,

It will only flow into blood

The soul separates from the body.

I'm flying somewhere in the clouds

I don't understand anything.

The sea is a puddle, the hill is a mountain,

It's a devilish game.

But the flood passes

And there is no escape from pain.

The body twists and breaks,

It's as if an animal is tormenting him. So as not to deal with the demon

We need to pour out that water...

Only evil comes to evil -

I grab the needle again.

Yeah, it’s not in vain that they say:

My death is hidden in a needle.

I feel my end is near

The merchant defeated me.

Baba Yaga: I, Koschey, didn’t know the merchant,

I just heard something

The scientist cat said,

That he was bringing drugs.

The words of such a wondrous

No one heard anything.

Apparently immortal,

From him you became mortal.

And the magpie chirped,

What did Ivanushka see?

Vanka has lost a lot of weight

And mentally, as if he had given up.

Everything repeats like a parrot:

Give me, give me nasvay.

Places it under the tongue

It's like sucking on a lollipop.

Lollipop is that deception -

There's a fog in his eyes,

Everything floats away somewhere

And it disappears completely

And then my insides hurt,

Everything in my mouth is on fire.

What kind of food is there?

Oh, Koschey, trouble, trouble...

What happened in our kingdom?

In the thirtieth state?

For misfortune, yes to attack

Lest we all perish.


Leading: Guys, what Baba Yaga uses? (tobacco, smokes cigarettes) (a slide appears - a cigarette)

What symptoms did Baba Yaga begin to show after smoking? (By easy at first dizziness, the person begins to not care about all the problems, he becomes as if bewitched, but then with prolonged smoking the person’s skin color darkens, the teeth turn yellow, the person begins to choke even when walking, not to mention running. My heart begins to ache and pound. The lungs with which a person suffers the most are

breathes. With prolonged smoking, a person can develop bronchitis, tuberculosis and lung cancer, leading to death.

Slide with the inscription Cigarettes are poison for big men and boys

I suggest making you an applique. In front of you are paper samples of human lungs. Let's take one lung and squeeze it tightly in our hands - this is what the lung of a smoking person looks like - glue it to a sheet of paper. And next to it we will glue a clean, smooth lung, as an example of a non-smoking person.

What did Koschey the immortal take? (intravenous drugs) (a syringe slide appears)

What symptoms did our hero experience? (a person does not control himself, he sees something that is not really there, but when the effect of the drug stops, the person experiences unbearable pain that tears his body into pieces. To get rid of them, the person injects himself with the drug again. This leads to that a person rots inside and out. The drug kills a person.

Slide Drug is death for a person (children repeat this phrase in chorus)

In front of you are cards that show a syringe with a narcotic substance. What needs to be done with this picture so that the person understands that drugs are prohibited use? (cross out the syringe)

Take markers and draw a bold line across the syringe.

What other character did our heroes talk about? (about Ivan the Fool)

What is he taking? – NASVAY (slide appears - nasvay)

What is nasvay? is a narcotic drug consisting of tobacco, lime, ash of various plants and chicken droppings. Use of this drug At first, the person feels a slight relaxation and blurred vision, but then nausea, headaches, upset stomach and blistering of the lips may occur. Long-term use of nasvay causes tooth decay, memory impairment, and mental retardation.

In front of you are cards on which it is written “Nasvay is a blessing, a benefit”,

“Nasvay is a drug”, you need to choose the card that you think is correct (nasvay – drug).

Remember, nasvay is a drug, and a drug, as we know, kills a person.

Guys, today let's promise each other and ourselves - never take drugs or start smoking. Turn to each other and Tell: “I will never smoke, I will never take intravenous drugs, I will never use nasvay." Because now we know what this can lead to. Let's save

our health and the health of those close to us! What do you choose: drugs, cigarettes, nasvay that lead to death or do you choose a healthy lifestyle and life? (children's answer)

Slide – "I choose life"!


I was carried out class, the purpose of which was to prevent harmful habits and promotion of healthy lifestyle. Studying literary sources, getting acquainted with media sources, talking with narcologists in the city of Novokuznetsk, you come to the conclusion that use PAS among children in our region is significantly widespread. And the topic of drug addiction in any of its manifestations is very relevant today.

Class was carried out in the form of practical classes.

Forms and methods classes are of a playful nature, which corresponds age characteristics children, provides conditions for their active inclusion in the learning process and stimulates the active appropriation of the presented value standards and skills. All tasks are focused on the child’s creative work - independently or in a team, conscious consolidation and use of the information received.

When conducting classes managed to interest students and draw their attention to the problem bad habits , such as tobacco, intravenous drugs, nasvay. Children took an active part in performing practical and oral tasks. From the received methodological material, teachers organized exhibitions with the children creative works on this topic bad habits, which are still for a long time will remind students about harm, which brings psycho-active substances and motivates children to adopt a healthy lifestyle.


Baba Yaga, consuming cigarettes Koschey the immortal - drug addict

Application “Lung of a healthy person and a smoker”

Working with cards

Multimedia presentation


1. › Novokuznetsk Website of the Department of Public Health Kemerovo region. GBUZ KO "Novokuznetsk Narcological Dispensary".

3. Mendelevich V.D., Drug addiction and narcology in Russia in the mirror public opinion and professional analysis / V. D. Mendeleviya – Kazan: Medicine, 2006. – 260 p.

4. R. F. Khamitov, I. G. Mustafin, O. L. Paykova, 2009, / Drug addiction and infectious diseases pathology: clinical and immunological aspects. Bulletin of timely clinical medicine Volume 2, issue 3 –59 p.


6. Uglov F. G. From captivity of illusions. - M., 1986. - P.209

7. Bogdan T. Voronovich. No secrets about addictions and their treatment. - Per. from floor - Kyiv: Sphere, 2004. - P.219

8. Zamyatina A. A terrible result of a light high / People's Commissariat. - 2004. - No. 12. - P.54-55

Class: 1 "B"

Teacher: Solovyova A.A.

Date of: 0 2.11.2015

Goals and objectives:

    Summarize children's knowledge of fairy tales.

    Instill an interest in reading.

    Develop speech, thinking, imagination, interest, attention.

    Cultivate friendship, camaraderie, and curiosity during the game.

    Nurture love and careful attitude to fairy tales.


Fairy-tale characters, an exhibition of books with fairy tales, a dictionary, a poster “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”, a poster “Quiz”, words with the names of animals, a flower - a seven-colored flower, cards with questions (by color), tokens, medals “The best expert on fairy tales!”

Progress of the lesson:

Children's skit "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

2 children participate: grandmother and grandson.

Grandson. Grandma, tell me a story.

Grandmother. What kind of fairy tale do you want, grandson?

Grandson. Grandmother, are fairy tales really different?

Grandmother. There are fairy tales. They can do anything. Turn a swan into a maiden

build a silver palace, turn a frog into a princess, a young man into a mosquito

Grandson. And there are also tales about animals.

Grandmother. That's right, but there are no magical transformations in them.

Grandson. But these tales are very funny. In them the bear is good-natured, the hare is cowardly, and the fox is cunning. The wolf is evil.

Grandmother. And there are also fairy tales about men, soldiers, orphans. These are all everyday tales.

Grandson. Grandma, why does Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Grandmother. In a fairy tale, a lie turns out to be the most beautiful truth. The fairy tale teaches us goodness and justice. Teaches you to resist evil and despise cunning people. Teaches you to understand someone else's misfortune.

Grandson. Grandma, reading fairy tales, I also realized that they help me be kinder.

Grandmother. Attention, guys, we are starting an exciting journey in the world of fairy tales.


Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual activity. We will hold a game - a quiz. What is a quiz? Are you familiar with this word?

Now I will read to you how the word “quiz” is deciphered in the dictionary.

I know that you all love fairy tales very much, and now I suggest you go to wonderful world magic, into the world of fairy tales.

And a seven-flowered flower will help us travel. Each color will correspond to a specific task. For each correct answer you will receive a token. You must answer only by raising your hand, without shouting, or the answer will not be counted. At the end of the quiz, whoever collects the most tokens is the best expert on fairy tales.

So, we hit the road, but to get into the fairy tale we must find a means of transportation. Let's remember what the heroes of fairy tales rode?

D: carpet - airplane, stupa, ship, horse - little hunchback.

Imagine that you boarded one of the named vehicles and everyone went to the land of fairy tales.

Choose the color of the petal. We will leave only the white petal for last.

For each petal, the children say the words: “Fly, fly the petal through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back after making a circle.”

red petal

It's called a rhymer.

Well, guys, let's play?

I'll start, and you finish,

Just answer in rhyme!

He trembled before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (bun)

I met you in the forest

Very cunning...(fox)

In a fairy tale, the horse is not easy

Miracle - golden mane,

Amazing horse

By nickname...(Little Hunchback)

About a cozy house

We'll start a conversation.

There's a rich person there

Lived she drank tea,

The entire house burned down.

Well, think a little...

That's right, it's aunt... (cat)

The enemy of people and the enemy of animals

Evil robber...(Barmaley)

In the rivers of Africa for a long time

An evil log floats.

Whoever swims towards me,

Will swallow everyone... (crocodile)

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

Famous for kindness

This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special sense of smell for honey.

This is a plush prankster

Little Bear...(Winnie the Pooh)

He knows a lot about goat meat,

Terrible, terrible gray...(wolf)

Yellow petal.

It’s called “Based on the fairy tale “The Golden Key”.

His friends Pierrot and Arlecchino,

It's simply called...(Pinocchio)

Little man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was dusted with white powder, like tooth powder. (Pierrot)

A creature that looks a bit like a cockroach, but with a head like a grasshopper. It sat on the wall under the hearth and quietly crackled: “Cri-Cri.” (Cricket from Papa Carlo's closet)

The man was so scary in appearance that one could be frozen with horror. His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor. (Karabas Barabas)

Another man jumped out from behind a cardboard tree, all checkered like a chessboard. The funniest thing in this fairy tale. (Harlequin)

Curly pretty girl with a pretty nose. (Malvina)

On their heads they wore bags with holes cut for their eyes. One, wearing glasses, was limping with his leg, the other was holding a pistol. (cat Basilio and fox Alice)

Phys. just a minute


Let `s have some rest. Get up from your seats. I will read riddles to you, and you will guess them, but not say them out loud, but show the answer with gestures and facial expressions.

Instead of a nose - a snout,

Instead of a tail there is a hook. (pig)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked a brown paw. (bear)

He has 4 legs

Paws - paws - scratches,

A pair of sensitive ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (cat)

Where is the bolt of green mud,

A ballerina appeared.

She's on one leg

She stood until dark. (heron)

A flower flies over a flower

And it flutters and flutters. (butterfly)

Gray in summer, white in winter. (hare)

Lies - silent,

If you come, he growls. (dog)

Grayish, toothy,

Prowls through the fields,

Looking for calves and lambs. (wolf)

Not the clock, but in the morning the time tells. (rooster)

Choose the next petal.

green petal

The device on which Baba Yaga flew.

What was the name of the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale? The Snow Queen»?

The name of the boy who was carried away by the geese is swans.

The heroine of which fairy tale lost her shoe at the ball?

This girl was very small, the size of a walnut.

The second name for tablecloths in fairy tales.

The dwelling of Baba-Yaga.

Who wrote “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Knights”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”.

Choose the next petal.

Orange petal.

It's called "Oral Folk Art".

You need to guess what fairy tale we are talking about.

Someone grabbed hold of someone tenaciously,

Oh, there’s no way to pull it out, Oh, it’s stuck tightly.

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn one! ("Turnip")

He pounded and pounded the plate with his nose,

He didn’t swallow anything and was left with his nose. ("The Fox and the Crane")

But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (“Cockerel is a golden comb”)

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In a hoof hole. (“Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. ("Snow Maiden")

Are you warm, girl?

Are you warm, red one? ("Morozko")

At the pike's command,

According to my wish.

Well, bake, go to the king. (“Emelya”)

Phys. just a minute


Let's play. Can you scream?

Repeat after me.

Two slams, two slams

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Forged, forged

Scissors, scissors.

Running in place, running in place

Bunnies, bunnies.

Come on, together, come on, together,

Girls! Boys!

Choose the next petal.

Blue petal.

It's called "Animals in Russian Fairy Tales"

There are many folk tales about animals. And so some of the animals hid inside the words. You need to find them.



Blue petal.

It is named after the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.

What color was the cap of the girl from the fairy tale? (red)

What shoes did the cat from the fairy tale wear? (boots)

What time was Cinderella supposed to return from the ball? (12 nights)

Who saved grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (woodcutters)

How many daughters did the stepmother have in the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (2)

What was the nickname of the smallest hero in one of the fairy tales, who was the size of part of a hand? (boy - with - finger)

Who made an attempt on the life of the grandmother from the fairy tale? (wolf)

What material is Cinderella's shoe made of? (made of crystal)

What did Little Red Riding Hood need to do to get to her grandmother’s house? (pull the string)

We have the last petal left, white.

It's called "Portrait Painters".

Guess the riddle.

He is familiar to all small children,

Everyone loves him

But there are no such people in the whole world

You won't find one.

He is neither a lion, nor an elephant, nor a bird,

Neither a tiger cub nor a tit,

Not a kitten, not a puppy, not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it’s called...(Cheburashka)

Guys, you have leaves on your tables. The element is shown there fairy tale hero- Cheburashki. Now you will be artists. You need to finish drawing it. At the end we will make an exhibition of your drawings.

We took you on a journey through the world of fairy tales and visited 7 fairytale stations. Let's summarize the results of the quiz.

Count how many tokens you have.

Presentation of medals “The best expert on fairy tales!”


It is necessary to determine whether a particular fairy-tale object belongs to a fairy tale. Name her.

Sleigh - "The Snow Queen"

Pea - "The Princess and the Pea"

Shell walnut- “Thumbelina”

Duck egg - " ugly duck»

Needle – “The Frog Princess”

Jug – “The Fox and the Crane”

Ring – “ The Scarlet Flower»

Egg - “Chicken - Ryaba”

Horse – “Humpbacked Horse”

Fish – “The Tale of the Golden Fish”, “At the Order of the Pike”

Duck – “Grey Neck”

Apple – “Geese - Swans”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and 7 Knights”

Ax – “Porridge from an axe”

Bunny – “Kolobok”, “The Fox and the Hare”

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows,” said the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, and his words are more than true.
More than one generation has thought about the meaning of such simple tales, like “Ryaba Hen” or “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Cinderella”. “Ryaba Hen” is often interpreted from the point of view of the unreasonableness of old people who do not understand that it is more profitable to sell the golden egg as a whole than in parts, because in its original form it is a work of art, almost Faberge, while parts of the whole are just pieces precious metal. In "Little Red Riding Hood" they generally see it as a thriller, action movie, or even worse - horror, trying to prove that it is unreasonable to write such fairy tales for children. And we, ordinary readers, more often agree with the reasoning of amateurs, not knowing the deep essence inherent in the work.
Isn't it a horror genre when a maniacal wolf brutally deals with an old, helpless woman and a little girl by swallowing them? Why not an action movie when law enforcement officers - lumberjacks with axes - pounce on a murderous maniac? And why isn’t it fantastic when, before the “eyes” of an astonished reader, a truly fantastic action takes place: a criminal’s stomach is ripped open with an ax, and from there, “alive and unharmed,” victims appear? But in fact, these and many other fairy tales do not carry the meaning that we, in our ignorance, put into them.
What are they talking about?
I thought about these tales for a long time and found the answer not in critical articles, but in books on astronomy. It's banal and simple. Such fairy tales as “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella”, “Twelve Months”, etc., turn out to have astronomical significance. The ancients who came up with such tales were not as stupid as we think of them, and perhaps in some ways smarter than us. At least build something like this Egyptian pyramids to us, the owner of the highest technical progress, has still not been successful, and children's fairy tales written by modern writers are more primitive than those of our ancestors. In fairy tales of our time, the plot is based on everyday life, in fairy tales of the past - on cosmological knowledge. Let's look at the fairy tales we know from the angle of astronomy and see for ourselves that there is no triviality in them.
Let's take, for example, the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and look at main character not like a little girl whose mother gave her a red riding hood and sent her to her grandmother through the forest, where a hungry and cunning wolf prowls, but like the sun, our daylight, which appears in the sky in the morning and walks across the sky all day long until darkness engulfs his. This is why we will “dance.”
The sun in this fairy tale appears in the form of a little girl, and little because the morning sun really looks like a child. Little Red Riding Hood and the Red Sun are close in meaning. Mother, as everyone knows, is called nature. That's what people say - Mother Nature. Grandmother is the old, setting sun. The girl's journey from her home to her grandmother's house is a daily journey. daylight across the sky.
In the evening the sun disappears from the sky and does not appear until the morning. Night is a wolf. The wolf in the fairy tale swallows both the grandmother and the granddaughter, because the sun is swallowed up by darkness in the evening. The belly of a wolf is darkness, the torn belly is dawn. Morning is the lumberjacks. They rip open the wolf’s belly, and Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood come out “alive and unharmed.” The girl returns home, to her mother, that is, where she should begin her new journey through the forest (sky), in order to go again to her grandmother, that is, the evening sun. The basket of pies that Little Red Riding Hood carried to her grandmother is the goodness that the sun brings every day.
That's the whole code. One has only to think and apply this golden key to the magic door of a fairy tale, and everything will become clear and understandable. The fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” describes the daily path of the sun. In this “intricate” way, the ancients encrypted their knowledge and transmitted it in the form of allegories in fairy tales, myths and legends.
Let's turn to another fairy tale - "Ryaba the Hen", more naive, as it seems to us, and somewhat incomprehensible due to the strange and, in our opinion, unreasonable behavior of old people. But, before we begin to interpret it, we need to remember one more astronomical fact - the change of seasons. Even a schoolchild, not to mention adults, knows that the axis of our planet is somewhat tilted. Because of this, its rotation resembles the rotation of a top. And since it also moves around the Sun in an elongated orbit, there is a lot of sun in summer and little in winter. This happens because in summer the daylight rises high above the horizon, so the days become longer and there is more heat. In winter, the daylight moves low above the earth, as a result of which the days are shortened, and the nights, on the contrary, lengthen, and it becomes cold. This is what the fairy tale about the golden egg-sun is about.
In the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen,” the sun acts as a golden egg laid by a hen. The Ryaba hen in this case personifies nature, which gives birth to everything; an old man and an old woman are the human race. He is millions of years old, which is why he is depicted in the image of old people. According to the fairy tale, a grandfather and a woman are trying to break an egg. Beating the golden egg means working under (above) the sun. WITH early spring and up to late autumn people work on the earth from morning to night to get food for themselves. It was so millions of years ago, it is so now, it will be so in the future, and it is impossible to change this phenomenon, because this is the meaning of life.
The spring sun rolls across the sky like a golden egg, gaining strength day by day and rising higher and higher in the sky. In summer it is more generous and gives people the gold of its magical light. People welcome the sun and, like ants, swarm on the ground, growing bread and fruits. And then the day comes, which makes the sun different: it no longer rises as high and does not have the same power as before. The sun sinks lower and lower towards the earth and becomes weaker and weaker. And then the day comes when the daylight stands so low above the earth that, figuratively speaking, even a mouse can touch it with its tail. This happens on the day of the winter solstice, which falls on December 22. The sun dies, like an egg breaking in a fairy tale, signaling the end of its reign in the sky and its departure to another world. In winter the sun is dead, it shines but does not warm. A dim luminary, like a shadow, walks across the sky, bringing no benefit.
Of course people are sad at this time. Winter is coming, stingy and frosty, and you need to live until spring, so that you have enough for food and enough left for planting. But mother nature cannot help but console her children - the human race - and she tells them: “Don’t cry, everything will pass, and the young sun will be born again, grow and become strong, you will again go out into the fields and “fight for the harvest”” .
On March 22, on the day of the spring equinox, the days will begin to noticeably lengthen, and the world will, as it were, “warm up”, preparing for changes. The hen-nature will lay a new egg-sun, and everything will start all over again.
“Ryaba Hen” is a story about the state of the sun in summer and winter: the summer sun is a golden egg, the winter sun is a broken egg.
The fairy tale "Cinderella" reveals to us the same astronomical aspect: the change of seasons, but takes us to another fairy world- romantic illusion. This fairy tale is about how a poor little girl turns into a princess.
Cinderella is the winter sun, and the stepmother is the bitter winter. In winter, the sun cannot break through the black clouds - the anger of the stepmother. And no matter how hard it tries, no matter how hard it tries to break through the darkness and the thickness of heavy snow clouds, it cannot appear in all its beauty and strength. And the stepmother is angry and gives her stepdaughter one job, then another. But nothing scares the poor girl, there is no limit to her patience, and there is no end to her efforts. Cinderella will do something, and everything around will seem to shine, but the stepmother will frown and eclipse the radiance. This is how they live: one survives the world, the other tries in every possible way to survive, and even to please the evil woman. This is very reminiscent of the struggle between sunny winter days and cloudy ones. But this does not continue indefinitely. The hour comes when everything in life changes.
In a fairy tale, this is a ball, a summer ball. The stepmother does not want to take her adopted daughter to him, which is quite understandable, because she, that is, winter, wants to accommodate her daughters, let’s say a blizzard and a blizzard, in order to use them to influence the “politics” of the kingdom (nature). Cinderella suffers, falling into the power of evil intrigues. But in nature everything is natural, and just as good defeats evil, so summer defeats winter. Suddenly a fairy appears - the law of nature - who will not allow anyone to interfere in her sphere of activity and try to change the rules created by her. Nothing can stop the change of seasons, no matter who and what they try to do.
The fairy sends birds to help the girl sort through the mixed grains. Birds have always been the harbingers of spring. The spring rain, which should have washed windows and doors, not only washes the earth, but also renews everything. He also does difficult work. Turning from snowflakes into warm drops, the rain washes away the snow and washes the trees; it cleanses everything, making it bright and festive. But neither birds nor rain bring a new “outfit” to the sun; only nature has this prerogative, which appears in this fairy tale in the form of a fairy. Cinderella (winter sun) does not have the appropriate decoration, without which she will not be allowed to go to the ball, which means spring will not begin.
The Fairy turns the girl's old clothes into a golden outfit; spring sun brighter than winter, its transformation is obvious, like the changed vestment of a dirty man. But to get to the ball, in addition to a dress, you also need a carriage. And this is not difficult for the fairy: a carriage drawn by six horses appears. The sun at the summer ball will be exactly six months old. In six months, it will again become a winter, dim light, and consequently, the girl will turn from a princess into the dirty little thing she was. She will have to return to the house of her winter stepmother and, as before, carry out menial work. The evil stepmother will frown and get angry again. But nothing lasts forever. The summer prince should fall in love with the sun girl, who will look for a beautiful stranger, which is quite understandable, because summer brings the sun into the heavenly orbit, where it will reign for six summer months.
The storyteller, called upon to put the law of nature into the plot, could not give a different fate to the girl, no matter how much he sympathized with her, because the law of heaven is unchanged: one season follows another, and just as there is no eternal winter, it does not happen eternal summer, one pore will certainly be replaced by another. Therefore, everything should go as usual. But the fact that the prince, thanks to his power, brings the servant into high society is clearly visible in the fairy tale.
The ball in the nature palace, where the unknown sun princess met the summer prince, has ended. Six months of summer warmth flew by unnoticed. For six months the prince searched for a beautiful princess; for six months the poor girl lived in her stepmother’s house and worked for her. Only all bad things come to an end. The prince found his princess by her shoe - identification mark. The fairy helped the dirty little one transform. The prince married a beauty. He became the king and Cinderella became the queen. So summer began to reign again, which replaced winter.
“Cinderella” is a fairy tale about the change of seasons, and “The Twelve Months” is a fairy tale about the laws of nature that man cannot change.
The plot of this tale is simple: one widow sheltered an orphan in her house, but not out of good intentions, but out of a desire to have servants in the house. She forced her stepdaughter to do the hardest work, which my own daughter I wouldn't order it. But the meek disposition of the orphan girl helped her overcome all difficulties. The widow's daughter hated her stepsister, seeing her as a rival. The orphan girl was indeed very beautiful and pretty, and every day she became even better and more beautiful.
What could be more beautiful than the sun? There is nothing in the world better than a miraculous luminary.
The mother (winter) and daughter (blizzard) decided to snatch the orphan (sun) from the world. They starved her, did not allow her to sleep, and gave her work one more difficult than the other. But nothing helped: the orphan blossomed and turned into a beauty. Then the mother and daughter came up with something that would certainly have ruined the poor girl: send her to the frosty winter night into the forest for violets, which, as you know, bloom only in spring.
But fate-nature turned out to be favorable to the unfortunate girl and led her to the fire, around which twelve brothers-months gathered at once. Having learned the reason for this unusual appearance girls in the forest, January gave way to March. And a miracle happened: violets bloomed in the middle of winter, with which the stepdaughter returned home.
Mother and daughter were surprised not so much by the girl’s safe return as by the violets that she, in spite of everything, brought. Without thinking twice, they pushed the orphan out of the house and ordered him to bring strawberries. And again fate-nature smiled at the girl, January gave way to June, and the stepdaughter returned home with a basket of strawberries.
But it was not joy, but even greater anger that caused the stepmother and her daughter to return to the orphan. A new order followed: bring apples. And this time fate had mercy on the poor girl and again brought her to the fire of the brothers-months. The brothers were even more surprised, because winter is not the time for apples - there are still nine months until autumn. But there was no one to argue with, and the elder brother handed over his staff to September. And again a miracle happened: in an instant the buds on the tree burst, the leaves blossomed, the flowers bloomed and the ruddy apples ripened.
When the girl returned home, mother and daughter were so amazed that, without hesitation, they rushed into the forest to pick flowers, raspberries and apples, and at the same time everything that their hated stepdaughter had not noticed. But evil does not generate good; According to the fairy tale, both mother and daughter never returned from the forest, which meant the disappearance of winter from the scene of the year. The reader remains to understand that the desire of people cannot violate the nature of nature, cannot change its law.
The power of nature is stronger than the whim of man. Recklessness can be dangerous for the lives of the people themselves. If a person wants to reverse the law of nature, then she can “take revenge” on him. Man only considers himself the king of nature; in fact, he is weak before its forces.
The orphan in this tale, as in the previous one, is the winter sun, and her betrothal to March, which took place at the end of the tale, means the revival of the beauty and power of the sun. This happens on the day of the vernal equinox, which takes place on March 22. Everything in nature is reasonable and beautiful, and in people’s lives it should be like in nature.
The fairy tale “Kolobok” also has astronomical significance. The role of the sun here is played by the bun, and the role of the all-giving nature is played by the woman. The woman baked a bun, which means nature gave birth to the spring sun, and it took it and rolled away, that is, the sun rolled across the sky, but its path in this fairy tale is indicated not daily, but six-monthly. The bun rolls and rolls - and a hare meets it.
There is the constellation Hare in the sky. It is located near the constellation Orion, just under the feet of this majestic hunter. According to the fairy tale, the hare wanted to eat the kolobok, which he announced to him. But the constellation Hare is not dangerous for the daylight, and therefore it rolled on, safely passing this constellation.
The sun rolls further across the summer sky until the constellation Wolf meets on its way. The constellation Wolf is located near the constellation Centaurus. The wolf, just like the hare, threatens the kolobok with violence, but according to the fairy tale, the latter leaves this beast, and the sun safely passes this constellation in the sky.
The constellation Bear was the next one to meet the sun. This may be the constellation Ursa Major and the constellation Ursa Minor. But these constellations cannot change anything in the journey of the daylight across the sky. And therefore, the sun passes through these constellations.
The bun rolls further, and a fox meets it. The constellation Fox is located under the constellation Cygnus. When the fox saw the ruddy bun, she also decided to feast on it. Kolobok failed to escape from the fox and ended up being eaten by her.
This is how the fairy tale ends, this is how the triumphant procession of the daylight across the sky ends. On the June solstice (June 22), the days become shorter because the sun appears lower and lower in the sky every day. On this day it crosses the constellation Fox or a dark spot with the same name in the sky, which is located on Milky Way. The fox seems to eat the Sun, shortening its stay in the sky.
The Scandinavian epic about the giantesses Fenier and Meunier turning a magic mill also touches on the astronomical aspect. According to the tale, King Frodi had something priceless among his treasures: a giant mill, consisting of two huge millstones, which had magical power. One day his cousin-king gave him two giantesses named Fenya and Menya. Frodi ordered the slaves to grind at the mill, and from under the millstones began to emerge peace, prosperity, good weather and unlimited wealth. When the giantesses were tired, they began to ask for rest, but the king refused their request. The exhausted slaves turned the millstone in the other direction and plague, disease, conflicts and strife began to emerge from under the stones.
The weakened kingdom became the prey of King Meisinger, who took a magic mill with giantesses as one of his many trophies. He loaded the spoils onto the ship and now ordered his slaves to grind salt, since the lack of salt in his kingdom threatened with famine, because meat and fish went rotten in the warm season. When there was more salt than needed, the slaves asked their new master for rest, but also new owner, overwhelmed by greed, refused the giantesses. Then they began to rotate the mill at such a crazy speed that its “supports, although reinforced with iron, suddenly shattered into pieces.” As a result, the ship sank, and the mill and the giantesses went down with it. Since they did not receive an order to stop working, they continue to turn the millstones to this day. A Scandinavian fairy tale says that this mill is still in operation today, which is why the waters of all seas are so salty.
This allegory symbolizes the precession of the equinoxes. The axis and iron supports of the mill indicate the coordinate system of the celestial sphere and form a frame, the framework of the world era. Polar axes and colors form an invisible whole. When one part is displaced, the entire system goes into a new state. When this happens, the old device is replaced by a new one. Polar Star with appropriate colors.
When the system of the cosmic mill becomes clear, the fairy-tale allegory becomes understandable. Here an image of the structure (foundation) of the world era arises - that same celestial mechanism that has been functioning for 2160 years, when the Sun rises at the same four key points, as now on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes - in the constellations of Pisces and Virgo, on the days of summer And winter solstice- in the constellations Sagittarius and Gemini), and then slowly moves to the new four constellation coordinates for the next 2160 years. As a result of the precession of the equinoxes, the spring point will move from Pisces to Aquarius in the not too distant future. At the same time, the other three characteristic points will also move (from Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius to Leo, Taurus and Scorpio), as if a gear was switched in a giant celestial mechanism.
Fairy tales exist, but no one knows what secrets they are trying to tell. In the main characters, readers see only animals or people and understand only that in these wonderful stories, good always triumphs over evil. I would like people to be able to see fairy tales and what was originally inherent in them.
Shakespeare's Hamlet, who is the instrument of Fate, who, having fulfilled his mission, must leave the stage of life, is also the law of astronomical precession. But this is a fairy tale not for children, but for adults.
It turns out that Pushkin was right: a fairy tale is not exactly what it is written about. It turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, but “there is a hint in it,” which means that every or almost every fairy tale has a key to unraveling some phenomena, in this case natural phenomena. And for us, for modern people, this is a significant lesson that we must learn from this. By comprehending the small, we will comprehend the big. We must learn this ourselves and teach our children.

In some kingdom, in some state. There is a settlement, the city of Moscow. The King and his advisors reign in it. The people lived in this city and did not know sorrows, but unexpectedly the one-eyed Likho settled in the kingdom. A small evil creature who loves to mischief ordinary people, and in response to all their complaints to the king and advisers, he kept silent and came up with absurd excuses.
And so the common people gathered a squad in order to defeat Dashing One-Eyed, but that was not the case. Dashingly turned out to be cunning and in time told the princes and advisers that, they say, these people offend him more. And then the princes and advisers turned away from the human squad. And then the advisers sent their guardsmen to them, and they listened to the Russian rumor. The guardsmen listened to everything, shook their heads, and said that they understood everything, but could do nothing.
The people thought and realized that they needed to go to Grandma Yaga for advice. She is harsh, but fair.
Meanwhile, a sorcerer appeared in the state, he sent unprecedented witchcraft damage to the rivers and wells, and instead of water, brown and smelly slurry began to flow. This especially affected the latrine areas, and evil spirits came into the light of day.
One carpenter just had a lot of orders, everyone went to him and asked for plugs for critical places. And we still managed to cope with the little needed.
And so, a human squad came to Baba Yaga. She met them on the doorstep and didn’t feed them, but she allowed them to talk. And people told their grandmother about their fierce misfortune, about the one-eyed Likha who commits lawlessness, about the terrible sorcerer. The grandmother scratched her wise forehead, became thoughtful, and said:
- You need to wait. I will send my assistants on reconnaissance so that there is full picture what's happening.
She collected hedgehogs and squirrels and other forest creatures, and ordered them to find out, sniff out what was going on in the kingdom - the state.
How long did time pass, and the little animals came with news.
And they told Yaga what they had learned. The grandmother gasped, and her forehead became completely gray. The eyes became angry, the sky darkened, the wind whistled. The grandmother clicked her teeth and began to work her magic.
And thunder struck, and the Russian earth trembled. And a never-before-seen beast appeared - its paws were dirty, its back was dark, and its belly was light. His name was Tyapkin Lyapkin.
And Tyap-Blooper went to look for the truth in Mother Rus', and the people followed him.
They searched for the truth for a long time. We wandered through the valleys and villages for a long time. And then kind people came to the wonderful Miracle, and next to the miracle stood two good fellows.
They asked the fellows what kind of Miracle was this wonderful, wondrous wonder. And the fellows answered them:
- The miracle knows everything, sees everything. This miracle is overseas, its name is the Internet. You can see a lot of known and unknown in it.
And the Russian people reached out to see the miracle. And they began in their few ranks to look for a parish clerk, trained to read and write.
A thin clerk came out to them, and with long beard unkempt. He himself smells of onions and moonshine and he says to them:
- Well, what do you lay people want?
- We want to find the truth, find out how to fight the one-eyed Likh. He acts dashingly, I can’t save him. God is high, the Tsar is far away, he does not hear the rumors of people. The boyars hid their faces in their beards and sat in their corners, filling their purses, eating and shitting. But the people do not know how to cope with this scourge. Ask the kind young man from the wonderful Miracle what we should do.
The clerk took out a pen and paper and scribbled something.
He pokes the Miracle with what he has written, the Miracle is silent. Those fellows who guard the Miracle deigned to say:
- Put this parchment on the table and wait.
They laid it down, walked away, and began to wait. Then the little mouse came running. Called a scanner, she ran over the sheet of paper, her eyes sparkled, and she went to the Miracle for a report. The Miracle lit up and began to blink. It buzzed, groaned and said:
- Invalid input.
The clerk became sad, strained his brain, took a sip of the bottle and said:
- The power of demons.
The Overseas Miracle lit up more than ever before, and unknown symbols ran across the smooth surface. The people tensed up in anticipation, began to pray and bow with their foreheads. And the Miracle was all holy and buzzing...
Days and nights flew by, people settled down next to the Miracle and waited, but it kept shining, blinking, and began to make strange sounds.
The miracle thought for a long time and, in the end, revealed a wonderful face and said this face:
- You are not trained in miraculous literacy, so ask questions. I'll listen.
And the people told the wonderful face their burdens and the face began to think.
Suddenly a white hare came running, pressed his right ear to the Miracle, and covered his left with his paw. He blinked his eyes, waved his tail, and the wonderful Birch bark came into the world with a letter of petition. And the face said to the people:
- Go to the royal palace, hand over to the king this parchment, righteously written, and wait for God’s judgment.
The people thanked the wonderful miracle as much as they could and got ready to go home.
How long or short, but they came to the royal palace. The people gave the magic Birch bark personally into the hands of the king and the Tsar said:
- Go home, I will administer justice.
People believed and went home.
And in the kingdom a hitherto unprecedented work began to boil...

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