Origin and character of the name Elvira. What does the name Elvira mean for a girl: full description

The name Elvira means “all-truthful,” “benevolent,” “true,” “cautious,” “protecting everyone.”

Origin of the name

Elvira is a female name that has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the origin of the name Elvira is associated with the ancient German word meaning “all-truthful.” According to another version, this name comes from the male name Alvar and can mean “benevolent”, “true”, “cautious”. Some researchers point to possible Spanish roots of the name Elvira. In this case, it is translated as “protecting everyone,” “protecting.”

Characteristics of the name


From early childhood, Eli clearly exhibited leadership traits. The baby knows how to defend her point of view and get what she needs from others. Although, at first glance, she seems to be a quiet, calm child. But this impression is very misleading. Eli's character has enough stubbornness, iron will and cunning.


Adult Elvira is usually a powerful, self-confident woman. Having a stormy temperament, the girl does not show nervousness in petty situations. She has diplomatic skills. And if she understands that a scandal in a certain situation will only harm her, she is able to control herself.

Elvira, although quick-tempered, will not hold a grudge for long. She has a wonderful character trait - quick turnaround. She understands that all people have their own shortcomings, and she shouldn’t be offended by them for a long time.

In friendly relationships, Elvira also tries to be a leader. At the same time, she is distinguished by great loyalty and will never betray her friends.

She is too susceptible to flattery, and with age she increasingly feels superior to other people. At the same time, she attracts people with her ability to understand others, subtle humor, and the ability to adapt to any circumstances.


As a rule, he is looking for a profession that involves movement and frequent travel. She can be an excellent sports coach and manager. In addition, Elvira often strives to occupy a leadership position, which in many cases leads to conflicts among her subordinates. The girl knows how to turn people against each other.

Personal life

A woman with this name is able to devote herself entirely to family life if she truly loves a man. Otherwise, she will make both her life and the life of her husband unbearable.

Name compatibility

The name Elvira goes well with the patronymics Ivanovna, Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Rinatovna, Maratovna, Alekseevna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Alexey, Leonid, Kirill, Dmitry, Daniil, Vyacheslav.

Name day

Elvira's Orthodox name day:

  • June – 14;
  • July – 11, 16;
  • August – 21;
  • December – 26.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Elvira: Elvira Danilina, Elvira Repetto-Trisolini, Elvira Lindo, Elvira of Castile.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Elvira - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Elvira. Elvirka, Elya, Ela, Ella, Elyunya, Elusya, Elyusha, Vira, Elvi, Elva, Alva, Ilya.
Synonyms for the name Elvira. Elvira, Elvira, Ilvira, Alvira, Alvira.
Origin of the name Elvira. The name Elvira is Tatar, German.

The name Elvira has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Elvira is of Germanic origin, and both the translations and the appearance of the name are different. Translated from the ancient German language, Elvira means “all-truthful.” Or this name was derived from the male name Alvar, which has various meanings of “benevolent, benevolent,” “faithful, true, real,” or “cautious, vigilant.” There is an assumption that the name Elvira appeared from the names of German-Scandinavian spirits (elves, elvars), which were symbolized by ancient peoples with fertility.

According to the second version, the name Elvira has Spanish roots and is translated as “protecting, protecting everyone.” This name is often used among the Tatars, and has a variation - Ilvira.

Elvira is characterized by such traits as determination and perseverance. In the sound of the name one can hear notes of aristocracy, and from all this it becomes clear that Elvira’s character will be authoritative and confident.

Elvira has such a quality as leadership. Eli has had the ability to defend his point of view and be demanding of others since childhood. She has a very stormy temperament, which manifests itself in various conflict situations. This woman has a very strong character. She will never allow herself to become nervous in small situations. Elvira understands people perfectly, it is almost impossible to deceive her. She is quite diplomatic and knows how to use this quality when communicating with people. In addition, Elvira has an iron will. She is quick-tempered and emotional, but at the same time quick-witted.

Her difficulty in understanding others is not conducive to a thriving career. To achieve good goals in her work, Elvira needs to pacify her character. But the role of a housewife does not suit her either. Elvira dreams of leading people. Sometimes it seems that she was already born with a thought-out plan for her life. Luck and success accompany Elya, but if she is disappointed in herself, she fails in almost everything.

In friendship, Elvira also strives for leadership; she is too proud. But she will never betray those whom she considers true friends. As she ages, her dissatisfaction with society becomes more and more intense, and she feels superior. Unfortunately, excessive pride makes Elvira too susceptible to flattery. And not entirely good people can take advantage of this. All negative qualities in communication are smoothed out in Eli due to the ability to respect people, as well as an excellent sense of humor. She is good at adapting to the social circle around her. She has equally developed qualities such as objectivity and subjectivity. Throughout her life, Elvira feels the need to devote herself to one thing.

Family life for Elvira is either everything or nothing. The golden mean is not for her. When Elvira loves, she is ready to lay the whole world at her lover’s feet. But if she is disappointed in her chosen one, then she herself will turn her entire family life into ruins. Living with Elya is not so easy, because there are a lot of masculine traits in her character. However, Elvira is able to devote her entire life to her ideal.

Famous people named Elvira

  • Elvira Nabiullina (Russian economist, statesman, Minister of Economic Development of Russia)
  • Elvira Repetto-Trisolini ((1860 - 1922) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Elvira Kokorina (ballerina, teacher, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Classical Dance at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet)
  • Elvira Avakyan (Soviet animator and animated film director)
  • Elvira Danilina (Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Elvira Khasyanova (Russian athlete, performs in synchronized swimming, Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, winner of the World and European Cup)
  • Elvira Todua (goalkeeper of the Russian women's national football team)
  • Elvira Menendez ((880 - 921) Queen of Galicia from 910, Queen of León from 914, first wife of King Ordoño II of León)
  • Elvira Bolgova (Russian actress)
  • Elvira Baryakina (modern writer)
  • Elvira of Castile ((1071 - 1151) illegitimate daughter of King Alfonso VI of Castile from his mistress Jimena Muñoz)
  • Elvira Minita Gordon ((b. 1930) was the Governor General of Belize from independence in 1981 until 1993. The first woman in the Commonwealth to serve as Governor General)
  • Elvira Ramirez ((c.935 - 975/c.986) only daughter of King Ramiro II, during the childhood of her nephew, Ramiro III - regent of the kingdom of Leon (966-975))
  • Elvira Arellano ((born 1975) an illegal immigrant of Mexican origin, who gained fame in the North American and Latin American media thanks to a widespread campaign against the deportation of illegal immigrants, leading to a separation from their children, most of them minors born in the United States, and therefore having legal status)
  • Elvira Popescu ((1894 - 1993) French theater and film actress of Romanian origin)
  • Elvira Notari ((1875 - 1946) Italian film director)
  • Elvira de Hidalgo ((1892 - 1980) Spanish opera singer (coloratura soprano))
  • Elvira Gascon ((1911 - 2000) Spanish artist)
  • Elvira Lindo ((born 1962) Spanish writer and journalist)
  • Elvira Nicolaisen (Norwegian pop singer)
  • Proud, principled, intractable. Quite ambiguous, the complex cocktail of the girl’s character has been causing trouble for her family and friends since childhood. At first glance she is calm and balanced, but upon closer acquaintance she is demanding, courageous and unpredictable.

    Despite the fact that the upbringing process can correct and direct the baby’s restless energy and assertiveness in the right direction, the bad character will still remind itself of itself.

    However, this does not mean that the girl is trying to go against the established rules, it’s just that her priorities are slightly different from the generally accepted ones.

    From an early age, the baby shows leadership qualities and stands up for all the weak, zealously fighting for justice. The girl will not spare those people whom she considers her enemies. However, many of the young lady's enemies later become her friends.

    Friendships are very important and quite difficult for a girl; her exactingness often leads to conflict. A young lady attaches great importance to her environment and friends; she can sacrifice a lot for them, while demanding the same from her loved ones.

    All her life, Elvira needs to set serious goals for herself and achieve them; this is the only way a girl can achieve success and prosperity. A woman can devote her life to any one goal (serving God, helping and caring for people with disabilities) and will follow her calling even though she doesn’t particularly like it.

    Origin of the name Elvira

    It is not known for certain where the name came from. The origin of the name Elvira is based on several assumptions. According to the first, it was formed from the combination of two words of ancient Germanic origin “al” (the etymological translation of “all, all”) and “wer” (which means “truth”).

    The history of the second assumption has German-Scandinavian roots, and is based on a combination of the names of the ancient Elvars, which in ancient times were considered symbols of fertility.

    Elvira, whose name was derived from a modification of the Arabic name Ilfira (“patriot”), is the third guess. The etymological translation of Elvira from Latin is light, sunny, ruddy.

    When you first meet, you get the impression that the woman has practically no shortcomings, but after long-term communication with her, the negative aspects of her character are also striking.

    But you shouldn’t think that the characteristics of the name Elvira consist of only shortcomings; like any person, a girl has her own pros and cons of character.

    Among the advantages, the most dominant are kind-heartedness, warmth, a penchant for self-sacrifice, aesthetics, and has natural talents for drawing, modeling and forecasting.

    A huge disadvantage in character is a woman’s mental imbalance, which can affect both family life and health and career.

    Elf in the modern world

    The name Elvira allows its owner to be a principled, independent person and good-natured at the same time. Parents and close friends may call her for short Elya, Eva, Ella or Vira.

    Each owner of such a name has a complex character since childhood. Girls grow up to be principled and not accommodating. These capricious traits are reflected not only in relationships with loved ones, but also in the future, when girls try to build relationships with guys.

    It is common for the girl Elvira to manipulate others, stopping the same attempts towards herself. Compromises, persuasion and ultimatums are not suitable for raising girls with this name.

    Therefore, future parents need to look for an individual approach to raising their baby from the first years of birth if they decide to give her the name Elvira.

    The meaning of the name Elvira suggests that without proper upbringing, girls and young women grow up self-centered and a little selfish. Therefore, the approach to convincing the baby will need to be thought out more than carefully.

    Elvira's inherent ambition does not help her achieve good grades for her school certificate or diploma.

    Maximalism and stubbornness will interfere with her studies and, in particular, in interactions with teachers and teachers. Regardless of the strong-willed character, selective qualities will manifest themselves more often than the desire to please someone.

    From a wayward girl, Elvira grows up and turns into a purposeful person who will only do what can truly interest her.

    At a more conscious age, Elvira’s character will be complemented by a desire for leadership, which will manifest itself in almost everything. It is worth noting that she will always be able to justify her point of view, thereby perplexing her interlocutor.

    An extremely reserved girl, Elvira will not allow herself to be nervous over little things. Although, in more significant situations, she can flare up and show excessive emotionality. This quality does not particularly affect Elvira’s compatibility in friendship and love, since she is quick-witted.

    Fate does not deprive girls with this name of friends. In her social circle there will always be a couple of people who will come to the rescue in difficult times.

    The character of the matured Elvira practically does not change. She remains as strong, purposeful and uncooperative. Lack of desire to pacify your character will create minor difficulties on the path to heights in your career.

    Girls rarely have romance. This means that not only feelings are important to them, but also common goals and a sense of unity with their partner. The meaning of the name Elvira suggests the owner’s tendency to dominate the family, but if the husband turns out to be weaker than the girl, then such an alliance leads to the collapse of the relationship.

    It is very rare for a young lady to have a good relationship with her husband in her first marriage. The second marriage often becomes the last and happy one. Having learned the negative experience of previous relationships, the young woman tries to avoid mistakes made in the past.

    The owners of this female name dominate in bed, preferring variety. They feel calm and comfortable in the absence of intimacy for a long time; for them, not only intimacy itself, but also personal sympathies are of great importance.


    Elvira copes with all household chores excellently. This means that the children are fed, clean and obedient. She uses the “carrot and stick” method in raising children. Mostly boys are born to women.

    However, due to her unusually complex nature, the woman’s relationship with her husband’s relatives does not develop particularly smoothly. The girl will not attach great importance to criticism and advice from friends, preferring to deal with the situation herself.

    The interpretation of this name says that a woman will try to maintain order in the family circle and will not allow herself and her household to be commanded even by her parents.

    With all her abilities, a young girl will not be able to contain her restless energy within the four walls of the house and become a good-natured housewife. With prolonged occupation of one household, a girl can turn into a “grumpy woman” who will not give life to either her husband or children.

    The same qualities will not be the best for your personal life. The role of an accommodating and humble housewife is clearly not for her. The meaning for the name “Elvira” suggests that it is difficult for such women to build a family. In most cases, this is due to the wayward disposition and shortcomings characteristic of these girls.

    As for her personal life, here it is also not acceptable for Elvira to look for a “golden mean”. She is unlikely to be able to combine career and family. Therefore, for her, a family hearth is either everything or nothing.

    The search for a soulmate and building romantic relationships complicate the difficult nature of girls. But if they truly fall in love, they are ready for much. Even pacify your temper and work on your shortcomings.

    At the same time, if her chosen one gives reason for doubt, or worse, disappointment, she will turn the family hearth into ruins with her own hands. The main thing for her is that her husband corresponds to the ideal that she draws in her mind.

    In general, family life with girls whose name is Elvira is not easy. It is complicated by the character of the owner herself and some masculine traits inherent in her.

    Those who are interested in what the name Elvira means for building family relationships need to be prepared for the girl’s tenacity. Overshadowing most of the virtues, the desire for leadership will not benefit the relationship. This quality will be relevant if the chosen one himself gives up the “reins of power.” Having received dominance in a couple, she will show only her best qualities.

    Surprisingly, the meaning of this beautiful name Elvira defines her as a housewife who copes well with her responsibilities. Being loved, she is ready to restrain her restlessness, devoting herself completely to her husband and children.

    Such a woman will become a very strict mother, because the meaning of the name Elvira implies a predominance of masculine traits in her character. At the same time, it cannot be said that such a woman will be grumpy and demanding without a clear reason.

    Fortune and fate will be favorable to girls whose name is Elvira if she remains calm in stressful situations and when she suffers defeat. In addition, they should not be disappointed in themselves when the “streak of bad luck” drags on.

    A woman can handle almost all the work. In a career, the meaning of the name Elvira suggests that its owner occupies a fairly high leadership position, but only on condition that the girl works closely on her character.

    Traits such as being bossy and unwilling to compromise can be detrimental to career advancement. And ambition and excessive self-confidence make the young lady susceptible to flattery. She attaches great importance to her appearance, which means that flattering words can slightly dull a woman’s vigilance.

    The mystery of the name

    • Stone – agate, beryl, jasper, amber.
    • Zodiac sign – Virgo, Gemini.
    • Name days - July 16, August 21.
    • Color – yellow, orange, purple.
    • Flower – violet, lily.
    • Planet – Sun, Mercury.

    Famous people

    • Elvira Ibragimova (1986) is a rising star in the television and film industry. TV presenter of the rating TV channel of Kazan - “Efir”, starred in the film “Treasure of Boar Island”.
    • Elvira Bolgova (1975) is a Russian actress, known for the films “Tests for Real Men” and “The Abyss.”
    • Elvira Nabiullina (1963) – Russian statesman, economist, minister of economic activity of the country. Read more:

    Name forms

    • Full name - Elvira.
    • Diminutive and abbreviated form - Elya, Ella, Vira, Elusya, Elunya.
    • Derivatives of the name – Elvirka, Elvirochka. Name options: Ella, Ilvira, Vera, Alla.
    • Elvira is not listed in the Orthodox calendar. However, you can consult with a priest, who will choose a name that is consonant or close in meaning and meaning to the child.
    • Declension of the name: Elvira-Elvira-Elvira.

    Elvira means "truthful", from the Old German words “al” (everything) and “wer” (truth).

    There are other versions of the meaning of the name:

    • - perhaps the name Elvira comes from the Arabic name Ilfira, translated meaning “patriot”;
    • - there is a version that the name came from elves - the names of German-Scandinavian spirits that ancient peoples associated with fertility. According to this version, the name means “resident of the country of elves.”
    • - some believe that the name comes from the Spanish language, and means “protecting, protecting.”

    The name Elvira is common in the Scandinavian countries, Germany, Latin America, as well as in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Since ancient times, girls with high social status have been called this name.

    To name your daughter Elvira means dooming her to a bright future.

    Angel Day: This name celebrates name days several times a year: June 14, July 11 and 16, August 21, and December 26.

    The most common short form of the name is Elya. Ela, Elka, Elvirka, Elyunya, Vira, Eva are also used.
    Diminutive options - Elyusha, Elyusha, Ellie, Elchik, Elvirochka, Elvirushka.

    In English, the name Elvira is written as Elvira, and is usually also written throughout Europe, with rare exceptions: in French Elvira is Elvire, in Finnish Elviira. A popular shortened version of the name is Elli.

    Usually Elvira has a rich imagination, fantasy, a penchant for analytical thinking, developed intuition, and a vivid imagination. Its main feature can be called ambition. She often justifies her actions as some kind of necessity, but usually she simply instinctively strives for success. She can be ready to literally sweep away all the obstacles in her path, so she should think about the correctness of such a life choice, and those around her should take note of this.

    "Elvira - Mistress of the Dark"
    actress Cassandra Peterson

    Elvira's childhood

    Elvira's parents have had to deal with difficulties since childhood, so it is better to be patient. The daughter is usually overly independent, stubborn and has a strong will - so you won’t be bored. It is almost impossible to convince her; It is absolutely useless to try to manipulate her. Willy-nilly, one has to master the professions of a psychologist, educator and tamer. Sports sections can help out - let your energy and strength go into physical exercises and team games. At school, Elvira does not show much effort, except for her favorite subjects - if there is personal interest, then her performance will always be at its best.

    In general, we can say that everything depends on proper upbringing. If you fight bad character traits from childhood and develop good ones, Elvira will experience happiness and success in life.

    Adult Elvira

    Elvira's element is conflict, competition, authority and uncompromisingness, and with age the sharp edges of her character become even sharper. She is a true leader - she understands people well, knows how to defend her point of view, is very demanding and knows how to get her way, and her temperament helps well in conflict situations. Another plus is that she is very easy-going and calms down quickly.

    Among friends and relatives, Elvira softens, communicates with pleasure, and has fun. She has a great sense of humor, but it’s still difficult to be friends with her - she doesn’t listen to other people’s opinions, and loves to impose her own.

    The most important thing for her in life is to choose the right area of ​​activity and the goals that she will achieve. Her qualities such as determination, assertiveness, prudence and practicality are especially in need of implementation. The goal can be anything - from a business career to charitable activities. Her abilities will help her achieve success in any field, unless her habit of crushing everything in her path gets in the way.

    Elvira T

    Patrons of the name Elvira

    • Zodiac – Gemini, Virgo
    • Color - orange, brown, purple
    • Auspicious day- Thursday
    • Treasured plant– cinnamon, mint, violet, daisy
    • Tree – fig
    • Patron name– dolphin, peacock
    • Talisman stone – agate, jasper, beryl
    • Planet – Mercury.
    • Totem – Monkey.

    Love, family and marriage

    Elvira is a very attractive girl, for whom it is very important to look good. Thanks to the peculiarities of her character, she is more comfortable among men than among women - so she has no shortage of suitors. She is in no hurry to choose a spouse - freedom and independence are very dear to her, so she gets married quite late, as a rule - out of love, but with a bit of prudence. Remarriage is not an uncommon situation for her, but she knows how to learn from mistakes and does everything possible to make the new relationship successful and long-lasting.

    She is a wonderful housewife, but she is not able to immerse herself in routine and everyday life for a long time. The only exception here may be children - she spares neither money nor effort for them. A man sometimes has a hard time with her, but he can rightfully be proud of his wife - and many openly envy him, as the owner of a stylish, predatory and unpredictable woman.

    Full name: Elvira

    Similar names: Elvir, Elvira, Ilvira

    Church name: -

    Meaning: benevolent; protective; faithful

    The meaning of the name Elvira - interpretation

    Elvira is an attractive female name used in different countries around the world. There are several versions of its origin. The most common opinion of experts connects it with ancient Germanic roots. Translated from German, Elvira means “all-truthful.” This name comes from the masculine Allovera, which means "benevolent", "kind", "faithful", "true", "vigilant". Some linguists suggest that Elvira is related to the name of the German-Scandinavian spirits - elves and elvars. The latter were revered by ancient peoples as a symbol of fertility. There is a possibility that the specified name has Spanish roots. Its translation is “protector”, “protector”. Muslim families also give their daughters this name. Translated from Arabic it means “patriot”.

    Name Elvira in other languages

    Astrology named after Elvira

    Favorable day: Thursday

    Years later

    At an early age, Elvira is a restless and inquisitive child. The girl loves active games and enjoys attending dance and sports clubs. The baby is impulsive and not planned. She can be interested in any activity, but this will not last long. From the first years of life, the baby has a strong inner core. Elvira is proud and proud. She finds it difficult to establish contacts with new people. Parents should pay attention to the development of such traits as kindness, friendliness, and generosity.

    As a child, Elvira grows up restless, rushing to do everything and everywhere. The girl has little interest in studying; she is much more interested in playing with her peers, various active sections and clubs. Elvira is not systematic; once she gets excited about one idea, she can just as quickly lose interest in it. But the girl already has a strong inner core. She is proud, proud, and doesn’t just get along with people. Parents should pay attention to these qualities; kindness, peacefulness and tact should be developed in Elvira. Over the years, Elvira’s poor qualities can only worsen - this will greatly ruin the girl’s life.

    The correct process of education contributes to the correction of character. But Elya still becomes a difficult teenager. Her priorities are somewhat different from traditional and generally accepted ones. The girl has the makings of a leader and is inclined to protect weaker people. The latter turn into devoted friends to her. Elvira is demanding, which often becomes the cause of conflicts with loved ones. To achieve success in life, a girl needs to learn to determine priorities and goals, and move towards their implementation.

    In friendship, Elvira also strives for leadership; she is too proud. But she will never betray those whom she considers true friends. As she ages, her dissatisfaction with society becomes more and more intense, and she feels superior. Unfortunately, excessive pride makes Elvira too susceptible to flattery. And not entirely good people can take advantage of this. All negative qualities in communication are smoothed out in Eli due to the ability to respect people, as well as an excellent sense of humor. She is good at adapting to the social circle around her. She has equally developed qualities such as objectivity and subjectivity. Throughout her life, Elvira feels the need to devote herself to one thing.

    What does the name Elvira mean? The meaning of the name Elvira from the point of view of numerology is characterized by the number 7, which indicates people who are able to express themselves to the greatest extent in the field of philosophy, science, art and even religion. However, their success largely depends on the ability to plan their own activities and analyze past experience.

    Women named Elvira are patronized by two amazing plants - lily and violet. The latter gives the fair sex a sense of self-esteem, which is especially evident in adulthood. Elya is faithful and constant in regards to love. She is ready to idolize her man. The lily is a symbol of royalty and wealth. Having correctly used the acquired knowledge and experience, Elvira is able to achieve a lot in the professional field.

    Elvira's character

    Elvira's positive qualities are dominant, despite the fact that she also has shortcomings. These include kindness, determination, activity, determination, an excellent sense of aesthetics, a tendency to self-sacrifice, natural charm, and talent.

    Elvira has such a quality as leadership. Eli has had the ability to defend his point of view and be demanding of others since childhood. She has a very stormy temperament, which manifests itself in various conflict situations. This woman has a very strong character. She will never allow herself to become nervous in small situations. Elvira understands people perfectly, it is almost impossible to deceive her. She is quite diplomatic and knows how to use this quality when communicating with people. In addition, Elvira has an iron will.

    The key disadvantage of a woman with this name is the tendency to psychological imbalance. Losing self-control, she is capable of uttering a lot of unpleasant and unfair words.

    While regretting what she did, it is not a fact that Elvira will be the first to apologize. She is characterized by some pride - she would rather expect an apology from her opponent.

    Elvira's fate

    Since ancient times, this name was given to daughters who were wished for financial well-being and a high position in society. Fate is demanding of Elvira. She needs to develop and sharpen her strong character in order to establish a balance between softness, femininity, purposefulness and determination. Success awaits women accustomed from childhood to work and good manners.

    Aristocratic roots are often manifested by an increased desire for self-education, the desire to have an impeccable appearance and the desire to enter the circle of high society. Elya has inexhaustible optimism, which allows her to overcome any difficulties and adversities in life with ease and a smile on her lips.

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies

    Career, business and money

    Elvira is practical and calculating. She chooses a serious and responsible profession - tax inspector, production technologist, chief accountant, politician. In business, a woman feels like a fish in water. Success accompanies in any field. He has a mediocre attitude towards money, but appreciates high-quality and expensive things.

    Elvira perfectly understands the psychology of other people, which is why she can become a teacher or take a leadership position in any company. But if she wants to engage in trading or financial activities, she will need an adviser who can direct Elvira’s thoughts in the right direction.

    Marriage and family

    The owners of this name get married several times. It is difficult to establish life with them. They demand a lot and almost never compromise on their principles. Elvira has good relationships with flexible and very balanced men. This woman is a good housewife and mother. But she is not ready to give up her career for the sake of her family.

    Elvira marries for love, but with some calculation. Next to her, she wants to see a wealthy man who will be ready to completely obey her and carry her in his arms. Elvira is not the most diligent housewife; everyday life and household responsibilities weigh on her. Over time, she learns to find a compromise between household chores and personal freedom; she tries to delegate housework to specially hired staff.

    Sex and love

    Elvira is not a romantic person. She attaches importance to feelings, but considers common interests, goals and plans to be more valuable in a relationship. Only a person with a strong will and a sharp mind can become the chosen one of such a woman. For Eli, sex is not essential. She calmly manages without intimate relationships for a long time. Does not tolerate coercion and violence.

    Elvira is very beautiful, she has regular facial features, a slender figure, and the girl knows how to present herself correctly. At the same time, her beauty is somewhat cold and aloof; Elvira lacks sensuality, but her pride and quarrelsome disposition are palpable. Elvira has many fans, without their attention the girl simply dies. But Elvira is in no hurry to choose just one betrothed; her own freedom and independence are very dear to her, she does not want to lose them.


    The name Elvira gives its owner excellent health. In her youth, she can work tirelessly, maintaining good moral and physical well-being. A woman’s weak points are the gastrointestinal tract, spine and musculoskeletal system.

    Without learning to control emotions, Elya risks acquiring neuralgic and psychological diseases. To stabilize your internal state and health, cardio training is recommended.

    Interests and hobbies

    Elya prefers male activities that match her character. Her hobbies include fishing and sports. The woman loves to travel and take care of pets. She can't live in a house without a cat or dog - something will always be missing. She handles a pet no worse than a veterinarian.

    Elvira is determined and persistent in achieving her goal. Similar traits appear in the owner of such a name even in childhood, and as she grows up, it becomes clear that she will become confident and powerful. Elvira is a true leader. She knows how to defend her point of view, is quite demanding of the people around her, and her violent temperament is best manifested in conflict situations. Elvira is difficult to deceive because she has a great understanding of people. A girl named Elvira has an iron will, sometimes she is hot-tempered for no particular reason, but more often than not she quickly “cools down.”

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