Is it possible to live life without having friends? The right path: how to live life correctly.

You can compensate by communicating with your family, at work, or in some other way.

Friendship is like a miracle, it rarely happens, you can try to find friends, but there will be no guarantee.

You can live, of course. I mean, physically you won't die. But the quality of life is better if you have close people (friends).

How to overcome such a barrier?

And for some it is important to have friends.

And if you feel the need, but there are no friends, it’s worth figuring out why this is so.

Your opinions, ladies and gentlemen. I DON'T WANT THERAPY HERE, I JUST WANT TO GET OPINIONS. Your opinions

You can live without friends. If the need for friendly communication and joint activities compensate with something else.

And another question: do you think that by the age of 30 it is possible to improve memory? She's not brilliant to me, and because of her I often find myself in idiotic situations. I said something, and at the next meeting I repeat the same thing.

P.S. I probably look like an idiot now.

Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist supervisor

Minsk (Belarus)

I live somehow. I had one friend at school and that was it. My friends are plants))) It’s difficult to be friends with people. Friendship with me makes them spoil and become impudent, exposing their primitive, animal essence.)))

Wait, you’re probably an Angel in the flesh)


It is possible, but life becomes very impoverished. And then you can know yourself through another. And when there is one person, how can you get an idea of ​​yourself?

Psychologist, Analytical Therapist

But of course, we are social creatures, sort of.

Is it possible to live life without having friends? (Unified State Examination arguments)

Is it possible to live life without having friends? I think not. Every person needs a friend who can lend a helping hand in difficult times, share joyful moments, talk about the most intimate topics, having common interests and views on the world.

But there are situations when a person is ready to help, but another rejects him. And yet, everyone decides for himself whether to live alone or have true friends.

This theme is most clearly manifested in Ivan Goncharov’s work “Oblomov”. In the Oblomov family, the cult of food, idleness, and sleep prevailed, and Ilya strictly followed this. Ilya’s friend was the active and ambitious Andrei Stolts. After a while, Oblomov began to get fat from such a life that he could barely even move. Stolz finds it hard to believe that Ilya has become such a person. Andrei cannot just leave his friend to die.

He decides to help him. Stolz found a girl for Ilya, hoping that he would fall in love and he would have the strength to overcome the illness. And so it happens. Oblomov falls in love, but soon this love passes, and Ilya returns to old life. He rejects all Andrei's attempts to help him. The author shows that Oblomov does not want to change and put no effort into it. Shtolz realizes that it is useless to help if a person resists, not wanting to accept help. Soon Oblomov dies alone, leaving behind only his son Andrei, who is raised by Stolz and Olga.

Tamara Kryukova’s story “Kostyanika” also talks about friendship. A young man, Kostya, falls in love with a girl, Nika, whose legs were paralyzed. And so that she doesn’t feel different from everyone else, Kostya spends a lot of time studying with her. They listen to music together, read books and discuss them. One day Kostya invited Nika to a picnic in the forest. He took out a cart, laid out a blanket and put her there. They went to the blueberry farm, where they had a wonderful time. Kostya set out to get Nika to her feet. He did it with her physical exercise to strengthen muscles. Nika did not believe in healing, since she had already been to the most outstanding doctors who could not do anything. But still Kostya managed to instill hope and faith. Soon Nika overcomes the disease and gets back on her feet. The author focuses our attention on the fact that friendship and strong feelings can even cure illness.

Thus, the exact answer to this question No. But I believe that in life we ​​should have friends, because living alone is very difficult than when you have a friend.

Is it possible to live life without friends? (School essays)

IN modern society The expression “go over your head” is becoming more and more common. This phraseological unit means achieving your goal by any means, without thinking about the consequences that can cause pain to many people. In the end, a person who has achieved his goal, but has lost his friends, begins to realize that how lonely he is in this world full of selfishness. In this case, the question arises: Is it possible to live life without having friends?

I believe that it is possible, but what kind of life will such a life be? What is life in general? For me personally, life is not just a stage of a person between birth and death, or miserable, monotonous, repeating days. But something valuable, given to us by God for a higher goals. Without friends, life becomes dull and loses all meaning. A person without friends simply goes crazy, withdrawing into himself, in his feelings and experiences.

The main characters from Russian classical literature also thought about this question. One of them was the landowner Plyushkin from N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls.” Once upon a time, the landowner had everything he needed to be happy. His own estate, family, wife , children. Before the death of his wife, Plyushkin was a completely normal, hospitable person. but after the loss of his beloved wife and dear friend, the landowner became incredibly stingy and suspicious. He seemed to cut himself off from the rest of the world, abandoned his peasants and turned into a half-crazy old man.

I believe that a person needs friends. At least in order to have support in difficult times. In conclusion, I want to say that friends are kindred spirits who can understand, support and guide in a difficult period of your life. Without friends, a person cannot enjoy life, he begins to withdraw into himself and slowly fade.

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545. Is it possible to live without friendship?

(296 words) Each of us understands that it is possible to live without friendship, but such a life can hardly be called full. Without this kind of relationship, we are lonely and unhappy, because we have no one to count on in difficult times, no one to trust our experiences and thoughts, and no one will help us notice our shortcomings in time. Therefore, to live a full life, you need to make friends and be able to be friends.

In the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov has friendly relations with Razumikhin. Thanks to a friend main character At least he didn't die of hunger. A friend found part-time jobs for him, visited him, and made sure that Rodion lived normally. From a practical point of view, Razumikhin was more adapted to the realities of St. Petersburg. He constantly found opportunities to survive in a large and dangerous city, where the romantic and exalted Rodion could not stay afloat alone. Without friendship, which awakened some bright impulses in the hero’s sick soul, Raskolnikov would have completely gone crazy. He, of course, would not have died without friendship, but life without it would have been twice as difficult for the hero.

Another example can be found in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Andrei Bolkonsky helped Pierre Bezukhov in every possible way to adapt to society and understand its unspoken laws. They tried to deceive the inexperienced young man and instill in him a leisure activity consisting of vicious entertainment. The prince warned him and protected him from rash actions. Without him beneficial influence Pierre would not have realized that the frivolity of the world was not to his liking. Bolkonsky's friendship set him on the right path. Could Bezukhov have done without her? Yes, but then he could easily disappear into the whirlpool of vain light, lose himself among hypocritical and immoral people.

Alone, it is more difficult for a person to cope with the temptation to lose his true “I”, to betray his moral principles, because no one will stop him, no one will show attention and participation to him. Also, no one will help out in difficult times, no one will give a helping hand if you do without friendship.

Essay “My favorite toy is a bear”

Is it possible to live without friends?
Is it possible to live without friends? You can compensate by communicating with your family, at work, or in some other way. Friendship is like a miracle, it rarely happens, you can try to find friends, but there will be no guarantee. Live
Is it possible to live life without having friends? (Unified State Examination arguments)
Is it possible to live life without having friends? author of the Unified State Examination Arguments
Is it possible to live life without friends? (School essays)
Essay on the topic Is it possible to live life without friends?
545. Is it possible to live without friendship?
The final essay-reasoning in the direction of “friendship and enmity” using the example of Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” and Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”.

(Visited 37 times, 1 visits today)

Let's find out what needs to be done in life so that it is long and, most importantly, happy, and how to live life so that at the end of your life life path do not suffer from missed opportunities. Of course, some may find this incredible. challenging task, especially to those who believe that the old saying “living a life is not a field to cross” is mostly true. However, there are ways to significantly simplify your life and significantly improve its quality. We'll talk about them.

How can you live your life

Many will answer: in different ways. Of course, but better than good. Let’s remember our movie: “It’s good to live, as they say,” and the response: “And living well is even better.” There the material side was meant. But who prevents us from combining all sides in such a way that they do not interfere, but complement each other?

Let's start with your desires. No, not from what you want in this moment(ice cream, new decoration or new mobile phone or a car, computer, etc.), but with global desires. These desires can be different: for some it is a family, for others it is a good interesting job, bringing a certain income, for someone - material enrichment, for someone - power, for someone - self-realization, for someone - health, etc., etc. This list can be continued for a long time. We are interested in why these desires are not realized. You see, in order for something to come true, you need, firstly, to want it very much, and secondly, to devote a large (with emphasis on the “o”) part of your time to the implementation of your plans.

I will not answer your question: “How should I live my life?” How can I? You can only answer it yourself, but I can tell you how you can achieve what you expect from life. And the main point here is - desire something. Believe me, if you really want something and strive for it, you will definitely achieve a result, and a very tangible one. Well, now about specific desires.

How to live a happy life

Let's take the topic of material well-being as an example. Here people like to blame everything on the authorities: they say, they won’t let us live normally in this country, the government is to blame for everything. Guilty, of course, but... no more than yourself. What are you doing to become richer? I did not understand and do not understand people who are ready for a salary of 5-6 thousand rubles a month to do some kind of work that takes everything away from them free time. Work should not turn into slave labor. Ask yourself a question: why do you not want to leave such a job, why are you afraid? Remember: it is at the expense of you that others - those for whom you work - get rich, and you have the power to change this. Let them get rich, but not at your expense. Go to a place where they will pay you not 5-6, but 10-12 thousand to begin with - the first step to improving your financial situation, isn’t it? Think you won't find another job? There's a lot of work right now. I am not kidding.

Now you are sitting on the Internet and reading this article, which means you definitely know how to use a computer. Well, why are you sitting? The possibilities that the Internet provides today are almost limitless. This way you will gradually reach a completely different level of income that you had only dreamed of before. The main thing is not to be afraid of change. Believe it or not: most of those who die unhappy were simply afraid or too lazy to change something in their lives. Moreover, most often they only needed to take what came into their hands. That’s why don’t interfere with the natural flow of events: accept what comes to you, and discard what doesn’t go without regret.

How to live life happily: love

The same applies to our next topic - favorite pastime. Ideally, such an activity will bring us satisfaction, joy, and good income. But this is ideal. If it does not bring income, each person reading this article can find a job that is not too burdensome, but provides his basic needs. Everyone, which means you too. You will also have time for activities for your soul.

Now about family or loved one. Look at the colossal number of dating opportunities today! This includes work, groups of friends, various events, and, of course, the Internet. You know, many of those who lived earlier, in past centuries, would probably die of envy seeing this. But for some reason there are more and more lonely people. And the reason is very simple. They reason like this: theoretically I’m not against it, but in practice - oh well, this personal life. Well, you have to buy flowers, invite somewhere, and for a girl - look good all the time, take care of yourself, and besides, oh horror, leave the house often! But on the Internet everything is simple - we create an image, which, however, we are then afraid to meet, because in reality we are completely different. Here's your solution - don't pretend to be anyone, just communicate, and the necessary meeting will happen one way or another. The most important thing is a strong, unbearable desire to be happy and have happy family. Everything will work out, just don’t throw away opportunities: go somewhere, don’t miss opportunities at work, if you met someone virtually, don’t delay in turning this relationship into a real one. It's simple!

How to live life better

Of course, everyone decides this for themselves, but a few simple rules, which we will formulate from our conversation, will help you significantly improve its (life) quality.

  1. It is always better to seize the opportunity than to be indecisive. Even if you get a negative result, you will have no regrets and the suffering will pass, because at least you tried!
  2. Do not depend on the opinions of others about how to build your life, both globally and in its individual aspects. You can listen, but you can only trust yourself to make the final decision. No one knows better than you who you should live with, where you should work and who you should love.
  3. Don't be afraid to change something in your life. A familiar and calm way of life is good only when it completely suits you. If something goes wrong, open yourself to change, it won’t be worse than it was. If you leave your old job, you will find something better; if you break up with the person you loved, but who made you suffer, you will find something better. Believe me, this is true. If you want, everything will work out.

Here are just three rules that will tell you how to live your life, and most importantly, how to live it happily. I have no doubt that you will be happy, just believe in it and take steps in that direction. These can be big steps taken from time to time, or small steps taken regularly. It doesn’t matter how or how many, it is important that they are done. Even with a small effort you can achieve a lot - let alone significant ones, and especially regular ones. Good luck to you!

Hello, Gena!

For several years now I have been working for different jobs, I observe the same situation - after about a year I come to the thought “Strange, is this really the job that I liked so much a year ago?” It’s doubly strange that I continue to realize all the advantages of this job - flexible schedule, nice, friendly people in the team. I still partially like even fairly monotonous duties, but... I increasingly want to “cut down” the necessary things, spend less time at work, and instead lie and read books at home :(

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

The easiest way is to blame all this on your current job and quit, but... I'm almost sure that this will only add problems that are not in the work, but in me. As you know, you cannot escape from yourself. What scares me is that I seem to be incapable of being seriously involved in any task and bringing it to the end, of planning time, of motivating myself.

The “ease” of this work turned out to be the fact that I, in fact, did not fulfill any of my personal plans for self-education, creating new stories, and making money. Everything eventually returned to its previous level, terribly similar to what I felt on previous work- there is not enough time for anything (even to put on makeup properly in the morning), a feeling of fatigue from routine, helplessness, anger at oneself.

All the advantages of a free schedule are “eaten up” by the fact that I don’t know how to plan my time (more precisely, I don’t know what exactly I can spend it on usefully, so I spend it on what’s pleasant). There is chaos in the house, a mess at work, and a feeling of anger at oneself in the soul. And the fear is to wander in this vicious circle forever, or rather, to walk through the same rake again and again.

What I see as the problem is:

1. The desire to live “little by little,” “no worse than others.”

As my parents always said when I was trying to improve something, “perfect is the enemy of good.” The parents themselves lived and still live by this principle. They really are “no worse” - home, work, order in their affairs, respect for their social environment, but, as you can easily understand, the salary is very average, the work takes a lot of effort, and there is no talk of any “background” for retirement age. Apparently, I partially inherited this, because the very idea that I need to set myself goals above average and not just set them, but work towards them every day, really scares me.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

2. The absence of a “Magic kick-off” in the form of the need to urgently change what is there.

3. Lack of necessary abilities?

I left this point in question because I’m not completely sure that I really can’t achieve what I want. What I want is to understand this strange recurring situation and begin to change it in better side. And if I really want to daydream, I want to do what I love (or learn to love what I’m doing), I want to learn how to build my life myself and know that I like this kind of life.

But... after I sorted out the situation with myself on paper, I can’t help but think that I missed something, since I didn’t understand what to do in the end, how to remove the rake. Maybe I, stewing in the situation from the inside, just don’t see something?

I wish you all the best!

We live because we are forced to do so - we are forced to live. And when you do something forced, does it give pleasure? In a global sense, judging by the letters I receive, many of us are unhappy with our lives. And if you are dissatisfied with something, but cannot refuse it, what remains? Come to terms with it. It turns out that we have come to terms with our life, and we live because we cannot give up on it, on life.

Answer honestly - if someone offered you to give up life and you knew for sure that this was not a sin and you would not go to hell for it, would you refuse?

Most likely not, right? But why? If this life is just a forced agreement to live, accepted not by force, but in the absence of choice, why not stop it. Personally. Take and close your life, like closing a business, family or friendship.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

The answers to the question are in the following areas:

    Because it's a sin. This answer takes into account the Supreme, God. Let's not take it apart. All clear.

    Because it's scary. It's scary to die. It will hurt and all that. But in a general and global sense, this is the fear of death and its cause is our bio-survival instincts. With this everything is also quite clear.

    Other options to consider below.

We have no reason to live other than the fact that we already live. Think about this idea for a moment.

In all religions and religious systems there is an idea, that is, after death. We cannot verify whether this is true or not, but the idea itself is pleasant. At least there is hope that the resulting life can be relived in the next incarnation. But to prevent believers from rushing into the next life, there is a ban. Let's imagine that this ban does not exist.

Let's assume that we are adherents of a religion that offers the following postulate: . Let us assume that we have no fear of death. Well, we are such strong-willed people. Would you end your life in this case or not? I'm sure not. Do you know why?

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

Each of us, deep down in our souls, knows and understands that there is no afterlife No. That’s right, there really is no life after death, and accordingly, there is no soul and everything connected with it. But this is a difficult realization.

It is difficult to understand that after death you will not exist, but you need to understand this and here’s why - as long as you admit the thought that some next incarnation is possible for you (or life in paradise, for example), you are postponing your life . If you clearly and fully realize that there will be no incarnation, you will die, and that’s it - almost the entire picture of the world, which is built on Christian and any other religious dogmas, collapses.

Society needs the idea to reduce the degree of doom and mental illness in people. is a Hindu idea. - Christian. - these are Calvinists. And so on and so forth:

Let's assume that you have realized to the core that there is nothing other than what is. It got through to you. It dawned on me. Enlightenment has descended. How will you feel? Most likely it sucks. And the reason? And the reason is that you immediately realize that you are something very fleeting, and therefore not having any importance or significance. You are there, you are not: Who cares? Millions lived, but who remembers them? A few remain in memory, but you won’t become like that, therefore: You’ll die and that’s it. Dot.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

It is very difficult to give up an idea for a person who considers himself a nobody and is going to make his life nothing. The soul doesn't just hurt. She is bursting with sadness!!! . When such a person realizes that life is fleeting, he sighs with relief.

According to my observations, when people understand that their life is fleeting, a small number, 10 percent, become more active - to live everything that is possible until it is over. And the majority, 90 percent, give up. - you can answer such a person. But he is stubborn, so he answers: .

And this is a valid question. What's the point in all this? And here is the answer: .

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

This idea that life and humanity in general, as well as the life of any person in particular, is a meaningless and aimless activity - this is the most difficult and difficult thought for our consciousness, for our brains, for us. But you need to understand it. For what?

To be puzzled by the question.

If you look at humanity as a whole, then yes, the value of everyone is decreasing. But if you look at human actions in particular, you understand that there are people who are important and necessary for society, since they move this society forward.

But what's the point of moving society if everything is meaningless? Good question? And so that the life of society becomes meaningful.

It’s stupid to sigh over the meaninglessness of life, and here’s why - who will fill your life with meaning for you, except yourself? This is the first thing. And secondly, they usually look for the meaning of human life in solving some tasks set by God. But they don’t exist, since there is no God himself, since there is no eternal life and everything else. And the meaning of human life is that it lives and develops. If it doesn't develop, it will die out. So the meaning of human life is in the development of life itself. More specifically, in the distribution of our habitat. She worked before us wild nature- populated the entire earth. Now it's our turn to populate space.

This is the biologically programmed meaning of human life - to expand the habitat of earthly life, first on the planet, and then further. This is the law of life development. The main and basic law.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

Why life itself? No need. It just appeared. She just is. There is no meaning here, but there is a given. And if it exists, then the meaning of its existence is animal reproduction and self-propagation. The essence of life is animal reproduction. In a global, all-natural sense.

It seems that all this is so far from me specifically that this conversation is completely meaningless. Well? Why should I care about populating space? But everyone cares about this - the particular is deduced from the general.

If the meaning of human life is to expand the habitat, then the meaning of life for each of us follows from this.

The logic is this: what does it take for humanity to populate space? Society needs to be ready and capable of this.

What does this require? So that people are mentally healthy, and society itself is financially rich.

What does this require? Start with myself - so that I personally am mentally and physically healthy and rich, again mentally and physically.

What is needed for this? In order for me to become like this, I need my personal meaning in life, otherwise I don’t understand why I should become like this.

And the key question arises: “Where can I find the meaning of my life? How can I find out?” All questions are in you and all answers are in you. Other people can only give a reason to think and suggest in which direction to think. And thinking and getting the results of thinking is your concern.

The first step towards realizing the meaning of human life is to understand yourself. Logical?

If we do not follow this logic, then we are going against our biological instincts. Instincts are strong, a fact, but the human mind is even stronger. Therefore, if we do not have an answer to important questions, we plunge into apathy and melancholy and suppress our instincts. A struggle begins in the body, which manifests itself in the physical destruction of the body, and we quickly die. My opinion is that if you follow the proposed and simple logic, then you can extend your life very, very significantly - for centuries, I’m sure, but this is a topic for another conversation.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

The logic described above is correct, if you do not set yourself the goal of proving the opposite in order to convince yourself that it is worth dying as soon as possible. But many objections to personal and spiritual growth are caused by precisely this deep-seated desire to die as soon as possible, since there is no meaning in all this for this particular person.

What to leave behind and is it necessary?

Another manifestation of this logic in our lives is what is inherent in the majority of those living today - a depressed state of mind, sluggish apathy, and the reason for all this is understanding.

This idea is motivation for many people. I wonder if you have ever wondered what the power of this thought is? Why is she so strong? I offer my option - the desire to leave something behind is an attempt to realize the idea. It is clear that there are no other worlds where the soul ascends and all that, but I want there to be. And if you really want it, then something will come up. And it came up - this is an attempt to turn the dream into reality. This is a way to create your own personal world after death.

And finally, everything said above is not a dogma, but an idea that also has its own development. The next step is the realization that in fact life after death exists, just not for everyone. Only for those who have become significant person, and managed to capture his image in.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

Here I start from the idea that we all live in the biosphere of planet Earth. We all create this biosphere. Since we, who create this biosphere, are intelligent beings, then what we create is also intelligent, but this mind is of a different order - over-mind. We are part of this over-mind. If many people think about us, then the overmind imprints their image on itself, and thus we receive eternal life. Well, or until we are forgotten. As a result, it turns out that desire is a craving for eternal life and a way to make oneself immortal.

For example, can we say that Pushkin is dead? Yes, his body has long been dust, but he is imprinted in the memory of many people - in the general unconscious, to use Jung’s language, or in the over-mind, to use my idea. In this sense, he is alive. Another question is whether what is imprinted in the overmind is aware of itself as Pushkin’s personality, but this is no longer the topic of our reflections in this article.

Now let's get back to Yulia's letter. The question was: . Answer: .

In a global sense, Yulia needs an answer to the question.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

But, reflecting on all these globalities, we should not forget about specific personal effectiveness. Julia writes: . Well, if you can’t, then you have to learn. It's easier than becoming immortal :-). Here is a letter on this topic below:

Hello, Gennady!

I'm ready to move on to the next block of the course. The previous part became for me that “awl” that, apparently, was so lacking before. Now I constantly center my thoughts around the idea of ​​what is not so long left. It's like brainstorming.

I have too little time, but I can still get a lot done. Where to start? Every morning I start by clearly formulating for myself what I NEED to do and what I WANT to do. Sometimes, however, I still “break out” of this, i.e. I take some unconscious steps, out of inertia, out of habit, but I note them and write them down in a special diary.

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

In one column I write down the actions that I did unconsciously and the time that I spent on them, and in the column next to it - those actions that I could devote this time to (favorite activity, call my mother and tell her how I love, etc.). This helps me a lot!

Now I want to get used to trusting myself and believing in my strength. I want to understand more clearly which of my desires are truly mine. And how exactly to implement what I already remembered, because the fear that “you won’t succeed” sits inside.

With respect and wish for a speedy continuation, Yulia

Topics of the article: Life. Human life. Lifestyle.

Most readers are now expecting to see another top 10 advice from a guru on all issues, who in a few minutes will change the idea of ​​life with advice on what to eat and when to go to bed, so that life sparkles with all its colors. However, today we will not offer you algorithms on the topic “How to live your life not in vain,” we invite you to take part in a discussion of how to force yourself to simply step aside and look at yourself from the outside: at your day, at your plans for tomorrow.

Let's try.

How to look at your life from the outside - the first part of the experiment

The importance of each event is determined by his personal attitude to the situation - this sounds like a banality, but it is not. Let's do a little experiment right at home, alone with ourselves. Take a regular tea mug and a handful of small items - for example, walnuts. Let these be the most important aspects your life, but precisely aspects, not tasks. For example, one nut may be “health care”, another “time spent with children”, another “creative pleasure”, etc. Let the mug fill up, because in fact, each nut is the most important thing that we We see it for ourselves, but alas, we cannot always realize it.

Second part of the experiment

Isn't it true that the mug - "our life" seems complete? But look how much space there is between the large nuts. Take a handful of pine nuts as much as you can scoop. Each nut represents tasks and plans, dreams and goals. There are so many tasks in our lives that it makes no sense to list them. It's going to work, doing a project, saving for a vacation... just dump all the tasks into a mug and make sure they fit easily between the important aspects of life. It’s more difficult with dreams, because we often confuse what we want with a simple to-do list for tomorrow. But try it.

The penultimate part of the experiment

Well, is your life a success? Look, it's almost full. But what about what we do in reality? Where are our evenings on social networks and hour-long conversations on the phone about nothing? Where is watching a TV series, clicking through the channels on the remote, scrolling through parties filled with alcohol? Take this exact mug of water and slowly pour it into your life. So how? Surprisingly, why we live in reality, why we wake up every morning and what we strive for in the evening, also fits perfectly between the aspects of life, plans, dreams and tasks.

Drawing conclusions

Why did we ask you to do all this? Just for the last two steps, which will clearly convince you that changes in your life are still necessary. We have just poured a full mug of water into our lives, and the liquid has been successfully distributed among our dreams, goals and priority aspects. Don’t be too lazy to fill the empty mug with water to the brim again, only this time don’t pour it anywhere, but even vice versa - take a few walnuts and try to put them in the water.

Happened? The water poured over the edge, and hardly one or two nuts (important aspects of life, as we remember) could balance on its surface. And now - unpleasant. Look at both mugs that are full and honestly point to the one that is truly your life. And if after this you do not feel an unpleasant bitterness in your mouth, then you - happy man. Or morally dead. One out of two.

Beggar banker

What we described to you in a clear example of how the absolute emptiness filled with everyday bustle gradually becomes the basis of our life, displacing everything that has at least some real value, is well described in his post by a certain John, a 46-year-old American, considered successful a citizen of his country.

A successful banker with a family, a lot of money and a position in society, as if he had hit a blank wall, he came across the realization that his version of how to live his life was only suitable for two lines of a boring obituary at the end of his life. A dreamer in his youth, a talented young man who had envisioned a career as a writer, suddenly realized that he had become morally impoverished, left without a family, without plans for the future, without understanding why he needed to wake up in the morning. And he, like a chilling appeal, like a cry from his painful soul, throws out into society, to everyone who accidentally came across his post in the wilds of the Internet: “People! If you still have life left in you, live! Do crazy things, travel, help without looking back everyone you can! Leave a mark, because we are what we leave behind!”

The pain of memories is dearer to us

Already in the course of our first experiment, you were able to determine what constitutes the real value of your life, its priorities, its smaller, but so necessary tasks. You have refreshed your memory of your dreams and, perhaps, have already asked yourself the following question: how to live your life not in vain? What to spend on this clean roll of parchment of indefinite length, which is still spread clean in front of us?

You may have noticed that in our circle of life there was no place for nostalgia - we did not reserve even a cedar grain for memories and here’s why. The past is an amazingly powerful whirlpool that can take away a significant piece of online life. A person immersed in memories falls out of reality and freezes for a long time in sleep mode, and positive emotions from the past are no less destructive than negative ones - we at least try to drive them away, but we go headlong into joyful nostalgia, losing precious time.

Don't be proud of the past if you have nothing to be proud of in the present, don't regret the past if you didn't have what came later. Each of us has our own deadlines for fulfilling our desires, and trying to fish out from the depths of bygone days the emotional base that formed their basis is no more exciting than tearing open tea bags in order to sow a tea plantation - pointless and stupid.

What do we live for?

Why do we live? IN childhood such a thought does not occur to us, since the answer to this question lies in a person much deeper than an adult bothers to look, and a child, in fact, lives only by the depth of his own perception. Children are generally not characterized by superficial judgment; this diplomacy comes to us over the years. For them, everything is very clear - we live to enjoy every minute, to enjoy so much that even 15 minutes for lunch seems like an annoying waste of time.

For a preschool or younger child school age one can explain that parents must work, but to try the same situation on himself - that he will have to sit in a stuffy office or pore in a workshop from 8 am to 6 pm is unthinkable for him. He understands that he was born for someone else - he wants to build beautiful houses, and not breathe cement dust, come up with new toys, and not agonize over drawings to create them. In every profession, he first of all sees its colorful side. Often a day spent with dad at work, when a child sees how his father painfully waits until the end of the working day, plunges little man in shock - how, is this the concept that life is good?

The destruction of illusions is considered the first step in entering adult life. “He’s growing up,” the parents will say, not realizing that the foundation of the correct foundation is leaving the child’s life. life position- nothing should hinder the enjoyment of life. And the work where we spend 50% of our lives is even less than anything else.

The final part of our little conversation should be crowned with some kind of moral, like this: “Now you know exactly how to live your life not in vain.” However, returning to the beginning, we repeat - this is not a manual or a set of step-by-step actions. Any guideline is the same algorithm, suggested by someone for a specific purpose, and it is strange to think that the task of some stranger will be to create your personal happiness.

Carry out the experiment that we wrote about, then make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and just calmly think, but not about how to live your life not in vain - after all, these, in essence, are nothing more than words. Think about what your very last look back at the past will be like - a look without evaluation and comparison with someone else, where it is not a successful deal that flashes before your eyes and it is not the pride of a new promotion that makes you smile.

Just think.

What is friendship and what are friends in our lives? Each person evaluates these concepts individually for himself, and it cannot be accurately called universal even within one country. However, be that as it may, the very word “friendship” in any corner of the planet will have a kind of sacred meaning, because it has always occupied a special place in human life.

Is it possible to live life without having friends? If we approach this issue with direct cynicism, we can safely say that a person can calmly live life without friends, as well as without love, but what kind of life will it be and will it have meaning? In other words: is life worth living without human warmth, without support, without moral and peace of mind, without mutual sorrow and mutual joy in order to live it? And is life without friendship a life in full meaning this word - or is it simply existence? In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin is presented to us as a man with a cold and calculating mind: all his life he used people for his own personal purposes and never experienced either warm feelings of friendship or, as it seemed, tender feelings true love. However, following the chronology of the novel, we pay attention to many significant details, from which we conclude that the main character not only does not know how to communicate in a friendly way: from childhood, he so carefully destroyed in himself any impulses of affection for a person, that with age he simply forgot how to make friends, although people worthy of his affection appeared in his life. This was, for example, Maxim Maksimych, and Werner was completely similar to Grigory Alexandrovich in his hobbies, attitude towards life and towards people - an ideal candidate for a friend. Pechorin had the opportunity to “talk about everything as if he were talking to himself,” but he missed this chance, choosing loneliness as a preference. At the end of the novel, we learn that our hero has lost all desire to live, has not found any meaning even in travel, and, it seems to me, if he still at least sometimes shared his own experiences with people, opened up to at least someone, allowing him to help solve his problems, then perhaps his life would have turned out completely differently and would not have ended so tragically.

The hero of the novel I.S. is in a similar situation. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Bazarov, like Pechorin, is an extraordinary personality: all his life he has followers and admirers next to him - but not friends. And maybe the reason lies in the fact that Bazarov did not know how to make friends, maybe he was too demanding of the people who were next to him, or maybe he simply did not come across worthy and interesting personalities. But, in any case, it seems to me that there were no real friends capable of understanding the complex nature of Evgeny Bazarov, capable of helping him, suggesting, reassuring him, and even Arkady, who considered Bazarov to some extent a friend, himself perfectly understood that he had never will not be able to know how this person feels. Did Bazarov lack friendly support, friendly understanding? I think yes. That is precisely why his death is as tragic as Pechorin’s death: by denying love, friendship, art, he drove himself into rigid boundaries, deprived of all satisfaction from life and lost all meaning of his existence.

Life without friendship, without love, without emotions is meager, boring and meaningless. It is certainly possible to live it, but it seems to me that there is absolutely no point in this.

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