Scripts for performances based on Chukovsky's fairy tales. Speech therapy holiday in elementary school based on Chukovsky’s fairy tales

Script for an instructive performance for older children before school age with adults
(based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”)

Target: Teach preschoolers rules safe behavior on the roads.


1. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules.

2.Develop observation, speed, reaction of movements.

3. Arouse interest in children and good relations each other.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions with children on the streets of the village to the roadway

2. Conversations, observations, practical exercises at transport sites at the kindergarten site and in the hall,

3. Reading works on the prevention of DDTT

4. Participation in regional, municipal, garden competitions on the prevention of DDTT, watching cartoons, presentations, videos about the rules of DDTT.

Musical accompaniment: tape recorder, piano.

Progress of entertainment

Narrator Good Doctor Aibolit, he is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment, both the cow and the she-wolf,

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone good doctor Aibolit!

(Aibolit enters, humming a tune, sits down, begins leafing through the encyclopedia)

Narrator And the Fox came to Aibolit.

(Fox enters, paw at the ready, rollers on his shoulder, bump on his forehead)

Fox: Oh, my body hurts,

Aibolit: What's happened? And what hurts?

Aibolit will help you now

(examines Lisa, she sings to the tune of the song “We Rode on a Boat,” folk music, lyrics by the author)

Fox I was rollerblading along the wide highway,

For some reason I ended up in the oncoming lane.

In the forest, they say, in the forest, they say,

They say a pine tree grew,

But this tree was knocked down by a girl on roller skates!

Mommy scolds me, daddy doesn’t give me any freedom,

I come home from skiing, he’s waiting for me at the gate

And I, he says, won’t leave it to you, he says,

I'll make you learn the rules of movement!

(cries, shakes his paw and holds his forehead)

Aibolit: Well, Lisa, I’ll prescribe it for you

Lotions on the paw, lotions on the forehead,

I’ll also write you directions (writes)

This is why you go to school, dear friend,

We have a school of traffic light sciences.

The director there is Lev, he is very strict,

I hope you will learn every lesson.

And soon you will recognize all the road signs.

And, of course, you will be more careful!

Narrator And then the Monkey came running,

(a monkey runs in, trembling.)

Monkey: Oh, Mishka scared me yesterday,

And now I'm shaking

Aibolit: Don't tremble! It's better to say everything in order.

Monkey (sings in fear to the tune of the song “Conversation with Happiness”

from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”, music. A.Zatsepina, words by the author)

1.Someone suddenly knocked on the door in silence

Are you sleeping or not, we want to check

Friends invited me to play ball.

We played football on the road yesterday.

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door slammed,

An animal jumped out of the car.

I didn’t recognize him right away because it was dark.

He grabbed our pink ball, he started to jump on it,

It turned out that it was a Bear and began to growl and roar at us!

2. He growled and shouted that he was in our way

Everyone's tails, paws, ears, legs will be crushed,

After all, there are playgrounds for this.

You need to play there - everything will be fine.

We want to know all the rules - where can we animals play?

We had a good time on the road, the ball rolled quickly, easily,

But cars are here and there,

They honk and don’t let us play, they don’t let us play.


Aiboli t: Let your friends know: you can’t play on the highway!

Don't run out onto the roadway,

On the road NEVER! Don't play ball!

I'll prescribe you valerian with tea,

you won't tremble anymore, Monkey!

(gives a bottle of valerian. Sits down, writes directions)

Aibolit: I’ll write out directions for you to school,

So that you know all the traffic rules!

The director there is Lev (shows in photo)) he is very strict

You will have to learn every lesson so that your parents are calm.

And you weren’t scolded by drivers on the highway! (The monkey leaves)

Narrator: and then Gray wolf came running, he was shaking a little too

(a trembling Wolf enters.)

Wolf: I have completely stopped distinguishing the colored lights of traffic lights,

Help, Aibolit, help !(sings to the tune of the song “Bouquet”, music by A. Barykin, lyrics by the author)

1. I rode my bike for a long, long time, I didn’t slow down at the traffic lights,

Suddenly, from the left he loudly signaled to me

Huge, huge blue Zil.

2. The driver grabbed me by the collar and sullenly pointed at the traffic light.

If the red light is on, he said,

So you need to stand then!

Narrator: And Aibolit said

Aiboli t: No problem,

Come here again tomorrow.

Let's study colors together, I'll help you distinguish them!

(sits down, writes)

Aibolit: Here's another direction for you,

Tomorrow you will go to school at dawn,

There is a school of traffic light sciences,

You will study there, my friend,

You will know the colors of traffic lights and always drive according to the rules!

(The wolf leaves)

Narrator: Here again a new beast has knocked on this door

(the cat comes in and limps)

Cat: Oh, I'm a cat, oh, I'm a Cat, help me a little!

I was closing the car door, my paw hit the door,

My heel hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Cat ( sings to the tune of the song “Go away, close the door”, lyrics by the author):

There were nights, there were days, they were boring,

before I took out the loan, I bought a Mercedes,

Only I didn’t know the rules and drove at random,

on the bridge, oh my God, the guard shouted to me:

Come out, close the door, you are not friendly with your head,

If you don’t know the rules, you can end up injured.

Well, you exceeded the right and overtook two,

This is double overtaking, it is prohibited on the bridge!

Aibolit: I will prescribe physical therapy for you,

And I will put a cast on my left heel, (applies a plaster cast, writes out directions)

I’ll also give you directions to school so you can learn the rules of the road.

You study better at school, and then get behind the wheel! (The cat leaves.)

Narrator: And such rubbish all day long!

Either a deer will come running, or a seal,

and this morning the hedgehog came running, saw the doctor and started babbling!

(a hedgehog enters with a stick and limps)

Hedgehog: I fell under the hooves, I lay on the road,

My leg hurts, help me, Aibolit!

Aibolit: What happened to you? Tell me, my brother!

Hedgehog:(sings to the tune of “A gypsy rode on a horse..”, folk music, lyrics by the author)

1. A hare rode on horseback, and I met him on foot

I glanced here and there,

Now troubles cannot be avoided.

2. I limp, I can’t run,

How can you save yourself from trouble?

I can't understand how confused I was

Why didn't he let me in?

Aibolit: To avoid being wounded, do not walk on the road!

A pedestrian needs a sidewalk for walking,

and you can cross the road only by crossing!

If you delve into my words, your head will be intact!

I’ll heal your leg, I’m telling you for sure!

(bandages, writes out directions)

To find out the rules - where to walk, when to stand,

You will go to school and learn those rules!

The director there is a lion, he is very strict,

You will have to go to every lesson!

(the hedgehog leaves, Aibolit sits down at the table, checks the medications...)

The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays)

Narrator: Our Aibolit helped everyone, told us where and what hurt

And he prescribed treatment, gave directions,

so that every forest animal studies in that school,

So that everyone without exception knows the traffic rules!

I've passed academic year and the forest people came

Back to Aibolit’s house, show off your knowledge, tell the guys everything

(all animals included)

Monkey: We now know perfectly well how to behave on the road,

We don’t play on the roads to save ourselves from trouble!

Wolf: I know that a traffic light has three cherished lights -

If it’s red, it’s dangerous, which means you can’t move!

Yellow - he tells the driver to get ready and wait

And green says: the path is now open for you!

Cat And now we know for sure that you can’t stand on the bridge,

If you are in the car now, then move, friends!

Double overtaking on the bridge is, of course, prohibited!

Hedgehog: If you are a pedestrian, look at the crossing,

To cross the road, you need to find him!

(Music “Visiting a Fairy Tale”)

Aibolit: The story is coming to an end, I’m looking at you now

And I want you guys to always be vigilant,

So that trouble never overtakes you anywhere!

Narrator-The fairy tale ends here, and whoever listened, well done!

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson!

Title: Script of the play for senior and preparatory groups based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”

Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten Shunga village"
Location: Shunga village, Kostroma district, Kostroma region, Russia

Elena Efimova
Scenario of the holiday “Journey through the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky”

"In my opinion, the goal storytellers lies

is to educate at any cost

in a child there is humanity - this marvelous

a person's ability to worry about strangers

misfortunes, rejoice in the joys of others,

experience someone else's fate as if it were your own"

K.I. Chukovsky


Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky(1882 – 1969).

Exhibition of children's drawings for the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Exhibition of books “Miracle Tree”.

In the hall there is an exhibition of children's and parent's drawings fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky.

Ved. Our holiday I want to start with puzzles:

“Without language, but about everything tells, without a head, but knows everything, without legs, but happens everywhere.”

This is a book (showing the book Chukovsky)

Ved. The book is a great miracle. It is not for nothing that people have written many riddles and proverbs about her. I suggest you remember the proverbs about the book.

A book is your best friend.

Reading is the best teaching.

He who reads a lot knows a lot. How do you understand these proverbs? (children's answers).

IN: Let's open our favorite books,

And again let's go from page to page:

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, become stronger friends.

(Children come out)

And we pestered mom and dad.

Listened fairy tales all day long.

There were those fairy tales:

About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,

About Aibolit and Moidodyr,

About Barmaley in fabulous sea,

About the telephone and Fedorino's grief.

Moms and dads for us told,

That these heroes were not known before.

Grandmothers in childhood read fairy tales

From them they learned these heroes.

We pestered the grandmothers for a long time -

Where are they from? learned fairy tales?

About the Cockroach and the Crocodile,

About Aibolit and Moidodyr,

About Barmaley in fabulous sea,

About Telephone and Fedorino's grief.

Grandmothers, that's what we need told-

Fairy tales they read these in books.

My grandfather wrote these books Korney-

Storyteller, critic, poet, sorcerer

Ved. Today we have gathered to remember the wonderful children's writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. (slide show)

1 slide. Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes : Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. This guy's name was wonderful person Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. April 1, 2012 marks the 130th anniversary of his birth.

2 slide. Korney Chukovsky- This literary pseudonym writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov. He was born in St. Petersburg, and spent his childhood in Odessa. K.I. Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales, poems, riddles, translated songs from English and fairy tales.

3 slide. But he became a children's writer by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son K.I. fell ill. Chukovsky carried him on the night train. The boy was capricious, crying, moaning. To somehow entertain him, his father began tell a story:

“Once upon a time there was a crocodile.

He walked the streets."

The boy quieted down and began to listen. And in the morning I asked for more tell this tale.

4 slide. And the second case. This is how he remembers it himself Korney Ivanovich:

“One day, while working in my office, I heard loud crying. It was my youngest daughter crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. I left the office, took the girl in my arms and, quite unexpectedly for myself, quietly spoke to her. said:

You need to wash your face in the mornings and evenings.

And the unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

This is how he was born "Moidodyr".

5 slide. WITH early years his works bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents and grandparents grew up reading poetry and fairy tales of grandfather Korney!

6 slide. Today we will do something unusual with you journey, let's meet the heroes fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky!

7 SLIDE. Leading: Guys, do you hear, someone is already rushing to our fairy meadow. Doctor Aibolit enters. (MUSIC).

Aibolit: Hello guys! Do you recognize me?

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And a bug, and a spider, and a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good doctor...

Children: Aibolit!

Aibolit: Right! I am Doctor Aibolit. And from which fairy tales I came to you? Who wrote this fairy tale? (Children's answers.)

Aibolit: Well done!

8 SLIDE The phone rings.

Aibolit reads an excerpt from fairy tales"Telephone" Children answer questions based on the text.

Aibolit: My phone rang. Who's speaking? Children: Elephant

Aibolit: Where?

Children: From camel

Aibolit: What do you need?

Children: Chocolate.

Aibolit: For whom?

Children: For my son. He's still small for me.

Aibolit: Did you recognize this one? fairy tale? Well done! (The bell rings.) Oh! Call again! This is not a phone. It's the doorbell ringing. We need to open it.

A boy enters - Dirty.

Dirty: The blanket ran away,

The sheet flew away

And the pillow is like a frog,

She galloped away from me.

I am for a candle - A candle in the stove.

I'm for a book - so run,

And skipping under the bed.

The dirty one is crying.

Aibolit: Guys, did you find out from which fairy tales this boy? How can I help him?

Aibolit: Right!

I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings.

And the unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Aibolit: (addresses Gryaznula).

Well, you understand what needs to be done

Dirty: Long live scented soap!

And a fluffy towel,

And tooth powder

And a thick comb.

Yes! I will definitely become a cleaner!

LEADING: Our Muddy understood everything, didn’t he guys?

And you realized that you should always wash your face both morning and evening!

I see that you are sad, let’s show Doctor Aibolit how we can dance with you.

(Round dance. “Put your right hand forward, and then…”)

The boy runs away.

The bell rings again.

Aibolit: Well, what is it?

Are your children already sick?

Okay, okay, I'll run

I will help your children

Aibolit says goodbye and leaves.

The bell rings and the package is brought in.

A game "Magic Box" The leader asks the children questions about fairy tales K. Chukovsky, children respond by showing appropriate objects.

Leading: In the box is what the herons asked to send from fairy tales"Telephone". What is this?

Children: Drops.

Leading: In the box is the favorite delicacy of crocodiles from fairy tales"Telephone". What is this?

Children: Kolosha.

Leading: In the box is what the crocodile swallowed in fairy tale"Moidodyr"

Children: Washcloth.

Leading: In the box is what the foxes from fairy tales"Confusion".

What is this? Children: Matchbox.

Leading: In the box is what the mosquitoes rode on fairy tale"Cockroach".

What is this? Children: Balloon

Leading: In the box is what the monkeys asked me to send from fairy tales"Telephone". What is this?

Children: Books.

10 SLIDE. LEADING: Well done! And now guys you will see one of fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky. Which one? Try to guess?

Our fairy tale comes to life, and helps us to be friends.

Fairy tale dramatization"Fly Tsokotukha"

The fly walked across the field, the fly found the money.

Mucha went to the market and bought a samovar.

M. -Ts.: Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea!

(Includes 2 cockroaches, 2 insects, a butterfly) .

Cockroaches: The cockroaches came running and drank all the glasses.

Bugs: And bugs, three cups each, with milk and a pretzel.

M. -C.: Beautiful butterfly, eat the jam!

Or don't you like our treat?

Our Fly was dragged into a corner

He wants to kill the poor woman

Destroy the clattering noise.

M.-Ts.: Dear guests, help!

Destroy the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Do not leave me in my last hour!

(everyone runs away and hides)

And in his hand a small flashlight is burning.

Komarik: Where is the killer? Where is the villain

I'm not afraid of his claws.

(leads the spider away)

I ruined the villain

I freed you.

And now, maiden soul,

I want to marry you!

All: Glory, glory to Komar - the winner!

Ved.: K.I. Chukovsky He was very hardworking. Wherever he is was: on the tram, in the store, in the dentist's waiting room, he did not like to waste time, he composed riddles for the children.

Try to solve them.

1. I have two horses, two horses

They carry me along the water.

And the water is hard

Like stone.


2. Oh, don't touch me:

I'll burn you without fire! -


3. I'm lying under your feet,

Trample me with your boots

And tomorrow take me to the yard

And hit me, hit me,

So that the children can lie on me,

Flounder and somersault on me.


Leading: Ours has come to an end journey! What new have you learned? Oh, well, what is this? Doctor Aibolit's suitcase? And it contains the best cure for all diseases - chocolate.

CHILDREN: Let the children read a lot,

Let everyone here be an erudite.

There are still many wonderful books

We have to read it in our lives.

Children: Finished holiday. We have him

Designed for one hour only.

But you, the reading people,

Love the book all year round!

Additional questions for pauses.

1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner? ( "Fedorino grief")

2. What kind of hero was he? scary villain, and then re-educated? ( "Barmaley")

3. Which the sparrow is glorified in the fairy tale? ("Cockroach")

4. Name fairy tale, main idea which can be expressed words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” ("Moidodyr", "Fedorino grief")

5. Name fairy tale, in which a terrible crime occurs - an attempted murder? ( "Fly Tsokotukha").

6. What did the animals ask for in the poem - fairy tale"Telephone": (Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)

7. On whom it was committed journey Aibolit and his friends to Africa? (Wolves, whale, eagles)

8. What "horned beast" the tailors from the poem were scared "The Braves"? (Snail)

9. In which fairy tales is the hero a crocodile? ( "Confusion", "Cockroach", "Moidodyr", "Telephone", "Barmaley", "Stolen Sun", "Crocodile")

10. What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? (Vanya Vasilchikov)

11. What did the bunnies ride on? fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (By tram)

12. Why did the herons, who asked for drops to be sent to them, have stomach ache in the poem “Telephone”? (They ate too many frogs)

13. What did Doctor Aibolit treat sick animals in Africa? (Gogol-mogol)

14. Continue the phrase from fairy tales “Moidodyr”. “Long live scented soap and...”

15. Who attacked the clattering fly? (Spider)

Today we will go to amazing trip based on the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. You will have to overcome many challenges, and if you cope with most of them, you will be able to find treasures. (For each completed task, children receive a letter; at the end of the journey, they put the letters together into a word and find the place where the prizes are hidden). We have to travel not only by land, but also by water, so first, let's build a ship and come up with a name for it. (We build a ship from sofa cushions).

And now the ship is ready. It's time to set sail. Raise the anchor. Give up the mooring lines.
[Chukovsky's real name is Nikolai Korneychukov. He was born in St. Petersburg in 1882 (131 years ago). His mother was a peasant, and his father was a student. They were not married, and soon after Nikolai's birth, his father left the family and they were forced to move to Odessa. When Nikolai grew up, he went to study at the gymnasium, but he did not manage to graduate. At that time in Tsarist Russia A decree was issued "on cook's children." According to this decree, children of the poor could not study in gymnasiums. But Nikolai really wanted to become educated person: he read a lot, learned on his own English language, became a journalist and critic. All his life he suffered from the fact that he was illegitimate, that he did not even have a middle name, so when he began to write, he took a pseudonym for himself - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, by which we know him. Yours literary name Korney Ivanovich came up with the idea so successfully that it became ingrained with him and was inherited by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. (Why do you think the writer chose this first and last name?)]
At the age of 35, Chukovsky began writing fairy tales for children. I know ten fairy tales in verse. How much do you know? If you remember all ten, you will get the first letter.

1. Crocodile.
2. Moidodyr.
3. Aibolit.
4. Barmaley.
5. Fedorino grief.
6. Telephone.
7. The clattering fly.
8. Stolen sun.
9. Confusion.
10. Cockroach.

Well done. Do you remember the names of fairy tales, but can you answer the following questions and get the second letter?

1. Who helped Doctor Aibolit get to Africa? (wolves, whale, eagles)
2. What thing ran away from the dirty boy first? (blanket)
3. Where did the cockroaches hide when they were scared of the villain Spider? (under sofas)
4. Who told the author that the hippopotamus fell into the swamp? (Rhinoceros)
5. What did the mosquitoes ride on in the fairy tale “The Cockroach”? (on a balloon)
6. How did they put out the fire in the fairy tale “Confusion”? (pies and pancakes, and dried mushrooms)
7. Who was the teapot running after in “Fedora’s Mountain?” (behind the coffee pot)
8. Who shamed the Bear in the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” and sent him to fight the Crocodile? (hare)
9. With whom did Tanechka and Vanechka play leapfrog in Africa? (elephants)
10. What did the Crocodile bring to his children from distant Russia? (herringbone)

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney:
Compared to us, he lagged behind,
Because in childhood "Barmaleya"
And I haven’t read Crocodile.
Didn't admire "Telephone"
And I didn’t delve into “Cockroach.”
How did he grow up to be such a scientist?
Without knowing the most important books?

Indeed, it is now difficult to imagine that once these most important books did not exist. And the storyteller Chukovsky was doing a completely different thing. He considered literary criticism to be his only profession.

How were his fairy tales born? It happened completely by accident. The fairy tale "Crocodile" was the first to appear in 1916. Here's how it happened. His little son fell ill in Helsinki, and Korney Ivanovich took him home on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow alleviate his suffering, his father began to talk to the sound of wheels.

Once upon a time there was
He walked the streets
I smoked cigarettes
He spoke in Turkish -
Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodilovich...

The boy stopped being capricious, listened without stopping, and then calmly fell asleep. The next morning, as soon as he woke up, he immediately demanded that his father tell him yesterday’s tale again.
Name the city where the events of the fairy tale "Crocodile" take place, and you will receive the third letter. (In Petrograd. If children find it difficult to answer, you can invite them to choose from three options: Leningrad, St. Petersburg, Petrograd). What is the name of this city now? (That’s right, St. Petersburg. By the way, that’s what it was called from the moment it was founded by Peter I until the First World War (more than 200 years), where our main enemy was Germany. During the war with the Germans, German names became very unpopular, and the city renamed Petrograd. It bore this name for 10 years, and after Lenin’s death Petrograd became long years Leningrad. And only with the collapse of the USSR (a little over 20 years ago) did its original name return to it.)

The crocodile is one of Chukovsky's favorite characters. We have named 10 fairy tales, and in 7 of them there is a crocodile, somewhere good, somewhere evil. Please name those three fairy tales where there is no crocodile, and you will receive the fourth letter.
1) Fedorino grief.
2) Cluttering fly.
3) Aibolit.

It's time for us to go ashore for a while and warm up. Game "Land - Water". The winner gets a prize (eraser).

All aboard. We continue swimming.

What do you think is the most famous fairy tale? I think it's Aibolit. [This tale has a very interesting story creation. Chukovsky had long wanted to write a fairy tale about a good doctor, and then one day when he was relaxing on the Black Sea, inspiration suddenly came to him. One day he swam very far, and suddenly the words formed on their own:

Oh if I drown
If I go down...

Chukovsky quickly got to the shore, found a damp cigarette box and wrote about 20 lines on it with wet hands. The fairy tale had neither a beginning nor an end.
On the first pages it was necessary to tell about the animals that came to the good doctor and about the diseases from which he cured them. And then, upon returning home to Leningrad, a long search for the necessary lines began. Chukovsky needed only four lines:

And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!"

And Barbos came to Aibolit:
"A chicken pecked me on the nose!"

But before the writer came up with these lines, he covered two school notebooks in small handwriting. Fortunately, some of the drafts survived.] I invite you to guess with what complaints the following animals and birds came to Aibolit.

1) And the goat came to Aibolit:
"I'm sick...!"

2) And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, it hurts...!"

3) An owl flew to him:
"Oh, it hurts...!"

4) And a canary flew to him:
“I’m scratched...”

5) A partridge flew to him:
“I have, he says,…”.

6) And the platypus floated towards him:
“I have, he says,…”.

Well done! Here's the fifth letter. Well, now let's remember which of the animals the good doctor helped in the final version of this fairy tale. And to make it “easier” to think, here’s a ticking bomb. Pass it around, listing Aibolit’s patients. Whoever it explodes in his hands should read a few lines from this fairy tale.

By the way, do you know where we are sailing? That's right, to Africa. What science do you think any traveler should know perfectly in order not only to get to Africa, but also not to get lost in it? Yes, we can’t do without geography.
[This is a physical map of Africa. What colors do you see? The color on the physical map indicates altitude above sea level. From green to brown. Most plains have low elevation and are indicated in green. But there are also high mountain plains that are depicted yellow. The highest altitudes are found in the mountains, which is why they are indicated in brown. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are indicated in blue. Where the color is darker, there is greater depth or higher relief.]
And this is a contour map. On it, students draw the rivers, mountains and deserts found on the physical map. In Chukovsky's works we often find geographical names. Remember?

But because of the Nile
The gorilla is coming
The gorilla is coming
The crocodile is leading!

"Okay, okay, I'll run,
I will help your children.
But where do you live?
On the mountain or in the swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,
In the Kalahari and Sahara,
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where does Hippo walk?
Along the wide Limpopo."

Here comes the Hippopotamus.
It comes from Zanzibar,
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he shouts and he sings:
"Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!"

Label the Nile and Limpopo rivers, the Kalahari and Sahara deserts, and Africa's highest point, Kilimanjaro, on an outline map. If you succeed, you will receive the sixth letter.
The kitchen assistants play a disc with the sounds of an eruption.
Do you hear any noise? This is probably Kilimanjaro waking up. Let's go ashore and admire the rare natural phenomenon- volcanic eruption. (We go to the kitchen. I pour soda, dishwashing detergent and red paint into the mouth of the volcano and at the same time give information about volcanoes).

[Deep in the Earth, temperatures reach several thousand degrees Celsius. Under the influence of such high temperatures, the rock melts, forming magma. When magma (usually containing gases and rock fragments) reaches the earth's surface, it is called lava. The eruption site is a volcano.
The word "volcano" comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan, and the science that studies volcanoes is called volcanology.
Volcanoes are classified by activity (active, dormant, extinct) and location (terrestrial, underwater, subglacial).
Volcanoes are found not only on Earth, but also on other planets and their satellites. Most high mountain solar system is the Martian volcano Olympus, whose height is estimated at several tens of kilometers.
Kilimanjaro is a potentially active volcano. This is the highest point in Africa above sea level (5895 m). Kilimanjaro has no documented eruptions, but local legends they talk about volcanic activity 150-200 years ago. In 2003, scientists concluded that molten lava lies just 400 meters below the crater of Kibo's main peak. While no activity other than the current gas emissions is predicted, there are concerns that the volcano could collapse, leading to a major eruption. ]

(We arrange a volcanic eruption in the kitchen. Then we return to the ship. As soon as the children are seated, the assistant in the kitchen plays the song “Little children, for nothing in the world.” And then Barmaley and the pirate burst into the room (grandfather and grandmother in vests, bandanas , with a black patch over his eye and with a weapon). They bind travelers and will release them only if they guess all their riddles).

Competition "Bundle with riddles". (Wrap the eraser in the shape of a telephone in 10 layers of paper. Write one Chukovsky riddle on each layer. The first child tries to guess the riddle on the top layer; if he succeeds, then he removes this layer and proceeds to the second riddle. If he cannot guess the riddle it turns out that the package goes to the next participant. The one who guesses the last riddle takes the contents of the package.)

What fairy tale do you think our ship is heading towards? That's right, “Telephone” (since the package contained an eraser in the shape of a telephone). Let's remember who called the author in this fairy tale, and our bomb will help us with this, as always. The loser reads lines from this fairy tale.

Now I will ask you two questions about this fairy tale, if you answer, you will receive the seventh letter.
Let's remember how this fairy tale begins.

My phone rang.
Host: Who is speaking?
Children: Elephant.
Host: Where?
Children: From the camel.
Host: What do you need?
Children: Chocolate.
Host: For whom?
Children: For my son.
Host: How much should I send?
Children: Yes, about five or six pounds:
He can't eat anymore
He's still small for me!

Question No. 1. How much chocolate did the elephant ask for? How many kg are in 1 pood? And how many kg in total? .

Host: And then Crocodile called
And with tears he asked:
Children: My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
For me, my wife, and Totosha.
Host: Wait, isn't it for you?
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?
Children: Oh, the ones you sent
Last week,
We ate a long time ago
And we can’t wait,
When will you send again
A dozen for our dinner
New and sweet galoshes!

Question No. 2. How many galoshes does the Crocodile need? How much is a dozen?

Now let's play broken phone.

Children sit in a circle. One of the players receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it. Next, the player whispers into the neighbor’s ear what he read, who whispers to the next one, and so on, in a circle. The last player says the sentence out loud, and then you read out the original version. What children get is usually very different from your version.

Sentences from Chukovsky's poems:

1) The little frog fell ill with scarlet fever under the mud.
2) A fly flew into the bathhouse and wanted to take a steam bath.
3) The cockroach chopped wood and flooded the fly’s bathhouse.
4) And streams flowed from under the ground like sweet honey.
5) The animals got scared and ran away in fright.
6) And the furry bee brought her a washcloth.
7) The grasshoppers came and fed the fly drops.

Korney Ivanovich had four children: two boys and two girls. All free time he spent with them and their comrades inventing endless games. Needless to say, all the children simply adored him.
Chukovsky spent the last years of his life in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow. Having lived to the age of 80, he did not change his habits: he got up very early and worked in the garden: in winter he cleared paths from snow that had fallen overnight, in spring and summer he dug in the vegetable garden or flower garden. After working for several hours, Korney Ivanovich went for a walk. He still did not tolerate boredom and, meeting children, greeted them not with the words: “Good afternoon, children,” but with something like: “Hello, old men and women!” And started with them fun game: showed a completely unusual way of walking, taught him to climb trees. He laughed at cowards and played with dogs as with people. The children called him grandfather Korney or affectionately Chukosha.
It was thanks to his communication with children that many of his works were born. Remember the story of the creation of "Crocodile"? So, a few years after this, such an incident happened to Chukovsky. He was sitting at his desk and working on an article that a scientific journal had ordered for him. Suddenly he heard a loud cry. It was his youngest daughter Masha, whom everyone affectionately called Murochka at home, who was crying. She roared in three streams, violently expressing her reluctance to wash herself. Chukovsky left the office, took the girl in his arms and unexpectedly quietly said to her:

I need to wash my face
In the mornings and evenings,
And to unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

Where are these lines from? Yes, the story of the creation of the fairy tale “Moidodyr” begins with them. Murochka was the youngest and most beloved child in the family. Unfortunately, she was very seriously ill and lived only eleven years. Korney Ivanovich dedicated many poems to her: “Zakalyaka”, “Sandwich”, “Tadpoles”, “What Mura did when they read the fairy tale “The Miracle Tree” to her. By the way, what did she do? - That’s right, she planted her shoe so that grow the same wonderful tree.
And the fairy tale “Confusion” was actually written according to Murochka’s order and recipe. At that time, Chukovsky was puzzling over why absurdities were needed in language. Remember, you recently studied them on literary reading: A village was driving past a man, suddenly the gate barked from under a dog..., or My son - well done! He plows while sitting in a boat. It seemed to Chukovsky that the Russian and English people created these fables not only to amuse the kids. But for what? Two-year-old Murochka helped him find the answer. One day she entered her father’s office with a very mischievous and at the same time embarrassed face, which indicated that she was up to an extraordinary trick. Chukovsky had never seen such a complex expression on her face. From afar, she shouted to him: “Dad, ava-meow!” - that is, she told her father the sensational and obviously false news that the dog, instead of barking, meows. And she laughed with a somewhat artificial laugh, inviting Chukovsky to also laugh at this invention. But dad answered: “No, ava - woof.” Then Murochka laughed again and said: “Ava - meow!”, although at only two years old she firmly knew that the dog barks, the cat meows, and the rooster crows. And then Chukovsky decided to support her game and said: “And the rooster crows woof!” This game continued for quite a long time and as a result led to the writing of the fairy tale “Confusion”. Chukovsky himself realized that nonsense and fables exist not only to entertain children, they also play an important role in the development of children.
And I suggest you remember the fairy tale “Confusion”. Determine who switched votes with whom, and you will receive the eighth letter. (Children are given cards with the names of animals and their voices, which must be sorted into pairs: pigs - meow-meow, cats - oink-oink, etc.)
The pigs meowed:
Meow meow!
The cats grunted:
Oink oink oink!
The ducks croaked:
Kwa, kwa, kwa!
The chickens quacked:
Quack, quack, quack!
Little Sparrow galloped
And the cow mooed:
The bear came running
And let's roar:

This concludes our journey. Look, you can already see your native shore in the distance. Finally, I wish all of us to visit Peredelkino, the Chukovsky Museum. There you will learn even more about it amazing person, visit his amazing house, where you can sit on a crocodile, see the “barking cup”, Moidodyr, the very phone that the Elephant called and many other interesting things. And don’t forget to take with you your old boots that you’ve already outgrown, since there really is a Miracle Tree at the gate.
Now assemble a word from the letters you receive and find your prizes. You did a good job. The reward awaits its heroes.

What you need to prepare:
1) invitations;
2) portrait of Chukovsky;
3) cushions, steering wheel and anchor;
4) a bag with letters from the magnetic alphabet (in our case T U M B O C H K A);
5) just in case, cards (St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad);
6) a bomb from the game "Tick-tock-boom";
7) physical maps and outline maps of Africa (in the corner of each outline map you need to stick a task) according to the number of children, pencils and books to place under the sheets;
8) volcano, soda, red paint, dishwashing liquid, vinegar, tray for the volcano;
9) a disc with the sounds of an eruption and the song “Little children, not for anything in the world”;
10) pirate costumes, weapons, rope, bundle with riddles;
11) cards for playing broken phone;
12) cards with animals and their voices from “Confusion”;
13) a set of erasers for prizes;
14) prizes that children will find at the end of the program.

Holiday script, dedicated to the day birth of Korney Chukovsky.

Archvadze Yulia Dmitrievna, teacher primary classes.
Place of work: MBOU "Budanovskaya secondary comprehensive school named after Hero Soviet Union M.V. Greshilova”, village Budanovka, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region.
Description of material: The holiday is dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of K.I. Chukovsky. The material may be useful to primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, children and their parents. The publication uses original poems by Yu. D. Archvadze.
Target: developing in children of preschool and primary school age an interest and need for reading (perception) of books.
- introduce the works of children's writer K.I. Chukovsky,
- instill a love of literature and poetry;
- develop Creative skills, ability to use figurative and expressive means of language; - bring up personal qualities: friendliness, responsiveness, respect for elders, love for animals.
portrait of K.I. Chukovsky; exhibition of books by K.I. Chukovsky; children's illustrations for fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky, costumes of fairy-tale characters.

The progress of the holiday

Hello guys and dear adults! Today we have gathered for a holiday dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the children's poet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

In the village of Peredelkino (near Moscow)
Lived big man with a kind soul.
He was a wizard, a sorcerer
Co strange name Roots.

Mustache brush, laughing look
There were always a lot of guys next to him.
The poet was affectionately called Chukoshi
And they knew all his fairy tales by heart. (Archvadze Yu. D.)

Without books K.I. It is impossible for Chukovsky to imagine our childhood. Your mothers and fathers, and even grandparents are familiar with his poems and fairy tales.

Children reading a poem "To Grandfather Korney"
1st student:
Tara-ra! Tara-ra!
Celebration from early morning.
135 years since the birth of the sorcerer
The storyteller of the good Korney.
2nd student:
For girls and boys
He wrote many books.
And so in the morning
The kids are having fun.
3rd student:
Having fun with the kids
And fabulous people
He rejoices and dances,
Sings songs loudly.
4th student:
Sparrow and Cockroach
They beat a huge drum.
The Fly and the Mosquito are dancing,
With Cincinela Bibigon.
5th student:
With Moidodyr Aibolit,
Blue whale with Karakula.
Sparing neither bast shoes nor boots,
Fedora's grandmother is dancing with Barmaley.
6th student:
Murochka and Crocodile,
The one that swallowed the sun.
And with Toptygin and Lisa.
Such miracles!
7th student:
The table is set in the clearing,
The samovar is already boiling.
There will be, there will be children
Have fun until the morning.
Nowadays a storyteller
Chukovsky's birthday boy! (Archvadze Yu. D.)

The books of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky have been giving us joy for many, many years. Extraordinary miracles happen in them. His cheerful, funny poems can be sung, and his fairy tales can be read and re-read at any age.
Let's once again plunge into the amazing fairy world Korney Chukovsky.

Quiz "Guess the name of the fairy tale" Author Archvadze Yu.D.
He showed the boy the whole world
Washcloths, paste, combs and soap.
Whom did the hero thank later?
Great clean guy... (“Moidodyr”)

He walked around Africa
He abducted small children.
The villain was terribly scary.
His name was... (“Barmaley”)

In this tale it's the other way around:
The cat fell into the mousetrap
The cuckoo barks at the bitch,
Nearby a sparrow moos like a cow,
Only the tiny bunny doesn't play pranks. ("Confusion")

In this fairy tale, the hero receives glory and honor.
He is respected by the beast people.
He saved them from the villainous giant
Red mustachioed...
And then these little animals,
We had fun like children. ("Cockroach")

Butterflies, insects, midges
We rushed to visit along the path.
They drank tea there, ate jam,
Singing, having fun,
Well, how did the trouble come?
They got stuck in the cracks. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

In this fairy tale they got dirty
The plates ran away
The pots sped away.
The Samovar led them through the forest, across the field.
And the fairy tale is called... (“Fedorino’s grief”)

Mom, dad, even children
They tore it off at dawn
Bast shoes, shoes, sandals,
Galoshes, felt boots, boots.
It grew at the gate
A wonderful miracle. ("Miracle Tree")

This doctor is the kindest of all,
He heals sick animals.
And he is in a hurry to help,
As soon as he hears their cry... ("Aibolit")

In this fairy tale, the crocodile did an evil deed.
But the bear found him in the dark,
He gave good punches and kicks.
The villain will remember, he will know -
That it is very bad to steal! ("Stolen Sun")

From morning to evening a ringing can be heard in the apartment,
The whole house is already shaking from the ringing.
But you can hear it again: Ding-dee-laziness!
When will this nonsense stop? ("Telephone")

Mishka grieved and cried,
That he was born without a tail.
And Lisa has her advice
She gave it to him for a reason.
The peacock has put on its tail,
I forgot about the danger.
He flaunted his beauty through the forest
He became an easy prey for hunters. ("Toptygin and the Fox")

The moon beckoned with its honeyed light
To take the clubfooted bear to you.
And that's why it turned out to be a bear
On the tallest pine tree.
And even though they gave him wings,
It will hardly reach the moon. ("Toptygin and Luna")

The brave boy defeated the enemy -
The evil, bloodthirsty turkey Brundulyak.
Each of us knows the boy.
The brave man is named... (“The Adventures of Bibigon”)

Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Cluttering Fly"

We love and know Chukovsky's fairy tales.
We read these fairy tales with pleasure.
To make your life more fun,
Grandfather invented them all...
Children in chorus: ROOTS!
Good conquers evil - the motto of the fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. They teach us to rejoice, empathize, and have compassion. Without these qualities a person is not a person. Irakli Andronikov wrote that “Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, smart, brilliant, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”
Children perform a song (based on the song “Little Country”)
There are behind the mountains, behind the forests
Little country
We've all known each other since childhood
It is full of fairy tales.
We'll knock on fairy tales' door
We will meet many miracles in them
Walking through fairy tales
And there is a lot of magic in them.

We've known you since childhood and adore you.
You are our favorites.
Chukovsky's fairy tales are kind and sweet
We've known you since childhood and adore you.
You are our favorites.

There is a big miracle tree here
And underneath is the ocean
There is a Karakula shark here
And the Giant Cockroach.
Barmaley and Mucha live here,
Moidodyr lives here
Here brave Bibigon walks
And Aibolit is waiting for you.
How good it is that I lived in the world
Storyteller wise Roots
There are many smart and good books
He wrote for children.
Visit my friend, come soon,
Read his stories.
You will be more obedient, wiser,
You know this for sure.




musical performance

"Fly Tsokotukha"

based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky


primary school teachers

Taratynova Elena Olegovna

Music teacher

Knyazheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

Moscow 2014

Two Peddlers appear. They walk around the hall, playing the pipes.

1st Peddler: Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,

Telling it is not a joke.

To the fairy tale from the beginning

It was like a river was babbling,

So that all the people are in the heart

She left her mouth agape.

2nd Peddler: So that no one, neither old nor small

In the end I didn’t fall asleep

Let's wish our children

No feather, no fluff!

Attention! It begins...

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Peddler: Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly.

2nd Peddler: A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

The peddlers leave to the same music.

Music by B. Tchaikovsky from the film “Balzaminov’s Marriage” is playing. A fly flies out, flies around the hall, and finds some money.

FLY: What should I buy?

Maybe the dress is blue?

Or shoes or a skirt?

So...I'll think for a minute...

No, I'll go to the market

And I’ll buy a samovar there.

Because it's a birthday

I'll be celebrating soon

All the cockroach bugs

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

The fly flies away. Insects come out with trays under Russian. adv. song. The Fly appears.


Fair! Fair!

Awesome fair!

Only with us, only with us

The best kvass!


Dear audience,

Buy bagels from us!


Tambourines, spoons, Balalaikas,

Buy, choose!

The fly examines the goods.

FLY : Any product is good here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. He takes the samovar. Carries him home to the song flies from the site.

FLY : Everything is ready, the table is set.

The samovar is already boiling.

Here my friends will come

I will be very glad!

The music of Strauss "Polka" sounds

Fleas appear and dance.


Fleas came to Mukha,
They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.

Take it for fleas

A few boots

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you

The boots are amazing!

Sit down here, the guests will arrive soon!

Music by L. Kuprevich “Song of the Bee” sounds M. I. Krasev ,

Bee flies out

BEE: Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm from all my native meadows

I brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I also brought honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Mukha a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready!

The music is any melody in the Japanese style.

1st BUTTERFLY: We are naughty Butterflies,

Cheerful flyers.

We fly through the fields,

Through groves and meadows.

2ND BUTTERFLY: We never get tired

We spin and flutter.

We live very happily

We collect nectar.

3rd BUTTERFLY: We fluttered through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES (in unison): Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

We treat you to flower jam!

They pass the jam to Mukha.


Thank you, dear friends,

Please come to the table! Sit down!

Butterflies sit down at the table.

To the music of "Polka Karabas" a cockroach and a bug come out.


The cockroaches came running
All the glasses were drunk,

And they collected a bouquet of flowers for the fly.


And the bugs are three cups each.

With milk and pretzel.

FLY:(fly song)

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

Addresses all guests and sings the song “Reception of Guests” M. I. Krasev

Guests are treated to food (pantomime)


There's cream and sweets...

And what’s not there!

Flea :

Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Bee :

Gingerbread is mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

flea :

Cream tubes, pies

And very tasty cheeses!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!


Suddenly some old man
Our Fly in the corner
Dragged -
He wants to kill the poor woman
Destroy the clatter!

The fly screams

Struggling,And the villain is silent, grinning.


Dear guests, help!
Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you
And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me
In my last hour!


But the worm beetles
Got scared
In the corners, in the cracks

They fled:
Under the sofas
And the boogers
Under the benches
And the bugs under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

And no one even moves

Won't move:

Get lost - die

Birthday girl!

But the villain is not joking,
He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes,

Sounds like "Flight of the Bumblebee" orchestral interlude written by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Mosquito appears.


Suddenly it flies from somewhere
Little Mosquito,
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.

Mosquito.- Where is the thief? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!

Leading. Flies up to the Spider,
Takes out the saber
He's at full gallop

Takes away the fly.


There are bugs and boogers here
Crawling out from under the bench:

Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner!

MOSQUITO (Fly) : I defeated the spider!

And he freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Let's dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, mustachioed Cockroach,

Beat the drum quickly!


Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

The Fly and the Mosquito will dance!


You are little insects,
You are cuties


Boots squeak
Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges
Have fun until the morning:

Today the Fly-Tsokotukha

The Peddlers appear.

1st Peddler: The circle is narrower! The circle is wider!

Left. Turn right.

Smile more cheerfully!

2nd Peddler: Representation of fun

Both for us and for you

We'll finish this hour!

Everyone stands in a circle. The guests dance to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Bug”.

E. Grieg's “In the Cave of the Mountain King” sounds.

All the guests are scared. The Spider appears with his head hanging.

Spider: Have mercy, brave hero,

Let's make peace, Mukha.

I realized that without friends

There is bad in this world.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Just don't get too cocky!

1st PEDRIAN: The time has come to part,

We say “Goodbye!”

2nd PEDRIAN: Oh, you dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Bow to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Beetle”

List of references and Internet sources.

1. Korney Chukovsky - poems for children , 2007

2. search/fly clatter musical

3. Basyuk O.V., Golovkina M.A. and etc. Cool watch 1-4 grades. - Issue 2. Book for the teacher. – Volgograd, 2008

4. Clapping fly


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