The problem of interethnic relations. Problems of interethnic communication in the country, at school, in the classroom

Interethnic relations are subjectively experienced relationships between people different nationalities, ethnic communities. IN social psychology and ethnopsychology there are two levels interethnic relations- personal and group. Such relationships develop in different areas life - in the field of politics, work, everyday life, family, friendly, informal communication. The nature of interethnic relations (friendly, neutral, or conflictual) develops depending on the historical past, the socio-political situation in a particular country, economic and cultural living conditions, the immediate specific situation or interest in communication. At the personal level, it depends on the individual psychological qualities of people. Interethnic relations are manifested in attitudes and orientations towards interethnic contacts in different spheres of interaction, in national stereotypes, in the mood and behavior, actions of people and specific ethnic communities. Interethnic attitudes and orientations are formed in the process of socialization of the individual, in the family, educational institutions, teams, during neighborly and friendly communication. Interethnic relations contain rational, cognitive elements, emotional-evaluative and regulatory components. An extremely important role in the development of interethnic relations is played by national interests, the needs of national and ethnic development recognized by the people and individuals. The study of interethnic relations becomes particularly relevant in a multinational country.

Communication between people of different nationalities is due to the presence of more than two thousand ethnic communities on the planet. In the context of modern globalization of the world, there is an increase in interethnic interactions, which inevitably leads to conflicts on ethnic grounds. One of the most complex social problems of our time is the growing problem of relationships between people of different nationalities. Contradictions between growth are intensifying national identity, the desire of representatives of the same ethnic group to consolidation and their desire for interethnic integration, to establish a single economic, cultural and information space, which often leads to open confrontation.

The UN, UNESCO and other international organizations in their fundamental documents consider educating people in the spirit of peace and friendship between peoples as the most important goal of upbringing and education. In Art. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “Education should promote mutual understanding, tolerance and friendship among all peoples...”

The definition in the main international legal documents and the legal system of a multinational state of such a common goal of education is of great importance, since it implies respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual without any distinction regarding race, religion, language and nationality. At the same time, the organization of interethnic communication and interaction comes to the fore.

Communication − the most important factor in the formation of personality, a means of education. It ensures the regulation of human behavior, his relationships with other people, creates conditions for the purposeful regulation of feelings, behavior, orientations, and assessments.

Interethnic communication ¾ this is a process of interaction between representatives of different nationalities regarding different aspects of their life; the process of defining relationships and relationships in which people belonging to different national communities and holding different religious views exchange experiences, spiritual values, thoughts and feelings.

Interethnic communication is realized at several levels: interstate, within one state, intergroup, interpersonal. The last two, which are the subject of pedagogy, are determined by cultural traditions, customs of peoples, and the system of their education.

There are 3 types of interethnic relations:




Interethnic communication ¾ a specific form of manifestation of relations, interaction between representatives of different nationalities. By entering into such communication, a person acts as a bearer of national feelings, consciousness, language, and culture.

One of the means of harmonizing interethnic relations is the formation of a culture of interethnic communication. There are several interpretations of this concept:

Culture of interethnic communication ¾ This is a set of special knowledge, skills, beliefs, as well as actions and actions that are adequate to them, manifested both in interpersonal contacts and in the interaction of entire ethnic communities, and allowing, on the basis of intercultural competence, to quickly and painlessly achieve mutual understanding and agreement in common interests. (Krysko); is integral part spiritual life of society, as well as universal human culture and includes knowledge of generally accepted norms, rules of behavior in society, emotional and positive reactions to interethnic phenomena and processes in life; Culture of interethnic communication represents a set of rules, restrictions and freedoms that should allow a person and people not to be infringed on in their rights and freedoms and not to infringe or offend the rights and feelings of other peoples.

Culture of interethnic communication ¾ This is a special type of culture of representatives of different nationalities, which is characterized by the interaction of national cultures, manifested in the national self-awareness of the individual, patience, tact and the desire for interethnic harmony in all spheres.

One of key concepts characterizing the essence of the culture of interethnic communication is the concept “ tolerance " Translated into Russian it means patience. However, this translation does not accurately reflect today's understanding of this concept. In modern society, tolerance is considered as one of the foundations of constructive communication between people in all spheres of public life and is called upon to act as a norm of civil society. At the same time, tolerance is considered as a holistic manifestation of the individual, expressed in the positive interaction of members of society, based on the preservation of the individuality of each, mutual respect and equality of the parties. Interethnic tolerance is understood much more broadly than just a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different ethnic groups. The content of this concept includes the principles of universal morality, manifested in respect and mandatory observance of the rights of all peoples; in awareness of the unity and universal interconnection of various ethnic cultures, in broad knowledge about the culture of one’s people and the cultures of various peoples, especially those with whom direct contact is made.

Forming a culture of interethnic communication means solving several tasks :

1. Fostering respect for a person of any nationality.

2. Fostering respect for the national culture and national dignity of both one’s own and other peoples.

3. Formation careful attitude to the national feelings and dignity of every person, regardless of his nationality.

4. Education of citizenship and patriotism.

5. Fostering tolerance.

The problem of interethnic relations is very relevant in modern society. Calling a person a representative of another nationality often means offending him. My client, a 12-year-old girl, cried bitterly because someone in a conversation attributed to her belonging to a different nationality.

It would seem that, to modern man It is clear that all nations have equal rights. Adults, according to my observations, to the question of the well-known test "Who am I?" answer first “man”, “inhabitant of the earth”- In most cases.

Even the concept of “nationalism” has acquired a positive connotation in our time. It is now interpreted as commitment to the spiritual and cultural values ​​of one’s nation, awareness of the value of the nation as the highest form of social life. At the same time, it is contrasted with the concepts of “national extremism” and “chauvinism”.

There is a version that the word “nation” itself comes from the word “ours,” common to the Indo-European proto-language.

National contradictions

And yet, today there are many interethnic contradictions in all countries of the world, even in the so-called. developed countries. This is explained primarily by the instability of today's world, the lack of something reliable and permanent. In this unstable world, it is important for a person to find a stable group with which he would identify himself, to which he would gladly admit that he belongs. At the same time, division according to the “friends versus foes” type is inevitable. The main thing in this question is what attitude is established in each such group towards those who are recognized as “strangers”.

First of all, for a child or adult experiencing difficulties in this matter, it is necessary to
trust in the world. You need to feel and understand that in difficult situations the world of people will not leave you completely alone, there is always support in difficult situations, and this is a basic property of our world.

Next, of course, it is important to awaken or maintain a person’s self-confidence, the conviction that in the most unstable situation he will be able to maintain balance. Psychologists in their work constantly make efforts to create and develop these valuable attitudes.

As a result, a person’s confusion, anger, and life position becomes stable and friendly towards others, including representatives of other nations.

Internal, psychological stability makes it possible to have an interested and unbiased attitude towards other ethnic groups. The famous Russian sociologist and culturologist N.Ya. Danilevsky argues that diversity is stable, but monotony is unstable.

Initial, natural interest in relation to representatives of another, “not our” culture is necessary for the implementation of a normal multicultural process in modern society. And the development of qualities associated with accepting others (what is now called tolerance) is necessary for any society. Because monotony can cause it to fade away.

But this does not negate knowledge of the history of one’s nation, its traditions and achievements. Respect for one’s people and upholding their interests is also based on trust in the world and a sense of one’s human dignity. Interest in the past and present of one’s nation, a sense of its prospects, the desire to act for the benefit of one’s people – these are the properties of a modern, developed person.

Mutual understanding between such big social groups how ethnic groups begin with mutual understanding between a person and his immediate environment - family, colleagues, neighbors... A modern civilized person is looking for ways to optimally coexist with his neighbors in life. Modern psychologists are looking for and proposing ways to accomplish this both at the level of interpersonal and at the level of interethnic relations.

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List of used literature

interethnic communication communication personality teenager


The severity of interethnic conflicts in modern Russia is determined by a combination of factors: the destruction of socio-economic, political, ideological relationships; criminal intensification of military conflicts; ignoring religious and national ideals, values; lack of a well-thought-out and comprehensively substantiated concept national policy; uncontrolled migration; the growth of national self-awareness of previously repressed peoples.

Under these conditions, the relevance and significance of national cultural attitudes, value-symbolic aspects of the existence of national societies, sharply increases, specific features specific ethnic groups. In this regard, the North Caucasus region is of particular interest, in which numerous ethnic groups with ancient cultural traditions are concentrated. Suffice it to say that this region is home to more than 50 autonomous peoples, numerous groups of non-indigenous people, and many transitive ethnocultural associations that came here as a result of migration processes last decades. Today the Caucasus is a complex system of many powerful cultures, each of which is characterized by its own national idea, a kind of hierarchy of ethnic cultural values, a complex sign-symbolic cognitive-cultural system.

One of the serious obstacles to stabilizing interethnic relations in the region is the lack of a positive image of ethnic relations in the public consciousness. Meanwhile, such an image is an extremely important element of a multiethnic and multicultural society. In such tense periods of history, which the North Caucasus is now experiencing, the unification of all realistically thinking people in the harmonization of interethnic relations, fostering a culture of interethnic communication and tolerant behavior in society.

In social science literature, the concepts of “culture of interethnic communication” and “intercultural communication” mainly began to be used since the early 80s of the twentieth century. For example, the problem of communication in the ethnic sphere and an attempt to determine the criteria for the culture of interethnic communication, as well as the typology of interethnic communication in the conditions of various socio-political systems, is reflected in the works of Avksentyev A.V., Burmistrova T.Yu., Gasanov N.N. , Drobizhevoy L.M. Gasanov N.N. On the culture of interethnic communication // Socio-political magazine. 1997. No. 3. P. 233; It's him. Features of the formation of a culture of interethnic communication in a multinational region // Pedagogy. 1994. No. 5. P. 12. So, Drobizheva L.M. analyzes the role of socio-psychological aspects of interethnic communication, while considering the structure of communication as a whole. And in the works of Burmistrova T.Yu. and Dmitrieva O.A. the essence and process of formation and functioning of the culture of interethnic communication in various spheres of public life is revealed.

In the study of the problem of interethnic communication important place occupied by the ethnological theories of Arutyunov S.A., Bagramova E.A., Bromley Yu.V., Gumilyov L.N. and many others, which allow us to better understand the essence of interethnic relations and identify the features of this process.

The initial methodology for studying ethnic tolerance of an individual is the cultural-historical concept of studying psychic phenomena L. Vygotsky, A. Leontyev and A. Luria and the historical-evolutionary approach to the study of personality, developed by A. Asmolov. Consideration of the problem from the point of view of psychology is necessary and relevant, since ethnic attitudes are, first of all, a psychological component of an individual personality, and its formation should be considered as the formation of one of the structural components of self-awareness. Adolescents are one of the most active components of humanity; at this age, the formation of life attitudes and values ​​occurs, and for psychology it is important to determine how ethnic attitudes are formed in adolescents, how they influence the behavior and communication of children, how to prevent the emergence of hostility and discord in at this age.

1. The concepts of “tolerance”, “culture of interethnic communication”

The term “communication” appeared in scientific literature in the early 20s of the twentieth century in connection with the need to study the processes of interpersonal communication, mutual understanding of man by man, life efficiency, achievement of success, as well as in connection with the development of the media, their impact on the consciousness of the individual and mass consciousness, the need to study the mechanisms of manipulating individuals, the masses, and managing society and its culture. Indeed, culture shapes the personality of members of society, and culture is taught (after all, it cannot be acquired biologically) through direct and indirect communication Malkova T.P., Frolova M.A. Introduction to social philosophy. -M., 1995..

Communication is a specific interpersonal interaction between people as members of society, representatives of certain social groups and cultures. Communication is important component the social existence of man as a social being, the source of his life activity, the condition for the formation of both society and personality. A person cannot exist without communicating with other people. The need for communication is one of the basic needs of a social individual Leontyev A.A. Psychology of communication. - Tartu. 1974.. In the conditions of communication, the communicative process takes place, interaction occurs, mutual influence of individuals, and mutual understanding arises.

Communication is an important factor in the social determination of individual behavior. In its process, a person always strives to influence his partner in a certain way, and he himself is influenced by the latter.

The effectiveness of social communication depends largely on understanding. Typically, the effective side of understanding is expressed in two aspects: the phenomenon is included in the semantic structure of the individual, and the understood corresponds to the goals of communication. Communication cannot be considered simply as the transfer of knowledge, but always as the interaction of parties, pursuing certain, often different goals. Understanding is dialogical in nature. “A hint is enough for a smart person,” says popular wisdom. But a hint is enough for someone who already has knowledge of the semantic whole. Understanding depends on the characteristics of the perceiving subject, his goals, orientation, and context of comprehension.

From our point of view, intercultural communication implies interpersonal communication between representatives different cultures, as well as cultural contacts. In the process of interpersonal communication between representatives different cultures national self-awareness is enriched. Elements of culture penetrate from more developed societies into less developed ones, which can contribute to the reduction historical path peoples, in the process of cultural contacts. However, cultural contacts are not always positive.

Currently, there are five main areas of interdependence and interpenetration of cultures, which serve as the basis for the development of global thinking for meaningful and productive joint life of communities of people:

1. Technology development;

2. Globalization of the economy;

3. Intensive migration processes;

4. Multiculturalism;

5. Collapse of a nation - state See: Lomteva T.N. Basic Concepts intercultural communication. - Stavropol. 1999..

The combination of these areas of development creates the basis for understanding the decisive role of competence ownership intercultural communication in living conditions in an interdependent world, when a person must demonstrate “tolerance for cultural differences and mutual respect for cultures as a sign of civilized communication at the cross-national level” Lomteva T.N. Basic concepts of intercultural communication. - Stavropol. 1999..

So, intercultural communication is the process of communication and exchange of information between different cultures and representatives of these cultures with the aim of comprehending globalization processes in the world, understanding and accepting other cultural values ​​and an adequate position in another culture.

The dominant position in intercultural communication is occupied by the culture of interethnic communication between representatives of various ethnonational communities, where the determining factor is the ethnic tolerance of the individual.

Ethnic tolerance is understood as a complex attitudinal formation of the individual. It is expressed in tolerance for other people's way of life, other people's customs, traditions, morals, other feelings, opinions and ideas. In accordance with the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, adopted by UNESCO in 1995, tolerance is defined as a value and norm of civil society, manifested in the right to be different for all individuals in civil society; ensuring sustainable harmony between different faiths, political, ethnic and other social groups; respect for the diversity of different world cultures, civilizations and peoples; willingness to understand and cooperate with people who differ in appearance, language, beliefs and beliefs.

An individual’s ethnic tolerance manifests itself in various critical situations of interpersonal and intrapersonal choice when ethnic stereotypes and norms for solving problems facing an individual, developed in a different socio-cultural way of life, do not work, and new norms or stereotypes are in the process of their formation. Ethnic tolerance of an individual is revealed and, in a certain sense, arises in problem-conflict situations of interaction with representatives of other ethnic groups. Ethnic tolerance of a person cannot be studied in isolation from the processes of ethnic identification, since all ethnopsychological phenomena are facets of one holistic phenomenon - ethnic variability of personality.

2. The influence of ethnic attitudes on the behavior of adolescents

Teenagers are one of the most intense areas of interethnic contacts. In general, adolescence is an important period in the development of ethnic self-awareness, its formation Vyatkin B.A., Khotinets V.Yu. Ethnic self-awareness as a factor in the development of individuality. // Psychological Journal, 1996. Vol. 17. No. 5. P. 69-75.. During school, a teenager’s ethnic self-awareness expands his system of ideas about the world and strengthens his place in it. Adolescence is a crisis transition between childhood and adolescence, during which multidimensional, complex processes occur in the individual: the acquisition of identity and a new attitude towards the world.

In general, in everyday life, the ethnicity of the vast majority of adolescents is not updated and ethnic self-identification does not occupy a leading position. Despite this, schoolchildren show quite a keen interest in various ethnic issues. At the same time, it should be noted that there are existing elements of bias and negativism in national relations. Although many teenagers have among their friends and loved ones representatives of other nationalities, a fairly significant number determine their attitude towards a person based on his ethnicity.

The most powerful mobilizing factor for most teenagers is an insult based on nationality or a negative assessment of the people to which a person belongs. This is what most often leaves a deep imprint in a person’s memory and forces him to take some action. Another powerful factor in ethnic mobilization is participation or empathy for some common success or achievement.

All this increases the responsibility of school education for the future of Russia, for the path it will take, and how the processes of interethnic interaction will develop. But, unfortunately, there is no progress in this direction today. active work. AND modern system education does not guarantee the formation of positive interethnic attitudes. And the negative perception of a particular ethnic group or the exclusivity of one’s own national group that has taken shape in the school environment is doubly dangerous.

Interethnic relations among adolescents are determined by the characteristics of socialization and depend on the influence of the ethnopsychological characteristics of surrounding ethnic groups, the level of development of ethnic identification, ethnic stereotypes, and ethnic education.

The social situation, including all socio-cultural institutions for the transmission of norms, values, attitudes, the influence of linguistic differences, family and everyday norms, the traditional system of ethical and behavioral stereotypes, ethnospecific ritualized rituals, has the most significant impact on interethnic relationships among adolescents.

Depending on what social situation a teenager is in, favorable or carrying a charge of negative emotions, his relationships with representatives of surrounding ethnic groups will develop accordingly.

The family has a great influence on the formation of interethnic relationships among adolescents, where, under the influence of the views of parents, the first basic accumulation of impressions about the surrounding ethnic groups occurs. Based on the received ethnic education, the background of positive or negative interethnic relationships among adolescents is subsequently formed. Ethnic identity is the basic basis for the formation of interethnic relationships. Depending on the ability of adolescents to identify themselves with their own ethnic group and with those around them, the establishment and course of their interethnic relationships will depend.

An important factor in the development of interethnic relationships are ethnopsychological characteristics, which manifest themselves mainly through the mechanisms of attitudes and stereotypes.

Ethnic attitudes, being an integral part of the ethnic psyche of a person, form a certain mood, giving special specificity to the motivation and goal setting of adolescents.

3. Formation of a positive ethnic attitude in adolescents

One of the main directions in solving the problems of fostering a culture of interethnic communication may be to increase the role of ethnopsychology in educational programs. It is this discipline that is able to clearly demonstrate and explain the specifics of the differences that lie in the area of ​​interethnic differences. Showing the unique essence of a wide variety of cultures and demonstrating that the bearers of these cultures cannot think and feel in exactly the same way can greatly contribute to increasing interethnic tolerance. Wherein Special attention it is necessary to devote not only to theoretical training, but also to practical contacts between representatives of different cultures, both at the interstate level and within the country, where interethnic differences are often even more pronounced.

When working with students, it is necessary to remember that many of them are future teachers who will have to pass on the acquired knowledge and formed attitudes to subsequent generations. And modern research shows that we can talk about the presence of social and psychological factors that, to one degree or another, violate the adequacy of the behavior of children in groups in which teachers work with inadequate forms of expression of ethnic self-awareness. Children who study with teachers with an adequate positive form of expression of ethnic self-awareness are better adapted to the microsociety; their behavior is characterized by more flexible and harmonious ways of interacting with others. Whereas children studying with teachers with exaggerated and lithotized forms of ethnic self-awareness are characterized by difficult socio-psychological adaptation in the environment Khotinets V.Yu. Ethnic identity. St. Petersburg, 2000. p. 186-187..

In addition, it should be noted that most of the various ethnophobias have roots in a negative assessment of their ethnic group. It is the lack of a positive assessment of one’s ethnicity and the experience of a national inferiority complex that leads to the fact that psychological defenses are triggered, and people attack other nations, accusing them of all mortal sins. Thus, the formation of a positive assessment of one’s ethnic group is one of the main components of a set of measures aimed at creating a healthy interethnic environment.


Since we live in an era of globalization of processes, we can expect the advent of an era of integrated culture. But so that in our complex world remain yourself, cultural differences must be taken for granted and try to get used to a “foreign” culture without losing your own.

A true culture of interethnic communication, interaction and cooperation between peoples can arise only on the basis of the disclosure of the spiritual and moral potential of each nation, the exchange of experience in social and cultural creativity, and on the basis of the implementation of the ideals of freedom, justice and equality. And it is education that is designed to provide a combination of international and national education for adolescents.

In conditions of intense migration and interaction of cultures, the modern education system is designed to create conditions for the formation of a person capable of active life in a multinational, multicultural environment. The high stakes on the traditional culture of education in this regard, which exists in modern world, natural and natural. The national tradition of education practically remains the main condition for the revival of any national traditions and national revival in general.

The historical experience of school development, education, pedagogical knowledge, expressed in theoretical form, can and should become the basis modern model education and new pedagogical concepts. This experience helps to better identify the content of education, determine the main directions of its development, means and methods of continuous spiritual improvement and renewal of society. A model of modern education cannot be created without taking into account regional characteristics, without relying on historical memory peoples, on the national experience of education and family education.

The purpose of our work was to consider the influence of ethnic attitudes on the behavior of adolescents. We found that ethnic attitudes are formed in adolescents due to the influence of the surrounding society - school, family, friends, and the media. Formation of a positive ethnic attitude within the framework of these social institutions is of great importance to society.


1. Avksentyev V.A., Shapovalov V.A. Ethnic problems of modern Russia: socio-philosophical aspect of analysis. Stavropol, 1997.

2. Asmolov A.G., Shlyagina E.I. National character and individuality: experience of ethnopsychological research. Issue 2. - M., 1984.

3. Vyatkin B.A., Khotinets V.Yu. Ethnic self-awareness as a factor in the development of individuality. // Psychological Journal, 1996. Vol. 17. No. 5.

4. Gasanov N.N. On the culture of interethnic communication // Socio-political magazine. 1997. No. 3. P. 233; It's him. Features of the formation of a culture of interethnic communication in a multinational region. // Pedagogy. 1994. No. 5.

5. Leontiev A.A. Psychology of communication. Tartu. 1974.

6. Lomteva T.N. Basic concepts of intercultural communication. Stavropol. 1999.

7. Malkova T.P., Frolova M.A. Introduction to social philosophy. M., 1995.

8. Khotinets V.Yu. Ethnic identity. St. Petersburg, 2000.

9. Shlyagina E.I. On the issue of constructing ethnopsychology of personality // Ethnic psychology and society. - M., 1997.

10. Shlyagina E.I., Karlinskaya I.M. Tolerance as a condition for positive interethnic communication // Psychology of communication: problems and prospects. - M., 2000.

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One of the most pressing problems of society and the youth environment, in particular, is interethnic relations. The problem has a number of levels and aspects, here are some of them: state national policy and social work in the field of interethnic relations, theories and concepts of interethnic communication, educational work educational institutions and youth organizations, and finally, the everyday perception and behavior of citizens.

From the press we know blatant facts testifying to national hatred, violence, criminal behavior of adults and, what is especially alarming, teenagers and young people, schoolchildren and students. In Russia, to put it mildly, there are groups and layers of society that profess chauvinism and racism in extreme forms; it is dangerous for people with “non-white” skin color to live here. Despite official prohibitions, the media often promote anti-Semitism, chauvinism, national hatred, and violence.

There is a discrepancy between official ideology and politics, legislation in the field of national relations, where international norms and standards are recognized and accepted, and ordinary ethnic consciousness and behavior, mass personal and group psychology, where prejudices, stereotypes, national intolerance, etc. prevail. Crowd psychology, group consciousness, supported by individuals, parties, the press and due to the difficult life in the country, has a much stronger influence on people, especially young people, than official political doctrines and pedagogical work in the education system.

Analysis and scientific solution of the problem is carried out at the intersection of such sciences as sociology, political science, law, psychology, ethnosociology and ethnopsychology, pedagogy, philosophy. The main concepts that reflect the real phenomenon are ethnic (national) consciousness, interethnic communication, national and cultural tolerance.

The strengthening of nationalist tendencies has been occurring all over the world since the end of the 20th century. for various reasons, one of them is the process of globalization, which is perceived as a threat to national culture, as the onset of Americanism. In Russia since the early 90s. Nationalist sentiments intensified for a number of reasons: the collapse of the USSR, economic and sociocultural, ideological crisis, impoverishment, marginalization of large sections of the population.

This especially affected young people. Research by sociologists shows that young people, in comparison with other groups of the population, are the most ethnocentric, that is, they show hostility towards one or many nationalities, intolerance, and nationalism. Many young people believe that only Russians should live in Russia. Scientists have recorded that to date, nationalist beliefs dominate among a significant part of young people. This is partly explained by age-related reasons and psychological characteristics: a young person wants to be strong and successful in life, tends to view the world in a simplified way, as black and white, divides people into friends and foes on social and national grounds, wants to belong to a strong group. The social situation and age-related psychological characteristics determine the national self-awareness of young people, pushing young people to extreme positions, to national intolerance and extremism.

In the national consciousness of schoolchildren, students, and youth groups, “insiders,” representatives of their native ethnic group, receive positive assessments, while at the same time, “outsiders” are assessed sharply negatively. Conclusions are drawn that “outsiders” are to blame for all the troubles and must be expelled from Russia. The content of national consciousness is also characterized by a ethic, power ideology: Russia is and should be a great power, it should have a strong government, an army, Russia should have a large territory. First of all, young people name the great military victories of Russia and politicians past and present. Only then, and not always, are spiritual and moral principles, culture, art, and writers mentioned among national values.

National self-awareness of such content is, of course, not only characteristic of young people. Such beliefs have been formed and are being developed among some modern scientists, politicians, cultural and artistic figures, and the church. Such and similar beliefs have a long history and cultural tradition (Slavophilism, Eurasianism), and this circumstance complicates the task of society and the teaching community to form a culture of interethnic communication. Nationalist ideas, ethnic prejudices, stereotypes of perception and behavior are very tenacious. Fear of strangers and a hostile attitude towards them have been preserved as an atavism since primitive times. This emotionally charged, evaluative perception of representatives of another ethnic group is always supported by internal crises and external processes.

How can pedagogy, theory and methods of education respond to this urgent challenge of society and the youth environment, in particular? Firstly, the answer can be given at a personal level: every teacher, every employee of the education system must set an example of positive (as opposed to negative, chauvinistic) national identity. The teacher must profess and demonstrate national pride, patriotism, knowledge of the culture of his country and at the same time adhere to the standards in interethnic and intercultural relations set by UNESCO and the developed world.

Secondly, teaching staff can and should do their job competently and professionally. The content, methods and forms of education, including the formation of a culture of interethnic communication, are available in the specialized literature. Here we will only convey the contents of some international and internal documents, which to a certain extent serve as a guide for conducting educational work with young people to form a culture of interethnic relations.

Our country has the Concept of State National Policy of the Russian Federation (1996). It says that in modern conditions The interdependence of countries and nations and the internationalization of all aspects of human life are increasing. The ethnic diversity of the world's population, the multinationality of most states and regions, the intensification of economic, political and spiritual relations between peoples strengthen the ties between people of different nationalities and confessions; their work, study, and life, as a rule, take place in a multi-ethnic environment. This determines the need to organize targeted work to develop a culture of interethnic communication among children, youth, and all citizens, instilling in them patriotism, national, cultural, and religious tolerance. The Concept sets the task: “To ensure the development of programs and courses that promote the cultivation of a culture of interethnic communication, familiarization of children, youth, and the population with the spiritual wealth of the peoples of Russia and their implementation in the system of preschool education, secondary and higher education, advanced training of personnel, as well as in the system training in military units and divisions."

Developing the ideas of the Concept, the Government of the Russian Federation, by its resolution of February 22, 1997 No. 217, approved the Plan of Priority Actions for the implementation of the Concept of State National Policy of the Russian Federation. Among the leading events is the introduction into the content of school and university education of knowledge aimed at creating a culture of interethnic communication, the development of special programs and courses to foster a culture of interethnic communication.

Fostering a culture of interethnic communication is considered as one of the goals of education and upbringing in a number of other legislative documents of the Russian Federation: the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Standards-2000”, the National Doctrine of Education, etc. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” distinguishes federal and national -regional educational standards (Article 7). These standards provide for a mandatory set of school disciplines, the content of which should ensure the integration of the individual into world and national cultures; the formation of a human citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society.

The Law characterizes the content of education: “The content of education must promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people, nations, various racial, national, ethnic, religious and social groups...” (Article 14).

A number of federal programs (federal target program “Youth of Russia”, “Federal National Program”, etc.) set specific tasks and ways of their implementation to foster a culture of interethnic communication in Russian society. They emphasize that the culture of interethnic communication is essential component civic education and prioritize the following content elements:

● formation in schoolchildren of such values ​​as Motherland, Fatherland, Constitution, democracy, freedom, human rights, family, civic and social responsibility, formation of a sense of citizen of multinational Russia;

● introducing students to a set of values ​​that reflect the universal and national cultural wealth of the peoples of Russia, to their historical, spiritual, moral traditions, readiness to continue and develop them.

These and other normative legal acts consider not only the rights and freedoms of citizens related to their nationality provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They reflect the pedagogical policy of the state, which defines the goals and content of citizenship education and the culture of interethnic communication.

The problem of fostering a culture of interethnic communication, education in the spirit of peace, democracy, human rights, mutual understanding and harmony is global and is reflected in the documents of the international community. The 53rd session of the UN General Assembly (1998) adopted the Declaration on a Culture of Peace. The culture of peace should be understood as a global school in which everyone learns to live together in peace and harmony, to root in people's minds the idea of ​​protecting peace, not to use violence, and to affirm justice and democracy. Fostering such qualities as tolerance, non-violence, conflict-free communication skills, the ability to listen and hear, argue with an opponent without turning him into an enemy should be cultivated from the very beginning. early childhood. Educational and educational work in school should not be limited to the communication of certain knowledge. It is necessary to create a humanistic environment in children's groups that will contribute to the formation of conflict-free skills and non-violent communication among children who come from different national, cultural, religious and religious backgrounds. social strata society. Adolescents should be involved in actions of solidarity and empathy with those who have suffered suffering and need support. This will help the young person to really prepare for participation in the life of civil society, a legal, democratic state.

UNESCO in 1995 proclaimed the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance. Tolerance is an international term that means not just tolerance, but respect, acceptance and correct understanding the unity of humanity, the interdependence of everyone on everyone and everyone on everyone, the richness and diversity of cultures, the recognition of rights and freedom, the rejection of the culture of war and the establishment of a culture of peace. The UN, attaching great importance to the establishment of the principles of tolerance in the life of the international community, proclaimed the day of signing of the Declaration (1995) as the International Day dedicated to tolerance.

For a multinational, ethnically diverse country like Russia, the problem of promoting tolerance is of great importance. Therefore, in 2001, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Target Program “Formation of attitudes of tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society.” It is designed for 2001–2005.

As a task of forming a culture of interethnic communication, we can cite specific manifestations of mutual understanding and harmony between people in modern conditions:

● respect for human dignity;

● manifestation and consolidation of such qualities as sensitivity, goodwill, tolerance, generosity;

● a sense of proportion and tact in communicating with people, the ability to overcome conflicts in relationships with them;

● respect for the language, culture, traditions, and customs of other peoples;

● the need to translate moral knowledge into actions and actions;

● the ability to manage your behavior, your needs, combining them with the interests of others;

● the desire to affirm moral standards in word and deed, by personal example.

In modern conditions, the concept of multicultural education is being widely developed. It involves the adaptation of a person to different values ​​in the situation of the existence of many heterogeneous cultures, interaction between people with different traditions, orientation towards dialogue of cultures, rejection of cultural and educational monopoly in relation to other nations and peoples. The implementation of her ideas is aimed at creating such an atmosphere, living in which any person would feel not only a son of his homeland, but also a citizen of the universe, understand and respect, preserve not only the culture of his people, but also the cultures of other peoples, and therefore, respect the right another person for free cultural development. The implementation of the concept leads students to understand the existence of other lifestyles that are just as significant and valid as their own.

The peculiarity of Russia is that its population consists of more than a hundred indigenous peoples living in different territories since ancient times - there are many languages, cultures, and traditions. It would seem that such wealth should become the source of the greatest pride of every Russian, but this is not the case at all. Ethnic conflicts and ethnic violence, unfortunately, accompany modern history Russia. Their reasons are territorial, political, economic, ethnic and religious claims. Growing national and religious self-awareness not only gives rise to positive trends, but, at times, generates intolerant attitudes towards representatives of other ethnic and religious groups, which in turn is a threat to stability in society. IN Lately The issue of ethnic relations is acute not only in Russia, but throughout the world(the reasons are different, including migrants in search of better life, but recently the most pressing problems associated with - refugees)

Often children experience difficulties associated with their inability, and hence their reluctance, to accept and understand another, precisely as another. For the most part, they cannot even imagine that in front of them is another culture with its own, special logic of thinking and behavior. And they often try to project their own thoughts and qualities onto others. According to research from B.C. Sobkin, at the beginning of the 21st century. There is a high prevalence of interethnic conflicts among adolescents. Almost every fourth teenager in Moscow takes part in such conflicts. And about 10% of schoolchildren are prone to display intolerant behavior.

Our school is also attended by children of different nationalities. And the problem of interpersonal communication arises periodically.

The state order for fostering a culture of interethnic communication is reflected inThe Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states: “... to ensure the development of programs and courses that promote the cultivation of a culture of interethnic communication, familiarization of children, youth, and the population with the spiritual wealth of the peoples of Russia, and their implementation in the system of secondary and higher education.”

Based on this, the most important task of modern pedagogy is to develop skills and habits of positive interethnic communication, to cultivate in schoolchildren respect for the history and culture of their people, and then of other peoples, to develop in them high culture interethnic communication.

Interethnic communication - these are certain relationships and relationships during which people belonging to different national communities and holding different religious views exchange experiences, spiritual values, thoughts, and feelings.

Nurturing a culture of interethnic communication is the same long process as cultivating other human qualities. During the formation of a culture of interethnic communication, the teacher and student go through several steps or levels:

tolerance (the concept of “tolerance” in this case is identical to the concept of “tolerance”, therefore it is the first stage in the development of a culture of interethnic communication)

understanding and accepting another culture

respect for another culture;

affirmation of cultural differences.

A distinction is made between spontaneous and purposeful personality formation. Personality qualities are formed with the help of special means of education and training. Remedy in philosophical encyclopedia is defined as the central link in the structure of meaningful, presupposing and realizing a specific goal of human activity.

It has been proven that the characteristics of interethnic perception are determined by age and social conditions development. On the one hand, children under 6 years old have a rather vague idea of ​​their nationality, while at the same time, already at 4 years old, a child begins to form an attitude towards a person of a different nationality.

According to F. Westy, preschoolers and primary schoolchildren for the most part remain open-minded, but already from the age of 9, emotional preferences develop into stable stereotypes, which become very difficult to change.

It is at this age that a person’s sense of cultural identity begins to form, and accordingly, interest in issues of cultural belonging increases.

Already in adolescence, the foundations for further development are laid. social behavior personality, ability to empathize or conflict, social isolation, positive or negative attitude towards others; His own life position acquires special significance for the child.

For a tolerant attitude among the younger generation, it is necessary to form:

    respect for other peoples and cultures,

    readiness for business cooperation and interaction, joint solution of universal human problems;

    it is necessary to teach respect for any person, representative of a different sociocultural group;

    stimulate the desire to learn about different cultures;

    to develop tolerance towards ethnic cultures,

    teach how to prevent or creatively overcome conflicts.

Educational work on the formation of these qualities must take place in the system.

Education of a culture of interethnic relations among schoolchildren is carried out, first of all, in the classroom, as well as in the process of various forms of extracurricular activities.

It is necessary to develop in schoolchildren a sense of pride in Russia as a multinational, multicultural, multi-confessional country, for its multinational people, who are the only source of power in the country, on whose territory relations of good neighborliness, constructive interaction, harmony and mutual understanding between representatives of different nations have developed for centuries. To form a legal culture, legal consciousness of students, their respect for the Basic Law of our state. Concentrate the attention of schoolchildren on the topic of the national educational ideal (“a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in spiritual and cultural traditions multinational people of Russia") and on the basic national values ​​of Russians (patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, health, work and creativity, religion, science, art, nature, etc.). This is facilitated by such extracurricular activities like class hours “We are Russians”, “Symbols of the Russian State”, “The Constitution is the main law of the country”, “I am obliged to be a citizen” and days of legal knowledge.

Need to create on training sessions such situations in which students would experience feelings of love and pride for their homeland, admire it heroic story, the courage and bravery of her patriotic sons, her outstanding role in the development of world civilization. This problem can be solved in lessons and class events on the topic “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”, “Congratulate the veteran”, “Heroes of the Russian Land...”, etc.

In my opinion, play should play an important role in the learning process. In the process of using role-playing games, skills in the culture of interethnic communication are formed. This form of training is quite entertaining. In the game, you can easily find out the attitude of schoolchildren to any problem; it gives the child the opportunity to gain specific personal experience and form their own judgment on the problem. Usage game forms classes leads to an increase in the creative potential of students and thus contributes to a deeper understanding of the problem.

The game “Blue-Eyed and Brown-Eyed” from a collection published in Moscow in 1995 has gained particular popularity among teachers and students. It evokes special emotional experiences, highlighting the problem of discrimination on racial (national) grounds. This game creates the simplest model of discrimination against a part of the country's population based on one randomly selected characteristic. In this case, students themselves find themselves in the position of either being discriminated against or being discriminated against.

Specially organized debates and conversations are productive and very interesting: “Traditions of my people”, “Journey to the world of Islam”, etc. In such classes, students would learn in detail about the culture different nations. During the lessons, one could visit museums, watch films about the history of the formation of regions, study their folklore, including virtually, using ICT.

For more willing and friendly communication with people of other nationalities, it would be nice to carry out various excursions to regions where representatives of other cultures live. Organize concerts there, presenting the customs and traditions of the indigenous population, hold lectures and hearings. Try to train students in “exchange” schools to develop communication between them and assimilate the life of different peoples.

Family education is very important this issue. To do this, you can conduct conversations with parents on the topics “Attitude towards representatives of other nationalities in your family”, “My child in the field of interethnic relations”.

Reports and lectures at patriotic themes Suitable for older grades. Here they can give free rein to their imagination and prepare creative materials themselves. These can be reports about their homeland, and own compositions, poems, stories about compatriot heroes and much more.

In order to get to know the culture of other peoples better, various concerts, folklore and ethnographic evenings, hours of poetry and music will help. Here you can easily introduce creativity to children famous people different nationalities.

It will be useful for schoolchildren to organize class hours like “My friends of a different nationality” or “How to find mutual language with peers of other nationalities,” as well as monitoring studies on attitudes towards people of other nationalities, knowledge of the culture of other nationalities living in our country, etc.

Alipkalieva G.A. will share her experience about various forms of extracurricular work on this issue.

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