Business portal for success. State Historical Museum

How to turn an ordinary trip to a museum into an exciting adventure for children, what games to play with them in order to interest them in the subject and not disturb those around them - read in our material.

Going to a museum with children can be an unpredictable adventure. Are there activities for children at the museum? They may like it so much that they will get carried away and beg not to leave the museum until the evening. Or they can barely look up at the exhibits, try to touch everything and shout in a voice that is not their own, like angry fans on the field.

Children's games in the museum

Children are children, so you can't expect them to love something that isn't meant for them, getting angry and disappointed if they're just acting their age. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't involve children in art in museums or galleries. You just need to help them using a few useful tips. And it will help you choose where to go

Secret exhibit

The player selects a painting or object in the gallery room, but does not inform other players about it. The rest are trying to guess what this secret exhibit is. Your child may give you hints by answering leading questions with only “yes” or “no.” Whoever guesses correctly becomes the next one to choose a secret exhibit.

Pack it!

Each player selects one piece of art from each gallery room that they allegedly want to purchase. The player must also say where in the house he will hang/place it.

Looking for a rainbow

This game is a color hunt. In each room, try to find all the colors of the rainbow together. To complicate the game, you can set a rule - one picture = one color.

Just in case there are pictures with rainbows, the game will not end. This is a great game that teaches kids that they can only look and not touch.

I found

Choose a color from a picture, and let the other players guess what object matches the color.

For example, if there is a dog in the background of a painting, the player will say, “I found something brown,” and players will start looking for all the elements of that color in the painting, hoping that it is a dog and not something else.

This game works especially well in groups with children of approximately the same age. With older and more art-educated children, you can try changing the color characteristic to a genre or identifying one.

For example, when playing in a gallery lobby, the player says, “I found something by Jackson Pollock,” or “I found an impressionist.” You set the boundaries, so improvise.

10 tips to make a museum trip more interesting (even with the youngest visitors)

  1. Plan an early visit to ensure there is plenty of time at the museum. less people, and the children were cheerful and open to new knowledge.
  2. Don't forget to eat a hearty meal before your hike.
  3. Immediately find all the restrooms on the museum map to conveniently plan your route.
  4. Choose days free visit so that in case of sudden hysteria, you can quickly and without regrets leave the museum world. These days are usually more crowded, but unless you have a quiet little one growing up (this probably applies to many), the baby's loud cries will be less noticeable in a noisy crowd.
  5. Find out in advance whether photography is possible, and equip your child with a camera so he can document everything.
  6. Most museums operate on a free entry/exit basis, so if you need a sip fresh air, you will be able to leave the museum walls for a while.
  7. Play. In addition, many museums have special children's routes and guides.
  8. Bring a sketchbook with you.
  9. Listen to your child and monitor his mood. If he is tired, look for a way out, and don’t try to go look at just a couple more pictures.
  10. Be sure to stop by the souvenir and gift shop so that when you get home you can remember and talk about art again.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Opening your own private museum seems like a promising undertaking to a small number of people, yet few people perceive a trip to such an institution as interesting view leisure However, there is still a demand, and if you choose the right theme for your museum and organize it correctly, you can count on a good profit. Moreover, there are a huge number of development options here, an entrepreneur can work in different formats, offer his visitors something unique, and the variety of topics allows him to occupy a niche that no one has yet tackled. Nice museum can be popular and generate income absolutely everywhere - both in small towns and in big cities, it is especially convenient to engage in such business in historically significant places. Taking into account some of the features of running this type of business, you can start a business that will bring a stable and fairly high income. At the same time, for many entrepreneurs, such a business becomes an interesting undertaking, because it allows them to do exactly what they dedicated their lives to.

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First, you generally need to study the market to determine what exactly is interesting to the population. When working in resort or simply popular tourist cities, you should focus not even on the local population, but on visitors; there are a lot of opportunities here. Determining the theme of the museum is the most difficult stage; here the entrepreneur has to engage in full-fledged research, because in the case bad choice It will be impossible to even talk about covering expenses, let alone making a profit. As for competitors, it is unlikely that they will significantly affect the conduct of their business, because no one will create two museums on the same topic, and when choosing a museum, people always go exactly where they are interested, so a marketing campaign is unlikely to be as something will affect their choice. However, there are museums that are trying to attract their visitors through something new and unusual; these are, of course, most often museums in tourist cities, because it is difficult to attract the local population to an exhibition of some kind unusual collection constantly. But tourists will be happy to visit not only historical sights, but also a very unusual museum. In general, after finding out what people are interested in and making sure that there will be enough people as visitors, you can start opening your museum.

An important point is the registration process. At its core, an entrepreneur has only one option - to register a legal entity in order to earn profit from providing services, and his museum will simply be an entertainment, cultural and leisure institution. Registration process legal entity standard, no special conditions are provided here. But if he does not aim to make a profit, then he can register non-profit organization which will become an autonomous institution. It is quite difficult to obtain the status of a museum, which allows you to apply to the Ministry of Culture for any subsidies and support; usually private commercial organizations do not become one. But in any case, the application is submitted to the Ministry of Culture, and there the value of the collection and its significance as a cultural property are already assessed, and the condition of the museum itself is also assessed. In general, this is where the difference comes in: commercial museums most often collect a collection that is unlikely to be of importance to the Ministry of Culture, and more “traditional” museums are almost always non-profit organizations.

A separate conversation if the entrepreneur has objects of important cultural and historical significance, if they are actually in private collection, then the Ministry of Culture will be interested in having these exhibits on display, but it will be very difficult to rent items of this kind. This is in case an entrepreneur envisions the possibility of renting some valuable items from other museums or other institutions. In general, from a legal point of view, there are no restrictions on conducting one’s activities, the main thing (in the case of commercial organization) – pay taxes, but to varying degrees historical Museum in any case, for many questions I am forced to contact the Ministry of Culture in my area. Therefore, before starting work, it makes sense to go there to find out about the requirements and any regulations existing in the region, because, for example, there may be restrictions on the use of any objects obtained during even a private archaeological expedition, this may be for example, if excavations took place on the territory of military operations in the past.

The next point is to find a room for your work. There are many options here, but they depend precisely on the chosen format of work. Some private museums are even located in the houses or apartments of their founders, but these are rather small museums that are of interest only to a small group of like-minded people. For a normal museum you need at least one showroom approximately 100 m2 in size. True, there are smaller halls and much larger ones; museums in general are very, very different. An important point maybe it’s the location in the city; it’s optimal, of course, to be located in the center, but there the rental cost will be very high. 100 m2 will cost 70 thousand rubles per month on average, but this is a very rough figure, in major cities This money will not be enough; in a small locality, on the contrary, it will be possible to save money. When working in a smaller room, of course, the savings will be more significant. In general, a museum in this regard is a rather difficult undertaking, because in some cases there is seasonality (for example, in tourist cities), and not every month the flow of visitors is equal, but the rental amount is constant, and it must be paid without delay.

In general, it is better to have a reserve fund of funds so that you can pay rent at least six months in advance without the risk of being left without premises. At 70 thousand rubles for rent, such a fund will be 420 thousand rubles. In six months, at least the work to attract visitors will be done, after which the risks will decrease. And a museum, which is subject to seasonality, must plan its budget a year in advance. Some entrepreneurs, by the way, find temporary places to place their expositions, thanks to which they can not engage in this activity for several months at all, but also not pay rent. For example, you can agree with an already operating museum to open its exhibition only on summer months. Here you need to explore the possibilities in order to find the optimal way out of your situation.

In general, if a decision has been made to open a museum, then the organizers probably already have some exhibits, that is, the exhibition is ready to one degree or another. In extreme cases, a decision has already been made about what and where to buy. Here it must be said that the cost of exhibits can be very different. These could be finds of archeology students who sold them for a symbolic sum, or things made by an entrepreneur himself (some people who are interested in any kind of creativity subsequently think about opening a museum of their crafts, and some this is successful), and these can also be real works of art, antiques, things of great historical value - such exhibitions can be valued at millions of dollars. That is, it is impossible to name even the approximate cost of purchasing exhibits; the range is very, very wide, in fact from “free” to “astronomical amounts”. It all depends on what exactly you are doing. And, of course, you need to take into account what size the exhibition will be, and in general, how many there will be in one museum.

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You also need to take care to properly arrange your rooms. To do this, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment. In general, placing exhibits in museums may require the purchase of somewhat unusual equipment (for example, racks for armor), but we will consider ordinary shelves and display cases. They are usually made from simple materials, but sometimes an increased degree of protection is needed if you have to deal with valuable specimens, that is, when there is a possibility of theft. Of course it's simple local history museum It hardly needs a complex and expensive security system, but in some cases it is critically necessary. The cost of a rack 4-5 meters long is 30-40 thousand rubles, small display cases are 1.5-2 times cheaper, that is, one average museum hall can be equipped with furniture for 200-300 thousand rubles. Of course, there are many options here too, a lot depends on the exhibits themselves, sometimes you don’t even have to buy something more expensive simple table. Additionally, a security complex is installed; for this, you can contact a specialized private security organization, which can connect a security system for about 50 thousand rubles, but in the future you will have to pay for security. Here, a lot also depends on the complexity of the system, on the level of security; you need to count on an amount of 5 thousand rubles. For security big museums the amount will be several times greater. A separate expense item will be the creation of a design project, if, of course, this is advisable when creating a museum. Some such institutions are actually equipped in accordance with a particular theme, so it makes sense to contact a specialized office that carries out such work. The cost of a design project (its development) is approximately one thousand rubles per square meter premises (taking into account that the size is 100 m2, that is, if it is a large room, otherwise - 1.5-2 times larger). Thus, we need about 100 thousand rubles more for the design project.

It is also worth thinking about who exactly will work in the museum. It should be noted that a small institution is quite capable of being serviced by the entrepreneur himself, but if the museum has a huge number of exhibits, and many of them are valuable, then it is worth attracting special employees. It’s good if they already have experience in similar positions, many museum workers, who worked in government institutions, will almost certainly be more interested high level salaries that a private museum can offer them. To service an average museum, a staff of 4-5 people will be enough, the amount wages One person here costs around 20 thousand rubles for an average city. Of course, in large populated areas you will have to pay people a little more. In fact, the entrepreneur himself can also continue to take part in the work of the museum, especially if he creates a collection that is of interest to him. Here you will need a person responsible for the exhibits, their recording and maintenance, an administrator, and also, in some cases, a guide. Sometimes a cheap one is additionally attracted work force for organizing exhibitions; this is necessary, for example, when working with large paintings or heavy sculptures. Thus, the wage fund is approximately 100 thousand rubles per month, but this figure only applies to really large museums, which many people visit. At the same time, it is better to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit; this includes the already mentioned security activities, as well as accounting. The issues of settling relations with the Ministry of Culture should be dealt with either by an additional knowledgeable person, or the entrepreneur himself, but even an outside specialist does not have to be hired, but only contacted if necessary.

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Now let's look in more detail at the possible formats of work. The simplest example is an ordinary historical or similar museum, which is mostly interesting to a certain group of people, but “general cultural” institutions often host entire school classes or even student groups if their exhibits consist of research objects in a particular field of science. Here people already go to the museum for the sake of education (and in the case of schoolchildren, often simply on a voluntary-compulsory basis). Therefore, when organizing a museum of this kind, it is worth starting cooperation with educational institutions, offering a discount on mass hikes. The entrepreneur only benefits from this, because the discount on tickets does not affect the level of income, because many people come at the same time. However, it is registered museums that are most interesting to schoolchildren, students and their teachers, which, as already noted, most often become non-profit enterprises.

Another format of work is museums with unusual themes; there are a huge number of similar small institutions in the world that collect things that are incomprehensible to the common man. The most common example is a museum of celebrity belongings. Everything here is determined by the founder’s imagination, but the biggest risk in this direction is not finding an audience. On the other hand, there are examples of museums of this format that people from all over the world go to. The cost of a ticket to such institutions is usually an order of magnitude more expensive than a ticket to a simple museum, although only a well-known institution can set such a price. The next category is museums designed for tourists; these are institutions that are most dependent on the season, but in special cases they can earn many times more in a couple of months than a regular museum. Usually these museums are dedicated to the history of the city, its architecture, art, and some events that took place in the life of the city. It is clear that such a museum will only be successful in a city that is initially of interest to tourists. AND a separate category There are museums that are dedicated to some unusual trend that the organizer himself is passionate about. What distinguishes such museums is that most of the exhibits are the product of the creative thought of the museum owner himself; such institutions begin with exhibitions in own apartment or home. It can also be anything, but here you need to be sure that there will be enough like-minded people to make money on it. An additional (and sometimes the main or even the only) source of income is the sale of made things; In general, any museum can sell exhibits.

Thus, the cost of opening a museum can be either very small or very significant; an average simple museum can be opened (without taking into account the collection, the cost of which, as was noted, cannot be assessed at all and is always calculated individually) for an amount of about one million rubles with taking into account reserve funds to maintain work in the first months. The monthly expenses are 200 thousand rubles, and it should be noted that this is a very large figure. To cover expenses, you need to maintain at least a page on the Internet about your museum, and for this you need to invest at least an additional 50 thousand. The cost of a ticket to the museum starts from 50 rubles (but not even the one described here, but much simpler), the average cost is 300 rubles. Thus, to cover expenses, it will be necessary to attract almost 670 people every month, or about 30 people per day (taking into account a working month with 22 days).

For a museum that is located in a relatively large populated area and has established cooperation with schools and other educational institutions, this is quite realistic; for museums of a different format and a different way of attracting customers, this figure can be very large and impossible. In this regard, many commercial museums are located in small areas and are operated by one person. But a popular place always has its visitors, you just need to understand that several months will pass hard work before there are many clients in open museum. This business is very complex, and is definitely suitable for those who are passionate about a particular area and are ready to develop an interest in it.

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Matthias Laudanum
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Organizing your own drive-in cinema can cost a little less than a million rubles (but this is the work of a “traveling” cinema), or it can require more than 20 million - it all depends on the methods of demon...

A museum is a special institution where monuments and objects that have their own unique story. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks involve constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storing exhibits.
  • Museum climate. When humidity is low or humidity is too high, exhibits become deformed and their value is lost. It is necessary to install all the necessary equipment to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Equipment for restoration.
  • Guardians.
  • The concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of this institution in modern stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and preservation of one’s own traditions.

To create a new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its goal; it will depend on it further development activities. You can combine several purposes, for example, telling the history of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held; it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working staff (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four workers are needed). It is necessary to organize excursions competently in order to interest large quantity people, and they started bringing their friends here. But excursions alone are not enough; interest in them quickly disappears; it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the importance of this institution for the benefit of society and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this field, otherwise it will be a complete fiasco. This should be done by professionals who know how to organize everything correctly and beat the competition. Smart development trend modern museum– this is the creation of internal and near museum structures that create a single space. People who visit the establishment should receive general cultural development.

25. National Museum Te Papa Tongarewa (Wellington, New Zealand)


The National Museum of New Zealand focuses on the history of the island nation and the culture of its indigenous people, the Maori. Nature lovers will be pleased with the huge collection of dinosaurs, birds, fish, insects and even mythical creatures- for example, orcs. And all because it was in New Zealand that Peter Jackson filmed the famous film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”.

24. Museum of Latin American Art (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The museum's exposition is devoted mainly to works of Latin American art of the 20th century: on the ground floor there are works modern masters, and on the second - more early painting. Almost all the exhibits are owned by Argentine philanthropist Eduardo Constantini.

23. Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum (Xi'an, China)


The Great Wall and the Terracotta Army are one of the most recognizable symbols of China, the construction of which took place during the reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the unified Chinese state. The powerful ruler saw in them a stronghold of the security of his country and the continuation of personal power in the afterlife. It is noteworthy that among the figures there are no identical warriors: they all differ in rank, weapons used and facial expression.

22. Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem (Jerusalem, Israel)


The Holocaust Memorial Complex is located on Mount Herzl in western Jerusalem. Everlasting memory about the disaster and a tribute to all fighters against fascism.

21. National Gallery of Art (Washington, USA)


The complex consists of a sculpture garden and two buildings connected by an underground passage. The museum's collection displays a myriad of works of art from different eras and styles. By the way, a considerable part of the exhibits are Hermitage masterpieces purchased by American connoisseurs of beauty from the Soviet authorities.

20. Inhotim (Brumadinho, Brazil)


Art objects under the canopy of primeval forests? Why not! In a Brazilian park-museum, contemporary art objects are placed directly under open air. Of course, there are also closed exhibition centers himself of different nature. Bright Inhotim is often called “Disneyland for adults.”

19. Ricardo Brennand Institute (Recife, Brazil)


The cultural center is owned by Brazilian collector Ricardo Brennand and includes a museum, art gallery, library and park. A considerable number of exhibits are dedicated to the colonial era of Brazil. Of particular interest to tourists is the impressive collection of weapons.

18. National Air and Space Museum (Washington, USA)


The Smithsonian Institution Research Center is a real outlet for those who, for whatever reason, cannot become a pilot or. Under the high arches of the museum, unique examples of real aircraft and spacecraft are collected.

17. Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)


The Getty Complex will delight its visitors with amazing architecture with stunning views of Los Angeles. The museum displays works by European photographers, sculptors and artists. The adjacent park is famous for the unique murmur of its waterfall. The research institute hosts training sessions and exhibitions.

16. Pergamon Museum (Berlin, Germany)


The museum's exhibition is divided into three blocks: Antique collection, Museum of Islamic Art and Western Asian Museum. Presented here monumental works architecture, sculpture, mosaics, relief and writing with a very difficult fate. The fact is that the bombing of Berlin during the Second World War affected the Pergamon Museum, as a result of which part of the collection was transported and has not yet been returned.

15. National World War II Museum (New Orleans, USA)


The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 56th anniversary strategic operation on the landing of troops in France in 1944. The atrium of the building displays military equipment that contributed to the Allied victory in World War II.

14. Academy of Fine Arts (Florence, Italy)


Within the walls of the first Academy of Painting in Europe you can see internationally recognizable objects of art, for example, Michelangelo’s “David”. Don't like sculpture? Anyway, don’t pass by: tourists who adapt to naked stone bodies in an original way will amuse you a lot.

13. Vincent Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


Beauty has no price, but we have repeatedly heard about the fabulous sums for which paintings by the famous Dutch post-impressionist artist are sold. In addition to the works of the master himself, the museum exhibits works by no less than famous contemporaries: Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso.

12. British Museum (London, UK)


Over the centuries, colonists from the British Empire discovered the most hidden corners of the planet and grabbed interesting “souvenirs” from there, which later became exhibits in the second most visited museum in the world. Huge collection covers the most different eras, cultures and arts.

11. New Acropolis Museum (Athens, Greece)


The complex, expensive and lengthy construction of the museum was due to two interrelated reasons. First, Greek history has accumulated a surplus of artifacts. Secondly, the British did not want to return the stolen historical and cultural values, citing the fact that they had nowhere to display and store them. In the end, I still had to give it away.

10. National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City, Mexico)


The culture of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica is shrouded in a haze of fantasy, ideas about their bloodthirstiness and unprecedented wealth. How true all this is, you can appreciate in the main museum of Mexico, where the ancient values ​​of such powerful civilizations of the past, such as the Mayans or Aztecs, are presented.

9. Vasa Museum (Stockholm, Sweden)


The most visited museum in Scandinavia was built around the ship Vasa, which belonged to the Swedish navy in the 17th century. This is the oldest warship that has survived to this day. And what helped him stand the test of time, oddly enough, was a very quick wreck during his first voyage. Submerged in low salinity waters, the ship was not eaten by sea worms.

8. Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


The central place in the exhibition of the museum, founded in 1808 by Louis Bonaparte, is occupied by paintings Dutch masters painting of the 15th–19th centuries. For example, here is “ The night Watch"Rembrandt - a canvas measuring 363 by 437 cm, which is famous for its difficult history with attempts at destruction, a lot of mysteries and several mentions in films.

7. London National Gallery (London, UK)


The art gallery receives about 6.5 million tourists annually. More than two thousand paintings are exhibited in chronological order, which helps the unprepared viewer to follow the development of Western European painting since the 13th century.

6. State Hermitage (St. Petersburg, Russia)


A mecca for all guests of the Northern capital of Russia, with a mind-boggling number of exhibits, unimaginable decoration, as well as representative offices throughout the country and abroad.

5. Louvre (Paris, France)


Trying to unravel the smile of “La Gioconda” through the lens of a smartphone is the sacred duty of every guest of Paris. To do this, you will have to look into the most popular art museum in the world. However, before your date with the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, you will have a photo session with the glass pyramid - the main entrance to the Louvre.

4. National Prado Museum (Madrid, Spain)


Along with vibrant works of art belonging to masters of the Flemish, English, German and French schools, the museum, of course, houses a rich collection of paintings Spanish painters. Admirers of El Greco, Velazquez and Goya will be delighted.

3. Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, USA)


The museum is also a higher art museum. educational institution The USA, where such creators as Walt Disney were educated. Of course, among the exhibits there are many examples of American art.

2. Orsay Museum (Paris, France)


The museum's collection is housed in a former railway station. In addition to a rich array of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works, visitors can enjoy wonderful views of the Parisian Seine here.

1. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)


In the “Big Apple” there’s already nowhere for an apple to fall, but here there are still millions of visitors running from one city attraction to another in order to get acquainted as quickly as possible. The Metropolitan Museum of Art will not work quickly: even a cursory acquaintance with some of the “miscellaneous” exhibits will take many hours.

I had a chance to visit interesting museum? Tell us about it in the comments.

Visiting a museum is educational, but if it is dedicated to an unusual topic, it is also exciting. Probably every city has some original museum. We offer an overview of the ten most unusual museums.

Sarah Winchester, widow of William Wert Winchester and heiress to the "fortune of the author of the Winchester rifle", built strange house. It is said that after the death of her daughter and husband, she came into contact with the souls of those killed by a gun created by her husband. They expressed their indignation and demanded that a house be built for them. It was not completely completed when Sarah died. Over 38 years, $6 million was spent building the 160-room house on 56 hectares of land. Construction stopped only after the death of the owner in 1922. Sarah never slept in the same bedroom in a row to confuse the ghosts. In addition, for the same purpose, several stairs and doors were built in the house, which lead nowhere.

This strange exhibition first appeared before viewers in 2006. Its organizers were Olinka Vištica and Drazen Grubisic. They collected and displayed things they had been using for 4 years life together, and which remained when the couple separated. The main purpose of opening the museum was to create a place where one can leave a symbol of the sadness of a broken relationship. In 2010, the exhibition settled in Zagreb, Croatia. Every year, 40,000 visitors come to this one-of-a-kind museum. The exhibition is divided into several sections, the criteria being the duration and type of relationship. Visitors are allowed to touch things. In 2011, the museum received an award from the Association European museums and became the museum of the year for its innovative idea.

The Museum of Bad Art was founded in 1994. The main idea of ​​​​creating such an exhibition was to display examples of the lowest quality works of art in the world under the slogan - “Art is so low-grade that it cannot be ignored.” Scott Wilson, an antiquarian and museum founder, was inspired by the idea when he came across an old woman's gruesome work on a tin can. Since then, he began collecting similar specimens with his friend Jerry Reilly. The idea gained instant popularity, judging by the number of subscribers on the Internet, although only 10% of what was collected is on display in the museum. In total there are 600 works. Many critics opposed such installations, since works of such quality neutralize the role of art.

The idea for a museum like this came about when Grammy-nominated harpist Deborah Henson-Conant was making apple cider that completely burned when she was distracted by a long phone call. The highlight of the display is a batch of sweet potatoes that were cooked for five weeks in a lighted oven. Exhibits are sometimes even rented. On the museum's website there is a call for everyone to bring burnt "masterpieces" of culinary art. And the museum itself greets visitors with the slogan: “Leave the dish on low heat when you decide to do long tasks.”

The Paris Sewer Museum (Le Musée des Égouts de Paris) is the first vaulted sewer installed in 1370 stone walls in Paris. The length of the structure is 2,400 km. During the “World Trade Fair” of 1867, the French government opened access to the Parisian underground for everyone, where boats, gondolas, and other transport were prepared to provide excursions. Today, unfortunately, to ensure safety, the museum is closed to the public.

Founded by Bob McCoy, the museum features devices and devices invented to treat diseases that existed in the early 20th century. The most popular and shocking exhibits are a leg device, a kind of pump for breast enlargement and a device for increasing male strength using electric shocks. A curious device for phrenological readings, capable of mapping the brain and calculating levels of morality and intelligence, exists in the museum in only one copy. Another dubious device can test how comfortable a new pair of shoes will be. The museum closed in 2002 and is now permanently housed at the Minnesota Science Museum.

The creation of the museum was timed to coincide with the celebration of the city of Cushing in Malaysia (‘Kucing’ means “cat” in Malay), and its founder was the chief minister of the state. The museum contains over 2,000 pieces of art and 5,000 stuffed cats from Egypt. The most valuable specimen is considered to be a stuffed rare cat “Felis Badia”, which lives in the impenetrable forests of Borneo. Needless to say, the museum is very popular.

The founders of the museum claim that the exhibits were objects touched by souls in purgatory. The museum is housed in one small room inside the Church of the Sacred Heart of the Suffrage in Rome. Victor Jouet decided to found such a unique establishment after he saw a special sign in the form of a man’s face that appeared after a fire on the surviving wall of the church. He was sure that this face belonged to a person whose soul was in purgatory at that moment. Among the exhibits is a book with a burnt handprint, which was imprinted on the pages of the book after the fire and may have belonged to the deceased priest.

The museum's exhibition, consisting of 130 different items, is dedicated to the history of the development of water supply in China. There are also vintage advertising posters advertising tap water. The fact is that when the water supply system appeared, the Chinese did not trust this “foreign water” and refused to use it. To focus on great importance water in life, the museum was built on the site of the first water treatment plant in China.

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