Ethnic communities. National politics in the Russian Federation

Are the following statements about national politics correct?

A. National policy is subject to study as a theoretical problem of modern society.

B. National policy is relevant practical problems modernity.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


National policy is a set of political and organizational measures carried out by the Russian authorities in relation to peoples different nationalities(national minorities) living on its territory.

Answer: 3

Artyom Volkov (Moscow) 16.02.2015 18:07

Statements A and B contradict each other. In the first statement, national policy is called theoretical problem, and in the second practical. They can't both be right.

Are the following statements about the nation true?

A. An important factor in the education and development of a nation is the state.

B. A special role among the characteristics of a nation is played by the community of economic life.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts and ways to resolve them

Are the following judgments about an ethnic community (ethnos) correct?


B. Separate parts of a formed ethnic group can retain their ethnic identity if separated by political and state borders.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Ethnicity - a group of people united common features: origin, language, culture, territory of residence, identity, etc.

The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3


B. People belonging to the same nation, speak the same language, are united by common historical and cultural traditions.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Nation is a socio-economic, cultural, political and spiritual community industrial age. There are two main approaches to understanding a nation: as a political community of citizens of a certain state and as an ethnic community with a common language and identity.

Nationality is a historical community of people that arises from individual tribes during the collapse of tribal relations, at the early stage of feudalism based on a subsistence economy, before the emergence of strong economic ties and a unified economy. It is characterized by the unity of language, territory, customs and culture. A higher stage of development of society is the people.

The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Are the following statements about ethnic groups true?

A. The leading feature of an ethnic group can be considered the commonality of historical experience, cultural and mental traditions, and language.

B. Representatives of one ethnic group can live in the territory of many states.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. A natural prerequisite for the formation of one or another ethnic group is a common territory.

B. Separate parts of a formed ethnic group retain their ethnic identity if separated by political and state borders.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


An ethnic community is a community that has historically developed in a certain territory stable set people with general features and stable characteristics of culture, language, mental makeup, self-awareness and historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, and their differences from other similar entities. As follows from the definition, common territory is one of the prerequisites for the formation of an ethnic group.

Individual parts of a formed ethnic group can indeed retain their identity (i.e., consider themselves to be one ethnic group or people) if separated by political and state borders. An example would be the existence of two states German people after the Second World War (Germany and the German Democratic Republic), the settlement of the Sami, preserving their ethnic identity in Russia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

Therefore, both judgments are correct.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Ksenia Ermakova 05.06.2013 20:11

The first statement says that common territory is the only prerequisite for the formation of an ethnic group, but this is one of the prerequisites, along with language, culture, etc. , that is, statement A. is incorrect

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Read carefully the conditions of the task, not the ONLY one, but the NATURAL one.

Therefore, both statements are true.

Are the following statements about ethnic communities true?

A. Nationalities are formed on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties.

B. People belonging to the same ethnic group speak the same language and are united by common historical and cultural traditions.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Types of ethnic communities: clan, tribe, nationality, nation. Nationalities are formed on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties.

An ethnic community is a historically established stable collection of people in a certain territory who have self-knowledge and historical memory, common features and stable characteristics of culture, language, mental makeup, awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, and differences from other similar transformations.

Thus both judgments are correct.

The correct answer is indicated under number: 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

Interethnic relations in modern society

A. are built on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance, dialogue of cultures.

B. They are distinguished by the complete absence of conflicts, overcoming national intolerance and interethnic hatred.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The main trends in the development of interethnic relations in the modern world: interethnic differentiation (the process of separation, confrontation between different nations, ethnic groups) and interethnic integration (the process of gradual unification of different ethnic groups, peoples and nations). Indeed, interethnic relations should be built on the basis of mutual respect for the dialogue of cultures, but conflicts cannot be avoided.

The correct answer is indicated under the number: 1.

Answer: 1

Subject area: Social relations. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts and ways to resolve them

Guest 18.04.2013 14:13

Dear test compilers! Do not create illusions that “interethnic relations of modern society...are built on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance, and dialogue of cultures.” This is not true, especially in the open spaces former USSR. The Baltic states, Georgia, Chechnya are not isolated examples of this... In the world - Israel, Why are there millions of refugees in the world today escaping ethnic cleansing? Why is the principle of equality of representatives before the general law often violated in the Russian Federation? different nations? Having answered these questions, you will understand that there is a lot of untruth in this academic discipline... Therefore, answer 4 is correct, both judgments are incorrect.

The author of the article is professional tutor Elena Viktorovna Kaluzhskaya

Ethnic community- a historically established stable collection of people in a certain territory who have common features and stable characteristics of culture, language, mental makeup, self-awareness, historical memory, awareness of their interests and goals, dignity, differences from other similar entities.

TO ethnic communities, as a rule, include clan, tribe, nationality, nation.
Historically, the clan and tribe were the first to emerge.

Genus- a group of blood relatives descending from the same line (maternal or paternal).
Tribe- a set of genera interconnected by common features of culture, awareness common origin, common dialect, unity of religious ideas and rituals.
Such communities are characteristic of primitive communal systems.

With the deepening division of labor and the complication of social connections, new forms of community of people begin to take shape - nations and peoples.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, mental make-up, and culture.

With the development of capitalist relations (XVI-XVII centuries), new forms of interethnic consolidation arise - nation.

However, there is no single interpretation of the concept of nation. There are at least two interpretations of this concept.
First. A nation is a historically established community of people based on a common territory, economic structure, system of political connections, language, culture and psychological makeup, manifested in general civic consciousness and self-awareness.

Second. A nation is a historically established community of people, characterized by a common origin, language, territory, economic structure, psychological make-up and culture, manifested in ethnic consciousness and self-awareness.

In the first case, the nation is understood as co-citizenship based on an industrially developed socially oriented democracy. This understanding is accepted in Western sociology.
In another interpretation, nation means ethnicity.

Nationality– a person’s belonging to a particular ethnic group or fellow citizen, depending on self-identification.

National mentality- a way of thinking, a spiritual disposition characteristic of this particular ethnic community. This is a kind of memory of the past, which determines the behavior of people who preserve historically established traditions.

Ethnic groups in modern world.
Modern humanity numbers from 3 to 5 thousand ethnic groups. The process of formation of ethnic groups (ethnogenesis) occurs quite intensively.

Factors of ethnogenesis:
1) Demographic. If at the beginning of the 20th century the world population was about 2 billion people, then in beginning of XXI it has exceeded 7 billion;
2) Geographical. The peoples of Europe, the peoples of Asia, the peoples of Africa, the peoples of America, the peoples of Australia and Oceania are distinguished;
3) Language. There are various classifications of language. Usually allocated language families, such as, for example, Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Altai, Semitic-Hamitic and others.
4)Anthropological. Based on the principle of dividing peoples by race. It is customary to distinguish four races: Caucasoids, Mongoloids, Negroids, Australoids. However, the process of raceogenesis is continuous. This is due to the constant mixing of races. For example, in Lately began to distinguish the Brazilian race from the mixture of Indians, Africans and Europeans.

Russia is home to 10 small races, more than 130 nations, nationalities and ethnic groups.

Russia is a multinational country. Therefore, knowledge of such concepts as “ethnic group”, “nation”, “nationality”, “ national mentality» will help you understand the ethnic diversity of our country.

Ethnic communities

Modern humanity is a complex ethnic structure, including several thousand ethnic communities (nations, nationalities, tribes, ethnic groups, etc.), differing both in size and level of development. All the ethnic communities of the world are part of more than two hundred countries. Therefore, most modern states are multi-ethnic. For example, India is home to several hundred ethnic communities, while Nigeria is home to 200 peoples. The Russian Federation currently includes more than a hundred ethnic groups, including about 30 nations.

Ethnic community- is a historically established stable collection of people (tribe, nationality, nation, people) in a certain territory, possessing common features and stable characteristics of culture, language, mental makeup, self-awareness and historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, differences from other similar entities. Exist different approaches to understanding the essence of ethnic groups.

Name of the approach

Its essence

Natural-biological or racial-anthropological approach

Recognizes inequality human races, cultural superiority of the Caucasian race. Imperfection of racial characteristics is the basis of the cultural backwardness of nations and nationalities

Marxist theory

Proclaims economic relations as the main basis for the formation of a nation. Recognizes the right of nations to self-determination up to and including secession, the idea of ​​their complete equality, proletarian internationalism

Sociocultural approach

Considers ethnic communities as components social structure society, revealing them close connection With social groups and various social institutions. Ethnic community is an important source of self-movement and self-development

Passionary theory of ethnogenesis (origin, development of ethnos)

Created by the Russian historian and geographer L. N. Gumilev (1912-1992).

Considers an ethnic group as a natural, biological, geographical phenomenon, as a result of the adaptation of a human group to the natural and climatic conditions of its habitat. The history of mankind is a chain of numerous ethnogenesis. The source of the emergence of a new ethnic group is a passionary impulse. Passionarity is a certain characteristic of human behavior and natural properties, determined by the energy of space, the sun and natural radioactivity affecting society. Passionaries - especially energetic, gifted, talented people

Types of ethnic communities

Genus- a group of blood relatives descending from the same line (maternal or paternal).

Tribe- a set of clans interconnected by common cultural features, awareness of a common origin, as well as a common dialect, unity of religious ideas and rituals.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, mental make-up, and culture.

Nation- a historically established community of people, characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory and a common language, culture, and ethnic identity.

In sociology, the concept of ethnic minorities is widely used, which includes not just quantitative data.

Traits of an ethnic minority:

1) its representatives are at a disadvantage compared to other ethnic groups due to discrimination (belittling, belittling, infringement) on the part of other ethnic groups; 2) its members experience a certain sense of group solidarity, “belonging to a single whole”; 3) it is usually to some extent physically and socially isolated from the rest of society.

A natural prerequisite for the formation of one or another ethnic group was the commonality of territory, since it created the necessary conditions For joint activities of people. However, later, when the ethnic group has formed, this feature loses its main meaning and may be completely absent. Thus, some ethnic groups and in conditions diaspora(from the gr. diaspora - dispersion) retained their identity without having a single territory.

Other important condition the formation of an ethnos is a common language. But this feature cannot be considered universal, since in a number of cases (for example, the United States), an ethnic group takes shape during the development of economic, political and other ties, and common languages ​​are the result of this process.

A more stable sign of an ethnic community is the unity of such components of spiritual culture as values, norms and patterns of behavior, as well as the associated socio-psychological characteristics of people’s consciousness and behavior. An integrative indicator of the established socio-ethnic community is ethnic identity- a sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group, awareness of one’s unity and difference from other ethnic groups.

An important role in the development of ethnic self-awareness is played by ideas about common origin, history, historical destinies, as well as traditions, customs, rituals, folklore, i.e. such elements of culture that are passed on from generation to generation and form a specific ethnic culture. Thanks to ethnic self-awareness, a person keenly feels the interests of his people and compares them with the interests of other peoples and the world community. Awareness of ethnic interests encourages a person to engage in activities in the process of which they are realized.

Let us note two sides of national interests: 1) it is necessary to preserve its peculiarity, uniqueness in the flow human history, the uniqueness of their culture and language, strive for population growth, ensuring a sufficient level of economic development; 2) it is necessary not to psychologically isolate yourself from other nations and peoples, not to turn state borders into an “iron curtain”; you should enrich your culture with contacts and borrowings from other cultures.

Ethnonational communities develop from clan, tribe, nation, reaching the level of nation-state. A derivative of the concept “nation” is the term nationality, which is used in Russian as a name for a person’s belonging to any ethnic group.

Many modern researchers consider a classic interethnic nation, in which general civic qualities come to the fore and at the same time the characteristics of the ethnic groups included in it are preserved - language, their own culture, traditions, customs. Interethnic, civic nation is a collection (community) of citizens of a particular state. Some scientists believe that the formation of such a nation means the “end of the nation” in the ethnic dimension. Others, recognizing the nation-state, believe that we should talk not about the “end of the nation,” but about its new qualitative state.

Independent work

Exercise 1. The main features of an ethnic community include 1) common citizenship 2) sovereignty 3) common cultural traditions 4) community social status.

Task 2. One of the signs of a nation as an ethnocultural community is 1) common citizenship 2) unity of beliefs 3) common social status 4) common language.

Task 3. A historically established community of people, the main stages of development of which are tribes, nationalities, nations, is 1) ethnic group 2) community 3) state 4) class

Task 4. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to the term “national identity”. Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series. 1) National community 2) national language 3) national interests 4) national park 5) national culture 6) National economy.

Task 5. Choose the correct judgments about ethnic communities. 1. Ethnic communities are an important element of the social structure of society. 2. Tribes are the most numerous ethnic groups, distinguished by a common identity, a certain ethnic character and mental make-up. 3. Tribes, nationalities, nations are historical forms of ethnicity. 4. The condition for the emergence of most ethnic groups is a common territory and a common language. 5. Nationalities are formed on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties. 6. People belonging to the same nation speak the same language and are united by common historical and cultural traditions.

Task 6. Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct? A. A natural prerequisite for the formation of a particular ethnic group is a common territory. B. Separate parts of the formed ethnic group retain their ethnic identity in the event of separation by political and state borders. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Task 7. Choose the correct judgments about ethnic communities. 1. A type of ethnic group is a nationality. 2. The emergence of nations preceded the emergence of the state. 3. The basis of an ethnic community is the unity of class interests. 4. Distinguish between ethnic and civil understanding of the nation. 5. People’s awareness of the commonality of their historical destinies helps to unite the people into a nation.

Task 8. Choose the correct judgments about interethnic relations. 1. Any interethnic relations are legally established. 2. One of the ways of harmonization interethnic relations is the development of cultural ties between peoples. 3. Ethnosocial conflict is characterized by a state of mutual claims, open confrontation between ethnic groups, peoples and nations. 4. Expanding contacts between peoples in all areas public life promotes the development of interethnic relations. 5. Ethnic assimilation is a conflict between representatives of different nations and nationalities.

Task 9. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered. Determine which provisions are: A) factual in nature B) value judgments in nature

1) In the modern world there are from 2500 to 5000 ethnic groups, but only a few hundred of them are called nations. 2) For the purpose of economic, cultural and political rapprochement of nations, the European Union was formed in 1993. 3) Coordination of the interests of all peoples living in the country, providing a legal and material basis for their development on the principles of voluntary, equal and mutually beneficial cooperation is the main task of the national policy of any multinational state. 4) It is advisable to take into account ethno-national characteristics in the life of society within the boundaries of respect for human rights.

Task 10. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter. Determine which provisions of the text have 1) a factual nature 2) the nature of value judgments 3) the nature of theoretical statements

A) Ethnicity is an intergenerational group of people, united by long-term cohabitation in a certain territory, a common language, culture and identity. B) In the modern world there are hundreds of ethnic groups. C) For the emergence of an ethnos, other conditions are hardly needed other than a common territory and language. D) Some ethnic groups were formed from multilingual elements, formed and consolidated in different territories in the process of migration. D) Migration - movement of the population for the purpose of changing their place of residence.

Task 11. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps. A) origin B) tribe G) nationality B) community 3) race D) nation I) diaspora E) people E) nationality

“The concepts of “__” 1) and “ethnos” are similar, therefore their definitions are similar. Recently, the term “ethnos” (which is more precise) has been increasingly used in ethnography, sociology and political science. There are three types of ethnicity. For ___ 2) the main reason for uniting people into one ___ 3) is blood-related ties and common ___ 4). With the emergence of states, ___ 5) appear, consisting of people related to each other not by blood, but by economic and cultural relations of a territorial-neighborhood type. During the period of bourgeois socio-economic relations, _____ 6) is formed - an ethnosocial organism, united by ties of a cultural, linguistic, historical, territorial and political nature and having, in the words of the English historian D. Hosking, “a common sense of destiny.”

Task 12. Name three characteristics that determine an individual's ethnicity, and illustrate each with an example.

Task 13.“The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its numbers, just as the greatness of a person is not measured by its height” (V. Hugo). “Each nation, whether large or small, has its own unique crystal that must be illuminated” (I. N. Shevelev)*.

Task 14. Read the text and complete tasks C1-C4

“National relations, i.e. the relations of people in a community called a nation, or other ethno-national relations, do not exist separately from the state or in parallel with it. National and ethno-national relations are one way or another mediated by the state and form a single political whole.

There are three main approaches to understanding a nation: political-legal, sociocultural and biological. In the political-legal approach, a nation is understood as co-citizenship, i.e. community of citizens of a particular state. IN international law When people talk about nations, they mean political ones, nations that act as “national” states in the international arena.

With a sociocultural approach, the emphasis is on the commonality of language, culture, religion, traditions, customs large group people who make up a nation. This allows us to consider a nation as a community of people who are characterized by a common spiritual culture, historical development, behavioral stereotypes, everyday lifestyle. It should be borne in mind that a nation is also a subjective phenomenon of consciousness and self-awareness.

E. Gellner, a famous researcher of the phenomenon of nation, noted: “Two people belong to the same nation if and only if they recognize each other’s belonging to this nation. In other words, nations are created by man; Nations are the product of human beliefs, passions and inclinations.”

Most countries in the world base their understanding of the nation on the first two approaches. Despite all their differences, they have one thing in common - the denial of consanguinity as a defining nation-forming principle. The third approach to understanding a nation, biological, is precisely based on the recognition of the blood community as the main dominant of the nation.” (Yu.V. Irkhin, V.D. Zotov, L.V. Zotova)

C1. Expand the meaning of the concept “nation” within the framework of each of the three approaches discussed in the text: political-legal, sociocultural, biological.

C2. What approaches to understanding a nation do most countries of the world follow? What, according to the author, unites these approaches? Point out any one difference between them.

C3. The author notes that a nation is also a phenomenon of consciousness and self-awareness. Based on social science and historical knowledge, give three examples that can serve as manifestations national identity.

C4. The text talks about the influence of the state on ethnonational relations. Give any three directions of policy of a democratic state in interethnic relations.

Answer sheet

1 – 3 2 – 4 3 – 1 4 – 4.6 10 – 31213 11 - DBVAEG

Ethnicities - these are groups of people who have a common culture, language, and awareness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

Ethnic communities include tribes, nationalities and nations.

Genus - a group of families related by common origin.

Tribe - a set of clans connected by a common culture, language, territory of residence, a common religion and rituals, leading a joint household.

People - a historically established community of people distinguished by the same language, culture and territory.

Nation - this is the historically highest form of ethnosocial community of people, characterized by the unity of territory, economic life, historical path, language, culture, national identity.

Representatives of a nation speak and write in one language, understandable (despite dialects) to all members of the nation.

Each nation has its own folklore, customs, traditions, mentality (special stereotypes, mindsets), national way of life, etc., i.e. its own culture.

The unity of the nation is also facilitated by the common historical path traversed by each nation.

National identity - a reflection of the consciousness of a nation in the individual consciousness of its members, expressing the latter’s assimilation of ideas about the place and role of their people in the world, about their historical experience.

Diaspora - part of the nation, living separately from the main part, outside the historical homeland, but at the same time maintaining cultural, linguistic, religious unity.

3.5. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them

Types of interethnic relations:

    relations between ethnic groups within the state;

    relations between nation states.

Forms of interethnic relations:

    peaceful cooperation (occurs as ethnic mixing, or as ethnic absorption (assimilation));

    ethnosocial conflict (a form of interethnic relations characterized by the presence of mutual claims, open opposition of peoples to each other). The extreme form of conflict is genocide - the deliberate and systematic destruction of certain population groups based on nationality or religion.

Xenophobia - rejection of everything foreign, alien.

Nationalism - conviction of the exclusivity of one’s nation.

Nazism - exaltation of one’s own nation with extreme dislike for representatives of other ethnic groups.

Fascism - an ideology in which the interests of a particular nation are placed above the interests of other nations and individuals.

Chauvinism - an extreme degree of nationalism associated with the infringement of people's rights based on nationality.

Racism - a form of discrimination based on race.

Causes of ethnosocial conflicts:

    socio-economic (differences in living standards);

    cultural and linguistic (infringement of culture and language in public life);

    ethnodemographic (sharp population growth, migration);


    extraterritorial (discrepancy between administrative boundaries and settlement boundaries);



    cultural and everyday (non-acceptance of the behavioral characteristics of another ethnic group).

Ways to resolve conflicts:

    confession interethnic problems- awareness of the unacceptability of violence;

    legalization of the conflict;

    economic incentives;

    creation of centers for supporting national cultures;

    organization of commissions and conflict resolution councils;

    introducing conversations about tolerance (tolerance of other views, beliefs, nations) into the school curriculum.

Ethnic groups (ethnic groups)large groups people connected by a common culture, language, customs, beliefs, traditions. For example, the Slavic ethnic group consisting of Slavic peoples: Western Slavs(Bulgarians, Czechs, Slovaks), South Slavs (Serbs, Croats, Macedonians) and Eastern Slavs(Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians).

IN ethnic groups identify tribes, nationalities, nations. In the modern world there are up to 5,000 ethnic groups, of which more than 100 ethnic groups live in Russia.

Nation (nationality)- a group living in indigenous territory, possessing common language, culture, economic and political activity, similar mentality and aware of themselves as a community.

National identity– reflection in the minds of the people of ideas about the place of their people in the world, their role, the national interests of their people, their unity and historical experience.

Distinguish two concepts:

1) indigenous nation- the nationality that makes up the majority of the population of the state;

2) ethnic (national) minoritysmall nationalities compared to other peoples living in the state. National minorities are in a non-dominant position, although they have lived on their territory for centuries, have ethnocultural specificity and the desire to preserve it. National minorities (Khanty, Komi, Karelians), although not dominant, should not feel social and psychological burden or discrimination.

Discrimination(from lat. distinction) – infringement of national interests and civil rights any national groups within the state (for example, racial discrimination, discrimination against an ethnic minority).

Diaspora– large groups of a certain nationality living outside the indigenous territory (Armenians in Turkey, Georgians in Moscow, etc.). Representatives of the diaspora, living outside their homeland and their people, recognize themselves as part of it.

Nationalism– political intolerance towards other peoples, based on the idea of ​​national superiority of one’s own nation, i.e. it is national intolerance. Nationalism can be seen as political movement seeking to conquer political power and promoting the priority of interests own people over others.

Reasons for nationalism: uneven economic development, mismatch of territorial boundaries, social contradictions, infringement of the political and national rights of “small nations”, etc. Nationalism is a reactionary phenomenon that contradicts the laws of economic and political development. Most often, nationalism arises in the psychology of marginal groups that are disadvantaged by society and do not want to realize themselves and achieve even a minimum level of material well-being.

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