Personality types in psychology. Social, confidential and psychological personality types

Society consists of individual people. Each person is individual. However, there is a certain classification based on a person’s reaction to external stimuli. A generalization of research experience in the field of psychology is expressed in the term “psychotypes of personality.” The practical application by managers of knowledge of personality psychology for a certain type will help to correctly reveal a person’s potential capabilities and smooth out conflict situations.

The concept of personality psychotype

Personality types are formed under the influence of various factors:

  • Environmental influence;
  • Character traits;
  • Own worldview;
  • Attitude to various events.

Psychology is a rather subjective science. There are many schools of psychology.

In ancient times, Hippocrates divided people depending on their temperament into the following types:

  • Cholerics;
  • Sanguines;
  • Melancholic people;
  • Phlegmatic people.

In the 19th century, Cesare Lombroso put forward a theory about the criminal personality type. The 20th century was very fruitful for psychology in terms of the development of various schools. E. Kretschmer identified the following types of characters:

  • Picnic;
  • Asthenic;
  • Athletic.

W. G. Sheldon proposed his systematization according to the degree of temperament:

  • Mesomorphic type;
  • Endomorphic;
  • Ectomorphic.

Carl Jung divided people into two types of personalities:

  • Introverts;
  • Extroverts.

An expanded version of this Jungian theory became the Myers-Briggs typology.

K. Leonhard put forward a theory of the type of accentuated personality.

Russian psychiatrist Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin proposed the following classification of psychotypes:

  • Asthenic;
  • Cycloid;
  • Antisocial;
  • Unstable;
  • Constitutionally stupid.

These main types were supplemented by subgroups:

  • Emotionally labile;
  • Depressed;
  • Dreamers;
  • Pathological liars;
  • Excitable;
  • Neurotics;
  • Fanatics.

Soviet psychiatrist A.E. Lichko, based on extensive research, identified the following personality types in psychology:

  • Schizoid;
  • Hyperthymic;
  • Hysterical;
  • Cycloid;
  • Psychasthenic;
  • Epileptoid;
  • Sensitive;
  • Conformal;
  • Emotionally labile;
  • Asthenoneurotic;
  • Paranoid;
  • Unstable;

Let us briefly describe personality psychotypes, external signs and behavioral characteristics.

1. The schizoid personality type gives a person duality. They tend to be withdrawn, experience difficulties in interpersonal communication, and are emotionally cold. They have an extravagant imagination. Alcohol is often used as a communication drug.

2. The hyperthymic type is characterized by mobility, restlessness, sociability, noisiness, high spirits, lack of perseverance, and mischief. The importance of their own personality is greatly overestimated, they are drawn to companies, sometimes asocial.

3. Hysterical types aspire to leadership positions. They differ in that they want to attract attention to themselves at any cost (egocentrism). They are very fond of praise addressed to themselves. People of this type are prone to pretense, unnaturalness and posing. Feelings are superficial, willpower is weak and, as a rule, low authority.

4. Individuals with a cycloid psychotype are prone to mood swings. Activity and playfulness on the rise with a tendency to binge drinking can give way to a decline in mood up to subdepression. Such periods are characterized by weakness, lethargy, boredom, and a desire to be alone.

5. Psychasthenics are prone to “self-flagellation” and “self-criticism.” They are indecisive, suspicious, timid, experience obsessive fears, and are angular in their movements.

6. Representatives of the epileptoid type are characterized by the following traits: increased jealousy, angry malice, cruelty, and imperiousness. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, they are capable of aggression, often fall into unconsciousness, and exhibit sadomasochistic tendencies. At the same time, they have accuracy, pedantry and frugality.

7. Personalities of the synthetic type are very worried about their inferiority, are impressionable, and are prone to intellectual and aesthetic hobbies.

8. Conformists, like chameleons, easily adapt to environmental conditions. At the same time, they are weak-willed. In a good team, they make excellent performers. At the same time, they can drink themselves to death “for company” and cannot refuse. The self dissolves in the environment.

9. The emotionally labile type is characterized by extreme changes in mood even for insignificant reasons. Increased attachment to loved ones and relatives, very susceptible to signs of attention.

10. Asthenoneurotics are very capricious and irritable. As a rule, they sleep poorly, suffer from hypochondria and poor appetite.

11. The paranoid type is very distrustful, suspicious, and always on edge.

12. Individuals with an unstable psychotype are characterized by the following manifestations: lack of initiative, easy subordination. They often fall into bad company and are prone to gambling, idleness, pleasure and antisocial behavior.

Basic psychotypes of men and women

Depending on the gender of the individual, the same events may be perceived differently.

Women are more attentive to details, but at the same time they often do not see the whole picture. Men are characterized by a global scale of perception of the world. They are not interested in all sorts of little things that make ladies indescribably delighted.

Female psychotypes have their own specifics and can be divided into the following groups:

  • Mother. Always preoccupied with caring for someone. Takes care of everyone, a pronounced leader in the family;
  • Active woman. Lives for herself, is self-sufficient, requires care and attention for her person;
  • The woman is an altruist. Devoted to her beloved man, ready to give everything for his good;
  • Daughter. Selfish, needs constant care and attention.

Male psychotypes can be divided into the following groups:

  • Caring father. Constantly controls the situation, is demanding of others, and does not accept compromises. Does not admit mistakes;
  • Active man. In the foreground is the benefit in everything. May take risks. Your desires are above all;
  • The man is an altruist. Surrounds the family with care, is a good owner;
  • Son. Egoist. Lives one day at a time, has tendencies towards extravagance. Increased self-esteem.

There are several ways to conduct a personality test. Contacting specialists or self-testing will help satisfy the need to determine your psychotype. There are many different test tasks. Consider the personality type test developed by Susan Dellinger. According to her methodology, five psychotypes of people are identified. The person being tested is asked to choose three geometric figures out of the basic five on paper:

  • in the form of Circles;
  • Square figures;
  • figures in the form of Triangles;
  • various Rectangles;
  • Zigzag lines.

Each figure represents a specific psychotype. The figure that is depicted first gives an idea of ​​the person’s psychotype. The next two images are secondary and reflect the deep hidden essence. Let's decipher the meaning of geometric shapes.


The person who drew the circle is the “life of the party.” They are sociable and cheerful. They are passionate about social work and are good organizers of various kinds of events and parties. Always ready to help and give good advice. They have good psychological abilities. They love jokes and their speech is always emotionally charged. The world of material wealth is secondary for them. They prefer practical and soft clothes. The workplace is a “creative” mess. Disadvantages include frequent “orientation” to the opinions of others; they easily fall under outside influence.

Figure in the form of a Square

Conservatives and pedants to the core. The appearance is always well-groomed and neat. They love perfect order. They always act within the framework of assigned tasks according to instructions. Reliable performers when working with documents and digital data. As a disadvantage, they are predisposed to intrigue and psychological relationships.


They strive to be leaders in everything. They have good taste and like to surround themselves with expensive and prestigious things. They do not tolerate objections, their speech is correct with imperative intonations. They always think they are right. They are critical of information and know how to work with it. Vanity and despotism spoil the rosy picture of this personality type.

The person who drew the rectangle is an unstable person. They are susceptible to stress and listen to the opinions of others. No independence, many questions, curious. Imitate other people's clothing style. They have not formed their own opinion; they use “other people’s assessments of the world.” In a stressful situation, it is possible to transform into any “geometric figure” from dough. They are tormented by constant doubts and hesitations.


People of this psychotype have unconventional and original thinking. A continuous fountain of ideas. They strive for self-realization. Clothes are given secondary attention. The speech is emotional, incendiary and original. They try to shock and draw attention to their person. Disadvantages include inconstancy and changeability.

With the help of such a simple test, a manager can learn a lot about his subordinates and make adjustments to personnel policies. The personality type test is widely used by HR employees when selecting personnel for a company.

Psychological personality types include those prone to conflict.

Working in a healthy team involves resolving conflict situations with minimal losses for people. Types of conflicting personalities can be divided into the following types:

  • A personality prone to demonstrative conflicts. Seeks to be the center of attention. He puts a lot of effort into wanting to look good in other people's eyes. Inappropriately emotional, takes insults to heart over trifles. Painstaking and systematic work is a burden for him;
  • Rigid type of conflict personality. Straightforward, suspicious, self-esteem is inflated. Needs constant emphasizing of its importance. Intolerant of other people's opinions, painfully touchy, does not suffer from self-criticism;

  • Uncontrollable type of conflict personality. Undisguised aggression, lack of “brakes”. Actions are little predictable. For all failures, he is inclined to blame anyone except himself. Does not learn from mistakes, is not able to work productively independently;
  • Over-anxious type of conflict personality. Pedant at work. Over-reinsurance. Picky about others. Always in a state of anxiety over little things;
  • Conflict-free type of conflict personality. Has no opinion of his own. Like a weather vane. Short-sighted, subject to outside influence, always making thoughtless compromises. Willpower is weakly expressed.

Psychology and determination of the personality of a criminal

Criminologists have been working on the problem of eradicating crime for a long time. The criminal personality typology is intended to assist law enforcement agencies in this work.

The basis for the psychology of a criminal was laid by the Italian psychiatrist Lombroso. The criminal environment is heterogeneous, and so are the criminals.

All sorts of systematizations are carried out according to various criteria. The motives for committing criminal acts, their degree of severity, etc. are taken into account. There is extensive specialized literature on this topic. Those who want to study this section of psychology in more detail can independently find publications of this kind in libraries, the Internet, etc.

Was last modified: December 17th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

We are all very different people. It’s even surprising how it is: why we are so different from each other. For a very long time, psychologists have thought that each of us has something that can reveal our character, show our entire attitude, and turn our personality inside out. Thus, Sigmund Freud put forward his famous theory that the human psyche has a special structure. Following Freud, C. G. Jung was sure that there are certain psychological personalities that can be recognized if everyone is tested. Today we see many characteristics that suit us, tests that test our character. In general, modern psychotherapy is a quite useful thing, but very difficult. Let's together slowly understand what personality types exist.

Human Temperament

Each of us has an inherent temperament, i.e. a property of the psyche that manifests itself in any activity. With the help of it, our personality is established, we have a strong or weak character. By the way, a lot depends on temperament. For example, behavior, activity, energy, ability to work, pace and speed of completing important tasks, emotional background. Also, the following points always relate only to temperament (just in case, so that you do not confuse it with character):

  • primary, appears from birth;
  • manifests itself always and absolutely in any area of ​​life;
  • manifests itself from the earliest years of life;
  • is not able to determine his attitude to the world, i.e. amotivated;
  • in difficult situations it manifests itself quite clearly;
  • shapes character.

In addition, temperament is divided into 4 important types:


People belonging to this temperament are very dynamic, active, strong, strong-willed, extremely sociable, balanced, rarely nervous and susceptible to frustration. As a rule, sanguine people rarely worry and generally try to protect themselves from negative thoughts - life is much easier for them this way. If a strong loss has occurred, an unpleasant situation has occurred, then sanguine people do not dwell on it and find a way out - they distract themselves.

Despite the positive aspects of temperament, there is also a minus: these people are afraid of losing their minds and their normal calm state; stability for them is everything. As for ordinary fear, it is unlikely that sanguine people are generally susceptible to this. If you notice in a group of people a person who constantly talks, jokes, and laughs louder than anyone else, then rest assured that this is a clear sanguine person. And now about the negative traits of temperament:

  • denial of acceptance of monotony;
  • sometimes superficiality of ideas and thoughts appears;
  • due to constant activity, there is often poor attention to important moments;
  • sometimes, sanguine people lack persistence;
  • too often they think first and then act, and vice versa.

Phlegmatic person

A fairly cold-blooded personality type with an ideal nervous system. Such people are often in no hurry and are unlikely to be active, but in reality they manage to do everything, assuming the imperturbable appearance of a winner. You will not see from a phlegmatic person emotions that “flow” over the edge, a stream of endless experiences.

The temperament is so severe and strong that it is impossible to discern any human fear. But there is also a weak side here: it is easier for a phlegmatic person to agree in a conflict with a person than to stick to his line. They are careful about other people’s feelings, but they treat their own even more carefully. If a phlegmatic person does not have a goal and incentive, then he can easily fall into depression, which, oddly enough, will not be visible on the face, but a whole storm will begin to form inside the person. Negative traits include:

  • low mobility and activity;
  • slow decision making that should be very fast;
  • lack of sociability;
  • constant independence.


Very sociable extroverts. If they feel, then completely and so that everyone knows about it. If they move, it is jerky and abrupt. Here you can observe a quick change in mood, which can become either good or bad again in 5-7 minutes. A choleric person copes with all difficulties very easily, knowing how to properly tune himself. But if the situation gets out of control, then it is unlikely that a person of this temperament will be able to control himself. By the way, choleric people are clear leaders in everything; they manage to lead people, command them and give instructions. These are ardent lovers of arguing and proving that they are right. And if you have offended a choleric person, then be prepared for an outburst of rage and temper. This is such an explosive mixture! And here are the negative traits, of which there are too many (when compared with the positive ones):

  • sharp aggression;
  • erratic behavior;
  • too much impulsiveness;
  • at times, terrible irritability;
  • rare restraint in public;
  • hot temper.


Perhaps the most lethargic temperament, emotionally unstable, with a shattered nervous system. Very often here you can notice panic attacks, fears, inhibition, and inactivity. But there is one amazing plus: melancholic people are always outwardly very calm, even in the most tense situations.

If these people expose themselves to experiences, it is only in the depths of their souls. True, if you constantly “bump” yourself with depression, then your health becomes worse and worse, and it’s not far from the blues. But, despite all this, melancholic people are incredibly sensitive and warm-hearted people who can support a friend at any moment, give him deep and practical advice, having gone through a difficult situation with him. And if negative traits predominate in a given temperament, then it is best to list the positive aspects:

  • incredible display of feelings for others;
  • responsibility and diligence of a serious task;
  • accuracy and punctuality in everything;
  • restraint.

There are no people who have a pure temperament. Very often you can find a “mix”. For example, if you are active, cheerful, but at the same time you think first and speak later, then most likely your temperament is sanguine-choleric. Here you already need to proceed from what kind of person you are. Observe yourself and what you express to determine your true permanent temperament.

Personality types in conflict situations

Life cannot exist without conflicts and disputes that occur day after day. It is simply impossible to avoid a scandal, especially if you are in the midst of it. The reason for the formation of a conflict can be completely different. We offer you a detailed description of conflicting personality types in difficult situations.

Rigid type. People who belong here constantly suspect something and do not trust everyone around them. The worst fear for a rigid type is to be cruelly deceived and literally driven into a corner. That is why prudence is an important trait inherent in these people. Very often, rigidity originates in childhood, when parents scold the child for not doing the required things point by point. If the child acted incorrectly, then he begins to internally distrust himself, which leads to the formation of a rigid personality type. Sometimes you can meet those whose self-esteem is too high. It is easy to offend a rigid person by saying something unpleasant to him or by sharing your criticism. From here, constant painful touchiness, arrogance, tediousness and distrust of the individual begin to arise.

Unmanaged type. Such people rarely control their actions and almost never plan them. As a rule, an uncontrollable type is characterized by a momentary desire to accomplish something, and if something does not work out, then the person is ready to blame anyone, but not himself. This type is characterized by impulsiveness, lack of rules and norms of behavior, aggressiveness towards criticism and comments, sequence of actions and their clear thoughtfulness. An uncontrollable person very often falls into aggression, has too high self-esteem, rarely finds fault with himself, has almost no control over his own “I” and demands full dedication from those around him. The uncontrollable do not listen to anyone, even their own mind is not a decree for them, all actions occur due to circumstances.

Ultra-precise type. This is the most careful pedant of all who can be in the world. This person is ready to do his job carefully, scrupulously, carefully, taking into account every detail. The hyper-precise type are people who like to control everything, and if they don’t like something, then expect complaints and dissatisfaction. By the way, it is annoying pickiness that provokes most conflicts, which not every person can survive. A hyper-precise person sets too strict limits for his subordinates to work with, observing every roughness and imperfection. Very often, these people painfully experience their mistakes and failures, attaching great importance to them. Due to constant disorders, health problems are observed, and a strong nervous imbalance can almost always be observed. By the way, ultra-precise people love to compare the work done with carefully executed examples. They are always trying to be better, to jump over their heads.

Type of person-demonstrator. People who are constantly trying to attract the attention of others, forcing people to think only about them, are real demonstrators. Very often you can meet such people on a first date, when we are talking about something off-topic, and the person constantly changes the topic in order to tell something about his life. The demonstrator always strives to be ahead of the rest, making every effort to ensure that people only look at him. This is far from a modest person, but, on the contrary, a very arrogant and cunning person, constantly caring only about his beloved self. By the way, such people are unlikely to ever admit their guilt when it comes to a conflict, so you won’t expect the demonstrator to understand his mistake in a quarrel.

Holland personality types

One of the important and popular American psychologists, J. Holland, put forward an interesting theory that our successes, promotions, results and much more directly depend on the type of personality to which we belong. The fact is that everyone’s behavior is characterized not only by internal characteristics, but also by the influence of the environment. Based on Holland, human personality can be divided into 6 types, which will be discussed below.

  1. Realistic. Very often it is also called “masculine”. This is a rather emotional and emotion-dependent personality type, focused exclusively on the present. Realists deal only with those things that are aimed at specific permanent action. As a rule, this type implies a male type of work: engineer, mechanic, agronomist, physicist, cyberneticist, and so on.
  2. Intellectual. This type is characterized by logic, an analytical mind, unusual judgments, an original character and train of thought. Intellectual tasks in this case are the most favorite thing that brings pleasure. These people are very active, efficient, constantly studying something, introverts, and beautifully tell precise things. Fields of activity such as mathematics, geology or geography are just for intellectuals.
  3. Social. Refers to those who know how to maintain a topic for conversation, to bring any person out of their discomfort zone into a conversation. Sociability is an important quality for social individuals. True, there is a very strong manifestation of sensitivity and emotionality here. Sometimes, this type of people takes other people’s failures and losses so close to their hearts that they feel uneasy - the feeling of empathy is 150% connected. The areas of activity most recommended for social individuals are pedagogy, psychology and medicine.
  4. Standard. This type is also very often called conventional. Such people constantly plan everything, act according to clearly defined stages, cope well with routine boring work and always adhere to mandatory rules. As performers, such people are in great demand, but, unfortunately, they never make leaders. For example, creative projects and drastic decisions are a real disaster for the standard type of personality. This often includes accountants, financiers, commodity experts and economists.
  5. Enterprising. This is perhaps the only type on the list that is aimed at constant leadership and guidance. Enterprising individuals always try to be one step ahead, bending over backwards to ensure that everything is much better for them than for others. Energy, incredible enthusiasm, impulsiveness, activity, clarity and concentration - all these are characteristics of the enterprising type of personality. This, for example, includes mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, journalists, and diplomats. As a rule, such people take criticism in their direction very seriously; you need to be careful in communicating with them.
  6. Artistic. A personality type with incredibly developed intuition and rich imagination. Such people are characterized by a strong manifestation of their emotions and a complex outlook on life. As a rule, artistic individuals always make a balanced and very serious independent decision, think very unusually and are creative in everything. Rules and traditions are something that not a single person of the artistic type follows. Of course, constant creativity, humanities and the call of the heart reign here.

Freud's personality types

Well, who doesn’t know S. Freud? It seems that this man is known to everyone, since even at the university they specially introduce a cultural studies lesson so that students know about this person. Sigmund Freud was the great founder of the psychoanalytic school, he did a lot for humanity, namely for the development of human personality. That is why there are several very important types, which will be discussed further.

  1. Oral type. Such people are very dependent on those around them, on the atmosphere that forms around them. Very often, oral personalities have a passive attitude towards the world around them, since if it weren’t for the support and approval of friends and acquaintances, they could completely fade away. But it is not all that bad. There are also good-natured optimists here who love to believe people. In addition, the oral type of personality very often rushes to extremes: either insanely generous or very greedy.
  2. Anal type. Stubbornness, stinginess in words, too much self-obsessed neatness and constant punctuality - all this is an anal type of personality. These people love to plan their actions and further trips, think through everything down to the smallest detail, do not tolerate chaos in their thoughts and hate disorder. At times, anal personalities are extremely cruel in their decisions towards other people, and sometimes even overly impulsive and prone to panic.
  3. Phallic type. Decisive, purposeful, persistent, assertive, self-confident people who really love their job and are constantly improving for this. Many are not averse to boasting, but this only happens if phallic individuals are confident in their actions. This includes a love of flirting and coquetry, a constant desire to be the center of attention.
  4. Genital type. Sigmund Freud considers this type of personality to be the most ideal, since this person is not afraid of anything and boldly looks into the face of those who are taller than him. Activity, constant care for oneself and loved ones, the spirit of company, hard work, an open life position - all this is the genital type. Here it is even difficult to determine the negative aspects of a personality, the type is so ideal.

Personality in socionics

Probably, while communicating with people, you have noticed that you are much more comfortable with some than with others. Some people talk to you in a very difficult way, while others, on the contrary, open up and conduct a good-natured dialogue. It’s unlikely that at this moment you thought that there are as many as 16 (!) types of personalities in socionics in the world. So, let’s figure out together what groups people are divided into in order to learn more about what kind of person is in front of you.

Balzac. An interlocutor who has a crazy sense of humor and sometimes even makes dark jokes. At the same time, he is ready to bring everyone around him to tears and immediately cheer him up. Unfortunately, such people are overly lazy and are unlikely to complete all the work with special care.

Gaben. This includes those who know how to hide behind masks and not show their true emotions. The coldness, inaccessibility, closedness, isolation, and inner world of these individuals, overflowing with experiences, will always be with them only. It seems that a person is in constant balance, peace, even in some kind of laziness, but all this, in fact, is not so. Such people simply try to hold on as best they can, although they are on their own.

Hamlet. Absolutely any problem in the lives of these people becomes a matter of universal importance. Almost always, these individuals describe their lives in terrible colors, become poor and do not see anything good in development. But the Hamlets are very good advisers and sympathetic friends.

Huxley. A person who knows how to cheer up in the most difficult moments of life, sociable, very cheerful, the real soul of any company, active and restless. Huxley does not always do what he is given, because at first he grabs work, believing that he will do everything, but in the end he does not manage to do anything.

Hugo. An overly emotional personality, capable of withstanding any pressure and intensity of passions. Active, hardworking and very dedicated type.

Jack London. Very often these individuals are in some kind of disheveled state, and their gait always gives them away. Jack London is a huge hard worker, constantly overwhelmed with things to do and never gives up on them. Any difficulties along the way are not an obstacle or even a hindrance to overcome them. The person is very positive, romantic and determined.

Don Quixote. Brave personalities, incredibly strong-willed people. Logic and infallibility in one’s actions are well developed here. Don Quixote will make a wonderful detective or the leader of an entire company. Very competent people who show sincere and not feigned emotions.

Dostoevsky. People here have huge and rich inner worlds, with a range of vivid sensations and experiences. True, Dostoevsky is unlikely to show his soul to everyone, except to his circle of close people. An excellent listener, able to empathize with his friends, calm and quiet.

Dreiser. A real psychologist who skillfully knows how to adapt to other people. Dreiser will never show weakness in front of others, even if he feels very bad internally. Sometimes such people strike you on the spot with their composure in decision-making. Also, Dreisers hate time and can’t stand waiting.

Dumas. Caring, attentive, sharp-tongued individuals. They avoid relationships with the opposite sex for fear of getting burned. These individuals would rather wait it out and think about the same thing three hundred times before they go to “death.”

Yesenin. Dreamy, incredibly romantic, unusual, creative and very creative personalities. Yesenin is ready to suffer together with his interlocutor if he feels very bad. These people are avid dreamers in life, wanting to live in harmony with the world, balanced and versatile.

Zhukov. Such people always have only their own opinion on everything. Here there is often complete negativity and irritation if there are clues. A categorical type, a real tyrant, but, extremely, a caring family man.

Maksim Gorky. An idealist in everything, even in the smallest detail. A person is constantly focused on results, sometimes even going too far in this regard. A kind, sympathetic type who hides the storms in his soul. Such people are often very afraid of offending their loved ones.

Napoleon. Mobile, active people who constantly strive for their goals. Very often Napoleon becomes a role model, an idol for someone. They are real leaders in the company, and also brilliant people, because they always do everything right.

Robespierre. This is a person who is 100% a fan of his work. Individuals are not interested in anything at all in this life except their favorite hobby.

Stirlitz. Excellent memory, insanely developed logic, sober thoughts and impeccable executive functions. True, there are also disadvantages: a cold reaction to some things, an inability to be polite.

Personality types in psychology

  1. Narcissistic. The attitude and approval of these people is very important from others. There is a clear idealization of one’s life here, since narcissistic individuals have a complete disdainful attitude towards others. Success, power, ideal love and beauty are all just fantasies. Also, these people can take advantage of people whenever they want.
  2. Schizoid. These individuals often withdraw into themselves, are rarely open and cannot find a common language with people. But here you can often see a love of philosophy, leading a healthy lifestyle and a great affection for animals.
  3. Paranoid. Here there is a combination of fear and shame, suspicion and mistrust. Paranoid individuals are very sensitive to their failures, grumpy and selfish.
  4. Obsessive-compulsive. These people often doubt themselves and worry about others. They are also incredible perfectionists, so they are ready to fight for every little thing. Pedantry, stubbornness and even rigidity are all obsessive-compulsive types.
  5. Hysterical. People love to do everything for show, exaggerating their victories several times over. Personalities love to be the center of attention and constantly emphasize their sexuality.
  6. Psychopathic. Callousness towards the feelings of others, composure, only pursuing one’s own interests - all this is a psychopathic personality type. They do not know how to admit their mistakes and generally learn at least some lessons from them.
  7. Depressive-manic. These individuals will consult with someone, even if the decision is too easy and simple. They are easy to manipulate, as they will always be FOR any idea or proposal. They are constantly afraid of being alone.
  8. Masochistic. Individuals are constantly preoccupied, anxious and have a strong sense of tension. If there are no guarantees for communication and relationships, then it is unlikely that masochistic individuals will start or get things going.

Psychological personality types according to K. G. Jung

Carl Gustav Jung is another great man whose ideas about psychology and the study of personalities still excite his contemporaries. Here it is best to highlight only the 2 most important types, which many have probably already heard about.

  1. Extroverted type. People have an interest in the world, in the events that take place, and there is a desire to make new acquaintances and friends. High interest in subjects, unknown moments and constant risk - all this is inherent in extroverts. Very often, the type of these individuals can be called “hysterical,” since it is this quality that helps them to be the center of attention and at least somehow attract attention.
  2. Introverted type. Here comes an orientation towards the inner world. People try to stay away, especially when the situation is extremely difficult, and communication generally occurs only if it is necessary and beneficial. Selfish and antisocial type. Very often, an introvert falls into some kind of depression, which he does not want to share with anyone, so as not to show his “insides” and weaknesses.

You see how much you can learn about human psychology. It would seem that there is some type of personality, but there is so much in it. Moreover, it is impossible not to agree with what is written. Pay attention to yourself and be sure to observe yourself. You cannot mark yourself as a pure type, this does not happen. But you will find out exactly what your temperament, character is, and what you are capable of in relationships and friendships.

Personality types and human character types

Everyone has their own individual pattern character and personal characteristics. Attempts to describe personality types created many classifications, starting from reliance on appearance and constitution, then based on temperament, ending with socionics and populist types for women (lover, mistress, etc.).

We suggest considering personality types, consisting of a configuration of innate data: the type of higher nervous activity (temperament), deep-seated drives, character traits and acquired traumas, thanks to which the unique personal style of each is finally formed.

Human character types have specific names, they correspond to the names of known mental illnesses. At the same time, this does not mean that the presented personality types are diseases, no. It's just a name that reflects a certain personality structure and certain human character types normal, not pathological.

It is interesting that the very concept of the boundaries of the norm is extremely conditional. There is most likely no such person who would embody the absolute norm, from whom we could base our descriptions of madness. Each person lives with his own “cockroaches”, quirks and characteristics that make him unique.

The most original, in my opinion, explanation of the boundaries of normality and pathology caught my eye on a social network:

“There are variants of pathology that, in a socially adapted form, correspond to mental types. Each of us, under certain conditions, will manifest the pathology to which we are prone. Can you imagine the layout of the Moscow metro? So, as long as we are within the ring, that is, we are socially adapted, we are conditionally normal, and then everyone goes along their own branch. The branches have become much longer since then, that’s what I’ll say, and soon there will be a second ring...”

There are several such “branches” or personality types: schizoid, narcissistic, paranoid, manic-depressive, hysterical, obsessive-compulsive, psychopathic, masochistic (according to N. McWilliams).

These personality types do not mean a diagnosis or a derogatory mood, they are simply designations of differences, a classification, like subway lines. In cases of acute or chronic stress, each person will regress along his own branch, according to the typology.

Human character types are almost never pure, just as there is no such thing as a pure norm. However, there may be a schizoid or narcissistic person living within us. depressive, hysterical, etc. a part of the personality that may be a greater or lesser part of our psychology.

Alice: I'm crazy, right?
Father: Yes. I'm crazy. I'm crazy. And I just went crazy. But I’ll tell you a secret: madmen are wiser than everyone else.
Alice in Wonderland

There are many books, studies, monographs and descriptions about schizophrenia as a clinical disease. At the same time, interest in her does not subside. This article will talk about the schizoid personality type, which is within the boundaries of the norm, and how a schizoid person can adapt to life while remaining in accordance with his nature.

With a schizoid personality type, at one end of the “branch” there are brilliant, highly effective, socially adapted people with a schizoid personality organization, and at the other end there are mental patients suffering from schizophrenia, incapable of independent social life.

Schizoid children are often described as particularly sensitive, receptive to both physical stimuli - light, touch, sounds, and emotional, displays of strong emotions makes them shrink, tense.

Adults schizoid people They also remain amazingly empathetic, sensitive, gifted with the ability to understand, perceive the world and other people with amazing accuracy and authenticity. People having schizoid personality type They acutely sense lies and falsity in others, like a radar, detecting any insincerity.

One of my colleagues, talented schizoid, interpreted what was happening with the client during training sessions so accurately that one could navigate using it like a tuning fork, tuning one’s professional “inner instrument” for sensitive perception of another person.

Such sensitivity makes the schizoid very vulnerable to external influences, stress, from which they escape into their inner world.

The tendency to withdraw into oneself can also be caused by growing up in the arms of a suffocating, overprotective mother. When teenage schizophrenia is suspected, a mother who violates personal boundaries is often found next to a teenage boy, dragging her obedient son to church, to constellations, or to healers.

If in a family where a sensitive child is growing up - schizoid, emotional insincerity, double messages are practiced, for example, praise and love in public on the one hand, indifference and criticism at home on the other, then sooner or later the child may begin to rely on withdrawal, isolation from others, in order to protect himself from lies, falsehood , causing deep confusion, anger and hopelessness.

At school, I asked awkward questions about the Soviet system, for which I was subjected to hidden aggression from teachers. I left these questions deep inside myself.

From a therapeutic conversation

The need to rely on one’s inner world can also arise as a result of the early isolation of a child who, from infancy, was left alone at home or in a crib, and was not approached at night when he cried, in order to foster “independence.”

As a result, the schizoid child tries to find a way to adapt to forced isolation and chooses “not to need” intimacy, looking more for support in himself and his inner world.

Something pushed me from bus to bus, where I could sit with schizophrenic apathy on my face, immersed in my inner world, and outwardly not stand out among the other passengers busy with their own problems, who indifferently watch the landscapes flashing through the windows.

Barbara O'Brien. An extraordinary journey into madness and back: operators and things.

In general, adults invading the fine boundaries of an initially quite sensitive child, early isolation, loneliness and unempathetic parental care contribute to the emergence of an internal conflict between the desire for intimacy and avoidance of it, the desire to distance itself, which leads to the formation of a schizoid personality type.

A valuable adaptive ability of people with a schizoid personality organization is their creativity. It is only important to find a form for expressing a rich inner world. Most artists, sculptors, and musicians have a schizoid personality.

A healthy person of the schizoid type is able to direct his talents into art, philosophy, science, spiritual research, and some actions in the real world. A more deeply traumatized schizoid experiences enormous suffering from the inability to realize his abilities due to fear, alienation from society, and loneliness.

I found myself diving into the depths of sea life through diving classes. This is an action that I perform in the real world, and which symbolically reflects my habitual dives into the depths of myself.

From a personal conversation

Alienation and loneliness are frequent companions of a person with a schizoid personality type. Because the schizoid people ignore public expectations, are indifferent to the opinion of the majority, then more often suffer from boycott or aggression from this majority.

Therefore, such people often look outwardly dispassionate, contemptuous and ironic in relation to the surrounding mass of people. However, internally they acutely experience their own otherness, difference from others, incomprehensibility for others, and therefore some kind of deep internal irregularity.

For such a person it is vitally important to be understood and heard, but at the same time it may be unbearably scary for him to be too close to another. The schizoid is afraid that if a close loved one fully recognizes him, he will seem like a freak or an eccentric.

As a result, schizoid people often choose isolation and loneliness, avoiding communication with other people. If this happens, then it’s worth overcoming fear, return yourself to communication. Perhaps first in therapy, then in your personal life.

“Come closer, I’m lonely, but don’t come closer, I’m afraid of invasion,” A. Robbins gives an example of the unspoken message of a person of the schizoid type. The conflict between proximity and distance is central to the schizoid personality type.

The fear of invasion and absorption turns out to be stronger than the desire for intimacy. Often in families, when problems arise in relationships, a non-schizoid woman tries to get closer to her schizoid partner, “have a heart-to-heart talk,” and he responds, fearing absorption, by moving away.

In order to take this feature into account and ensure a comfortable existence, a schizoid needs his own safe space. There are people of a different type, other types of human character, who can be guided by the principle “a person really doesn’t need much - a roof over his head, and bread and butter.”

A person with a schizoid personality cannot survive like this, or rather, it is possible to survive, but he will have to constantly experience suffering, spiritual And physical pain. He needs space, distance, air.

Literally with my body I feel this urban closed space of the Khrushchev, the pain from the noise, burning, smells. Here I can’t pull myself together, I’m falling apart...

From a personal conversation

In order to stay in touch with his nature, it is important for a schizoid to find or organize his own place, home, space where he can feel calm and safe. Sometimes you have to work hard to secure such a place, but it's worth it.

At the same time, it is also important to have close relationships and not go into internal or external recluse.

According to my observations, for healthy schizoids, a distance of half a world when using modern technologies will not be an obstacle to a feeling of closeness. Highly functional person with schizoid personality type, can organize his work remotely in order to successfully resolve the internal conflict of distance-proximity.

Work at home in a safe, cozy and personal space, but with the help of modern technologies, keeping your finger on the pulse of the company in which he works. In this case, the person does not feel a great distance at all, since thanks to the sensitivity of the schizoid, it does not interfere with intimacy and maintaining contacts.

In addition, schizoid people experience obvious anxiety about basic safety. Since the world around them seems to be filled with threatening, cramped, noisy, destructive forces that are dangerous to individuality. Sometimes such anxiety may seem exaggerated to other people.

— In Russia you can survive, but truly live... no.
— I’ve lived in Russia all my life – until they killed me...

Overheard dialogue

This anxiety is difficult to deal with; you want to take care of safety, but it still won’t be completely safe. First you need to achieve a feeling of security and comfort in the space of your home and in your relationships with loved ones.

You can then gradually extend this feeling of stability and security to the outside world. There is no need to rush here; the acquisition of the inner promised land will smoothly and timely spread to the outside world.

— Was it good in Cambodia?
- Yes…
“Now find your inner Cambodia.”

From a therapeutic conversation

When there is no internal security, an external search for such a place on earth helps. If there is such a space, then it remains inside you. However, if the external search does not accompany the internal one, then it threatens with endless wanderings like downshifters who are looking for something through the external world, traveling, but as if they do not find the inner world. And vice versa, if there is an “inner Cambodia”, an internal point of balance and peace, then the external situation ceases to be threatening, alarming, destructive.

So, we have identified the following characteristics of a person with a schizoid personality type, and suggested ways to integrate them into life:

  • A rich inner world, which it is important to learn to creatively express outside, overcoming the tendency to withdraw into oneself.
  • Inner sensitivity, sensitivity, sensitivity, which requires psychological hygiene - creating a safe space, the ability to take care of oneself.
  • A conflict between distance and intimacy, the resolution of which requires one’s own safe space, respect for personal boundaries in relationships with loved ones, and the experience of acceptance by another person.
  • Neglect of conventions and social norms, which can provoke an attack by the majority on a schizoid, increasing his fear of absorption. As a result, a person chooses isolation and loneliness, avoiding communication with other people. In this case, it is worth overcoming fear and returning yourself to communication. Even if there are not many contacts, one or three people, this may be enough for a comfortable life.
  • Anxiety about basic security, to extinguish which an internally safe space is created, which gradually spreads to the outside world.

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Today I propose to determine your psychotype of personality - take a picture test for temperament. And read the psychotypes of people that the Client described on my assignment. Besides. I suggest jumping into the last carriage of the flash mob and finding out your script psychotype.

Test for personality psychotypes: people's temperament

I propose to take the next one and determine your own psychotype of your temperament. What kind of personality are you according to psychodiagnostician Eysenck?

4 personality temperaments:

  • Sanguine psychotype

  • Choleric psychotype

  • Melancholic psychotype

  • Phlegmatic psychotype

Depending on the properties of the central nervous system (excitability, inhibition, stability, flexibility, variability), there are 4 psychotypes of people, 4 temperaments.

4 temperaments as reflections of the properties of the Central Nervous System

Temperament is given to people from birth and does not change with development and growth, since the central nervous system is also not changeable and is determined by genes.

Sanguine, as a psychotype, is distinguished by a strong nervous system and balanced processes of excitation and inhibition, a stable personality. with a calm temperament.

Choleric, as a psychotype, is distinguished by a strong and labile nervous system, with a rapid change in the processes of inhibition and excitation. An extrovert with a flexible temperament.

Melancholic, as a psychotype, is distinguished by a weak and labile nervous system, with a predominance of excitation processes. with a lively temperament.

Phlegmatic person, as a psychotype, is distinguished by a strong nervous system and slow switching between the processes of excitation and inhibition, a stable personality. An introvert with a calm temperament.

Try to determine your temperament using a picture test and a short description.

Temperament test: SURVEY

It is very interesting what kind of temperament the people who visit my blog have.

Psychological personality types: observations of my Client at work

Recently I gave my Client the task of becoming an “anthopologist” in the tribe of her colleagues at work and creating psychotypes: psychological portraits of the personalities of the people with whom she spends a third of her time.

The client completed the task with honor and described the psychological portraits of the people with whom she works very accurately and precisely.

Psychological personality types of people: do you recognize yourself?

I present her descriptions without proofreading or changes, I am sure that you will also find it useful and interesting to recognize your friends and relatives among these psychotypes.

Hello, Alexander! I have described only the most striking personalities who, I believe, deserve my and your attention. Of course, I missed most of the “individuals” because I can’t say anything interesting about them, they are ordinary normal people.


About 38 years old, looks 5 years younger.

“Girl” - in all the good senses of the word. She says about herself: “I am a woman through and through the guests.”

Lives with a partner and two children.

I would call her a “cute little fool.” Reads glamorous glossy magazines. As financially possible (and these opportunities are very limited), try everything on yourself, for example: new fashionable evening makeup - for work, a new fashionable dress - for work... everything for work)).

He closely follows fashion and spends a considerable part of his income on clothes. In this connection, he does not set any serious goals in life. She dreams of joining the so-called “secular society” she invented, but it doesn’t work out.

Common topics of conversation are only fashion and beauty.

She wants a lot from men, as a result of which she often forgets that she is in the service.

You shouldn’t be offended by her phrases and words, she says what she thinks, she can easily “freeze stupidity.”

By degree prof. suitability – 6 points out of 10.

Prof. degree dangers – completely safe for surrounding colleagues, because they are predictable; There are not enough brains for many popular solutions.


40-41 years old, not married (and never was), no children. Appearance (I’ll write it as it is) is not for everyone. An extremely complex personality. Very pessimistic about life.

She is offended by her mother because she loves her son (her younger brother) more.

He likes to flaunt all his illnesses, starting from a runny nose, etc. She probably wants to be pitied.

Man of moods. In a bad mood, he may not say hello to anyone, in particular, he hasn’t said hello to me for more than 5 years)))). I still don’t know what offended such a person))

Perhaps the lack of proper upbringing is taking its toll (her mother has the same behavior).

According to her colleagues, her favorite topics of conversation are illnesses, health conditions, etc.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication, she is very relaxed, pesters other men))))

Usually outwardly calm, but the look... speaks volumes.

He dresses strangely, and here it is reflected not only a complete lack of taste in clothes... there is something else... inexplicable for an ordinary person.

...Perhaps there is a mental disorder - diagnosis, the look is always scared, the pupils are running.

Hardworking, but dumb. She considers herself a “luminary of legal science” and is confident in her prof. uniqueness.

Prof. suitability – 3 points out of 10 (since hardworking)

Prof. degree danger – 0.


About 50 years old, holds one of the leadership positions. Competent specialist. He smokes tobacco (a lot), drinks strong coffee (a lot), works in an air-conditioned room with a freezer temperature (I’m exaggerating), but it’s damn cold there. He probably wants to preserve it longer (after all, frozen meat lasts longer).

And everything would be fine, but there is one BUT - ... The green snake attacks him periodically. An outside opinion - it is the fault of the wife who does not work, sits at home, does nothing and keeps him company. As a rule, wives struggle with this problem (either throughout their lives or until divorce).

And so, a good person, with a sense of humor, has his own opinion on every issue. I wish he had a good wife

Prof. suitability – 10 out of 10 (if sober).


A very incomprehensible personality for me. About 50 years old, married, 2 children. He is silent, for the most part, and envious, but he tries to hide it carefully. Also stingy (or has a heightened sense of thrift). Alcohol is also his problem, binge drinking (see Me). But in this case, the wife is struggling with this garbage.

Yu. has two extremes: they usually say this - either he drinks or is treated And he is treated not with pills, but finds very strange methods: he rubs his palms for a long, long time, explaining this with some kind of healing magic))) then he begins to hide drinking water in the dark place in canisters (plastic), and then I started putting these bottles of water in black bags.

And recently he told me that he read in a book that walking on sidewalks is harmful - the energy there is bad, you need to walk on lawns and lawns)))))

He doesn’t have a mistress (I think this is due to stinginess and low income), but he talks a lot about women and topics with sexual overtones.

Yu. has a harmful character, may not specifically report some news (about work), fundamentally fail to do something (what needs to be done), in general 

His hobby is radio electronics. He also has a unique ability - for any situation that arises either at work or outside of work, he quotes phrases from Russian cinema (classics), for example, 12 chairs, etc. And always to the point and to the point (it turns out original)).

Yu., for the most part, is uninitiative; in terms of knowledge and skills, he has begun to catch up with me (although he has been working for almost 20 years, twice as long as me) - he is slowly adopting experience, starting to think and delve more deeply. He doesn’t strive for a promotion: I think he’s lazy, but he envies everyone else for it.

He loves to joke, sometimes not entirely harmlessly. At the same time, he himself does not understand the joke, and may react nervously, even aggressively. Very touchy.

His standard for a man (but this is my subjective opinion) is average; he lacks determination, strength of character, generosity, inner strength, kindness and nobility.

One of his brothers is a successful businessman; relations with him are cool, but they communicate.

Prof. suitability – 7 out of 10 points.

Prof. degree dangers – 5 out of 10 (talks about the weather, politics, work, love, and of course everything with sarcasm, sexual overtones and quoting cinema classics!!).


Man, ok. 40 years old, married. He is short, suffers from a mental disorder (according to rumors from colleagues), as a result of which he periodically undergoes treatment with the appropriate doctor (he naturally thinks that it is confidential, but for some reason everyone knows about it). , is very interested in women, all of them, and loves to talk about it. Those who have worked with him for a long time do not take his conversations seriously.

A little dirty trickster, insincere, “slippery”, resourceful.

Has a large car with a very recognizable and noticeable license plate - a Napoleon complex.


47 years old, holds one of the management positions. Competent and intelligent specialist, purposeful, physically strong. Very responsible, serious, but with a good sense of humor. He goes in for sports, almost professionally, which he teaches his immediate circle to do. He devotes himself to any task and any emotion with full dedication. Very brave, noble, well-mannered, caring, kind. He can drink with or without reason, but not often; he prefers French wines. A very open, not envious, not angry, self-sufficient and reliable person.

Conclusions. This is how the colorful composition turned out. I don’t know about the table of types and types of these people, but I can say with confidence that in this group of people there are: alcoholics, athletes, people with mental disorders,... and just a “girl”.

5 psychotypes of women according to the Psychology of Fate

I invite all women visitors to this blog who are interested in finding their man to jump on the last carriage of the departing train and join the flash mob of scenario analyst Tatyana Evseeva, and attend one of her last webinars dedicated to finding your one and only.

Take the Script Psychotype TEST and change your Destiny!

Make up your mind - there is not much time left before the training, and you will still have time to understand what is wrong with you and change everything. An unhappy and lonely life to a happy one with your loved one.

News from the author of the happiness psychologist blog

First news— I entered as the author of the webinar "How to love yourself" V rendezvous “Along the waves of our lives” , which will take place online from August 4 to 14 in the format of a series of webinars on self-development.

“On the waves of our life” online rendezvous-date with yourself unique

If the event is interesting and your life is boring right now, join the number of participants and upgrade yourself in 4 topics: happiness, health, finance and esotericism. Meet me on August 7 at 15:00 at my webinar.

Second news- for those who like to hang out on Facebook. Just yesterday my fan page “Now Happiness” attracted 6,000 fans.

If you want to join the celebration, follow the link under the video and get the opportunity to purchase an interesting program and video course on creating hand-drawn videos.

Answer one single question and get a discount!

I am sure that if you want to get a new tool for earning money as a video editor, you will respond to my call and take the chance.

Third news- for residents of Vladivostok. At the end of August (on the 20th), a qigong master from St. Petersburg, my colleague and friend, Tatyana Klimenko, will come to visit me.

Each person has not only his own psychological temperament, but also a financial temperament, or what I usually call “wallet type”. […]

  • I suggest taking a test workshop and determining which hemisphere of your brain is dominant. So what kind of person are you? Right-hemisphere or maybe [...]
  • Another test using a constructive drawing of a person. We have already used geometric figures to determine the psychogeometry of character. […]
  • Each person has a certain psychotype, which is characterized by a special manner of behavior. Find out how to determine the psychotype of your interlocutor in order to establish trusting interpersonal relationships!

    Each psychotype has a set of qualities and special reactions to life circumstances.

    In the system of business relations, there are four main psychotypes that determine the variety of human reactions to various circumstances - these are the “victim”, “hunter”, “monk-thinker” and neutral psychotype.

    These psychotypes are rarely presented in their pure form. Most often, all psychotypes are mixed in a person, but in each one, one dominant psychotype predominates.

    Knowledge of psychotypes will help you in business communication, in negotiations and in finding reliable partners.

    How to determine the psychotype of the “victim”

    In Latin there is a word "victima" which means "sacrifice". In modern psychology there is a concept of victimization¹, there is even a definition - “person-victim”.

    How does the “victim” state manifest itself?

    The most characteristic are victimization gestures. Although they are also common to many other people. But this suggests that in each of us all psychotypes coexist in varying proportions.

    Imagine: you have a wallet with a decent amount of money in your pocket. You will unconsciously check it, as if discreetly touching it with your elbow, hand, or some other disguised movement, to see if the value is there.

    Pickpockets have learned to understand such subtleties of human psychology and perfectly track victim gestures. It turns out that the person himself shows them where the money or other valuables are hidden.

    Moreover, frequent and unconscious verification gestures lead to the fact that a person’s perception changes, and he feels the wallet in his pocket for some time after it was stolen, and he may miss the very moment of the theft.

    A specific unconscious program is developed that reinforces the feeling of the presence of a wallet in your pocket. This is called “wishful thinking.”

    A person with a victim mentality is psychologically ready to become a victim at any moment. This is manifested in the reaction of his subconscious.

    But his sacrifice is not of the nature when he voluntarily and consciously puts himself on the altar of serving some cause. No. Such a person becomes a “victim” only in front of a more assertive and powerful opponent.

    If a “victim person” meets a flexible person who is incapable of exerting harsh pressure, then he himself becomes assertive, trying to suppress the other. The distance from the “prey” to the “hunter” is tiny.

    Sometimes when communicating with people of this type, there is a temptation to take advantage of the “victim’s” willingness to make concessions and play on it. But we must proceed from the fact that no one is immune from the role of “victim”.

    Psychological Law

    If you played on a person’s willingness to sacrifice himself, you will soon find yourself in this role. There is no mysticism or manifestations of the mysterious in this. This is the law of payment for what is done. It acts inexorably.

    Here is one example confirming this fact.

    Several years ago, at a railway crossing, a bus with children was hit by an electric train, and everyone on board died. Psychologists who participated in the analysis of the situation said that all the bus passengers and the driver belonged to the category of victims.

    But the most amazing thing happened to the train driver. Two weeks later he died under strange circumstances: he was climbing up to his floor, his leg sprained, he fell, hit his head and died.

    The “victim” is ready for negativity, and negativity is drawn to him. Like attracts like.

    If you find yourself in the same company with a “victim,” then it is likely that the negativity attracted by her will fall on you.

    How to build communication with the “victim” psychotype?

    Imagine that you are dating one of your partners and you realize that he is a victimized person. What to do next? Take advantage of his willingness to sacrifice himself or act as a savior and benefactor?

    Remember that the “victim”, sensing your kind attitude towards him, can change dramatically. Either he will turn into a “hunter” and begin to put pressure on you, or, most likely, he will try to shift his problems onto you.

    He may start with a simple complaint about some trifles, and then, when he is convinced that he is being listened to attentively, he will pour out all his troubles and problems on you. But along with his sorrows, he also transfers some of his problems to you.

    This is not a harmless “crying into a vest.” You risk being buried under a pile of other people's problems. No matter how cruel it sounds, the victimized person must sort out his troubles himself, realize them and overcome them.

    Otherwise, no one will ever help him.

    Only independent struggle with problems, overcoming them will help him get out of the role of “victim”... This role also did not arise on its own. Apparently, the victimized person had been building it for a long time, most likely since childhood. And the basis for such life realization was the deep, prenatal foundations, as well as the generic conflict.

    How to define a “human victim”?

    The back of the left palm is no less informative than the palm itself. You need to learn to read it.

    In order to determine the psychotype, fix your gaze on the back of the other person’s left hand, and then imagine how the rays of the gaze are reflected from it and returned back. At the moment the gaze is reflected, confusion arises in the head, and then an image or sensation emerges that is so unique and unusual that it cannot be confused with any other.

    This is your perception of the psychotype of a “victim person”. The uniqueness of the experience itself is a sufficient guarantee that you will not confuse it with some other psychotype.

    If you try to explain it in words, you get the feeling that you seem to be falling into a “victim person”. Here he is sitting in front of you, but your feelings tell you that he seems to be pulling you into himself. Of course, not you specifically, but your inner state of balance, comfort and harmony.

    For him, your inner peace is like a breath of air for a drowning man. True, this will be of no use to the “victim”; he will “suck out” you and that’s it. In interpersonal relationships, such a person acts as an energy vampire². After communicating with him, you will feel insecure, empty...

    The “human victim” gives off the feeling that this creature is weak, amorphous, ready to bend, to adapt to someone. And at the same time, the feeling of a tightly compressed spring, which, at the slightest weakening of pressure, is ready to straighten and strike. This is the hidden phenomenon of the transformation of the “prey” into the “hunter”.

    How to determine the “hunter” psychotype

    The next psychotype of business communication is the “hunter”. It contains pressure, power, pressure. The desire to search, the desire to catch up, catch, win...

    It is good to be a “hunter” for operational purposes, in order to suppress someone’s resistance with force and pressure and achieve results. But constantly being a “hunter” is difficult, since the “victims” whom he “kills” have their own negative power and attract troubles to the “hunter”.

    There is another “hunter”, stronger, who suppresses the first “hunter”, and he turns into a “prey”. The psychotype of the “hunter” is determined in the same way as the “prey”. However, this method of visual verbalization of a psychotype is the same for all four groups, but the sensations for each psychotype appear different.

    “Hunter” is pressure, onslaught, pressure, elastic wind, force surrounding from all sides. There is a feeling that your partner’s psychotype is trying to suppress you, press you down, and not let you raise your head.

    Naturally, all these sensations are not so strong that you can feel them as soon as a person has crossed the threshold of the office. To identify your partner’s psychotype, you need to tune in to him, and then the sensations will appear.

    “Hunter” behaves aggressively in interpersonal relationships, but if he encounters strong psychological resistance, then, as a rule, he becomes softer and more pliable.

    Aggression is like a gust of wind. If there are no obstacles in its path, it rushes freely, carrying with it more and more new masses of air. But as soon as she bumps into a strong wall, the energy of movement dissipates and can no longer press with the same force.

    How to determine the “monk-thinker” psychotype

    The third psychotype is probably the most productive and effective - the “monk-thinker”. This is calmness, detachment, philosophical acceptance of life in all its manifestations.

    In life, it is best to be a “monk-thinker”, who is distinguished by a philosophical attitude towards everything, a calm acceptance of its collisions and difficulties.

    When you look at the back of the left palm of the “monk-thinker,” you get a feeling of reliable support, a wall against which you can lean during the wind, shelter from a storm, and hide behind it from the misfortunes of this world.

    This psychotype does not draw you in, but does not push you away either. He does not suppress, but warms, it is psychologically comfortable to be around him, since he does not meddle in your affairs and does not seek to impose his opinion.

    How to determine your psychotypeneutral

    And the last, fourth psychotype is neutral. He is like the wind, free, not limited by any boundaries. No matter how much you try to involve a person of the fourth psychotype in your affairs, no matter how much you interest him, he will remain in the opinion that his personal freedom is most valuable.

    At first, such people quickly get excited about a new idea, strive to do something for its rapid implementation, but just as quickly fade away.

    Such people are emptiness and lightness of space; it is difficult for them to cling to something, because they do not want to be tied to anything. Money? What's money? They come and go, but the value of personal freedom for a person of a neutral psychotype is much higher than any material prospects.

    How to learn to quickly determine your psychotype?

    Start with a practice that can be done anywhere: in public transport, at work, at home... Just look at the back of the other person’s left hand and listen to your sensations.

    The sensations of the dominant psychotype will be most clearly manifested. It is especially good to train on public transport. People hold on to the handrails and put their hands out for everyone to see.

    Tune in and read the information. When gaining experience, you don't have to look closely at someone's hand. You can fix your gaze on the back side, and then even turn away, because you will immediately receive all the necessary information.

    What is your psychotype?

    Look at your hand. Who you are in relation to yourself is the dominant psychotype that forces you to perform certain actions. You will not be disingenuous in front of yourself, so you need to honestly tell yourself who you are according to your psychotype, and in the future take this knowledge into account when communicating with other people.

    Taking into account your psychological characteristics will help you in business and in life.

    Place your left hand in front of you and look carefully at the back of your hand. Listen to your feelings and try to understand: who are you in relation to yourself?

    The left hand is a channel, a kind of entrance into the inner world of a person.

    You can also look at the face; what matters is not what part of the body you look at. It is important to believe in yourself, in your capabilities and ability to read non-verbal information coming from another person.

    Practical actions consolidate knowledge, form a certain basic system of concepts: “I feel the psychotype of a “monk” this way, a “hunter” - this way, etc.”

    You just need to train to determine the psychotypes of strangers.

    It doesn't matter if you can verify your observations. Working with strangers will give you the most important thing - a bank of sensations, a bank of concepts and definitions, and will activate your sensory capabilities.

    When working with other people, an abundance of new impressions and experiences appears, and they will help to finally form a stable feeling for each psychotype.

    When you define who you are and take action to change yourself, you change everything in your life. It’s as if you accept a different system of life coordinates, and your picture of the world changes.

    If you previously saw the world from the perspective of a “hunter,” then this determined your actions in life. And if you were a “victim,” then you saw the world through the eyes of a “victim” and acted like a “victim.”

    Changing your perception of life, changing your psychotype will allow you to behave more adequately in interpersonal relationships with other people, and respond to the slightest changes in the behavior of your interlocutor. Previously, you would not have noticed insignificant changes in the moods of others, but with practice in determining your psychotype, this will be available to you, and you will be able to confidently predict the development of events.

    Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Victimization is the tendency to become a victim of a crime (

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