New Year's outfit from couturier Rooster. Children born in the year of the Rooster

The Chinese symbolic calendar is over 4000 years old. Residents of eastern countries, unlike Western ones, pay great attention to the symbols of each year.

Russia has the advantage of belonging to both parts of the world. We respect the traditions of the East, and with them the Chinese calendar, just as we respect the traditions of the West.

What is the Chinese calendar?

According to the Chinese or Eastern calendar, chronology occurs in 12-year cycles.
Each year is marked by the sign of one of the 12 sacred animals (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig). The place in the cycle for each animal is determined by the alternation of Yin-Yang energy. Each sign relates to one of these principles. To achieve harmony, the signs of the zodiac replace each other, allowing the energies of Yin and Yang to balance their influence. The predominance of one of them affects the character of the sign. All signs are divided into 5 groups. Each group personifies one of the foundations of the universe - Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal.

The philosophy of the Chinese calendar is that the years are not numbered, but rather named according to the characteristics of the iconic animal, its energy and the element to which it belongs. For example, 2017 will be called the year Fire Rooster with the dominant principle of Yin (feminine).

What will 2017 be like for the Year of the Fire Rooster?

First of all, it must be said that 2017 will be the year of the fiery rooster. The Fury of Fire needs the calm of Earth for balance; The element of air is needed to give energy.
The current 2016, being the year of the Monkey (Yang), is characterized by unpredictability and constant change of situations. The New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster, (Yin), will be the complete opposite.

The Rooster is stubborn and straightforward. Having chosen a direction, he reluctantly changes it. The Rooster is a fearless defender of his home.

Bright appearance is combined with a strong-willed character.
With the onset of 2017, it will be necessary to show flexibility so that the straightforwardness of the Rooster does not aggravate tense situations. The year will present us with challenges that require a practical approach. You should not be cunning and act dishonestly. Confident steps, respect for the situation and moderate risks are the keys to all doors next year.

The year of the Fire Rooster will be successful for those who in 2017 correspond to the characteristics of the sign.

Trust is very important for the Rooster. You should not hide information, gossip or start quarrels, because due to his straightforwardness and stubbornness, the Rooster may not forgive this.

Hard work and high ambitions will have to be complemented by the ability to change strategy if necessary in order to achieve the goal.

The patron of the year has a bright appearance and is proud of it. The way you look and the way you carry yourself will play a role big role in the coming year.

The Rooster is very sociable, but sometimes he talks more than he listens and hears. Anyone who finds a balance between these skills will be irresistible this year.

This colorful bird is considered to be hardworking, self-sufficient and loves innovation. People born in the year of the rooster love to travel, and some people get up at dawn.

Working or being in a group, those born in the year of the Rooster will become noticeable, popular and respected.

These bright people distinguished by punctuality, integrity, but sometimes they are boastful and touchy.

Roosters love to dress up, decorate themselves and their home, they have the talents of a decorator, designer, artist and can safely master any creative profession.

Roosters treat money with accuracy and caution, so they make excellent bankers and economists.

The Rooster can be trusted with any important matters.— he always fulfills his promises and will try to complete all assignments with the highest quality and on time.

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster will be a year of passion and strong relationships. Being a bright person, the Rooster attracts attention and enjoys it. Being a family man, he patronizes marriage. For those who are in a serious relationship, the time will come to prepare for the wedding. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will encounter many interesting opportunities.

Children born in the year of the Rooster

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster are different good health and rarely get sick. In childhood, it will be difficult for parents to calm down the principled cockerel, but in adulthood, perseverance, bordering on inflexibility, will help them achieve great success in their careers.

IN kindergarten At school and university, children born in the year of the fire rooster will stand out among other children with their powerful energy; they will be followed and copied in their manners, clothing style, turns of speech and behavior.

Girls born in 2017 will be very beautiful and feminine in appearance, and boys will be especially resilient and will be able to break many records in sports, and when they grow up they will achieve success in space exploration using fiery (solar) energy.

Here are some celebrities born in the year of the Rooster: Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Fenimore Cooper, Yuri Nikulin, Jennifer Lopez, Andrei Sakharov, Yves Montand, Justin Tinberlake, Yoko Ono, Jean Paul Belmondo.

How to celebrate the year of the Fire Rooster?

In order for the year to be good, you need to start it well. Every time we prepare to celebrate this event, we try to find new ways to appease the next symbol of the year in order to enjoy its patronage for all 365 days.

Each zodiac sign has its own preferences. The Rooster is vain and loves to be pleased. Appearance is very important to him, so you should take seriously what you wear to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster.

The main color of this symbol is red. However, jealously guarding his color, the Rooster can become furious if he sees it on someone else. Avoid red not only in your outfit, but also in its accessories. It is better to choose colors that complement and highlight red. All shades of yellow, brown and gold work especially well.

So, having figured out what to wear in the year of the Fire Rooster, you need to think about decorating your home. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, this year yellow, brown and gold shades should be followed not only in clothing, but also in the interior. When decorating the New Year tree, lean towards golden tinsel and bright garland lights. Table setting should be in soothing colors.

Candles, as a symbol of fire, will be very useful on the New Year's table. It is better not to place plastic dishes on the table. The conservative Rooster loves wooden or glass dishes.

What to cook for the New Year of the Fire Rooster?

Vegetables and fruits are good in any form, but are especially welcome fresh in the form of slices or salad. The symbol of the year will really like cereals. Rice, bulgur, sprouted wheat must be present. Corn in salads will also be very useful.

The use of eggs as decoration is not encouraged, but they should not be excluded as an ingredient. Chicken, turkey, and indeed any bird are categorically excluded. Roast pig, Beef Wellington, different types the soufflé will perfectly decorate the table.

Alcohol etc. prefer light. Prepare better cocktails that combine interesting view with a light taste. There are no restrictions in choosing dessert. Prepare your favorite desserts, just don’t forget to put all your love into them.

Where to celebrate the New Year? Being a family man, the Rooster prefers a homely environment and will be very happy to spend the holiday at home. However, if your company creates a feeling of family, the Rooster will feel comfortable anywhere.

What gifts should I give?

Gifts, in the style of the Rooster, are practical in nature. Usually they combine pleasure with functionality. It can be a beautiful service or any interior item, a book in cooking or clothing. However, the Rooster will happily accept even the smallest trinket if he feels the love hidden in the gift.

In the year of the Rooster, you must have and give a symbol of this wonderful bird. The image can be on a calendar, decorative pillow, clock, magnet, figurine, ceramic product, in the form of a painting, a Rooster - a toy or in any other form.

What can each of us expect from the Rooster? What will the next year be like for each sign separately?

Rats in the year of the Red Rooster you will not be bored for a minute. Harmony between work and leisure will be their main concern. Hardworking rats will enjoy their work and forget to give themselves a break. The family will help them find balance.

Bulls will be able to slow down, as they will finally see the long-awaited results of their labors. However, you should not completely relax or even wonder, as there is a threat of causing the envy of others.

Tigers The rooster carries a lot less problems than Monkey. In addition, the Rooster will give them a friend-helper who will take some of the worries upon himself, making their life much easier. It won't be easy for tigers to find mutual language with other tigers.

Rabbits will seek control in all situations. They will succeed in this with varying degrees of success. It is better for them to conduct business with trusted people and not rush into risky adventures.

For Dragons the year will be calm and quiet if they can realistically assess their decision-making capabilities. Refusing the assistance provided will only lead to mistakes. The money they thought was lost returned to the Dragons as a pleasant surprise.

Snakes will enjoy the fruits of their work. If the Snakes can manage them correctly, they will be able to enjoy these fruits throughout the year. A rooster who loves family harmony will help establish a good atmosphere in the family.

For Horses, this year will be a time of rest. However, aimless idleness, coupled with everyday routine, can lead to adverse consequences. It’s better to channel your energy into creative channels to enjoy this year in peace.

Sheep will be easier this year as they have learned many lessons from the Monkey. Their labors will bring profit and honor. They will be able to do more correct elections V life situations related to both business and private life.

Monkeys The year promises many new beginnings. Smart and resourceful monkeys can easily solve everything possible problems who will meet along the way. They will need to pay more attention to family and relatives in order for the year to pass more peacefully.

Roosters. According to an old Chinese superstition, when the year of your patron comes (every 12 years), then in this year luck will not come to your doorstep so often. However, the cunning Chinese have provided a talisman for this case. The older relative in the family should give you some red thing (socks, scarf, beads). This thing will protect you throughout the year. So, dear Roosters, whether you have the red thing or not, here is your prediction. The year will be full of different things. Balance between different areas you will have to find your life yourself. Your inherent sense of justice will help you in this and, despite your temper, you will be able to achieve a result favorable to you.

Born in the year Dogs It will be necessary to turn to the experience of past years in order to deal with the affairs of the coming year. Calmness and self-control will be their main weapons. The Rooster will help harden Dogs by teaching and appreciating periods of calm to the fullest.

Pigs the year promises silence. Big changes will not disturb you in almost any area of ​​your life. Your pleasant character will attract the attention of the opposite sex, but do not rush into a serious relationship. Enjoy the flow of life.

Interesting Facts:

12 summer period The Chinese calendar is organized into 60-year cycles according to the five elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Metal and Wood. This means that the next Fire Rooster after 2017 will take over only 60 years later. During this interval, we will enjoy the company of the Water Rooster, the Wood Rooster and other representatives of the 5 elements.

According to the origin legend Chinese zodiac, the mouse (rat) did not wake up the cat, and she was late for the dinner party with the emperor. All the sacred animals that subsequently entered the zodiac were called there. Instead of the cat, we had to take whoever was at hand, i.e., a pig. Since then, mice and cats have not gotten along.

Svetlana Rozhenko

The cheerful and carefree Monkey, with whom, as you know, you won’t get bored, but also won’t relax, has already been replaced by the symbol of 2017, the Red Fire Rooster. A bright tail rushes in the wind, a crimson comb proudly sticks out above his head, and the air is shaken by a loud “Crow!” At first glance, it becomes clear: no matter what this period has in store for us, life under the wing of a lively bird certainly cannot be called gray and dull. The eastern horoscope for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster will tell you exactly in which direction you should act.

What does the Year of the Rooster have in store for us?

So, what can you expect from a bright bird that, as you know, can not only bawle cheerful songs in the morning, but also, on occasion, whip a less fortunate rival by the crest? Let's say right away that the Rooster is a serious owner. The stern bird will not tolerate the booth created by the Monkey in the chicken coop entrusted to him, and therefore, after looking around a little and weighing the situation, he will begin to restore order in March.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of the tough temperament of the new owner of the year. According to the Chinese horoscope, this bird has five important virtues: kindness, courage, loyalty, friendliness and nobility, and therefore will never indiscriminately wave its spurs left and right. Moreover, in Japan and India the Rooster is considered the personification of the sun, bringing with it light and goodness. And remember the Cockerel from Russian fairy tales - a reliable defender of the weak and a brave fighter with foxes and other toothy forest brethren! In a word, you should under no circumstances be afraid of the fire-tailed guest. The changes that he will bring with him will be bright, sometimes abrupt, but most often pleasant.

By the way, people with the qualities listed above have a chance in 2017 to earn the special favor of the wayward bird. But those who are lazy, apathetic and ready to give up when faced with the first obstacle risk incurring the wrath of the Rooster. There is an additional reason to work on yourself, eradicating some character flaws, and the first half of the year - best time for this.

But it’s better to give up the habit of cutting the truth from the shoulder. This does not mean that in 2017 only liars will rule the roost! The sincere and open Rooster cannot tolerate two-faced people. The difficulty is that the feathered owner of the year is terribly touchy, especially when it comes to criticizing him royalty. Weigh everything you are going to say and keep spontaneous impulses in check: tactlessness can cost you dearly. Don’t forget that the talisman of the year is a pugnacious creature, and therefore, conflicts under his strict leadership will begin in a hurry, just give him a reason!

Caution in actions is also required for another reason. The ebullient energy of the Rooster will force many to go in search of adventures in 2017, and if none are found, some will create them for themselves. And then he will also get out of trouble on his own, scolding both the hyperactive bird and his own character. However, there is nothing to be upset about: the bully Rooster loves the restless and stubborn, therefore, with effort, you will deal with all the problems, no matter what their source was.

Love and family

A lonely Rooster is a rare and sad sight. This bird is destined by nature to be in society, and even better, to shine in it. Naturally, the bird will not allow its charges to sit too long within four walls. Get ready for numerous new acquaintances, invitations to parties, and interesting communication.

Unfortunately, not everything is going smoothly on the love front. Loving, always surrounded by a harem of his faithful admirers, the Rooster is in no hurry to reward anyone with a meeting with his other half, the main and only one. It may well be that you have to experience a vivid romantic experience, or even more than one, but start serious relationship in the year of a fickle bird it succeeds much less often.

However, the Rooster is not at all a convinced womanizer, flitting from friend to friend, but an exemplary family man. And it’s not his fault that nature determined that the mascot of the year should be a polygamist! For those who feel ripe for family relationships and consciously strive for them, the bird will willingly meet them halfway, arranging a long-awaited date. The main thing is to look around more carefully - will your true destiny appear in the round dance of new acquaintances?

A little tip: look for someone with similar interests, hobbies and outlook on life. The energetic “bird” will not allow you to indulge in romantic dreams for a long time, looking into each other’s eyes, but will call you away from home in search of entertainment. This is where general inclinations come in handy! And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a pottery making class or tandem skydiving, as long as you both have fun and interesting time.

But keep in mind that you will have to meet the owner of the year halfway and work on your image. The Motley Rooster is cool towards gray mice. Do you want to please him? Dress in bright colors, choose bold styles and don’t be shy to take the first step. The desperate bird will certainly reward you for your courage!

It's already shining on your finger wedding ring? All the better! The Rooster welcomes the manifestation of imagination in every possible way and generously rewards those who manage to surprise him. Arrange a second one for yourself and your partner Honeymoon, but more original. Türkiye, Cyprus and the Canary Islands are, of course, good, but boring. But rush to Norway to get family photo in the famous “Troll Language” or take a ride together to Lake Baikal, only the most restless and enterprising will dare. For which they will certainly receive a carrot from the Rooster in the form of newly flared up feelings.

And this year is also the best time to have offspring. If you have not had time to produce an heir, or even two, seriously discuss this possibility with your spouse. Raising a temperamental and active “chicken” is not easy, but your child will have every chance to succeed in life. Astrologers assure: among people born this year, the percentage of leaders, artists and extraordinary personalities is very high.

Career and finance

It is not difficult to guess that the Rooster will not be satisfied with a quiet stay on a perch in the chicken coop. This is an ambitious and stubborn bird, preferring to occupy the top steps always and everywhere. Careerists can rejoice: having sensed a kindred spirit in them, the Rooster will do everything to help the ambitious climb the career ladder as high as possible. People whose activities involve people and communication will have especially high chances of success.

However, there will be difficulties. For example, the Rooster’s inability to take other people’s opinions into account, which he will inevitably instill in his protégés, can play a cruel joke on you. Learn to listen to your colleagues, perhaps they really advise something useful!

Another danger lurking for careerists this year will be workaholism. The Rooster prefers to act alone, guided by the principle “If you want everything done well, do it yourself,” and therefore too often takes on the burden of an unbearable burden. If you feel that you have been working on projects for an unacceptably long time, forgetting about food, sleep and communication with friends, know that it is he, the impatient Rooster, who is driving you towards your goal, pecking below your back. Don't give in! But don’t quit what you started halfway. Good luck in 2017 will come only to those who work hard for it.

Another way to attract the attention of the mascot of the year is to take advanced training courses or learn some new useful skill. The Rooster welcomes a person’s desire to develop and contributes to it in every possible way. And if you have been thinking about changing your place of work for a long time, such an opportunity will probably present itself in 2017. Feel free to send your resume to the campaigns where you would like to work. There is a high probability that Fortune will smile on you.

But for those who do not have time to make changes to their professional activity, it's better to slow down. A tired Rooster will strive for rest, and therefore both personal growth and career will stall.

This year is also favorable financially. But you can’t count on a sudden rain of money from the sky - only those who reach for it sparing no effort will be able to touch the “golden comb”. Remember how diligently the Rooster paws the ground, looking for bugs and grains, follow his example, and you will definitely win. After admiring your hard work from afar, the bushy-tailed bird will push you in the right direction and point out the place where the most tasty morsels are hidden.

Astrologers predict significant success in career and finance in 2017 for people engaged in intellectual work, as well as representatives creative professions: actors, artists, writers, designers, photographers... And everyone who does what they love. An auto mechanic who devotes himself to his work with all his soul, according to the Rooster, deserves no less encouragement than the most creative sculptor.

The end of the year will be a good time for entrepreneurs. Small companies will be able to grow and stand stronger on their feet, while large ones will increase their income.

  • Be prepared to impromptu, the Rooster is an unpredictable comrade. For example, a last-minute ticket on super favorable terms may fall right into your hands. Or he will do unexpected offer about part-time work. Or fate will organize a meeting with your first love with a possible pleasant continuation. In any case, resourcefulness and enterprise will be required to make the most of the situation.
  • Don't let the shine and variegation of rooster feathers captivate you. Having received two or three interesting proposals, make a balanced decision, focusing not on the first impulse, but on logic and sober calculation.
  • Handle money more carefully. Although astrologers assure that the Rooster will give all hardworking and diligent people the opportunity to earn money, he does not like squandering. Grain to grain, penny to penny, you look - and real wealth will flow in!
  • All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is permitted only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

As you know, the Chinese horoscope divides all years according to one of the twelve signs - animal or bird. Each coming year carries with it the characteristics of its ruler and influences the events that occur during this period. In addition, the year is governed by a certain element. Eastern teachings speak of the presence of five elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

The elements are constantly moving, harmoniously reborn and overcoming each other. Each element corresponds specific color: blue for water, red for fire, green for wood, yellow for earth, white for metal (and all metallic shades). Considering the 5 elements and 12 patron signs, their complete “reboot” according to eastern horoscope occurs on a cyclical basis every 60 years.

The New Year 2017 will be the year of the Rooster, the element of this period is Fire, and the main color is red, that is, the sign of the year will be the Fire (Red) Rooster. These are the parameters that can impact your life.

What color should you wear to celebrate the coming 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster?

In preparation for New Year's celebration everyone is trying to use the color of the element and the patron of the year so that good luck and success await them in the future. Even those who do not particularly trust horoscopes are trying to find out in what color they should celebrate the coming year 2017 and comply with certain conditions of the patron of the year and the elements.

It is believed that a correctly selected color scheme will help satisfy the requirements of the ruler of the year and will send a person health, financial well-being and success in life. personal life. In addition, the color of the year is a trend that is followed in room decor, clothing, accessories and even makeup.

From the fact that the element of the new year 2017 is fire, its main theme follows - all shades and derivatives of the red tone. The appearance of the ruler of the year allows you to expand the color scheme, complementing it with bright shades of rooster plumage. In addition, the color of the flame is not only bright red, but a wide range of shades from golden to black.

The color of the element and the patron is used to decorate the house or room where the New Year will take place. You can cover the table with a red or burgundy tablecloth and place candles in beautiful golden candlesticks. The decoration of the house should have a lot of sparkle and colorful tinsel, which the Rooster loves. It is also advisable to decorate the main attribute of the New Year's home - the Christmas tree - in red colors.

Clothing, accessories and makeup

In accordance with the color of the element and the ruler of 2017, clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories are selected. And the biggest fashionistas can also choose trendy New Year's makeup.

A red dress or suit is the most suitable option for an evening outfit to celebrate the New Year. However, this tone is quite insidious. First of all, because it is very noticeable. A woman who wears red invariably finds herself in the zone of increased attention, which means she must be 100% confident in her ideal appearance. Red color is for very confident women.

Helpful advice. In order not to turn out to be a clone of other “women in red”, you need to choose an unconventional style, provide additional details in clothes. These could be unusual accessories, bright jewelry or stylish jewelry.

But what about those who don’t like red? There is a category of women who do not like such noticeable coloring, preferring an elegant and modest color scheme in their outfit. In this case, you can select the color of the outfit based on the variety of spectral shades of the flame. In addition to the classic red and its derivatives, orange, burgundy, cherry and the like, there are yellow, golden, as well as brownish and even black. You can celebrate the New Year in these colors, but in the details of the toilet it is better to pay tribute to the main color of the elements. This could be a red bracelet on the hand, a belt, shoes or bag of this tone, an orange tie or a bright red scarf sticking out of a pocket with a corner will decorate a men's suit.

A golden-colored dress would be an excellent choice, because it is also one of the shades of flame. Celebrating the New Year in gold is another opportunity to attract wealth and financial well-being. In addition, a golden dress is a favorite at any party, as this tone suits almost all women without exception. The New Year's look is completed with jewelry made from fiery precious stones: red ruby, tourmaline, garnet or coral.

A dress in red or golden tones is best complemented with shoes neutral color, for example, beige or cream. In addition, shoes of such shades visually increase the length of the legs and make the feet more graceful.

In order to decide what colors to wear for the New Year 2017, you can also refer to the zodiac horoscope. It is known that each zodiac sign has a specific color. The use of tonal clothing at the intersection of eastern and zodiac horoscopes guarantees you success in the new year.

  • Aries. It corresponds to red, so there will be no contradictions with the elements of 2017.
  • Taurus – primary color is blue, secondary color is yellow and green. The flame spectrum includes shades of yellow, so your outfit with a combination of yellow and red will suit both horoscopes.
  • Gemini - the main color is yellow, it gives them a feeling of joy, helps get rid of depression, gives positive attitude and also makes up the spectrum of flames.
  • Cancer – white, gray, silver. Possible variant The outfit is a red and white combination with silver jewelry.
  • A lion - fire sign, celebrate the holiday in an orange dress with gold decoration.
  • Virgo corresponds to brown and green colors. It is better to choose a dress of a brownish-brown shade and jewelry made of rubies.
  • Libra - the main color is blue - is contrary to the elements of 2017, but the additional ones - white and pink - are quite suitable to meet the year of the Fire Rooster.
  • Scorpio's lucky colors are dark red and purple, which are perfect for the New Year's holiday.
  • Sagittarius corresponds to purple, the outfit can be adjusted with tourmaline - a fire stone that also suits Sagittarius.
  • The main color scheme of Capricorn is all shades of brown. Add orange or red accessories to it and you will be stunning at the New Year's party.
  • The main colors that harmonize the state of Aquarius are blue and green. Too much bright colors in clothes bring him feelings of imbalance. To correspond to the elements of the year, you can meet New Year in a green dress with red accessories and jewelry.
  • The element of Pisces is water and therefore fire is not their choice. You can wear a purple dress to celebrate the New Year, because... This color brings Pisces changes in life and is a combination of blue and red.

What colors are best avoided? New Year's Eve? Since the rooster is still a bird, its enemy is predators, so leopard or tiger prints, beloved by many women, are not suitable for this New Year's outfit. You should also not wear shoes or complement your outfit with animalistic accessories if you do not want to anger the lord of the year.

A few words about makeup, which also plays a big role in the New Year's look. Red shades are more appropriate in lipstick; eyes can be highlighted with golden shadows. On New Year's Eve, a bright appearance is allowed, especially since the cockerel is a fighting bird, bright and stylish. Depending on the intended outfit, choose the right makeup for yourself. For an outfit of bright red color, use muted tones, and for an outfit of calm tones, you can make the coloring brighter. Choose a soft peach blush and don’t forget the main rule of make-up: highlight either the eyes or the lips, otherwise the look will be vulgar.

Helpful advice. The makeup trend for the coming year will be glitter. These can be shiny shadows or special rhinestones and stones that are glued in the corners of the eyes. An effective addition will be colored feathers that are attached to the eyelashes.

The manicure is matched to the clothes in accordance with the elements of the year. The most suitable would be red varnish and all its shades. New Year's manicure can also be complemented with rhinestones, stones, original feathers, a gradient pattern, etc. In general, the brighter your nails look, the better. In addition, all kinds of designs on nails or stickers with prints remain relevant. The theme is New Year's: snowflakes, Christmas trees, cockerels.

We hope that advice on choosing color range for the New Year 2017 will bring you pleasant changes, long-awaited luck, health and well-being next year.

Along with the first snow, the time for the most fun and favorite holiday of the year is approaching - New Year. What it will be like, what it will bring with it, how to celebrate the New Year - many are already thinking about this. New Year 2017 eastern calendar will be the year of the Red (or Fire) Rooster.

Rooster - symbol of 2017
New Year 2017 will be held under the symbol of the red Rooster according to the Eastern or Chinese horoscope. The time of the new year according to the Chinese calendar will be January 27 next year. The Eastern or Chinese horoscope has existed for more than 2000 years and is based on the same 12 cycles as the zodiac, but it is counted not by months, but by years. Every year Chinese horoscope has its own totem animal, and accordingly, has the character of this animal. Also, the year belongs to one of the five elements, which also interact with each other - harmonize and complement, or come into conflict and oppress. The Chinese horoscope can be used to understand which animal’s year is coming, what astrological trends of the year will prevail, what it will bring to us, what to expect from the new 2017 Rooster, and what to fear. If you know the characteristics in advance the coming year The Rooster, its symbols and the character of the year and the animal Rooster, the color of 2017, then you can already plan gifts in the year of the Rooster, New Year's table dishes in the year of the Rooster, and also understand your horoscope in advance for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster!

2017 Year of the Red Rooster. Characteristics of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare for

2017 will pass under the sign of the fiery or red Rooster. A rooster is a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage, it carries new life, cheerfulness, drives away darkness and evil spirits. The rooster always brings something new - hewakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the coming of a new day.

This totem of 2017 can be compared to a person’s character - he distinguished by iron willpower. Roosters of the element of Fire have bright leadership qualities, a strong-willed, stubborn character, so everything they undertake, they bring to the end, and, moreover, successfully. They always achieve their goals. The Rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, and he does it quite loudly and openly. The element of Fire itself adds energy to the already active Roosterand, what is more valuable, determination. This Rooster knows where to put his strength and what to strive for. An additional supply of energy makes him an inexhaustible source of activity; this Rooster will be able to infect large crowds of people with his ideas and optimism; he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this has a very beneficial effect on his affairs and projects.

The Rooster signifies hard work, assertiveness and ambition. If he has set a goal for himself, he will overcome all obstacles and achieve his goal. The Rooster is ready to win at any cost. In love, representatives of this year show great selfishness, so building partnerships with them is not easy.

The element of fire in the eastern horoscope is also considered uncontrollable and unpredictable; depending on the method of use and application, fire can either warm and give warmth and food, or burn home and earth. In such overly active and energetic years, you can dramatically change your life at the most unexpected side, make your most cherished and long-standing dreams come true, and begin your movement towards real success.

In order to catch the year of the red fire Rooster by the tail, you will only need to understand his character and become as active and assertive as the Rooster himself. In this case, the Rooster's reward will not bypass you side, and success in business and plans will be ensured. The Monkey gives his sympathy and rewards to the strong, who are not afraid of difficulties and, in spite of everything, move forward towards their goal, their dream, casting aside fears and doubts about failures.Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded for those who do not look for easy ways and bypasses, do not violate moral and legal laws, say little and do a lot, and persistently, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

If you like to wait for the right moment and calculate every step in advance, then this year will not please you with anything. Here you will need to act quickly, actively and spontaneously, without worrying about the consequences. In this case, winning will be guaranteed. The symbol and concept of the year of the fiery Rooster can be summed up in the words: “Live to the fullest now.”

There are also negative aspects of the Rooster’s character that you should avoid in your life in 2017.It’s better to be determined to spend this year as responsibly and seriously as possible, in balance and with a clear, well-thought-out plan. Beware of rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts - the Rooster is almost the biggest fan of sorting things out among all the signs. Therefore, in 2017, he will often arrange situations in which it will be easy to start conflicts.Be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, do not make hasty decisions!He who is forewarned is forearmed.

The Rooster loves scope and globality in everything - both in thinking, earnings, career, shopping, and in general political events of the year. In the Year of the Rooster, large and significant events of an international scale take place that affect the lives of all countries of the world. The previous years of the Rooster have already proven this to us: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope 2017 Year of the Rooster

Symbols of 2017: color, stone, material
The main symbol of 2017 will be the element of fire, which is part of the five-year cycle of elements - Fire, Water, Air, Wood, Metal. Fire is a strong element and it is best to handle it carefully and carefully, in which case it will bring all the good that it possesses.

The main colors of 2017 will be all associated with fire - red and orange, as well as all sorts of shades of these colors.
The talisman stones of 2017 are also painted in all shades of red - the king of stones is the bloody ruby, deep cherry garnet, and fire opal. This also includes all stones whose origin is also associated with the element of fire, for example, volcanic glass obsidian. The natural mineral amber is also suitable for the Rooster. To celebrate the New Year 2017, you can choose all these stones and shades of color.

How to celebrate 2017 the year of the red rooster

To celebrate the new 2017 Rooster, choose clothes in bright, colorful and memorable colors - the Rooster will pay attention to everything bright, lush and shiny. The best way to celebrate the New Year itself is in society, very fun and joyful - at a carnival evening, a costume party, where you can show off your bold and unusual outfit. The colors of the year should prevail in clothing and interior design New Year's Eve. The biggest chic will be Christmas costumes all kinds of colors, with natural hair prints - peacock feathers.

The most important details of the New Year's outfit will be the decorations - jewelry and costume jewelry. Choose natural red stones: blood ruby, cherry garnet, fire opal. Classic amber can also be a beautiful addition to your New Year's look.

Anything unusual is also suitable as a hairstyle to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - do yourself something that you usually don’t have time or money for. The rooster loves big bouffants, false tails, and decorations in his hair. Don’t forget about the convenience and practicality of your outfit. You should feel as free as possible in it in order to please the owner of the coming year with fun and dancing.

What to give for 2017 Red Rooster
New Year gifts for relatives and friends this year should also be unusual and extravagant. Therefore, you should approach the choice of gifts carefully and responsibly. The most important condition for choosing a gift for the Year of the Rooster is practicality, that is, your gift should not only please, but should also find practical application in the life of the one whom you will congratulate on the Year of the Rooster.

Jewelry, various certificates for cosmetic services or sets, and travel vouchers are suitable gifts for a woman.

For a gift for a man, look for something that will most bring him joy to his soul. For example, something for his hobby or passion. Don’t forget also that the gift can be men’s cosmetics or clothing. In the New Year of the Rooster you can give your parents household appliances. And children will be happy with any toys that are fun and interesting for the mind. All unusual souvenirs are suitable for gifts in the work team - show your ingenuity and creative talent. A box of chocolates, fireworks and candles, decorative jewelry, certificates for a fitness center, business accessories, etc.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

According to the eastern horoscope, which appeared several thousand years ago, every year has its own animal patron, element and color. The patron changes according to a twelve-year cycle, and the element and color - according to a ten-year cycle.

The Year of the Fire Rooster came into its own on January 28, 2017. Each sign has its own influence on the destinies of people all over the planet. Therefore, it is important to know under whose auspices the year will pass and not miss your chance for good luck.


In the East, there are many legends explaining the origin and meaning of the signs of the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, and why they were named after the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The most popular of them says that one day Buddha invited all the animals to his holiday, and promised the first twelve of them that would come, to give the opportunity to lead the whole year, every twelve years.

To get to Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river, and Buddha suggested organizing a competition: whoever swims first will get the first year, whoever comes second will get the second, and so on.

The rooster, the symbol of 2017, appeared to Buddha tenth, although it cannot be called slow. Legend has it that he was so late because he was giving valuable instructions to his huge family, explaining in detail to the household how they should live and what to do while he was away. From this episode of the legend one can judge his character.

Patron of 2017

The coming year is the year of the Fire Rooster, and the color of the year is red. The sages have always believed that the element of Fire represents continuous upward movement and has unrivaled vital energy, is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Danichev

The Fire Rooster differs from other Roosters in being more passionate, assertive, energetic and decisive character. His penetration abilities can only be envied, and his courage often borders on recklessness. It is thanks to these qualities that the Fire Rooster in most cases achieves success where other signs fail.

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. In his affairs, he strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite their positive traits, The Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes makes the decent Rooster a real windbag.

The stars warn

Astrologer Mikhail Tsagareli told readers of Sputnik Georgia that the year passing under the banner of the Fire Rooster is a period eventful. The new year 2017 promises to be less stressful and unpredictable than the year Fire Monkey, but avoid big changes it won't work.

He also warned of negative periods expected in 2017 and advised everyone to be especially careful during this time.

According to him, since the energy of the earth is quite negative at the beginning of the year, this period will be the most difficult. He called for special attention to be paid to the period from February 1 to February 10, and then from February 20 to the end of the month.

Confrontations may arise between individuals or organizations, so it will be difficult to implement ideas at this time. Your health may also worsen, especially from the second half of February, when infectious diseases become more active.

The period from March 10 to March 25 and the first 12 days of April are also expected to be unfavorable. During this time, problems may arise related to nervous system, And various kinds conflicts.

© photo: Sputnik / Isaev

It is advised to be especially careful from the end of June until August 10th. The astrologer also calls the end of September unfavorable.

The Year of the Rooster as a whole promises to be very fruitful and generous with chances for every person to prove himself in one way or another. Positive changes in all directions await almost all zodiac signs.

Libra will have the most luck in the year of the Fire Rooster. Jupiter will transit this particular zodiac sign until the end of October, so this sign has a high chance of success and achievement.

Taurus will also be lucky; in general, they will have quite a lot of successful moments next year. They will be able to successfully implement their ideas and establish interesting contacts. The second half of the year will be less successful, but stable.

For Gemini, the best period will come in the second half of the year. The Year of the Rooster will be much more promising for them than the Year of the Monkey.

In the new year, signs such as Aquarius and Virgo will feel good.

For Sagittarius, 2017 promises to be the most unfortunate year. The astrologer advises people born under this sign to try to go with the flow and not start any important matters in order to avoid serious problems and conflicts in business and at work.

© photo: Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

Scorpios should be especially careful until the end of February, since at this time the Black Moon passes through this zodiac sign, which is a rather negative factor. Therefore, those born under this zodiac sign must carefully weigh every decision to avoid problems. Scorpios must be patient - after mid-October their luck will return and the end of the year will be quite positive for them.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, the year will be more or less stable.

According to the eastern horoscope, people born in the year of the Snake, Goat, Dragon and Pig (Boar) have the best chance of success. Cats, Rats, and Horses should not count on luck in 2017. For other signs a year will pass stable.

The material was prepared based on open sources

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