Year of the yellow dog for the monkey woman. What will the coming year be like for the Fire, Water and Wood Monkeys?

In 2018, mischievous Monkeys will have to forget about tomfoolery, get off the branch and go to bow to the Dog. The fact is that the earth dog, who does not approve of the frivolous behavior of the tailed entertainers, will make every effort to teach them a serious attitude towards life. If the Monkey takes the hint, then after a very short time he will again be able to frolic among the vines. If he decides to persist, over the next 12 months he will feel the slap of a soft but confident dog’s paw on his butt more than once. Believe me, the mistress of the year knows how to convince a furry man!

General horoscope for 2018 for Monkeys

When equipping himself for the coming year, the Monkey will not go wrong if he takes a notepad and pen with him to carefully calculate his flight path before each jump. Until now, she has relied on luck more than once and won, but now the hardworking Dog has set herself the task of conveying to her lively ward the meaning of the proverb “You can’t pull a fish out of the pond without labor” and will systematically bring her plans to life. We do not recommend arguing with the yellow ruler of the year, otherwise, what good, at one not so wonderful moment you may find that you are no longer flying from branch to branch, but into an abyss, at the bottom of which hungry crocodiles are snapping their teeth! But the representatives of the monkey tribe, who managed to become more reasonable, will be fully rewarded for their efforts.

In 2018, it will be important for the Monkey...

  1. Pay more attention to family. Although the Dog is among the inveterate workaholics, it does not like overly ambitious subjects and does not forgive neglect of family and friends.
  2. Keep information about your successes to yourself. Even if you are tempted to tell others about a successful investment or a super fashionable gadget you purchased the other day, bite your tongue. Otherwise, before you can blink, you will find yourself in the crosshairs of scammers.
  3. Don't waste money. In spring and summer, representatives of the cheerful sign will be tempted to show off to someone, which will cause banknotes to fly out of their wallet in a generous fan. If you don’t have time to slam it shut in time and put it deeper into your pocket or purse, you risk facing autumn, if not naked and barefoot, then in extremely cramped circumstances.
In any circumstances, the Monkey’s reliable support will be his family.

But don’t rush to get scared! The Dog is not at all hostile towards its frisky charges. She just wants to be heard, and therefore throughout the year she will leave small clues for the Monkeys, advising what exactly to pay attention to. If you stop rushing around the tops of trees, and instead stop, look around and think, you will be able to see the signs placed by the four-legged patroness and you will succeed well. The main thing is not to expect everything from her at once; the right to generous gifts from the Yellow Dog will have to be earned.

Love and family

In 2018, lonely Monkeys will be surprised to discover that their winged Cupid was carried away by a gale and thrown to distant lands. It will take a long time for the kid to get back with a bow and arrow, so don’t expect any quick victories on the love front. Most of the novels and novels started by jumpers during this period, like balloons, with a loud “boom!” will turn into shreds; and some people won’t get even this: it seems that the Monkey’s ability to conquer and charm others will not fail at the right time.

Don’t smash your forehead against a blank wall by stubbornly storming dating sites! Better put your personal life on pause and devote free time relatives. This is exactly what the family Dog expects from you, having noticed that in search of personal happiness you have begun to neglect those who sincerely love you, despite your shortcomings. Help your parents at the dacha, take your nephews to the circus, arrange periodic unscheduled visits to an elderly relative who is homesick alone - in a word, show as much attention to other people as possible. The dog will appreciate this and soon the situation will begin to change better side.

So that instead of a pause you don’t put an end to your personal happiness and make it easier for the star matchmaker to connect you with the right person, get out in public more often. But without a date in mind! Look for what you are really interested in - exhibitions, master classes, concerts of your favorite performers. Enjoy the time spent alone with yourself and improve yourself. If you do it right, fateful meeting won't keep you waiting long.

The path to true feeling will not be without thorns, but in the end happiness will await the Monkey

At the same time, from mid-spring until the first autumn rains, the Monkey should be extremely careful when choosing partners. There is a great risk of running into either a marriage swindler or a leech in human form, which will intensively suck funds from our jumping lady until it exhausts its budget. To avoid getting into trouble, try to better study the character of your potential soulmate before handing her the key to your heart and apartment. And try to impress your chosen one or chosen one not with expensive gifts, but with care and attention.

Things will be little better for family primates. The patience of the spouse, who has long endured the selfish antics of the Monkey, will burst, and a certificate of divorce will loom on the horizon. To get past him, immediately change the course of your love boat! Start being more responsible about your household responsibilities and don’t consider it a feat to help your significant other with their affairs; spend more time together; learn not only to listen, but also to hear what your partner is trying to convey to you. If you don't make a mistake, by autumn you will fall in love with each other again.


The Monkeys do not foresee any serious financial difficulties. Provided, of course, that frivolous animals do not waste money left and right. Every expenditure must be thought out, weighed and taken into account - only in this case it will not cause damage to the Monkey’s budget. Even if the tailed ones have accumulated a very impressive amount of money for a vacation in Dubai, it would be better to go to a more modest place this year and put the difference aside.

But you shouldn’t turn into Plyushkin, eating black crust, just to stuff another penny into your stocking. Set a realistic goal for yourself and start saving for it gradually, without hardship or extremes. If you manage to find the fine line between extravagance and hoarding, you will be surprised at the amount that will soon appear in your account.

Things will go especially well in the second half of the year

The year is conducive to investing money, but only in reliable projects. Risky operations The dog will not approve of amateurs gambling will punish, and will arrange big troubles for dodgers and hunters of easy profits, including a collision with the law. But those who work hard will certainly be rewarded.

Please note that the Dog categorically does not like debtors, so try to do without credits and loans. You can get bogged down so deeply that for more than one or two years you will be forced to fend off creditors guarding at the entrance and flinch from phone calls.

Career and business

The first thing that representatives of the mischievous sign need to do in the coming year is to moderate their ambitions. Take it for granted that under the leadership of the Dog, the stellar primates are unlikely to be able to advance far in the world. career ladder. There will be a strong impression that a determined dog has lubricated it with oil, and every attempt to climb higher ends in a useless slide on the spot - be careful not to slide down a couple of steps! In order to maintain his reputation as a strong professional, the Monkey will have to scrupulously fulfill the duties assigned to him and prove his worth to his superiors.

The key to success will be, firstly, a good relationship in the team - colleagues to whom Monkey herself once came to the rescue, will cover her in front of a strict boss, help her meet the next deadline and give practical advice on occasion. But behind-the-scenes games will fail miserably, showing the players in an unsightly light. An honest Dog will not tolerate this.

Your trump cards are professionalism and responsibility

Secondly, the ability to step aside in time will help the Monkeys stay afloat. If you feel like your strength is running out, don’t wait for a second wind. Write a vacation application and go to warm countries, restore the frayed nervous system and health. Those who do not follow this advice will experience a complete loss of strength by the fall, threatening to result in depression and even physical illness.

2018 promises to be a successful year for business owners, regardless of whether you have been running your business for many years or are just thinking about stopping working “for someone else.” And success will come to representatives of creative professions and to all Monkeys who know how to think broadly, go beyond limitations and find non-standard solutions to assigned problems.

Predictions for Monkey men

Representatives of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Monkey, will not hurt to master a couple of breathing techniques to keep emotions in check. Ardent and passionate primates risk getting into an unpleasant situation even before the onset of autumn, quarreling with their bosses or turning their personal lives into ruins. Learn from the Buddhists: be able to treat everything that happens calmly, without trying to change what you cannot yet cope with, and do not lift your hot head too high.

Monkey men will gain a lot if they devote this year to working on themselves. For example, they will try to become more tolerant of others, learn modesty and empathy. The last quality is perhaps the most important: the Monkey, who is not evil, but is too passionate about himself, often allows himself to do things that offend others. Which, of course, doesn’t add any friends to her. Try to analyze your behavior more meticulously and think more about the feelings of other people.

The Monkey man, who managed to understand and correct his mistakes, will expect success in business and a pleasant surprise in the field of personal relationships.

For Monkey men and women, it is equally important to avoid haste and patiently wait in the wings

The advice to fuss less and analyze your behavior more often applies equally to the fair sex. The sharp-tongued Monkey often allows himself to make statements that hurt others. But if under the auspices of the Rooster she often got away with it, now the tailed critic, who continues to follow the same line of behavior, will quickly scare away potential gentlemen, lose friends and antagonize her colleagues.

If the Monkey woman wants to sail without loss across the ocean of life to the new year, 2019, her motto should be three words: “Tolerance, Intuition and Patience.” The first quality will help improve relationships with others, the second will give the opportunity to accept the right decision in a confusing situation, and the third will allow you to go through a period of some stagnation in your personal and professional life without unnecessary worries and wait for those times when the stars themselves begin to fly from the sky into the open palms of the Monkey. The dog will make sure this happens.

What will the coming year be like for the Fire, Water and Wood Monkeys?

Each of the elements, under the influence of which all the signs of the eastern horoscope are, one way or another makes its own adjustments to the fate of its wards. Let's see which ones exactly?

  • The Fire Monkey (1956), smart and resourceful, will manage to come to an agreement even with a strict Dog. In any case, no serious challenges are expected for her in 2018: her partners will not let her down, she will surround her family with warmth and care, and her plans will come true. An unstable financial situation may cause some concern, but do not take it to heart. By autumn it will level out, and your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • It would not hurt for the Water Monkey (1932, 1992) to become a little more decisive in order to strengthen his position at work and lay a solid foundation for future victories. Particularly great success awaits those who engage in mental work or creativity - with proper hard work, you can easily ensure financial prosperity for yourself in the second half of the year. Charm won't let you down either, although we don't recommend wasting your time on casual relationships - you'll miss your true love.
  • The Wooden Monkey (1944) will act wisely if it takes a close interest in health, family and those that bring it moral satisfaction. At least for a while, leave the bustle of the world around you out of your field of attention and put your state, mental and physical, in order. The end of the year will bring a pleasant surprise in the financial sphere: a salary increase, a win, or the sudden appearance of another source of income.

Pay attention to your health, things can wait
  • The Earth Monkey (1968) will receive the full support of the Dog if he behaves carefully and wisely. Do you want to change your job? Please, but first, study the job market and send your resume to companies you are interested in to assess your chances of getting exactly what you want. Cupid's arrow pierced your heart? Give yourself some time to make sure this is a real feeling. Got tempting offer? Consult with knowledgeable people. And don’t give up on trips, business trips and hikes, where your chances of finding personal happiness will increase exponentially.
  • The Metal Monkeys (1980), under the leadership of the Dog, will feel a real surge of inspiration. Which, on the one hand, will give them new ideas for creativity and career growth, and on the other, will expose the primates with their head in the clouds to the risk of falling into the network of love swindlers. Create for your health, but don’t forget to put both feet on solid ground from time to time and look around. This way you will keep things in order, and you won’t confuse real feelings with accidental falling in love.

Horoscope for 12 zodiac signs

We have talked enough about the complex relationship between the Monkey and the Yellow Earth Dog. How will the communication between these two develop if the zodiac sign assigned to our tailed and eared prankster intervenes?


The Aries Monkey should not be afraid if he suddenly hears an incomprehensible noise above his head: these are the wings of Fortune fluttering in the wind, who is just trying out how to more skillfully dump her cornucopia on the horned primate. If you don’t scare her off with unreasonable behavior and quarrels with others, you can get rich - both financially and spiritually.


The Taurus Monkey, not giving a damn about the advice of horoscopes not to expect a promotion in 2018, will rest its horns, rush to take a new career peak by storm and... succeed. Even the heavenly bodies cannot resist your pressure! The main thing is not to push your family, friends and lover out of the way in the pursuit of success.


The Gemini Monkey will spend part of the year separated from loved ones. Young Monkeys will go to college and fly away from their native nest, mature ones will take business trips to fill their wallets tighter, and some will receive a stunning offer to work abroad. Weigh everything carefully and go for it!


Monkey-Cancer risks crawling into deep depression Therefore, it is especially important for her to alternate hard work with quality rest. And don’t waste your money - firstly, this annoys the Dog, and secondly, you may well be expecting a wedding or moving to a new, more comfortable home. For such joyful event It’s not a pity to gut the little jar!

a lion

Monkey-Leo, like Taurus, will have a chance to surpass his fellow tribesmen and achieve a new position or an impressive salary increase. True, if the goby is persistent, then the maned primate will have to show his imagination and impress his superiors with a creative approach to business. Just don’t get carried away with building castles in the air; all your projects must be carefully thought out and verified.


The Monkey-Virgo will have an unusually financially secure year, rich in good events. You’ll have time to dress up, buy something useful for your home, and go on vacation. But stay away from all kinds of scams and offers of easy money: either your accomplices will deceive you, or representatives of the law will become interested.

The Libra Monkey will spend the year working hard. But the Dog does not disappoint, providing the diligent ward not only with everything necessary, but also with pleasant excesses. Lonely Monkeys are allowed to flirt as much as they want, but married Monkeys should abandon the manner of shooting their eyes right and left. Otherwise, problems with your partner cannot be avoided!


The Scorpio Monkey will succeed if he learns to differentiate between family and work. Leave the commanding manners and threateningly upturned sting for competitors, but at home, do not be afraid to become white and fluffy, this way you will ensure harmony and comfort for yourself. And don’t forget that even your chitinous shell has a limit of strength! No matter how hot the time awaits you at work, find time for complete relaxation.


The Sagittarius Monkey will surpass all competitors, hit all targets and easily take Grand Prize, having acquired both a tight wallet and the respect of his colleagues. However, you will have to make sure that your personal life does not crack: not every other half will agree to be bored at home alone while the tailed Sagittarius is somewhere performing his exploits.


In 2018, the Capricorn-Monkey will be able to make several useful acquaintances, which will help her outline good prospects for professional growth and give her a chance to arrange her personal life. However, the latter circumstance will not worry married primates at all: their family boat already glides along the waves of life peacefully and safely, setting sails to favorable weather.


The Aquarius Monkey can compete for first place in business or throw its energy into replenishing the budget - the Dog will not interfere with it. But where great success the aquatic primate will achieve by paying attention to the family sphere. Are you thinking about visiting the registry office? Get an heir? Going around the world with your significant other? The flag is in your hands!


Monkey-Pisces will be up to his ears in business all year. However, this fully corresponds to her active nature, so the tailed one will be more than pleased with what is happening. And the Dog will make sure that the Monkey gets everything she deserves. In the ups and downs of love, be more careful - your rivals are watching your every move.

Video: Eastern horoscope for 2018 for the Monkey

Perhaps 2018 will not be the easiest and most pleasant year in the life of representatives of the caudate sign. But this in no way means that the Dog is sharpening his grudge against his charges! All the troubles and difficulties that may overtake the Monkeys in the first six months will serve a specific purpose: to teach, explain and push to certain conclusions. As soon as you understand what you have been doing wrong so far and make changes to your behavior, things will improve. By September-October, everyone who has worked hard and been attentive to the signs of fate will begin to receive dividends for good behavior, so don’t give up. The best is yet to come.

A person born in the year of the Dog is a devoted and sympathetic friend who will always help even in the most difficult situation. Dogs can help others even at the expense of their own comfort. Despite their taciturnity, Dogs are usually respected in the team. They prefer to listen rather than talk. They eagerly take on any interesting task. Dogs are not good at singing praises, but they can be confidently entrusted with any task.

The Man of the Year of the Dog is able to keep other people's secrets and come to the rescue in difficult times, helping with both advice and deeds. The Dogs themselves are overly susceptible, which makes them worry about any injustice.

The dog loves to work for his own pleasure, without much pursuit of money and career growth, however, diligent representatives of the sign can make excellent money. The dog shows his best qualities while in the boss's chair.

With the beginning of the Year of the Red Monkey, it will be necessary to draw up an action plan in order to then clearly move towards new goals. The dog is ambitious, but it is characterized by true honesty - this will be highly appreciated in 2016. You can set major goals related to housing and comfort—repairing or updating furniture and household appliances won’t hurt.

By spring, Dogs will find the strength to gather like-minded people around them and begin to implement a long-thought-out idea.

If you are planning a change in career path, you should choose a job you like. Money will not be very important for Dogs, which will help them enjoy their work. A career should leave time for family, so you shouldn’t choose a job with a busy schedule - this can lead to conflicts.

The end of the year will be marked by the beginning of depression - the representative of the sign will feel as if his closest people and the whole world as a whole have turned their backs on him. The condition will be protracted, but it is necessary to endure it with minimal losses - it is advisable to give up everything for a while, going on a short solo trip away from home. On vacation, the Dog can have brilliant thoughts. Of course, before you go on a trip, you should notify your family and your route.

Men - representatives of this sign, are often afraid to show their abilities - they are hampered by lack of confidence in their abilities. Fear of risk is the reason why representatives of the sign begin to go with the flow. Activity will help you cope with any task, because men born in the year of the Dog have all the necessary talents.

Dog men do not expect any benefit from friendship or from other relationships - this will lead to the fact that in 2016 the social circle will be replenished. It is necessary to carefully evaluate all new acquaintances, since there is a possibility that a dishonest person will be surrounded.

A man born in the year of the Dog cannot get rid of past relationships in time - this leads to the fact that he has several relationships at once. Even a family man can easily cheat if he receives such an offer from his former passion. However, he will not greatly regret the collapse of the relationship.

Women born in the year of the Dog have a number of positive qualities, among which a sharp mind, nobility and intelligence - all this helps representatives of the sign achieve their goals. The Dog woman is capable of working hard, which helps her to have a successful and enviable career. She is active, but she is hampered by the habit of constantly delving into herself, carefully looking for imaginary shortcomings. Women often feel that they are unworthy of something, and this prevents them from being productive and enjoying life. It is worth remembering that silence can be mistaken for snobbery, and modesty for uncertainty. It is necessary to throw off the shackles that prevent you from moving. Women representatives of this sign also try to complete any assignment perfectly, but they should not take their work so seriously.

Unlike men, female dogs do not like unnecessary people in their environment, choosing quality rather than quantity. A woman born in the year of the Dog would rather prefer two faithful girlfriends than several not very faithful girlfriends. A female dog is a reliable friend, ready to come to the rescue.

A woman born under the sign of the Dog is inclined to look for a permanent, reliable and strong in spirit partner - having found such a person, she devotes herself to the relationship without reserve. Family is an absolute priority for such people.

Dog - love horoscope for 2016

It’s better to devote a year family relations and strengthening connections. It is necessary to devote as much time as possible to your loved one. If the job takes too much time or involves long and frequent business trips, then it is better to change it - otherwise the family will be on the verge of collapse. All conflicts will be resolved, but you will need to take the first step towards reconciliation. In 2016, you will need to fight for family happiness.

Lonely Dogs will be satisfied with their situation - they will not be very puzzled by finding a permanent partner. However, fate can bring you together with a person whose marriage will be surprisingly strong.

Dogs in 2016 should not rush their partner and relationship - the test of time can show the best results. Hot temper can cause many problems, so you need to moderate your impulses. It's worth giving time to relationships and romantic events.

Money horoscope - Dog finances in 2016

The dog will have no time for large expenses, which will lead to an improvement in his financial situation. Money will need to be saved, as urgent urgent expenses cannot be ruled out. Dogs will work hard, which will cause additional money to flow into their hands. Having solved the problems, you can think about buying a car, as well as starting major repairs. Spending will be easy and will bring results.

In 2016, you can safely make investments, because the risks will be reduced as much as possible. All investments will bring good income, but everything must be checked carefully and, if necessary, require reports. All transactions must be documented.

The money you earn must be divided according to expense items, and not thrown into one pile.

Career horoscope

The dog may seem flexible, but people of this sign are very conservative - they do not like to change places and their opinions. A dog may hold on to a job it doesn’t like because of fear of change, but in 2016 it will come best time to choose a different path. A dog who decides to make a change will be happy with his new job. In her new place, all her talents and skills will be appreciated.

The conservatism of representatives of this sign can lead to their professional knowledge and skills will become outdated. It is necessary to keep track of all the trends and new technologies of your profession, constantly developing. The skills of a Dog who constantly works on himself will be noticed by colleagues and superiors.

Your career will go up, but you should not forget about your family. Your work schedule should allow time for caring for your loved ones.

Health horoscope

People born in the year of the Dog often suffer from headaches and hypertension - the reason for this lies in the increased emotionality of representatives of the sign. It is necessary to avoid stress at all costs in order to preserve your nervous system. Moderate loads, long walks, work breaks - all this will help avoid overexertion. You should listen to yourself and find your own way of relaxation.

You will need to take control of your eating and start eating consciously. It is better for dogs not to try unknown foods and not to overload their organs with overeating. It is better to avoid fried foods altogether.

For the dexterous and resourceful Monkeys, the period when the conservative-minded lady, the Yellow Earth Dog, is in power will be quite productive. At the same time, the Monkeys will have to give up some traits of their restless character. So, Yellow Dog will immediately sharply condemn the tendency of the Monkeys to take on a thousand cases at once and not bring them to the end. The Dog appreciates thoroughness in people, and this trait has always been in short supply in the character of Monkeys. Well, representatives of this sign will still have to work hard on themselves for the sake of new victories. In the second half of 2018, Monkeys will become much more serious, and this seriousness will help them show brilliant results in fulfilling their professional duty. However, in many matters related to their career destiny, Monkeys will remain faithful to their old habits. For example, representatives of this sign will continue to actively use the help of their regular colleagues when performing very labor-intensive tasks. By scraping the heat out of the oven with someone else's hands, Monkeys will preserve their inner potential, and therefore representatives of this sign will have enough strength in 2018 not only for work. In the personal affairs of Monkeys in the year of the Yellow Dog there will be a lot big changes, and each of these changes will be thought over by them many times. It’s not often that a moment arises when representatives of this sign take their personal lives so seriously! But you shouldn’t look for reasons why the Monkeys suddenly decide to reform their family union or their short-lived love relationships. The results of this work are much more important. With a lot of effort and effort, the Monkeys will still be able to eliminate all the “dark sides” of their marriage or romance. The personal life of these bright and daring people will change for the better already in the second ten days of the Year of the Dog. Their significant other will be flattered to realize that for the sake of this love, frivolous Monkeys have finally given up parties, midnight friendly meetings, and many of their bad habits. As a result, a couple in which at least one of the partners is a Monkey will become even stronger and more harmonious in the Year of the Dog. Representatives of this eastern sign in search of true love, will also radically reconsider the model of their relationships with people of the opposite sex. The dog who will coordinate 2018 is a very serious lady, and she is characterized by monogamy. It is this trait that will appear in the character of the flighty Monkeys, who in the past were inclined to change partners like gloves. Lonely representatives of this sign will begin a truly serious romance in mid-spring. There is every chance that Monkeys, who have found the greatest love of their lives, will spend their 2018 vacation clutching the palm of their newly-made soul mate. Horoscope for 2018 for the Water Monkey (1932, 1992) The Water Monkey and the Yellow Earth Dog will look for an approach to each other for a very long time, but the friendship between these signs will still not work out. The Water Monkey will not like that the Dog constantly forces her to work hard, and also to solve many pressing issues. In 2018, Water Monkeys will really have to shoulder a whole heap of worries related to the financial support of close family members and endless everyday issues. All these troubles will strengthen the character of the Water Monkeys, and already in the second half of 2018, representatives of this sign will finally forget about the infantilism that was once inherent in them. Along with it, one very positive trait will disappear from the character of the Monkeys - the ability to light up with every new idea. In the year of the Dog, Water Monkeys will only show interest in things from which they can derive some benefit. In general, the once creative and inventive Water Monkeys will turn into businessmen, inclined to translate everything into potential profit.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Wood Monkey (1944, 2004) In the year of the Yellow Dog, Wood Monkeys will have a lot of rational ideas on how to change their usual existence for the better. No sooner said than done, and already in the first ten days of 2018, the Wood Monkeys, with their characteristic ardor, will begin to embody some kind of complex project, aimed at potential enrichment. It cannot be said that the path to wealth for Wood Monkeys will be very easy and direct, but representatives of this sign will cope with all the difficulties that arise with great dignity. The only unpleasant moment is that during the struggle for material success, Wood Monkeys will completely forget about their personal life. Family representatives of this sign face minimal “retribution” for the indifference shown to their other halves. The maximum that can happen to them in 2018 is the emergence of frequent but fleeting intra-family scandals. For the sake of new victories, the lonely Wood Monkeys will have to make much higher sacrifices. They will not be able to start a very promising romance, and all because the potential partners of these people will refuse to wait for the Wood Monkeys to realize each of their high ambitions.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Fire Monkey (1956) The Fire Monkey is used to constantly expanding its horizons, and therefore it is very difficult for it to sit still. In 2018, Fire Monkeys, out of their good habit, will continue to travel a lot, often change the circle of their close friends, and also make acquaintances with people of the opposite sex. There will be a place in the life of the Fire Monkeys for the beautiful romance novels. However, the Puritan Dog will strictly condemn these novels. In the second decade of 2018, Fire Monkeys will be taught a harsh lesson about how bad it is to play with the feelings of others. Fire Monkeys are excellent students, and therefore they will immediately work on their mistakes. Representatives of this sign will cease to be cynics towards the opposite sex, immediately after which their lives will change for the better. A truly serious novel will appear in it, based not on animal passions, but on spiritual attraction.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Earth Monkey (1968) In the year of the Yellow Dog, Earth Dogs are destined to experience complete emotional comfort and satisfaction from everything that happens around them. All the efforts that representatives of this sign made for potential career victories will bring noticeable results in 2018. Among these “shoots” there will be a rapid career breakthrough and an increase in the income of each Earth Monkey. Representatives of this sign are characterized by unsurpassed worldly wisdom, and, guided by it, Earth Monkeys will not start wasting money left and right. The Monkeys will put away all these finances “for later”, secretly dreaming of accumulating the required amount in the coming months to give a start to their personal business projects. In mid-autumn, representatives of this sign run the risk of becoming seriously ill. It would be wise if, in their pursuit of a long ruble, the Earth Monkeys find time to seriously engage in strengthening their immunity.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Metal Monkey (1980) The internal resources of the Metal Monkeys in the year of the Yellow Dog will be depleted to a critically low level. Representatives of this sign will direct all their efforts towards gaining a strong position in society, significantly increasing their capital and finally finding personal happiness. Of course, this is not the first time for Metal Monkeys to divide their inner potential into many very complex activities at once. In 2018, representatives of this sign will also be able to complete each of the tasks assigned to them. But already in the second half of the year of the Yellow Dog, Metal Monkeys will feel more tired. To get rid of it, representatives of this sign should radically reconsider their daily schedule. It would be right if this busy schedule includes rest, which Metal Monkeys are recommended to spend in nature or walking in the park.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Monkey is generalized astrological forecast events for 2018 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. To more accurately present the upcoming events of 2018, it is necessary to compile personal horoscope for 2018.

The New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog 2018 will not be easy for those born in the year of the Monkey. Firstly, the Monkey shows off too much in the opinion of the Dog, which loves modesty and in general is a collective, devoted creature, does not like to stand out. Secondly, the very approach to life of those born in the year of the Monkey is disgusting to the Dog, who “takes” with honesty and hard work. One cannot expect either one or the other from the Monkey.


However, in order to somehow live whole year, those born in the year of the Monkey will still have to “tighten their belt.” Think about how they treat close and not so close people, for example. This year will be the year of truth for Monkeys - meaning that in relationships they will get what they deserve. And you will have to try so hard to keep those who have simply been nearby for a long time, enduring all the difficulties and characteristics of the Monkey’s character. December will be the most serious and difficult month in this regard - focus on resolving all contradictions in your family and romantic relationships.


If you're unlucky in love, you'll be lucky in work! True, the results will not be so great and global, but still there will be something to console ourselves with. Monkeys engaged in trade and creativity will receive an increase - it will also be expressed in a material sense. Those who are engaged in science will be able to achieve remarkable successes - accept them with pride.


The area that will be as unaffected as possible by either something positive or something negative is the area of ​​health. The monkeys will be able to maintain it at the proper level without any special effort throughout 2018.

In 2018, representatives of the sign of the Monkeys may develop natural vanity and almost all actions taken will be aimed at achieving universal adoration and love, recognition of their own merits. These individuals already love to be admired, but now they will surpass even themselves.

Monkeys will try to earn as much money as possible, they will begin to make people dizzy in order to achieve their goals and advance in their careers. career ladder. Of course, such aspirations are laudable, but the Dog, who will rule in 2018, does not like braggarts, so the Monkeys may simply face a huge number of conflicts and problems. To avoid this, you need to change your behavior tactics.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

By nature, Monkeys are very ambitious, so they will not easily give up the idea of ​​lying low. But it’s better not to quarrel with the Yellow Dog, otherwise the mistress of the year will quickly regret her own intentions. Despite the fact that Monkeys have the ability to sense even slight changes in the wind, they will often hit closed doors. In addition, next to representatives of this sign there are always individuals who will surpass all their achievements.

This can seriously upset the Monkeys, because they do not like to be in second place and always try to be only first. In order to achieve their calling and achieve their goals, some individuals may completely forget about the rules of decency, using not the most honest methods.

But the horoscope does not advise Monkeys to resort to intrigue, gossip or behind-the-scenes games, otherwise the Dog will severely punish for disobedience and all insidious plans will become known to the general public. That is why you need to moderate your own ambitions a little and try to be content with little, so as not to lose much more. By adhering to their usual tactics, Monkeys risk losing.

Monkey love horoscope for 2018

In 2018, family representatives of the sign will begin to behave selfishly again, which is why couples may experience serious conflicts and major quarrels. Now comes the time when Monkeys need to pay less attention own desires, especially if they want to save their family and strengthen their relationship with their significant other. If you do not heed this advice, already in mid-2018 these individuals will be given an ultimatum and a sharp escalation of the situation will occur - either the Monkeys will begin to show more care, or they will soon begin divorce proceedings.

By showing more attention to your significant other, you can avoid irreversible consequences. You need to try to take on more household responsibilities and spend less time in the company of friends. Mistress of the Year from all representatives of this sign eastern calendar will demand dedication and tolerance, while doing everything possible to re-educate the Monkeys.

Lonely individuals will meet their own reflection in the mirror. Almost all love affairs this year will be unsuccessful, so you shouldn’t count on serious relationship, otherwise there is a risk of being very disappointed.

The horoscope advises Monkeys to try to calmly go through this not the easiest period and give more to the people who love them even with their shortcomings - close friends, parents. You can devote your free time to your favorite hobby, listen to a new music album, read the latest literary novelties or visit an exhibition of a popular artist. Aesthetic and personal self-development will not harm Monkeys, but will only benefit them.

Those Monkeys who already have heirs should pay increased attention to the changes that have occurred in their behavior. There is a possibility that children will face some pretty big problems. psychological nature, most likely, they will not be able to fit into the school team.

The horoscope does not advise turning a blind eye to the child’s problems, considering them too minor, since moral trauma can provoke the appearance of quite serious complexes and lead to larger troubles in the future. It is parents who will become not only a consolation for children, but also true friend. Needed by everyone possible ways try to protect the child from irreparable harm.

Monkey career and work horoscope for 2018

The stars advise Monkeys to closely and constantly monitor the area of ​​their own professional fulfillment. In 2018, you will have to prove your professional suitability to management quite often. And empty talk will not help with this, since the authorities will demand from the Monkeys specific actions and proof of their own irreplaceability as a specialist.

In the second half of the year, individuals who got a job through an acquaintance or the ability to show off are at risk of finding themselves without a job. Now the main thing is to show all your abilities and talents, since only through this will it be possible not only to remain in your previous position, but also to strengthen your position for the future.

The stars advise the Monkeys to use all available means to win the sympathy of the team, because they may soon need the support of their colleagues. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from employees with extensive experience, as they will be able to give important recommendations. However, in 2018, we must remember that goodness must be returned a hundredfold, of course, to the best of one’s own strength and capabilities. It is imperative to help or insure those who do not have time to complete the project on time.

The Monkeys will achieve much greater results in 2018 thanks to teamwork. The stars do not advise engaging in individual projects during this period, because everything will literally fall out of hand, despite the fact that representatives of this sign will begin to make every effort and think about their every step.

Those Monkeys who decide to adhere to manipulation tactics risk being severely ostracized. The Mistress of the Year will demand maximum friendliness from all her charges and has a negative attitude towards those who set others up in order to achieve their goal.

Monkey financial horoscope for 2018

In this area of ​​life, the Dog will not put up virtually any obstacles for the Monkeys and will help them achieve their goals. Representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar who work in the field of entrepreneurship will be able to correctly combine analytical calculations and risk, thanks to which they will significantly increase their net worth in a relatively short period of time.

Monkey financial horoscope

The stars advise Monkeys to try not to brag to others about their own financial successes, because as a result, fortune may turn its back on the lucky ones. It would be much better to invest money in developing your own business.

In 2018, Monkeys must learn to control their natural wastefulness and refrain from unnecessary and completely pointless purchases. These individuals are very fond of entertainment and spend almost all their money on pleasure.

Now comes the time when Monkeys must think about their own future. If you want to acquire your own living space, you need to move in this direction. 2018 will not be the most favorable period for expensive vacations and other attributes of a luxurious life. Now the Monkeys must tighten their belts so that they will not soon have to envy their more successful and wealthy friends. These individuals will receive a lot of opportunities to ensure a stable and reliable future for themselves.

Monkey health horoscope for 2018

2018, which will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, will not be the most prosperous and easy period for the Monkeys, but it is the area of ​​health that will cause the least concern. Many representatives of this sign will be able to treat existing chronic ailments that have been going on for quite some time. long period They were given no time to rest. But you should not expect that the recovery process will not require any effort. To improve their own health, the stars advise Monkeys to go to a sanatorium and spend a vacation there.

During the reign of the Yellow Dog, you should avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, including spicy, fatty and unhealthy fried foods. If there is a desire to ignore the advice of the horoscope, already in the second half of the year many Monkeys will have stomach problems.

Monkey health horoscope

The stars advise developing a healthy habit of walking on fresh air, can be mastered Nordic walking or engage yourself in any sport. Thanks to simple physical activity, you can not only saturate your lungs with pure oxygen, but also improve the functioning of your heart muscle. Work is also normalizing nervous system, because walks will simply magically affect psychological state and help you get rid of heavy and depressing thoughts.

Horoscope for the Monkey woman for 2018

The stars advise Monkey women in 2018 to pacify their desires a little and try not to force things. Life is in full swing around the beautiful representatives of this sign and they almost never have free time.

Monkeys need to learn to relax, and at least sometimes, let their boat float calmly with the flow of fate. Patience and the ability to wait will definitely come in handy in 2018.

All important decisions should be made only after careful consideration, but it is best to do this after the next fateful turn. The horoscope advises Monkey women to listen to the voice of their own intuition as often as possible and to wait at least for some time before proceeding directly to active actions. After all, soon everything will become clear and it will become clear how best to act in a given situation.

Horoscope for the Monkey man for 2018

Not the easiest period awaits Monkey men. Purposeful and ambitious individuals need to stop rushing ahead of the locomotive all the time, since all desires can turn against them.

The horoscope warns that in 2018, Monkey men should not be biased, dishonest and arrogant, otherwise such behavior can play a cruel joke on them. The dog will definitely notice those representatives of the sign who will do everything possible to change for the better.

In 2018, Monkey men should not bury themselves, because it will be much calmer to float along the smooth flow of life. The stars advise not to stick your neck out too much and to completely trust your intuition.

Monkey horoscope for each month of 2018

Monkey horoscope for January 2018

This month, Monkeys may encounter quite serious conflicts at work, and the financial situation will not please them either. To normalize things, you need to be patient and work hard.

Monkey horoscope for February 2018

The stars do not advise Monkeys to try to earn money in any way, since such actions will not lead to anything good. The Mistress of the Year does not like behind-the-scenes games, intrigue and deception, so you should not take risks, otherwise the consequences could be truly disastrous.

Monkey horoscope for March 2018

With the onset of spring, the stars advise Monkeys to devote more time to their personal lives. Here it is better to listen to the prompts of intuition rather than reason. Single individuals will not be able to establish strong and lasting relationships, but short-term affairs will become their faithful companions this month.

Monkey Horoscope for April 2018

Now is not the right time for sudden and fundamental changes in career; those Monkeys who are determined to change their place of work should wait a little. Soon the situation will stabilize and hardworking individuals will receive a tempting offer to take a higher leadership position.

Monkey horoscope for May 2018

The financial situation will be much better than before, but this is not a reason to relax and let things take their course. There will also be changes in your personal life, because lonely signs will be able to meet a person with whom they will create a happy and lasting relationship. There is a high probability of getting seriously injured, so the stars advise you to be more careful and attentive.

Monkey Horoscope for June 2018

This month, Monkeys should not try to find easy ways to solve emerging problems. In June 2018, only those individuals who are ready to work hard and conscientiously until they achieve their goal will be able to achieve success. The stars advise Monkeys not only to reflect on the events that have occurred, but also to draw the right conclusions.

Monkey horoscope for July 2018

This month, Monkeys will have to devote all their free time to work. But whatever they can achieve in July will be a solid foundation for prosperity and success in the future, so don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Monkey horoscope for August 2018

The stars advise lonely individuals to listen to their hearts, and you should not start an affair with the first person you meet, otherwise you will soon have to greatly regret your rash act. Before starting a new relationship, you need to listen to your intuition and consider all the possible consequences.

Monkey horoscope for September 2018

Family Monkeys this month will be able to enjoy harmony and mutual understanding in their relationship with their significant other. There is a possibility of stomach problems, so the stars advise paying attention to your diet and eliminating all harmful foods from your diet.

Monkey horoscope for October 2018

This month the stars favor Monkeys who have their own business. The financial situation will improve significantly, and work will not require special attention, so there will be an opportunity to spend time with family.

Monkey horoscope for November 2018

Now is not the right time for single representatives of the sign to focus on their personal life. The stars advise paying more attention to your career and finance.

Monkey horoscope for December 2018

At the end of the year, Monkeys who have worked well throughout this period will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labors and relax a little.

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