How to make a boy from the Internet fall in love with you. Big change: how to make a guy fall in love with you at school

School age is one of the most interesting periods in a child’s life. It is then that the feeling of first love arises in boys and girls.

To get a 12-year-old boy to like you, you should not only pay attention to your appearance, but also interest the guy in his personality.

The girl should be more confident, despite the problems: being overweight, as well as the age of the boy, who is older than herself.

Popular lifehacks

There are popular life hacks that can make a guy pay attention to a girl at school.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Astonishment. Try to surprise a teenager if the boy is older.

    To do this, it is enough to be neat, smile and not refuse to communicate. Drive away all doubts and embarrassment when the guy comes up first.

  2. Know your limits. There should always be a measure - at the age of 13, when choosing makeup, give preference to its absence.

    If you can’t do without makeup, just lightly line your eyes.

  3. Be the first to start a conversation. If the boy is from the class, it’s easier to do this, just go up to him and start communicating.
  4. Flirt. You shouldn’t joke ironically and offend a guy, this will not only cause negativity, but also provoke a response.

    It is better to sometimes joke or tease a classmate with harmless statements.

  5. Physical contact. This allows you to set up your interlocutor for a conversation: lightly touch the guy’s shoulder with your hand during a conversation.

Usually the guy himself notices the looks coming from the girl. However, to be more confident, it’s worth building a dating strategy using the methods above.

What should I say?

The first years of adolescence are more difficult for girls at the age of 11 than for boys: boys still want to kick the ball around on the playground, while girls want to go for a walk with their chosen one.

The conversation during communication should contain the following topics:

  • At the disco, talk about the environment, the quality of the music, the presence of friends.
  • If the guy is from a parallel class, talk about mutual friends, discuss lessons, teachers, upcoming activities and events.
  • Laughter is one of the most important attributes of communication: laugh at his jokes, this will allow you to understand him faster.
  • Eye contact should be constantly present during a conversation: to start communicating, it is important to establish visual attention.
  • When meeting for the first time, when the guy is older, it is better to talk about minor things.

If a guy’s jokes are directed at a girl, you need to react in a timely manner and respond to them in an inoffensive manner.

Important! Don’t let a guy manipulate a person: if the beginning of a relationship is marked by such communication, it’s better to refuse acquaintance immediately.

Difficulties arise if a guy loves someone else: then you need to gain confidence and prevent intrusiveness. It’s better to be yourself, surprise with your positive traits and then he will pay attention.

How to behave with him?

There are rules to help a guy like you at 10 or 14 years old. The principles of a girl’s behavior depend little on her age, so you should listen to the advice of a psychologist.

Note! It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make a boy fall in love with you in just one day—this requires a clearly planned strategy. If experience is not enough, ask your mother for advice.

To behave correctly and be different from other girls in your class or school, follow the recommendations:

Behavior Description
Generate interest To do this, read more, don’t be afraid to start a conversation first, ask questions
Show your true self Boys are not delighted with arrogant girls; they are against talkativeness and rudeness. A girl should be feminine and soft
Think about common hobbies To please a cool boy, you don’t need to know about his hobbies: start the conversation by discussing TV series, music groups, sports
Positivity is the key to success Smile, laugh and talk about good things more
You can flirt To get a handsome guy to like you, sometimes look at him with interest and give modest compliments

How to dress?

A man, even at 12 years old, remains a man, and guys always love with their eyes. To please your chosen one, do not forget that you need to dress appropriately.

Pay attention to your appearance to make a boy like you at school or on the street:

  • Well-groomed hair - the hairstyle should be neat: it is unacceptable to wear a bun of dirty hair.
  • Clean skin - a 12-year-old girl needs to take care of her face using cosmetics for teenage skin.
  • clothes should be fashionable and stylish.
  • Underwear should not be allowed to protrude from under clothing.
  • Things should not be too tight on the figure or, on the contrary, hang on it.
  • High heels at 12 years old look strange and unattractive: it is better to choose stable shoes.

If you consider yourself fat, conduct daily training sessions, motivated by your feelings for the boy. It is love that will make you eat less sweets and lose weight.

Important! Depending on the boy’s zodiac sign, he may like different girls; Aries likes active ones.

Libra loves balanced people, Leo needs to feel superior, and Pisces like calm.

It’s not difficult to learn to dress beautifully – just look at the dressing style of world-class stars.

Features of flirting on social networks

If you decide to communicate with the young man you are interested in by correspondence, use proven tips and life hacks.

To find a suitable topic for communication on VKontakte, just look at the information on the guy’s page: his interests are indicated there.

After that, move on to flirting:

  • Tell us something entertaining and interesting.
  • Tell us about a cool event that happened recently.
  • To get a bad guy to like you, start a conversation about his interests.
  • Make page posts that hint at his personality so that he looks forward to them.

The strategy of a prepared person is characterized by planned actions and behavior that will bring success.

It’s worth putting in a little effort and after a certain time the guy himself will be interested in communication.

Useful video

So, you are no longer girls and boys, but girls and boys. And it’s time to start dating someone. Stop! No need with someone! You want the Vedas - with Him!

Every day when you see him in the school corridors, it’s like you change. From somewhere, color comes to your face (and it’s almost impossible to embarrass you), a strange loud laugh bursts from your throat, you want to sing, dance, yell at the top of your lungs, or stand up on your hands and skip around, if only he would notice you, if only he would look at you. attention. How to make a guy fall in love with you at school, you think around the clock, if for this you only have five breaks between lessons, however, one of them is Big, but this does not help matters yet.

Here are some tips from smart adults who also once went to school, fell in love, performed feats for the sake of this love (so what if we are girls!) and still participate in the cycle of love in nature.

Love all ages - popcorns

How to make a guy fall in love with you at school if you are not in the same class? It is very difficult. Need to transfer communication to another territory. To the one where you will be a queen, where it will be cool to meet you and where he will never pass by without addressing you.

Therefore, arm yourself with the desire to do everything for the sake of love and... get a job. It could be:

  • the cinema closest to His home or school;
  • shop;
  • popcorn and cotton candy point of sale in the park;
  • boat rental;
  • attraction ticket office

The employer, of course, will turn the schoolgirl away. But you can, for example, agree with an already working ticket/popcorn/chewing gum seller for a replacement. Say that you agree to the most modest salary. It will be profitable for the seller to rest for half a day and at the same time receive his money, giving you very little. But you shouldn't worry about that! You win with this:

  • invaluable experience;
  • the opportunity to earn at least a little pocket money;
  • a place from which you can see him very often. And on which he will see you

And it will be cool. Already in the second or third meeting He will greet you with a nod of his head. Then full communication will begin. Now don't yawn show yourself as a good conversationalist, friend and the best girl in the world!

12 years old. Is there a chance for love?

At the age of 12, girls today (and even 30 years ago) are already capable of great and real feelings. It is a fact. But how to make a guy fall in love with you at school at the age of 12 is a serious question. After all, peers usually seem like boring kids who belong in the sandbox, and the older ones don’t pay attention yet.

The best option is to trust the circumstances. If a young man notices your attention and appreciates it, great, you can start dating! A if there is no response, you must be patient. Remember that any day you will become very attractive to guys, so you need to wait a little before a full-fledged relationship.

13 years old. Current on the fingers

Adults rarely remember that the strongest feelings, the most violent falls in love happened to them precisely at this age. And also, answering the question of how to make a guy fall in love with you at the age of 13, girls are able to move mountains to achieve their goal.

The very first and most important advice is love yourself for who you are. If some traits really bother you, start working on yourself:

  • To keep your face from shining - down with chocolate, french fries and other fried, fatty and sweet foods;
  • To remove a couple of extra kilos, go to the pool and at the same time correct your posture, which has been damaged by sitting over textbooks;
  • If you don’t like your hair color or hairstyle, change it! In order not to shock your family, discuss your ideas with your mother, most likely she will approve and even help. If it doesn’t work out with your mom, try talking to your dad or grandma. Someone will definitely come to your aid and even sponsor the event;
  • Don’t worry about clothes, usually young people don’t notice what you’re wearing. Do not believe? Carry out an experiment, ask your desk neighbor to remember what color T-shirt you were wearing yesterday. I bet he won't answer!

And a couple more practical tips, for which at the age of 13 you want to send annoying adults to... and to... But, honestly, they will make your life much easier. You don't have to follow it, but it's worth a try!

  • Don't forget about your studies. Love comes and goes, but you have to take the Unified State Exam;
  • Don't be rude to anyone (including your parents and teachers), they may be the ones who can help you win His love;
  • Don’t do crap, even for the sake of love: spice, alcohol, cigarettes and other “anything is possible” - this is really rubbish. If the guy of your dreams is into this, he is not a dream, but a danger. And his love is not worth putting his only (yes, we don’t have 9!) life at risk.

And in general, it's better hold his hand at least once. Figure out how to do it. If your hand feels happiness and magical electricity flowing from his hand, your efforts are not in vain!

14 years old. Love No. 2

Girls are such girls! After all, now you won’t even remember how worried and worried you were when you won your first love. And now the feelings have cooled down, someone older, cooler, stronger and... And he is just handsome. But you too - wow!

  • Look at him more often, let him know that you are interested in him. Interesting, and only that!
  • Be unique, but your style shouldn't scream "Whoa, boy, look at me!" Just value yourself in yourself.
  • Don't think 24/7 about how to make a guy fall in love with you at school. Live full life. Let him become interested in what you do.

15 and 16 years old: there is love, there is no time

Life moves quickly. There are exams ahead, so time for love is strictly dosed. Fortunately, there are social networks. See what the subject of your hobby is interested in. Subscribe to his favorite public pages,

All ages are submissive to love... This is how it happens: you live for yourself, you don’t bother anyone, and then - bam! He appears in your life. And now all your thoughts are busy with how to make a boy fall in love with you, and you can’t drink or eat... Stop panicking! In love, like in war: all means are good, and now you will figure out how to get the object of your adoration to pay attention to you.

To begin with, as in any operation, it will be necessary to conduct reconnaissance: find out more about him. Any information will do - what kind of music he listens to, his favorite color, shoe size, where he likes to spend time with friends, his favorite movie, who he is friends with - in general, anything. All this will be useful to you when you reach your goal and you communicate.

So, after the reconnaissance has been carried out, it is necessary to develop a capture plan. Simply put, you need to find common ground where you can intersect with him. For example, he loves to dance and goes to some studio school. What's stopping you from going there?

Or our subject is an avid footballer and regularly plays football at a particular stadium. What a coincidence! After all, this is where you go for an evening jog!

Perhaps he loves to sing and is trying to create his own rock band? And what would a rock band be without fans, huh? In general, in this case, anything will do.

Now that you see each other more often, you need to somehow involuntarily draw attention to yourself. These little things are known to any female: make your eyes brighter, tint your lips, wear something that emphasizes your figure... I think there will be no difficulties here.

If such methods do not yield anything, we go on an active offensive: take the first step yourself. If he is a football player, catch the ball and, passing it into his hands, turn on all your charm and flirt. If a rock singer, ask for a rehearsal or ask him for an autograph, saying that in the future, when they become incredibly popular, you can sell it for crazy money. If he's a hip-hopper, ask him to show you some dance moves because he's such a good dancer!

Now that you are talking to him, here are a few points that you should remember to understand how to make a boy fall in love with you:

  1. Eye contact. Remember all those romantic films you've seen and the most touching scenes where the characters look into each other's eyes. It feels like they see right through each other, looking into each other’s very soul. Try this too: when talking, or if you are just nearby, look him straight in the eyes, frankly and without hiding, so that he understands that you are a confident girl and you have nothing to hide.
  2. Coquetry. Yes, there are undoubtedly guys who like tough girls, but most still prefer cute and flirty girls who charm with their femininity. This is what attracts guys, because opposites attract.
  3. Intelligence. Under no circumstances should you immediately show that you are the winner of the “Smartest” competition. But it’s also not good to appear like a complete fool. The truth is in harmony, and when talking with a guy whom you plan to fall in love with you, you must be a worthy interlocutor, he must be interested in you.
  4. Comfort. Try to make him feel good in your company. Smile when necessary, support him, say an encouraging word, praise his talents. People love it when they are interested in their lives and their activities - so do not deny him this pleasure.

All this needs to be remembered at the first stage of communication, when you are just starting to get to know each other. And now, when you have already become close enough, it’s time to remember the following proverb: carrot and stick. You lured him with carrots, showed him how good things can be with you, but now it’s time for the stick.

Under no circumstances should you start calling him names or humiliating him in any way - this is unpleasant for anyone. But show some coolness. Show that you have your own affairs in this life, girlfriends, interests, personal life. Be also warm and responsive, but show him that you are first and foremost a girl, and you also need to be pursued. All men, regardless of age, are hunters, and your task is to become an interesting prey.

You'll see, just a couple of weeks will pass - and it will definitely be yours. Now you know how to make a boy fall in love with you, which means another secret on the path to becoming a real woman in your arsenal!

As the classic said: “All ages are submissive to love.” You can fall in love at fifteen, thirteen, and even ten years old. True, at such a young age girls often fall in love, and boys at this time still prefer children's games to romantic relationships. How to make a boy fall in love with you? Every girl asks herself this question, hopelessly sighing for a classmate who doesn’t even notice her. Let's try to understand the behavioral characteristics of boys of different ages and consider ways for a girl to make a boy fall in love with her.

What need to know O boys

Boys 10-11years

If you like a 10-year-old boy, don't expect to be in a serious relationship with him. Boys at this age are not always ready to date a girl, since they are still more interested in communicating with their friends. At 10 years old, friendship is more important to them than love. But don't despair. At age 11 or a little later, he will begin to be interested in girls, and therefore you have time to turn this situation to your advantage.

First, try to make friends with his friends. Secondly, find out what he loves and what he is interested in. Perhaps he attends some sections or clubs - it won’t hurt you to sign up there either. If you constantly stay close to him, share his interests, become his friend, sooner or later he will notice you and it is quite possible that he will share your feelings.

The main thing is not to demonstrate your interest too clearly. Especially in front of strangers. Any 10-11 year old schoolboy is afraid that his friends will tease him if they find out that he likes a girl.

Therefore, even if he has reciprocal feelings for you, he is unlikely to show them, for fear of being ridiculed. Be patient and wait for him to mature a little. Maybe by then you won’t even like him anymore. This also happens.

Boys 12-13years

At this age, boys are already beginning to actively pay attention to girls. Therefore, the problem of how to make a classmate fall in love with you is much easier to solve than in the case of 10-year-olds. As a rule, guys first pay attention to the most popular girls in school. Moreover, most often such girls are not the most beautiful, they were just the first to realize their femininity and began to show it when communicating with guys.

If you want to start dating a 13 year old boy, you need to learn how to be flirty. Unobtrusively show that you like him, discreetly cast languid glances at him during class, try to be near him more often.

Remember the youth films, they clearly show how to flirt with guys. When he becomes interested in you, pretend that you like someone else. This will help ignite his feelings and make him jealous. But don’t get carried away, otherwise you may lose him and earn yourself a reputation as a fickle person.

How can you make a boy who studies at your school but doesn’t know you personally fall in love with you? To do this, you need to wait for a suitable reason or, if you have mutual friends, act through them. Ask to introduce you or start hanging out in their company. You can get the attention of a boy at the age of 12 for the first time at a school New Year's disco. It will be very romantic.

If you don't want to wait until December comes, take the initiative into your own hands. Find out what he is interested in, where he goes, with whom he communicates. This knowledge will help you develop further actions. For example, you can “accidentally” run into him in a store, sign up for his sports section (the main thing is that it’s not boxing).

Boys at the age of 13, just like girls, are mostly complex and unsure of themselves. They are happy about the attention of girls, it strengthens their self-esteem.

Therefore, if you act confidently and show that you are not indifferent to him, then the question of how to make a guy fall in love with you at school will be resolved in your favor very quickly.

Boys 14-15years

A guy of 14 or 15 years old is no longer a child, but practically a man. Therefore, you need to build a strategy on how to make the guy you like fall in love with you like an adult. It's good if you mastered the basics of flirting at the age of 12. But if you haven't done this yet, now is the time to start.

Here's what you need to know about guys this age.

At the age of 14, a teenager still remains complex, and therefore is often afraid to confess his love to a girl he likes.

If the guy doesn’t show any interest in you, then you need to take control of the situation. The first thing that attracts boys 14-15 years old is the appearance of a girl. If you usually wear jeans and loose sweatshirts, try wearing a dress and heels, style your hair nicely, and wear light makeup. As banal as it may seem, men love with their eyes. And 14 year old boys even more so. The main thing is not to overuse makeup or overly revealing outfits, otherwise your intentions may be misinterpreted.

When you get his attention, let him know that you and him have a lot in common. Before this, of course, you need to find out about his interests so that there is something to talk about.

Usually, 15-year-old guys really appreciate it if a girl shares his musical tastes. Therefore, it would be a good idea to study his playlist and, as if by chance, put one of his favorite songs on your mobile phone. As soon as his favorite “metal” starts playing on your phone, he will certainly pay attention to you and want to get to know you better. This is a proven method.

After you have aroused his interest, it’s time to make the guy you like fall in love with you. But don’t think that you will succeed in 1 day. To evoke a strong feeling, you need to try. Here, again, women’s “things” come to the rescue. These primarily include flirting. Light flirtations, flirtatious glances, accidental touches - everything comes into play.

When you realize that he is starting to fall in love, stop flirting and pretend that you like someone else. This trick is both very risky, but at the same time effective. After all, as A.S. wrote. Pushkin: “The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us.” This rule also applies to guys. If a girl suddenly begins to show indifference to him, he falls in love with her even more. If you manage to pull off this trick, you've got the guy on your hook. Now, the main thing is that you don’t stop loving him, otherwise the poor guy will suffer from the feelings that burn him for a very long time.

15 years is the age when a relationship begins between a guy and a girl that can last a lifetime.

Howfall in loveVmyselfclassmate:basictechniques

Now let’s summarize how to make a 10, 13 or 15 year old guy fall in love with you.

From the above it follows that guys of all ages pay attention to bright girls who know how to show themselves. Therefore, do not forget to look good and smile.

  • Share the interests of the guy you like, become his friend with whom it is interesting to spend time. By the way, the strongest couples are those in which friendship has grown into love. Take note of this.
  • Learn to be flirty from an early age. Having mastered this skill, you can get everything you want from guys, including arousing love in him.
  • Having aroused interest, secure it with jealousy. Men, including guys, are owners by nature. And if they see that someone else can get their girl, they begin to show even more interest in her.

Remember that women's charms are very strong. Therefore, you don’t need to use them if you are not sure that your feelings for the guy are genuine. If the desire to make a classmate fall in love with you is caused by the desire to take revenge or increase your self-esteem, it is better to abandon this idea. After all, if you manage to make a guy you don't love fall in love with you, you will end up breaking his heart. And all the evil that we do to other people, even accidentally, sooner or later comes back to us. Do not forget about it.

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You are 10-12 years old - a wonderful age when the desire to please boys comes. It is during these years that the first sympathies begin, the first interest in the opposite sex, the first love. You fell in love for the first time, and he walks arm in arm with another girl, or does he not like you?

Don't worry - he will be yours. This article describes all sorts of options for what needs to be done to please an 11-12 year old boy. If you do everything right, you will definitely get his attention. You just need to try a little.

What to do to please a boy who doesn't love you?

How to please him, because he already has a girlfriend? You don’t want to eat, play, sleep, watch a movie - you don’t want anything? Your thoughts are occupied only with him and the question of how to please him, how to make sure that he does not pass by? This question worries a lot of girls your age, you are not the only one, the main thing is don’t cry, don’t get hung up on it. There is a way out, don’t worry - everything will work out, the main thing is have patience and move forward purposefully.

So, here are some things you need to understand if you want to become the crush of a 12 year old boy:

The most important thing is never run after him. There is no need to show that you, like a dog, are always ready to run after him. Believe me, boys don’t like intrusiveness; it not only doesn’t attract them, but generally repels them.

Respect yourself. Look at yourself, is there something you don’t like about yourself? If so, then we need to fix it. Go in for sports, change your hairstyle, change clothes - do something to make you like yourself. It is very important. Because low self-esteem is sometimes an obstacle when communicating with boys. You must be stunning, so that it is difficult to pass by you without looking back. But you yourself must believe that you are the best. Don’t think that this is boasting or inflated self-esteem, no, this is just self-confidence, which must definitely become a trait of your character. The main thing is not to “overdo it”, as everything should be in moderation.

Be confident in your attractiveness, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Be yourself. There is no need to be like the girl whom the object of your adoration loves. You need to be able to present your advantages so that others pay attention to them, and then he will notice that you are special. But:

  1. don't be arrogant
  2. don't be too talkative
  3. no need to appear strong
  4. no need to be an “upstart” (if your boy is in the same class as you).

Try to demonstrate such qualities in communication with him as: reliability, independence and determination. Be sweet and fragile so that someone wants to protect you.

Try to make him notice you. If he doesn't know you, then how can he like you? Therefore, be sure to “flash” before his eyes. You can get to know his company, you can drop something in front of him, sit at the same table in the dining room... It doesn’t matter how exactly you make your presence noticeable, the main thing is to do it unobtrusively.

If you are already familiar, then pay attention to yourself more often:

  • joke. A good sense of humor is highly valued by boys.
  • Find out about his hobbies and engage in conversations about what interests him. If he goes to some section or circle, sign up for it too.

Find out what he is interested in. Common interests are very important in a relationship, because if you talk about fashion and he talks about football, then you are unlikely to succeed. Find out about his hobbies: computer games, football, dancing - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to have a common interest. Ask him for advice on how to get through the next stage of the game, score a goal... It’s important here to get on his level, become his friend. By becoming a friend to him, you can fill his thoughts as a girl.

In communication, do not put yourself above him. Never show that you are smarter, do not interrupt him and, in no case, criticize him.

Learn to listen to him. The ability to listen about his next “exploits” is a very important quality for a boy in a friend (especially in a girl). He will definitely appreciate such a charming listener who is interested in the same things as him.

Be patient. Patience is very important, don't be upset if after a month of communication, he is still with her. Wait, be his friend, and believe that everything will work out.

Find yourself another boy (for fun). Sometimes, in order to get noticed, you need to arouse interest by dating a boy from a common group. When he sees you with another boy, he, like you, may think about how to win your attention. If you notice his interest in you, do not immediately hang yourself on his neck with the words: “I love you!” “Play” a little - let him “run” after you a little.

If you do everything as described here, then he will definitely notice you, maybe not as quickly as you would like, but the main thing is the result!

How can a 12 year old boy like you if he doesn't like you?

If you really like a boy, but he doesn't even look in your direction, you need to do something!

  • Do something to make him notice you: change your hairstyle, make a good joke in his presence, trip in front of him...
  • Fill in his shortcomings with yourself. I think that you have often seen “strange” couples, when the boy is handsome and the girl is not so good, the boy is short and the girl is very tall... You don’t understand why this happens, “What did he see in her!” – do you think? No matter how strange it may seem to you, this is the pattern. Opposites attract, ideal couples are formed from mutually complementary people. Every person has both advantages and disadvantages. I want to somehow compensate for any shortcomings, and therefore boys are interested in girls who have something that they themselves do not have.

    Find his weak points and become worthy in his eyes, let you have what he doesn’t have.

    Are you wondering what a girl with a strong character should do? Do not show this character if the boy himself is strong. Understand that opposites attract. Become this opposite for him.

  • Be weak. Boys are protectors by nature, and they are unlikely to like a strong girl. Give me the opportunity to protect you.
  • Be a friend to him. To do this, you need to find out as much as possible about him: what he likes to eat, what music he listens to, what his favorite movie is, what he is interested in... Share his interests with him. Be advisors on issues that are important to him, be there as a friend, or even like a girl until he likes you.
  • Show him attention like you would a boy, but do it in such a way that it seems accidental. For example, rub his hair, tap him on the shoulder, lightly touch him, shake his hand... Such contacts bring you closer.
  • Give him an interested look more often. Look in his direction, show him interest, but don’t overdo it. Let him feel the same. So are you. If you notice that he is also watching you with interest, then consider that he already likes you.
  • Don't impose yourself. Never write notes yourself or invite someone for a walk. Although there are some tricks that you can resort to when you ask him out on a date, he will not know about it. For example, invite his whole group to your yard to play something, or give him a book, cassette, disk (something he is interested in), and then there will be a reason to meet...
  • Don't criticize him. Try not to pay attention to any of his mistakes.
  • Get closer to him. Now there are many ways to communicate: the Internet, cinema, clubs, sections…. Try to add him as a friend on all social networks, pay attention to his photos, rate him, comment on his statuses. Let him know about your presence. It will also be useful for you because you will be able to learn a lot about him.
  • Try to be passionate about the same things he is passionate about. Let him think that you have similar interests to him. And of the girls who do their usual girly things, you will become an ideal for him.
  • Externally, try to look the way he likes. Me hairstyles and clothes, interest him in your uniqueness and individuality - stand out from the gray mass.
  • Be positive and spontaneous– the boys appreciate it. Remain yourself, but try to show only positive character traits in his presence.
  • Be the only one he needs. Any boy, no matter what his character, is looking for a real girlfriend with whom he wants to not only walk through the park hand in hand, but also talk. Learn to be a true friend to him, but at the same time remain a gentle girl who always needs protection. Be open in communication: talk about various topics that interest him, joke, tell anecdotes...

Let's sum it up all of the above. In order to please an 11-12 year old boy who doesn’t notice you (his thoughts are busy with another girl), you need to:

  • Don’t get hung up on him, don’t show that you are suffering without him.
  • Don't run after him like a dog.
  • Be patient and wait for the moment when he pays attention to you.
  • Watch your appearance. Be beautiful, neat and gentle.
  • Get him interested by occasionally glancing in his direction.
  • Lightly touch his hair, shoulder and smile more often.
  • Don't be capricious and arrogant.
  • Do not impose under any circumstances, let him take the first step.
  • Don't call him a hundred times a day for no reason.
  • Don't let him know that you fell in love with him.
  • Don't give him undue attention.
  • Become a friend for him, find common interests with him.

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The main thing is to believe in yourself and your capabilities, then getting the boy to like you will not be a problem for you. If you do everything correctly, then he should definitely notice you among others.

Video: How to behave with a guy? Psychology of relationships

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