Does damage exist: myth or reality, slander, evil eye, removal of damage, options for events and possible consequences. The evil eye and damage: where is the truth and where is fiction?

The existence of various energy and biofields has not been officially proven by scientists, although many phenomena and patterns modern science I’m also unable to explain. One of these inexplicable things is how it can negatively impact a person’s bioenergetic aura. Since ancient times, people have been confident that it is possible to influence someone else’s life, and such influence could not always be the result of conscious actions.

This, by the way, is the main difference between the evil eye and the evil eye. If most often it happens by accident, then damage is precisely a deliberate attempt at negative influence. In principle, the nature of the effect from both influences is approximately the same, but in the case of damage it will be much stronger. And if the result may be nightmares or failure at work, then after a high-quality treatment the person will most likely face real problems with health and well-being.

Naturally, the belief that damage can exist is stronger than less people prone to analytical thinking. That is why in existence supernatural powers poorly educated people are most confident, and the main hunt for sorcerers and witches was carried out in the Middle Ages, when incomprehensible phenomena were most easily explained by magic.

If you suspect the evil eye or damage, do not rush to the magicians, who will certainly convince you of the reality of the curse. Try to analyze your actions and the events that occurred, perhaps you will find a rational explanation.

To believe or not to believe?

In order to prove or disprove the existence of damage from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to establish an unambiguous cause-and-effect relationship between the actions of causing damage and the result in the form of troubles and failures. However, in reality, such experiments have not been carried out, so people can either believe in the possibility or the evil eye, or not believe and explain health problems and difficulties in life with more reasonable reasons, for example, a coincidence.

At all times, it was believed that the people most vulnerable to damage were pregnant women and newborns. However, it is likely that in fact the reason is a weakened or not yet strengthened immune system.

Psychosomatics and the tendency of some people to adjust conditions to a pre-known answer also play an important role. If a person sincerely believes in the possibility of damage, most likely he will explain his troubles precisely by this. This mechanism works especially well with impressionable and sensitive people, for whom indirect evidence is enough to come to the conclusion that they. Next, psychosomatic reactions come into play: the belief that people who have been damaged should get into trouble and get sick, causes the human body to react in the most expected way, that is, by deteriorating well-being. Skeptics, as a rule, are not afraid of damage, so they tolerate “supernatural” influences much better.

Phenomena such as evil eye and damage, are known, and there is no mysticism in them. For example, when we wholeheartedly wish the birthday boy or newlyweds health, success and for long years life, our positive emotions can really improve the lives of these people.

There is another effect: if a person is sent “from the bottom of his heart” a charge of negative emotions aimed at destruction (anger, hatred, envy), unfavorable changes may occur in his life.

So that no one can jinx you, accumulate positive emotions, communicate with open people. And avoid those who are always dissatisfied with everything.

The terms “evil eye” and “damage” already have certain mystical meanings attached to them, and fighting this is, to say the least, useless. Damage and the evil eye are a type of verbal and non-verbal influence. The brain is a kind of biological computer that can be programmed to perform certain reactions. In the human body, the mental and physical are closely interconnected.

Hexing is usually understood as a powerful verbal psychological message with a wish for harm to a specific person or group of people. Casting the evil eye is understood as a powerful wish for harm to another person through non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior, that is, with gaze, facial expressions, and gestures. Skillful casting of the evil eye is largely related to the art of acting. When describing how the evil eye is produced, it can be difficult to sort out all the facial characteristics. This is the case when it is easier to show than to tell.

Of course, when intimidating with the help of the evil eye, and even more so for a greater harmful effect, it is necessary to use numerous facial and pantomimic techniques.

Damage (psychological blow), just like a physical blow, can be “reflected” and “redirected” to the one who hit first. Damage and the evil eye, as a mental (hypnotic) phenomenon, are removed with the help of psychological attitudes (hypnosis). “A wedge is knocked out with a wedge.”

Phonosemantic formulas of damage are dangerous when they are skillfully used. Phonosemantics, hypnosis, psychological influence are only tools. Knowledge about corruption is just knowledge. Any tool and any knowledge can be used for good or harm.

How can this be applied?

Probably the simplest and most well-known method of causing damage is the use of the particle “not” in combination with the fact that you sharply say something “at hand”.

Try, for example, suddenly shouting to a person walking on slippery ice: “Don’t fall!” Or suddenly and loudly say, “Don’t cut yourself!” someone who cuts something with a knife. Everyone knows how dangerous this is. It’s not for nothing that people advise: “Don’t talk hand in hand!”; “Don’t jinx it!” (Although to be precise, this is not the “evil eye”, but “damage”, but this does not change the essence of the matter).

The described technique is based on the fact that the particle “not” is perceived by consciousness, but for the subconscious it means absolutely nothing. And if the moment is chosen well, if the paraverbal conditions (formulation of the phrase) are met, then the likelihood that the person will do exactly what you “didn’t” advise him to do is very high. The brain perceives such a statement as a direct command and is programmed to carry it out. At the same time, you personally seem to have nothing to do with it. They just said “arm’s length.”

The “not” particle also ensures your safety. Tell the shooter who is aiming somewhere: “Miss!” - that's one thing. But tell him: “Don’t miss!” - this is completely different. And the result of the shot will most likely be the same.

Very often people program their loved ones for misfortune, while actually wishing them well. A man leaves home, crosses the threshold, and suddenly hears after him: “Don’t fall on the road!” Or: “Don’t get hit by a car!” At the moment of breaking a patterned action (that is, an action that a person perceives as continuous; in this case, crossing a threshold), the subject falls into confusion and takes any command literally. He discards the “not” particle, and as a result, the wish for misfortune remains.

If we do not wish anyone harm, then it is better to say: “Be careful.” At the same time, if our goals are opposite, then this can be used to cause damage. And it is simply impossible to accuse you of anything - after all, you advised “not” to do this.

Example 2. The gypsy woman uttered a formula for damage, which began with the words “don’t leave.” However, the man did just the opposite - he left (although he couldn’t even remember how he got there). For a gypsy, such words were, of course, a professional “puncture.” It would be better for her (and, of course, worse for the subject of influence) if she said: “Stop!” or: “Stay!”, or even better: “Freeze.”

So, in the simple cases listed above, the main thing is the right moment and appropriate paraverbal behavior. And if the phrase also has suggestive properties; and especially if phonetically it is aimed at hard coding, then the effect will be close to 98%.

Now - a little more about nonverbal and paraverbal behavior (formation of speech).
You can conduct one simple and interesting experiment. If you often meet the same person on the street stranger, try when you meet, looking at him, mentally, to yourself, to greet him. There is no need to say anything out loud. Speak "within yourself." If you do this for about a week, then most likely he will greet you himself, and out loud.

You can give different explanations for this, depending on what you are focusing on. Someone will explain this by telepathy, someone by the influence of the biofield, someone will find another mystical explanation.

But let's give a more intelligible materialistic explanation.

When greeting someone, we speak not only with words, but also with our body. In addition to words, we also greet non-verbally - with our body, face, and gaze. And people see and feel it very well. Therefore, even without saying a word, we have the opportunity to say something to other people. Our facial expressions, pantomimes, and gestures most often correspond to our thoughts and our mood - and people pick up on this on a subconscious level. You can do this on a conscious level, but this requires knowledge and experience.

There is another amazing point - you can feel the gaze even when you don’t directly see this gaze. Some people in dangerous professions (police officers, intelligence officers, thieves, card sharpers, etc.) have the ability to feel a gaze, even when their back is to the person looking. Here, peripheral vision and intuition still play a role (predicting people’s actions based on accumulated life experience).

Well, if you can convey information with your facial expression and gaze, then this means that you can convey not just information, but exactly the information that you want to convey.

In relation to our topic, this means that you can learn to convey your thoughts to others. And there are two ways to do this. The first way is to really think about something, so that everything is “written on your face.” The second method is to depict on your face something that corresponds to the thoughts that you would like to convey. That is, do not think so, but non-verbally pretend that you are thinking. The first method is certainly easier, although in both cases minimal acting skills are required.

Regarding hexing, this means that you must be congruent with the phrase being spoken: you must look angry, scary, bad, strong. Look so that, looking at you, one could be afraid of you without words. So that your appearance fully corresponds to the prepared phrase.

Here, first of all, attention is paid to the gaze. It must be a scary look strong man, completely confident in himself and in what he does and says. Another important point is that you need to look serious. This required condition. As one living classic likes to say, you have to “keep your nose in with a shovel.” A meaningful look is a must. There should be a real wave of confidence coming from you that right now and here exactly what you are talking about will happen.

Who can become a victim of the evil eye and damage

The soul is given to man only for the penetration of God's will, but the servants of the Devil find weak spots in it they demonstrate their ability to rule the world.

Evil eye, damage - we hear these words more and more often in Lately. This is due to the deterioration of our lives, in which there is less and less kindness left, and more and more evil, envious people become. These words mean almost the same thing: bad influence one person to another.

Evil eye- this is harming someone with an evil eye, an unkind glance.

Often this happens unexpectedly. Sometimes we don’t even notice how we hurt our loved ones or unwittingly influence them with a hateful look, from which their vitality decreases and their well-being worsens. But some do it deliberately. However, we would like to immediately warn them: they should remember that evil always returns to the evildoer. Not only the look itself is dangerous, but also the word accompanying it. Not in vain folk wisdom says: the word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Damage- this is a conscious infliction, the infliction of evil through witchcraft, as a result of which the energy reserve is reduced and breakdowns occur in the biofield.

People tolerate the evil eye and damage in different ways. Some can live their entire lives and not need treatment (these are people with strong energy), while others (energetically weak), if they do not recognize in time what is happening to them and why, suffer from it all their lives.
The evil eye can be direct, sent through direct contact, or at a distance: by telephone, by photograph, through some objects or things.

So who falls victim to the evil eye? It should be noted right away that any person, regardless of age, character, profession, culture, as well as animals, houses, interior items, trees, can be subject to negative influence from the outside. But still, the greatest risk group consists of weak, weak-willed men, women (especially pregnant women) and children. This category of people has a very low energy reserve, so breaking through their biofield is not difficult. They can be jinxed not only by a person with an evil eye, but also - yes, don’t be surprised - by a close and loving person, and the evil eye will occur through either affectionate words or careless compliments.

The evil eye can even control their spiritual, physical, emotional state. And sometimes such people even become intermediaries between the sorcerer and the weaker victim. That is, the sorcerer gives them a specific program of action, and they automatically, like robots, carry out his will.

Weak-willed men and women tend to share their problems, ask for advice even from strangers and strangers, go to fortune tellers to find out your future fate, because they are indecisive, unsure of themselves, and doubt the correctness of their decisions. They do not think about the fact that thoughtless communication can lead to undesirable and sometimes very serious consequences. Women often share intimate details in their lives, as they say, they turn their souls inside out in front of their friends, who often, without any malice, throw out phrases like: “It’s nothing, if you had experienced this yourself, you would have spoken completely differently.” And as practice shows, these weak-willed women begin to experience exactly what they were warned against or what was given to them as a negative example.

Pregnant women are especially susceptible to all evil. In general, they seem to be separated from everything around them by a pink curtain: they live in their own little world, thinking only about themselves. important event which will soon happen in their lives. During pregnancy, women become very sensitive, receptive, share their joy with everyone, take some objects - “for the baby” - sometimes even from strangers, for example, a used stroller, crib, etc., allow you to touch your belly so that others can feel what kind of fidget lives inside. They ask how and what needs to be done in their situation. If a pregnant woman is damaged, then the child is born (if he is born at all) with a disturbance in energy - a displacement of the biofield, a disturbed structure of the biofield and other defects.

Now let’s define the main signs of the evil eye:

  1. Malaise, weakness, a feeling of heaviness throughout the body that is difficult to obey. Prostration.
  2. Headaches, dizziness, sudden surges in blood pressure, unexpected nosebleeds, chills, colds. Pimples, acne (not to be confused with acne), various skin diseases, boils, fungi, warts, bleeding does not stop for a long time, wounds do not heal for a long time, eyesores, toothaches, watery eyes, teeth crumbling.
  3. Insomnia or, conversely, severe drowsiness, tormented by yawning.
  4. A “spoiled” person’s appetite disappears or, on the contrary, he experiences a constant feeling of hunger and does not feel full.
  5. Nervousness, irritation. If you have become a victim of the evil eye, then it will seem to you that everyone around is trying to ruin your already bad mood.
  6. Damage to death leads to an unexpected, untreatable illness with a fatal outcome.
  7. Not only fear, sadness, melancholy, but also various mental disorders that lead to schizophrenia.
  8. Enmity and hatred of one's neighbor, broken families, infertility, sexual impotence.
  9. The evil eye leads to through breakdowns in the biofield; benign and malignant tumors are often found in these places.
  10. A “spoiled” person begins to be afraid of light and the sun. He feels good only in the dark, especially at midnight (the devil's beginning).
  11. Baldness or, conversely, rapid growth of hair all over the body.
  12. Painful pride reaching unimaginable proportions.
  13. Hair and sometimes small nails are found in food. Of course, the person who prepared the food may be to blame for this, but if you were the cook, then this is a clear symptom that you have been jinxed.
  14. Auditory hallucinations - the voices of deceased relatives are heard.

In children:

The evil eye manifests itself in anxiety, whims, incessant crying, poor sleep, fever, and weight loss. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If the doctor does not find any disease in the child, then check whether it is smoothed out. We will tell you how to do this below.

In animals:

dogs become rabid and can even bite their owner. Cows lose milk, constantly moo, and lose weight. Chickens either stop laying eggs, or lay spoiled eggs, die, pigs become wild, squeal, never eat enough, and can kill chickens and ducks.

When you get sick, you usually go to the clinic. But in the event of the evil eye or damage, doctors are powerless, since they cannot make a diagnosis, although the patient exhibits numerous symptoms of the disease. You rush from one extreme to the other, start self-medicating, yoga, acupressure, urine therapy, water treatment, herbs. And then you still turn to healers. It’s better to do this as soon as you suspect that you have been damaged or jinxed.

Diagnosis of the evil eye and damage

It is known that dogs and cats are very sensitive to changes occurring in biofields; they see phenomena of the subtle world, inaccessible to the human eye, and therefore can become the first diagnosticians of the evil eye-damage of the owner. Cats and dogs will never approach a “spoiled” person and will not accept food from his hands; if he decides to caress his pets, their fur stands on end and they hide from him.

You can use the advice of Yu. Longo for self-diagnosis of the evil eye and damage.

  1. In the morning, take a piece of stale bread crumb, hold it in your hand for 1-2 minutes, trying not to think about anything at this moment, and throw it into a glass of water that has stood for at least a day in your room. If after 1-2 minutes the bread sinks, then your energy shell is broken.
  2. Instead of bread crumb, you can light a match and throw it into a glass of water. If you have the evil eye or damage, then after 1-2 minutes the match will sink to the bottom.

When you know for sure whether you have been damaged or not, your life will immediately become easier: if you are “spoiled,” you will be able to begin treatment; if not, then you will get rid of unfounded suspicions about your friends.

Are we too suggestible and infantile?

From a scientific point of view, there is no evil eye or damage, says Alexander Magalif, candidate of medical sciences and narcologist. - But the problem is that a huge number of people believe in it. Historically, we are quite infantile, that is, extremely suggestible. This type of teenage personality, which easily moves from love to hate, needs a wise mentor, a king, God, wants to get instant results...
That is why most people so easily believe those who can skillfully influence the unconscious, irrational part of our personality. And these include numerous psychics, sorcerers, magicians, shouting about the evil eye, damage, the crown of celibacy, and drug addiction relief from a photo.
I do not deny that there are real folk psychotherapists who really heal both body and soul. But, unfortunately, there are only a few of them...

We cannot deny the possibility of a negative bioenergetic impact of one person on another, in common parlance - the evil eye,” disagrees the general director of the Federal Scientific Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment, Alexey Karpeev. - But the problem is that we cannot diagnose this effect. Such devices or simply diagnostic techniques have not yet been invented. And from the point of view of doctors, the so-called evil eye and damage are not decisive in the course of a particular disease.
We are currently studying the development of consciousness technology. How many cases of miraculous, almost mystical healing from terrible diseases have been known? We don't yet know why this happens. Apparently, a person can influence others in a negative sense, accelerating the course of the disease, also due to some processes in the brain. If we understand why healing occurs, or, conversely, sharp deterioration occurs, we will take a giant step in understanding the self-regulation of our body and the functioning of the brain. For now, we can only guess...

You don't have to give a damn about evil forces!

But why do some people just feel negatively affected while others don't care at all?
“I think it’s all about attitudes, the degree of religiosity, special beliefs,” reflects gynecologist Alexander Zakharov. - A deeply religious person is, as it were, protected by his faith and is firmly convinced that he cannot be touched by evil forces. Most often, according to my observations, such people are healthier.
There is a lot that is inexplicable in our world; undoubtedly, subtle bioenergetic exchanges occur between people. I am sure that thought is material, and the profession of a doctor implies not only physical, but also psychological impact.
In our words and in our attitude towards the patient, we initially carry a certain charge of energy. That's why I try to never come to work in bad mood. Because patients are initially weakened and react sharply to the emotional background.
The doctor must positively influence the patient not only with his words, but also with his thoughts. If we consider the evil eye to be a charge of negative energy, then ideally the doctor should “evil eye” the patient in a positive sense.

The evil eye and damage Everyone has heard about damage and the evil eye, but not everyone takes it seriously. But in vain! The person represents complex system, consisting not only of physical body, but also having its own energy-information field, which perceives verbal and visual messages. Therefore, a word accidentally dropped by an envious person, an unkind look, or a specially uttered evil people a curse can harm the victim, first by knocking him out of his usual rut in life, and then depriving him of money, health, and even life.

You can believe in all this or not, but the fact remains a fact. Everyone can remember a day when everything literally fell out of hand and luck ran out, and as it turned out later, someone looked askance after you, or, on the contrary, lavished insincere flattery. At the same time, thoughts come to mind that an evil eye or damage has been cast. Therefore, even people who do not believe in magic try to protect themselves from such situations and choose amulets.

Of course, it is possible that in many situations it only seems to us that outside forces are interfering in life, however, having a talisman, for some reason we are less likely to get into such troubles. Maybe it’s true that they ward off the evil eye and damage, or maybe our energy field grows stronger from the awareness of security. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that they work and help us live calmly and maintain mental and physical health.

The evil eye and damage - how are they different?

The evil eye is sent accidentally and unconsciously. An envious or evil word can lead to the evil eye, as well as “ evil eye"passerby. People who cause envy because they are more beautiful, rich and popular are more susceptible to the evil eye.

Damage is intentionally sent to a person, and it is believed that it acts on the bioenergy of the victim, impregnating it with negative energy. Exist different kinds damage, among which the most common are damage to health, luck, personal well-being and life. Unlike the evil eye, damage does not go away on its own even after long period time, and the most tragic thing is that the damage is inherited through many generations of innocent people, and relatives and friends can also become infected with it.

Common signs of the evil eye

Since time immemorial, it has been believed that if a person loses weight and looks pale for no apparent reason, then he has probably been jinxed. Close people began to look for the culprit in order to punish him and remove the evil eye. Another belief says that the loss of milk from a nursing mother is a clear sign of the evil eye. In addition, it was believed that because of the evil eye, livestock and crop yields perished, strange diseases appeared and accidents occurred. sudden deaths of people.

Children and pregnant and lactating women were considered the most vulnerable. Among the symptoms of the evil eye were unreasonable anxiety, restlessness and fear, which were often accompanied by loss of appetite and sleep, vomiting and fever, weakness and constant fatigue. In addition, often during the evil eye, a person remained physically healthy, but he was haunted by failures even in his usual activities, and at night he saw terrible dreams. Nowadays, the signs of the evil eye remain the same, because, despite the progress of civilization, man essentially has not changed.

Common signs of spoilage

Damage can have the same symptoms as the evil eye, but they manifest themselves much more strongly. In addition to deterioration physical health and everyday troubles, a person finds himself in a difficult financial situation, his career collapses and discord sets in family life. Mysterious accidents, including deaths, may also occur.

Methods of combating the evil eye and damage

As in any matter, it is easier to prevent the evil eye and damage than to get rid of them for a long time and persistently. To protect against the evil eye and damage, people have been using amulets and talismans, holy water and magic herbs for many millennia. There are special prayers against the evil eye and damage, and you can also make and drink witchcraft potions in certain situations, which strengthen a person’s natural defenses and create an insurmountable barrier to evil spells.

Since damage and the evil eye are of magical origin, they should be fought using magical methods. However, these days, rarely does anyone express a desire to carry a dried frog in their pocket or seriously believe that the medicine is made from the wings of a frog. bats, crocodile tears and sabers of green grasshoppers can fight evil spells. And, as you know, mistrust and doubt can negate the entire result of the ritual, so now ancient rituals are used less and less. However, despite the fact that the evil eye and damage have existed since time immemorial, quite modern methods of their prevention and elimination are used today. And they are quite effective. But they should be used with the participation of experienced sorcerers, witches and magicians.

The fact is that the injured person is not able to see himself from the outside. Moreover, often people who show obvious signs of the evil eye and damage do not agree with the obvious, and blame their illnesses and failures on the vicissitudes of fate. But you need to be able to control your destiny, because life should go on, bringing joy and pleasure, so it’s worth listening to the advice of experienced people.

Protection against intentional or accidental evil is a kind of life insurance that can prevent the evil eye and damage from open enemies, secret ill-wishers, business competitors and envious people in life. This insurance is especially useful for those who drive active image life and communicates with different people. You shouldn’t tempt fate, but rather take control of it into your own hands.

After diagnosing and detecting damage or the evil eye, you should begin to get rid of the problem. Of course, it’s great if as a result it turns out that all the problems are associated with some old disease, all that remains is to contact the doctors and undergo a course of treatment. However, if official medicine turns out to be powerless, then this is a sure sign of long-standing damage, and healing is possible only with the participation of a magician and one’s own faith in a bright future.

“From the point of view of the Church, the evil eye and corruption – in their worldly understanding – do not exist”, “you cannot believe in God and corruption at the same time”, “Neither the Gospel nor other books of the New Testament speak of the evil eye or corruption” - these are just some of the statements we took at random from the Internet. Let's try to figure out what is behind these terms and whether millions of our fellow citizens really believe in nonsense, and whether the widely offered occult services are akin to the actions of thimble-tellers or hypnotists?...

What is meant by the terms “damage, love spell, conspiracy and evil eye”?

First, let us define the concepts under consideration in the generally accepted and theological sense. The key component of the listed actions is the appeal of some intermediary (psychic, magician, healer) to some external mysterious force.

  • Damage. This term is commonly used by sorcerers to refer to main reason, which lies at the heart of the troubles faced by visiting patients or their loved ones. The common people may associate the cause of certain types of spiritual illnesses with damage (the effectiveness of the damage is explained by the influence of demonic forces on the victim).
  • . Sorcerers position it as one of the forms (varieties) of damage. In this case, occult influence on a person is carried out with the aim of igniting in him an attraction to another person (usually the customer).
  • CONSPIRACY. There is not always a clearly defined difference between a love spell and a conspiracy. In some cases, these terms can be used as synonyms. On the other hand, a conspiracy can be used to exert an influence on a person of a completely different nature, for example, to rid him of an illness. This word appears once in the Bible: “ Do not call everything that this people calls a conspiracy a conspiracy; and do not fear what he fears, and do not be afraid» ( Isaiah 8:12).
  • Under evil eye usually understand the negative impact on a person, exerted without the use of special ritual actions or occult techniques available to “specialists”. It is believed that an ordinary angry or envious person can cast the evil eye. This concept is one of superstition, so we will not consider it in detail.

In church vocabulary, all this together is called witchcraft (possession, divination, sorcery, “obsession” (from tsl. I'll win- I hold tightly, constrain, torment) with “attack” (from tssl. be amazed- collide with someone) and the essence of these concepts is the same - demonic influence. When the techniques associated with them are used by sorcerers (magicians, psychics, sorcerers), they, as a rule, hide behind the surroundings of decent and even scientific concepts(influence through communication with the cosmos, universal energies; changing the aura, personal energy code; use of superpowers), although in reality (unless, of course, we are talking about banal deception and charlatanism) witchcraft is based on collaboration with demons and always has a detrimental effect on both the fate of the “doer” and the fate of the initiator of witchcraft.

Two extremes in relation to damage

There are two extremes in relation to damage. The first is revealed in its denial, and the second in the desire to attribute one’s sins, passions, and vices to external occult influence. Let's take a closer look at the second extreme. The state of strong captivity of a person by the spirits of evil really exists. Depending on its form, it is called prelest or obsession. However, while a person lives in this world, he always has the opportunity, calling on God for help, to escape from the deadly bonds of evil. It is beneficial for the demon to convince a person of his own powerlessness before himself, to suppress his will to resist and deprive him of the desire to fight. For a person to justify his troubles with damage is a convenient way to justify himself to his conscience and relieve himself of personal responsibility. This is probably why some pastors choose to deny these occult terms themselves. Let's give a typical example:

Question from a TV viewer: “Is there such a thing as a love spell, does it affect absolutely all people, and what are its consequences?”

The Monk Macarius of Optina writes: I’ll say about M. L. and your opinion about corruption: she is too superstitious, and you are free-thinking, imitating the opinion of today’s wise men: as if there is no corruption at all. Call me a superstition too, I will accept and tolerate it, but it can be proven that it exists, both from the lives of saints and from the experience of many, and not only simple ones, but also enlightened ones.

And Ambrose of Optina notes: “The father of the ghost, from jealousy and envy and from invisible spirits,” the priest prays to deliver the mother and newborn. This means that there is no doubt about the evil eye.

Justified by the Holy Tradition of the Church and a balanced answer to those who deny the influence of demons through people, is given in the article: “On corruption and the evil eye: the view of the Orthodox.” But still, most often it is not about denying the phenomenon itself, but denying the meaning that occultists and pagans put into it. Suppose that there are two people in front of us: one was actually damaged by a sorcerer, the other fell into difficult situation due to personal sinfulness without outside influence. Both claim that they were victims of damage. How can a priest diagnose the real reason their troubles? And why? The easiest option is to look at the root. The root is the sinful, godless life of the person himself; it was this that made the person defenseless against the fallen spirit. And it is not important to determine whether the demon acted “on a tip” from the sorcerer or independently; Moreover, this investigation will only confuse the person seeking help. Thus, what is important is why a person neglected himself, his soul, so much that demonic obsession became possible, and not who else could be blamed for it.

What in reality is hidden behind the word “damage”?

Three phenomena can be distinguished behind the terms under consideration:

1. Fraud of “occult businessmen”, variety theatrical performance with a magical twist. Something like horoscopes in newspapers, composed to the friendly laughter of members of the editorial boards.

There is a joke: “Fortune tellers are former weather forecasters who couldn’t quit.”

2. Self-hypnosis. A person convinces himself that he has been “jinxed”, “bewitched”.

3. Real witchcraft (the influence of fallen spirits through the mediation of a sorcerer on a person who is outside the protective cover of grace, the spiritual nourishment of the Church) or hypnosis.

Here is what Archpriest Alexander Lebedev says about this: “All this is various ways the influence of evil spirits on humans. What unites them is that they are, so to speak, targeted, that is, they affect a specific person or group of people. Another feature that unites them is that the initiator of this dirty trick is a person. Out of envy or some selfish calculation, with the help of various magical actions, you can “hire” a representative of evil spirits who will do necessary work- will jinx it, spoil it, put a love spell on you. In the transaction, everyone gets what they want: the customer - malicious satisfaction, the performer - the soul of the customer."

And here is the opinion of Dmitry Semenik, head of the anti-occult project “”: “I would separate two understandings of the word “damage.” The first option is “damage” as a line in the price list of magical services. Such services are provided, but this type of damage is not widespread. The second option is damage as a negative consequence different types occult actions. Moreover, this negative consequence overtakes both the recipient of magical actions (for example, the person being bewitched) and his customer. I have also encountered such an expanded understanding of corruption in some occultist authors. Such damage is a massive phenomenon and destroys the lives of many people in our country. It is much more common than “harmless fraud.” I base my conclusion on two sources. Firstly, this is the mail of the website. The second source is an understanding of the mystical side of magical actions. Spiritual world not so far from us that contacting him poses any difficulty. Just as every person is capable of praying, so literally everyone can surrender himself to Satan. And since good is always more difficult than evil, it is even easier to betray yourself to Satan. And he is willingly ready to take power over any soul that simply comes to the sorceress with any order. This does not depend on the “skill” of the sorceress: what is important is the act of seeking help from dark forces, the representatives of which are any magicians and psychics. Stories from victims indicate that this act of will- an appeal to Satan - turns out to be valid not only for the customer, but also for people connected with him by family or other ties, if these people live in sin. Thus, it is not at all difficult to damage yourself, your loved ones or sexual partners.”

Damage mechanism

Those who deny the possibility of real witchcraft usually voice the following argument: “A sorcerer cannot subjugate a demon, it is impossible. The demon, like a fallen angel, is more experienced, stronger, and smarter than the sorcerer.” Yes, it cannot, the demon does not fall into the power of man; he plays along with him and becomes his senior partner. Why does he need this? To expand their influence on people, advertise and promote evil, voluntary submission of new victims. The dream of any businessman: you are sitting in your office, and in front of you is a long line of buyers.

Let us think about the words of St. Paisius of Athos: “A person who is tormented by a demon can be “healed” by a sorcerer by sending this demon to another person. After all, the sorcerer and the devil are friends and comrades. The sorcerer says to the devil: “Come out of this man and enter that one.” That is, when casting out a demon from a person who is under demonic influence, the sorcerer usually sends it to one of his relatives or acquaintances who has given the devil rights over himself. Then the person who had a demon in him says: “I suffered, and such and such a healer healed me.” So the sorcerer creates advertising. But in the end, the demon that comes out of a person circles around his relatives and acquaintances.”

Can we assume that the victim of witchcraft is not to blame for the misfortune that befell her? Unfortunately no. After all, she herself lived in sin and refused God’s help. St. Anthony the Great instructed: “Where the sign of the cross is, there witchcraft fails, magic is ineffective.”

St. Macarius of Optina testified to the same thing: “Neither evil spirit, neither man, nor beast, nor anything else that harms us can do anything if it is not allowed by God according to His righteous destinies either to temptation or to punishment».

Is it possible to remove damage (love spell)?

Removing damage is an occult term. First, sorcerers make money by casting damage, then by removing it. Surely the market for removing damage is much wider than the market for its correction, because it is associated with phobias.

Let us give the answer of Abbot Nektary (Morozov).

Tell me, does witchcraft actually happen? How to get rid of it? How can I clean my apartment?

You know, when you hear this strange phrase, occult in origin and meaningless in content - “clean the apartment” - you just want to answer: “Pick up a broom, a rag - and this way you will clean your apartment. But if you want to consecrate the apartment, then you need to invite a priest for this.”

If we talk about witchcraft, then this is a real manifestation of that dark force, the force of evil that exists and operates in the world. However, if a person believes in God, leads a church lifestyle and does not commit those sins that lead the soul to fall away from its Creator, then any attempts to somehow harm him through witchcraft, to cause “damage” or the “evil eye” are doomed to failure. How to get rid of witchcraft? Go to church, live as a Christian, confess and receive communion as often as possible.

“What should a victim do? There are several tips. Firstly, do not look for the guilty, because there is a great danger of convicting an innocent person, and thereby only worsening your situation. Secondly, do not be afraid, because any influence of evil spirits can be overcome with the help of God. And thirdly, take protective measures.

Let's imagine an earthen dam: it safely withstands the pressure of water until cracks appear in it. Water penetrates them, erodes the soil and breaks the dam. So it is in our case: the evil spirit will unsuccessfully press on us until we, with our sins, open the way for it into our soul. Hence the conclusion: if we are afraid of the evil eye, damage, etc., it is necessary to confess and receive communion more often, sincerely and thoroughly Holy Mysteries of Christ, pay more attention to words, thoughts and actions, cleansing them from sin, take a serious approach to the matter of daily prayer, that is, lead a normal church lifestyle.”

The Monk Paisius the Svyatogorets gave the following advice: “Once witchcraft worked, it means that the person gave the devil rights over himself. That is, he gave the devil some serious reason and then did not order himself through repentance and confession. If a person confesses, then the damage - even if it is shoveled under him - does not harm him. This happens because when a person confesses and has a pure heart, sorcerers cannot “work together” with the devil in order to harm this person.” .

Site experience Zagovor. ru

The largest Orthodox project that studies the occult and prevents it among the masses is the site (part of the group of sites). The site has existed for more than 10 years. It was created not because someone just wanted to talk about this topic, but because in the process of the activity of the scale of the disaster became clear: the reluctance of people to put up with their “love tragedies” or solve them constructively gives rise to a lot of love spells, and those in turn, destroy people's destinies.

In the early days of its existence, the editors of tried to educate their audience with the help of articles by priests. But it soon became clear that there is much more effective way: to inform people about the consequences of magical actions with the help of those who have already experienced these consequences in practice. Readers of the site sent to the editor many hundreds of stories about the consequences of love spells, conspiracies, fortune telling and other magical actions. The editors posted these stories on the site, as a result of which readers sent new stories, and other visitors left grateful reviews: many people abandoned attempts at magical actions and tried to break this habit.

These stories, divided into categories (love spells, spells, fortune telling, other magic), are convincing to readers because they have so-called internal authenticity. Psychologists are also involved in the work of the project, and in general a huge amount of experience has been accumulated in working with people, so the editors of are well aware that most people tend to look for explanations for their problems outside themselves, and that someone’s machinations, including witchcraft, are perfectly suitable for justifying their failures. But to explain such a huge number of “victims of magic” (and the number of victims, according to the project management, is in the millions) can only be explained by psychological reasons, the suspiciousness of people is hampered by the fact that the symptoms, the consequences of witchcraft, are the same in all cases. Moreover, some of these consequences are difficult to explain by any natural causes.

What are these consequences?

To say that witchcraft is not scary at all or does not exist is a big and harmful lie. It's very scary! Considering the distribution of Natalia Stepanova’s books and other occult literature, the availability of online and other fortune-telling, it is safe to say that witchcraft is one of the main causes of mental illness in our country. Also a colossal number broken lives. There are a lot of diseases and a lot of deaths.

Do you believe in corruption? What about the evil eye? Do you see the difference in these two concepts?

I know that not everyone takes such energetic influences seriously, and it seems to me that this is in vain! In my opinion, our world is so diverse and wide that there may well be a place for corruption and the evil eye in it. And the fact that we cannot clearly trace these phenomena does not mean that they are mythical.

Have I been jinxed?

I believe in evil eyes. Moreover, in the last six months I seriously believe that the evil eye is on me too. Everyone here has probably already heard about my problem skin. I know, I know, now at least one person will say that I’m just not taking good care of her :-), but believe me: this is not so. I always bought myself good cosmetics, and from time to time I visited a cosmetologist for ultrasonic cleaning. In general, I took care of myself as best I could. And it paid off: I had perfect skin that could only be envied. And they were jealous, apparently...

I remember very well the moment when one of my close friends, who has minor problems with acne, told me just one phrase: “Your skin is absolutely perfect!” All! From that moment on, she ceased to be such. Of course, now you can argue that four innocent words (said with great envy, by the way) could not lead to such disastrous consequences as mine. But who knows what just a word can do.

This situation with a friend happened about 2 years ago and all this time I have been unsuccessfully struggling with problem skin. Although the word “problematic” is now almost a compliment for me. At first I tried to cope with the rashes on my own, after about six months I turned to a cosmetologist for help, after another six months of unsuccessful treatment and a lot of money spent, I went to a dermatologist, who this moment and getting treatment. I am undergoing treatment again, completely unsuccessfully, and I see that the doctor no longer understands anything, because there are no reasons for such rashes!

Previously, I didn’t believe in evil eyes either, but now... I just don’t understand what else it could be, other than an energetic influence from the outside.

In general, you can either believe or not believe in the fact of the existence of the evil eye and damage, but I think each of us can remember a day when, out of the blue, everything fell out of hand, luck seemed to turn away at the most decisive moment, or some - completely inexplicable difficulties.

So, what is the difference between the evil eye and damage from each other?

Significant difference

The first and most important difference: the evil eye is a random and unconscious phenomenon. Envious or evil words, as well as the “evil eye” of even random passers-by, lead to him. It is believed that the people most susceptible to the evil eye are those who cause envy among many, who have beauty, popularity and wealth.

Damage is sent to a person deliberately. There are simply a huge number of types of damage, differing in “purpose”. It seems to me that the most common one is the lack of personal happiness. Unlike the evil eye, damage by itself does not go away even after a lot of time. What’s even worse is that it can even be sent to a person’s heirs and cripple the destinies of completely innocent people.

How to recognize damage?

When I started thinking about whether I was being damaged, I studied a huge amount of literature. Almost all sources identified the following alarming symptoms, the presence of which may indicate damage:

The occurrence of problems with sleep, as well as the appearance of nightmares. Some plots can be repeated every night, thereby tormenting a person. Of course, I don’t want to link all existing problems to energetic influence, but recently I have had serious problems with sleep;

The emergence of diseases that simply cannot be diagnosed. Identify the cause feeling unwell No tests help, and even the most serious treatment does not bring long-awaited relief, but only causes temporary improvement. It’s like I have with inflammation. I went through a lot of tests, visited all the doctors I knew, but there was no sense in it - the cause of acne has not been identified. The treatment gives an effect, but only for a week or two, after which everything returns to normal;

Mental imbalance, constant premonition of trouble and trouble;

A strange attitude towards a person who was supposedly damaged by pets. They can either show excessive attention to him, or avoid him, running away with a hiss or growl;

Lack of success in any endeavors. If you are damaged, then no matter what business you undertake, they will all be doomed to failure;

The occurrence of unreasonable difficulties: in work, in personal life, with finances, relatives, neighbors;

The appearance of heaviness in the chest;

A loss pectoral cross or an irresistible and inexplicable desire to get rid of it;

Partial depression, loss of strength, apathy and other unpleasant conditions. At an advanced stage of damage, thoughts of suicide may appear as the only way out of the current life situation;

The appearance in the house or near it of incomprehensible objects that definitely do not belong there. Well, I think there’s nothing to explain here. If you find a pin in a threshold, a tuft of hair, some ropes with knots tied on them, or any other objects that can be used in black magic, most likely you found them for a reason.

What does the evil eye “look” like?

Now let's move on to the more “innocent” part of the article - the evil eye. It turns out that the signs of the evil eye can first of all be determined by your condition:

Perpetual drowsiness appears and fatigue increases. It seems that no matter how much you sleep, it will clearly not be enough. And even after the longest rest, strength is not restored. Of course, this can be a symptom of a huge number of other problems and not necessarily the evil eye, so you need to look at other symptoms;

The appearance of insomnia and its consequences (lethargy, depression, weakness, and sometimes dizziness);

The victim of the evil eye does not want to do his favorite thing, everything gets boring before it even begins;

Sometimes you can observe pressure changes and the occurrence of heart failure;

A person who is under the evil eye cannot look other people directly in the eyes, and if he meets his interlocutor’s gaze, he tries to look away as quickly as possible;

An incomprehensible anger appears at oneself and others. Moreover, the person himself cannot explain such a phenomenon; incessant tension and severe internal anxiety simply arise;

Regular quarrels with relatives and colleagues that arise, as they say, out of nowhere;

For no apparent reason, a victim of the evil eye may suddenly begin to abuse alcoholic beverages and smoke. Or bad habits can simply seriously intensify and begin to affect the quality of life.

It is believed that they are most susceptible to any negative influences weak or temporarily weakened people, and especially small children. They have not yet developed strong energy in childhood, which is why it is customary to show their children to as few people as possible. Well, you must agree: how can the true anger of some childless woman not have any impact on the child?

Moreover, it does not matter at all whether a person believes in damage (the evil eye) or not - this is not a matter of superstition, but of real energetic influence.

I don’t know, maybe I’m too naive to believe in such things, but it seems to me that at least the evil eye definitely exists. What do you think? Have you ever thought that you have some problems because of an unkind look and word from a friend?

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