Who performed plastic surgery on Arina Sharapova? Sharapova Arina

The famous 55-year-old TV personality Arina Sharapova surprised her fans by losing 11 kilograms.
Many women dream of repeating Sharapova’s results and are delighted with the wonderful diet.

Basic principles and rules

The principles that underlie the weight loss program have not been hidden; anyone can familiarize themselves with the diet. It is important to emphasize that the program was developed specifically for the TV presenter, taking into account the peculiarities of physiology.

The presenter strictly adhered to the principles, which had a positive effect on her appearance. However, you should not assume that losing excess weight is a matter of just a few weeks. It took the star three months to get rid of the extra pounds.
Thanks to measured weight loss, Sharapova regained her slimness and impeccable appearance. Arina states that using the diet is possible after consulting a doctor, since health problems are not compatible with the weight loss method.

If there are no contraindications, follow the diet from start to finish. You should lose weight without interruption, otherwise the problem of excess weight will only worsen.
If you are very hungry, drink a glass of water or a cup of coffee without sugar. This helps to cope with the desire to snack or eat. Taking it helps you continue to lose weight.

The main rule of the TV star’s weight loss program is to drink fluids before meals. Thanks to a glass of ordinary water, your appetite is slightly reduced, therefore, the portion of food will also be reduced.

The explanation for this is the inability of the stomach to analyze the amount of calories consumed from food. As the stomach fills, the process of saturation occurs.

To speed up weight loss, reduce your fat intake. Exclude from the menu vegetable and butter, fish and fatty meats, and 40% fat cheese.

Less fatty and fried foods

You should also reduce the intake of carbohydrates entering the body. Limit rice and semolina dishes, buckwheat, confectionery, sweets, sweetened dairy products, potatoes, bananas. Replace carbonated drinks with juices or fruit drinks.
It is recommended that your daily diet include vegetables and fruits, herbs, low-fat cottage cheese, lean poultry, meat and fish.

Favorite dish

The TV presenter’s diet is unthinkable without vegetarian soup. All vegetables are suitable except potatoes. It needs to be cleaned, washed, crushed. Then add water and cook until done.

The resulting soup is whipped with a blender and seasoned with sour cream with a low percentage of fat. The taste of a simple dish is improved with herbs and natural seasonings. Don't go without salt - add it to the prepared food. It is allowed to serve soy sauce in moderation with the dish.

Advantages of the diet:

  • safety;
  • easy to follow.

People who lead an active lifestyle can easily stick to it.
Arina Sharapova hopes that she will not stop at the success achieved in the fight against excess weight.

This diet is used as the basis for weight loss after three months after completing the previous diet. This technique allows you to lose weight up to about 10 kg within 1.5 months. To keep your body active, you need to regularly visit the gym.

The program is contraindicated:

  • children;
  • elderly people;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • in the presence of diseases of the endocrine and immune systems,
  • for problems with the stomach and intestines.

Thus, a special program developed by a professional nutritionist allowed Arina Sharapova to lose an extra 11 kilograms, as well as record excellent results without stress on the body.

Arina Sharapova was born on May 30, 1961 in Moscow in the family of diplomat Ayan Veniaminovich and teacher Anna Ivanovna Sharapova. Already the first days after the birth of the future television star were full of adventures. It all started with the fact that they did not want to register the girl under the name Arina and the parents were forced to pay a fine, but they still achieved what they wanted.

Childhood and parents

The life and work of Arina's grandparents were closely connected with China. The grandmother spoke the Manchu language perfectly and always wanted to instill a love for the Celestial Empire in her granddaughter. Due to her father’s work, the family was forced to move frequently, and from childhood Arina became intimately familiar with the geography of her native country, spending most of her childhood in the Far East.

It is likely that under the influence of her grandmother and father, Arina ultimately chose a career as a journalist. In 1979, after long elections and torment between philosophy and history, Arina Sharapova entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, where she graduated five years later with a degree in applied sociology.

Since the girl only needed a few points to be accepted as a full-time student, in parallel with her studies, she worked in the library, where fate brought her together with the poet Oleg Borushko, who later became her husband. Already at the age of twenty, in 1981, she gave birth to a son, Danil, who later became the general producer of the NTV channel.

In young age

But the desire for self-development pushed Arina to new achievements, and she received the specialty “translator from English” in absentia at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Pedagogical Institute. Maurice Thorez. A year after graduating from Moscow State University, Arina Sharapova goes to work at the Novosti news agency. After working there for three years, Arina became a correspondent for the main editorial office of television news, and in 1991, a special correspondent.

TV presenter career

In her interviews, the TV presenter admits that she never had any particular desire to become a TV star. And she ended up on television by pure chance. In 1991, the famous journalist Oleg Poptsov invited a young journalist from RTR to work as a presenter in the Vesti program, and she accepted this offer.

This step allowed Arina Sharapova to transform from a little-known journalist into a TV presenter who was now recognized by the whole country. At that time, few television viewers could imagine RTR broadcasts without this beautiful and charismatic presenter. She often recalls the times when she made exciting trips throughout Russia with former Prime Minister Timur Gaidar.

Despite such popularity, Arina Sharapova did not stop there and at the same time took part in a joint Russian-American project, becoming the host of another “60 Minutes” program. It was then that she came to the attention of Boris Berezovsky, who lured the RTR symbol to ORT.

Although everything did not happen suddenly and not immediately. And Sharapova herself weighed everything for a very long time, and Poptsov did not want to part with one of his best presenters so easily, but in the end, Arina still left the channel in order to become the face of the “Time” program on ORT in 1996. Although, according to the recollections of the presenter herself, this work did not bring her the expected satisfaction.

In 1998, the TV presenter came up with her own project “Arina” and offered it to ORT, but the conditions proposed by the channel’s management did not satisfy Sharapova, and in 1998 she moved this talk show to NTV. However, this project lasted only about a year.

Feeling that the program does not attract the necessary attention of the viewer, Arina Sharapova curtails her project to open a new “Meeting Place with Arina Sharapova” on TV-6, but it turns out to be just as fleeting and even less popular than the previous talk show.

Having lost the opportunity to earn money in Moscow, Arina finds work on Krasnoyarsk television and spends almost a year flying between Moscow and Krasnoyarsk. In 2001, fate again brought Arina Sharapova together with Public Russian Television, which was renamed Channel One, and a new round began in her career, returning the TV presenter to the silver screen.

Every morning, fans of the talent of this wonderful presenter can now meet with her in the early program “Good Morning”. This is the longest project of those in which Arina Sharapova took part. It continues to this day.

Although, of course, as a creative person, Sharapova cannot stop at just one thing. In 2007, as a leading expert in the field of fashion and as a co-author, she appears in another Channel One project, which is called “Fashionable Sentence”. In 2011, Arina Ayanovna hosted televised debates of candidates for State Duma deputies, and the following year, similar ones before the elections of the President of Russia.

In 2014, Sharapova acts as one of the co-hosts in the documentary series “Island of Crimea,” in which, together with her colleagues, she introduces viewers to the unique nature and history of the peninsula. In the same year, Arina Sharapova became the President of the school of arts and media technologies conceived and created by herself.

This school provides additional education for children and adults and professional retraining for TV presenters. Arina Sharapova was married three times and in one of her interviews she says that in her opinion there are no ideal marriages. Marriage is a hard work in which everyone has to put in their best efforts to achieve marital well-being.

In addition to her career as a TV presenter, Arina Sharapova has partially established herself as an actress of episodic roles. In particular, she played a small role in the film “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, and also played a small role in one of the episodes of the film “Love of Television, or How Sonya Lost Her Hero...”.

Since 2001, Arina Sharapova has become the host of many projects on Russian television. So, in 2001 she became the host of the Good Morning program, and from 2007 to 2010 she hosted the Fashionable Sentence program.

In 2014, in March, the famous TV presenter began a new activity for herself - she became the head of courses at the School of Arts and Media Technologies, which was training a new generation of TV presenters - teenagers with creative abilities. One of her projects was the role of host in the Ten Photos program in 2018.

Personal life of Arina Sharapova

Now Arina Ayatovna Sharapova is a wife, mother, grandmother of two wonderful grandchildren, a candidate of sociological sciences, a full member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and was awarded the Order of Friendship. At 57 years old, she looks great and is absolutely not ashamed of her age.

With her husband Eduard Kartashov

As in her younger years, she is filled with creative enthusiasm and a thirst for activity; she continues to delight the many fans of her talent with new projects.

Arina herself says the following about her life: “My biography is a very complex and long thing. Perhaps someday I will write a separate book about my life path. Although this whole story won’t fit into one book, so you’ll have to write three, or even four books at once.”

In 2006, Arina Sharapova received an award - the Order of Friendship for many years of creative activity in the field of television and personal contribution to its successful development. In the same year, the TV presenter became a grandmother for the first time, her grandson Nikita was born, and in 2010 she became a grandmother for the second time, the boy was named Styopa.

Arina Ayanovna Sharapova is a famous TV presenter who is known to all TV viewers. In addition to working on television, the woman translates, teaches, and plays on the stage. She is also happy in her family life.

Sharapova appeared on the screens of the Russian Federation in the late 90s of the last century. After some time, it becomes incredibly in demand and popular.

While many people know about the career of a popular TV presenter, no one knows about her personal life and children. After reading the article, you can answer the question about the twists and turns of Arina Sharapova’s fate.

Interest in the personality of the popular television presenter does not subside. TV viewers are interested in everything related to this multifaceted personality, including height, weight, age, how old is Arina Sharapova. In May 2018, the Russian TV presenter will turn 57 years old. Despite her already serious age, she looks younger than her years.

With a height of 165 cm, she weighs 75 kg, as became known from Timur Kizyakov’s program “While everyone is at home.”

Arina Sharapova, whose photos in her youth and now are presented on the website of the First TV Channel as a single photo, adheres to a healthy diet. But the woman says that sometimes she can break down and eat a whole chocolate bar. But then she is forced to go on a strict diet to lose weight.

Biography of Arina Sharapova (TV presenter)

At the end of May in 1961, a girl was born. Thinking that a boy would appear, her parents wanted to name their first-born Yuri, in honor of the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. After the birth of her daughter, it was decided to name her Arisha.

Father - Ayan Veniaminovich Sharapov was a very famous diplomat. He often traveled for work to different countries around the world. Mother Anna Ivanovna was involved in raising her daughter. Arina visited a large number of countries around the world with her parents. The girl fell in love with Chinese culture and science, a love for which was instilled in her from a young age.

Arina fell in love with wandering the streets of Moscow. During her school years, she read all the works written by Mikhail Bulgakov. Her favorite novel is “The Master and Margarita,” which she can endlessly read and reread.

Arina Sharapova - bust size video. Representatives of the male half of humanity often want to know this request. According to their assumptions, the TV presenter has a fourth breast size. But Arina herself does not want to answer questions regarding her breasts and bust.

The television biography of Arina Sharapova (TV presenter) began in the 80s of the last century. Before that, she received a diploma from Moscow State University, as well as the Maurice Thorez Institute, becoming a professional translator from English.

At first, the former student worked in magazine and newspaper publishing houses. In 1991, she began hosting the Vesti television program on the second Russian channel. After the first release she becomes famous.

Soon she began hosting the Russian-American program “60 Minutes”, without leaving her favorite “News”.

In the mid-90s of the last century, the girl went to work on the ORT television channel. But she only worked here for a few years. She moves to NTV, where she hosts the original show program “Arina”. At the beginning of the new millennium, the successful TV presenter returned to the ORT television channel, where she began hosting a large number of show programs.

Since 2010, Arina Sharapova, in parallel with her work on the TV channel, begins teaching at the Ostankino State Institute. A new show program will be released soon, hosted by a popular TV presenter. This recently became known from her interview on the program “Alone with Everyone.”

Personal life of Arina Sharapova

The famous TV presenter was married 4 times. She doesn't like to talk about this side of her life. Only recently did she tell her love story.

For the first time, the girl married Oleg Borushko, from whom she gave birth to her only son. After 5 years the marriage broke up.

Soon after this she meets Sergei Alliluyev, who becomes her second husband. But after 7 years, this marriage also breaks up.

For the third time, Arina tried to build personal happiness with Kirill Legat. But soon frequent scandals began to arise, which led to separation.

Arina Sharapova’s personal life currently runs parallel with Eduard Kartashov, who was able to make the TV presenter happy. She is happy and loved.

Arina Sharapova's family

Arina loved her parents very much. With them she visited many countries of the world, since her father was a diplomat and often traveled around the world for work.

When the girl turned 7 years old and it was time to go to school, Arina’s mother began working at the school where our today’s heroine studied. But for the holidays they invariably went to Arisha’s father. Her beloved grandmother and grandfather helped with raising the girl. They told her about China, advising her to visit there.

Currently, Arina Sharapova’s family is her beloved man, son Daniil, daughter-in-law Alina, grandchildren Nikitka and Styopochka. The popular TV presenter happily waits for her son to come and visit with his family. She loves her grandchildren and tells them interesting fairy tales and stories.

Children of Arina Sharapova

In the 80s of the last century, our today's heroine gave birth to her son. She named him Daniel. She thought that she would soon be able to become a mother, giving her husband a daughter or another son. But it didn't happen. The marriage broke up. The ex-husband still communicates with Arina. They maintained normal relations.

The boy remained to live with his mother. He did well in school and enjoyed playing volleyball and football. Attended drama school. But after a while he left her, as he developed new hobbies.

Arina Sharapova’s children were not born from other men.

Arina Sharapova's son - Daniil Sharapov

In 1981, Arina Sharapova became a mother. She had a son, whom it was decided to name Danechka (Daniil). The boy grew up very versatile. He didn't cause problems for his mother. He studied well at school and took part in various competitions. In high school, Arina Sharapova’s son, Daniil Sharapov, decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps. Currently he is a well-known producer, a member of the Russian Television Academy.

The son of a popular television presenter is happily married. He is married to a girl named Alina. Daniel had 2 sons, whose names are Nikita and Stepan.

Arina Sharapova's ex-husband - Oleg Borushko

The young people met during their student days. An 18-year-old girl fell in love with Oleg at first sight. She dreamed of living with him, raising children and dying with her beloved on the same day. Young people wandered the streets of Moscow. He read her his own poems. Arina was happy. She considered her beloved the best in the world.

Soon the young man proposes. Arina immediately agreed. After the wedding, the couple lived in perfect harmony. They were happy about the birth of their first child, whom they named Daniel.

But after a few years they realized that their relationship had run its course and divorced.

She currently calls Arina Sharapova's ex-husband Oleg Borushko one of her best friends.

Arina Sharapova's ex-husband - Sergei Alliluyev

Soon after breaking up with her first husband, Arina met Sergei Alliluyev. He worked as a journalist. It turned out that the young man was the nephew of I.V. Stalin’s deceased wife.

Soon love broke out between the young people. Literally after 3 days of meeting they began to live together. A year after they met, the lovers formalized their relationship.

After some time, the spouses often began to quarrel, which ultimately led to their separation.

Arina Sharapova's ex-husband, Sergei Alliluyev, did not communicate with the woman after the divorce. He believed and still believes that she was to blame for their divorce. And he looks at his sprees positively. He says that it is typical for a man to lead such a lifestyle.

Former common-law husband of Arina Sharapova - Kirill Legat

Arina met a man on television. He is a producer. They immediately began to live together. A successful producer helped establish Arina’s career at the very beginning. They were inseparable: both at home and at work. But soon it was work that became the stumbling block because of which they broke up.

Arina Sharapova's former common-law husband, Kirill Legat, after breaking up with his former lover, tried to ruin her career. It was because of him that she had to leave the ORT TV channel for several years.

Currently, the former lovers do not communicate. The legate married another woman after the separation. Now he is the father of two sons.

Arina Sharapova's husband - Eduard Kartashov

For the first time, Edward saw Arina on a TV screen back in the 90s of the last century. From that time on, he began to watch all the programs that she hosted. Somehow, imperceptibly, the man fell in love. But he understood that he would not have the chance to be with this beauty.

At the beginning of the new millennium, they were introduced by a mutual friend. From that time on they began dating. The man showered his beloved with flowers and gifts. Soon a wedding took place in a quiet family circle, attended by the closest people.

Arina Sharapova’s husband, Eduard Kartashov, still treats his wife with tenderness, greets her from work, brings her breakfast in the morning. True, this happens infrequently, since the TV presenter gets up very early.

Photo of Arina Sharapova in a bikini

A photo of Arina Sharapova in a bikini recently appeared on her Instagram page. Subscribers to the popular TV presenter’s page positively assessed her figure, leaving a large number of likes and positive comments. Users noted that Arina Sharapova has changed for the better.

Fans of her talent made a large number of comments of the most flattering nature. They wished that Arina looked better and better, despite the years she had lived.

Arina Sharapova, whose photo in a swimsuit on the beach amazed all men and women, is currently young and attractive.

People believe that external changes are influenced by love for their beloved husband and son, as well as practicing their favorite profession.

Naked Arina Sharapova

Many TV viewers believe that the beauty of the popular presenter and journalist is getting better and better. The sight of Arina Sharapova losing weight attracts everyone's attention. Many people attribute such changes to the fact that Arina Sharapova had plastic surgery. On the Internet you can find false information on request Arina Sharapova facial plastic surgery before and after photos. The woman herself says that this is not true. She believes that there is no need for her to undergo facial plastic surgery. To maintain the beauty of her face, she sometimes turns to the services of beauty salons, where she undergoes facial mesotherapy.

Arina Sharapova, who has lost weight, says that she lost her weight because she adheres to a diet that she developed herself. You can find this diet online.

It is impossible to find photos in which Arina Sharapova poses naked. She says her chaste upbringing prevents her from undressing in front of the camera.

Instagram and Wikipedia Arina Sharapova

The popular television presenter has her own accounts on many social networks. For example, on Odnoklassniki she maintains a microblog in which she talks about how to become successful and happy in this world.

All the most reliable information about our today's heroine is contained on Arina Sharapova's Instagram page and Wikipedia. Here you can find out all the information about a woman’s creative path, what programs she worked and works in.

About 26 thousand users subscribe to the Instagram page. They can leave their comments and wish Arina success. The photographs here are so sunny that they allow one to think that the woman is very happy, which she is not trying to hide from strangers.

Arina admits that she has never been skinny, but she did not experience any discomfort with curvy figures. However, from time to time she experimented with her figure and tried various newfangled diets. With each attempt, the kilograms returned to normal, and the desire to exhaust one’s body became less and less. In the spring of 2017, Arina Sharapova still managed to lose weight, and not just lose weight, but get rid of 11 kg of excess weight in just a few months.

Now Arina continues to eat healthy and balanced, and also does not forget about sports. She practices yoga, tai chi and qigong 2-3 times a week.

No wonder she chose such extravagant activities. Sharapova spent her entire childhood in the Middle East, where her father worked as a diplomat. Arina's grandparents instilled a love for Chinese culture: her grandfather lived in China before the revolution, and her grandmother spoke Manchu. Well, how can you not get carried away by the Eastern ideology of keeping your body in good shape? Moreover, according to Arina, she has become quite bored with aerobic exercises over the years.

Personal life of Arina Sharapova

Perhaps Arina Sharapova was inspired to make such changes in appearance by her third husband, Eduard Kartashov.

For the first time, Arina married at the age of 18 to Sergei Alliluyev, according to some sources, the nephew of Stalin’s wife. A year later, the couple had a son, Danila, who, having matured, followed in his mother’s footsteps on television.

The marriage of Sergei and Arina lasted only 5 years and ended in divorce.

Arina met her second husband at work. Producer Kirill Legat helped his wife build a career in television, but it was joint work that caused conflicts in the family.

Sharapova met her third husband, Eduard, in a shared company. The nuclear physicist and submarine officer slowly but surely won the trust of the TV presenter. He met and saw her off at the airport from the next filming, and a year later Arina Sharapova melted and agreed to the marriage proposal.

Arina Sharapova had plastic surgery?

In addition to her slimness, viewers also noticed the TV presenter’s updated face. The oval of the face is clearly defined, the bags under the eyes have disappeared, the skin glows and looks flawless - at least 10 years younger.

Followers of Arina’s personal page unanimously claim that this could not have happened without the skillful hands of plastic surgeons. Some photos suggest that Arina Sharapova underwent gentle facial plastic surgery, blepharoplasty (an operation to change the shape of the eyelids), and also did not neglect injection methods of facial rejuvenation.

And if Sharapova answers very ambiguously about beauty injections, then she completely denies the intervention of plastic surgeons. Fans noted the enormous difference in Sharapova's before and after photos and encouraged them to leave negative comments.

Like, she was accused of abandoning her own uniqueness: “I really liked you, but now I look at the photo and don’t see you,” “I couldn’t believe my eyes! Young beauty! I recognized it by his voice!”

However, the TV presenter herself is pleased with her appearance. In one of the interviews, the journalist said that an impeccable appearance is such a “form of life.”

By the way, Arina Sharapova, at 56, is not only a happy wife and mother, but also the grandmother of two wonderful grandchildren - Nikita and Stepan.

Whether facial plastic surgery actually happened or not is difficult to answer with certainty. It is worth remembering that some plastic surgeons are skilled in delicate lifting techniques, after which the face does not change enormously, but looks rested - it is precisely such unnoticeable methods that celebrities often resort to.

Arina Ayanovna Sharapova is a journalist from Channel One, TV presenter, creator and teacher of the School of Arts and Media Technologies and simply a beauty. She is listed among the most influential people on Russian television. Among her interests is politics - she acted as a confidant of Sergei Sobyanin and the United Russia party.

For 16 years now, she has been accompanying morning TV viewers with the Good Morning program. However, such figures are difficult to believe when looking at recent photographs of the presenter. The difference between her photos before 2017 and after is striking. Evil tongues say: the matter could not have happened without plastic surgery.

In the photo after possible plastic surgery, Arina Sharapova looks incredibly young. Moreover, in May of this year she will turn 57 years old. In addition, for her age today she has excellent figure parameters. Her height is 165 cm. Back in 2015, in Timur Kizyakov’s program “While everyone is at home,” she admitted that she weighs 75 kg, and since then her weight has only grown.

But last year she miraculously lost weight dramatically, and now she weighs only 68 kg. At the same time, she has a gorgeous bust - presumably a size four. It is difficult to determine the exact size, and Sharapova herself prefers to remain silent when talking about such topics.

Arina Sharapova in her youth

In the 90s young Arina Sharapova became famous as the presenter of the news programs “Vesti” on the RTR channel and “Vremya” on ORT.

Smart, serious and attractive, Russian viewers fell in love with her. For several years she shared the title of the most popular female TV presenter with Svetlana Sorokina and Tatyana Mitkova. In her youth she was a real beauty.

Arina Sharapova's style

Arina Sharapova (photos before and after plastic surgery and weight loss indicate serious changes in the journalist’s wardrobe) is distinguished by her signature smile, elegance and neatness - constant components of the style that she has chosen for herself.

Previously, she often wore wide suits and dresses that hid figure flaws, but now she has the opportunity to delight fans with tight-fitting outfits. However, in her clothing style she remains true to herself.

As a former participant and creator of the show "Fashionable Sentence", she truly knows how to dress. Preference is given to the classic style, simple cut, and single-color fabrics. But it can also add some zest in the form of non-standard accessories - large earrings, huge bags and beads the size of a small apple.

This is the only area where Sharapova allows herself to be a little rowdy. She prefers comfortable shoes, and makeup - within reasonable limits. Until recently, she rarely decided to make drastic changes in her appearance, except perhaps to dye her hair from a light brown shade to blond.

How Arina Sharapova lost weight

Looking at old photographs of Arina Sharapova, you can see that in her youth she managed to keep her figure, but with age this became much more difficult. According to the TV presenter, she has always been prone to being overweight. From time to time she tried to lose weight, but until recently the weight returned immediately after finishing the next diet.

In fact, she has been struggling with extra pounds all her life. And in the spring of 2017, she scored a major victory, losing 11 kg in just a few months. Elena Malysheva, the host of the program “Live Healthy!”, informed the public about this on social networks. and close friend of Sharapova. According to her, Arina Ayanovna managed to achieve this result by following her recommendations on healthy eating and physical activity.

Sharapova tries to eat a balanced diet and practices exotic bodily practices: yoga, tai chi and qigong. But even these measures are sometimes not enough.

So, Arina Sharapova posted a video online in which she reports that she gained extra weight during the New Year holidays and is going to lose weight. And so that it doesn’t get boring, he promises to include his husband and friends in the diet - director Yuri Grymov and singer Varvara.

Have you had facial plastic surgery?

The surprising thing is that despite losing 11 kg, Sharapova’s breast size remained unchanged. Rumors spread on the Internet that the matter could not have happened without plastic surgery. The presenter herself denied this. She once had Botox injections, but the experience was unpleasant. Since then, confidence in plastic surgery has been undermined. In an interview, Sharapova admitted that she would resort to it only as a last resort.

Sharapova Arina. Photos before and after plastic surgery

The extreme case has come: the journalist’s suddenly younger face makes it impossible to doubt it. Although she herself does not confirm rumors about plastic surgery. Therefore, one can only guess about whether there was facial plastic surgery and what specific techniques were used.

When did I have plastic surgery?

Radical changes in Sharapova's appearance occurred in August 2017.

In May, the presenter celebrated her 56th birthday, and after the summer vacation she appeared on air again, renewed. In her new image, she performed on Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk.”

The reaction of the audience was lightning fast and quite contradictory: from unconditional support to accusations of loss of individuality for the sake of fashion. At the same time, Sharapova herself likes her appearance. In an interview, she argued that an impeccable appearance is a “form of life.”

What she looked like before plastic surgery

Arina Sharapova (the photos before and after plastic surgery differ from each other as if they were two different people), judging by the comments on the Internet, was recognized by viewers of Malakhov’s show mainly only by her voice and signature on the screen.

Before the latest changes, the presenter looked good for her age. However, fans of the Good Morning program talked about the “bags” under the eyes and Sharapova’s sleepy appearance. There were suggestions that she was no longer suited to the morning program and that it was time for her to do something else. Now this reason for criticism has become irrelevant.

How Arina Sharapova changed after plastic surgery

Today Arina Sharapova seems 20 years younger than her actual age. The presenter's face became much smoother, and the contour became more toned.

Experts believe that she had blepharoplasty - an operation to change the shape of the eyelids, removing the “bags” under the eyes and achieving the effect of an “open” look. In addition, there were “beauty injections” - beauty injections into the skin of the face and décolleté, and, possibly, there was a contour lift.

The shape of the nose also attracts attention, but if there really was surgical intervention, then only the most accurate one. Most likely, Sharapova resorted only to gentle lifting techniques, which is why she began to look young and rested, but did not reshape her facial features.

However, according to the presenter herself, she did not go for plastic surgery, and to maintain her beauty she uses only the services of beauty salons, where she does mesotherapy.

Arina Sharapova in a swimsuit

It is impossible to find erotic photographs of Arina Sharapova on the Internet. She claims that her chaste upbringing prohibits her from undressing in front of the camera. But the paparazzi still managed to get a few photos in a swimsuit on the beach. On them you can see how the figure of the presenter has changed from her youth to recent times.

Personal life

Arina Sharapova's personal life is very eventful: she was married 4 times.

Today, Arina Ayanovna has already become a grandmother. She has two grandchildren, Nikita and Stepan.

Television career

Sharapova Arina (photos before and after plastic surgery equally confirm the fact that she was and remains a beauty) appeared on the country's screens thanks to the casting of presenters held in 1985. Before that, she was a journalist for the RIA Novosti news agency.

The beautiful girl was noticed - first in the TV segment of RIA Novosti, and then, since 1991, on the RTR channel. She began working on the Vesti and 60 Minutes programs until 1996, when the owner of ORT, Boris Berezovsky, finally managed, after much persuasion, to lure her over.

From 1996 to 1998 she hosted “Time,” becoming one of the most famous television personalities. Afterwards I left this channel and opened original projects twice, but they were not successful.

Failures crippled her, and she moved to the Krasnoyarsk Territory and worked on local TV for two years. In 2001, Sharapova returned to Channel One, immediately winning the hearts of viewers in the Good Morning program, which she still hosts. In addition, she participated in the projects “Fashionable Sentence”, “The Best Husband”, “Island of Crimea”.

Arina Sharapova, at 56 years old, looks surprisingly young. Sudden changes in the presenter's appearance are the consequences of facial plastic surgery. But, judging by the photo on her page on the social network, before plastic surgery, as now, Arina Ayanovna was full of strength, optimism and beauty.

Video about Arina Sharapova. Plastic surgery before and after

Lost weight Arina Sharapova:

Why Arina Sharapova looks incredibly younger:

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