The love story of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman: a fairy tale with an unhappy ending

Today is my 55th birthday. He became famous not only for his roles, but also for his eccentric behavior. At 55, he performs almost all of his stunt work on his own. To stay in shape, Cruise goes in for fitness and regularly visits a cosmetologist. Botox, fillers, facelifts - the actor is ready to do anything to avoid turning from a sex symbol into a pensioner. His list of regular beauty rituals even includes masks made from bird droppings and rice bran.

Tom Cruise is also famous for being married to Nicole Kidman. The couple was considered one of the most beautiful in Hollywood. But the marriage broke up 16 years ago. And just recently, Cruise made an offer to his ex-wife to get back together - though only for film set, reports MIR 24 correspondent Anastasia Pisarevskaya.

Tom Cruise invited his ex-wife, actress Nicole Kidman, to reunite, but this time only in films and as ex-spouses. The Hollywood beauty was very surprised by the invitation to the set from her ex. Moreover, the script is full of intimate scenes.

One of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood broke up 16 years ago. The divorce process was long and scandalous. Since then, handsome Tom has already been in another marriage and divorced again. His second wife, with whom the actor also did not get along, is actress Katie Holmes. In total, Cruz was married three times. By the way, he divorced his first wife, actress Mimi Rogers, for the sake of his union with Nicole.

Nicole and Tom’s romance began back in 1990 on the set of the film “Days of Thunder,” where the actors saw each other for the first time. The relationship developed rapidly. Less than a year has passed since 23-year-old Kidman became a wife popular artist. In this love story everything was in best traditions Hollywood: passion, expensive gifts, filming in different parts of the world and other pleasant moments. The only thing the spouses have in common is religion. Kidman did not share Tom's commitment to the Church of Scientology. 10 years after their wedding, while filming together on the psychological film directed by Stanley Kubrick, Eyes Wide Open, the couple faced a long-pending crisis.

Nicole found female happiness only five years after the divorce. Now, together with musician Keith Urban, Nicole is raising two daughters. Will the successful mother and wife agree to share a bed on the set with her ex - the intrigue still remains. Cruise's film is still in the script writing stage.

Tom Cruise has won the Golden Globe Award three times and been nominated for an Oscar three times in the Best Actor category. But he never received an Academy Award.

What could be more beautiful and touching beautiful story love with sad ending? A stocky, short American and a slender, tall Australian - they were too different in everything, from appearance to character. However, at one time they were united by something more important - passionate love and marriage, which lasted almost 10 years.

Let's talk about their history and try to figure out why Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman divorced.

Love under camera flashes

The young people met in 1990. Tom was 28 years old at that time, and he had already gained some fame in cinema, which cannot be said about 23-year-old Nicole, who was taking her first steps in the world of cinema. They met at the audition for the film “Days of Thunder,” and when Kidman first saw her future husband, she understood only one thing: she would not be invited to act in the film, since she was much taller than Tom and it would look ridiculous in the frame (by the way, Nicole’s height Kidman and Tom Cruise are 180 and 170 cm respectively). But Tom had a different opinion, since he liked the girl at first sight. As a result, the main role she got it.

The relationship in this couple developed rapidly. They never hid their romance, even though Tom was officially married (his wife was actress Mimi Rogers). Having easily received a divorce, Tom Cruise proposed to Nicole and in 1990 they became husband and wife. This love story had everything, and in the best traditions of Hollywood: passion, expensive gifts, filming in different parts of the world and many others. interesting moments. The only thing missing was children, and then the couple decided on. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had to literally cement this union, cementing it and making it indestructible. Now the lovers had everything - family, children, career, financial well-being.

Beginning of the End

If everything was so rosy, then what was the reason for the divorce of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman? Only later, when a lot of time had passed after the breakup, journalists managed to find out many unpleasant details that gradually alienated the spouses from each other.

At that time, Tom was very popular, and it was not easy for his wife to remain in the shadows, shielding her husband in front of the paparazzi, who continually tried to catch Cruise in the sins typical of celebrities.

Another dividing factor was Tom's commitment to the Church of Scientology. Nicole did not want to recognize the dogmas of the teachings of this church, and the gap of misunderstanding between the spouses gradually grew.

The last straw for the union, which was already on the verge of collapse, was the filming of the psychological-erotic film “With Wide eyes closed" The couple could not cope with the psychological stress that arose every now and then during filming.


Soon there were reports in the press that one of the most beautiful Hollywood couples getting divorced. The divorce process was long and scandalous. After the divorce, having lived with their mother for some time, the daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, as well as their son, expressed a desire to stay with their father.

This is how this love story ended. A lot of time has passed since then. Tom Cruise managed to get married again and even divorced. Nicole Kidman married an Australian singer and became the mother of two daughters. As she later admitted in an interview, marriage to Tom Cruise was a real hell for her, from which she managed to get out.

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Be that as it may, for us they will remain one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood.

The paths of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman to stardom cannot be called easy. Kidman's mother suffered cancer, because of which the girl even dropped out of school for a while. And Cruz’s father had protracted problems with work, as a result of which his son had to change 15 schools.

This is probably why between these two beautiful, talented and strong in spirit a kinship of souls arose between people, and their love story became one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.


They first met in 1990 while auditioning for the film Days of Thunder. Cruz, who turned 28, had had enough at the time famous actor, and 23-year-old Kidman was just starting her career in American cinema. The drama's director, Tony Scott, trusted Cruise in many ways, including taking his advice on casting.

When Kidman saw Cruise, she realized that they wouldn’t take her for the role - she was too tall for the main character. In fact, Cruz was not at all embarrassed by this. As he later recalled, his passion for the red-haired beauty flared up in him the very moment he saw her. Of course, Nicole was cast in the lead role.

Love. Start

Their relationship began immediately and developed rapidly, and the lovers did not even try to hide it. At the time of his acquaintance with Nicole, Cruise was married: his wife was Mimi Rogers - famous actress, somewhat older than him. Their marriage could hardly be called happy, so the actor received a divorce without any problems.

On Christmas Eve, in the same 1990, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman got married, after which they went to Colorado to a ski resort. Cruise generously showered his wife with gifts and attention. One of American publications he once stated that the first feeling he had for Kidman was passion, but after he got to know her better, he also experienced great trust in her. Actually, these are the “whales” on which it rests.

In 1991, Kidman starred with the master of Hollywood, Dustin Hoffman, in the film “Billy Basgate”, after which the actor highly appreciated the Australian’s skills. However, this was not the event that worried the press. Everyone was discussing Cruise's gift to his beloved wife - a trailer with a marble floor for half a million dollars, where Nick, as her husband affectionately called her, could relax in between filming.

A year later, Nicole shared with People that sometimes it seems to her that she and Tom are one person, the lovers were so similar and close. The couple appeared together everywhere, and Tom said that the longest time he spent without his wife was 12 painful days.

The apogee of Tom's love for Nicole was the purchase of a private jet, to which the actor gave self-explanatory name"Sweet Nick."

First difficulties

A natural continuation happy marriage are, of course, children, but Cruise and Kidman did not have them. After the wedding, Nicole experienced an ectopic pregnancy, and in 1992 the couple adopted a girl, Isabella Jane. Three years later, in 1995, an adopted son, Connor Anthony, appeared in the family.

In the same year, the British Daily Express suggested on its pages that the absence of children in the Cruise family was explained by his unconventional sexual orientation, and Kidman serves only as a cover for the actor, who does not want the public to know the truth. The journalists paid for this “duck”: the actor couple sued the publication and won the case.

Much later, Cruise admitted that his wife had a hard time because of his fame. At that time, Kidman was not as popular as him, and was constantly in his shadow, while having enormous potential. This is probably the reason why in 10 years the couple starred together in only three films.

Another stumbling block was Cruise’s membership in the Church of Scientologists, which attaches special importance to children in the family, and Kidman was never able to give the actor an heir. Kidman herself joined the teaching, but constantly doubted the correctness of her decision, which she repeatedly talked about with friends.


In 1998, the couple moved to London, where they bought a luxurious mansion for $3 million. At the same time, both spouses were invited to play the main roles in the film “Eyes Wide Shut”. The controversial film was created by the brilliant director and famous provocateur Stanley Kubrick, with whom many Hollywood celestials dreamed of acting. And although the spouses had an unspoken agreement not to act together, Cruise and Kidman signed an open contract, according to which they agreed to work on the film as long as the director needed.

These shootings were difficult for the spouses; they say that they even had to hire a sex therapist who helped them get used to the characters. Many believe that this film was the beginning of the end for the Cruise and Kidman family.

At the same time, Cruz was suing one of the reporters who published phone conversation couples, in which Tom and Nicole argued in a loud voice. The actor won the case, but there were few who believed that everything was rosy in the couple’s relationship. The worst suspicions were confirmed when in 2001 it became known about the actors’ decision to divorce.

At first, Nicole said that the news of the divorce was a shock to her. Then the parties loudly found out whether they had lived together for 10 years: according to the marriage contract, Kidman was supposed to receive a tidy sum of compensation if her marriage with Cruise crossed the 10-year mark. In addition, there were rumors that Kidman was pregnant, but due to stressful situation she had a miscarriage.

One way or another, the divorce took place, the multimillion-dollar fortune was divided, Kidman and the children remained to live in London mansion, and Cruise began an affair with actress Penelope Cruz.

Love story. P.S

Since 2006, Kidman has been married to musician Keith Urban, in this marriage she had 2 daughters, and it seems that she is really happy. Tom Cruise divorced actress Katie Holmes in the summer of 2012, after 6 years of what seemed like a happy marriage, they had a daughter, the little gossip star Suri Cruise.

Many years have passed since the actors separated, but for millions of fans their names remain forever linked. Tom and Nicole maintain a warm relationship and enjoy each other's successes, like good friends.

A few years after the divorce, Nicole told one of women's magazines that Cruz has always been and remains a significant person for her, and she still keeps her love for him.

The actress revealed details of filming with her ex-husband

The mysterious and always private actress Nicole KIDMAN in Lately became unusually frank with journalists. Not long ago, the Hollywood diva talked about how painfully she tried to get pregnant: long years the star is being treated for infertility. Filming details have now emerged explicit scenes in the film Eyes Wide Shut, where Kidman starred with ex-husband Tom Cruise.

Spicy details about his role in the film Stanley Kubrick 1999 "Eyes Wide Shut" Nicole Kidman revealed in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Thirteen years after the film was released, Nicole admitted that the director then had to work hard to persuade her to star in intimate scenes with Tom Cruise. Despite the fact that the star of the film “Mission: Impossible” was Kidman’s legal husband at that time, according to her, intimate scenes with him were not easy for her.
“Stanley begged me to be sexually liberated at the beginning of the film, but in the end we filmed many such explicit scenes that were not even included in the final version of the film,” the actress admits.

According to Kidman, at first it was difficult for her to awaken her sexuality. Gradually, Kubrick managed to help her open up:
- I felt safe. It wasn’t rude or vulgar on his part,” Nicole says. “He treats women completely differently than he treats men.” He has two daughters, so I felt fatherly care on his part.
Of course, the director made an attempt to compare the relationship of the movie characters and the real relationship between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. However, according to the Australian actress, it didn't work out too well for him.
- The characters in the film have very little in common with us. – she stated categorically.
There were rumors that it was the filming of the film that caused the breakdown of her marriage with Tom. However, Nicole denies this information.

“Many people believe that this film was the beginning of the end of our union, but I don’t think so,” says Kidman. - This is Stanley. He used the film as a provocation, supposedly representing our real sex life. But it wasn't the real us.
Recall that Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise divorced in 2001 after 10 years of marriage. According to rumors, Cruise left his wife in the third month of pregnancy, and later the actress had a miscarriage. However, this information was never publicly confirmed by the parties. The actress is now married to an Australian singer Keith Urban. In 2008, the couple had a daughter. Sunday Rose Kidman-Urban, and in 2010 their second daughter was born - Faith Margaret Kidman-Urban, who was carried and born by a surrogate mother, but is also the biological daughter of Kidman and Urban.

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise

Nicole Kidman has broken fourteen years of silence about her first marriage. According to the actress, despite all the frightening accusations and threats from Scientologists, phone tapping and persecution, she considers the relationship with her first husband Tom Cruise an invaluable experience.

The divorce took place in 2001, and only now did 48-year-old Kidman dare to talk about marriage in an interview with the British newspaper The Evening Standard. The Oscar-winning diva said that she does not regret the years spent side by side with the Hollywood handsome man.

Valuable Lessons from a Ten-Year Marriage

When asked about her experiences from her ten-year marriage, Kidman admitted that she was still very young when Tom Cruise appeared on the horizon. Everything they experienced together gives no reason for regret.
This also applies to harsh pressure on the husband from the leadership of the Church of Scientology. The couple met on the set of the feature film “Days of Thunder”. Nicole was 23, her partner was five years older.

Painful breakup

Ultimately, the efforts of Scientologists to divorce the most popular Hollywood couple were crowned with success. At first, the painful breakup brought a lot of suffering to the actress. She recalls that she had to “run away from life” and look for an outlet in creativity.
Fortunately, this escape earned Kidman an Oscar for her role in The Hours. A few years later, the star diva met her current husband Keith Urban.

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