Abstract of OOD in the preparatory group on the topic: City tour. Sample lesson notes "Night City" - sketch

Nekrasova I. V., teacher of the highest qualification category, Gubkin, Belgorod region.

Software tasks:

Teach children to create an image of a festively decorated city;

Clarify the idea that houses in the city vary in height, roof structure, and purpose (residential buildings differ in architecture from shops, cultural centers, churches).

Strengthen the ability to convey these differences in drawing.

Continue to learn how to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades when drawing up a city street, arrange images throughout the sheet, and determine the location of individual objects.

Strengthen the ability of preschoolers to answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

Develop fine motor skills and existing drawing skills.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursions along the city streets.

2. Examination of illustrations and photographs of city attractions.

3. Drawing in your free time.

4. Conversations about your hometown.

5. Reading poems about your hometown.

Poems about Gubkin

V. Gruzdov

And praise and honor to Gubkin

Millions of tons of rich ores

Here they go uphill like a mountain.

But not the price of priceless ores

He dictates his rights here.

Every resident here is

Put it yourself

Born for exploits at the KMA.

And with firm faith in success

We built Gubkin for everyone,

For everyone, for us and for friends.

Our city is a museum of cleanliness:

And there is greenery

And there are flowers

And sidewalks and bridges.

And in the summer heat,

And at the hour of the star

Fountains of wondrous beauty

Peace and joy comfort

Here they give it to vacationers.

The pure ringing of bells

Calls for morning bow.

And Gubkin was there!

And there is Gubkin!

And praise to Gubkin

S. Voronov, 11 years old

This is our dear Gubkin

What kind of animal is this under the tree?

Are you staying with us for a long time?

Hedgehog, obviously.

I guess I'm afraid of needles,

I'm waiting for him to snort now

And he will run towards the road...

The hedgehog smiled peacefully

And he swayed his leaves:

“I am not prickly, man-made,

And I can’t snort -

I love all of you Gubkinites.

Come, take a rest,

Sit on the lawn

Admire the beauty -

This is our dear Gubkin!”

V. Vologa

My city

The city is festively dressed -

Residents admire.

Sidewalk colorful

Decorates the streets.

Flowerbeds - bright flowers

With different patterns.

And outside the city there are gardens,

You will not take them in with your gaze.

Crossroads. A pedestrian

Doesn't walk loosely.

Transitions have been made everywhere

White, lined.

Along the city paths

The grass is turning green.

But especially beautiful

Miner's Glory Square.

The ringing of bells is heard.

The morning is brightening up

In the gilding of the domes

The city is reflected.

N. Shcherbakov

On city day, on city day

My city is in smiles.

The cathedral shines with gold,

The bells are ringing

And joyful and young

The area came to life.

Equipment and materials:

Illustrations, photographs of beautiful city buildings, different in architecture and purpose; gardens, parks.

Tinted A3 paper (general sheet).

Paper white(1/2 landscape sheet) for each child.

Gouache, wax crayons, simple pencils for each child.

Scissors, glue.

Individual work:

with children with poorly developed fine motor skills hands on drawing square and rectangular objects (buildings), painting (shading) images.

Progress of the event:

The art studio houses an exhibition of illustrations and photographs of city buildings, varying in architecture and purpose.

The teacher invites the children to tell us the name of our city, whether the children like it, why, and why. It reminds us how many houses are being built in the city and that they are all different (sports complexes, kindergartens, schools, churches, temples, palaces of culture...) How beautiful and green our city is - we have many gardens, squares and parks. It reminds us that our city became the winner in the all-Russian competition “The most comfortable city in Russia.” Special attention in the children's answers, he draws attention to a detailed description of the appearance of the city's buildings, what they all have in common and how they differ from each other (low, high - multi-story; different shape roofs, windows, doors, color, etc.). Looks at photographs and illustrations of city landscapes with children.

Reminds me that there was a holiday in the city recently. Invites children to tell what kind of holiday it is (City Day); how it was celebrated; how you have changed appearance cities at that time - how houses, streets, squares were decorated (flags, balloons, multi-colored light bulbs, slogans - banners, etc.). Ensures that children answer in complete sentences.

Invites you to draw your favorite city, decorated for the holiday. Draws children's attention to the fact that we must draw buildings by which our city can be recognized (Temple, sports palace, high-rise buildings, etc.).

Before starting work, the teacher and the children do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Let’s draw”

Children stand next to the tables.

One two three four five -

Fingers clenched into fists.

Show the numbers by straightening your fingers one by one.

Let's draw together.

Rotate your hands in one direction.

Dad's house

Mom's house.

Show a house made of fingers.

This house is for you.

This house is for me.

Show the chimney of the house with your fingers.

Let's draw a garden around

There are trees here and there.

One hand on the belt, the other to the side.

Then we change the position of the hands.

Let's go for a walk in the garden

And let's start the game again.

Walking in place.

Children agree among themselves who will draw residential buildings, some a temple, some a sports palace, some high-rise buildings... They make sketches and draw each one on their own sheet of paper. The teacher clarifies the ways of depicting houses, says that first you need to draw with a simple pencil general shape house, then its characteristic parts, details (roof, windows, doors, balconies). And only after that start coloring.

At the end, the teacher helps each child to place his house on a common sheet of paper - “city street”. Draws attention to the fact that the streets of the city look deserted and bare without trees, flowers, or people. Children add trees, flowers, people to a common sheet...

At the end of the lesson, the entire composition is examined as a whole, and all works separately. Each child tells what and how he depicted.









Speech development


(conversation on patriotic theme with kids

preparatory group)

Objectives: familiarizing children with such concepts as “Russia”, “Motherland”, “Fatherland”; overview of the symbols and the Anthem of Russia; consolidation of the information received (drawing, application, game)

Conversation on the topic “My home, my

family" page 49, N.V. LOBODINA

Hood-aesthete development


Drawing according to the theme " Home country" Tasks. Develop the ability to draw according to your own plans, independently think through the content and composition of the drawing, select materials for drawing, and bring your plans to completion

“Where the Motherland Begins”

Komarov “Artistic Creativity”; s105

Topic: “City (village) in the evening” p. 151, T, S, KOMAROVA

Lykova, p.40

Social comm development

Lesson notes in preparatory group on the topic “My small Motherland”

Objectives: expand children’s knowledge about their hometown, its attractions, instill interest in the history of their native land, cultivate love for their small Motherland, a sense of pride, understanding of the word “Motherland”


Topic: “My Fatherland-Russia”

O.V. Dybina

Cognitive development(famp)


"Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group"

(page) I.A. Pomoraeva

V.A. Pozina


Development (broadening horizons)

Presentation "The house where I live"

“Whose names do our streets bear?”

Strengthen children's knowledge about the city; Introduce children to the history of Murmansk streets;

Instill love for your city, a sense of pride in your fellow countrymen.


Watching videos, photos.


Hood-esthete development (sculpting)

Topic: "Doll in national costume»

p.144, T.S. Komarova

Hood-aesthete development (apple/construct)

Lesson – fantasy on the theme “My city in the future”

Invite children to build a city of the future with its beautiful buildings, prospectuses. Clarify ideas about building material, about connection methods. Promote the development of creativity, independence, initiative, and constructive skills. Improve the ability to reason, draw independent conclusions, and find appropriate solutions. Develop the ability to work cooperatively.

Project activities"My home"

Topic: Buildings from construction


Page 5, L.V. Kutsakova

Literacy training

Lesson No. 2 Source: Zhurova L. E.

Software content (application)

Literacy training. Mastering the sound analysis of words. Development

ideas about vowel sounds. P. 59. N.S. Varentsova



Motor activity in the air.

Tasks. Exercise in slow running, walking with a stop, balance and jumping; repeat game exercises with the ball.

1 hour Walking with stops, running at a slow pace; walking with stepping over bars.

2h. Game exercises “Ball against the wall”, “Catch the ball”, “Don’t touch it”

3h. Outdoor game "Mousetrap"; low mobility game “Guess by Voice”.

Literature. Penzulaeva "Phys. classes….”, p41

Hood-esthete (music

According to the plan of the music worker

Application Preparatory group theme: “My home, my city, my country, my planet”

Finger game: “Who lives in my apartment

One two three four,

(claps hands)

Who lives in my apartment?


One two three four five,

(hands to the side)

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

(bend fingers one on each hand)

My goldfinch, cricket and me:

That's my whole family.

(clench and unclench fists)
Finger game: “New Home”
Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

(They hit fist on fist.)

Take the hammer my friend!

We will build a new house

(figurine “house”)

There is a window in the house.

(window figurine)

There is another one, higher

(the “window” figurine is higher)

There is a pipe up on the roof.

(a “house” figure, the little finger is put aside - a trumpet.)

The house is ready, we invite guests:

“Come quickly!”
Finger games: “It is important for us to know our region”

We taught cities:

(Bend and straighten the fingers of both hands.

We bend the fingers on both hands one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust and Kasli,

Ozersk, Satka, Plast, Chebarkul, Kartaly

It is important for us to know our region!

Visit her once!
Finger games: "Our country"

The sky is blue in Russia,

Rivers are blue in Russia.

Cornflowers and forget-me-nots

They don't bloom more beautiful anywhere.

There are maples and oaks,

What kind of mushrooms are there?

They also bake in the oven

These are the rolls!

(Movements in accordance with the text)
Phys. Minute “Solar System”

1 child is the Sun, 9 children are planets. In the center stands a child - the Sun. The remaining planets take their places. (white canvas with drawn orbits) music sounds.
During the game, the teacher reinforces the word orbit.
Play 2-3 times. Children sit on chairs.
Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “My Small Motherland”

Objectives: expand children’s knowledge about their hometown, its attractions, instill an interest in history native land, cultivate love for your small Motherland, a sense of pride, understanding of the word “Motherland”

Equipment and materials: recording of the song “Morning of a New Day”, pictures with sights, cities, photos, children’s drawings, city map, globe.

Progress of the lesson

Q. Guys, tell me, what country do we live in? (children's answers - Russia)
Russia is the largest country in the world (children show the territory of Russia on the globe).
There are many wonderful countries on Earth, but Russia is an extraordinary country because it is our Motherland. A lot of different nations lives in Russia, and each nation has its own culture and speaks its own language.
What do you think the Motherland is? (children's answers). Homeland means dear, like mother and father. Every person has a place where he was born. Where were you born? (in Lukhovitsy).
This is the place where our home is, where dad and mom, close relatives, friends are next to us, where we feel warm and comfortable. Lukhovitsy is ours hometown, our small Motherland.
Small Motherland - an island of land
Under the window there are currants and cherry blossoms
And a white birch tree, and under it a bench
My affectionate little Motherland.
It's good when people love their homeland. From this love she becomes richer, stronger. And here is how the Russian people speak in proverbs about love for the Motherland.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland.
A person has one mother, one homeland.
Whoever stands up for his homeland is a true hero.
Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.
They all teach us kindness, love for the Motherland, and the ability to defend it from enemies.
What do you think it means to love your Motherland? (children's answers)
Loving the Motherland means trying to do everything for it to make it feel good, to do as we do for those we love.
What can people do for their Motherland? (Study well, work to make the city even better)
You children, what can you do to make our city more beautiful? (Do not litter on the street, do not break trees, bushes, do not trample lawns. And most importantly - love your loved ones, be friends with the guys in kindergarten, study well at school).
And now I propose to go on a trip to the photo exhibition of our city and remember the sights. Ready. Do you know the rules of conduct in in public places? Well done. (listen carefully, do not interrupt, do not push).
Before us is a globe, a map. Let's try to find our city on the globe. Here we can approximately note its location (not far from Moscow). On the map we see the entire city.

Physical education session “Our City”

We get up early in the morning (arms up, lower to the sides)
The city is visible outside the window (hands show the window)
He woke up, he lives (hands on the belt, spring)
Calls us to go outside (at least on the spot)
We live, we grow in our hometown (rise on your toes, hands up)
For someone small (show a small object with your hands)
And for us it’s huge (circular movement of hands)
Let it grow, let it bloom (springs)
Our town is modest (arms to the sides).

Guys, listen to the story of how our city came into being.
Several centuries ago there was the village of Glukhovichi. The places were swampy and deaf. Residents collected honey from forest bees, cleared forests and plowed clearings, hunted animals, and fished. They were engaged in trade. Gradually, on the site of the village of Glukhovichi, the city of Lukhovitsy grew.
Our exhibition contains photographs of the city, its streets, alleys.
What sights of the city do you know? Children show their photographs against the backdrop of landmarks and talk about them based on questions.
- What is the name of the monument?
- Where is?
- What does it matter?

Game "Lukhovitsky riddles"
I will talk about some place in the city, and you guess.
- This building is located on Gorky Street. It is large, beautiful with many windows. Every morning, parents bring their children to play and study (Kindergarten “Rodnichok”).
- This is the place in the city on Zhukovsky Street, where they take place cultural events, where the townspeople relax, where there are children's playgrounds (Vorobiev Park).
- And this place is located near the Chernaya River. On May 9, city residents and guests come here to honor the memory and lay flowers (a monument to fallen soldiers).

Lesson summary

Well done guys, you know your city. This is our small Motherland, the most dear place on Earth. We are residents. It depends on you and me what our city will be like in the future. Let's try to keep the city clean and beautiful.
Love your Motherland - big and small. Try to learn more about its history, take care of nature, preserve its customs and traditions, live and work for its benefit.
Children read poems about the Motherland.
What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I grow up
And the birch trees along which
We walk hand in hand.

What do we call Motherland?
Sun in the blue sky
And fragrant golden
Bread at the festive table.

(recording of the song “Morning of a New Day”).

MY HOMELAND IS RUSSIA (conversation on a patriotic topic with children of the preparatory group)
Goal: education for children of this age feelings of patriotism, respect for one's homeland.

Objectives: familiarizing children with such concepts as “Russia”, “Motherland”, “Fatherland”; overview of the symbols and the Anthem of Russia; consolidation of the information received (drawing, application, game).

The conversation is of an overview nature. Children will learn more about this topic in primary school. In a form accessible and understandable to children, the teacher introduces them to such concepts as “Motherland, Russia.” These two words are inextricably linked. We all live in the largest country in the world - in Russia. Russia is our big Motherland. But for every person there is also a small Motherland. This is the place where he was born (city, village, village) and lives (home, family).

Progress of the conversation


1. What is the name of the city (village) where you live?

2. Tell us about your home and your family.

Educator. There are a lot of big and small cities, villages and villages in our country. They are all beautiful in their own way. But most big city considered to be the city of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. (The teacher shows illustrations with views of Moscow.)

Russia is home to the most different nationalities(Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashs, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others), but the majority of Russians are Russians.


1. Remember which Russian cities you know, list them.

2. What are people called whose homeland is Russia? (Russians.)

Russia is also our Fatherland - the place where our ancestors and grandfathers lived, where our fathers live, where we live. Every person should love and respect their Motherland. She raised and educated many great and world-famous people. (The teacher shows portraits of famous figures of science and art who left their mark on the history of our state.)

We should be proud that our compatriots were Lomonosov, a scientist whose discoveries and works brought many benefits to all of humanity; Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer whose name is known throughout the world. The first person to conquer space was Russian - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. These and many, many other people glorified our Fatherland with their deeds and exploits.

Each country in the world has its own symbols, that is, insignia - its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

Hail, country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! You are the only one -

God-protected native land!

Wide scope for dreams and for life

The years to come reveal to us.

Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is and so it will always be!
Words to Russian anthem wrote famous writer, poet - Sergei Mikhalkov. His works are known and loved by children because he dedicated almost all of his work to children.

Wrote the music for the anthem famous composer– A. Alexandrov.

Many wonderful songs and poems are dedicated to Russia. They glorify our Motherland, its forests and fields, rivers, talk about love and pride for our country, small and Greater Motherland. The Russian people have many proverbs and sayings about this.

Proverbs and sayings

· A person has one natural mother - he has one Motherland.

· Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

· Heroic Rus'.

· Where someone was born, that’s where they came in handy.

· The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.


1. Name the country in which you live. (Russia.)

2. What is the name of the city (village) where you live?

3. Which Russian river is called great? (Volga.)

4. What cities of Russia do you know?

5. What is the name of the city that is the capital of our Motherland? (Moscow.)


1. Draw your small and large homeland.

2. Application Russian flag. (For this you will need white, blue and red paper, cardboard, glue, scissors.)

3. Learn the song “This is for us.”

Lesson: Collective drawing “My favorite city.” Abstract

Author: Natalya Valerievna Sorokina, additional education teacher
Place of work: MBOU DOD "Palace" children's creativity", Navashino, Nizhny Novgorod region

This art activity lesson is intended for children 5-6 years old.
Methodological material will help teachers captivate children, expand their knowledge, and set them up for productive activities through traveling around their small homeland.

Target: Learn to draw the sights and nature of our city together.

Educational: To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about their small Motherland: know the name of the country, the capital of the Motherland, the region and city where they live; attractions of the city of Navashino, what the city is famous for.
Developmental: To promote speech development, the ability to answer questions with connected sentences, and make inferences. Develop the ability to use brushes and tools of various sizes (tampon, cotton swabs) in work, use different techniques drawing to give expressiveness to the drawing. Develop imagination and sense of color.
Educational: Develop accuracy and neatness when working. The ability to bring something started to completion. Develop the ability to work in pairs, negotiate with each other, help, and jointly solve a given problem. To cultivate love for our small Motherland, a sense of respect for the people living and working in our city, a desire to make the city cleaner and more beautiful.

- magnetic board;
- tables and chairs according to the number of children.

Technical means:
- multimedia equipment;
- music Center with a recording of the sounds of nature, S. Trofim’s song “A town called Navashino”;

Tools and materials:
- half a Whatman sheet;
- soft brushes No. 8, 2, 3; tampons; cotton buds;
- a simple pencil;
- gouache;
- napkin;
- palette;
- a jar for water.

- diagrams of drawings;
- photographs of the sights of the city of Navashino.

1. Organizational moment.
2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
3. Practical part classes.
4. Summing up, analyzing the work of comrades.
5. Evaluation of the lesson by the teacher.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.
The teacher invites the children to go on a trip to their native places in our city.
- What can you travel with? (children's answer options and choices)

2. Theoretical part, motivational moment.
Conversation: Before we go on a trip, I would like to know if you know what country you live in? What is the name of our country? (Russia) Name the capital of our Motherland (Moscow).
(The teacher shows a map globe on the screen)
- What other cities do you know of our great country?
What is the name of the city in which you and I live? (Navashino). What area do you live in? (Nizhny Novgorod).
Story: Our country, Russia, is very large, there are many cities, towns and villages. And our territory big country divided into regions, i.e. located near a large city small towns and villages belong to one region or another. For example: Big City Nizhny Novgorod, and the surrounding area with small towns and villages belongs to the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The teacher suggests going on a trip around the city of Navashino using the chosen type of transport. (simulation of movement)
- Is everyone comfortable? Then let's go!
What is our city famous for? (children's answers)
Our city is famous for the fact that at the large shipbuilding plant "Okskaya Shipyard" people park ships and river vessels.

Navashi ships route
Both glorious and distant,
Along many rivers and seas
Covered hundreds of miles.

(On the screen, the teacher shows slides with photographs of the city’s attractions, the children name them).

3. Practical part of the lesson.
- And now we have arrived at our creativity workshop, where I want to invite you to draw our city of Navashino with its various buildings, parks and recreation areas. Let's make our city bright, colorful, so that the residents who live in it are always joyful and happy. What can be done for this?
That's right, we will use it in our work different colors, shades of colors. You can use the palette, choose brushes of various thicknesses and devices for work, which we already know how to use.
Questions for consolidation: What brush will you use to paint the background and in what way? (painting wet, with the widest brush). How will you paint the buildings so that they turn out smooth and neat? (circle along the outline).
- Well, you will work in pairs, try to negotiate and consult with each other while working, because you must draw our city together.
The children get to work, music sounds performed by S. Trofim “A town called Navashino”, “Motherland”. The teacher monitors the children’s work and unobtrusively gives recommendations. The children are finishing up painting the buildings.

Physical education minute
- What needs to be done to make our city even more beautiful? Of course, decorate it with trees and flowers!
To draw foliage on trees, what tool will you use? (with a tampon). They are comfortable drawing lush foliage. Why do we need cotton swab? That's right, she's comfortable drawing small flowers.
The children get to work. The music of nature and the singing of birds sounds.

- Even birds flew to such a green city.

4. Summing up, analyzing the work of comrades.
- So we have completed the work. Let's combine your drawings to make our town called Navashino.
Children look at the work, tell what they liked, and recognize familiar places in the city.

5. Evaluation of the lesson by the teacher.
Today you worked together, everyone tried to help their comrade and this made me happy. Well, our city turned out to be excellent! It has unusually shaped buildings, bright colorful houses with a varied combination of colors; perhaps someday they will appear in our city and decorate it.
What should you and I do to keep our city in order? (children's answers). Of course, keep it clean, don’t litter it, and landscape it by planting trees, shrubs and flowers. Well done!

Efremova Oksana Vyacheslavovna

"Night city" - grattage.

IN preparatory group

When children study draw and know that there are special techniques that can be used to resolve difficulties in drawing, the joy of creativity becomes more accessible.

So I decided to show and tell about it unconventional method "grattage"to my students.

"I'm about I'll tell you grattage,

It arouses interest.

You're like a magician with a scratch,

Drawing the whole world miracles. "

1. The children actively decorate with colored wax crayons on thick paper.

2. Rub the background with a candle

3. Cover the sheet with black gouache to which dishwashing liquid was added.

When the work has dried, children scratch it with a wooden skewer or pen rod.

In their works, children show knowledge of how they depict in the foreground and how draw in the distance.

For children this technique brought a lot of joy, watching with amazement how bright lines and strokes appeared on the graphite-black background, requiring strong pressure on the visual instrument. In the works you can see what pressure was applied when scratching.

Bottom line works:

Develops in the child a sense of consistency, attention, and perseverance.

They feel more relaxed and bolder.

Creates a cheerful, working mood in children.

Publications on the topic:


Summary of a lesson on artistic creativity in the senior group. Unconventional painting technique “Herringbone” Objectives: *Teach children to convey the impression of New Year's holiday, create an image elegant Christmas tree using non-traditional ones.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory school group “Reflection in water.” Unconventional drawing technique Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory school group. Topic of the lesson: “Reflection in water” Purpose and objectives of the lesson: 1. Developmental.

Lesson notes in senior group on this topic " unconventional techniques drawing" (painting with glue)" The Scarlet Flower"Done by the teacher.

Today I introduced my children to unconventional technology drawing. Compound word GRATTAGE, they haven’t remembered yet, but it’s a matter of time.

Hello dear colleagues! We have many competitions in our garden. visual arts, we always try to participate and surprise.

Unconventional drawing technique - drawing with napkins Unconventional drawing allows you not to limit the manifestations of creative abilities.

Currently, the so-called non-traditional or non-classical technique is very popular among children, parents and teachers.

Observing the movements of children while walking and playing. Examination of small sculptures.

Lesson 15. Drawing “Dad (mom) walks with his child in the park (down the street)”

Program content. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the relative size of a child and an adult. Learn to arrange images on a sheet of paper in accordance with the content of the picture. Practice drawing an outline with a simple pencil and then coloring it in with colored pencils.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind children of the proportions of the figures of an adult and a child, their ratio in size. (The teacher shows the proportions and relationships on himself, taking a child by the hand.)

Clarify with the children the sequence of work: the figures must first be drawn with a simple pencil, and then carefully painted over. Direct children's attention to using different pressure on the pencil when painting.

When examining and evaluating works, draw children’s attention to the transfer of the ratio of figures in size, to the technique of drawing.

Note. It is important to direct children's attention to creative solution Topics: you can draw mom, dad, and children. You can also offer to create an illustration for S. Mikhalkov’s work “Uncle Styopa”, but the program tasks remain the same (instead of an adult and a child, children draw ordinary person and Uncle Styopa).

Materials. A4 paper, plain graphite and colored pencils.

Lesson 16. Modeling “Cockerel with his family” (based on the story by K. D. Ushinsky)

(collective composition)

Program content. Teach children to create, through collective efforts, a simple scene from sculpted figures. Strengthen the ability to sculpt a rooster, hens, chicks. Achieve greater accuracy in conveying the basic shape and characteristic details. To develop the ability to collectively think about the placement of birds on a stand.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind the children that in the summer at the dacha they saw hens, roosters, and chicks. Briefly recall the content of the story by K. D. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family.”

Invite children to think about who should be sculpted and how; decide who will sculpt which birds. While working, pay attention to the clear transmission of shape, parts, proportions, etc.

Children place the sculpted figures on a common stand.

Materials. Stand for collective composition. Clay or plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling.

Connections with other educational areas. Reading and retelling the story by K.D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family". Conversations about summer impressions, about poultry.

Lesson 17 Drawing "City (village) in the evening"

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of an evening city, color scheme: houses are lighter than the night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. Strengthen the ability to draw up your plan, compositionally arrange the image on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate an expressive solution to a topic.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite children to remember what the city is like in the evening: how it is lit, what the houses look like. Discuss the color scheme of the drawing. Remind about the variety of houses (proportions, location on the street). Invite the guys to get to work.

When analyzing finished works direct children's attention to choosing drawings that are interesting in composition (at home different proportions, successfully placed on the sheet), by color (the flavor of the evening city is expressively conveyed).

Materials. Dark paper, watercolors, gouache, brushes.

Connections with other educational areas. Recommendation for parents to watch with their children the picture of the evening city. Looking at illustrations.

Program content. Teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls (a typical main element of a painting decorative items). Learn to use various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arches, small curls) to decorate branches. Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet (decorating a branch with elements on the left and right). Develop a sense of composition. Continue learning to analyze drawings.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children on the board 2-3 options for drawing a curl branch with a smooth, continuous movement (horizontally, vertically, diagonally). Then invite all the children to show this drawing movement with their hand in the air. Suggest that you first practice drawing a curl branch on paper (prepare halves of landscape sheets in advance). When the child gets a curl, give a sheet of paper on which to draw the drawing.

Place all the finished drawings on the board, invite the children to choose smoothly drawn and beautifully decorated curls, and explain their choice. Ask a child to compare the selected drawing with his own, note what is better in his drawing and what is better in the drawing of a friend.

Materials. Simple graphite and colored pencils, strips of paper (20 × 10 cm).

Connections with other educational areas. Examination of folk patterns.

Lesson 19. Drawing "Late Autumn"

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature). Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, simple graphite pencil. Form an idea about neutral colors(black, white, dark gray, light gray), learn to use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn. Develop aesthetic feelings.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remember with the children, asking them questions, what is typical for late autumn (it rains, sometimes snows, the leaves have almost flown off, the trees have darkened, they bend from strong wind, often move across the sky dark clouds). Talk to the guys about using it in drawing different materials. Offer to start drawing.

At the end of the work, review the drawings with the children and choose the most expressive ones, where you can immediately see what is drawn late fall. Make a border from children's drawings and hang it in the lobby.

Materials. Landscape sheets, colored wax crayons (if the kindergarten does not have them, you can offer other materials: a simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, gouache of different colors, whitewash).

Connections with other educational areas. Observations on walks, memorizing poems about autumn. Examination of reproductions of paintings and illustrations (emphasizing the varied solutions to the plot and color).

Lesson 20. Drawing according to plan “Draw what was the most interesting this month”

Program content. Teach children to select the most interesting ones from the impressions they receive; develop the desire to display these impressions in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils and paints. Learn to express your idea most fully through drawing, to bring what you start to the end. Develop imagination.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. A few days before the lesson, talk individually or with small groups of children about interesting things in their lives. Think with the guys about how you can draw it.

"Parsley dances at the festival"

Nikita D., preparatory group

During the lesson, help those who find it difficult to choose a topic. Direct children's attention to the most complete solution to the plan.

At the end of the work, hang all the drawings on the board and ask the children to tell about the most interesting images.

Materials. A simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, white or light-colored paper (to choose from) A4 format.

Connections with other educational areas. Over the course of a month, track the most interesting events from the life of children in kindergarten, at home (conversations with children, parents) in order to know well what each child can be reminded of if it is difficult for him to choose a topic; sometimes discuss how beautiful it would be to draw it.

Lesson 21. Drawing “We are going to a holiday with flags and flowers”

Program content. Learn to express impressions of the holiday, draw figures of children in motion ( baby is coming, raised his hand with a flag, etc.). Strengthen the ability to convey the proportions of the human figure. Continue learning to draw the outlines of the main parts with a simple pencil and color them beautifully with colored pencils. Learn to convey festive flavor in a drawing. Guide them to find a good arrangement of shapes on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind children what a walking child looks like, consider children standing with their hands raised, holding flags and flowers. Clarify the proportions of the human body.

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