Scenario for the entertainment “Travel to Tatarstan” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Lesson summary “My native land is Tatarstan” The “National Anthem of the Russian Federation” sounds

Nikitina Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Malolyzinsky kindergarten"
Locality: Malye Lyzi village, Baltasinsky district, Republic of Tatarstan
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: summary of a lesson in the senior group on moral and patriotic education, taking into account the regional component "Big and Small Motherland" "Symbols of Russia and Tatarstan"
Publication date: 23.10.2019
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU "Malolyzinsky kindergarten"

Baltasinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Lesson notes for the senior group

on moral and patriotic education, taking into account

regional component

"Big and Small Motherland"

“Symbols of Russia and Tatarstan”

Performed: teacher Nikitina N.V.

October, 2018

Target: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland.


Continue to form in children the idea of ​​Russia as a native country;

Form a respectful attitude towards state symbols;

Introduce children to the concept of the small and large Motherland;

To instill in children love for the Motherland,

Form civic-patriotic feelings.

Learn to answer adult questions, construct simple common sentences;

Expand your vocabulary using nouns (parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother,

grandfather, house, country, village, village, Motherland) and adjectives (Native, native, big, small)

Develop attention and memory - recognize flags and coats of arms in pictures

Develop self-control and the ability to follow the rules of the game;

Develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness.

Vocabulary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, big Motherland, small Motherland, Tatarstan,

Malye Lyzi, Bolshiye Lyzi, Nizhnyaya Ushma, Baltasi.


Images of the President of the Russian Federation, coats of arms and flags;

Visual and didactic aids;

Photographs with views of villages and villages, countries;

Slides with sights;

Audio recordings.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about Russian symbols;

Reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland;

Looking at photographs of villages;

Examination of illustrations and completion of work on coloring the Flag and Coat of Arms of Tatarstan

Methods and techniques: playful, verbal, visual, questions, instructions, additions, reminders,

artistic expression, self-esteem.

Progress of the lesson.

The song “At My Russia” is playing

Educator: Hello my dear guys! Did you like the song you listened to? Oh

what was sung in it? ( About Russia, about mom...)

Educator: What is Russia? (children's answers)

Educator: Today, we will talk about our country, about our native land in which we live.

The teacher offers to listen to a poem

“Russia is my Motherland!”

Russia, my Motherland!

Take care of yourself!

Its expanses are blue

Painfully dear, dear ones.

Russia is my homeland, yours,

And our loved ones

We say thank you for everything!

And we bow low!

What does the word "Motherland" mean?

- “Native side” is the place where everything is dear to us, close, where we were born, where everything is dear to us.

This place is called differently Motherland! Our Motherland is Russia!

Guys, what is the name of the capital of our Motherland? ( Moscow)

What is the name of the president of our country?

– Like all states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols. Which? ( Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Who can tell me the colors of the Russian flag? ( White blue red)

Guys, these colors were not chosen by chance. They have long been considered the most beautiful in Rus'. Often while reading

In Russian fairy tales we meet these colors: the sea is blue, the maiden is red, spring is red, white. What

represents each color of the flag.

Educator: White color means peace, nobility, purity.

Blue color- heaven and fidelity.

Red color - fire, courage, heroism.


White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn


Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could look right away

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

What is an anthem? (The anthem is the most important song of the country. The anthem is listened to while standing.)

- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the Russian anthem.

The “National Anthem of the Russian Federation” is played

Music A.V. Alexandrova, lyrics. S.V. Mikhalkova

Educator: What kind of music does the anthem have? ( The music was solemn, majestic, proud.)

Our country is huge, there are oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests. There are more than one thousand in Russia

cities, there are a lot of them. All this is our Big Motherland!

Proverbs Children.

The native land is a paradise for the heart.

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.

Learn to defend your motherland.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live - to serve the Motherland

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

The native land is sweet even in a handful.

And people also say: “Where you were born, that’s where you come in handy.” What do you think this means? (answers

There is a place in our country where we were born and grow up, where our parents and friends live, where

our home is our city, this is our native land, this is our Small Motherland.

Each of us has a small Motherland. What is the name of the village where you live? ( Lower

Ushma, Baltasi, Malye Lyzi, Bolshie Lyzi).

The place where our villages and villages are located, called the Republic of Tatarstan.

Many Tatarstan poets, artists, writers dedicated their poems and paintings to the Lesser Motherland.

So today I want to talk to you about my native land, about our Motherland - about Republic of Tatarstan. Our

The republic is very large and beautiful. She has her own national flag and coat of arms (showing the flag and

coat of arms)

She also has her own anthem, which was written by a Tatar composer

Rustem Yakhin

Children, let's stand up and listen to the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan (the anthem sounds). Sit down guys.

Now let's look at the flag of the Republic of Tatarstan

Please tell me what colors the flag of Tatarstan is divided into? (green, white and red)

Educator: Right. Each color has its own meaning. Red– the color of the sun, fire. Green

the color of living nature and youth, and white the color means a symbol of purity and peace (flag display).

On the state emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan(showing the coat of arms) depicts a winged white leopard on

background of the red sun. The leopard represents wealth and strength. On the leopard's side is a round shield, on which

an aster is depicted. The shield means protection, the flower means long life. All colors of the state emblem

resemble the colors of the national flag. Inside the green ring there is a Tatar ornament written in gold,

symbolizing the beauty and fertility of our land.

Educator: What is the widest river flowing in our republic?


Educator: Well done. Volga, one of the longest and deepest rivers in Russia.

Are you probably a little tired already? Let's take a little rest. Come out to me, everyone.


“The territory of our republic is very large ( hands to the side).

Beautiful ships sail along deep rivers (depict waves).

Tall trees grow in the forests ( hands up).

Clubfoot bears live in the thicket of the forest ( we depict bears, gray hares (jumping, red foxes

(depict foxes).

Colorful butterflies flutter in the fields (wave your arms, green grasshoppers jump (jump)."

Well done guys, take your seats. Let's continue our conversation about the Republic


Guys, who can tell me what the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is called?

(The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is Kazan)

The city of Kazan is a very large and beautiful city. Many legends are associated with the name of this city. Kazan –

in Tatar



Do you still know the Republic of Tatarstan?

(Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Bugulma, Chistopol, Almetyevsk, Elabuga and others.

Educator: Well done, everything is correct. Guys, do you know the name of this car? (Show

pictures of KAMAZ.)




release ?


Naberezhnye Chelny.)

Educator: - Every city in Tatarstan is famous for something, but in our republic, in addition to cities, there are

There are also villages where rich harvests are grown. Tatarstan is an agricultural region. In his fields

Many different crops are grown. What crops do we grow? ( Buckwheat is grown in the fields,

oats, peas.)







Rye and wheat are grown.

The Republic of Tatarstan is a multinational republic. Throughout Tatarstan, people live in different

nationalities: Tatars, Udmurts, Russians, Chuvashs and many others. They all live in peace and harmony.

Together they work, relax, build houses, cities, increase the wealth of their native land and take care of it.

Let the trees grow lushly in our gardens and forests, let the birds sing calmly. Let in springs and wells

the water will be clean and transparent, let there be a lot of fish in the ponds and lakes. All this is our wealth.

Loving your homeland, nature, means taking care of it, taking care of it, and being friends with it!

Educator: Guys, do you love your Motherland?

Let's see what memorable places there are in our village?

View slides with views of the village.

Lesson summary:

Guys, what did we do today? What did you like most?

(children's answers)

Why do you love your small homeland (Children's answers.)

Why do people say: “On someone else’s side, I’m glad to have my little crow”? (Children's answers.)

What needs to be done to make our Motherland become more and more beautiful over the years? (Children's answers.)

Dear Guys! Love your homeland - big and small. Try to find out more about its people and

history, take care of its nature, preserve its customs and traditions.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Radishchevsky kindergarten No. 1"

Entertainment scenario

"Travel to Tatarstan."

r.p. Radishchevo



Educational:enrich children's knowledge about Tatar folk art. Show the originality and beauty of Tatar folklore. To promote understanding of the national color of the music of the Tatar people.

Educational: promote speech, musical, artistic, aesthetic, moral, social development of children.

Educational: to cultivate a feeling of love for one’s native land, respect for elders, friendliness, and a sense of pride in one’s republic.

Equipment and materials:

Demonstration: ornament, images of a young man and a girl in national costumes, household items of the Tatar people, dishes of Tatar cuisine, a screen with children's drawings, a house decorated in a rustic style.

Preliminary work:conversations with children about Tatar creativity, an excursion to the local history museum of the village, learning songs, dances, proverbs, sayings, reading Tatar folk tales, listening to folk music, looking at paintings and household items. Making Tatar dishes by parents.

Preparing a teacher: studying literature about Tatar folklore. Learning songs, dances, proverbs, sayings.


The Tatar folk melody “Kaz Kanata” sounds. A teacher in a Tatar national costume enters the hall.

Educator: Isenmesez, balalar! Hello children!

Look how unusually our hall is decorated. On the central wall there is a pattern made up of elements of the Tatar ornament, which is used in clothing, shoes, and household items. On the left, a smiling girl looks at us, dressed in a beautiful national costume: a green dress with frills, a camisole with floral patterns, a kalfak on her head, and an ichigi on her legs. On the right stands a horseman in a smart camisole. On the screen you see an exhibition of drawings by the children of our kindergarten, based on Tatar folk tales that you love to listen to. What fairy tales are depicted here? What other Tatar folk tales do you know?

(children's answers).

Tatarstan. When you say this word, you immediately imagine its endless forests, fields of golden wheat, deep rivers, oil derricks, and, of course, handsome KamAZ trucks.


How good are the meadows?

The forests are green and beautiful!

Come out into the circle and dance with me

We cannot lag behind our friends.

Children perform the round dance “Bez biibez”.

Our republic is home to hospitable Tatar people who love good music and fiery dance. And what a melodic language the Tatar people have!


Every sound, every word

My native language is dear to me

From the cradle the world is huge

He opened it in front of me.

Child: Isn’t his mother on him over the shaky ground?

Sang songs in silence

Isn't it a miracle - fairy tales

Grandma told me.

Children sing the song “Tugan Tel”.

Educator: Now, guys, guess the riddles. And riddles about musical instruments.

Wrinkled can make the whole village happy.(harmonic)

It grew in the forest, was taken out of the forest, cries in your hands, and whoever listens jumps.(pipe)

I know that among you there are good musicians who want to perform the Tatar folk melody “Epipe”.

A group of children performs the Epipe orchestra.


Who has a gloomy look there?

Who sits frowning?

Get ready, kids.

A cheerful couple is waiting.

Tatar folk game “Without - without, without ideas.”

Educator: Look, children, what a beautiful house with carved frames and beautiful curtains stands behind the fence. Let's go up to it and find out who lives in it.

They approach the house and knock on the door. Grandfather comes out of the house.

Babai : Who's there? And these are the children - Balalar. And I thought he came.

To our Tatar village

From the collective farm "Urozhay"

A Russian uncle often visits

And by the name "agai"

A boy comes with him,

And in our language “malai”

He has two names

Understand it as you wish.

The little one's name is Kolya,

And another Nikolai

Although he himself is not two small,

And only one malai.

Educator: Apparently, grandma, you like to joke and have fun.

Babai: Since ancient times, the Tatar people have loved fairy tales, proverbs, and sayings. But the most interesting and beloved was Tatar humor. Let’s sit down on the bench and I’ll tell you a tale called “How Many Wolves There Were.” The joker said: he saw seven wolves in the forest, and both of them were gray. I took the stick and threw it, he jumped out and ran away. Do you know Tatar folk proverbs and sayings?


Without a dear homeland you will be a wingless bird

If you lose good things, you will gain them again,

Once you lose a friend, you will never get him back.

For couch potatoes, the sun comes out on time.

A good horseman has every task in his hands.


And now we have a game

It's time for us to have fun

Who's in the bag amid loud laughter

He will run the fastest.

A game for boys called “Sack Run” is being played.

Now let’s test the speed and dexterity of the girls-handicrafts.

The game “Wind up a ball” is played.

Tongue Twisters.


You can see the music today

It won't let anyone get bored.

Everyone around is singing and dancing,

Everyone who cares.

A Tatar dance is performed.

Babai: Thank you, dear children. We had fun, we had fun. I won’t let guests go so easily, I want to treat you. Do you like Tatar dishes? What dishes do your mothers and grandmothers cook?

Children: Belish, ochpochmak, noodles, gubediyuchak-chak, baursak, court, peremech.

Babai: I want to treat you to chakchak, my grandmother prepared it.

Teacher and children:Thank you babay, zur rahmat for your hospitality and food. We wish you good health. And it’s time for us to return to our kindergarten. Guys, let's say goodbye to babay in Tatar: sau bul, babay!

Babai: Sau bulygyz, balalar.

The children leave.

Educator: Dear Guys. In my opinion, we had a very good time: we had fun, remembered Tatar folk songs, round dances, dances, games, and learned a lot about Tatar folk art.


Like a bird in early spring

Drawn to native places

So with all our hearts we love ours

Free Tatarstan.

Olga Ivanova

Summary of the integrated lesson


(Acquaintance with the surroundings and application)

Preparatory group

Target: Fostering patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland, respect for the flag and coat of arms of Tatarstan.


To cultivate love for the native land, for its nature, caring attitude towards it, respect and pride for one’s people;

Give children an idea of ​​what the Motherland, native land is;

Introduce the map and symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Tell about the natural resources of your native land;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the capital of Kazan and their hometown;

Introduce you to the sights and historical monuments of Kazan and your city.

Continue to introduce children to Tatar national costumes and patterns.

To cultivate interest in Tatar folk ornamental art.

Learn to create your own pattern.

Vocabulary work: president, coat of arms, anthem, mosque, skullcap, ornament, tulip, pattern, kalfak, camisole, apron.

Enrich and activate the vocabulary: flags, flagstaff, coat of arms, familiarity with proverbs and sayings of the Tatar people, artistic expression.

Previous work: Give a general idea of ​​the Tatar republic and its cities. Looking at albums, illustrations on the topic, getting to know legends about Kazan, a geographical map, coat of arms, flag, listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation, talking about Tatarstan and its cities.

Equipment: Geographic map, flags of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan, portraits of presidents, audio recordings, silhouette of a boy and a girl in Tatar national costumes, glue, colored paper, waste material.

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy

Hello guys! I want to invite you to a wonderful “circle of joy”. We will join hands and show how big and great our country is (children and teacher join hands) And now let’s raise our hands up (raise their hands). Look! This is what it is, our huge Motherland with endless fields and lakes, magnificent villages and cities! And our Motherland is very friendly, let's give each other the kindest smile. Well done!

Educator: Guys, what do you think the Motherland is?

Children's answers.

Educator: Motherland, guys, is first of all the closest people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. This is your home, the street, the village where you were born and live, this is the kindergarten where you go, your teachers, this is the nature that surrounds you. And to make it even clearer for you, I would like to ask Alina to recite a poem about the Motherland.

A child reads a poem about the Motherland:

What do we call Motherland?

The land where you and I live,

And birch trees along the road we are walking along.

What do we call Motherland?

The sun is in the sky blue and fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table!

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I grow,

And the starlings' spring songs

Behind the open window.

Educator: For all of us, the Motherland is our Republic.

What is the name of our Republic?

Children: Tatarstan.

Educator: Tell me, children, who is the biggest and most important person in our Republic?

Children: Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich

Educator: What do you think is his main task, what should he do first of all?

Children: So that in our republic all peoples live peacefully and harmoniously, work together - grow bread, build new cars, airplanes, modern and beautiful houses.

Educator: Which city is called the capital of our republic.

Children: City of Kazan.

Educator: Let's look at the stand that depicts our capital.

The teacher leads the children to a stand with state symbols

Educator: Children, do you know what this is?

Children: Flag, coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Educator: Each country has distinctive signs - state symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem. Let's remember what parts the flag consists of? Show us what colors we see on the panel and what they mean?

Children: Shaft, cloth. The flag is divided into three parts: the top is green, the bottom is red, the middle is a narrow white stripe. Red is the color of the sun and fire. Green is a symbol of wildlife and youth. White is a symbol of purity, honor and peace.

Educator: Well done, guys!

Children: The state emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan depicts a white leopard, winged against the background of a red sun. Leopard is wealth and strength. On the side of the leopard is a round shield with an aster depicted on it. The shield means protection, and the flower means long life. The winged white leopard - he protects our republic so that there is no war. All colors of the coat of arms resemble the colors of the State Flag. The red sun brings warmth and goodness to our people. Inside the green ring there is a Tatar ornament carved in gold, this is a symbol of the beauty and fertility of our land. At the top of the coat of arms is a tulip - a favorite element of the Tatar people’s ornaments. The entire coat of arms speaks of the goodness, prosperity and friendship of our republic.

Educator: Where do you think you can see the state emblem?

Children: On border posts that are installed on the borders of Russia with other countries, on important documents, on money.

Educator: Well done, guys.

Educator: Our Republic is so big that we cannot take one look at it and travel around it from one end to the other in one day. But where can we immediately see its borders and rivers, forests, and cities?

Children: On the map.

Educator: That's right, well done children! Let's look at the map of the Republic of Tatarstan. The border is a red ribbon. What is the territory of our Republic like?

Children: On a running horse.

Educator: Guys, our great-grandfathers loved horses very much. They raised large herds of horses, rode them, fought, and plowed. Look, the rivers on the map are depicted with a blue ribbon: Volga, Kama, Belaya, Kazanka. Green spots are dense forests, meadows, yellow spots are wide fields, circles are cities.

Educator: What other cities of Tatarstan do you know?

Children: Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Leninogorsk, Elabuga, Chistopol, Almetyevsk, Nizhnekamsk, Zainsk, Nurlat, Aznakaevo.

Educator: Children, tell us what these cities are famous for?

Children: In Naberezhnye Chelny, on the banks of the Kama River, an automobile plant was built that produces Kamaz trucks.

Tires are produced in Nizhnekamsk, oil is extracted in the cities of Bugulma and Almetyevsk, and gasoline is made from oil. Beautiful watches are made at the watch factory in Chistopol.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of our city?

Children: Leninogorsk.

Educator: Let's try to find our city Leninogorsk on the map.

Children, together with their teacher, look for the city of Leninogorsk on the map.

What is the main wealth of our city?

Children: This is oil

Educator: Right. Are oil and gas also the main wealth of our Republic?

Tataria provides our entire country with oil; all republics receive gasoline, fuel oil, and fuel from Tataria, and they heat their homes with gas.

Educator: Children, what do they grow in the fields of the republic?

Children: Wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, and beets are grown in the fields.

Well done guys, yes, Tatarstan is an agricultural region.

The teacher takes the children to the photo stand in the city of Leninogorsk.

Educator: Guys, do you recognize these places in our city?

Children name the city's landmarks

Educator: You know that we live in a multinational Republic. What nationalities do people live in Tatarstan?

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know how one nation differs from another? Each nation has its own language of communication and outwardly they differ from each other. Each nation has its own music, songs, dances, games, and art.

The teacher brings the children to a doll in a Tatar national costume.

Educator: What do you think is her nationality? Why do you think so?

Children's answers.

Let's say hello to the doll in Tatar.

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, what would you like to give this doll a Tatar name?

Children's answers.

Educator: Our Alsou doll invites you to play the Tatar national game.

Tatar national game

Educator: Guys, now I want to invite you and your doll to an art workshop.

Let's look at our Alsou's costume. I also want to introduce you to the boy Ilnur. We also have him in the Tatar national costume. Let's look at what elements their clothing consists of.

Children: Alsou's costume consists of a dress, an apron, and boots. Ilnur has a shirt, a skullcap, trousers, and a sleeveless vest.

Educator: Guys, how are their national costumes decorated?

Children: Pattern, ornament.

Educator: You and I have already studied the Tatar ornament and played the game “Lay Out the Ornament.” Tell me which ornamental elements predominate in the Tatar costume.

Children: Floral (tulip, curl, petals, bells, daisies, etc.)

Educator: Right. Guys, let's see what other elements of the Tatar national costume there are. And what are they called?

Children, together with the teacher, examine the elements of the costume.

Educator: Guys, since we came to the workshop, it means we will also make crafts. Today I invite you to decorate Tatar costumes yourself. In front of you is a girl and a boy in Tatar costumes. But their costumes are not decorated with ornaments. Let us decorate their costumes with ornaments. On the tables are colored paper, templates of elements of floral patterns, scissors, glue, as well as waste material (beads, magazine clippings, sequins, rhinestones and much more).

Please tell me how you can decorate their costumes, where will you glue the ornament?

Children: The ornament will be on an apron, vest, skullcap, kalfak, and boots.

Educator: Guys, let's divide you into two groups. One group will decorate the girl's costume. And the other group is a girl's costume.

Children are optionally divided into two groups.

Practical work.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, did you like our activity today and what did you like about it?

Children's answers.

Educator: We talked about our native land, about its cities, about the people living next to us, about what they do, what is remarkable about our cities and villages. There is enough space for everyone under the sky of Tatarstan. All people try to live peacefully, in friendship and respect for the customs of other peoples.

Dear guys, you worked hard today, I’m happy for you, well done.

Zozulyuk O.M. - teacher

MBDOU kindergarten k/v No. 12 “Krepysh” Mendeleevsk

Purpose of the event: Expanding children's understanding of the culture of different nationalities: dances, songs, costumes, dishes; development of tolerance in children towards representatives of other nationalities; developing children's skills in productive and other types of children's activities, involving parents in active cooperation.

Objectives of the event:
1. Introduce children to the national diversity of their peers from the kindergarten group.
2. Give a specific idea about the songs, dances, games, costumes, dishes of each nationality.
3. Foster friendly relationships between children and their families.
4. Increase the competence of parents in matters of social and moral education of children, help increase the activity of parents in participating in a common interesting activity in a preschool educational institution, and the manifestation of creative abilities.
5. Create a positive emotional mood in children, a cheerful, cheerful mood from joint activities with the families of the group.

Preliminary work:
in the group, in the corner for parents, design of information stands “Raising a Patriot”
individual consultations for parents
learning dances, songs, games with parents and children
design of invitations and posters.

Festival “We Live Together in Tatarstan”

To the music “I, You, He, She,” children and their parents enter the music room in pairs, the children stand near their chairs, and their parents follow them in the second row.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our hall.

2 presenter:

1 presenter:Our event today is dedicated to the celebration of Mother Language Day. And together we will try to convey to our children,that Russia is a multinational state, and all peoples live as one big, friendly family.

Verse "What we call homeland"

2 presenter:When we talk about Tatarstan, we also talk about our Motherland. Because Tatarstan is the place where we were born, where we live. And we like our Motherland, our Tatarstan.

1 presenter:Our Republic is rich in fertile lands, rivers, and forests. Some of the largest rivers in Europe are ours: the Kama and the Volga. Wheat and rye grow on our lands. But the greatest pride of Tatarstan is the people living in the Republic. And everyone who lives here loves their native Tatarstan very much, the peoples live here amicably and peacefully.

1 child: Our Tatarstan

Famous for friendship

And we should live here

Really like.

2nd child: Tatarstan - uz ilebez,

Bezneң gasiz җirebez.

Shushi gaziz hirebezne

Balalary inde without.

Presenter 2: We are all different: we speak different languages, sing different songs, we have different national cultures and traditions, but we equally love the land on which we live, and for all of us Tatarstan is the Motherland.

Presenter 1: Each nation has its own traditions, customs, rituals, dances, songs. Our group is also multinational. And now we will meet the first participants of our festival. Meet the Russian hospitable people.

Russian melody sounds

Child 3: We want to show you
How should guests be greeted?
We don't care
Let's bake a friendship cake.

Scene “Friendship Pie”

Mistress - parent (busy in the kitchen)
Soon guests are on the doorstep -
I should bake a pie.
I'll see where the flour is
(looks in, spreads his hands)
It's a shame it ended.

There's a knock on the door and a boy and a girl come in

Boy 4: - Hello, hostess!
Are you expecting guests?
Hostess: -I'm glad, I'm glad to host my friends.
Girl 5: -We brought you some gifts-
White wheat flour.
Hostess: -Oh, thank you, come in,
Help me with the pie.
And our pie is unusual,

We will take wheat flour.
Girl 5: -And let’s add kindness, friendship, happiness and a dream.
4 boy: -We will work together so that the strength is in the dough.
Hostess: - Let's cook it, bake it.
All: - Let's call it friendship pie!

There is a knock on the door, Tatar folk music sounds, a boy and a girl enter.

Girl 6: -Good afternoon! We are coming to you from Tatarstan, we left early in the morning.
Boy 7: -They brought honey as a gift, it gives strength and health.
Girl 5: -You were right on time-
Our pie is already ready.
Boy 4: -We can start the holiday,
All nations are invited.
The hostess, representing Russian nationality, takes the pie and reads a poem.
We always welcome guests
A round, lush loaf,
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
The Russian people are famous for their hospitality. There is such a wonderful tradition in Rus' to greet dear guests with bread and salt. This wonderful tradition was passed on to me by my grandmother, and now I am passing it on to you.
(passes the loaf to the presenter)

1. There are a lot of words in the world,
Like winter snowflakes.
But let's take these for example:
The word "I" and the word "We".

2. “I” am lonely in the world,
There is not much use in "I".
One or one
It's hard to cope with adversity.

3. The word “We” is stronger than “I”.
We are family and we are friends.
We are the people, and we are ONE.

All: Together we are invincible!

2 in riding. Thank you for your hospitality, for such a delicious friendship pie. Which we will treat to everyone present in our hall.

The host treats everyone to a loaf of bread (Russian melody)

Presenter 1: And now we want to introduce you to representatives of another nation, are you ready?
Taras, bars, rastabars
Tatars welcome you!
Welcome guests!

Representatives of Tatar nationality come out to Tatar music

    presenter : Welcome to us, dear guests!

    Us Tatars in this world,
    Millions, you can't count them all,
    We are responsible for each other,
    Praise to all, and honor to you all!

2. Tatar native land,
We can't count your traditions.
We don't know any other end
Where would they also be revered.

Poem-sketch “Skullcap and kalfak”

Parent: And now we invite everyone to play the Tatar round dance game “Kariya - Zakaria”

The game "Kariya - Zakaria" is played

Parent: We know that it is your holiday. And that’s why we didn’t come empty-handed, but prepared questions for you. So we want to check how well you know our Republic?

Quiz "Answer the questions".

1. What is the name of our Republic?(Tatarstan)

2. What is the name of the capital of our Republic?(Kazan)

3. What rivers flow in our Republic?(Volga, Kama)

4. What is the name of the city where we live?(Mendeleevsk)

5. What national holiday is held in summer?(Sabantuy)

6. What kind of headdresses do Tatars have? For men, for women?(Tubәtәay, kalfak)

7. National dish of the Tatars?(Chuck-chuck)

8. What colors are on the flag of Tatarstan?(Green, white, red)

9. What is written on the coat of arms of Tatarstan?(AK Bars)

10. Do you love your Republic?(Yes)

Presenter 2: Next door to Tatarstan there is a republic it
It is called Udmurtia. We welcome guests. Let them tell us about themselves.

An Udmurt family comes out to Udmurt music

1. The Volga has enough breadth and strength,

But with Kama she is even stronger.

And for me there would be no Russia

Without my little Udmurtia.

2. From the Volga steppes to the Ural Mountains

The Udmurt region is a golden expanse.

How rich you are, my land!

Imagine it as a game!

Parents: We want to teach you the national Udmurt game “Lapot”

Get up in a circle with us soon

I am your friend and you are my friend.

The Udmurt folk game “Lapot” is performed

1 presenter: We thank the cheerful Udmurt people andWe welcome our next guests - kind, hardworking Mari people.

A Mari family comes out to Mari music

1. I wish you happiness,

Mari land,

Beloved, dear,

The Republic is mine.

2. With great Russia

Forever related.

With your mind and strength

Achieved a lot.

3.You create, you dare, you build

And you don't stand still

How much can you do

Together with the whole country.

Parents: We invite everyone to our round dance “Mari Eight”

The Mari folk dance “Mari Eight” is performed

1: Tatarstan is a wonderful land,
Multicolored like heaven.
All peoples here are equal,
We all need each other
We know the value of friendship
These bonds are so important.

2: Come to Tatarstan,
Guests come to us from different countries.
We will accept you with all our hearts,
Big salam to everyone.

General round dance of Friendship

3: Friendship of peoples is not just words

The friendship of peoples is forever alive.

Friendship of peoples, happy children,

The ear is in the field and strength is in full bloom.

Presenter 2: Dear friends! Our holiday program has come to an end. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. And we want, as today, within the walls of this hall, peace, goodness, tranquility, happiness, friendship, joy, smiles reign everywhere and always - and that they never leave us.

At the end of the holiday, all children are awarded medals “For the ability to be friends,” and participants are given diplomas for participating in the project “We Live Together in Tatarstan.”

Target: education of patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland, native language, respect for the flag and coat of arms of Tatarstan.


  1. To cultivate love for the native language, native land, nature, respect for it, respect and pride for one’s people.
  2. Develop interest in Russian and Tatar traditions.
  3. To give children an idea of ​​what the Motherland is, to introduce them to the history and symbolism of the Republic of Tatarstan, and to tell them about the natural resources of their native land.
  4. Enrich and activate the vocabulary: president, mosque, temple, flags, pole, coat of arms, familiarity with proverbs about the homeland of the Tatar and Russian peoples, artistic expression.

Preliminary work: conversations about the Republic of Tatarstan and its cities. Looking at albums, illustrations on the topic, getting acquainted with the geographical map, coat of arms, flag, listening to the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan, reading fairy tales by Gabdulla Tukay, Abdulla Alisha, learning poems about the homeland.

Progress of the lesson-game

Children are dressed in national costumes of the peoples of the Volga region.

Leading: Hello, dear guys, dear guests! Today we have gathered in our hall to talk about our homeland and our native language. Our homeland - the Republic of Tatarstan - is part of a huge country, Russia. We all love our homeland. After all, there is nothing more expensive than it in the world. The children of group No. 10 will tell poems about this and sing.

Children read poems about their homeland.

Min yaratam sine Tatarstan,
Arysh kyryn, urmannaryn ochen,
Al tannaryn ochen yaratam.
Kүk үkerәp, yashen yashnәp yaugan
Yangyrlaryn ochen yaratam.

Tatar native land,
We can't count your traditions.
We don't know any other end
Where would they also be revered.

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Gorur halkyn ochen yaratam.
Җan heretә torgan әnkәm tele-
Tatar tele ochen yaratam.

It's so calm and safe here.
Everything here is pleasing to the eye and ear,
It is impossible to live outside the homeland,
After all, she has a special spirit.

Tugaylaryn ochen yaratam.
Tukaylaryn, Seydәshlәren өchen,
Җәліләрң өн ярутам.

You are a wonderful fairy tale
Our modern Tatarstan.
Calm tones and colors
And a young, majestic figure.

Idel yarlarynanurlarsibep,
Matur bulyp ata bezdi tan.
Tan shikelle yakty tugan ilem,
Bakhet birgan hirem – Tatarstan.

The sun is shining above the earth.
The dove is spinning in the blue
Our song flows loudly
Glory to you Motherland!

Leading: People of different nationalities live in Tatarstan. There is enough space for everyone under the sky of Tatarstan. Residents of Tatarstan live peacefully, in friendship and respect for the customs of other peoples. The main part of the inhabitants of Tatarstan are Tatars and Russians. But there are also Udmurts, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Maris, Mordovians and other nationalities. And every nation has its own native language. The native language is the one that was once spoken by your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, and is now spoken in the family by grandparents, mothers and fathers. Russian people have Russian as their native language. The Tatars have Tatar. All people should know their native language, speak it, read books, sing songs in their native language. The great Tatar poet G. Tukay wrote a poem about this. (Slide by G. Tukay)

O native language, melodious! Oh parent speech!
What else in the world did I know, what did I manage to save?

Rocking my cradle, my mother sang softly,
Growing up, I began to understand my grandmother's fairy tales...

Oh my tongue, we are forever inseparable friends,
Since childhood, your joy and sadness have become clear to me.

Leading: Now listen to the song based on these verses by G. Tukay. "Tugan tel"

And tugan tel. and mature body, әtkәm-әnkәmneң body!
Donyada kүp nәrsә beldem sin tugan tel arkyly.
In elek bu tel belen әnkәmbishektәkoylәgәn,
Annary tөnnәr bue әbkәm hikәyat soylәgәn.
And tugan bodies! Sindi bulgan in elek kyylgan dogam:
Yarlykagyl, deep, үzem һәm әtkәm-әnkәmne, move!

Leading: Each nation has developed its own national traditions and customs. These are holidays, songs, dances, fairy tales, games, proverbs, costumes. Today our children put on the national costumes of the peoples of the Volga region and want to demonstrate them. Music is playing. Children demonstrate national costumes - the teacher comments and names the details of the costumes. Tatar national costume for girls. Tatar costume for boys. Russian costumes. Udmurt national costume. Chuvash national costume.

Leading: Now let's remember the proverbs of the Russian and Tatar people, glorifying love for the Motherland.


  • “A man without his homeland is like a nightingale without a song”
  • “On a foreign land, even spring is not red”
  • “The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her”
  • “The Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold”
  • “Without a dear homeland, you will be a wingless bird”

Leading: Guys, what do these proverbs teach us? - To love your homeland.

Leading: At all times, children loved to play folk games.

Now the children of group No. 3 will play the Russian folk game “Golden Gate”.

Game "Golden Gate".

And now we want to introduce you, dear guys, to the Tatar folk game, which is called “At the Timerbay Kids”.

Game "Timerbai's Little Kids"

Leading: Guys, in our Republic there are two official languages: Russian and Tatar. All residents of Tatarstan should know both of these languages. That is why in kindergarten and school they study the Tatar language on an equal basis with Russian. Now we will check how you study the Tatar language in class.

Game "Mine by whom?"

Children are offered masks of wild and domestic animals. The child takes the mask and says in Tatar: “Min kuyan”, “Min ayu”, etc. In this case, you need to depict the movements and habits of the animal.

Leading: And now we will go on an interesting journey around our republic.
View the album “Tatarstan is my native land.”

Leading: Did you enjoy the trip? And now, guys, you will solve the crossword puzzle, and we will check whether you listened carefully and whether you enjoyed the journey through our republic.


  1. The republic where we live is called... (Tatarstan)
  2. Capital of Tatarstan (Kazan)
  3. What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of Tatarstan? (Leopard)
  4. Which poet composed the fairy tale “Shurale”? (Tukay)
  5. The river on the bank of which stands the Elabuga Settlement tower. (Kama)
  6. The city in which we live.. (Elabuga)
  7. Great artist, singer of Russian nature (Shishkin)
  8. What bird is depicted on the coat of arms of Elabuga? (Woodpecker)
  9. National holiday.... (Sabantuy)
  10. The main wealth of Tatarstan. (Oil)
  11. In what city are KAMAZ vehicles made? (Naberezhnye Chelny)

Leading: Well done. You answered all the questions correctly. Motherland, guys, is first of all the closest people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. This is your home, the street, the city where you were born and live, this is the kindergarten where you go, this is the nature that surrounds you. You are little Russians, because you live in Russia, and Tatarstanians, because you live in the Republic of Tatarstan. While you are still small and cannot do anything for your homeland. But you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your native language, your friends and loved ones, and don’t quarrel. Let's look at each other, smile, and let's not forget that you and I are Russians, a very wise, patient, kind people. Let's all say together: “If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!”

In conclusion, the children sing a song in the Tatar language “Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan”
Words by R. Rakipov music. R. Andreeva

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Al tannar ynochen yaratam,
Kүkkүkerәp, yashen yashnәp yaugan
Yangyr laryn ochen yaratam.

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Gorur halkyn ochen yaratam,
Җan eretk әnәnәm teleң өchen -
Tatar telen ochen yaratam.

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Tugaylaryn ochen yaratam,
Tukaylaryn, Saydәshlәreңөchen,
Җәліләрң өн ярутам.

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