How to draw space with a pencil step by step. Space adventures: drawing space in different techniques Draw a drawing of space planets

Dear friends! The children and I are already today. We will paint space with paints using a regular brush. And geometric shapes will be our assistants.

First, ask the children to remember the geometric shapes they know (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval). And make blanks of these figures of different sizes.

Drawing on the theme of Space: you will need

- a sheet of paper for watercolors,

- a simple pencil,

- gouache paints,

- tassels different numbers,

- templates geometric shapes,

- special line.

Drawing space: step-by-step master class

Step 1

— Make blank templates: circles different sizes, rectangle, triangle, half circle.

— Try to create a composition on the theme “Space” from the given figures.

Hint: one of possible options- draw a rocket.

— Arrange the rectangle, triangle and semicircle templates to form a rocket.

— Trace the details according to the templates with a simple pencil.

Using a special ruler, draw small circles on the rocket - these are portholes.

Step 2

- Draw the planets - trace the circle patterns.

— Add a few more small planets along the ruler.

- Select a suitable figure on the ruler, circle it several times below the rocket, this way you can get the fiery tail of the rocket.

Step 3

- Dip the brush into gouache of blue color and place blue spots on the sheet around the design.

- Then dip the brush in yellow paint and apply the yellow spots in the same way.

- Pick up paint with a wet brush white, paint the background of the sky, constantly dipping the brush into water and the tip of the brush into white paint. At the same time, we draw the brush in a wavy line from top to bottom.

— Then we gradually paint over the remaining fragments of the drawing.

- In this way, we gradually fill the entire drawing with paints. It’s better to start painting with light colors. This process is creative.

— To paint planets, it is better to mix paints of 2-3 colors.

- When the drawing dries, use the tip of the brush to draw stars by poking with yellow paint.

The children produced such wonderful drawings.

Creative task:

— Prepare your own geometric shape templates.

— Create your own composition on the theme “Space” using your own templates.

— Draw a picture with paints.


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"Every atom of our body
was once a star."
Vincent Freeman

A week ago on our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for the best completion of the task from the notebook “642 ideas on what to draw”. The task sounded simple - space. A lot of creative and creative works. You can see them all by tag. We publish best works and give step-by-step master class how to learn to draw space.

Best works for competition #642ideicosmos

“If you can’t fly into space, make it come to you.” Author of the photo - @al.ex_kv.

“And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you...” Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save somewhere these step-by-step instructions on what and how to do so that it turns out bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn with a hard pencil to indicate the space that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint spreads beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from the site

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions on notebooks “642 ideas, what to draw”, “642 ideas, what to write about” and “642 ideas, what else to write about” (new!). Subscribe to keep up to date with everything creative, interesting and creatively fun.

P.S.: Did you like it? Subscribe to our new newsletter. Once every two weeks we will send 10 of the most interesting and useful materials from the MYTH blog.

Summary: Children's drawings on the theme of space. How to draw a picture for Cosmonautics Day.

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, it will be important to talk about children's drawings on the theme of space. In this article we want to tell you how to draw space using unconventional drawing techniques. Here we will look at drawings on the theme of space, made in the techniques of grattage, matte, and spray. You will also learn how to draw unusual drawing for Cosmonautics Day using shaving foam or bubble wrap. The techniques for drawing space described in the article are easy to implement and accessible, including to children of preschool and primary school age.

1. Drawings on the theme of space using scratch paper technique

The word “grattage” comes from the French gratter - to scrape, scratch, so another name for the technique is the scratching technique.

To draw a drawing on the theme of space using the scratchboard technique, you will need:

Heavy weight white paper (or cardboard)
- colored wax crayons
- black gouache paint or ink
- dishwashing liquid
- tassel
- any sharp object (wooden skewer, toothpick, knitting needle, etc.)

Work plan:

1. Color the paper using colored wax crayons in a free style. Don't skimp on the crayons; they should cover the paper with a thick layer. Note: even a small child can handle this part of the job.

2. Mix 3 parts black gouache paint (ink) and 1 part dishwashing liquid. Cover the paper with the resulting mixture in an even layer.

3. Let the paint dry completely. You can speed up this process with a hairdryer. Now comes the fun part! Take any sharp object and scratch your drawing on the theme of space with it. The result will be an original work for Cosmonautics Day, made using the unconventional scratch painting technique

2. How to draw space. Drawing using the "passepartout" technique

This is a very unusual and fascinating drawing technique. First, as in the previous technique, you need to color a sheet of paper with colored wax crayons. The result is a bright, colorful rug. After this, draw templates of planets, flying saucers, space rockets, stars, etc. Cut out the templates. On a thick sheet of black paper, lay out the cut out templates in the form of a composition. Trace them with a pencil, then cut out the silhouettes using nail scissors. Note: This step of the job must be performed by an adult. Now place a black sheet of paper with cut out silhouettes on the “rug” painted with crayons. The drawing of space using the passe-partout technique is ready. Link to the original source.

3. Children's drawings on the theme of space. Drawing with shaving foam

For children in creativity, the process itself is more important than the result obtained. We, adults, are interested in the final product of our activities. Today we want to offer you a type of play with colors that will satisfy the needs of both children and adults. The website describes interesting way creation of the so-called "marble paper" using regular shaving foam and paints (or food coloring). Taking advantage detailed instructions By making “marble paper” described on this site, you can make beautiful drawings on the theme of space for Cosmonautics Day.

4. Drawings for Cosmonautics Day. Drawing space to music

In 1914-1916, the English composer Gustav Holst composed the symphonic suite "The Planets". The suite consists of 7 parts - according to the number of planets solar system(excluding Earth) known at the time of writing. We suggest you do the following with your child: interesting activity, dedicated to the theme of space, on the eve of Cosmonautics Day.

Give it to the child large leaf paper and paint. Ask him to use a simple pencil to divide the sheet into four equal parts. Now let him listen to any 4 parts of the suite in turn (for example, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus). Listening to every part piece of music, he must depict on canvas the emotions and feelings that this music evokes in him. Children usually really like this kind of work. This is what one of our students drew.

From the resulting abstract paintings Then you can cut out the planets and stick them on a sheet of black paper. The drawing for Cosmonautics Day is ready!

5. Drawings on the theme of space. Drawing space with a toothbrush

We invite you to make a drawing on the theme of space in the so-called. spray technique. Using a toothbrush, splatter white paint on a piece of black paper. You will get a starry sky. Planets can be drawn with a sponge by smearing paints of different colors on it. Look what beautiful drawing We got it on the theme of space!

6. Children's drawings on the theme of space. Unconventional drawing techniques

If you happen to have a piece of bubble wrap lying around your house, now is the time to use it to children's creativity. After all, with the help of this wonderful material you can very simply paint the planet. You just need to apply paint to the film and attach it to the drawing in the right place.

The planet in the picture below is also made using this technique. unconventional drawing. Additional prints were made using a cardboard toilet paper roll and a plastic straw. Also, when drawing this picture on the theme of space, the so-called. spray technique.

7. Drawings of space. Drawings for Cosmonautics Day

An interesting project for children for Cosmonautics Day was prepared by the website On this site you can download and print a drawing of the Moon. The moon comes in three sizes: large (22 sheets), medium (6 sheets) and small size(1 sheet). Print out the drawing and stick the sheets on the wall in the correct sequence.

Now invite your child to imagine who lives on the moon. Let him draw its inhabitants, their houses, transport, etc.

8. Drawings on the theme of space. Children's drawings on the theme of space

These charming aliens are drawn using this unconventional technology drawing like blowing paint through a straw (plastic tube). What is this technique?

Using a brush (or pipette), apply paint diluted with water onto a sheet of paper to create a spot of paint on the sheet. After this, we blow on the paint through a straw, it spreads in different directions and we get a weirdly shaped spot. When the paint is dry, we add all the necessary details to our alien.

What and how to draw space so that the work looks rich, bright and realistic? You can take an ordinary simple pencil and, by applying light and shadow, create a sophisticated and beautiful work. Or use watercolor paints and create on a sheet of whatman paper an image of stars beckoning into distant depths with their cool glow. Or, using gouache and acrylic, create a lush landscape with planets, satellites and space rockets.

For fans of creativity, there is a more original way - try to draw space with an ordinary kitchen sponge, thus obtaining an almost unique picture on a star-galactic theme... As you can see, there are many options and all of them are described in detail in step-by-step master classes with step by step instructions, photos and videos available for children and aspiring artists. Choose the most interesting method for yourself and create beautiful painting masterpieces to the delight of yourself and your loved ones.

Drawings on the theme of space for children in pencil step by step, master class

A very beautiful drawing on the theme of space can be made with children, following the tips and recommendations of this master class. For execution you only need simple pencils of varying hardness and medium-density landscape paper. Finished work It will turn out to be realistic and will fully reflect the atmosphere of another planet on which astronaut researchers have just landed.

Necessary materials for children's drawings on a space theme

  • Whatman sheet
  • simple pencil HB
  • simple pencil 2B
  • ruler
  • compass
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw an interesting drawing on the theme of Space for children

How to paint space with watercolors step by step for beginners

Painting space with watercolors is the most enjoyable and exciting activity, if only because it allows for flights of fancy and allows even novice artists to gradually create a truly unique, exclusive work with their own hands. You can make your own adjustments to the process and introduce any colors that you like and are pleasing to the eye. The main thing is that the overall image looks harmonious and responds general ideas O appearance outer space.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step watercolor painting of Space

  • paper
  • set of watercolor paints
  • brush
  • stretcher or board
  • push pins

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint space with watercolors

How to draw space in gouache - planets, stars and satellite

To draw such classic elements space landscape, like planets, stars and satellites, you can use gouache paints. Work done using this technique will turn out bright, rich and rich and will serve as an excellent decoration for a room intended to celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

Necessary materials for drawing on the theme of space in gouache

  • paper
  • set of gouache paints
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • brushes (wide and thin)

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw planets, stars and a space satellite in gouache

  1. Make a preliminary rough sketch and mark on paper a large semicircle of a planet in the foreground, a smaller planet with rings a little further in the upper right corner, and a small meteorite satellite in the upper left of the composition.
  2. Use dark blue thick colors to tint the upper part of the picture. Make broad strokes and do not feather them around the edges to different shades were visible to the eye and better read.
  3. At the bottom of the composition, make a lighter background, diluting blue paints whitewash.
  4. Color the largest planet on the right side with lighter colors, and towards the bottom with rich bluish-gray tones.
  5. Make the meteorite as dark as possible, and paint the planet with rings in a bright orange rich tone.
  6. Then take a thinner brush and highlight the details. Mark bends and bulges on the meteorite so that it looks three-dimensional and realistic. On the most big planet draw craters of volcanoes and highlight those on the sunny side with whitewash.
  7. Scatter large eight-pointed stars over a dark blue background, and in some places place small white dots symbolizing distant luminaries. Wait for the work to dry well and hang it on the wall.

How to paint space with acrylic paints - a simple step-by-step master class for children

Simple, step-by-step master class will tell everyone how to make a bright and optimistic drawing of space using acrylic paints. They have excellent coverage, allow you to achieve rich, dense colors and dry quickly. All these characteristics make acrylic a very convenient working material not only for experienced painters, but also for very young beginning artists.

Necessary materials for depicting space with acrylic paints

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • acrylic paint set
  • brushes

Step-by-step instructions for the master class “Children’s drawing on the theme of space with acrylic paints”

  1. On clean slate In the upper left and lower right corners of the paper, mark two semicircles of planets of different sizes. Place 3-4 small planets, spaceships and stars in the remaining empty space. In the lower semicircle, draw the figure of an astronaut, and in the upper semicircle, draw a flying rocket.
  2. Color the drawing quite conventionally, without resorting to mixing different colors. Tint the upper planet bright red, and the lower planet yellow-orange.
  3. Cover the vault of heaven with a very dark blue or even black color. Paint the stars with light yellow, pinkish and silver tones.
  4. Draw small planets according to your own taste, for coloring spaceships use bright, contrasting colors.
  5. The astronaut standing on the lower planet is “dressed” in an orange spacesuit and “given into his hands” the Russian national flag.
  6. Draw the faces of aliens in the windows of interstellar ships and space dishes. Wait for the painting to dry and hang it in a prominent place or present it as an exhibit for a school competition.

How to draw space with a sponge - master class step by step on video

The author of this video tells how to draw picturesque cosmic distances using an ordinary kitchen sponge. From additional materials To work, you will need a toothbrush, plastic lids of different sizes and a small piece of fiberboard. You can use any paints, including acrylic, gouache or watercolor. The process does not take much time, but requires some skill. You need to learn how to carefully and clearly use a sponge, applying certain tones to the paper. Since the work is quite “dirty”, it is better to do it in some place where there is no risk of staining interior items, walls and furniture. It also wouldn’t hurt to put on an apron or some simple clothes that you don’t mind putting a splash of color on. But the final picture more than compensates for all these inconveniences and will bring a lot of pleasure to both the author and the audience.

Many thanks to them for this! Well, all I can do is repost their notes))

Original taken from chatlburan How children see space

Today the whole world celebrates the anniversary of the beginning of human exploration of a fundamentally new entity - Space! On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made a space flight for the first time in history and thereby discovered new era humanity.

An exhibition of children's drawings on a space theme opened today in Rostov: We are descendants of Gagarin. Space relay race-Rostov.

It was interesting to see how children imagine space, how they see the space future, what they expect from it and whether they dream of becoming astronauts.

Below the cut there are many photos from the exhibition.

You can conditionally divide the pictures into several categories. Some were distinguished by the detail of the technical part of the spacecraft:

(this one is generally done in pastels)

Others reflected the story:

Still others imagined everyday scenes of the cosmic future:

Space trains, station, spacecraft parking. The curtains on the windows of the train are magnificent!

And here we can see orbital stores: plants and flowers, Appliances, honey laboratory. I would venture to guess that the small buildings are fast food outlets: shawarma, vkusnolyubov, “coffee to go”, etc.

Of course, there were aliens:

Title of the drawing: "Hello, friend!" It's nice that the children are peaceful. The culture of aggression has not yet had time to spoil them. The theme of friendship and peaceful coexistence with aliens runs through all the drawings. There are no battle scenes anywhere.

Subtle humor and good imagination. Everything is wonderful here!

Catching stars

Attractions attached to the rings of Saturn.

A flying saucer with wheels!

No less than NEVZ launched its space electric locomotive :)

Nebulae and landscapes:

And some I just liked:

The ship and one spacesuit are made of foil.

There are a total of 152 drawings at the exhibition out of 15 educational institutions Rostov and region. There are many interesting works. The exhibition will be held from April 12 to April 20 at the Rostov House of Children and Youth Creativity (formerly the Palace of Pioneers, Sadovaya, 53-55). Free admission.

The exhibition is important because it actualizes the theme of space as such. Children fantasize and draw interesting stories. But it’s sad that they stopped dreaming about space - to the question “what do you want to become?” None of the authors of the drawings answered “astronaut”. A football player, a lawyer, a businessman... Meanwhile, man and Humanity have a much higher purpose than business and football. We must do our best to kindle the thirst for space expansion and convey the value of this path. And the more active the space topic is on the agenda, the more chances we, earthlings, have of returning to the path of development and achieving outstanding results on a universal scale!

Happy Cosmonautics Day everyone!

Original taken from kopninantonbuf in Space dreams of Don schoolchildren

An exhibition opened today in Rostov-on-Don at the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity children's drawing, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first human flight into space.

Children drew pictures and wrote stories as part of the all-Russian competition “We are Gagarin’s descendants - space relay race”, which is held by public organization family protection “Parental All-Russian Resistance” together with the social movement “Essence of Time”.

The exhibition features more than 150 works completed by students from 20 educational institutions in Rostov-on-Don, Shakhty, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, as well as eleven stories (they can be read in the VK group dedicated to the exhibition.

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