An interesting art lesson for the older group. Tamara Komarova classes in visual arts in the senior group of kindergarten lesson notes

Program content: teach children emotional and figurative perception of color, introduce them to composite and primary colors; give an idea of ​​the spectral circle (the arrangement of the colors of the rainbow in a circle); consolidate the use of non-traditional materials and techniques in drawing; arouse in children creative interest, emotional responsiveness, desire to create, develop imagination, creativity.

Preliminary work: conversation about summer, about rainbows. Reading poetry, learning songs, watching a rainbow, looking at paintings that depict a rainbow; looking at book illustrations.

Materials: colored pencils, multi-colored balls and ribbons, writing, butterfly patterns, pipettes, multi-colored gouache, napkins

Progress of the lesson


If everything in the world were
Same color.
It would make you angry
Or did it make you happy?

(Children's answers.)

– Do you want to get into the colored kingdom? Not scary? Adventures and trials may await us ahead, so on our journey we will be friendly, brave and polite. Ready? I invite you to hit the road along our colorful path. (a path lined with colored pencils leads to a group decorated with multi-colored balls and ribbons)

People are used to seeing the world
White, yellow, blue, red...
Let everything around us be
Amazing and different

Educator: And who lives in this colorful kingdom!

(The children are met by the Fox.)

Lisa: Hello, guys! I am very glad to meet you.

Educator (children greet the fox): You cheater is very affectionate today, tell me what happened?

Lisa: Okay, I’ll tell the truth, I found some letter here on the way. But I don’t know if it’s yours or not? (Reads the address.)

Educator: Senior group, bunnies, is that you? Then this letter is to us.

Fox: But I’m a sly fox, I won’t just give it to you! Can you guess the riddle?

What a miracle - a rocker
Did it hang after the rain?
Very bright, colorful,
And how beautiful!
Solar… (rainbow)

– When does a rainbow appear?

– What does a rainbow look like when it appears in the sky?

– How many colors does the rainbow have?

(Ball game.)

– What colors, name them in order.

(Ball game: “Name the color.”)

(Children stand in a circle, the leader throws the ball to the child, the one who throws it catches it, names the color)

Educator: And also, fox, we will tell you that these colors are divided into two groups, Which children?

Children: Cold and warm.

Educator: Let's play a game, do you want the little fox to play with us?

Game: “Collect colorful petals”

(2 buckets, droplets of warm tones are placed in one, cold tones in the other.)

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task!

(Children sit down in the clearing.)

Educator: Well done! There are no white and black colors in the rainbow, but in nature there are. Name a few white objects? And our children also know a lot about color.

Game: “Fun Palette”

– What kind of paint do you need to add blue to make it blue?

(Children answer)

Child 1:

If there are no clouds in the sky,
The sky is blue,
White color let's pour it into it
And we get ( blue).

- And green?

Child 2:

And we will mix blue and yellow
Green color we get.

- Orange?

Child 3:

Mix yellow and red
Orange color we get.

Child 4:

Add to white and black
We get gray right away.

Child 5:

The colors are very tired today,
They painted a rainbow in the sky.
We worked on it for a long time rainbow paint,
The rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.
All colorful, what a beauty!
Just admire the colors!

(A beautiful rainbow appears on the floor from multi-colored stripes)

Lisa: You know a lot!

Educator: The fox is tired, and you guys? Let's take a little rest.


Hello, rainbow-arc , slowly make arcs with their hands in the air
Multicolored bridge!
Hello, rainbow-arc,
Welcome us to visit! bow
We're running across the rainbow
We ran barefoot run
Through the rainbow - arc
Let's jump over while running let's jump over
And run again, run
Along an arc barefoot

Lisa: How good you are! I liked you, okay, take the letter.

Educator: Thank you, fox, who is this letter from? (children open)

(On back side drawn by the artist.)

Who do you think this letter is from? That's right, from the artist.

I was in a hurry to come to you, but I received an urgent telegram. In the Flower Country, an evil wizard bewitched all the butterflies, they became colorless. They need my help there. And I will be glad if you help too. I'll be very happy.
Your friend is an artist

Educator: Shall we help the artist? ( The children have butterfly templates on their tables, using the blotting method, you need to decorate the wings of the butterflies, paint is applied to one side and the other is covered); (butterflies come to life)

Foxy: How beautiful! Which beautiful butterflies it worked!

(Music plays, children flutter around the hall with their butterflies, and a fox blows soap bubbles.)

Long-term plan objectives:

- develop the ability to perceive a work of art, a sense of beauty;

- to form a sustainable interest in fine art, a desire to constantly communicate with it;

— deepen children’s understanding of painting (landscape, still life, portrait), sculpture, architecture, design;

— enrich the emotional sphere of children with new types of aesthetic experiences;

- teach the transfer of characteristic features of image objects (girl and Snow Maiden, boy and gnome, cheerful and sad, spring and autumn);

- support children’s aspirations for independence in organizing the workplace, choosing the theme of the drawing, material, methods of depiction, the theme of the drawing, planning activities, and implementing what is planned in the drawing;

- develop the ability to analyze works of art great masters, their own drawings and the works of other children.


September(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing "Flowers"

Target: consolidate the concepts of primary and secondary colors; learn to paint with gouache paints, mixing them, use various techniques - strokes, dabbing, circling.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” “Waltz of the Flowers”.

2). Drawing "Vegetables and fruits"

Target: learn to draw oval and round objects (tomato, cucumber, apple, plum, pear, cherry, beet, carrot); paint with round strokes, mix

Material: Gouache paints, riddles about vegetables and fruits.

3). Modeling “Vegetables and fruits”

Target: convey the shape of round and oval objects (carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, pears, plums), add details - holes, notches, using stacks.

Material: plasticine, stacks, samples of vegetables and fruits.

4). Application "Tomatoes"

Target: cutting out round shapes from a square, arranging tomatoes by color: from green, through yellow-pink, to red (a challenging task), and size.

Material:colored paper, scissors, glue; image of growing tomatoes.

5). Application “Apple and Pear”

Target: cut a round object from a square, an oval object from a rectangle, stick them on, placing them compositionally in a vase.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue; a bowl of fruit.

6). Drawing "Still Life"

Target: explain the concept of “still life”, teach how to depict a group of vegetables and fruits, convey their shape and color, and place them correctly in the drawing.

Material: Gouache paints; reproductions of still life paintings; m/f “Plasticine Crow” (“About Paintings” to poems by A. Kushner)

7). Drawing "Grapes"

Target: depict bunches of grapes in a two-plane pattern, where some berries hide behind each other and lose half of their round or oval (optional) shape; convey highlights on the berries using the technique of mixing paints.

Material: Gouache paints, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”, waltz.

8). Application - riddle "Still Life"

Target: determine by the color and shape of the blanks which vegetable or fruit to cut, consolidate the ability to cut round and oval objects.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; riddles about vegetables and fruits.

October(9 hours)

1). Drawing “Our Aquarium”

Target: consolidate the ability to depict animals from a circle and an oval, convey diversity through mixing colors and additional details, depict a composition of fish swimming in different directions.

Material: Gouache paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Spring”.

2). Application “Hen with chicks”

Target: teach how to work by cutting and pasting chickens, together in different poses, in any relationship with each other.

Form of the lesson: co-creation of the teacher (carving a chicken) and children.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; image of a poultry farm.

3). Drawing "Firebird"

Target: draw a fairytale bird, combining familiar images, convey its colorfulness and unusualness, its difference from existing ones.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Shepherds” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

4). Drawing "Pets"

Target: summarize children’s ideas in a conversation about animals living in the city and in the countryside; learn to draw 2-3 animals, using a circle and an oval, to convey the habitat (house, grass, apartment).

Material: Gouache paints; poems and riddles about pets

5). Modeling "Pets"

Target: learn to sculpt animals from plasticine using an oval shape and a circle (ball), and together create compositions from individual children's works.

Material: plasticine, stacks; drawings of pets from the previous lesson.

6). Drawing "Zoo"

Target: depict wild animals that were seen in the zoo (bear, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe), convey their features, characteristic details, combining the shape of a circle and a square in the drawing.

Material: Gouache paints, riddles about wild animals, poems by S. Marshak “For the guys about animals”

7). Drawing "At the Circus"

Target: convey the movements of animals performing acrobatic acts (elephant on a ball, dogs with a ball, bunny on a drum, etc.).

Material: Gouache paints; music by G. Verdi “Triumphal March” from the opera “Aida”

8). Modeling "Circus"

Target: learn to work together, create compositions from animals performing in the arena - performing a circus act with additional objects.

Material: plasticine, stacks, children's drawings “At the Circus” from the previous lesson.

9). Drawing “Rope Animals”

Target: learn to draw animals with one smooth, unbroken line (string), with additional drawing additional details. Black and white image.

Material: paper, coal.

November(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing “Autumn tree”

Target: learn to place trees “closer”, “further”; use the thin end of the brush to draw tree branches; form the concepts: “in front of the tree” (lower on the sheet), “behind the tree” (above).


2). Drawing "Trees and bushes"

Target: to teach to convey differences in the structure of a tree and a bush, to consolidate the “closer - farther” arrangement technique.

Material: watercolor paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”.

3). Application "Mushrooms"

Target: learn to convey the composition of their 3 mushrooms - a large one and two small ones; secure paired cuttings of identical parts.

Material: blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue; image of mushrooms.

4). Application “Guess the animal” (from autumn leaves)

Target: learn to select leaves, laying them out on paper so that you get an animal, finishing the details with a felt-tip pen.

Material: dried autumn leaves, glue, markers.

5). Drawing “Colorful autumn”

Target: learn to draw watercolor paints on wet paper, using the technique of spreading colors, develop the ability to see a plot in color and accentuate it.

Material: watercolor paints; music by V.-A. Mozart "Symphony No. 40".

6). Drawing “Cloudy autumn day”

Target: through the selection of colors, learn to depict the weather and mood; use the technique of toning the sky and earth, rain.

Material: watercolor paints; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn” part 2 from the violin concerto “The Seasons”

7). Drawing “Autumn Landscape”

Target: learn to compose an album of autumn drawings, choosing the plot and mood of the landscape, combining visual materials.

Material: Gouache, Watercolor paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, charcoal; music by A. Vivaldi “Autumn”, part 3 from the violin concerto “The Seasons”

December(7 o'clock)

1). Drawing “We are building houses”

Target: create an image of square and rectangular objects - houses, windows, doors; introduce the concept of “architecture”.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, charcoal.

2). Drawing "Transport"

Target: learn to depict public and freight transport; conveying their diversity and differences; cut out the outline of the car from folded paper. Color with pencils and crayons.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, scissors.

3). Drawing “Under the Blue Sky”

Target: learn to depict air transport (plane, helicopter, balloon, airship); convey the features of their structure, differences from the ground (streamlined shape, wings).

Material: crayons, watercolors, aircraft models; music by V.-A. Mozart, overture to the opera "The Marriage of Figaro".

4). Application “Such different cars”

Target: consolidate the skills of cutting out car bodies for various purposes (tank, dump truck, truck), cabins, wheels, composing and adding car parts with parts.

Material: colored paper, scissors, images of vehicles.

5). Drawing “A car drove up to the store”

Target: depict a two-plane drawing with perspective (“further - closer”, the car covers part of the building).

Material: pencils, crayons; music by F. Liszt “Chromatic gallop”.

6). Collective application “We are building a new city.”

Target: teach to compose general composition from houses, kindergartens, shops, cars, trees; develop cooperation skills and an elementary action plan.

Material: colored paper, scissors, glue.

January(7 o'clock)

1). Drawing "Winter's Tale"

Target: learn to depict trees, bushes and objects under the snow using graphic techniques(drawing on black paper with white gouache).

Material: black paper, gouache paints; music by V.-A. Mozart "Fantasy"

2). Drawing “Snow Maiden near the New Year tree”

Target: create plot picture, conveying the holiday, the Snow Maiden’s bright outfit, a beautiful Christmas tree.

Material: Gouache paints, New Year cards; music by A. Borodin “Polovtsian Dances” from the opera “Prince Igor”

3). Modeling “Girl making a snowman”

Target: learn to sculpt the figure of a girl in a fur coat in a simple movement (rolling a ball), placing a snowman next to it.

Material: plasticine, stacks, music by A. Vivaldi “Winter” from the violin concerto “The Seasons”.

4). Modeling “Children on a walk in winter”

Target: creating a collective composition of children’s figures in accordance with the plot (sledding, skiing, playing snowballs, rolling a ball)

Material: plasticine, stacks.

5). Drawing "Fun in Winter"

Target: depict a winter walk - children in different poses, winter nature, snow; create your own plot and composition of the drawing.

Material: Watercolor paints, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Trepak” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

6).Applique "Snowflakes"

Target: learn to cut out snowflakes with small details and slits from folded paper.

Material: white paper, scissors; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Dance” Fairy jelly beans"from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

February(8 ocloc'k)

1). Application “Toy clown”

Target: convey the simple movements of the clown through the positions of the arms, legs, and head; use gaming techniques - show a sketchy clown on the board, and the children look for whose clown performs the same movements.

Material: colored paper, scissors, toy clown.

2). Getting to know the portrait

Target: to form ideas about a portrait, its features and means of depiction; teach verbal and pictorial portraiture. Game "Guess the description".

Material: m/f “Plasticine Crow” (“About Paintings” based on poems by A. Kushner), portraits.

3). Drawing “Portrait of Mom”

Target: learn to convey in a drawing similarities with the appearance and mood of the mother; correctly position facial features.

Material: paints “Gouache”, “Watercolor”; music by J. Massenet “Meditation”.

4). Drawing "Fun and Sad"

Target: Using various techniques, teach to express a person’s mood (wide and narrow eyes, corners of the mouth up or down, eyebrows raised, lowered), after first examining several doll faces in the drawing.

Material: colored pencils, crayons, charcoal; music by A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” (“Spring” and “Autumn”)

5). Drawing “Funny gnomes”

Target: to teach to see the differences between a person and a gnome, to convey in the drawing the comical and fabulous nature of the gnome through shape and color.

Material: Gouache paints; music by P. Tchaikovsky “March” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”

6). Drawing “My dad is ... (cook, builder, engineer)”

Target: depict appearance, a person's posture in accordance with his profession.

Material: colored pencils, crayons.

7). Drawing “Portrait of a Friend”

Target: portray a friend, conveying his character, habits, hobbies; make a plot drawing.

Material: Gouache paints, colored crayons.

8). Drawing “A doctor came to see me”

Target: draw up a plot drawing depicting people and the environment.

Material: colored pencils, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease” from “Children’s Album”.

March(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing-application “Postcard for Mom”

Target: prepare a gift for your mother (grandmother, sister), choose your own means of representation, create a composition from combined visual materials (colored paper, paints, plasticine).

Material: colored paper, paints, plasticine, pencils, crayons; music from the opera “Sylvia” by L. Delibes, “Pizzicato”.

2). Drawing "Dancing men"

Target: learn to convey a person’s pose, his proportions in a schematic image, and compose a small dance composition from them.

Material: pencils, crayons; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Chinese Dance” from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

3). Drawing "Funny clowns"

Target: learn to portray a clown in motion, with objects (juggles, dances, shows a trick, acrobatic act).

Material: crayons, watercolor, music by J. Strauss “Gallop”

4). Modeling “There are clowns in the arena”

Target: compose a collective composition depicting a clown performance; choose your own number and outfit for your clown.

Material: plasticine, stacks.

5). Drawing and application “Circus poster”.

Target: learn how to create posters together, choose your own area of ​​work and create an overall composition.

Material: paints, pencils, crayons, colored paper, scissors.

6). Modeling

a) “At Cinderella’s ball”

b) “Flight into space”

Target: girls and boys perform various compositions with images of people (Cinderella, prince, astronaut, aliens).

Material: plasticine, stacks.

April(8 ocloc'k)

1). Drawing “My Favorite Fairy Tale”

Target: independently choose a plot and compose a drawing composition; portray the main characters so that the fairy tale is recognizable.

Material: paints “Gouache”, “Watercolor”; music by K. Debussy “The Puppet Keck-Walk”.

2). Drawing “Spring Thunderstorm”

Target: depict a landscape with a mood: sunny or cloudy day, rain, nature or city, animals or people.

Material: watercolor paints; poems about spring; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Concerto No. 1” for piano and orchestra.

3). Drawing “Forest in the Fog”

Target: depict a landscape using muted colors, pastel colors, mixed with white paint.

Material: watercolor paints; music by J. Offenbach "Barcarolle"

4). Modeling “Plate with a pattern”

Target: learn to sculpt wide, flat dishes, decorate them with a three-dimensional pattern of snakes and dots.

Material: plasticine, sample plates.

5). Modeling “Fruit Vase”

Target: consolidate the ability to sculpt dishes of complex shapes with a stand, decorate with a three-dimensional pattern; add chopped fruit if desired.

Material: plasticine, sample vase with fruit.

6). Modeling “Cookware Exhibition”

Target: learn how to independently choose a modeling object, come up with a pattern, highlight your work with some element ( unusual shape, pen, stand) in order to be selected for the exhibition.

Material: plasticine, samples of dishes.

May(8 ocloc'k)

1). Dymkovo painting “Horse in the meadow”

Target: introduce the elements of Dymkovo painting - circles, dots, strokes; learn to paint the figure of a horse with bright patterns, stylized as Dymkovo painting.

Material: Gouache paints; samples or images of Dymkovo painting; music by V.A. Mozart's "Turkish Rondo" from the sonata in A major.

2). Gorodets painting “Mug decorated with a flower garland”

Target: introduce Gorodets painting - buds, leaves, pink and blue flowers, learn how to paint mugs with a Gorodets flower garland.

Material: Gouache paints; samples or images of Gorodets painting; music by S. Rachmaninov “Italian Polka”

3). Picture book for kids

Target: learn how to make a folding book with a bright large drawing and simple text, independently choosing the plot and means of image.

Material: cardboard, colored paper, paints, pencils, crayons, scissors, glue.

4). Drawing “Beautiful Summer”

Target: depict summer as a dream, how you would like to spend it in your fantasies, select the means of depiction at your discretion.

Material: paints, pencils, crayons; poems about summer; music by P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

Work plan for the “Magic Colors” circle in the senior group

Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher, School No. 842, Moscow
Description of work: I offer you a work plan for the “Magic Colors” circle for children senior group(5-6 years old). This material will be useful for educators and teachers additional education working with older children preschool age. This is the work plan of the circle on the use of non-traditional drawing techniques in visual arts, aimed at development creativity children.

Development of creativity in children using non-traditional drawing techniques through group activities.
Learn to use a variety of materials in drawing and unconventional techniques, different ways creating an image.
Introduce the genres of fine art and their features.
Develop a sense of form, color, rhythm, composition, proportion.
Cultivate an interest in fine arts ( unconventional drawing), an aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, and enrich the emotional sphere of the child.

Work plan for the “Magic Colors” circle

“Leaves in a vase” still life
Non-traditional technique: Imprint with leaves, apples. Background – pastel.
Tasks: Introduce children to still life. Learn to draw a still life using the imprint of leaves and apples. Introduce a new material – pastel. Learn to create a background with pastels.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, tree leaves, apples (halves), pastels.

“House by the river” landscape
Non-traditional technique: Monotype.
Tasks: Introduce children to the technique - monotype. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes.

“Fruit in a vase” still life
Non-traditional technique: Pointillism. Background – pastel.
Tasks: Introduce the technique of pointillism (drawing with dots), teach how to work in this technique. Cultivate neatness. Continue learning how to tint paper with pastels.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, cotton buds, pastel.

"Autumn Tree"
Non-traditional technique: Spray
Tasks: Introduction to the spray technique. Continue learning to draw trees. Develop a sense of color.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, toothbrushes, sticks, stencil (tree crown, fallen leaves).

"Rain outside the window"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing with a painted ball, stamp.
Tasks: Introduce drawing with a ball. Learn to draw leaves using a stamp. Develop imagination fine motor skills.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, box lid, balls, window frame blanks cut from colored paper, glue, leaf stamps.

"Maple Leaf"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing with a sponge.
Tasks: Introduce painting with a sponge. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate independence and accuracy.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, foam rubber (sponge), palette, Maple Leaf(cut from cardboard).

"Squirrel in the Hollow"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing with palm, fingers.
Tasks: Learn to draw with your palm, improve your finger drawing technique. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, napkins.

Non-traditional technique: Printing with foam rubber, imprint with leaves.
Tasks: Continue to learn how to draw using foam rubber and improve your typing technique. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, foam rubber, tree leaves, mushroom stencil, napkins.

Non-traditional technique: Leaves imprint, stamp.
Tasks: Improve your typing technique, learn to add details with a felt-tip pen.
Equipment: Sheets of paper on which silhouettes of hedgehogs, tree leaves, apples (halves), gouache, brushes, markers, pastel (background), cotton swabs are drawn.

"My favorite toy"
Non-traditional technique: Pointillism.
Tasks: Improve children's ability to draw with cotton swabs. Develop a sense of color.
Equipment: Sheets of paper with images of toys, gouache, cotton swabs.

"My favorite animal"
Non-traditional technique: Poking with a semi-dry hard brush.
Tasks: Learn how to use this technique. Learn to depict the appearance of an animal in a drawing. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, hard brush, gouache.

Non-traditional technique: Pointillism.
Tasks: Improve your skills in this technique. Develop a sense of color and fine motor skills. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Silhouettes of umbrellas, gouache, cotton swabs.

"Portrait of a Bunny"
Non-traditional technique: Silhouette drawing.
Tasks: Getting to know this technique. Develop visual-figurative thinking.
Equipment: Outline image of a bunny, black and white paper, table lamp, black and white gouache, foam rubber.

"Winter landscape"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing with toothpaste.
Tasks: Introduce new non-traditional drawing materials. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Colored cardboard (black, blue), toothpaste, napkins.

Non-traditional technique: Monotype.
Tasks: Improve your drawing skills using this technique. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes.

"New Year card"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing coffee.
Tasks: Introduce non-traditional drawing materials.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, coffee, brushes, scissors, ribbon for decoration.

"Winter evening"
Non-traditional technique: Scratch.
Tasks: Introduce unconventional fine art black and white scratch paper. Learn to convey the mood of a quiet winter evening using graphics. Practice using such means of expression as line and stroke.
Equipment: Prepared base (candle, black, blue gouache), wooden sticks.

"Frost patterns"
Non-traditional technique: Candle + watercolor.
Tasks: Get acquainted with this technique. Develop imagination and creative thinking.

Non-traditional technique: Painting with salt.
Tasks: Introduce non-traditional drawing materials. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Sheets of paper of blue color, salt, glue, brushes.

Non-traditional technique: Nitcography.
Tasks: Introduce the technique of nitcography, learn how to draw using this technique. Develop imagination and associative thinking.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, threads.

"White birch tree under my window"
Non-traditional technique: Candle + watercolor
Tasks: Improve your drawing skills using this technique. Continue learning to draw a tree. Develop a sense of composition
Equipment: Sheets of paper, watercolor, candle.

Non-traditional technique: Drawing with cereals.
Tasks: Introduce non-traditional drawing materials. Learn to imitate a bird.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, semolina, glue, brushes.

"Funny animals"
Non-traditional technique: Blotography, foam.
Tasks: Learn to draw with foam and create images of animals. Develop creative imagination.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, colored soap foam, tubes, watercolors, brushes.

Non-traditional technique: Plasticineography
Tasks: Improve your work in this technique. Cultivate neatness.
Equipment: Colored cardboard, plasticine.

"Flower for Mom"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing on crumpled paper.
Tasks: Introduce the technique of drawing on crumpled paper. Develop compositional skills.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, watercolors, brushes.

"Wonderful flowers"
Non-traditional technique: Blotography, blowing with a tube.
Tasks: Introduce the technique of pipe blowing (drawing flowers). Learn to draw stems and leaves.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, tubes, brushes.

"Magic Flowers"
Non-traditional technique: Nitcography.
Tasks: Improve your skills in this technique. Develop imagination and associative thinking
Equipment: Sheets of paper, thread, gouache, brushes.

"Spring Landscape"
Non-traditional technique: Monotype.
Tasks: Improve children's ability to draw using this technique. Continue learning how to create an image of a tree.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes.

"Starry Sky"
Non-traditional technique: Scratch.
Tasks: Introduce the grattage technique. Develop compositional skills.
Equipment: Prepared base (wax crayons, candle, black, blue gouache), wooden sticks.

"Willow Twig"
Non-traditional technique: Pastel, charcoal.
Tasks: Strengthen drawing skills with these materials. Learn to draw a willow branch.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, pastel, charcoal.

"Easter Egg"
Non-traditional technique: Drawing with cotton swabs, imprinting with cork.
Tasks: Cultivate interest in folk culture. Teach decorative elements and color perception.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, cotton swabs, corks.

"Blossoming Branch"
Non-traditional technique: Blowing with a tube.
Tasks: Teach children to draw using this technique. Introduce the method of depicting the corolla of a flower with 4-5 petals using the “dipping” technique. Create conditions for experimenting with color to obtain a pink tint by mixing white with red. Develop imagination and associative thinking.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, tubes, palette.

"Festive fireworks"
Non-traditional technique: Wax crayons, watercolor.
Tasks: Learn to depict fireworks using wax crayons and watercolors for the background.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes.

"Butterflies in the Meadow"
Non-traditional technique: Stamp.
Tasks: Learn to draw butterflies using eraser stamps. Develop attention, precision of movements, and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
Equipment: Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, butterfly stamps.

Non-traditional technique: Drawing on embossed paper.
Tasks: Learn to depict flowers on embossed paper. Develop a sense of color and composition.
Equipment: Embossed paper, stencils, gouache, brushes.

“Clean Planet” poster (team work)
Non-traditional technique: Drawing with palms.
Tasks: Strengthen the technique of drawing with your palms. Learn to complement a composition with details using different visual arts and materials.
Equipment: Whatman paper, gouache, brushes, napkins, wax crayons, pastels, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Creative works of children

“Leaves in a vase” still life

“House by the river” landscape

“Fruit in a vase” still life

Equipment: Pinocchio dolls, Blot, paper, brushes, mirror.

Educator (V.).

So we took our brushes in our hands,

And there was no boredom in the group.

To make it more fun

Don't skimp on bright paint!

This is true!

Well, what is there to hide here?

Children love, really love to draw.

Pinocchio, do you like to draw?”

Pinocchio. I don't know, I haven't tried it.

IN. Do you want us to teach you? To begin with, we will remember how you can get new colors and shades by mixing paints.

Didactic game “Wonderful Palette”.

(A blot appears.)

Blot. What are you doing here without me? Who gave you permission to touch the paints?

IN. Who are you?

Blot. I am black polish, my name is Miracle Blob.

I'll jump on the drawing and leave a mark on it. Where there were people, flowers, trees, birds, little black blots will have fun. Everything will be pitch black. Crybaby children will only make blots.

IN. Our children are not crybabies at all, and they draw very beautifully. But where did you come from and why are you so angry?


Some evil boy

Prankster naughty

I stuck my nose in the ink.

I haven't forgotten him

And I came from a fairy tale,

I'll mix colors for you all...

Oh, here he is, I recognized him.

He did this to me.

Pinocchio. I didn’t know, it’s not my fault...

IN. Listen, blob, the guys and I want to help you.

There are different blots,

Sometimes they get in the way

They can be a terrible beast,

They might even make you laugh.

Pinocchio. Let's turn you into something.

IN. Before we start the magic, we will prepare the paper by folding the sheet in half. Now let's put it on one sheet funny blots, cover it with another sheet:

(Children put spots on the sheets. Open the sheets, if necessary, add small parts. They tell us what their blots turned into.)

IN. And the guys and I will make it out of drawings magic book and we will give it to you” (fastens the sheets).

Blot. I'm very pleased. I also want to give you a gift - these multi-colored freckles.

Game "Dots on the nose".

(The teacher draws a colored dot on each child’s nose. Invites them to admire their noses in the mirror and remember the color. Under cheerful music children dance, at the end of which they gather their “noses” in accordance with one color and hug.)

Blob and Pinocchio. Guys, it’s time for us to return to our fairy tale (the heroes leave and give the children the game “Golden Key”).

(This material will be useful to educators and parents of older and preparatory groups, the activity summary is aimed at developing in children an idea of ​​the artist’s profession, its creative nature, and will help to consolidate the names of objects and visual materials used by the artist; encourage children to use a variety of means of expression in the process of creating a drawing).



  • Expand children's understanding of the artist's profession.
  • Deepen children's knowledge about visual materials and drawing methods.
  • To give an idea that artists in their works reflect their worldview, convey their thoughts and feelings.


  • Continue acquaintance with expressive means painting - color.
  • Develop visual attention and thinking.
  • Develop interest in art, emotional responsiveness to works of art.


  • Cultivate interest in the work of artists and respect for their work.
  • To cultivate attention, accuracy, determination, creative self-realization.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", " Artistic creativity", "Music".

Equipment and materials: artist's costume; game material"The Artist and His Assistants"; reproductions famous artists; reproduction of V. Perov “Troika”; game material “Make a picture”; material for the experimental game “Mixing Colors”; music by M. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition”, “magic brush”; visual materials: drawing sheets, paints, brushes according to the number of children; silhouette of a man with a face without a smile.

Preliminary work: reading books about artists, looking at art calendars; reviewing the album " Creative professions", conversation on the content of what was viewed; artistic and didactic games “Missing Colors”, “Guess the Colour”, “Painting”, children’s fantasies “If I were an artist”; free drawing.

About the profession of an artist for preschool children in kindergarten “Who is an artist?”

Educator(as an artist): Hello guys. Guess who I am?

I have a pencil

Multi-colored gouache,

Watercolor, palette, brush

And a thick sheet of paper,

And also a tripod easel,

Because I' artist.

Educator: Right. I am an artist. What does an artist do? (Children's answers).

Educator: That's right, an artist is a person who works fine arts, creates paintings and works of art. Let's name the artist's assistants? (The teacher conducts a didactic game “The Artist and His Assistants” - Appendix 1)

Educator: See how much an artist can tell in one picture. (The teacher shows the children reproductions of famous artists).

Educator: Do you like these pictures? What do artists talk about in their paintings? (Children's answers).

Educator: We are surrounded by a large and amazing world. Nature, objects, people. And artists want everyone to see the beauty that surrounds us. And artists also convey in their paintings the joy or grief of other people, so that you and I can help those who need our help. (Work with V. Perov’s painting “Troika”).

What feelings does the painting evoke?

Are you happy or sad looking at her?

What is the most important thing in the picture?

Describe the children's faces.

What did the artist V. Perov want to say with his work?

Educator: Let us create our own work too! Let's think about what will be the main thing and how we can arrange the remaining items so that it turns out real picture. (The teacher conducts the didactic game “Make a picture” - Appendix 1)

Educator: Guys, do you think it’s difficult to be an artist? (Children's answers).

Educator: Yes, to create their works, artists travel a lot, observe, and fantasize. Only then do they draw what they especially liked. Very often the artist does not have time for rest and entertainment. But you and I know that you need to take care of your health. If you are tired, you need to rest a little. I suggest doing exercises. (Physical education minute).

I always dreamed of becoming an artist,A gesture of daydreaming, resting your head on your hand.
That's why I drew everywhere.Drawing in the air with an outstretched hand.
With a pen on a piece of paper like this
Brush on canvas like thisDrawing in the air with an outstretched hand.
Pencil on the deskDrawing in the air with your hand, at chest level.
And chalk on the asphalt.Drawing in the air with your hand, at floor level.
Boots in the snowDrawing with your foot on the floor.
I skate on the ice with skates.Drawing on the floor with your foot.
On the sand with a twig,Drawing in the air with an imaginary twig on the floor.
On the board with a nail.Drawing in the air with an imaginary nail.

Educator: To make the painting truly beautiful, the artist, like a real wizard, selects colors and mixes them. Let us also try to mix paints and get new shades. But we will do this not on a palette, but in magic jars. (The teacher conducts an experiment “Mixing colors”).

Educator: But to paint a picture, the ability to mix paints is not enough. An artist must be able to peer into the world, listen to notice everything and draw beautifully. Then the lines, dots and spots will create real magic. See what can come of it regular lines, dots and spots. (The teacher shows and explains drawing from a spot, line, point).

Educator: And now I will touch each of you with my brush and turn you into real artists. (The teacher touches each child with a brush, calling his name).

Educator: Now, like real artists, you can draw your own miracles. Take your materials and turn the shapes on your sheets into something fabulous and unusual. And when you finish your work, we will all try to guess what you did together. (Music plays. Children draw on their own, the teacher helps children who have difficulties with guiding questions.).

Educator: You have done a great and difficult job. Now we’ll find out whether you liked it or not. If you were interested, draw a happy smile on my little man, and if not, a sad one. (Children complete the task).

Educator: Now you know, in order to learn how to draw pictures, you need to see everything beautiful that surrounds us and be happy about it.

Annex 1

Card index didactic games for an art class

"Who is an artist?"

Didactic game “The Artist and His Assistants”

Task: consolidate children's knowledge about the profession of an artist and his working tools

Game rule: Children choose only objects from a set of heterogeneous objects fine arts, necessary for the artist to create a picture.

Game actions: Children take turns naming an object of fine art, the teacher selects it from the general visual range and places it in the artist’s “basket”.

Game material: artist’s “basket”, visuals: drawing paper, gouache, pastel, paints, brushes, simple pencil, colored pencils, palette, rag, doll, typewriter, plasticine, etc.

Progress of the game: The teacher lays out various objects in front of the children. Children are asked to choose only those objects that are the artist’s tools. Children take turns naming the object of fine art and its purpose, the teacher puts it in the artist’s “basket”.

Didactic game: “Make a picture”

Task: exercise children in composing a composition with multifaceted content, highlighting the main size, combining objects common theme.

Game rule: Children choose pictures from the visual range and make a picture.

Game actions: Children name objects united by a common theme and indicate their compositional arrangement. The teacher places objects on a canvas (flannelograph).

Game material: flannelgraph, subject pictures.

Progress of the game: Children name the main object, the teacher places it in the center of the canvas (flannelgraph). Children explain why this object acts as the main one, point out its big size. Then children select and name the remaining objects that can be united by a common theme, indicate their compositional position, and consolidate orientational-spatial concepts (left, right, top, bottom, middle, etc.). The teacher “makes a picture” on a flannelgraph.

Game - experimentation “Mixing colors”.

Task: Continue to consolidate and enrich children’s understanding of colors and shades, surrounding objects and objects of nature.

Game rule: Paints of different colors are mixed in jars of water to obtain their shades.

Game actions: Children call paints for mixing, the teacher mixes them in jars with water.

Game material: paint of different colors, jars of water, a stick for stirring paint in water.

Progress of the game: Children are encouraged to receive different shades colors. Children name two paints that need to be mixed to get a new color or shade. The teacher mixes paints and shows the results to the children. Children name the resulting color or shade. You can use another version of the game when the teacher asks what colors need to be mixed to get this or that color or shade.

Title: Summary of a lesson in visual arts for older preschoolers “Who is an artist?!”
Nomination: Kindergarten Lesson notes, GCD / visual activity

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 50"
Location: Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk region.

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