Drawing a rocket. How to draw a spaceship with a pencil step by step

People who need to feign illness often encounter this problem. These are students, students, employees. Exemption from classes or work for a short period of time allows you to make an urgent trip, postpone taking a test or exam to a favorable time, or simply relax when the curriculum requires the most intense work.

How to artificially raise body temperature

Recording an elevated temperature at an outpatient appointment is a reliable factor in obtaining the desired relief, sick leave. Of course, one temperature symptom is not the basis for a medical diagnosis, but additions that are simple even for people untalented in acting, such as coughing, strained breathing or a weak, “afterlife” voice, already completely complement the picture of the development of the “disease”.

Just remember that, unlike a doctor, who cannot be surprised or frightened by a patient’s high temperature, your loved ones...

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How to raise the temperature to 38?

Body temperature is one of the main indicators of a person’s health, and deviations from the norm may indicate various pathologies in the body. Therefore, in most cases, during a consultation with a doctor, a temperature measurement is performed.

In what cases is it necessary to raise body temperature?

Of course, elevated body temperature causes a person to feel anxious, and the natural desire in this case is to normalize it as quickly as possible. But there are situations when an artificial increase in temperature is necessary:

Increasing body temperature to simulate illness; artificial induction of elevated body temperature with therapeutic purpose.

In the first case, a temporary increase in body temperature is artificially caused, usually before visiting a doctor in order to obtain a sick leave certificate or certificate. Some may need this to justify absenteeism, others to reschedule an exam, etc.

In the second case...

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"Old-fashioned" ways to raise the temperature at home

One of the main methods of this dubious activity is to eat pencil lead. Basically, this method is common among truant schoolchildren. In principle, an ordinary pencil lead can raise the temperature to 38°C, but you need to chew it with a huge amount of water.

It would be better not to conduct such experiments with iodine at all, because the harm caused by this substance can have irreversible consequences for the body!

Some precociously smart schoolchildren even resort to iodine, not knowing that it is a toxic substance! Usually they take a piece of refined sugar and drop 2-3 drops of iodine on it, after which they carefully chew this “medicine” for a cold and then swallow it. After 15 minutes, body temperature rises by about 3°C.

Not everyone knows that you can raise your body temperature by exercising. sports exercises. The fact is that even the most insignificant...

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Anna Savelyanova, Newcomer (3), 7 days ago

And if I breathe in the coffee and go to school, the temperature will remain? The stylus raised the temperature to 37.5. Grateful. These two methods will help you quickly raise the temperature to +38 degrees or more. There is another way to raise body temperature, but it is significantly more expensive. I easily and simply raised the temperature to 38.9 by friction using an electronic thermometer!! The temperature has risen. Yesterday I had a fever, but this morning it went down, how can I raise it urgently?

Does the temperature last long with coffee?


Arina Selezneva, Newcomer (7), 7 days ago

Before writing this article, I looked at all the popular methods offered on other sites. This is on the one hand. 1. Iodine. It is advised to drop a few drops either on a sugar cube or on bread and eat. 3. Stationery glue. Apply intranasally (that is, spread glue in the nose).

Kirill Ostrovsky, Expert (713), 6 days ago

But the last two give...

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Perhaps every person at least once in his life had a situation when a good reason was needed to evade some event or work. Naturally, health is not something to joke about, but feigning illness in this case is the only way out.

Sometimes in life there are situations when you really need to appear sick. So how can you increase your body temperature?

How to increase body temperature

There are many ways to skip a few school or work days. In most cases, they involve raising body temperature. Many of these methods are based on the entry of antigens into the body - foreign particles that increase heat exchange. Since antibodies immediately begin to neutralize them, pyrogenic substances are released, which raise the body temperature. But remember that by doing these things to your body, you can deplete your immune system.

All methods of raising body temperature are divided into two...

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Being sick, of course, is bad. What about pretending to be sick? Well, in this case, it all depends on the reason for which the person decided to resort to pretense. In principle, there is nothing wrong with faking illness and skipping work or school. How to raise the temperature to 38? Good question! In fact, the methods are different. Let us immediately note that we do not recommend experimenting with everything, as you can harm your body. Attention! The information is not a guide to action and is provided for informational purposes only.

How to raise the temperature to 38

First, you should pay attention to what body temperature is normal for a person. Of course, the norm for us is exactly 36.6. If it rises by even half a degree, the change will be noticeable. A low temperature is also a very bad indicator. Let's talk about elevated temperature. An interesting fact is that it is only a slight increase that is noticeable, and in extreme heat we can almost...

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Any specialist will give the right advice to a person who is interested in how to increase body temperature. It will be aimed at identifying the causes. Some seek to change the thermometer readings upward completely unnecessarily, thereby risking harm to their health.

There are several methods to influence the body's thermoregulation at home. Some of them were invented by people who are trying to get sick leave. Others are based on scientific approach. However, even in the most ridiculous at first glance ways, you can quickly change the thermometer readings to 38 - 39 degrees. Apply rationally various methods to improve the condition not for healthy people, but for those who suffer from chronic hypothermia.

The importance of temperature for human health

Everyone knows that the body temperature of a healthy person is 36.6 degrees. This normal state allows all biological processes in the body to occur, such as metabolism...

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If you have ever needed to feign illness, then you probably wondered how to raise your body temperature to 37.5 quickly and safely. After all, if you need to urgently issue a sick leave, then in 98% of cases it is impossible in the absence of fever. There are several ways to do this. It should be immediately noted that if you suffer from body temperature below normal, then it is better not to try to find a solution to the problem on your own. Since this may be a signal of the development of a number of diseases. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Proven methods

But if you are interested in how to increase your body temperature to 37.5 at home, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods described below.

Eating stylus

This is the simplest method, which is often used even by schoolchildren to skip classes once again. It is recommended to eat the stylus from a simple pencil. To do this, you need to break the pencil in half and remove small parts of the lead from it. Next, you need to eat it with a small amount of water. Keep in mind that if you chew it, your mouth will turn black and your secret will be revealed. Therefore, do not chew it, but take it like a tablet.


This method is popular due to the fact that in addition to elevated temperature, you can also get cold symptoms such as consumption, runny nose. The glue should be the simplest, domestic one. Under no circumstances should you drink it. You need to take a small amount of glue and apply it to your nose.


Many people love this invigorating drink, especially in the morning when they need to cheer up. But few people know that with its help you can raise your temperature and go on sick leave. Only for this you need not to drink this product, but to eat it. It is enough to eat two to three teaspoons of regular instant coffee, and you will achieve the desired result.

Rubbing underarms

This is a very interesting method that will help to urgently raise your body temperature. Only you need to rub your armpits not just like that, but with the help of products such as:

  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • garlic.

However, when using it, keep in mind that there may be a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in public places. Experts recommend rubbing your armpits with one of the listed products for at least 10 minutes. Then the body temperature will rise to the level you need.

Climbers method

This method is used by climbers in cases where it is necessary to warm up, but movement is impossible. To carry out the procedure you need:

  • take four deep breaths,
  • then take air into your lungs,
  • tense your diaphragm and abs, as if you are trying to crush the air inside you.

Hold your breath for 40 seconds. This exercise must be repeated at least 5 times, then the temperature will rise.


In order to raise the temperature using this method, just drop a couple of drops of the product on the bread. Then you should eat this piece and wash it down with water. The effect after using this method lasts for several hours.

If the temperature measurement is carried out without anyone's control, then you can take a thermometer and lower it into warm water for a few seconds. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

No matter how safe these methods may seem, before artificially raising your body temperature, think about how much you need it. Since sometimes trying to simulate a disease, it can occur in reality.

All the presented methods that help to artificially increase the temperature are not recommended, but can be used if necessary. They will help raise her levels.

If a person has a low temperature, it is not recommended to use these remedies - it is better to visit a doctor to normalize the indicators:

  1. Application of iodine. This method involves preparing the body to consume a small amount of the component.
  • Pencil lead. Previously, this method was always used to save schoolchildren from attending an educational institution.
  • Vinegar. The downside of this technique is the strong smell, but it is effective. In 1 l. dissolve 4 tbsp of water. vinegar, using a cloth, rub the body.

    Some believe that raspberries can raise your temperature. This is not true, because it is taken to lower the degrees. The berry promotes sweating, and the acetylsalicylic acid contained in the composition has a detrimental effect on temperature.

    Folk remedies

    There are several not always pleasant, but effective methods raise the temperature. They are based on folk remedies, one of them is the use of salt.

    To do this, take salt and rub it on your armpits. With this action, a local increase in thermometer readings will be observed, but this will be enough.

    Onions raise the temperature equally, but they give off a specific smell that will be immediately recognizable to the nurse.

    Methods that help to safely raise the temperature in an adult’s body are based not only on the internal use of any component.

    They are also associated with external means. Some of them immediately raise the temperature, while others need to wait at least half an hour to take effect.

    Let's consider methods for increasing the degrees on a thermometer using folk remedies:

    These methods are good in moderation. You should not resort to using the listed ingredients every day to perform tricks - it is recommended to do this once when necessary.

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    How to increase body temperature

    Elevated temperature is a natural defense mechanism human body. It can fight unwanted viruses and bacteria in the body and even regulate metabolism and hormone levels. Raising your temperature at home can be risky, so be very careful. It is possible to raise your body temperature without causing too much fever, and it may even be beneficial for your body. If the temperature rises above 40 degrees Celsius, the body may begin to damage important proteins.

    Steps Edit

    Method 1 of 3:

    Raising your temperature with medical help Edit

    Method 2 of 3:

    Increased body temperature at home Edit

    Method 3 of 3:

    Foods that raise your temperature Edit

    Warnings Edit

    • Even if you plan to treat yourself at home, you should talk to your doctor before raising your body temperature, especially if you have heart, digestive, or immune system conditions.

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    How to deal with hypothermia at home?

    How to increase body temperature? The question itself sounds somewhat ambiguous - why should it be raised? Of course, such a procedure is sometimes necessary when the temperature drops below normal and indicates a weakening of the body. On the other hand, which happens more often, such an event is aimed at deceiving medicine. Many people decide how to artificially increase body temperature at home in order to simulate illness. You can dwell on both problems, although they are solved by completely different methods.

    Medical indication for fever

    Normal body temperature is a relative concept, which is associated with age, the general condition of a person, and the individual characteristics of the body. It can fluctuate between 36.2-36.9°C. In medical practice, a person’s condition is often observed when the body temperature drops below 36°C, which is called hypothermia. Most often this phenomenon is caused by hypothermia.

    When the temperature is too low, the systems that regulate blood flow and respiration cannot function normally, which affects brain activity, heart contractions, and muscle tone. Under such conditions, there are medical indications for fever.

    An excessively low body temperature can be the result of a previous illness or surgical treatment, when the body is severely weakened and the immune system is reduced. Typically, characteristic symptoms occur: weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and sometimes headache, slow heart rate. Sometimes, with very severe hypothermia, it is necessary to decide how to quickly increase body temperature to a normal level.

    If serious complications are not observed, then it is better to do without medication. It is necessary to warm the person by taking the following actions:

    • place the person in a warm room;
    • change clothes to dry and warm ones;
    • place hot compresses under the arms, on the body, neck and groin area (compresses on the upper and lower extremities are not recommended);
    • drink hot tea;
    • give a massage.

    If hypothermia persists long time, then this indicates the development of pathology. In this case, a medical examination and development of a treatment regimen is necessary. In order to artificially increase body temperature at home, folk remedies are often powerless, and then pyrotherapy can be an increasing method. This technique is based on taking special drugs, such as Pyrogenal, horse serum. In outpatient and inpatient settings, sometimes blood of an inappropriate group is injected or physiotherapy is used - an electric or magnetic high-frequency field.

    Traditional methods of warming up

    With moderate intensity hypothermia, you can quickly raise your body temperature using folk remedies. The most common methods are:

    1. Hot foot baths before bed - the duration of this procedure is no more than minutes. It is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the water, and at the end of the procedure, put on warm woolen socks at night.
    2. Hot drinks: tea with raspberries, currants, honey or lemon; infusions or decoctions of chamomile and St. John's wort (1 tbsp herb per 200 ml of water), ginger drink (ginger root, poured boiling water with honey).
    3. Physical exercises: bending, jumping, squats at an accelerated pace.
    4. Rub in the armpit area with table salt or black pepper.
    5. Eating spicy foods (if your stomach condition allows) can help raise your temperature.
    6. Sleep is the best medicine after taking warming measures.

    Feigning illness

    Many people sometimes have situations where they need to avoid going to work or school in any way possible. The best way- urgently “get sick”, and for this you need to solve the question of how to quickly increase your body temperature at home. In this case, it is desirable that it be significantly higher than normal and last for a certain time.

    Naturally, the measures discussed above are completely unsuitable in this case. To artificially increase the temperature to 38°C and above, other radical technologies have been invented and tested in practice. High body temperature can be achieved in the following ways:

    1. Iodine. Body temperature can be raised to 38.5°C very in a simple way- eat a small piece of bread or refined sugar, onto which you first drip iodine. You can dissolve a few drops of iodine in water and drink it. The high temperature will last for 2-3 hours.
    2. Stationery glue. The method is carried out by spreading glue in the nasal cavity. The temperature usually rises to 37.2-37.5 ° C, but such obvious symptoms as a runny nose and sneezing are added.
    3. Coffee. For fever symptoms, you can eat 3-4 tsp. instant coffee.
    4. Pencil lead. This method migrated to the disease simulation section from traditional medicine, where it is successfully used when urgent treatment of hypothermia is necessary. To increase the temperature up to 39.5°C, it is enough to remove a piece of lead from a simple pencil, chop it and eat it. The pencil you need to use is the simplest, cheapest, domestic one (preferably Soviet-made). The symptom can last for 4-4.5 hours.
    5. Chafing underarms. For rubbing in the armpit area, you can use black or red pepper, table salt, onion, garlic, horseradish. Of course, using onions or garlic is problematic because of the smell, which can give away the cause of the “disease,” but they are quite effective. If you rub your armpits for minutes, the temperature can be raised above 38.2°C. Should be considered possible complication- skin irritation.
    6. Breathing method. This simulation method was borrowed from climbers, who use it when suffering from hypothermia in the mountains. The technique is as follows: take 4-5 deep breaths, after which the diaphragm and abs are tensed, and our breath is held. If this technique is repeated 6-7 times, then a temperature above 37.3°C can be achieved.

    The temperature simply won't rise. In addition, all methods have their dangerous sides - they can cause unexpected reflexive reactions of the body, including those of an allergic nature. It is best not to engage in deception, but if you still have to use such methods, then you must be extremely careful. This is especially true for the dosage of consumed substances.

    Any artificial increase in temperature is the imposition of extreme conditions on your body, when it is forced to turn on additional reserves. Frequent use of such influences weakens the body. Subsequently, there may be a real need for these reserves during illness, and they will be exhausted. During adolescence, such effects are most dangerous, as they occur against the background of hormonal changes in the body. You should not deplete your own immune defense artificially - it may be required for other, more important purposes.

    How to raise your body temperature quickly and safely

    Nobody likes to be sick, and it’s hard to disagree with this. But sometimes you want to feign illness for a while. There can be many reasons for this: it is necessary to justify absenteeism at work, missing class educational institution or delay taking the exam. In order to get a certificate, you will have to prove to the doctor that you really have the disease. What is the most irrefutable fact about this? Of course, the presence of high temperature. This article will tell you how to change the thermometer readings and quickly raise the temperature by several degrees. And in order not to become an enemy to your health, it is better to do this in safe ways.

    What can contribute to an increase in temperature:

    1. Iodine. They do this: eat a piece of sugar or bread, onto which 3-4 drops of iodine solution have been dropped. The thermometer will rise to 39 degrees in the next few hours. The main thing is not to exceed the number of iodine drops in order to avoid damage to internal organs by burns. Attention! Some sources indicate that this is fast, but still not safe way raise body temperature.

    2. Hot foot baths. You need to soak your feet in hot water with dry mustard (20 minutes). The result is the same - body heat will reach 38.

    3. Pencil lead. This technique has been practiced for a long time. The bottom line is that you just need to eat the lead of a simple pencil. Colored ones cannot be eaten because of the coloring substances they contain. It will not be possible to raise the temperature, but to cause poisoning. The pieces of stylus should be quickly swallowed whole and washed down with water. Over the next 3 or 4 hours, the temperature will increase and can reach as much as 40 degrees.

    4. Stationery glue. The temperature rises quickly (to about 37), plus a runny nose may also begin. Any glue that needs to be applied in a thin layer on the nose is suitable for this purpose. In a similar way, you can use geranium leaves, which must first be crushed to form juice and placed briefly in the nasal cavity.

    5. Instant coffee. It will need to be chewed. A sufficient number of teaspoons is from 2 to 3. Other types of coffee (bean and ground) are not suitable for such an experiment.

    6. Rubbing the armpits. For this method, one thing is suitable: onion, garlic, salt or pepper. Rub one of the components into the armpit and after 15 minutes wait for the temperature to rise to 38 degrees. The only inconvenience is that onions and garlic emit a strong odor, and the skin of the armpits can turn red and become irritated.

    7. Breathing exercises. Most often used by climbers so that they have the opportunity to warm up while limiting their movements. Four deep breaths are taken to fill the lungs as much as possible with air and hold your breath, tensing your abdominal muscles. You need to perform this exercise from 25 to 45 seconds, 5 times. In this way you can raise your body temperature to at least 37 degrees. However, it is advisable to resort to such an exercise only as a last resort and with certain physical preparation.

    8. Heating the thermometer. Dip it in hot water, heat it on a radiator, or a table lamp - all this will cause the mercury in the thermometer to quickly jump up. One drawback: you have to manage to do it without mom or the doctor seeing.


    It is necessary to increase body temperature artificially very carefully, otherwise everything can end in serious poisoning or fainting. It is worth thinking repeatedly about which method is more suitable, because each person’s body is individual: what suits one person can greatly harm another.

    These are all the tricks with which you can afford to take a short vacation with impunity, citing sick leave. But you shouldn’t get carried away with any of them, otherwise you can really undermine your health and get treated for real.

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    How to raise body temperature

    A healthy person has a body temperature of 36.6 C. And this is not surprising, this temperature is most acceptable for a person, this is the only way that all his organs can work most harmoniously, performing their basic functions. However, situations often arise when the temperature can drop sharply due to hypothermia or some illness. Then it is urgent to decide how to raise body temperature in order to restore normal functioning of the body.

    Reasons why your temperature may drop

    Temperature plays an important role in the human body. It determines whether the organs will work correctly, as well as how resistant the body is to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. If a person is sick, then in most cases, the body temperature will be elevated. But the opposite situation also happens when the temperature drops. In this case, the person often feels much worse.

    Why is it so important to raise body temperature to normal levels? The fact is that an increase in temperature means that the body is fighting an infection or virus, while a low temperature indicates that the body’s protective functions are weakened, and it is absolutely unable to overcome the disease on its own without the help of medications.

    The reasons why body temperature decreases can be different. For example, this is possible if a person becomes hypothermic due to prolonged exposure to cold air or cold water. But such a decrease in temperature is fully justified by the impact external factors. Much more dangerous are internal causes that cause a decrease in body temperature, such as:

    In any case, no matter what causes this phenomenon, doctors are unanimous on one thing: low temperature definitely needs to be fought.

    What to do and what not to do in case of severe hypothermia

    So, let's look at how to raise body temperature if a person has become hypothermic due to prolonged exposure to cold water or frosty air. In this case, the following measures must be taken:

    1. Move the person to a warm place and remove wet, cold clothes, replacing them with warm and dry ones.
    2. You can additionally wrap the person in a warm blanket.
    3. In order to warm the body, you can use bottles with warm water or hot compresses, placing them along the entire body. It should be remembered that warming your hands and feet is not recommended, as you can achieve the opposite effect. It is better to apply compresses or bottles under the armpits, neck and groin area.

    Of course, all of the above measures are very effective in case of hypothermia. If the cause of the low temperature lies in some disease, then you need to immediately seek help from a doctor so that the appropriate diagnosis is made in time, the correct diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

    How to artificially increase body temperature

    There are situations when you need to artificially raise your body temperature. Let's remember our childhood, when we all wanted to skip class more than once, and for this we always came up with a plausible reason, such as a cold.

    So, you can increase body temperature in the following ways:

    1. The most common and popular method is using a lead, which can be obtained from an ordinary pencil. The lead is taken out of a broken pencil and eaten with water. You should not drink too much, as this may reduce the effect. Chewing is also not recommended, because traces of the “crime” may remain in the mouth. In any case, it's not very effective way, which slightly raises body temperature.

    In any case, you need to remember that those methods that work successfully for some people may not be suitable for others.

    How to warm up and increase your body temperature

    If you are frozen, you need to put on warm clothes, additionally insulate your feet and go to bed, covered with a warm thick blanket. The feet are warmed with a heating pad or a bottle of hot water.

    Before going to bed, it is better to make a foot bath with hot water and aroma oil. As the water cools, it is necessary to add hot water. The duration of the procedure should not exceed thirty minutes. After the bath, you need to dry your feet well and put on cotton socks and wool socks over them.

    It is also recommended to take warming drinks, such as tea with raspberry or currant jam, honey and lemon. You can prepare a chamomile-St. John's wort decoction by taking one spoon of dry herbal mixture and pouring a glass of boiling water over it. You can also make a ginger drink by taking a small piece of ginger root and finely grating it. The resulting slurry is poured with boiling water and a spoonful of honey is added to the cooled infusion.

    If you are hypothermic, you should not take special medications that increase body temperature. Since they can cause completely unpredictable consequences. It is better to try to warm up through physical activity. You can bend over a little, squat or jump. But this method only suitable if the person feels well.

    Traditional medicine also recommends a method such as rubbing the armpits with black pepper and salt. You can also increase your temperature by eating a spicy dish.

    If you feel unwell the best way out will drink something warming and go to bed. Sleep is one of the best medicines that helps improve the functions of all organs and systems of the body.

    Positive emotions also contribute to effective warming up of the human body.

    Foods that raise your temperature

    If a person feels chilly due to low temperature and this causes some discomfort, then you can increase it with the help of certain products, such as:

    • Chocolate in bar or liquid form. It contains fats and, due to its calorie content, warms the body.
    • Warm or hot soup based on chicken broth.
    • Potato - energy product, especially useful in the cold season.
    • Peanuts also have energy, are rich in fats, and accelerate blood circulation and metabolism.
    • Cayenne pepper is a spice that contains a hot component that warms the body.
    • Brown rice is a product that the body spends a lot of effort digesting and thus increases body temperature.

    Dangerously low temperature

    It should be noted that before raising body temperature using one of the methods described above, it is worth understanding what causes its decrease. If the low body temperature remains this way for several days, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. The reasons for a drop in temperature can be different, including anemia, low blood pressure, or decreased immunity. The doctor will help identify the cause and eliminate it.

    Finally, it is worth noting that the temperature can drop to certain limits, which may contradict the living conditions of the body. So, for example, if as a result of hypothermia the temperature drops to 33 degrees, then the person usually falls into a stupor and stops reacting to anything. When the body temperature is below 30 C, most people lose consciousness, and at below 26 C, the person dies.

    How to quickly increase body temperature

    Onions and salt. You can artificially increase body temperature using salt or onions. To do this, you just need to rub the armpit with one of the products described above. After a minute, you can put the thermometer under your armpit and it will record the temperature, which will be 1-1.5 degrees above normal. However, this method has one drawback: it will be possible to increase the temperature only in one place, the forehead and hands will not be hot, so the doctor may suspect something is wrong.

    Hot compress and tea. The safest way to mislead is to raise the temperature without actually raising it. Of course, at first glance this is impossible, but everything is simple. All you need to do is drink a few cups of hot tea. Can also be placed on your head and armpits hot compress. As a result, not only will the thermometer show an elevated temperature, during the examination the doctor will touch the forehead and hands, which will also be hot. Thus, you can simulate the presence of fever without consequences for the body.

    Iodine. Using iodine, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, you can increase your body temperature. To do this you will need to take a few drops. However, you should not drink the product in its pure form; you need to add 5 drops to the sugar and eat it, then wash it down with a glass of water. After 15 minutes, the thermometer will show a temperature of 37.5 - 38.0 degrees. However, you need to remember that using this method is not safe. Iodine can cause poisoning. You need to remember this and not exceed the dosage described above, otherwise you may actually end up in the hospital.

    Physical exercise. Thanks to running and gymnastics, it will be possible to increase body temperature without harm to the body. Will need to study physical activity within half an hour. After which the thermometer will show body temperature, which will be 1.5 - 2 degrees higher than normal. It will remain like this for half an hour, so you will need to hurry to convince others of your own weakness before your body temperature becomes normal again.

    Stylus. An ordinary lead, which is found in every pencil, can help increase body temperature. You will need to break it into several pieces and wash each with water. Within 15 minutes the temperature will rise. However, the thermometer will show only a slight increase of a maximum of 1 degree. But it’s better than nothing, so you can completely use this simple recipe.

    "Pyrogenal". The drug "Pyrogenal" will help increase body temperature. It can be purchased at any pharmacy for little money. You will need to administer 2 ampoules intramuscularly. After 30 minutes the temperature will begin to rise. Within an hour the thermometer will show 38.5-39.5 degrees. There is no miracle here, because the drug contains staphylococcal shells, and it is to them that the immune system will react. This method is relatively safe and works in any case, but you still shouldn’t use it often.

    You can simply raise your temperature by taking a hot bath.

    Alcohol also increases your temperature, but after drinking it you will need to run a little.

    How to artificially raise body temperature above 37 on a thermometer

    Cheating, of course, is not good, but there are situations in life when you simply cannot do without little tricks. Not ready for a test, failed a report, urgently needs to go somewhere or avoid a boring event... You never know good reasons for absenteeism, but you can’t always count on understanding from your superiors. If it is definitely not possible to ask for time off or reach an agreement, other methods are used.

    The easiest way is to complain about bad feeling, but proof is needed here. In this article you will learn how and how to raise your body temperature in order to get the desired day off or sick leave.

    You can cheat - substitution

    This method is based on sleight of hand. Buy a thermometer at the pharmacy and take it to your doctor's appointment. All medical thermometers have the same appearance, so there should be no problems. Place it in your pocket or directly under your armpit. Just be careful not to drop it!

    Pre-set the desired temperature level, only within reason, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion. Carefully replace it in the office during the appointment.

    Rub the thermometer reservoir

    Subtly rub the thermometer reservoir against your clothing. Do this carefully so as not to damage the device.

    It is clear that catching up the temperature is only half the battle. To convince others of your illness, add a weak or hoarse voice, coughing. If possible, do several intense physical exercise, due to which perspiration will appear, the face will turn red and become hot.

    Dip it into a glass of tea

    If you need to fake a fever in front of your parents or bosses, or at school, then this method is just for you.

    Pets - to the rescue

    How to raise body temperature to 38 quickly, before mom enters the room?

    Using a pencil

    Take a simple (not colored) pencil, preferably Soviet-made. Remove the stylus from it and swallow (a small piece), without chewing, with water.

    • Make sure that the rod is not sharpened - there is a risk of injuring the throat or some internal parts.
    • This method can cause poisoning, since the composition of pencil lead may vary.

    With iodine

    Place 4-5 drops of iodine solution on a piece of bread, a spoonful of sugar or water. Under no circumstances take the drug in its pure form - you can burn the mucous membrane and then you will get real health problems.

    Use glue

    Apply regular office glue to a swab or finger and lubricate the nasal mucosa. In the near future the temperature will jump to 37 degrees. And along with it, you will experience other symptoms of a real cold - sneezing, runny nose, cough.

    Grab a coffee

    Eat 2-3 medium spoons of instant coffee. Don't drink it. To get rid of the unpleasant taste and bitterness in your mouth, eat sugar.

    Rubbing underarms

    The method consists of rubbing the armpits with one of the ingredients: pepper, salt, onion, garlic, pepper tincture, garlic or mustard powder. The procedure is carried out within minutes. Then the temperature is measured in the usual way.

    The effect is short-lived, but you will get the desired 38 degrees.

    This method is well known to climbers when, with limited movement, they urgently need to warm up.

    1. Breathe deeply four times.
    2. Fill your lungs with air, tensing your diaphragm and abs.
    3. Hold your breath for a second, imagining that you are strongly squeezing the air inside you.
    4. Repeat these steps about five times.

    As a result, the temperature will rise to +37 and above.

    First aid kit items

    In some cases, medications can be used to increase body temperature. These include:

    • Echinacea tincture or tea;
    • tinctures of valerian and motherwort;
    • warm decoction of St. John's wort (1 tbsp per glass of boiling water);
    • purified sulfur.

    How to raise the temperature with food

    1. If you want to raise the temperature for a few days in advance, cook yourself a portion of brown rice or buckwheat for dinner (even better for each meal). Whole grain cereals put more strain on the digestive tract, causing the body to spend more energy on digestion, which causes it to heat up.
    2. Season dishes with 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper. It contains an antipyretic substance called capsaicin. Keep in mind that when you eat, you will only feel the fire in your mouth; your body temperature will begin to rise only when the spice is digested.
    3. A quick effect can be obtained by eating a 7-8 cm piece of ginger or drinking tea from it (boil for about 6 minutes). It also stimulates the digestive system, causing a rush of heat. We described how to brew tea with ginger correctly in one of our articles. We recommend reading it.


    The above methods are not suitable for everyone. For some people, the temperature will rise without consequences for the body, for others there will be no reaction, and for others, severe poisoning is possible.

    Give preference to the safest methods. Everything that is taken internally is fraught with unjustified health risks!

  • Surely each of us sometimes wanted to be a little sick. This may be a desire not to go to school, university, or even work. How to fake a cold? Of course, raise your body temperature! In this article we will talk about how to induce fever at home. We will only consider safe ways to raise the temperature.

    How to increase body temperature

    To begin with, we note that in this article we will consider ways to increase body temperature to 38 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to raise the temperature above this level, as this can lead to harmful consequences for the body. Still, an increase in temperature, albeit for a short period of time, negatively affects the functioning of the heart, as well as mental activity, and can lead to dizziness, as well as nausea and even indigestion.

    • One of effective ways increasing body temperature is the use of iodine. Take a glass of water or a piece of bread. Add one drop of iodine. By drinking a glass of water or eating a piece of bread with iodine, you can raise your body temperature to 38 degrees. Moreover, the increase in temperature occurs almost instantly, so it is not recommended to add too much iodine, since a sharp increase in temperature above 38 degrees can cause fainting.
    • Another way is to use regular coffee. You need to take granulated coffee in the amount of 3 teaspoons. Eat it and drink it with plain water. The temperature rise will occur in about 30 minutes and will last, as in the case of iodine, for several hours.
    • You can also use ordinary vanilla sugar or vanillin, which are sold in almost every store. Dissolve a teaspoon of vanillin in warm water and drink. The temperature will rise quite quickly, but this may happen too suddenly, so it is recommended to immediately go to bed after taking it to avoid dizziness.

    You can also use a slightly different method. Namely, to raise the body temperature on the thermometer. To do this, you don’t need to dip it in hot water at all, but just rub it vigorously.

    If your temperature readings are very low or you want to miss work or school, you can try to artificially increase the thermometer readings. Before you figure out how to raise your body temperature, you need to understand that frequently using these remedies unnecessarily is dangerous to your health; many processes in the body can be disrupted.

    How to increase without drugs

    The normal body temperature of a healthy person is 36–37 degrees. The main reasons for the decline in indicators are a passion for strict diets, dehydration, poisoning with heavy metal salts, chronic insomnia and lack of sleep, frequent stress, and overwork. Prolonged hypothermia can be a sign of hypothyroidism, anemia, hepatitis C, sepsis, helminthic infestations, severe pathologies of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

    The easiest way to quickly increase the temperature readings on a thermometer to 38, even 40 degrees is to heat the thermometer on a radiator, dip it in a cup of hot tea, or rub it with a woolen cloth. The human body temperature will not change.

    Simple methods to increase temperature:

    • eat a hearty meal, preferably spicy food;
    • dress warmly, cover yourself with a blanket;
    • do some intense physical exercise;
    • pour mustard powder into socks and put them on;
    • take a contrast shower;
    • soak a small piece of thin cloth in boiling water and apply a compress to the forehead;
    • steam your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard powder, eucalyptus essential oil, St. John's wort - the procedure lasts approximately 25 minutes;
    • Dissolve 50 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water, wipe with the solution, and immediately wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

    Such methods help to slightly increase the temperature, to about 37.5, if the decrease in indicators is caused by stressful situation, overwork. In case of severe hypothermia, a person should be taken to a warm room, changed clothes, rubbed with alcohol, and hot compresses placed in the armpits and groin area.

    Important! If the temperature in an adult has dropped to 35 degrees, in a child – 35.4, and there are interruptions in the heart rhythm, the pulse is difficult to palpate, you cannot try to raise them yourself, you must call an ambulance to identify the causes of such a dangerous condition.

    Enhancement drugs

    Medicines to increase temperature - pyrogens - are most often used in a hospital setting. Most of them have many contraindications and side effects. If taken incorrectly, you can get seriously ill, and your indicators will actually increase significantly.

    Medicines for fever:

    1. Pyrogenal is used in narcology, psychiatry, dermatovenereology, when pyrotherapy (hyperthermia treatment) is necessary. The medicine belongs to the immunomodulators, it is produced in the form of rectal suppositories and a solution for intramuscular injections. If it is necessary to increase the values ​​in case of weakened immunity, the drug is used once every 2 days for 3-4 weeks.
    2. Tincture of valerian, motherwort, Adaptol - drugs are prescribed when the temperature drops due to stress, shock, nervous fatigue. By themselves they do not cause hyperthermia.
    3. Hormonal medications are prescribed for problems with the endocrine system (hypothyroidism); they are selected individually, based on test results.

    Important! The safest medicines for raising a low temperature at home are echinacea or St. John's wort tincture. Good, long-term sleep is a great way to combat hypothermia.

    Foods that raise your temperature

    If the thermometer constantly shows low values, some products will help raise them at home without harm. It is enough to include them in your daily diet in small quantities.

    What foods raise your temperature:

    • cayenne pepper – contains a lot of capsaicin, accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates the functioning of the temperature center;
    • cinnamon – has a warming effect;
    • ginger is a unique root, capable of raising and lowering temperature, strengthening the immune system;
    • coffee - to quickly increase the temperature you need to eat 3 tsp. instant product, do not drink water, grain ground coffee does not have a similar effect;
    • brown rice - contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates, their absorption requires a lot of energy, you need to consume 1 tbsp per day. l. product, you can replace it with bran.

    A vitamin cocktail will help raise your temperature for a long time and strengthen your immune system - mix 1 part beetroot and 2 parts carrot juice, drink 100 ml of the drink twice a day.

    other methods

    If the temperature drops significantly, warming up will help. The procedure should begin from the heart area - rub the chest with any alcohol-based product, put on an electric heating pad. Additionally, it is necessary to give the person warm berry juice and tea with lemon.

    How to increase the temperature:

    1. Rub the armpits with mustard powder, pepper, salt, garlic - an emergency method, it allows you to increase the thermometer readings to 39 or more units in a quarter of an hour, but burns and severe skin irritation may occur. This method is dangerous to health.
    2. Using an ordinary pencil, eat a small piece of lead as a whole, do not chew it, and wash it down with water. Colored pencils are not recommended because the pigments cause severe food poisoning. The high temperature will last for 3–4 hours. This method is often used by malingerers; doctors disapprove of eating stylus.
    3. Using office glue, apply a small amount to the mucous membranes of the nose. The readings will increase to 37 degrees, and a severe runny nose will appear. At the same time, the risk of intoxication is high, especially in a child.
    4. Stick a geranium leaf into each nostril - the temperature increases, the eyes water, and a severe runny nose appears.
    5. Drink iodine - dissolve 3-6 drops in a small amount of water or drop it onto a piece of refined sugar. In this case, fever may appear, sweating increases, the skin turns red, but abuse similar method This is not possible, since iodine in excess amounts disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    If a child's temperature drops, he needs to be wrapped warmer, a heating pad placed under the blanket, and warm tea given to him. To improve the functioning of the immune system and eliminate iodine deficiency, you need to take a course of vitamin complexes and Iodomarin (as prescribed by a doctor).

    Important! You cannot raise your temperature yourself with coffee, alcoholic beverages, tea with honey or raspberries - these drugs have a pronounced diuretic effect. After a short-term increase in indicators, they will quickly decrease again.

    It is possible to increase the temperature with medications only if there are serious indications; you should first consult a doctor. Folk remedies may cause severe complications. The safest way to combat low temperatures is moderate, regular consumption. healthy products with a warming effect, complete rest, long sleep.

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