Business horoscope by date of birth. Personal numerological horoscope for zodiac signs

A numerological horoscope is a forecast that will tell you about the main features of 2018 by calculating the numbers and their combination.

You will also find out what will happen in 2018 to those who were born on different dates of the month (horoscope by date of birth).

Thanks to numerology, you can develop the most acceptable and appropriate behavioral tactics for this year, which will either bring success or allow you to survive 2018 with minimal losses.

Calculating the numbers for 2018

And if in ordinary numerology all the received numbers are reduced to a single-digit value, that is, we must add the received 1 + 1 to get 2, then in New Year’s numerology we will be guided by both traditional methods of calculation and non-traditional ones, due to the importance of the event and the results - numbers 11 and 2.

The number 11 has great strength, in numerology it is considered master's and symbolizes global changes in society.

According to the numerological forecast, the people will become richer spiritually and poorer materially.

The global financial crisis will not leave us in the new 2018, but by the end of the year the Dog will loosen its tenacious grip.

Numerology Forecast Warnings

Numerology for 2018 warns that issues of faith and religion, as well as trust, will come to the fore.

Conservative politicians will hold on tightly to their power, but thanks to the magisterial number 11, they already feel the ground slipping from under their feet.

And in next year change will explode with all the Slavic revolutionism.

Let's supplement the forecast with the characteristics of another, fateful number for 2018 - two.

2 is a complex, very difficult number, symbolizing the feminine and masculinity with a predominance of female characteristics.

Judging by the numerology of number 2, the new year 2018 will have the properties of a vampire - it will suck energy from all layers of society, so it is important not to trust strangers, strangers, and also reduce communication with unpleasant subjects to zero.

Numbers symbolizing 2018

Like the number 11, the number 2 in the numerological horoscope symbolizes change and variability.

Do not expect stability and reliability from yourself and the people around you in the new 2018 Dog.

Also, 2018 numerology promises protection for everyone who wants to get married or perform a wedding ceremony, conceive or give birth to a child.

We can safely say that the numbers will be conducive to strengthening families and family relationships in society.

People will cool down somewhat towards social events and glamorous show offs and will value traditional, native, family values ​​more.

Numerology warns against quick and uninformed decisions, against rudeness and inappropriate behavior in communication with government officials and management.

The greatest success this year will be achieved by those who will not strive for quick results at any cost, as well as those who will act not alone, but together with like-minded people.

The numerological horoscope for 2018 does not promise career growth for careerists and a lot of money for economists in life.

However, it will be successful for those who want to strengthen family relationships or start a family, as well as in order to undergo a course of treatment or preventive, health-improving measures.

Numerological forecast 2018 by birth numbers

For those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th: In 2018, try not only to listen to the people around you, but to hear what they are trying to convey to you. Restraint and diplomacy will bring you success at work. Remember that silence is golden. IN personal life you need to be more attentive to your other half, pamper her as much as possible.

For those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th: The year is favorable for new acquaintances, marriage, conception and birth of a child. Thanks to the light karma of past years, the global financial crisis will affect you to the smallest extent, so 2018 will be favorable for you in financial and business terms. Be careful in your contacts with new acquaintances in February, especially in June, as well as in July, August and just before the new year.

For those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th: favorable. If you behave diplomatically, intelligently and with restraint when communicating with colleagues, partners and superiors, you will achieve small but success. If you allow yourself unnecessary liberties with others in your communication, they will take harsh revenge on you - most likely, they will set you up. Success in 2009 will be brought to you by hard work, silence and family support.

For those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st: The key concept for you in the new year will be sacrifice. You will have to prove your love for the people you care about most by acting to your detriment. The year will be filled with labor feats and creative impulses and breakthroughs, and overall successful.

For those born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd: you should carefully weigh your words spoken in society and in the presence of influential people, and also monitor your behavior. Don’t take risks, don’t invest money in dubious events that promise great benefits, don’t slander, but work harder and harder - this is the only way you will achieve success in the new 2018 of the Dog. Your finest hour will come next year.

For those born on the 6th, 15th, 24th: family, finances and career will come to the fore for you, and issues of romance will fade into the background. Don’t tear your shirt off in the desire to become the best and the first. Success this year is unlikely to make you happy with your visit, but you can use the new year 2018 to shape future successes in the coming year.

For those born on the 7th, 16th, 25th: This is a year of global changes for you in your personal life and career. Feel free to break up with your unloved marriage partner and start new ones. love relationship and dating. It is important to bring to fruition previously started tasks and projects in order to clear the way for new beginnings. Don’t trust scammers and beware of the temptation to visit any sect - it’s better to go to the nearest church and pray. In difficult moments of life, turn to your parents for help and moral support.

For those born on the 8th, 17th, 26th: This is a year of change, fateful changes that you personally will shape. Don't let anyone dictate your terms. New Year Dogs will be difficult, ambiguous for you, but opening the gates to personal happiness.

For those born on the 9th, 18th, 27th: Beware of scammers who will try to take advantage of your natural gullibility and sincerity in the new year. Expect a stormy showdown at work and at home if you are not going to keep your mouth shut. Businesses in which you have to realize your creative potential will be successful. Remember: the best is the enemy of the good, and be content with little in 2018.

According to numerology, the New Year of the Dog will not be easy, but it will be interesting.

Financial problems will turn into family happiness for many people, and the collapse of a career will result in creative self-realization and new career, built on doing something that is truly loved and interesting.

In general, according to this forecast, in the new year you need to behave carefully and wisely in order to preserve what you have acquired and achieved.

Thank you for the interesting material

Almost like the ancient Slavs, our academic and working year begins on September 1 - unlike the calendar year. It is in September that plans are made at least until next summer - especially in families with children, teenagers, and students. Sometimes even a future vacation is planned almost a year in advance. And when you’re planning, it doesn’t hurt to look at what the stars predict there. Therefore, we decided to publish the horoscope for zodiac signs for 2018 now, without waiting for the eve of the New Year. Today the horoscopes for 2018 will be read by Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer.

Read also:

Aries, horoscope for 2018

2018 is a very difficult year for you; in fact, it is the border between the past and the future. Do what you have in mind, and often remember that a beautiful butterfly always emerges from a gray chrysalis.

Work, career, business. Throughout the year, you will clearly see and understand that the past is behind you and you need to take a step forward. However, this requires preparation, a strong base - this is what you will organize in 2018.

Entrepreneurs and managers at all levels will decide to expand their business and even somehow reorient it. It is possible that for this purpose it will be necessary to purchase new premises or completely reconstruct those that already exist.

These busy events can become the main background of the whole year. And if the first half of the year is a relatively prosperous and productive period, then most of the summer - July and August - is a time of conflict and restlessness. At this time, serious disagreements are possible with friends or people who provide you with help and protection. Most likely, the conversation will be about money and other material goods, and you will find yourself quite vulnerable.

The situation will be resolved in late autumn and winter - during this period many controversial issues will be resolved one way or another, and with your head held high you will enter your new professional cycle, about which for a long time dreamed.

The employee's position will deteriorate somewhat in 2018. The time has come to change jobs, but opportunities for this will appear only at the end of November, December or in 2019. Therefore, calmly carry out your duties and slowly look for a new application for your talents. The most courageous representatives of your sign can open their own business or prepare the ground for it.

Money. Financially, this year is quite unique. Many of the events you have started will move forward thanks to sponsorship, financial support from partners, and various loans and credits. Profits from successful real estate transactions are also possible.

Those not involved in the business world will receive support from their parents, marriage partner or someone close to them. The stars recommend carefully filling out all financial documents so as not to run into unexpected problems in the summer.

Love, family. In matters of the heart, the year splits into two halves. The period until July is quite quiet time, when spouses together solve complex economic issues related to the arrangement of a new home. There will be money for this; a loved one will generously provide it.

Lovers can decide to live together.

In the summer, unexpected problems will arise in relationships. In one case they are associated with children, and if loved one already have children of their own, this will only worsen the situation. In another scenario, financial difficulties will arise, and this will also disrupt the peace of both lovers and spouses.

In the fall, everything will go back to normal, so calmly go through the difficulties of summer and in case of problems, try to understand your loved one.

Health. Your energy levels are low throughout the year, so lifestyle and self-care will be important. Women in 2018 have a high probability of pregnancy, and many families will have children or grandchildren.

Horoscope for Taurus

This year is very good for you. For the first time in a long time, you will understand that you are not alone, that there are still people in this world who will help and support. On this moment your motto is “Alone in the field is not a warrior!”

Work, career, business. The main professional achievement of 2018 can be considered the active participation in your affairs of people with influence and power. With their help, you will be able to expand your business and inject a new spirit into it. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will improve and become noticeably more active, and private trips will be possible. Most likely, we are talking about resuming cooperation with previous partners, but on a different, more durable and modern basis.

But along with positive trends, others are also possible. Relationships with people who support you in business should be well structured and properly executed. You need to achieve a complete understanding of what and to whom you owe, and what is ultimately owed to you. You should also decide on the goals of the common cause. Correct design relationships will help you in July and August, when it suddenly turns out that not everything is in order between you and your partners. In the event of conflicts (and in the summer they are quite real) and any claims on their part, you are unlikely to be able to win, which should be kept in mind.

In late autumn the situation will stabilize, but much will depend on how well the relationship is formalized.

In July and August, unexpected changes will begin in the organization, and as a result, many representatives of your sign will have to look for another application for their talents. However, this will prove to be very difficult; Finding a new place can take several months, so you should think carefully before making categorical decisions.

Money. The financial situation for the entire year may be somewhat uncertain. No major gains are expected, and most of the losses will occur at the end of the year.

Monitor your finances closely and, if possible, have juristic documents for everything that has to be done.

Love, family. 2018 is almost ideal for personal life. Those who have been single for a long time and can’t find a partner will be especially lucky. They can count on fateful meeting with its traditional completion - legal marriage.

Some representatives of your sign will resume relations with their former passion, living in another city or in another country. Frequent travel is likely and, ultimately, the matter may end in a decision to live together and move.

However, those who already have a second half should be careful - new novel can get serious and long-term, but how this will affect family relationships - only God knows...

In the summer of 2018, many families will face problems with their parents, which may look different depending on each specific situation. So, in one case, there is likely to be active opposition to the upcoming marriage, dissatisfaction with the choice of one’s children; in another case, one of the older family members may get sick or go through hard times.

Health. Throughout the year you can feel good, but under one condition - a regime, proper nutrition, that is, everything that is called a “healthy lifestyle”.

Gemini, horoscope

2018 is extremely important for both career and finances. But matters of the heart will have to be postponed “for later.”

Work, career, business. The first half of the year is a working period and incredibly productive. Entrepreneurs and managers at all levels can count on new projects, profitable deals, as well as well-deserved rewards for work done in the past. The end of February and March are especially successful in this regard. During this same period, luck will smile on the employee - there will be excellent chances to strengthen his position and even rise to a higher rung of the social ladder.

However, on the crest of success, do not forget that every success has its downside. In the summer of 2018, representatives of inspection authorities may become interested in your income, and if there are any sins, then in July and August they may be brought to light. Remember this and be careful.

In another option, problems with colleagues from other cities or countries are possible, and they will turn out to be unexpected and very difficult. Perhaps the point is not only that colleagues from afar will behave incorrectly, but also a general deterioration in the international situation. All representatives of your sign, regardless of their type of activity, are given stars valuable advice- no matter how good your business looks in winter and spring, remember that a difficult summer lies ahead and manage your affairs accordingly.

Money. In terms of finances, you are more likely to be lucky; money will arrive regularly and, in this regard, the end of February, March, early July and November are very indicative. Difficult situations, quite real in the summer, are unlikely to affect finances; rather, they are problems in business relationships and severe hassle.

Love, family. Personal life in 2018 looks less bright than professional life. The only exceptions are those who are not averse to starting an office romance.

However, the situation will change greatly in December. During this period, many representatives of your sign will have a bright romance, and this time it will be long and serious. So much so that in 2019 the desire to live together and build a traditional family will come.

Relationships with relatives can become significantly more complicated in the summer. In July and August, things will come to a serious quarrel and even termination of relations with someone from your closest relatives.

During this period, also beware of incorrect or deliberately distorted information, gossip and intrigue. In another scenario, your relatives will have problems, and you will have to help them in word and deed.

Health. In 2018, your energy potential is low, so lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself in every possible way. This year is very good for massage, baths, cosmetic procedures conservative plan. In July and August, be careful when traveling and driving.

Cancer, horoscope for 2018

The main advantage of 2018 is the feeling of freedom. Everything changes, a sea of ​​opportunities opens up, and this is equally true for work and love.

Work, career, business. The first half of the year will bring professionally active representatives of your sign a rare opportunity to show their talents in full splendor. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries are developing well, and successful trips are possible. Entrepreneurs can count on profitable deals and rapid development of projects started in 2017.

Employees in March and April will have excellent opportunities to move to a new, extremely ambitious, but extremely responsible position. It will be difficult to cope with all the responsibilities entrusted to you, but there is no way out, you will have to live up to expectations and work hard.

Particular success awaits politicians, as well as representatives creative professions- they are guaranteed popularity and increased income.

Many representatives of your sign will restore connections with former business partners; this time fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation is possible.

The summer of 2018 is a difficult period; in July and August, unexpected claims from friends or one of the new business partners are possible. We are talking about money or other material values, and this problem will not be resolved immediately. You will have to enlist the help of someone from your old acquaintances in order to get out of trouble. And only in autumn - winter the most difficult questions will be resolved one way or another.

In December 2018, things will begin to improve, and this process will continue next year 2019.

Money. In terms of finances, the first half of the year, as well as its end, are quite positive times. A number of problems are expected in the summer - in July and August. During this period, many representatives of your sign may experience large sum, perhaps not alone. In one case it is connected with business, and in the other - with family life or with romantic relationships.

In some cases, we will talk about paying off loans or some other debts, and this will turn out to be very difficult. Therefore, prepare adequately for this period so that it does not take you by surprise.

Love, family. In a romantic life there is complete freedom. Lonely people can have bright romances, and without any life-complicating circumstances. There will also be excellent opportunities to restore relations with a former passion or establish friendship with an unusual person living in another city or in another country.

Family people will be happy about the success of their children, and in case of problems, it is the children who will become the connecting bridge between quarreling spouses.

Many couples who have a long-standing burden of the most different problems, they may decide to divorce or separate, in which case they will have to deal with complex property issues all summer.

Health. In 2018, you feel great and look great too. However, be more careful in the summer - in July and August various traumatic situations are possible, therefore, when going to distant lands, choose calm and peaceful places.

Leo, horoscope for 2018

A quiet and not at all heroic year lies ahead. Restore your strength and get ready for new achievements, the most regal sign of the Zodiac!

Work, career, business. Free entrepreneurs have to decide: in which direction to direct their business; what to do to ensure that the business does not stagnate, but moves steadily forward. It is for this purpose that many representatives of your sign will start a large-scale construction project related to the expansion of the business or its complete reorientation.

In a more modest version, this could be a repair, a complete update production premises. It is possible that in order to promote your business you will have to look for partners and attract their resources. However, it should be taken into account that relations with all colleagues, both old and new, should be properly formalized, since in July and August there may be claims related to both the conduct of the business itself and its financial component.

It is better to plan the most important events for the first half of the year - this period is very good for almost all representatives of your sign. Particular success awaits builders and those who are in one way or another connected with real estate. Both entrepreneurs and managers at all levels should also prepare for inspections, which can come out of the blue and cause a lot of problems.

The problems of July and August will be resolved in the fall, but if you prepare for them in advance, there will be much fewer of them.

There is rather a lull in the employee's affairs. Professional growth is unlikely, so you should calmly do your work and strengthen relationships with colleagues. In the summer months, changes are real in the organization - updating the management team, modernizing production.

It is unlikely that all this will benefit you, so look for another application for your talents in advance. It seems to the astrologer that such opportunities will appear towards the end of this year or already next year, 2019. It seems logical to start your own business, go into family business, as well as just temporary idleness.

Money. In the first half of the year, everything is in order in financial affairs. Possible good support from business partners, obtaining loans for very favorable conditions. Many will profit from successful real estate transactions.

Those not connected with the world of business benefit from the support of parents, a loved one, or a marriage partner. Summer and the end of the year are less successful; during this period, many representatives of your sign will face a shortage of cash, but since most of the events are already behind them, they will be able to cope with this.

Love, family. 2018 is a very important year for family life. Many couples will undertake a complete renovation of their home: for some it will be a large-scale renovation, a complete renovation of their old home, and for others it will be the purchase of a new one. In some cases, this may be a house or apartment for children or for one of the family members. Some representatives of your sign will think about purchasing real estate in another city or in another country.

For most of the year, everything is calm in families, but summer can become very difficult for both spouses and lovers. Conflicts will be unexpected and will make you think about what you want your relationship to look like in the future. And do you want to continue them... Of course, this applies to couples who already have problems in the past.

Health. This year your energy potential is low, so lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself in every possible way. There may be a clear tendency to gain weight, so do not forget about exercise and a balanced diet.

Virgo, characteristics of the sign

2018 will make you believe in yourself, and also in the fact that when one door closes, another opens. And then you just have to move forward!

Work, career, business. This year you will have to work hard, make the right connections and position yourself as an innovator and pioneer.

Entrepreneurs and managers at all levels will actively collaborate with colleagues from other cities or countries and will achieve excellent results in this direction. Some representatives of your sign will have plans to open a business in another city or in another country, and in different periods By 2018 they will be able to implement them.

The employee will have the opportunity to demonstrate his talents in another organization, and in this regard, moving to another city or to another country is not excluded. It is also quite possible that you will have a job that involves frequent business trips.

For all professional events, the best time is the first half of 2018. The summer will turn out to be unexpectedly difficult - in July and August representatives of inspection authorities will become interested in the activities of entrepreneurs, and this will bring a number of problems to those who are not ready for such a turn of events. In another scenario, difficulties will arise with colleagues from other cities or countries, and this will significantly slow down the progress of all things.

The employee will face intrigue, and this may affect his reputation. Many representatives of your sign may be surrounded by secret and obvious ill-wishers and outright intriguers, so if there are weak points, try to take preventive measures.

You will have to get out of the difficulties of summer in the fall and winter; at this time, the balance in professional affairs that was disturbed will be restored.

Money. In terms of finances, this year can be called relatively favorable. The financial situation is generally stable, and, as they say, there will be enough “bread and butter”. And maybe even more!

Love, family. Everything is fine in my personal life. It is possible to renew or continue a relationship with a loved one living in another city or another country, and a fateful decision to live together.

In families, a lot of worries will be associated with children, and you may need support, both moral and financial.

Relations with relatives will noticeably improve; some of your relatives are doing well and can support you both in business and in your personal life.

However, in the summer, relations with one of the relatives will deteriorate significantly, a conflict will flare up, and he probable cause old debts or unfulfilled obligations in the past will become. In some cases, things may lead to a complete break in the relationship.

The summer of 2018 is a very difficult period in general. Prepare for the fact that not everything planned may be feasible, and also for the fact that various unfavorable circumstances may interfere with your plans, which are unlikely to be influenced.

The planets will calm down in the fall, and at the same time, your heartfelt and professional affairs will return to their groove.

Health. In 2018, you are healthy, energetic, quite attractive and witty. However, during the same unfavorable summer months, July and August, be careful when traveling and driving.

Libra, business and love horoscope

2018 is a time of opportunity, and in to a greater extent this applies to career and finances. The stars believe that you deserve it all, and this is probably true.

Work, career, business. The favorable changes that began in the fall of 2017 continue. Everything that was started in the recent past is destined to grow and develop, and in this regard, the first half of 2018 is especially indicative. At this time, you will really see that your influence is growing and everything that has been done is bringing in a decent income.

In addition, entrepreneurs can count on new large-scale projects with excellent prospects for the future. For the first time in a long time, entrepreneurs and managers at all levels can rely on their subordinates to do what is really necessary at the moment to develop the business.

The employee will strengthen his position and can count on a serious increase in salary, as well as bonuses and other material goods. The summer of 2018, namely July and August, is a hectic time. During this period, complications with one of your friends are possible, and their most likely causes are money or some other large property, real estate, for example.

The conflicts will subside in the fall and, looking ahead, we can say that you should not retreat, one way or another you will be the winner in this struggle.

Towards the end of the year, connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will improve, and this positive process will continue in the next year, 2019.

Money. The financial situation is stable with a clear tendency to improve. You could even say that in this area you are luckier than ever. Of course, there will be expenses, and most of them are related to romantic or family life.

Love, family. The year has a pronounced professional focus, and there may not be any time left for personal life. You do a lot for your career and money, and all your time is spent on them. However, this suits a loved one, perhaps because he understands that everything that is being done now will only benefit the family.

However, relationships with children are by no means cloudless, and in this regard, the summer of 2018 is quite indicative. In July and August, adult children may make claims against you of both a moral and financial nature. In another scenario, they may get into an unpleasant situation, and this will cost you, as they say, “a pretty penny.”

For lovers, summer time is also explosive. On the path to mutual understanding, there may be, at best, some ethical issues, and at worst, crude financial issues. Is it worth wasting time on such an ambiguous relationship? The choice is yours, but perhaps you will make it in your favor.

Divorcing couples may come into conflict over common property, as well as the future of children, and for them the most conflict period is July and August 2018.

Health. For most of the year, your energy potential is quite high, but it’s still not worth testing your body’s strength with excesses. This year you are like a tinted rose - if you take care of it, flowers will bloom, but if not, then everything will wither.

Scorpio, annual horoscope

2018 will be a year of opportunity for you. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is finally moving through your sign, and with its help you can count on a lot. So go ahead - the stars have aligned for you!

Work, career, business. If last year you decided to completely change your professional life and do something new, then 2018 will show that you did not lose. Everything that you spent your nerves, money and energy on will begin to bring in a good income.

Entrepreneurs and managers at all levels can count on the growth and development of their business, the basis for which they have been preparing for a long time. Good development will receive connections with colleagues from other cities or countries, it is possible to restore contacts with previous partners, and resume cooperation on a different, already updated basis.

The employee will have excellent opportunities to show all his talents in a new place, and if this happened in the fall - winter of 2017, then we can talk about a promotion with a corresponding increase in salary.

For all professional matters, the best time is the first half of 2018, as well as November and December. The summer months of July and August are a very difficult time, when businessmen will be faced with a strange, aggressive position of partners who will begin to lay claim to what does not belong to them at all. Perhaps it will be about land or some real estate, and you will have to spend the whole summer figuring out these problems. Most likely, you will need to involve intermediaries in the negotiations and, in one case, these will be older relatives, and in the other, old friends. Looking ahead, we can say that you will win this argument, and this will happen in late autumn or winter of 2018.

Money. In 2018, your financial position is stable, with a clear trend towards improvement. And this will be especially noticeable at the end of November, in December. During this period, you will understand that through your own efforts you have climbed to a higher ladder of social success and financial well-being.

Love, family. Most of the year will pass under the sign of a novel, which can turn your head and make you forget about everything. This is not bad for single people, but it will bring a lot of problems to those who already have a couple. It will not be possible to sit on two chairs for long, and in the summer, in July - August, a serious conflict will arise. The second half will put the issue squarely, and if you do not accept the conditions set, divorce is most likely.

In this case, the question of common property, real estate, will be raised in the first place. The influence of relatives will smooth out the situation somewhat, but is unlikely to resolve it completely. Faithful and friendly spouses will have some problems with their parents, as well as with real estate, and they will have to be resolved immediately.

Connections with older relatives will become noticeably stronger, and meetings with relatives living in another city or in another country are possible.

Some representatives of your sign will remember a former passion, living in another city or in another country; a renewal of old love is possible.

Children bring joy - there is a noticeable improvement in the affairs of the elders, and the younger ones behave well and study well. Many families will have children or grandchildren.

Health. Throughout the year, you are healthy, energetic and very attractive, which will be noticed by everyone with whom fate brings you together.

Sagittarius, horoscope for 2018

Hold on! There is a year ahead when your ambitions may not match your capabilities. But, as they say, “I took up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.”

Work, career, business. Most of the year is a quiet time when entrepreneurs and bosses can make the necessary changes to their business and prepare the ground for further achievements. Large-scale real estate transactions, such as major renovations and complete reconstruction of industrial premises, cannot be ruled out.

In another option, you will have to purchase real estate and for this purpose attract funds from partners or take out a loan. Actually, everything that will be done in 2018 can be called the cornerstone of future success, but this will become clear a little later - in the next year, 2019.

For all matters of an organizational nature, the best time is the first half of the year, as well as September and December. The summer months, July and August, are a very hectic time. During this period, representatives of inspection authorities may become interested in the activities of many representatives of your sign, and this will bring a number of problems.

In another scenario, problems will arise with colleagues from other cities or countries, and in some cases it will be about terminating cooperation. Looking ahead, we can say that many issues that arose in the summer will be resolved in September, and the remaining ones - in November and December.

The employee is advised to pay attention to his work responsibilities, although they may be somewhat burdensome. Promotion is possible only in September or as early as December. During these months, you will have the chance to change a lot in your work and you should take advantage of it. Actually, you will have no other choice.

And in the summer, you should prepare for unexpected professional intrigue, where it will be difficult to understand who is right and what to do. Be attentive to your colleagues and listen more than you speak, since everything you say can be used against you.

It is possible that new characters will appear in the team, and this will lead to problems.

Money. In terms of finances, the year is calm and quite predictable. Money will come in regularly and go out just as regularly. And in one case this is connected with the expansion of the business, and in the other - with transformations in the family circle.

Love, family. Many representatives of your sign will be closely involved in their everyday life and will do everything to improve it. It is possible to purchase real estate, major renovations, purchase furniture, as well as other items that decorate everyday life.

Many families will have children or grandchildren.

Relations with relatives will deteriorate somewhat; In summer, serious litter is real. Perhaps we will talk about old debts and unfulfilled obligations in the past. After heated debates, you will be able to get your way, and in September the problem will, one way or another, be resolved.

2018 patronizes secret romances and complicated love affairs, but if you get involved in such a situation, then remember the proverb - “No matter how much the rope twists, the end will still come.” And, if you already have a reliable partner, then you should think carefully before going to all the trouble.

Single people can meet their love at the end of the year, in December, and this time it will be a really serious, real feeling.

Health. For most of 2018, your energy potential is low, so be attentive to your body and lead an extremely healthy lifestyle. In summer, be careful when traveling and driving. July and August are dangerous times!

Capricorn, annual horoscope

Your goal in 2018 is to expand your sphere of influence, and you will succeed! Saturn, which is in your sign, constantly interacts with Uranus, which means that many things in your life require change. It’s no longer possible to mark time!

Work, career, business. The business, started two years ago, continues successfully. Importance will have connections with people occupying a high position in society - their influence on your entire professional activity can be clearly assessed as positive. Connections with old friends are restored, as well as with people whom you have not seen for quite a long time.

Many representatives of your sign will connect their plans with colleagues from other cities or countries; it is possible to resume what was interrupted by various reasons cooperation, frequent trips. Towards the end of the year, the idea will appear to open your own business in another city or in another country, and this process will continue next year, 2019.

Despite the generally favorable trends of the year, the stars give advice - be more attentive to your partners and carefully prepare all financial documents. In July and August, all this will come in handy, since various financial problems and controversial situations with one of your partners or with people providing you with certain services are likely. Perhaps we will talk about debts or some controversial mutual obligations. A compromise will be found in September, but better days summers can be spent sorting things out.

For an employee, 2018 is a very good year; you can count on the support of your superiors, the friendly attitude of your colleagues and the entire environment. Serious help from relatives is also quite likely. Summer problems in this case may be associated with paying off old debts or paying off loans taken out.

Money. The financial situation of the year seems uneven to the astrologer. And the point is not that there will be no money, but that expenses will increase. And in one case this is connected with the expansion of the business, and in the other - with the needs of the family and loved ones.

Love, family. Cordial relationships in 2018 can bring a wide variety of surprises. In the first half of the year, it is possible to renew relations with an old friend or with a former passion living in another city or in another country. However, the relationship will revive only for a while, and a brighter romance will unexpectedly flare up at the end of August or September. And again this is someone from old acquaintances, but this time you will not miss the chance given to you.

Friendly couples will be concerned about the fate of their children, and they, in turn, can present them with various surprises. The most unpleasant surprise is expected in the summer - in July and August. During this period, the younger generation will stage a “mutiny on the ship” and in many cases this will lead to large expenses. What will happen in each specific case is predicted in general forecast is not possible, but there is cause for concern.

Relations with relatives will improve, frequent trips and meetings with relatives living in another city or in another country are possible.

Many families will think about moving, but this is already a matter for next 2019.

Health. For most of the year, your energy potential is low. Saturn is in your sign, which means that you are shown an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and moderation, both in food and drink. Under this condition, you will feel very good, and diseases will bypass you.

Aquarius, horoscope for zodiac sign

2018 is a very successful year for you, and to a greater extent this concerns your career and finances. Any wishes can come true, but you will have to work hard, take initiative and responsibility. And you will like it!

Work, career, business. the main objective throughout the year - to reach new heights and expand your sphere of influence. Those who decided in the recent past to switch to new job or open a new direction in their business, they can count on strengthening their positions. And those who are yet to do this can count on the favorable influence of the stars this year and use them to their advantage.

In all respects, the best time is the first half of the year, as well as November and December. During these periods, you will see that the business you have started is developing well and generating decent income.

At the same time, July and August are restless months; During this period, you can constantly fight off a variety of problems.

Thus, entrepreneurs may face serious opposition from partners, and the most likely cause of disagreement may be real estate, land or other large property. It is possible that one of your partners will begin to claim what you consider to be yours, and that’s all summer will pass in conflicts and struggles.

Therefore, no matter how your relationships with partners turned out in the past, try to properly formalize your transactions and be more attentive to the little things - these precautions will save you from many problems.

Money. The financial situation throughout the year has been quite favorable. Money will arrive regularly, and its quantity will increase noticeably. The best months in this regard are the end of February, March, end of May, June, July, November. There are few expenses, and most of them are related to the problems that will befall you in the summer.

Love, family. 2018 has a pronounced professional focus; there may be no time left for personal life. However, those who cannot imagine life without love can start an office romance, but most likely only for a short time.

Some problems with real estate will arise in families, and in one case this will be associated with unresolved issues in the past, and in the other with the dissolution of relationships and moving to another house.

In a word, almost all representatives of your sign will have their own problems with housing, but they will have one thing in common: the most difficult time in this regard is July and August 2018.

Therefore, if there are questions that are unclear to you, and situations in which you are not sure, consult with competent specialists so that the summer of 2018 does not take you by surprise.

Health. Throughout the year, your energy potential is quite high and you are not afraid of diseases.

Pisces, zodiac sign, horoscope

The main idea of ​​2018 is to leave the past behind, change course, and set new goals and objectives. And take into the future only your experience, as well as old faithful friends.

Work, career, business. In the professional sphere, you will have to do something new, and exactly what you have dreamed of for a long time. The first half of the year will mark the beginning of all this, but the main breakthrough will occur in November and December.

Many representatives of your sign will connect their professional affairs with partners from other cities or countries; frequent trips or relocations are possible. In another case, the opportunity will arise to open your own business in another city or in another country, and you will take advantage of it.

The employee can count on a new job, and, most likely, will find his place in another organization. For some this will happen in March, while others will take a long time to choose and find something worthwhile in November and December.

The last month of the year will give many representatives of your sign new powers of power, and only one thing will be required of you - to fully comply with them.

Despite the obvious favor of Fortune, be careful in the summer of 2018 - in July and August. This is a very difficult period for you, when all recent achievements will be seriously tested.

At this time, managers and entrepreneurs at all levels may become the object of close attention of various inspection authorities.

In another option, certain circumstances that cannot be influenced will significantly complicate relations with colleagues from other cities or countries, which will slow down cooperation and force many changes in plans.

We will have to deal with all the problems all summer, and only in September the situation will be resolved.

In the summer, an employee may find himself in the very center of a complex intrigue - hostility from colleagues, rumors and gossip are likely. During this difficult period, behave carefully and do not make sudden movements. The main thing is to remember: problems can be solved and it’s already autumn - winter will turn out very well.

In all difficult situations in 2018, you can safely count on the support of old friends or people occupying a high position in society. Those who always came to your aid will help you now.

Money. The financial situation is stable with a clear tendency to improve. However, this is not the case when you don’t have to think about money at all, so be more careful in spending, carefully calculate your expenses and for professional activity, and for personal life.

Love, family. 2018 is a very interesting year for love. This is a time of illusions, romance, new meetings and new novels.

People who are lonely and disappointed in their previous affections can meet almost ideal person, at least, that’s exactly what it will seem like. Summer time will tell whether these illusions will be shattered. It is during this period that some secrets, both yours and your passion, will unexpectedly emerge. And, if you have something to hide, try calling a loved one to straight Talk and tell me everything honestly. In the end it will be better this way. The same advice is also relevant for unfaithful spouses.

Friendly couples may still face the same unlucky summer difficult situation in the circle of closest relatives. In one case it is likely another quarrel, in another, problems will arise, and you will have to help them in word and deed.

Health. Throughout the year, your energy potential is quite high and you are not afraid of diseases. However, in July and August, be more careful when driving and traveling.

We also watch the video horoscope

December 15, 2017

Numerological forecast for 2018

The number of 2018 is 11

2018 is an interesting year from the point of view of numerology. The number 11 is a special number in the Pythagorean numerological tradition; it is also called “dominant”, “royal”. In fact, this is one of the sacred numbers, under the influence of whose energies the most amazing things happen.

The planet ruling the number 11 is Proserpina, a planet associated with the subconscious and transformation. The influence of Proserpine and the number 11 very rarely manifests itself on the eventual plane, but is quite noticeable on the internal, spiritual plane. So, for example, people, number life path of which there are 11, may have unusual abilities; they have well-developed intuition and creative perception.

The number 11, as the number of 2018, is a favorable opportunity for a transition to a new, more high level spiritual development for those who strive for it. The idealism of the number 11 often leads to the fact that many everyday, material issues and problems may be overlooked. It can be assumed that in 2018, many influential structures will successfully take advantage of this in order to divert the attention of the masses from existing financial and government problems by organizing various socio-cultural events. On the one hand, this will bring considerable benefits, but still we must be careful during this period so as not to fall into the trap of unscrupulous high-ranking officials.

The year of number 11 is the year of mysticism. We can expect that in 2018 various predictive systems will become even more popular. This is not surprising, since in the year of the number 11 many begin to think about the spiritual, about otherworldly forces, parallel worlds.

We should not forget that the power of the number 11 is in balance. The energies of this number are too great not to know how to handle them.

The main rule of 2018 for the number 11 is not to go to extremes. Despite the fact that the energies of this number incline towards self-knowledge, towards knowledge of the secrets and depths of the human essence, one should not dig too deeply and enthusiastically - one must observe moderation in everything, try to balance the two worlds - spiritual and material. This year is very good for creative people, as it will give them a unique opportunity to find themselves, understand their calling, and quite unexpectedly. In general, 2018 will bring many surprises, both pleasant and not so pleasant. If you misuse the energy of this period, that is, go to your success using dishonest methods, use other people for your own purposes, the year can bring big losses and bankruptcy. When used correctly - spiritual growth and well-being.

And yet the influence of the number 11 is individual for each person.

In order to find out what the year 2018 will be like for you on the 11th, you need to make calculations for your date of birth:

For example, your date of birth is November 13, 1976;

Add up the date and month of your birth and add 2018 or 11.

We get: 1+3+1+1+2+1+8 = 17=8

Your personal number for 2018 is 8.

In order not to make calculations manually, you can use this convenient form and find out what awaits you in 2018.

It is worth noting that the year of the number 11 will be especially interesting for those who have 11 as their life path number. This year will also be special for those who have a life path number of 1 or many units in their date of birth.

11 is a "strengthened" unit. We know that number 1 in numerology is the number of those people who go their own way, no matter what, and achieve success thanks to the ability to attract others with them. Despite the fact that “units” almost always remain single (despite social statuses), they are quite sociable. A few rely only on themselves in everything.

If your life path numbers are 1, the year of number 11 will enhance the qualities of your unit. Thanks to this, you may notice a surge of energy and strength, a desire to achieve your goals, but you cannot do without extremes; You may often have a desire for solitude and withdrawal into yourself. In general, for you 2018 is a period of favorable opportunities that need to be used correctly.

May 2018 bring happiness, love and prosperity to every home!

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Every year brings something special to people. How to understand what to prepare for in the coming year - successes or problems, successes or troubles? You can do this by finding out your number, which will patronize you in the period from January to December 2019. It is calculated by adding all the numbers in the date of birth and the predicted year. For example, you were born on April 27, 1994. We carry out the following arithmetic operations: 2+7+4+1+9+9+4=36; 3+6=9. This number corresponds to your birthday. Next: 9+2+0+1+8=20; 2+0=2. Two is your number for this year.
There can be nine such numbers in total - nine completes the energy cycle, after which the countdown begins again. And now - a little about what date to expect in 2019.
1 (one, protection of the Sun): the beginning of the cycle and its basis. How you live this year is how everything will develop in the future, at least for the next 8 years. For you 2019 – a great opportunity lay the foundation for success or start a series of successive failures. Therefore, it is better not to sit still and not succumb to attacks of pessimism. It is more advisable to make useful and pleasant acquaintances, master a promising profession, or evaluate the success of a new business. Everything will definitely work out - 2019 will favor you.
2 (two, patronage of the Moon): for those who are ruled by this numerical symbol in 2019, the time has come for delicate caution. Don’t rush headlong into the maelstrom of events, don’t hit your head against a concrete wall. Flexibility, tact and the ability to pause will bring you success. This applies primarily to career, business or study. But in personal relationships this year you will be able to move the needle, perhaps it will even end in marriage or a new addition to the family.
3 (three, patronage of Jupiter): 2019 – one hundred percent your time. Time to find Good work or open your own business, change your environment to a more loyal one and acquire new ones true friends. Be active, do not pay attention to those who persuade you not to take risks, or claim that nothing will work out. It will definitely work! The only thing that can get in the way is overwork from the kaleidoscope of events that has covered your head, so pay attention to health and rest, load up on vitamins and don’t forget about sports.
4 (four, patronage of Uranus): those who fall within the sphere of influence of this number in 2019 will have to work hard. This year will not give you the opportunity to relax for a second. So what to do? If you wanted to provide for yourself and your loved ones financially, here it is, your chance. Money will come your way, the main thing is not to miss it because of an annoying little thing. Therefore, carefully plan every step, do not let things take their course and do not be distracted by unimportant things. And you will rest after the next New Year, especially since the money you earn will help you do it at the highest level.
5 (five, patronage of Mercury): for this number, 2019 will be a year of global renewal, as well as for the three. But there is one difference - five people may be completely unprepared for such updates. If your number this year is “5”, prepare yourself in advance for the fact that everything that happens to you in your work and personal life will result in pleasant bonuses. Main - positive attitude, the ability to let go of the past, hope for a better future and dare to change the present. Dream, dare, strive - the time has come for any achievement!
6 (six, patronage of Venus): a fairly positive and calm year awaits you. You have worked hard before this - it’s time to rest, relax, help your loved ones and take care of your health. It would be nice to invest energy and money in charity and volunteering - Venus will certainly like this. In the meantime, you can sometimes be distracted by activities that help your career and self-improvement, but you shouldn’t devote too much time to this. For you, 2019 is a timeout in order to gain strength and continue moving towards success in the future with new enthusiasm.
7 (seven, patronage of Neptune): for people under the tutelage of this number, 2019 will become a clear demonstration of the expression “what do you call the boat...”. Tune in to the positive and wonderful prospects - and they will not keep you waiting. Believe in advance that the series of troubles will continue immediately after the chimes strike, and that’s what will happen. Think about it - there is still time. And when you decide to let good things into your life, take decisive action for this: look for a better job, change your place of residence if the current one does not suit you, expand your horizons of knowledge and skills, build relationships - there is so much to do in 2019!
8 (eight, patronage of Saturn): for people-eights coming year gives you a wonderful opportunity to become a little better than your past self. More decisive and courageous, wise and prudent, successful and lucky. Before you, 2019 appears promising in learning, mastering a new business and any financial transactions - from investments to expanding your own business. Of course, you shouldn’t think that everything promised will just be asked for in your hands - you will have to work, think, plan and calculate options. Don't be lazy, believe me - it's worth it.
9 (nine, patronage of Mars): Nine completes your personal annual horoscope. In 2019, it is time for those who are under the auspices of this number to take stock, throw away unnecessary and outdated things - things, habits, relationships. Let go of resentment and anger, get rid of everything that does not allow you to move forward and pulls you to the bottom, take time for your health: after all, next year your number will be one, which means it will be time to start a new cycle. And during this period you should be freed as much as possible from the useless burden of past years.

2018 a year will pass under the auspices of the number 2, which means 2017 will be more stable and calm. With a simple numerological calculation you will be able to find out what awaits you during this period.

You can find out what awaits you in 2018 by adding up all the numbers of your date of birth to a single digit. For example, you were born on 01/01/1986 = 1+1+1+9+8+6 = 26 = 2+6 = 8. You must add the number of the year to the resulting value. In 2018 it is a two, which means: 2+8 = 10 = 1+0= 1. The resulting number will accompany you, and by its value you will understand what to expect from the new year, what problems or successes await you.


For you, 2018 will begin with active work for your own good. Many travels, exciting meetings and broadening of your horizons await you. You will be able to make an impression and become a leader in a professional environment. Creative potential will increase, which can contribute to additional income. Few people will experience sudden illnesses, but measures to prevent seasonal and chronic diseases will have to be taken. Follow a healthy lifestyle, strengthen your immune system. In personal life, frivolity will be inappropriate. In 2018, Units will have the opportunity to begin long relationship, married couples will enjoy each other's company.


Twos will be distinguished by patience and prudence. 2018 will bring you peace in your work. You will be able to enjoy both the process and the result of your labors. Avoid overwork so that your work does not cause illness and a general decrease in body tone. You can lay the foundation for a prosperous future without such sacrifices. To do this, follow a daily routine and do not stay in the office until late. In their personal lives, twos will have no reason for strong worries. You can end relationships that have outlived their usefulness, and the desire to create new pair will end with a meeting with your soulmate. However, for twos, love will not be the most important thing. important place in life: they will be more focused on business and work.


Threes in the new year will be able to completely change their boring life and affairs. The stormy 2018 will be a breath of fresh air for you and a launching pad for new achievements and victories. Good luck awaits you in your career: if you don’t see prospects for current location, which means it’s time to change your job or even your field of activity. Threes can expect a lot of moves, training, and even retraining if you want to find yourself in a different profession. To prevent excessive activity from tiring you, start playing sports. This way you can become much more resilient and strengthen your fortitude. In your personal life, rely on feelings. You will be able to break off relationships in which you do not feel the return, and also find yourself an ideal soul mate.


In the new year, Fours will be able to establish contacts in both business and personal life. You will have many interesting meetings, which can turn out like career growth as well as romantic relationships. For single fours, 2018 could be a fateful year. Conclude marriage alliances in May, June or September. In terms of finances, stability awaits you, and to preserve your savings, you can invest them in real estate. In terms of health, fours need to be careful to avoid domestic injuries, fractures, and also drive vehicles carefully to minimize the likelihood of accidents due to your fault.


Fives need to invest in themselves in 2018. Do something new, get additional education or start studying foreign language. Thanks to new knowledge, you can expand your capabilities and gain financial stability. In your personal life, pay attention to your needs. You won't have much time to date, so don't spread yourself thin and make appointments only with people who really interest you. To find harmony with yourself and maintain good spirits, you can use Eastern wisdom, practice meditation and yoga. Don’t neglect traditional medicine: healthy herbal decoctions will help you stay healthy and increase your resistance to stress.


Sixes will reap the fruits of their labor in the new year. Your efforts in 2018 will fully pay off, you will be noticed and will contribute in every possible way to your promotion career ladder. Don’t be arrogant, but don’t let envious people take advantage of your inattention. The patron of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - will not appreciate it if you are too selfish and demanding in love. Married couples should preserve their love, and singles should not make inflated and absurd demands on candidates. Success can turn your head, and new opportunities can literally deprive you of sleep, so monitor your health and avoid frequent sleepless nights.


At the beginning of the year, sevens will face several anxious months. You will be tormented by the inability to start your own business, but numerologists urge you to be careful. Starting with a sharp start, you can lose most of your savings and also get bogged down in loans. In love, sevens should leave the past and start building a new happy life with a person worthy of you. If your family relationships are tense, then it’s time for a heart-to-heart conversation. It's time to dot all the i's to eliminate mistrust and not become a participant in a relationship in which you are simply tolerated out of habit.


Eights will have full luck. In 2018, you will be able to satisfy your needs and begin a rapid rise in the business sphere. Be confident in yourself, and then even a high position as a boss will be tough for you. However, numerologists recommend remaining human and not transferring business relationships into communication with subordinates. Your efforts to improve your business will only succeed if you value your staff. In love, show patience and restraint, try not to stay at home so as not to miss a fateful meeting. To maintain health, it is advisable for eights to start active image life, visit more often fresh air and consume plenty of vitamins.


The year for nines will be successful. You will be able to achieve great success in the business field through cooperation and teamwork. You can attract attention to yourself by changing your image. External attractiveness will give you an advantage, and the desire to achieve results will allow you to gain financial well-being. 2018 will not be suitable for light flirting and short romances, but for Serious relationships The green light comes on. Supporting your immune system and exercising will help you stay in great shape. A good idea would be to improve your health on the seaside.

Achieving success and prosperity in 2018 will not be easy. You will need willpower, a desire to work and support great shape. With such investments in yourself, you can achieve unprecedented results and fulfill all your dreams. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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