Women and spirituality. A woman and her role in the spiritual development of a man


Nowadays there is a very high tendency towards spirituality and self-development, especially among women, since their natural curiosity is stronger than men’s. It is this that drives them, forcing them to go to trainings and seminars, to study everything more information, change yourself and your life... But the truth is that a woman should not be very spiritual and smart :) Why? Yes, because it is a man’s privilege to receive knowledge and instruct, teach how to live correctly, comprehend God and lead his family to spiritual liberation. Women's spirituality manifests itself in a completely different way...

Due to the structure of her physical and subtle bodies, a woman receives 80% of energy from the Earth and 20% from Space, and a man, on the contrary, receives 80% from Space, 20% from Earth. Cosmic energies give a person spirituality, knowledge, asceticism, a penchant for order, for action, this is vertical movement (male position). Earthly energies ground and slow down, they allow one to manifest themselves in the material world, stand firmly on the ground, endow a person with wisdom, patience, humility, pure love and maternal qualities, this is the movement of energy horizontally (female position).

Over time, 80% of the energy in a woman’s body should accumulate in the lower centers (chakras), and men should rise upward from the lower centers. With age, he should become smarter, more ascetic, more righteous, more spiritual, more elevated, and so on. And a woman should become more and more loving, wise, accepting, warm-hearted, more inspired, more beautiful, more tender, and so on... If they change roles, that is, a woman goes into spirituality, into the cosmic spheres, raising her energy from the lower chakras to the top, then yes, she becomes more ascetic, more correct, but in terms of femininity she loses a lot.

Its lower centers (muladhara, svadhisthana, manipura and anahata) become colder. And a woman with a cold bottom becomes unattractive to men. She loses her state of peace, flow, becomes disinclined to show tenderness and caresses, to give love in physical manifestations, she begins to have problems accepting the world, situations and other people, she denies her sexuality, loses her femininity, as she stops taking care of herself, watch your appearance, considering this not the main thing, impatience increases, and over the years, female diseases may even appear. Such a woman begins to teach everyone how to live, because all the energy has risen to the head. But no one will get happiness from this.

If she is single, her chances of attracting a man are sharply reduced, since a man is attracted to the aroma of a woman’s revealed lower centers, to her sweet femininity, fullness, to her ability to accept a man as a head, to follow him, to obey him. It’s rare that a man can be interested in a woman who doesn’t take care of herself, denies physical intimacy, but actively quotes the Vedas, fanatically reads japa, instructs everyone on how to live correctly and controls the performance of duties by family members...

If she is married, then taking the role of the head of spiritual practice in the family, she risks losing her husband, or making him a second-class woman. In any case, the family will suffer...

Women's spirituality manifests itself in a completely different way... Not in ascetics, not in sermons, not in instructions, but in giving loved ones and the world your warmth and cordiality. A woman is truly spiritual when she is beautiful, when she is feminine, when she radiates love, when she enthusiastically obeys her husband, fulfills her feminine obligations, creates comfort, prepares prasad... When she knows how to see God not only in scriptures and mantras, but in everyone a person whom Fate brings to meet her, and she knows how to warm everyone, like the Earth, to console, to give wise advice, to encourage kind words, inspire, console, protect with sincere prayer from all adversities, bless with your love for good deeds... A spiritual woman is a Mother for every living being.

The Soul came to Earth in the form of a woman. I came to solve my problems. Tasks of the soul. Realize your Purpose.

What are the tasks of the Soul? These are those energies, those qualities that the Soul does not possess in sufficiently. For example, to be soft, to be gentle, to be able to trust, to be able to forgive...
The soul chooses which body is more suitable for solving its problems - female or male. If selected female body, then the Soul came for women's tasks. I came to reveal, to show feminine qualities. Live like a woman!

For most modern women world female soul remains closed. Why? We have created a life in which male values ​​predominate. This is easy to understand by looking at the qualities that modern pedagogy develops in children. Purposefulness, diligence, the ability to think logically, express one’s thoughts clearly and quickly... These are all masculine qualities. Just like the ability to survive in difficult conditions, having a strong character, do not be afraid of competition. We are being prepared for life in a man's world, for life with male values. Because the world lives according to male values.

A man's world is a world of power

Women's world is the world of the soul. The value of the male world is to be successful, to create the material world. We judge a man by his creations. What did he create in his life? And we often evaluate a woman by what she created... She created it, just like a man, in material terms. But a woman’s value lies elsewhere. In the subtle, in the intangible. In the soul.

The value of a woman is in her sincerity. It's how warm her soul is. In the warmth that she conveys to the world. As long as the soul remains warm, the woman lives.

Who did you warm today? Is your soul warm? Is it warm near you? Or “what kind of soulfulness is there - to survive?” Or “someone would warm me”... If – “to survive” and “who would warm me”, then the soul does not solve its problems, does not realize its purpose, and life difficulties suggest that the wrong road has been chosen.

If a woman follows the path of her soul, then the world helps. It unfolds with its best, brightest, sunny sides, reflecting her spiritual light.

I can’t, I don’t know how, I haven’t been taught - this is the point of choice. YOUR CHOICE. It's never too late to learn to live like a woman if you CHOOSE women's World, a world of life to your liking. Or is it your CHOICE to continue to live in a man’s world, with men’s values, continuing to suffer and blame this world.

The true cosmic purpose of a woman is to inspire a man with her love so that he gains wings that allow him to rise to the most enlightened heights.

Who did you warm today?

The highest destiny given to every woman is to learn in love to accept all impulses of activity emanating from a man, to give them life with her inner blessing, high fortunes. That’s why it’s so important for representatives Feminine Origin strive to gain in your life the evolutionary experience of all-inclusiveness, patience, humility and meekness, unconditional forgiveness, compassion and mercy shown in relation to the activity of a man, to be faithful to his inner light!

Lovely women rushing along spiritual path! Understand that for your transformation and enlightenment, you need to fix your gaze on the representatives of the Active principle who are now next to you, whom God sent to you into families, according to the strength of your Inner Light and the available possibility of evolution, so that in life you can work with They are the missing highly spiritual experience of love and Unity, which will allow you to rise to a new level of existence.

It is the men close to you - father, brother, son, lover - who will become the mirror in which all your personal imperfections and shortcomings will be reflected.

A woman incarnates to experience all the unconditional love for the man she has chosen. Not to gain power over him, not to be stronger or smarter than him, not to try to lead and argue, but to radiate, as the sun radiates, the bright inspiration of love and bliss - this is the mission and highest purpose of a woman.

The most the main problem women is that it is the spirit of competition that comes from her. It is manifested not only in relation to men, but also in relation to other women. It is from a woman that comes aggression, non-reconciliation, rejection, continuous argument and proving her opinion and personal truth to men.

A woman always wants to be right and strong, constantly proving this to a man, thereby being active. So why be surprised if the man next to you is lacking initiative, weak, without the meaning of life? So close to you courageous men how feminine you are! You are absolutely equal in your distortions, so what is the point of blaming each other? Take care of yourself, become feminine, let the man next to you be the Active Beginning.

If we women are not understood and accepted by men; if there are representatives of the Great Active Principle next to us who are not realized in their activity, which causes us a lot of inconvenience; if we constantly feel dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the behavior and condition of a man close to us, this indicates that we have not learned the true essence, unconditional love to him, have not learned to accept him.

A woman by her nature is a passive, accepting Principle, manifesting and transforming, materializing everything that is in her field.

But main reason the fact that we have failed to cultivate within ourselves that magnet of true, divine feminine qualities that can attract from space a highly spiritual representative of the Great Masculine Principle. And in currently every woman, no matter what she thinks about herself, deserves exactly the man who is next to her. Only this man who is nearby can allow her to gain experience, discover her virtues, the highest feminine essence and learn to manifest them in life...

She is responsible for the quality state of the space in which she resides and manifests her vital activity.

Only a woman filled with unconditionality will be able to become for a man that source of Light in which he can quench his thirst for Love, filling his inner being with the strength that will inspire him to new victories.

A woman manifests and materializes everything that a man puts into her field, all his ideas, through her blissful living of these ideas. Thus, reality itself is created, Being is formed.

If a woman in her life, for one reason or another, has grievances against her father, and a man against his mother, they will never be able to create happy family. Only by forgiving our father or mother, and accepting them completely, unconditionally and with love, do we gain the right to a happy family life. For earthly consciousness, truly amazing things happen, but everything happens exactly like this.
A woman can receive her husband’s knowledge, his intellect, his mind, only by respecting him very much, this happens precisely from a position from below.

We are all doomed to loneliness until a woman learns to be feminine and a man learns to be masculine. This is why we incarnate - to know.

And if a woman has this inner magnet, like a bouquet of qualities of great femininity, then neither her age, nor her shape, nor her successes and good fortune in this life, nor her material condition matters to a true man. And men will flock to her like butterflies from all over the world so that she can choose her one and only.


A woman emits an inner aroma that saturates the worlds and makes a man vibrate. He flies to this smell of feminine essence, because the soul secretly knows: this is what he can use to fulfill his destiny, his cosmic mission - to learn to love a woman, accept her, and become a Great Master. And who is to blame for the fact that a woman created a bouquet such that a green fly flew in? Whichever bouquet is the one that will arrive.

The stronger and more active a woman is, the weaker and more uninitiative the man next to her is.

Understand, women, that when you try to impose your decision, point of view, personal opinion on a man, you thereby deprive him of his power. You want a man to be strong and decisive, but at the same time you constantly tell him what and how to do and argue (!), with your own hands making him weak and dependent, and therefore irresponsible.

A man grows solely by making independent decisions and reaping the fruits of these decisions. And it doesn’t matter whether they are favorable or not. In any case, he learns responsibility and activity from experience, based on it in the future, but the woman argues endlessly, says what to do and how to do it, implying that she knows better and does not allow the man to develop and grow on his own.

A man makes decisions, and even if he is wrong (in your opinion), you must let him do it, and then he himself, having made a decision, will see its consequences and will know how, based on this experience, to move on. But if you deprive him of this experience, he will not be able to become active.

A woman does not allow a man to take responsibility for his own decisions, does not allow him to undergo experience; she tells him what to do and at the same time, in her opinion, he is still responsible for it.

Only by forgiving our father or mother and accepting them completely, unconditionally and with love, do we gain the right to a happy family life!

You should let the man make all the decisions

And if you are a wise and accepting, kind and loving woman, then your man can consult with anyone, but before he does, he will bring this idea to you. And then and only then can you gently express your opinion about his decision. For a wise man knows that any of his ideas will have life only when it is blessed by his woman who loves this idea!

The question arises, what if all the ideas that men bring are not liked by women? Where were you when you created an alliance with this man? But you have the power to change everything. To become such a woman and to love and believe in your man so much that you can inspire him with better ideas.

And if you love this man, then love him without expecting anything, because if you expect anything from him, you love not him, but the image that you created for yourself and at the same time you rape a living person with claims, eternal discontent, rejection and resentment. And for such a woman, a man will not want to become great, will not want to open up, mature, but on the contrary, feeling bad and not accepted, will wither, weaken and refuse any initiative, so as not to be scolded and unfit again if the decision turns out to be not faithful, and the woman will still say her crowning “I told you so!”, which will finally finish him off.

The Human Spirit is a pulsating substance with a plasma sheath that separates from a person at the time of death and disintegrates. On the basis of the Spirit, a human organism arises, growing like a colony of cells with the same DNA. Human body subordinated to the interests of the Spirit and initially serves only him.

The spirit constantly strives for development and manifests itself in the creative self-realization of a person. Creativity should be understood as a person’s desire to realize his deepest dreams and create something that did not exist before.

The spirit makes a person strive for omnipotence (from the phrase “I can do everything”). Every person, driven by the interests of the Spirit, strives to find in the world around him some interesting idea, a worthy goal and a promising project with the help of which he would be able to organize his life and destiny.

Thus, the spiritual development of a person is the coordination and subordination of all functional systems and capabilities of the body to the interests of the Spirit. The more and more strongly the Spirit is manifested in a person’s body, the larger it is as a person and individuality.

The spirit can also be understood as a particle of God, thanks to which a person is said to be created in His image and likeness. As a result, Spirituality is measured by the results of human efforts and efforts, that is, by how large a person is in his activities.

Sometimes the spiritual development of a person is somewhat erroneously called practices to expand consciousness and cultivate moral principles. It is important to separate the development of the functional capabilities of the body from the spiritual interests of a person.

Developing the mind, intelligence, memory, concentration, discipline, will and much more is necessary and very useful. However, the functional properties and qualities of the body, as well as any abilities and talents, are only means of manifestation of the Spirit. Spirit and body are the same as a driver and a car. The more functionality a car has, the more capabilities the driver can achieve.

The spiritual development of men is fundamentally different from spiritual development women. The possibility of a union between them depends on how much a man understands the essence of a woman’s spiritual development and a woman understands the essence of a man’s spiritual development.

A man and a woman can become fellow travelers in life only if they help each other in spiritual self-development, otherwise it is impossible. The spirit, through sensations in the body, will simply reject everything that is harmful to it. The path of spiritual self-development is a person’s search for his destiny and his mission, that is, such a special path that the best way promotes the development of the Spirit.

It was so intended by nature that a woman has a huge reserve built into her from the moment of her birth. internal forces both energetic and physical. First of all, the ability given to her by nature to give birth to new lives presupposes the presence of endurance and adaptation to high stress on the body. The level of pain threshold in women is much higher than in men.

The heart and body of a representative of the stronger sex simply could not bear the pain of childbirth. The strength of men is concentrated in the area of ​​muscles and mental activity, while a woman is like a vessel, inside of which all the wealth of her sensual and emotional world. Not only the life and fate of the woman herself, but also the well-being of her loved ones depends on the quality of the contents of this “vessel”. Returning home after a difficult day, a man, from the first minutes of communication with his soul mate, is “fuelled” by her emotions. If such “feeding” carries negative information, it gives a destructive start to inner world men and couple relationships. Constantly charging a man with positivity, tenderness and confidence in his own abilities over time becomes a vital necessity for him. This is exactly the trait feminine character is a guarantee of the strength and duration of the relationship.

A woman’s magic manifests itself in all the things she does, and this is not only her beauty and charm.

A woman with her inner desire can change the world around you, the main thing is to achieve harmony with yourself and feel your strength. Masculine and feminine energies differ in that feminine energy– internal and calm, and masculine – external and active. That's why, in order for a man to achieve something in life, be it success or finances, he needs to prove himself, commit active actions, and in order for a woman to change the world around her, she needs to restore order within herself, fill herself up (I already wrote about this earlier), and love herself.

A woman is essentially a sorceress; she can apply her magic in all matters (in any field) in which she is engaged. In her hands, everything can be transformed, the result directly depends on the inner mood and her thoughts. Food can turn into magic and cure diseases, or it can become poison. The woman adds energy content.

Only a woman can fill a home with comfort and love. Therefore, when doing household chores, remember this and do it consciously. Remember your feminine power and use it wisely, and then the world around you will be the way you want it to be.

How can a wife inspire her husband to spiritual development? How unusual and important time we live..Everything is changing around us! And, often, women, as more sensitive, in active search harmonies become, as they say now. "on the path of spiritual development." And in normal language - on the Path of Light, the Path of Spiritual Growth. Take a look around. and you will see how many more “seeking” women there are than men. Men. usually. they think about such things less often, or, due to their nature, they are slower to rebuild. How can a wife inspire her husband to spiritual development if he is focused on material things?

When a woman tries to inspire a man to spiritual development, she must take into account three main qualities of his psyche.

FIRST - a man loves to be accepted for who he is. In this case - “I accept that you are a complete materialist”

SECOND – a man must feel that he is needed: “I would be very happy if you also took up spiritual practice.”

AND THIRD - a man must feel that he is free. That is, the woman is ready to wait. If you place books in prominent places and tables for him, or invite people into the house who are supposed to brainwash him, he already feels the pressure.

As soon as a man feels a little bit that he is not free, he completely blocks this preaching activity. It is very difficult for a woman to maintain all three components. If a woman says: “You are absolutely free, remain a materialist, you will be lost!”, then in this case the man will degrade because he feels that he is not needed. They gave him freedom, but at the same time they took away his “needs.”

A manifestation of spirituality is that a person himself strives for self-awareness and development. This is a sign of spirituality. But much more high level spirituality is a situation where a person cares about other people progressing spiritually. Therefore, the correct perception of a man, the correct attitude towards him is: “He is free not to engage in spiritual practice. I won’t insist too much on this, because I am happy with the way this person is already engaged in spiritual practice - he helps me do it. But still, I would be even happier if he somehow also felt the taste of this spiritual happiness that I experience.”

Sometimes I come across such posts from women online that I begin to understand the wisdom of my ancestors. Previously, Knowledge was not passed on to women. They weren't particularly taught such things. And not because women would not be able to understand the depths. They were only told stories in which the moral was obvious, and that was enough. After all, they took care of the girl and tried to preserve what was already in her from birth. Why does she need complex treatises if everything is already in her?

Now everything is different. Any information is available. Take and read the ancient scriptures, which were previously transmitted only by word of mouth, from teacher to student with explanations. It seems to me that at times we ourselves think even further than necessary.

Our imagination is just some kind of catastrophe. From any ordinary phrase we can create something like this in our heads! Take one thing out of context, add it to something else, again taken out of another context - and we already have a new theory, new rules.

And so I sometimes read posts about how “dancing for a woman is not Orthodox”, “it’s not worth having children - everything is an illusion”, “there’s no need”, “dressing up is a sin and fornication”, “wanting something then this is generally the path to hell” and so on. Like, give up everything, put on black robe, forget about yourself, even if you are twenty. The sooner you forget about yourself, the less sin you will do... Sometimes I really want to hit all these authors on the head - but very gently. Knock - because they not only came up with something in their heads that does not exist and did not exist. So they also present their conclusions to others as “spiritual”.

Sweet, gentle girls and women who still want to be beautiful are left with a strange choice - to give up their “sinful” desires - like a new dress or dance school, or to give up their faith. Making a choice in any direction, they end up unhappy.

If you dress beautifully, you are depraved. If you want this - that is, clothes and beauty - you are again depraved. The question, of course, is what we consider beautiful. But if your body is covered with clothes, if you do not expose your charms for everyone to see, there is nothing sinful in this. The only question is the goals - why and for whom do we want to be beautiful? To please whom and what feelings to evoke?

We often cling to the rules and try to adjust everyone to them. As if rules are more important than people.

For example, some grandmothers in churches, as elders, point at those who cross themselves incorrectly, come in jeans, don’t put on a headscarf... The person will never come to church again. It seems to be all from good intentions, but what is the result?

Bishop Anthony of Sourozh told how during one of the liturgies he went out to preach and said the following thing: “Yesterday evening a woman with a child came to the service. She was wearing trousers and no headscarf. One of you reprimanded her. She left. I don’t know who reprimanded her, but I order this person to pray for her and for this child until the end of his days, so that the Lord will save them. Because because of you, she may never come to the temple again.” He turned around and left. That was the whole sermon.

Show me the Holy Scripture, which says: “dancing is a sin,” “dressing up is a sin,” and “it’s better not to have children.” Show me where exactly, so that it’s right there in plain text? And I will show you quotes from the Scriptures, which say that dressing up and being beautiful is our duty. True, there are a lot of warnings - for example, that a smart woman should be with her husband, and without him - it is better to use a minimum of jewelry. It is also said that giving birth to godly children is our task. AND keyword– pious, because you can give birth a lot at random, like animals do, what’s special about that. Dancing is generally one of the feminine arts that we must master. But again the question is - what dances to practice and where to show it. If you're dancing a waltz on stage, that's one thing, but if you're belly dancing, which was originally intended for the bedroom, that's another.

Asceticism is the path for men. Severe austerities are for advanced men. In almost every religion, women have a different place. Our spirituality is not expressed in a huge number of prayer circles and ascetics, not in renunciation of the world and monasticism. There are only a few people for whom a monastery is an ideal place. Most of us should live in peace with peace in our souls. And our spirituality is expressed only in the amount of love we radiate. Our overall spiritual mission is to help men develop spiritually. Don't be too distracting. Fill the world with care and love. Raise children in goodness, instilling in them the love of God. Be beautiful and happy, because it’s much easier to inspire. And also to be alive. No one in this world can do this except us. A woman is a special wealth of the world. Creative wealth.

All creativity in one way or another comes from women - they either create themselves or inspire the men who are next to them.

And creativity cannot be sinful in itself, only if it is directed in the wrong direction and uses the wrong methods.

Girls, dance, sing, draw, give birth to children consciously. In Italy, for example, on vocal competition Not long ago, the “ordinary” nun won. She performed in the “same” outfit, but sang and danced with all her heart. In this way she expressed her love for God - and preached it. And very quickly she became the leader of the entire competition, in which there were many naked and “advanced” women. Her voice came from her heart, and love for God lived in it. That's the whole secret. She showed how many Christian women by her example that singing and dancing is useful and very beautiful for a woman. The only question is what to sing, how to dance and how to look while doing it.

Goodness Band-Aid

Reading different books, many women begin to play one dangerous game, which is called “I’m always fine.” And the second game, which perfectly complements the first: “if everything is bad for me, it’s my own fault.” In general, both games look quite cultural and reasonable. Apart from one small detail. There are also those who are born in our body constantly and they need a way out.

The sacred scriptures tell of cases when great women were angry (with reason, of course), jealous, and offended. The difference is that they simply poured out their feelings without letting them inside. They did not live with these feelings, but they lived them quickly and almost painlessly.

And we stick adhesive plasters on our wounds, hoping that everything will heal and resolve on its own. But the strange thing is, without proper treatment and care, the wounds become inflamed and begin to cause much more problems. We compact all our feelings that did not pass the filter of acceptability and put them in the farthest corner of the soul. We pretend that we don’t know how to be angry, offended, jealous, or envy. And we are proud of this achievement, walking with a stone face that, in principle, no longer expresses any emotions. After all, you cannot block one thing - the whole range of feelings is blocked, and now you can neither rejoice nor love.

Why do men sometimes like “strange” women with a “bitchy appearance”? Because they are alive. Their emotions and mood change, and it’s interesting to be with them. They react one way or another to everything you do. When they are hurt, they cry or scream. When they feel good, they laugh. They get offended when you hurt them and show it. They get angry if there is a reason for it. They are sincere in their emotions, and this is attractive.

Development of the Spirit of a man and a woman on a joint Path.
...a very interesting connection emerged: Love – Will – Co-Creativity – Energy of Money. It became the basis for further research, which answered my question ten years ago: “How can a man and woman help each other as they move along the Path, manifesting all the plans of Love in their lives?”

Zavatskaya M.V., Tyumen
“Love is given to us for transformation and is the easiest path to God.”
V. P. Goch

The relationship between a man and a woman has always been the focus of attention and study as one of the most important aspects In human life. The range of opinions and points of view on this issue is impressive - from outright dirt and pornography to the heights of philosophy and creativity. It is also interesting that every person in different periods In life, he either considers himself a great connoisseur of love, gives advice to others on this matter, or feels like a grain of sand at the bottom of the Ocean, unable to comprehend the most basic things.
The main reason for such a wide range of approaches and opinions is the fact that love is a multifaceted concept, and depending on the level of maturity, a person perceives that component of it to which his understanding has “grown.” At the same time, most people intuitively feel that the concept of love contains something much more than can be grasped by consciousness.

What can be called the physical plane of love is described and studied in detail, down to the sequence and doses of the production of certain hormones at one glance at a loved one.
The spiritual plan of love is reflected in the works of psychologists and writers, described, explained and... led to a dead end. This impasse is presented in its most complete form in the works of the famous psychologist Nikolai Kozlov. The relationship between a man and a woman is systematized, laid out on the shelves, it is shown which stereotype in a relationship leads to what consequences, it has been convincingly and logically proven that there are no differences between a man and a woman except for physiological characteristics, all mutual expectations are unfounded, the institution of family for cultured person has exhausted itself, the main goal of a relationship is to please each other. Everything is connected and justified at a high professional level, written brightly and interestingly, reads well, but to live in it flat world- I do not want. Something essential falls out of relationships, without which they, and life itself, lose meaning.
Literature on the Spiritual Plane of Love for a long time was not available for study. In addition, spiritual literature often shows a gap between human love and Love for God, which helped to perpetuate the illusion that the joys of love are limited to the spiritual plane.
In the New Time, when much knowledge about the Spiritual World has become available, when Spirituality ceases to be a semi-abstract concept, divorced from Everyday life, new opportunities for research in this area are opening up. Basic information is presented in the works of V.P. Goch, in the collections of works of students of the “Reason and Karma” school, the material of Marina Sergeevna Urikh’s lectures on the development of relationships in connection with the internal age of partners is very interesting.

My interest in this topic arose at the beginning of my acquaintance with esoteric knowledge about 10 years ago, when information flashed that a man and a woman, helping each other, can rise together to the Spiritual World. The question arose, but at that time additional information failed to obtain.
It was later found in the books of the Estonian healer Luula Viilma. She says that a woman perceives love from above, gives it to a man, the man gratefully accepts love and shares his strength with the woman. Happiness, well-being and longevity depend on how complete and balanced this exchange is. married couple. And it was from her books that I finally understood that a person can change any circumstances in his life if he works on himself.
In classes using the method of V.P. Gotch, we get acquainted with the concepts of Will and Love and their significance for the formation of the Path of a man and a woman, as well as for the development of their relationships, we learn that with the disclosure of Will, a person gains access to Co-Creativity.
From the books and lectures of T.V. Nemtseva, it turns out that when working in Co-Creativity, access to another aspect of Divine Energy opens - the Energy of Money.
From all this, a very interesting connection emerged: Love – Will – Co-Creativity – Energy of Money. It became the basis for further research, which answered my question ten years ago: “How can a man and woman help each other as they move along the Path, manifesting all the plans of Love in their lives?”
A structure has emerged that can be called the “Spiral of relationships between men and women.” With its help, you can trace how a man and a woman in their practical everyday manifestations help each other in Spiritual development, and if there are any deviations, you can understand what aspect you need to develop in yourself to harmonize relationships in your family.

So, the first step on the Path to Relationship Development is taken by a woman. And this is where you need to start if you are not satisfied with anything in your existing relationship.
1. A woman perceives the Divine energy of Love.
Only a woman initially has the opportunity to perceive this Energy from Above. But, although all women have this opportunity, they all realize it to varying degrees. And already at this stage there are many opportunities for self-improvement. What is necessary to perceive the Energy of Love in full?
This can be faith in any pure Divine powers, independent of religion and creed. For an atheist, this may simply be the original belief in goodness, light, joy as some kind of primary energy, the basis of life. If someone instead has fear or disbelief inside, methods of attuning to perfect images and/or self-suggestion can be used.
The ability to create “inner silence”
If a person has endless internal chatter inside, the pure flow of Divine Love will not fully pass through it. It is necessary to learn to pause inner speech, tune in to silence, peace and harmony.
Positive attitude towards the world
The Light, the Divine manifests itself in the World in the form positive images, relationships and situations, harmony, beauty, joy. If a woman is tuned in to their perception, the surrounding space itself feeds her with the Energy of Love.
Waiting for Love
“Loving is the most natural state in the World: loving yourself, loving others, loving life. If you want to be loved, love yourself. And deep down, each of us wants Love most of all, but sometimes we probably forget about it. We strive to achieve other goals - career, money, wealth; we seek relaxation, entertainment and lose sight of the most important things in life. What could it be more important than Love? We become what we think about. And if our thoughts are full of Love, we feel Love. Change your thoughts and you will change your life."
“Love is not the result of fate or luck, it does not “come and go.” We create it ourselves, and each of us has the ability to create it. We get from life what we give to it ourselves. It is not relationships that bring us Love, but we that bring love into relationships. When we learn to love, relationships filled with Love are inevitably born.”
Revealing beauty from within
“A woman is beautiful only when she considers herself beautiful. Beauty is given to a woman not to satisfy a man’s sensuality, but in order to uplift him spiritually. Only the woman who thinks and knows that she deserves it can attract Love.”
“You need to show the beauty of your clothes and your own. A woman’s task is to improve her environment. She determines a man's behavior, setting the tone. A woman, being a support for a man, must evoke a state of longing for the Light, longing for the shining peaks! This is the high note she needs to hit!”
“The Ray of Purity is the Path along which Love walks, and it simply has no other Path. A person who has received the Ray of Purity is distinguished by childlike spontaneity - a sign that the person is devoted to Purity.”
It is important to learn to demonstrate physical, mental (purity of thoughts, feelings, emotions) and spiritual (purity of thoughts and intentions) purity.
- The ability to love yourself
“If you don’t respect yourself, you can’t love yourself; and if you don’t love yourself, it’s very difficult to love others. You need to learn to accept yourself, value yourself, no matter what others say about you. Each of us has our own place on Earth, each of us is unique. When you understand your own value, you can begin to understand the value of other people and respect them. And when you respect someone, you can begin to love them."
In addition, in not loving ourselves there is an element of fighting against God: if we do not love ourselves, and we are the result of Creation, then is there any place for respect for the Creator? If a person contradicts the Creator, can he ask Him for anything good for himself and his loved ones?
- The ability to accept your Path
“The spiritual path of a woman consists of only one thing - to learn to properly love her husband, children, and to show Love.”
Only when a woman’s Love becomes perfect will her Will be formed as an irrational point within the sphere of Love.
- Ability to accept life circumstances
In order to be able to improve anything in this life or solve any problem, it is necessary first of all to understand the “conditions of the problem”, accept them as existing reality, and only then decide what can be done here. If we proceed from the assumption that this should not happen because it should never happen, it will be impossible to act effectively.

If a woman has learned to tune in to the Energy of Divine Love and accept it, the second stage begins.
2. A woman gives love to a man
Any energy does not like stagnation. It should come freely to a person and also flow freely further. At the same time, one must give not through force, but with joy and gratitude to Heaven for the very opportunity to perceive the Energy of Love and manifest it on Earth. In order for the Energy of Love to flow freely to a man, first of all it is necessary to understand how to treat him.
Attitude towards a man
LOVE – “the manifestation of the transference of the Image of God”
“A woman should see the Heavenly Father in a man.” (O. M. Aivankhov)
For a woman, a HUSBAND is “wise in life,” the Image and Likeness of God on Earth. The task is to perceive from above and convey love to him so that he can manifest his Divine qualities. Tracking - if a wife is wealthy in love, knows how to perceive and give it to her husband, then she will never have to do a man’s work, and there will simply be no material problems.
A woman must offer a man her perfection, the perfection of her love, then everything else will work out by itself.
The next question is how does a woman show Love?
Physical love
“When you recognize God in your partner and give him everything beautiful and harmonious, all the accumulated Light, then the entire Universe experiences joy, and all the energy of this greatest Sacrament is enhanced and returned to you by the subtlest vibrations of Love from the Heart of the Universe.”
“The energies of Love are Divine; they must return to Divine World. Therefore, the purpose of sexual intimacy is important. If a man and a woman are aware of its greatness, they are able to accomplish tremendous work, and then the Angels and Supreme Beings will take part in spreading this energy and help those who love to become even more beautiful and stronger. “Of the myriads of things created by Heaven, the most precious is man. Of all the things that give a person well-being, not one can compare with intimacy... Those who comprehend its meaning will be able to nourish their nature and prolong their life,” says the ancient Chinese treatise on the “art of the bedroom.” If the sexual energy of Lovers does not burn out, Heaven rejoices at the beauty of their Love, and they receive pleasure ten times greater, purer and deeper.”
Housekeeping, daily care and attention
“A woman should be a housewife, because... responsible for order in the Universe. Must be the Guardian of the Hearth, must make the Hearth a Shrine, where the Will of God dwells! Putting order and cleanliness at home, working in Cause and Karma is pure women's work... But is it possible to restore order on the spiritual plane if the physical plane is a mess? It all starts from the kitchen, from the house - until you work there, they won’t let you go further or higher.”
Everyday household chores can manifest completely different energies. They can be a burdensome duty, littering the fields of a woman and people close to her with many negative formations, or they can be a high service, a manifestation of the Higher Will, a way of showing Love.
“A woman, through food, nourishes her loved ones with her acquired Perfection... With wishes of goodness and love, with her state of purity and celebration in the process of cooking, she can make everyone healthy, happy, energetic, cheerful. Cooking and eating food should be a Sacrament. Then in the kitchen she creates Life itself.”
Love, Purity and Fidelity, Meekness and Humility
“When these qualities are manifested, when a woman comes into agreement with the Divine Laws, her feminine power has no limits and can perform miracles in Creation. A woman becomes that vessel, that fruit into which Divine energy enters and through it emanates to everything around her. She becomes the Vessel of Golden Wine (perfection). Therefore from True Woman a man gets a feeling like a glass of good wine. That’s where her Strength lies!”

After the woman has passed the Energy of Love through herself, the man takes the third step in the spiral of relationship development.
3. A man accepts Love
In order to fully accept the gift of Love, it is important for a man, firstly, to be able to accept what Life gives him; secondly, to form an attitude towards a woman as a Mystery.
Attitude towards a woman
For a husband, WIFE is “the beginning of life; desired”, a vital source of Love, which is necessary for the formation of will (WILL - the appearance of the Image in itself). If a man perceives Love, it gives the basis to his will, and he gets the opportunity to demonstrate his power in Co-Creativity.
A man should treat a woman as a Mystery.
If there is simplicity in the attitude towards a woman, a man will not reveal his talent. If a man complicates his relationship with a woman, he will ruin himself. And only where the attitude towards a woman is irrational will a man open up. The irrational goes back to the Image of the Mother of God and, based on this Image, we transfer the attitude towards the earthly woman. For a man, this is a way out of a spiritual impasse.
The irrationality of relationships means that a woman is incomprehensible both to a man and to herself. Only God knows about the secrets of her soul.
When a person reaches the Truth,
he is amazed:
how to understand the One in other people?
And where now to look for the Secret?
But they will remain an eternal Mystery
flower, sunrise and woman.
“Issa said: Honor the woman, the mother of the universe; in it lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. A person’s existence depends on her, for she is a support in his works... Bless her... She is your only friend and support on earth. Protect her... Her love makes a person noble, softens hard hearts and tames the beast. A wife and mother are an invaluable treasure, they are the adornment of the universe. From them will be born everything that adorns the world...
Just as light is separated from darkness, so a woman has the gift of separating good intentions from bad thoughts in a person. Your best thoughts should belong to a woman. Draw from them the moral strength you need to help your neighbor...” (From the manuscripts about Jesus’ journey through the East, retold by N. Roerich)
“A woman is a CALL to worlds of extraordinary purity.”

Men do not always know how to accept anything, especially from a woman. The opinion has been established that in love relationships the man is the giving side, and the woman is the receiving side. But this is true only for love on the physical plane. On the spiritual plane, the same work is done, but on the Spiritual plane, the Energy of Love comes to a man from a woman. He cannot live without this Energy, and if he does not receive it in his family, the search begins “on the side.” The underlying reason for this search, as a rule, remains “behind the scenes.” It can either be that the woman does not know how to receive and give love, or the man is not in the mood to perceive this energy.
The ability to accept the Energy of Love includes several components.
Tuning in to Love
If a man perceives love as “a woman’s whims,” if he is sure that “real men” will do without these excesses, if he believes that “real women” have remained in past centuries or “love does not exist at all,” then, with a high degree of probability, he will not be able to recognize his one and only. If he does find out, the consciousness clogged with such concepts will not let him in. Divine Love.
“Love is the Greatest Gift of God! Anyone who has received this Gift can have no doubt about Salvation from any adversity, from any Abyss! The Hurricane of Love is able to lift him to the Light, to God, Who Himself is Love!.. And this Service makes the lover free!” (Abd-Ru-Shin)
The feeling of gratitude is of great importance. Heaven tests us with small gifts. If a man knows how to be grateful to a woman for her care in everyday life, for small manifestations of her love, this opens the way for a great bright feeling, which will become a reliable basis for his will.
“Learn to be grateful for what you get on the road and learn to take advantage of it. If you refuse, you will limit your future, but if you abuse what is given to you, you will lose your future.”
Another important aspect for a man is the ability to create conditions for the manifestation of love.
Just as we create conditions for seed germination by digging, fertilizing and watering the soil, removing weeds, it is also important in family life that the sprouts of love have favorable conditions for growth and development. These include reasonable time management, living conditions, emotional background and much more. If you shape these circumstances like an experienced gardener shapes a flower bed for the best flowering, the Power of Love will sooner manifest all its wonderful capabilities.

How we learn in classes using the methodology of V.P. Gocha, the Energy of Love, transmitted to a man through a woman, creates the conditions for the next stage of development.
4. Love shapes the Will of a man
A woman’s love becomes the basis on which a man’s Will is formed.
“In men, Will manifests itself as a desire for the Spiritual and is an emanation of Love invested in a man by his mother or loving woman. Love for a man is a connection with God (and it comes only through a woman or an Image Mother of God), the fulfillment of His Will, based on Which he acts. A man is looking for Love in order to manifest himself as a Creator.”
Manifestations of Will
“A man is a Movement, there is a Will, there is a Path, he must pave the Path and walk along it.”
“A man only needs to form an aspiration for something, and everything he needs along the way will come together. He must be able to decide, this is the first thing, the second is to be able to let go of decisions from himself into execution.”
“A man needs to show the attitude of the Father’s Will in himself, when doing earthly things, to think about the Heavenly World, about the Highest!”
Decision making skills
“A man must start with a decision, with an action. He must make a decision. This is where his love is shown.”
The ability to let go of the situation
“If a man wants to prove something to another person or his wife, he doesn’t have to prove it, he just has to make a decision so that the situation unfolds and shows...”
Ability to take responsibility for your decisions
“This is what the nature of men’s strength should be: integrity, determination, the ability to make decisions, the ability to take responsibility for their decisions. The steering wheel of fate must be taken into your own hands so that it does not rotate on its own, but acts from Creativity. We must take responsibility for our destiny and the destiny of Creation. The more responsibility, the more God’s plan is revealed.”

When a man’s will is formed, he can enter into Co-Creativity and Co-Completion with the Higher Powers.
5. Actions in Co-Creation and Co-Completion
“To enter into the Co-Creation of the New, a man must be able to Love and act by the Supreme Will of the Creator.”
“A woman must do everything for Life, and a man must do everything FOR GOD. A woman must give birth to a man in the Spirit, and the man will CREATE THE WORLD.”
“A man was supposed, as a matter of course, to strictly maintain a course towards the universal Cosmic Brotherhood and, as an external matter, to obtain food and protect the bud of the family from bad weather...
A woman, as a bloodline, is supposed to inspire a man to move Evolution – of this Great Rook – into Great Beauty.
As an external matter, the woman is entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining everyday life.”

From here we can see the sixth stage of formation common path men and women.
6. A woman supports a man’s activities with her Love
On at this stage The following aspects can be highlighted.
"Meaning feminine power– protection and support of a man’s path. In order to enter into Divine Love, a man must follow the direction of Will, realized through the movement of Evolution. Then the woman becomes Love itself, and the family acquires the attribute of eternity.”
Purity and loyalty
Marriage takes place in Heaven, which means it has a Mystery.
“The manifestation of female purity comes through the ability to handle the Mystery.”
“The manifestation of purity comes through fidelity: “All her deeds are pure if only they are motivated by fidelity.” (Abd-Ru-Shin)"
Meekness and Humility
Manifests itself in the ability to be “behind your husband”
“For man is not from woman, but woman is from man;
And the husband was not created for the wife, but the wife for the husband.” (1 Corinthians 11:8)
“You need to preserve your family in patience and humility. This gives strength and the opportunity to change the situation for the better. Any situation that has arisen is given for learning. As soon as we accept this study, come to terms with it, then the strength appears to change the situation... We can discharge it according to the matrix or extinguish it with our love... Or we need to make an internal spiritual movement - grow in the understanding [that every person can make a mistake] and he support required. Provide support, add your creative potential, and you will have strength.”
“A woman must remelt the negativity that surrounds her with love, meekness and purity - this is how her strength grows!”
“...suffering can be reduced if, turning to God, you become a channel for Divine energy, channeling Grace through yourself to the whole family.”
Approval, blessing
Approval of a man’s actions must be initial, even before the action itself is performed. If we consider him as the Image and Likeness of God, this goes without saying. This removes shadows of doubt, creates support for action and helps the event unfold in the best possible way.
“If a man makes his own situation, he loses strength, so the woman must help the man turn the situation around.”
“Learn to wait for your husband, and he will be transformed. “Wait for me, and I will return, just wait a lot...” (K. Simonov) When a wife waits and truly loves, then even in a war nothing will happen to her husband... If a woman is a support for a man, then he can’t go anywhere below this support will fall."
“A man in a situation only restores order. He gives the acquired space to a woman who should strengthen this harmonious space.”
“Only a man has the right to acquire knowledge, and then transfer it to a woman for execution.”
“...what a woman surrounds with love will be love. A woman creates a space of pure and bright love around a man - this is his protection.”

As we know from the works of Tatyana Vladimirovna Nemtseva, actions in Co-Creativity, on the basis of Perfect Love and Will, give a man access to another aspect of Divine Energy - the Energy of money.
7. A man gets access to the Divine Energy of Money
Details and conditions for this exit can be found in the book “The Life of Money” by T.V. Nemtseva.

Interacting with the Energy of Money in Co-Creativity with Higher Powers on the basis of formed Love and Will, a man rises to a new level of Spiritual Development, becomes more prosperous on all planes of his Existence.
8. Money is used to increase beauty and harmony
A wealthy person uses the Energy of Money to develop and improve his business, as well as to attract new beauty and harmony into his life and the life of a woman (which, as we remember, help a woman perceive the Divine Energy of Love) and to improve living conditions (and create better conditions to show love).
“Where there is Love, people will always have the strength and desire to correct and harmonize their lives, and the Light of True Love will support them and make the Path of self-improvement easier for them in the name of Harmony.”
Since with the Spiritual growth of a man, the power of a woman begins to expand and rise, the woman also rises to a new level of Spiritual development. Combined with new possibilities for the perception and manifestation of love, with accumulated experience, this allows one to expand the sphere of Perfect Love and create an even more reliable basis for the formation of an even more Perfect Will of a man... Thus, a spiral of development of relations between a man and a woman is created, with each turn of which they help each other to rise to the Spirit, improving all the plans of their Earthly Existence.

On the basis of perfect love, a woman’s will is formed, and she also gets the opportunity to act.
“The fundamental aspect of the harmonious development of a child’s personality is the Will laid down by the father and the Love laid down by the mother.”
Children choose a husband or wife “in the likeness” of their parents; if they have a perfect relationship, the path to the same is open for children.
The perfection of relationships between parents opens the Path for both them and their children. In addition, Abd-Ru-Shin believes that Happiness achieved by two true Lovers is the key to the Ascension of not only individuals, but also of all humanity. Based on this, we can hear in a new way the essence of the word family.
Family is “the situation [and strength] of human manifestation”
And we will be able to hear the words of Kahlil Gibran in a new way, as parting words on this Path:
“Love one another, but do not make fetters out of love. Fill each other's cup, but do not drink from the same cup. Give your hearts to each other, but not for safekeeping. Stay together, but not too together. Be close, but not too close. After all, each of the strings of the lute is on its own, although only together they sound in a single melody.”

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