Logbook of occupational health and safety instructions: registration rules. Proper maintenance of a safety journal - sample

For manufacturing companies and organizations whose activities involve increased risk, a safety magazine is of great importance. Before starting work, the employee will have to read the safety instructions and sign in the appropriate box. When the journal is completely filled, it is sent to the archive, where it is stored indefinitely. At the end of the article you can download a free sample from the link.

The journal is a mandatory document for production institutions. It is filled out according to the approved form, which is regulated by GOST of the Russian Federation No. 12.0.004-90. This reflects the general template on the basis of which a document is developed for each individual area.

The following requirements apply to registration:

  • stationery book, A4 format;
  • the template is divided into 12 columns, the names of which are written in a line; depending on the specifics of the activity, their number can be increased;
  • The numbering of the columns is kept as close as possible to the GOST sample.

Before you start using the magazine, you should flash it and put down page numbers. The number of pages should be recorded in it, and the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the document should be placed next to the entry.

Procedure for filling out the journal

As already mentioned, the journaling form is approved by GOST 12.0.004-90. It contains fields to reflect each stage of workplace safety training.

The document contains columns for the following information:

  1. Serial number of the record.
  2. Date of instruction.
  3. Full name of the person being instructed.
  4. Date of birth of the employee.
  5. Work details of the employee (position, profession).
  6. A type of instruction.
  7. Reason for instruction.
  8. Full name and position of the persons conducting the briefing and obtaining the permit.
  9. Signatures of the participants (instructed person and teacher).
  10. Date of each lesson.
  11. Signature of the person undergoing training.
  12. Signature of the person who checked how well the material was learned and the date of the check.

The above example shows how a safety training log is generally completed. If the entry for one of the columns does not fit on one line, the next one is used. If the column remains empty, put a dash.

Important! At the end of the briefing, an oral check is carried out, the results of which are reflected in the journal.

The beginning of the next year in the table is separated by the insert “Year XXXX”; dashes are placed on both sides of this mark. Then, recording continues from the first number.

Responsibilities of workers and employers regarding safety

Safe work performance is of great importance. In this regard, a list of responsibilities is provided for employees and management. Let's take a closer look at what is included in this.

The employee is expected to:

  • timely completion of training, which is confirmed by the appropriate mark and signature in the safety log;
  • compliance with requirements when carrying out work associated with increased danger;
  • on-the-job training;
  • passing an assessment of acquired safety knowledge.

Certain requirements are also imposed on the head of the enterprise. Let's list the actions that are expected of him.

  1. Organizing all necessary measures for safety training and training of workers.
  2. Providing all data affecting the safety of work at a given enterprise.
  3. Preventing the possible performance of hazardous work by persons who have not undergone preliminary instruction and have not signed the log.
  4. Conducting testing of employees on knowledge of safety when performing hazardous activities.
  5. Warning workers in advance about the risk when performing certain work and providing them with a full set of protective measures.

Close attention is paid to compliance with safety measures in order to reduce the number of accidents at work. If the safety log is not maintained properly, there will be liability. Therefore, it is important to provide timely training to employees and make appropriate notes.

Who is responsible for maintaining the journal?

Keeping a journal is necessary for several reasons. This allows you to track the list of employees who have been familiarized with safety rules, and therefore may be allowed to perform work associated with risk. Also, thanks to the reflection in the log, you can analyze the types and procedures for conducting instructions on how to use dangerous equipment.

The execution of the document is entrusted to the employee responsible for labor protection. Each enterprise appoints such an employee. This is done by issuing an internal order from the manager. All employees involved in this area are notified of the decision.

The journal is formatted as follows:

  1. Registered on the case list form.
  2. They are stitching.
  3. Number the pages.
  4. They put the seal of the person (or department) responsible for maintaining the document.

Entries are entered into the journal without interruption. When the new year begins, their serial numbers are reset to zero, and the marks begin again with the number “1”.

How is filling controlled?

It is important to take into account that departments conduct periodic checks on the correctness of completion. Within a small enterprise, this responsibility rests with management or a designated responsible employee. If we are talking about a large-scale organization, the verification is carried out in several stages.

  1. Daily check performed by the head of the structural unit.
  2. The head of the safety department checks compliance with safety regulations and the procedure for conducting instructions at least once a month.
  3. Once a quarter, the filling is assessed by the general director or chief engineer.

There are also state inspections that are carried out by industry or departmental inspections.

Safety training is an integral part of any production facility. Before starting work, the employee must study the safety and labor protection instructions and sign in a special journal. The form of the TB familiarization log must comply with GOST After the journal is completely filled out, it should be handed over to the archive, where it should be stored without any time limits.

Any employer, especially at hazardous production facilities, is required to have a safety briefing log. Otherwise, he risks receiving a large fine, and in some cases, including those related to harm to the health or death of an employee, and a prison term.

Logging control

Even if there are no new entries, the log status must be checked by the head of the unit every day. This is the first stage of verification. The next step is the inspection of the log by the head of the health and safety department, carried out at least once a month, where he must make a note about the presence or absence of violations. A similar check is carried out once a quarter and the CEO or chief engineer of the organization. This is the last stage of control.

In the case of a small organization, the second and third levels of control are carried out by special control structures. If they do not do their job, then the director has nothing to worry about, since his task is reduced to only the first step.

Who is responsible for compiling and maintaining the journal?

The necessary forms, which must be uniform for all divisions of the enterprise, are with the HSE engineer or any other employee who has been entrusted with this responsibility by the relevant order of the organization. The employee of the organization who is responsible for on-the-job training should obtain the log from the HSE engineer. As a rule, such an employee is the workshop manager or site foreman.

All pages are numbered, stitched and certified with the seal and signature of the employee or head of the organization responsible for its maintenance. Basically, most organizations order daily safety training magazines from printing houses.

Types of safety training

Depending on when it is carried out, as well as what focus the familiarization with work in hazardous conditions has, it is divided into the following types:

  • introductory, mainly carried out when hiring a new employee or changing the type of activity of an employee;
  • target;
  • extraordinary;
  • repeated, the most common type of instruction;
  • introduction of safety rules in the workplace.

When performing an extraordinary inspection, a corresponding entry is made in the journal, which indicates the need for it.

After such familiarization, as in the case of primary and secondary, the instructed employee is required to sign.

With targeted instruction, which is carried out according to the work order, the employee receives permission to perform the necessary work. This type of job introduction includes:

  • performing various works of a one-time nature;
  • eliminating the consequences of various types of accidents;
  • carrying out major events in which most of the organization’s employees are involved;
  • in cases where work requires a permit or special permit.

Registration of the TB briefing log

The cover of the magazine contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization;
  • the name of the unit in which the instruction is directly carried out;
  • two dates that correspond to the beginning of filling out the journal and the end of all entries in it.

This log should display the following information:

  • date of completion, indicated in the format dd,mm.yy;
  • year of birth of the instructed employee;
  • his full name;
  • position held in the organization;
  • the profession of an employee of the organization, and in the case of a posted employee, his main place of work and identification details are indicated;
  • name and number of the instructions that are used in this case;
  • FULL NAME. the employee conducting the training;
  • personal signatures of the person being instructed and the person instructing;
  • work experience in a new place;
  • in case of an extraordinary briefing, the reason for it is indicated;
  • number of shifts;
  • FULL NAME. the person who issued permission to perform certain work at this enterprise;
  • the position held by the employee eligible for introduction;
  • date of issue of the permit;
  • personal signatures of the person who received the permit and the person who issued it.

The journal is kept on A4 sheets, where the data to be filled is located in a line. If necessary, one entry can occupy several lines. In the empty spaces left after filling, it is necessary to make dashes. Any commission checking the journal maintenance may make a remark in their absence.

Responsibilities of employee and employer

Both the head of the organization and its employees have some job responsibilities related to the safe conduct of work, including instructions on them. The employee is obliged:

  • comply with all requirements when conducting hazardous work established by a number of regulations and other documents;
  • undergo training in a timely manner on the safe performance of the required types of work, which must be reflected in the necessary journal entry;
  • in addition, he must undergo training at his workplace;
  • confirm your knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health in the prescribed manner.

At the same time, the head of the enterprise must also fulfill a number of requirements, such as:

  • carry out all necessary activities for conducting safety training;
  • take all measures to complete the internship at the workplace;
  • provide all necessary information regarding safety when performing all types of work at this enterprise;
  • do not allow dangerous types of work to be performed by people who have not been familiarized with and have not signed the safety log;
  • promptly check your employees for knowledge of the rules and regulations when performing hazardous types of work;
  • inform your employees in advance about the possible risk to their health when performing certain work, and also provide them with all the necessary protective equipment.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the conditions for safe work in production. This is due to an increase in the number of accidents. If the safety journal is not kept correctly, and even more so if it is absent, any inspection by the relevant inspectorates, including the labor safety inspectorate, can have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct all types of training on time and make appropriate notes in the journal.

To ensure normal operation of the enterprise and avoid emergency situations, regardless of working conditions, it is necessary to comply with safety regulations. For this purpose, the law obliges legal entities to conduct training and briefings with their employees, and to reflect information about this in special books - journals for registering safety briefings.

At the enterprise, in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90, the following safety training is carried out:

  • Target.
  • Primary in the workplace.
  • Introductory.
  • Unscheduled.
  • Repeated.

Induction training is carried out when hiring new employees, regardless of profession, education, qualifications, working conditions, etc. Training is carried out by a safety engineer in accordance with developed and approved instructions.

Initial training at the workplace carried out before the employee starts work. Professions that require this training are determined by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the safety engineer and heads of structural units. Basically, these are specialties associated with the use, maintenance and repair of specialized equipment and tools, as well as working with dangerous and harmful working conditions. This briefing is carried out by the heads of structural divisions individually with each newly arrived employee.

The specialist conducting the training tells you what can be done, describes and shows the procedure, and also explains what is prohibited. In some cases, an internship and entry into work permit documents are required.

Re-briefing should be carried out with all employees of the enterprise at least once every six months. It is carried out by a safety engineer or the head of a structural unit. Its main purpose is to test the existing knowledge of employees and, if necessary, fill gaps.

Unscheduled briefing must be carried out with all employees of the company upon the entry into force of new labor safety standards, the introduction of new equipment or changes in the production process, identification of facts of safety violations, in case of accidents and emergencies, at the request of inspection bodies, etc. It is carried out by an engineer TB or the head of a structural unit in the scope and subject matter depending on the reason that caused this training.

Targeted training is the acquisition of knowledge on a specific one-time function (for example, emergency response, etc.)

All safety training must be recorded in appropriate logs.

Who is assigned responsibility and who keeps the log

In accordance with the law, the safety manager and engineer must have valid certificates that they have been trained in specialized institutions. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the manager must be trained once every 5 years, because only he is responsible for organizing safety and health at the enterprise.

Before choosing a person responsible for occupational safety and health, it is necessary to check the candidate’s relevant education. In small enterprises, the director can take on the functions of an HSE engineer. In large organizations, entire departments for health and safety may function, or a corresponding position may be present in the staffing table.

Those responsible for health and safety at the enterprise are appointed by order of the director.

It is also necessary to take into account that if an enterprise works with dangerous and harmful working conditions, then it must have specialists trained to act in these conditions. Only they have the right to conduct instructions directly with the performers involved in such work.

All logs are kept either by the director or by the safety engineer, who should keep them. Safety instructions are carried out at the workplace by heads of structural units, so they draw up the corresponding logs. The safety officer checks these registers, monitoring the frequency and composition of those instructed. The head of the company must also from time to time monitor the procedure for maintaining instruction logs. Each time the manager and safety engineer review the log, they are required to make notes about the inspection performed, indicating the date and signature.

Procedure for keeping a TB journal and sample filling

The safety briefing log must be kept continuously at the enterprise in a standard form in compliance with the mandatory details provided for by GOST 12.0.004-90. This document can be supplemented by the company depending on the type of activity performed. As a rule, these magazines can be purchased from printing houses in ready-made form. It is advisable to create a separate register for each type of instruction. The safety log must be laced, numbered, sealed with the company seal and endorsed with the signature of the manager.

During training, the employee is provided with safety instructions, which he studies. The safety officer explains the main points and answers all the employee’s questions. After this, the engineer checks the acquired knowledge and enters the relevant data into the safety briefing log.

The title page contains the name of the organization and its structural unit. The following is the name of this register. In the lines “Started” and “Ended” you must write down the corresponding dates.

The tabular part of the document indicates the date of training, full name, year of birth of the person being instructed, his profession or position, and the structural unit where the employee is going to work. Then fill in information about the type of instruction provided, full name. instructing. As soon as the employee becomes familiar with the safety rules, the log is signed by the person responsible for the instruction and the employee himself.

When a mandatory internship is provided, it is necessary to fill out the appropriate columns with the number of shifts, signatures of the intern and the person who conducted it.

In the case of unscheduled training, in the line with the type of training, you must indicate the reasons that caused it.

In addition to this magazine, the organization can use personal training cards, which are compiled for each employee.

Responsibilities of employer and employee

Both the employer and his employees are responsible for safety precautions. Only the fulfillment of their responsibilities by each party will make it possible to avoid accidents and emergencies, as well as ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise.

The company management must organize training for all employees (training if necessary), develop instructions on TB, provide all related information necessary for safe work, provide all necessary protective equipment, periodically send employees for medical examinations, and also monitor the access of personnel to work, check his existing knowledge on safety precautions and record them in the briefing log.

In turn, employees of the enterprise must comply with all established rules and safety requirements at their place of work, use special clothing and footwear, protective equipment if necessary, periodically undergo training and confirm the acquired knowledge.

Fines if training is not carried out and a log is not kept

The absence of a log of safety training, as well as its non-conduct, is interpreted by the competent authorities as an employee’s permission to perform work duties without undergoing training in the prescribed manner and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia determines that an administrative penalty may be imposed on a legal entity in the form of a fine from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles, and on its officials - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Repeated violation of these norms (as well as failure to eliminate this fact earlier) leads to the imposition of a fine on the organization from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles or suspension of its activities for 90 days. In this case, the official is subject to penalties in the form of a fine from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles or disqualification from 1 to 3 years.

Compliance with certain construction rules, as well as various others at the enterprise, when conducting labor activities, must be carried out within certain limits. You need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the subtleties and features of the documentation procedure. The safety magazine is compiled in accordance with certain rules; there is an extensive list of various subtleties.

Basic moments

The process of maintaining a safety log involves following certain rules. All of them are reflected in legal norms. Moreover, violation of such rules can cause serious problems. This applies not only to inspection bodies, which can simply impose a serious fine. But also injuries to workers and employees of the enterprise.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the rules for maintaining such documents in advance. Often, various injuries and other problems at work arise precisely because of non-compliance with safety regulations. Therefore, it is important to treat this responsibly. Otherwise, all sorts of problems and difficulties may arise. This applies, among other things, to light industry and even office work.

As a rule, a special engineer is appointed, a person in charge who instructs all employees. It is after the safety training that you will need to sign a special document. First of all, this applies specifically to persons who are technical workers. Since such positions involve a certain responsibility.

What it is

The journal itself does not have a single form established at the federal level. It can be done in the following format:

  1. As a special separate document.
  2. As an attachment to the job description, something else.

It is also important to note that there are many different types of briefings. It is important to note that the required one is selected individually.

Today there are the following main types:

It is important to note that the log format is not set. But there are certain rules for filling out this document.

The standard list of such rules includes the following:

If possible, it is worth keeping a separate journal for each type of instruction. This will avoid many difficulties and complications. All responsibility for maintaining such a log must be assigned to the enterprise engineer responsible for safety precautions.

It is important to note that to occupy such a position you will need to obtain special education - only in this case it is possible to avoid problems.

To be filled in by

Sometimes, for some reason, there is no separate position in the organization - a safety engineer.

In this case, an alternative is possible:

  1. Combination of positions.
  2. Hiring an engineer at ½ rate.

The process of training to become a safety engineer takes a minimal amount of time. There are various educational institutions that offer their services in this area. But it is important to note that this process itself has some subtleties.

The learning process is not a one-time process, it must be repeated every 5 years. The reason for this is precisely the constantly changing legislation - all these points will need to be worked out.

Accordingly, lack of education is grounds for refusal to grant appropriate powers. It is important to familiarize yourself with the training process in advance. This point will need to be worked out in advance.

Separately, it is worth noting that payment for training is usually carried out at the expense of the organization. It is important to work out all the subtleties and nuances of the design in advance. This will allow you to avoid many difficulties and problematic situations.

First of all, this applies to various emergencies. There are often cases when organizations suffered serious losses precisely because of the absence of a safety engineer. Which entailed certain troubles, including fines and the initiation of a criminal case.

This is especially true for life-threatening industries. All the main points need to be worked out in advance. This will avoid many problems and difficulties. There is a wide range of inspection organizations.

In turn, it is important for citizens who have obtained employment to familiarize themselves with all the nuances and subtleties of the operation of such mechanisms. And be sure to undergo training. Otherwise, problems may occur during inspections.

The issue of TB is regulated by law. That is why you need to familiarize yourself with all NAPs in advance. If a citizen believes that his rights have been violated in any way, he should contact the labor inspectorate.

Litigation takes a long time and requires a lot of effort. That is why, before completing the process of filing a claim, you should carefully read all the nuances and subtleties. This is the only way to prevent standard problems.

Features of the document

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the registration procedure in advance. This will avoid many difficulties for the engineer who is responsible for the compilation.

There is no prescribed form of document. But it is worth noting that some points must be present without fail.

There are a number of issues that will need to be worked out in advance. The main ones include the following:

  • what is it for?
  • conditions and requirements;
  • what information does it contain?
  • drafting sample;
  • important design nuances;
  • the legislative framework.

What is it for?

This magazine allows you to solve a whole list of different problems at once. The main ones primarily include the following:

And the main goal that the TB magazine allows you to achieve is to reduce injuries to citizens in the process of working. Allows you to obtain information on how to conduct work and avoid injuries, other situations, and emergencies. There are quite a lot of different nuances and features that are directly related to the formation of TB.

Moreover, in different industries this will differ quite significantly. That is why you need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and features in advance. This will avoid many problems. First of all, injuries at work.

Most of these emergencies occur precisely because of simple ignorance or non-compliance with safety regulations. That is why it is important to approach this issue as responsibly as possible.

Terms and requirements

A number of requirements have been established for the design of the safety magazine. These primarily include the following:

What information does it contain?

This document must include a certain set of data. This must include the following:

  • instruction number and date;
  • personal data of citizens who undergo such instruction;
  • date of birth is indicated;
  • the type of instruction is indicated;
  • when conducting an unscheduled briefing, the reason for it must be written down;
  • The last name, first name and patronymic of the person conducting the event are indicated.

If there is no experience in drawing up such a document, then the best solution would be to familiarize yourself with a correctly compiled sample. This will avoid many problems and difficulties. First of all, this concerns fines from regulatory authorities. You can download a sample magazine on occupational safety and health completely free of charge.

Video: registration of workplace training

Important design details

Main nuances:

The legislative framework

There are quite a lot of different subtleties and features that are directly related to the design of the magazine. The main NAP, which determines all the main points, is GOST 12.0.004-90. It was developed back in the nineties, but remains relevant to this day. It is important to work out all the main points in advance.

The registration process takes a minimum of time. The magazine can simply be printed on A4 sheets on a printer.

Occupational safety and health at an enterprise is a priority area of ​​activity for any organization. And such activities are carried out in several directions. After all, it is necessary to ensure that employees are informed about safety rules, provide instructions, ensure electrical safety and take comprehensive fire safety measures (including drawing up regulations on labor protection in the organization).

Each of these areas of labor protection requires maintaining appropriate records and protocols. This allows you to check the correct performance of these functions and fairly deal with cases of worker injuries.

More detailed instructions on labor protection for professions and types of work in 2018 are given.

What occupational safety magazines should an enterprise have?

Regulatory acts in the field of labor protection provide for the maintenance of several journals. Each of them reflects information about security measures.

These logs should be specified in more detail:

  • Journal of accounting and registration of introductory training. This is the initial briefing, which is carried out in all cases when a new employee is hired (a document regulating introductory briefing on labor protection, sample 2018, you can download for free);
  • Journal of accounting and registration of other types of briefings that are carried out during work activities. These are targeted briefings, unscheduled, repeated briefings;
  • A logbook for recording and recording developed instructions in the field of work safety (you can find out what the logbook for recording labor safety instructions is);
  • Book of accounting and registration of briefings in the field of fire safety;
  • It is necessary to keep records and registration of training sessions. The book should reflect the results and dates of implementation of the relevant activities;
  • Each enterprise must have the required amount of fire extinguishing agents. This amount is determined by fire safety standards. And all specified fire extinguishing means are subject to accounting and registration in a special book;
  • The stages of control over the safety of working conditions are subject to mandatory recording and registration. The book should reflect the accounting of the first and second stages;
  • Inspections carried out by regulatory authorities should be taken into account and recorded.

In some cases, organizations may develop and maintain other records. This is the right of every subject. Such books depend on the characteristics of the company’s activities and the number of personnel.

You can find out how the action plan to improve working conditions and safety for 2018 is drawn up.

Journal of initial briefing on labor protection

This book reflects information about conducting initial training before starting specific work. It should indicate the dates of the events, indicate the person who conducted the briefing and the person in respect of whom it was carried out.

In addition, the essence of the event, that is, those norms that were brought to the attention of the employee, is subject to mandatory reflection.

More details on the issue of drawing up a document regulating the OSMS at an enterprise (new sample from 2018) can be found in the article at the link.

Sample logbook for occupational safety training

Training events should be conducted regularly. When launching new equipment or upgrading a production line, training is carried out in all such cases.

Accordingly, all training activities should be recorded and reflected in a separate book. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the date of completion of the training and its results. It is important to include information about who carried out the event and for whom it was carried out.

And it’s written about what responsibilities a labor safety specialist has in an organization.

Logbook for registration of labor safety briefings

The form of this document also assumes the presence of several columns in which the completed event is indicated. From the contents of the book it should be clear what type of instruction took place.

In addition, it is necessary to reflect the official position of the performer and the person being instructed. It is recommended to indicate the job title and personal information in full, without abbreviations. This will provide greater clarity and eliminate claims from inspectors.

Journal for issuing instructions on labor protection

Registration of labor safety instructions is carried out at large enterprises with a large staff of employees. Each group of workers and individual employees have their own instructions that determine their activities.

Therefore, instructions issued are subject to reflection and registration in a special book. It indicates the person who issued the instruction and the person who received it. The fact of issue is certified by the signatures of both persons. The date of issue must be indicated.

Sample journal for issuing occupational safety certificates

Occupational safety certificates are issued to employees who have undergone special training. In this case, after training, a knowledge exam is required. If the exam is successfully passed, the employee receives the specified occupational safety certificate.

Their issuance is taken into account and reflected in a special book. Which should contain columns reflecting information about the date of issue and participants of the event

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