The red summer has passed drawing. Notes on the educational field “artistic and aesthetic development” in the senior group “picture about summer” outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic

Ekaterina Yakutina
Drawing in the senior group on the theme “Red Summer has come.”

Drawing fingers and brush topic:

« Red summer has come»


1. Teach children to reflect the impressions received in a drawing in summer. Keep learning paint flowers and trees are different in size.

2. Strengthen the ability to place an image across an entire sheet of paper. Strengthen the skill paint with the tip of a brush, and the ability to hold the brush in the right hand with 3 fingers.

3. Develop a sense of color, continue to develop figurative perception. Develop creative activity.

4. Cultivate interest in non-traditional drawing using various materials.

Progress of the lesson:

I invite the children to guess riddle:

I don’t feel sorry for warmth for you,

I'm from the south came with the heat.

Brought flowers, fishing,

A ringing swarm of mosquitoes,

Strawberries in a box

And swimming in the river. (Summer)

That's right guys it happens in summer. What do you like to do? in summer? Have any of you been this? in the forest in summer? What did you see there? (various trees, bushes, flowers).

Guys in summer artists paint pictures, probably often walk in parks and forests and notice interesting moments there.

So today you and I will try to become artists and write "Pictures about summer» . But paint You and I will be not only hands, but also fingers. Paint You will be on your own, and so that you are in a good mood, I will play forest music for you. Before our work, we will exchange a little with you.


And blueberries grow in the forest,

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry,

You need to squat deeper. (Squats.)

I took a walk in the forest.

I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walk in place.)

Let's get to work. During the lesson I encourage children (for doing the job carefully). I remind you that before you take paint of a different color, the brush must be rinsed and dried on a napkin. When drawing with your finger, don’t forget to wipe it on a napkin. At the end of the work, we select the most successful and striking ones.

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing “Painting about summer” using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms)

Target: Teach children to reflect the signs of summer in a drawing, using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms).


1. Continue to develop interest in visual arts.

2. Continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques (printing with palms).

3. Stimulate children’s activity, independence, and initiative in inventing content.

4. Develop aesthetic perception, artistic taste, develop fine motor skills of the hands

5. Cultivate interest in drawing, cultivate aesthetic perception, cultivate a love of nature.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations in a book, reproductions of paintings, photographs, reading poems about summer.

Equipment and materials: Pictures depicting summer (illustrations from children's books, photographs, gouache, whatman paper, brushes, jars of water, napkins (according to the number of children), tape recorder.


(Children sit at the table, the teacher asks a riddle).


The sun is burning,

Linden blossoms.

The rye is ripening

When does this happen? (Summer)

Children: Summer!

Educator: That's right, summer, and what signs of summer do you know?

Children: The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, butterflies and bees are flying.

Educator: Do you like summer? What do you do in the summer?

Children: We swim, sunbathe, play.

Educator: That's right guys. Have any of you been in the forest in the summer? What did you see in the forest?

Children: A variety of trees, shrubs, flowers, butterflies.

Educator: Guys, summer is a special time - poets write poems, composers compose music, and artists paint pictures. So today you and I will try to become artists and we will write with you a “Picture about Summer.” And I will be the most important artist and will help you.

The teacher explains to the children that first they need to draw grass, then leaves on a birch tree, the sun, a butterfly, then we will paint flowers and clouds with a brush. We print with our palm carefully, and press our palm completely to get a beautiful print.

Educator: But first we will do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Sun”

Shine, shine, sunshine! (cross arms)

To the green pole (bend fingers one at a time)

For white wheat

For clear water,

To our little garden,

On a scarlet flower.

Educator: Now let's get started.

Independent work of children.

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds

Children dip their palms in green paint - draw grass, leaves on a birch tree, then dip their palms in yellow paint - draw the sun, then dip them in red paint - draw a butterfly.

Then flowers and clouds are painted on with a brush.

(The teacher helps the children if something doesn’t work out for someone).

Educator: Well done guys, what a beautiful picture you have created. You are tired, let's rest.

Phys. just a minute:

“We walk through the forest together”

We walk through the forest together,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow. (Walking in place)

A thousand flowers around! (Stretching arms to the sides)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is being laid out

Both right and left. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa, touch your right foot with your left hand)

Hands stretched to the sky,

The spine was stretched. (Stretching hands up)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again (children sit down)

Educator: What a beautiful picture you have created. What did you like most? (children's answers)

(The teacher reads a poem about summer.)


It's so beautiful and good here,

But the colors are very tired today

They painted a wonderful summer

We worked on the paint tree for a long time.

The picture came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

Love the colors!

Educator: Well, you and I have painted a picture and had a rest, and now let’s sing a song about summer. (Children sing a song to the backing track “This is what our summer is like” by composer E. Krylatov.)

Publications on the topic:

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Lyubov Kober
Summary of the drawing lesson “Picture about summer” (senior group)

"Picture about summer"

Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​the time of year - summer; learn to find signs of summer in pictures; reflect the impressions received using accessible means; consolidate the techniques of painting with a brush, the ability to hold a brush correctly, and rinse it in water.

Materials and equipment: pictures of summer, paints, brushes, paper, napkins.

Organized educational activities.

1 Organizational moment.

Relaxation exercise "Summer"

The teacher invites the children to lie down on the carpet and close their eyes, and turns on the music.

Guys, imagine that it is SUMMER now. Everyone in the forest loves summer. The sun is shining brightly. Sky is blue. The water in the river is warm. We hear her murmur. Anyone who wants to go for a swim. After the intense heat it began to rain. You are very pleased. The plants and inhabitants of the forest are also very happy. After such rains, mushrooms appear in the forest. Such beauty: green grass, colorful beautiful flowers, ripe berries, mushrooms! We inhale the scent of flowers. Butterfly. She flies from flower to flower. A ladybug and an ant are crawling along a blade of grass, and a grasshopper is jumping. A wide variety of insects live in the forest. There are much more insects than all other animals. How interesting it is to watch the movement of insects. Now open your eyes, we're back in the group.

2 Looking at pictures depicting summer.

Children sit in a semicircle around a table on which pictures are laid out. The teacher invites each child to take a picture, look at it, find the characteristic signs of age and tell about them.

children look at pictures

Child: My picture is about summer. There are a lot of flowers, green grass, trees and bushes in the picture.

Similarly, children each tell about their own picture.

3 Reading of V. Orlov’s poem “Summer”

What will you give me, summer?

Lots of sunshine!

There's a rainbow in the sky

And daisies in the meadow!

What else will you give me?

The key ringing in silence

Pines, maples and oaks,

Strawberries and mushrooms!

I'll give you a cuckoo

So that, going out to the edge,

You shouted to her louder:

“Tell me your fortune quickly!”

And she answers you

I guessed for many years!

What can summer give us?

Whoever wants to draw a picture about summer. Try to depict butterflies, bugs, spiders in the meadow.

4 Reflection.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

What time of year did we remember?

What time of year was the poem talking about?

What time of year did you depict in your drawings?

Publications on the topic:

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1. Using artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to select and reflect the color scheme characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage children’s initiative and independence in constructing the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.



Lesson in the senior group “Drawing summer”


1. Using artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to select and reflect the color scheme characteristic of the summer season.

5. Encourage children’s initiative and independence in constructing the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


Landscape sheet

Wax crayons

Simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, looking at illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon “Father Frost and Summer” directed by V. Karavaev, excursion to the forest (to a clearing, meadow).

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading L. Korchagina’s poem “Summer”:

If the wind blows warm, even from the north,

If the meadow is full of daisies and clover lumps,

Butterflies and bees are circling over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue like a fragment of the sky,

And the baby skin is like chocolate...

If the garden bed turns red from strawberries -

A sure sign: it has arrived...

Children. Summer.

Teacher. You are right, summer is a wonderful, generous time of year. Just recently we met one character who didn’t know what summer was. I will remind you of this story. In the far cold North lived Santa Claus. When winter came, he hit the road to help nature cover itself with fluffy snow, freeze rivers, and decorate the windows of houses with patterns. Santa Claus spent his time usefully during the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that’s where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids he led round dances, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he lovingly prepared for each child. Once during the New Year's holiday, one of the children asked Santa Claus: “Will you come to us in the summer?” Santa Claus became curious, what is summer? The children were surprised that such an old grandfather had never heard, much less seen, summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song “Song about Summer” by Yu. Entin to music by E. Krylatov is played)

Teacher. Since then, Santa Claus has lost peace, he really wanted to see summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And he set off. What happened to him?

Children. He became very ill in the heat and began to melt.

Teacher. Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream crate. And they began to take him in it to different places: to the forest, to a meadow, to a river, so that Santa Claus would finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his North to come to the children only in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, its portrait?

Children's answers: In a colorful sundress, with a wreath of flowers on her head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Teacher. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

Children's guesses.

The teacher invites the children to listen to B. Sergunenkov’s story “Where does summer hide?”

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but only summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as feathers, the water in the river was warm, the trees grew all year round, did not shed their leaves and were forever green!

This continued until one day winter took offense.

“What is this,” he says, “all summer and summer, it’s time to know your conscience.”

Winter has begun to crowd out summer, and where should summer go? Summer rushed into the earth, and frost bound the earth. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I’m dying,” he says, “I have nowhere to go.” Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the summer:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer hid in the buds of trees, sheltering from the cold winter.

Winter has gone. The sun shone, the streams began to gurgle. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened, it burst out and summer rolled out into freedom. Summer has come to earth...

Teacher. People rejoice and say: “Summer has come.”

Today we will draw summer. What color paints do you think you will use? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education lesson “What color is summer?”

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What color is it?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Delicate green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like sand near rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, early morning, sweet strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. Practical part.

The teacher offers to draw pictures and then give them to Santa Claus.

3. Summary of the lesson.

When examining finished works, the teacher pays attention to the color scheme, combination of shades, creation of a composition, and observance of proportions.

Goal: to create in children a joyful mood, delight and surprise at the variety of colors and flowers of summer.

Learn to feel the character of flowers and create your own summer image. Improve compositional skills: the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (landscape), highlight the main thing, make connections, place an image on a sheet of paper. Cultivate neatness and good relationships.

Materials: paints, brushes, cups of water, napkins, sheets of paper, an envelope with silhouettes of trees, plants in different seasons, a large sheet of paper; music by P. Tchaikovsky “July”.

Progress of the drawing lesson “Colors of Summer”

Children, today a letter arrived in our kindergarten. Look how big and beautiful it is. And it came from the far North from penguins. Do you want to know what it says?

- (I open the letter and read): “Good afternoon, dear children! Penguins are writing to you from the far North. We know that you are very beautiful and smart children. You know a lot, love to read, draw, dance, sing, play. And we decided to ask you for help. The fact is that we study at our northern art school and our artistic director gave us an assignment draw a summer landscape. But the problem is that we live in a country where there is always snow and we have never seen summer, what it is like, what color it is. help us please depict a summer landscape.

Goodbye. We are waiting for a letter from you."

Let's help the penguins, guys?

We need to remember what colors we will use to represent summer. The game “Make a Landscape” will help us with this. Here I have drawn trees, plants at different times of the year. Let's select those that correspond to the summer season. (Children select an image and lay out a summer landscape).

Well done, how well we depicted the summer landscape. But this is only one landscape, and there are many penguins, and each of them wants to have summer. Sit down in your seats (music is playing), close your eyes, remember the summer, how you rested. Think about what colors convey warm, sunny summer. Draw what you like best in summer, let it be your summer as you see it. (Children draw to the music)

Children, let's look at your creative works. Who wants to talk about their summer?

You all did a good job, each of you managed to convey your vision of summer, and I think that the penguins will be very pleased with our drawings and will be able to fulfill the task of their artistic director.

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