Solar: stars and their special children. What is your most valuable personal item? Svetlana Zeynalova's daughter Sasha

Russian journalist, sports columnist, TV presenter.

Biography of Nikita Belogolovtsev

Nikita Belogolovtsev born in the winter of 1987 into a family famous actor and showman Sergei Belogolovtsev and journalist Natalia Belogolovtseva. In 2010, he graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism of the Moscow State Institute international relations(MGIMO). His brothers Alexander and Evgeniy are also journalists and TV presenters.

“In general, people have an interesting position on the children of celebrities. When you achieve something, in the eyes of the public it is not because you are so smart and good, but because dad helped. They say - well, everything is clear, junior Belogolovtsev. But when you screw up, it’s your own fault, because horses and nature rest on children. It’s unpleasant, but you quickly get used to it and simply understand that the conventional Yura Dud is screwing up for himself, and the conventional Nikita Efremov is screwing up for the whole family name. So am I. You accept this as a fact and feel responsible for the family name.”

The creative path of Nikita Belogolovtsev

He began his television career as the host of the program " Conversation without rules"on the O2TV channel in 2007. A year later the project “ Only at night"on the TV Center channel with his participation.

“All my adult life I tried not to mix hobbies with work, avoiding sports journalism, but I still started doing it.”

Nikita Belogolovtsev hosted the program “ Headbutt"on the channel "Russia-2", but in December 2011 it was replaced by Yuri Dud. In 2012, he and his father Sergei Belogolovtsev went on air on the sports talk show “ White vs. White».

In 2012, Nikita Belogolovtsev became one of the hosts of the “Sport” column on the Dozhd TV channel. Optimistic Channel". Belogolovtsev worked at the Dozhd TV channel until April 2014. In 2014–2015, together with his father and brother Alexander, Nikita hosted the show “ Belogolovtsevs"on radio "Mayak".

Soon he became the editor-in-chief of a new online publication about education in Russia and the world - “Mel”, which by the end of 2017 had gained about 11 million readers. "Mel" has become the largest website in Russia dedicated to the problems of parent-child relationships, schooling and the quality of education.

"Our the target audience- parents, who for the most part found themselves in schools chalk boards. So this name is clear to them. In this case, a warm, lamp association arises. Plus, this three-letter word is short, understandable, and does not imply any other interpretations.”

In 2018, Nikita, together with Vladimir Raevsky became the host of the show “Scientific Stand Up” on the TV channel “Culture”. Young scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Samara and Novosibirsk take part in the program. They present their own developments and scientific projects to the jury and spectators.

Personal life of Nikita Belogolovtsev

The sports columnist's wife is his age, Lyudmila. In 2011, their daughter Eva was born. Younger son Nikita - Timofey.

Nikita Belogolovtsev states that he loves to travel, especially in Italy. He also plays basketball when he's not raising his daughter.

Nikita and Lyudmila have small business- own individual travel agency Puzzle Tours.

Sergey Belogolovtsev – Russian TV presenter, actor, comedian, director, showman and radio host. Received his first fame after participating in the popular comedy show“O.S.P. Studio", actor in the comedy sitcom "33 Square Meters".

Sergey was born in Vladivostok on April 2, 1964. The parents met at the institute, where mother Ksenia Alekseevna was a student, and father Gennady Ivanovich was a teacher. Soon after Serezha was born, the family moved to Obninsk, where his father was transferred to teach at the local Institute of Nuclear Energy.

Belogolovtsev grew up as a quite intelligent boy, although he was friends with courtyard ringleaders and city hooligans. First of all, Belogolovtseva shared a passion for football with these boys. Sergei even tried to get into the youth school of Moscow Spartak, for which he has been a fan since he was 5 years old, but the boy was not accepted.

The young man was not at all prepared for the entrance exams to the institute. Sergei decided to go to the university where his father worked, and believed that he would solve the problems with admission. But on the very first exam, Sergei Belogolovtsev received an unsatisfactory grade and hastened to enter the non-prestigious, but quite accessible Moscow Mining Institute. After university, the guy had to work for several years at a mine in the Far East. But it was there that the craving for creativity emerged. Sergei created a propaganda team with which he performed on stage rural clubs.

When he managed to return to Moscow, Belogolovtsev fulfilled his long-standing desire and organized his own KVN team “Magma”. This team literally burst into the Major League, and Sergei quickly became a star. KVN has become a significant milestone in creative biography Belogolovtsev, opening young man way to the stage and television.

A television

After success in KVN, Sergei Belogolovtsev was invited to an intellectual and ironic game for teenagers “ The Magnificent Seven"and entrusted him with the role of screenwriter and presenter. Then the premieres of the programs “Once a Week”, “Scheme of Laughter”, “Save, Repair”, “Prospect of Knowledge”, “Despite the Records!?” and about a dozen more programs.

But what stood out in Sergei’s career was comedy show“O.S.P. Studio” and the television series “33 Square Meters” produced by the team, where the actor played the head of the shocking Zvezdunov family. In these projects, Belogolovtsev, together with, staged performances in which they parodied show business stars, politicians, TV presenters and ordinary residents of Russia.

By the way, the TV presenter did not limit his arsenal only to humorous programs. For example, Sergei hosted an analytical program about football “Header”. And in 2006, he tried on the role of a participant, showing the wonders of artistry in the show “Circus with the Stars.”

Since October 2014, Sergei Belogolovtsev has been performing as one of the presenters in the family radio show “Belogolovtsev” on the Mayak radio station. The artist’s entire family is involved.


After the tremendous success of the series “33 Square Meters,” Sergei Belogolovtsev did not abandon his acting career, although it did not become his main one. In the early 2000s, Belogolovtsev appeared in episodes of several top-rated comedies - “ father's daughters", "My Fair Nanny" and "Two Antons". In 2006, the artist starred in the film “The Color of the Sky,” where he played the uncharacteristic hero-lover Mikhail, the lover of flight attendant Ekaterina (Natalia Kurdyubova). A year later, the actor transformed into the character Pal Palych in the comedy “All So Sudden” with and starring.

Sergei Belogolovtsev and Anna Semenovich on the set of the series “All So Sudden”

In 2009, Belogolovtsev’s filmography was supplemented by work in the social drama “Roof” about the relationship between children and always busy parents. The director gathered a starry cast on the stage cast, where they entered , . Being himself a father of many children, Sergei Belogolovtsev reincarnated as the father of the girl Dasha.

In 2010, the crime thriller “Vendetta in Russian” was shown, where the actor played the editor-in-chief Kim Igorevich. Sergei also appeared in the drama “The Gift”.

In 2011, the artist appeared in the film based on the novel “Duhless”, where the main characters were played by,. Sergei Belogolovtsev played the role of Volodya Gulyakin, director of the St. Petersburg branch of the company. At the same time, Belogolovtsev received main role in the comedy series "Taxi". The film was broadcast for two years in Ukrainian and Russian television.

In 2013, the melodrama “Cuckoo” was released with the participation of Belogolovtsev. A year later, work followed in the comedy “Corporate Party” and the fantasy film “Territory of Jah”. In 2015, Sergei joined the main cast of the lyrical comedy “Yurochka”.

Personal life

The artist’s personal life has long been established. Sergei Belogolovtsev got married while still a student. His wife Natalya was then a counselor at the Military Patriotic Club, although she is a journalist by profession. Later Natalya became general director O.S.P. LLC.

Sergei’s children are related to the profession of TV presenter. The artist’s first-born, Nikita, is a political commentator for the Dozhd TV channel. The second son Alexander graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO and from adolescence led different programs, the most famous of which is “NEOKuhnya” on the “Carousel” channel.

The youngest son, Evgeniy, was born seriously ill - he has cerebral palsy. It was Zhenya’s health condition that prompted Sergei and Natalya to settle in Moscow, where they had the opportunity to provide the boy with full treatment. Despite his illness, Evgeniy is also a presenter - the young man appears in the frame of the “Miscellaneous News” program on the “Raz TV” channel.

Sergei Belogolovtsev has repeatedly appeared on television in programs devoted to the problems of people with disabilities. In 2013, in an episode of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” Sergei sharply criticized the state, which cannot provide normal conditions of treatment and rehabilitation for disabled children. After a fiery monologue, Belogolovtsev was ranked among the oppositionists.

Faced with the problem of a sick child, the Belogolovtsevs decided to help other children if possible. They organized non-profit organization“Dream Skis”, which teaches skiing to children with cerebral palsy, as similar physical exercise improve the condition of patients.

Sergey Belogolovtsev now

In 2016, the actor participated in the program “Smak” with a TV presenter. Sergei Belogolovtsev shared the recipes that he had to master after his wife Natalya became closely involved in the development of the rehabilitation center. On air, Sergei also shared information about latest projects in which he participates. Belogolovtsev is fond of poetry and performs at evenings dedicated to creativity

In the same year, Sergei was invited to two new television projects - the “Guess the Movie” show, which started on the “Che” TV channel, and the “Show” program, which was broadcast on the NTV channel. Belogolovtsev's co-hosts in the second program were Dmitry Kolchin, and.


  • 1995 – “Once a week”
  • 1996 – “O.S.P.-studio”
  • 2002 - “In spite of the records!?”
  • 2007 – “Circus with the Stars”
  • 2014 – “The Wedding General”
  • 2016 – “Guess the Movie”
  • 2016 – “Saltykov-Shchedrin show”

Belogolovtsev Nikita Sergeevich, son famous father, did not shy away from the star name of his parent, but he himself achieved that today he is known and invited to the most interesting projects. Who is this? Let's get to know the son of a famous personality better.

TV presenter career

Nikita Belogolovtsev is an experienced presenter, despite his young age. He began his television career at the age of 20. Then Nikita broadcast the program “Conversation without Rules” on the O2TV channel.

Just a year later, a new television project “Only at Night” was released with the participation of rising star ether.

Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev always called sports topics his favorite area of ​​journalism. At the beginning of his creative path he treated it exclusively as a hobby and sincerely tried not to mix it with work. However, fate does not always follow our plans and Nikita Belogolovtsev, whose biography was previously associated only with various talk shows, was graced by participation in the “Headbutt” program aired on the Rossiya-2 channel.

And a year after leaving the program, together with his star father, Belogolovtsev Nikita Sergeevich goes on air of the program “Bely vs. Bely”, which was also of a sports nature. In the same year, the young man became co-host of the “Sports” section on the “Rain” channel. Optimistic Channel".

Of course, it was not without criticism. Where would we be without this in the media business? Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev was accused of preparing custom programs and conducting them with obvious distortion of facts. The greatest storm of negativity hit the program dedicated to the assassination of the President of the United States of America Kennedy, aired on the Dozhd TV channel. Surprisingly, criticism fell specifically on the presenter, despite the fact that the main emphasis in the program was on official version crime and further investigation.

What happened before?

Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev was born into a family famous artist and TV presenter After graduating from school, he entered MGIMO. After graduating from the Faculty of International Journalism, he followed in his father’s footsteps.

In addition to Nikita, the family raised two more sons. As in the fairy tale about three brothers, the children were raised to be very friendly.

Family Challenge

The Belogolovtsev family is truly amazing. It’s not just acting talent and parents’ connections that lead to success. Unity, mutual support, raising children in a spirit of respect. All this created a reliable springboard for achieving our goals.

The twin brothers were born at seven months old. Long months of rehabilitation helped the children to emerge, but Nikita’s younger brother, Evgeniy, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Who knows, maybe it was this test that brought the family together. There is no doubt that it was her support that helped Evgeniy also conquer the television studio. The RazTV channel invited him to host one of the columns in the “DIFFERENT NEWS” program.

The entire Belogolovtsev family actively promotes healthy image life and instills a love for sports. They actively promote the “Dream Skis” rehabilitation program for children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. Parents believe that through ski lessons with competent coaches and specialized equipment, children make significant improvements.

Personal life of Nikita Belogolovtsev

Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev married his classmate. Also in student years young people spent a lot of time together, especially in the institute team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club (KVN).

Lyudmila Ivanova and Nikita Belogolovtsev, whose family began its history immediately after graduating from MGIMO in 2010, are already experienced parents today. One year later life together, the young people had a daughter, who received the name Eva.

Four more years later, in 2015, Lyudmila gave her husband another 3890 grams of happiness. This time a son, an heir, named Timothy by the couple.

Daughter Eva is now engaged in choreography and attends various master classes. In all her endeavors she feels the presence and support of her parents.


TV presenter Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev became a nominee for the All-Russian National Television Award TEFI in the category “Best Sports Journalist” in 2012.

In social networks

What celebrity today does not have a page on social networks? Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev is no exception. It is quite widely represented on the Internet, its official pages There are VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram. Information about the TV presenter can be found in all kinds of ratings.

Not just television

TV presenter Nikita Sergeevich Belogolovtsev is not fixated on only one area of ​​self-realization.

In addition to his media career, he also realizes himself as a sports producer.

Also at one time, Nikita Belogolovtsev headed the editorial board of the educational resource “Mel”. According to the management, their main target audience is the parents of students, and not the students themselves and future students.

At the beginning of the journey, the editorial board of the resource had only six employees. The main investor and financial partner of Mel is the head of Nova Capital, one of the directors of " Business Russia» Alexander Rudik. Nikita Sergeevich believes that the main profit of the team will be realized not so much from the sale of the publication itself, but from the related services that they will offer.

Belogolovtsev also tried himself in the journalistic field as the author of articles for the publications “Around the World” and “Geo”. He was a broadcast presenter at the Mayak radio station.

Hobbies in free time

Belogolovtsev's eldest son includes traveling among his hobbies. He considers Italy and all its provinces to be his favorite region. Loves traveling around Europe and around the world. Most often he relaxes with his family by the sea.

Values ​​time spent with children. Joint participation in “Fun Starts”, culinary master classes, DIY crafts. All this, undoubtedly, brings parents and children closer together, which is what Nikita Sergeevich does. Today you can find many photographs of Nikita posing with her daughter.

His undoubted advantage as a father is that he instills in his daughter his love of sports. Previously, he himself also actively played football, but after an injury he replaced his favorite form of leisure with basketball, which he had also valued since childhood.

Today Belogolovtsev Nikita is not only the bearer of a star name, but also a full member of the world of showbiz. Today his presence is in demand on many projects. Therefore, Belogolovtsev can justifiably be called a stellar personality.

Sergei Belogolovtsev is an artist with an amazing sense of humor and irrepressible creative energy. He found himself in such areas as television, radio and cinema. Want to know more about his career and family? We will be happy to share this information.

Biography of Sergei Belogolovtsev: childhood and student life

He was born in Vladivostok in 1964 (April 2). Then the Belogolovtsev family moved to the city of Obninsk, located in the Kaluga region. Sergei's father, Gennady Ivanovich, has nothing to do with art. He, a physicist, worked as a teacher at the Engineering Physics Institute (Obninsk). His mother, Ksenia Alekseevna, has a secondary specialized education. But she was a housewife for many years.

The Belogolovtsev family often moved from one service apartment to another. Because of this, Seryozha had to change schools. But each time he quickly managed to fit in new team. IN school years he attended the basketball section, and was also an ardent fan of Moscow Spartak. After receiving a “certificate of maturity,” our hero decided to enter the Obninsk branch of MEPhI. His father worked at the same university. However, Belogolovtsev Sr. refused his son protection. Then Seryozha chose something else educational institution- Mining Institute in Moscow. And he managed to get there on his first try.


Upon graduation, Sergei was sent to Far East for several months. Returning to the capital, the young man decided to start implementing his creative plans. And he started by creating his own KVN team. The team called “Magma” became a real discovery of the season Major League. The author of most of the jokes and skits was Sergei Belogolovtsev.

Television and cinema

In 1993, our hero was offered participation in the creation of the Magnificent Seven program. And he decided to try himself in this field. At first, Sergei Gennadievich worked as a scriptwriter for the program. Then he began to appear in the frame.

All-Russian popularity and audience love came to Belogolovtsev after he began acting in the humorous show “O.S.P-studio” (“TV-6”). Seryozha tried on himself various images. For example, he masterfully made parodies of Yevgeny Petrosyan, Vladimir Pozner, Lev Novozhenov and others. IN different years Belogolovtsev Sergey hosted such programs as “Scheme of Laughter” (REN TV), “Prospect of Knowledge” (OTR), “Save, Repair!” (“STS”), “Guess the Movie” (“Che”), “ Housing lottery+" and so on.

The most interesting films with his participation are listed below:

  • comedy series “33 square meters” (1998-2003) - head of the family Sergei Zvezdunov;
  • lyrical film “The Color of the Sky” (2006) - professional negotiator Mikhail (main character);
  • crime thriller “Vendetta in Russian” (2010) - Kim Igorevich;
  • Ukrainian comedy “Taxi” (2011-2013) - Uncle Lesha;
  • sitcom “Voronins” (2015) - Vera’s boss;
  • comedy “All about men” (2016) - Maksimych.

Sergei Belogolovtsev: personal life

One's soul mate famous TV presenter I met him when I was still a student. Young Muscovite Natalya Barannik captivated him with her natural beauty and high intelligence. At that time, she held the position of commissioner in the Military Patriotic Club. Then she took up journalism, having received the appropriate education. In their last year, the lovers got married. Soon their first child was born - son Nikita. It so happened that Natasha and her baby, who was 1 month old, remained in Moscow, and Sergei had to leave on assignment to the Far East. He worked as a foreman at a mine and sent most of his salary to his family.

Sergei Belogolovtsev really missed his wife and son. Our hero had never written poetry, but then inspiration appeared. In his poems, Seryozha described loneliness and heartache, which a man experiences when he is away from the woman he loves. Belogolovtsev’s creativity was highly appreciated by his colleagues. Two or three poems were even published in the local newspaper. True, he signed his creative pseudonym - Sergei Nechaev.

Our hero returned to Moscow when Nikita was 6-7 months old. Soon Natalya became pregnant for the second time. At that time, the first child was not even a year old. Belogolovtsev’s wife had a hard time with her second pregnancy, because under her heart she was carrying not just one baby, but twins. The birth was premature. The babies were born at 7 months old.

The boys were named Alexander and Evgeniy. So happy event The only sad thing was that one of the babies was born very weak. Doctors diagnosed Zhenya with 4 heart defects. At 9 months of age he underwent surgery. Complications followed. The boy's heart was beating weakly. One day Zhenya fell into a coma, in which he remained for almost 2 months. Then the baby experienced clinical death. Subsequently, he began to develop a disease called cerebral palsy. Evgeniy learned to speak only at the age of 6. However, his parents did everything to improve his mental development and health. As a result, Zhenya graduated from a school for gifted children and also entered a university.

Favorite Sons

The family of Sergei Belogolovtsev (see photo below) has always been close-knit and friendly. A few years ago they became grandparents. Their eldest son Nikita got married and has two wonderful children - Timofey and Eva.

What are the heirs of Sergei Belogolovtsev doing? Nikita is a quite successful radio and television presenter. Over the years, he worked on the TVC and Rossiya-2 channels. He is a TEFI Award nominee. Currently, he combines two positions on the Dozhd channel - sports producer and political commentator.

Alexander followed in the footsteps of his older brother. He became a TV presenter and producer. He has studied at MGIMO (faculty of journalism). Now Sasha is an executive producer of the MB-Group television company. And the young man hosts the “NEOKuhnya” program on “Carousel”.

Evgeniy Belogolovtsev, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, is also not idle. Recently, he has been hosting the program “Miscellaneous News” on the Raz TV channel. Parents are proud of each of their sons and love them equally.

  • What is Sergei Belogolovtsev's hobby? He plays football and also loves extreme quad biking and alpine skiing.
  • In 2014, the comedian and his wife created a non-profit organization called Dream Skis. Their goal is to introduce children with cerebral palsy to skiing. All classes are conducted under the strict supervision of specialists.
  • At one time, our hero helped Pavel Kabanov, who played Klara Zakharovna in “33 square meters", enter the Moscow Mining Institute. From then on their friendship began.


There were many sad events in the life of the comedian and TV presenter. But, despite this, Sergei Belogolovtsev considers himself happy man. After all, he has a caring and faithful wife, talented sons and wonderful grandchildren.

Nikita Belogolovtsev is known in the media environment no less than his father, actor Sergei Belogolovtsev, in the world of show business. He broadcast on such channels as Dozhd, Rossiya-2, TV Center, and was nominated for TEFI. In an interview Pressfeed Nikita told how he restarted his career with the help of an education publication, what is taboo at Mela, and how a PR person can avoid being blacklisted.

Nikita, you were a sports journalist, broadcast on TV and radio, including together with your father, famous Sergei Belogolovtsev. Helped in career growth such a relationship?

If I say no, it will be deceit. Of course it helped. In some places my candidacy was considered precisely because I am Belogolovtsev’s junior. But my father and I had little overlap in professional activity, we are working too different areas, except for a short period when both were television presenters. After all, dad spent most of his life as an entertainment actor, and I initially took up journalism.

In general, people have an interesting position on the children of celebrities. When you achieve something, in the eyes of the public it is not because you are so smart and good, but because dad helped. They say, well, everything is clear, junior Belogolovtsev. But when you screw up, it’s your own fault, because the horse and nature rest on children.

It’s unpleasant, but you quickly get used to it and simply understand that the conventional Yura Dud is screwing up for himself, and the conventional Nikita Efremov is screwing up for the whole family name. So am I. You accept this as a fact and feel responsible for the name.

Why, after sports journalism, suddenly online media about education?

Largely by accident. Unexpectedly manifested wisdom said - do something else. You can always return to sports journalism. Unfortunately, now there is only one sports channel left – “Match TV”, with which I don’t get along very well. IN sports internet There are also very few places and even less money. When they offered to participate in the creation of a publication about education “Mel”, I liked the format and the idea itself.

It was also an opportunity to restart my career. Before Mel, I had not created digital publications. I talked to an investor who said - listen, good guy, pleasant, knows a lot, but he understands absolutely nothing about education. Which was true. But we decided to try it, to see how I would perform during the short preparatory period. In the end, everything worked out.

Why is the name “Chalk”?

Our target audience is parents, who for the most part found chalk boards in schools. So this name is clear to them. In this case, a warm, lamp association arises. Plus, this three-letter word is short, understandable, and does not imply any other interpretations.

You have two children, they are still small, but you are probably already thinking about which school to choose for them, according to what criteria. What personally displeases you most about Russian education?

I have no personal complaints about school education. I have always studied at good schools, so it’s a sin for me to complain. But the main problem Russian school as an institution - education is half Russian, half Soviet. Something new has appeared, but no one understands why it is and what to do with it. Children go to school so what? No one can answer this question - neither school management, nor parents.

And one more thing - it seems to me Russian education There is a monstrous lack of flexibility and reasonable autonomy, which is especially important for such a huge country as ours. An attempt to unify everything does not contribute to the creativity and free-thinking of children, but it promotes dogmatism, which Lately is actively returning to textbooks. Of course, the beginnings of free-thinking are appearing in some schools, but this is more in spite of than thanks to it.

When you launched the project two years ago, you said that some services on the site would be paid, and that in addition to this you would earn money through partnerships with educational resources. Were you able to do both?

We are now actively creating a marketplace that will collect information about all kinds of courses, clubs and sections for children. There is also a gaming application called Castle Quiz. It was intended as a gaming simulator for preparing for the Unified State Exam, but now adults play it a lot too. I really like it and I think it has great potential. At some point, we made a wise decision that synergy between projects did not need to be invented and artificially imposed. We help each other locally, but overall these are two independent projects.

Mel's income ceiling as a niche media about education and upbringing is generally clear. It is not particularly large and not very interesting to investors. But “Mel” is a platform where parents will receive content, communication, and useful information about educational institutions, will be able to enroll children in schools, choose optimal options, say, for preparation for universities - this is a completely different story. That is, content is only the core around which everything else will be formed.

How many people currently work in the Mel editorial office? Who are your authors – journalists or education specialists?

25 people, but this is the entire editorial staff, not just journalists - developers, commercial department, etc. Most of the articles are written by our freelance authors and bloggers.

What other projects besides “Mel” are you currently working on?

My wife and I have family business– individual travel agency Puzzle Tours. But in general, 90% of my time, of course, is occupied by “Chalk”. We continue to test various hypotheses that will allow you to grow further.

In two years, our audience reached 1.4 million this September, by the end of the year we are counting on 2 million, by the end of 2018 – 4-4.5 million.

What was the most difficult decision in your life that you had to make as editor-in-chief?

We had to fire people, including those with whom we had worked for quite a long time. This is always a very painful story, especially for a small editorial office. Last year's redesign was also difficult, although it was not such a global change appearance site.

In general, it cannot be said that there were any really difficult situations. I'm very lucky with Mel. We are spared any scandals, we have a great investor with whom it’s just a pleasure to deal with a human being ( Investor "Mela" -President of the Nova Capital group Alexander Rudik - approx.Pressfeed). We started developing the resource before big media began to pay more attention to the topic of education, so we managed to get our audience. "Chalk" is like that happy project, with which more things work out than not.

Which main idea, as a journalist, what would you like to convey to PR people?

Don't do useless things that no one needs. An absolutely unimaginable amount of noise is produced. People send press releases knowing full well that they will never be published. And if they don’t know this, it turns out that they don’t understand the principles of how the media works. This is even worse.

I would like to say to PR people - friends, you live in the 21st century, the century of awesome advertising and sponsorship activations, cool corporate content, advanced social networks, brands, etc.

If you continue to call editors-in-chief with an offer to come to the dog show in Sokolniki, you will cause nothing but rejection.

I want people to write about me in"Mele". What needs to be done for this?

The easiest and fastest way is to start a blog on our website and write it yourself. We underestimated the function of blogs when we created the site, but blogs do provide a lot of interesting content. Using a blog, you can tell your audience about your news. You can also suggest a topic that will be of interest to our audience. If the content is suitable, with an interesting message or case, we will always find a way to package it. If this is just an appeal to us, that we have a general director who can give comments, then this, of course, is not right away. Because if there is good news, we ourselves will find someone who will comment on it to us.

What needs to be done to"Mele"never wrote about me?

It’s more difficult here, because filters about “not allowed” and about “taboo” require common sense in application. There are a number of stories that we never write about. We agreed that we would never write about black stuff like “Seventh-graders in Izhevsk raped a homeless person” - that’s a no-no.

There are exceptions to this. If the news can really influence our reader's decision-making, then yes. Relatively speaking, this is a story about fights in a Moscow school, because a certain number of our readers can send their children to this school.

We try not to write about strange bills and any absurd proposals from the authorities. Although we live in Russian reality, and often absurd proposals become laws, so we have to write about it. We also do not write about obviously shocking statements.

Although, for example, one of our most read materials was “9 unexpectedly reasonable theses of Zhirinovsky on education.” At a meeting of the State Council on improving the system general education the man was saying some stupid things and suddenly bam - he gave out really interesting thoughts.

As for companies, of course, no one likes to work with those who deceive, do not fulfill obligations, and miss deadlines. There are situations when people write to the editor at the same time from one company, from a bunch of different accounts. Well, guys, first of all, you need to figure out who is responsible for communications there.

We really don’t like the game of thimbles when they send a press release under the guise of copyright material.

Another completely unacceptable situation is when people try to enter the publication from all sides - they are at the door, they are at the window. If you contacted the editor-in-chief and he refused, there is no need to write further to the correspondent. It won't do anything, and it's ugly, not like a boy. You will be blacklisted.

What qualities do you absolutely need to have in a person you would hire?

I'm a pretty abrasive manager, so my employees have to have a bit of a thick skin. There must be human adequacy and reasonable pleasantness. For me it is categorically unacceptable that I take unpleasant person to work, even with his cosmic professionalism. And it is also very important that a person shares the ideology of the project and understands that he is working in a start-up. The option - it’s half past seven in the evening, I’ve worked for half an hour - not only cannot exist, it cannot even come to mind.

It is also necessary that a person has a desire to do something that he has never done before. This is very important for small editorial offices. That is, the editor must not only write texts, but also be able to layout them, make sure that these texts are better read by users and searched in search engines.

What do you do immediately when you come to work?

Every morning I look at the plan of articles for today, review the texts again and send them to publication. I have not yet found the strength to delegate this task to anyone.

Favorite and least favorite 30 minutes of the day?

My least favorite thing is to sort through mail, I hate doing it. My favorite moments are when I see that one of the texts is starting to tear up the audience right before my eyes. I'm a real time traffic junkie.

The best article you've ever read in your life.

I really like what Ilya Zhegulev writes in Meduza. It seems to me that this is one of the best things that is happening now in Russian journalism. If it’s about something I like once a year and not in Russian, then it’s, of course, Bill Simmons ( AAmerican sports journalist, analyst, writer - approx.Pressfeed). Even if you don't like sports, these things should be read at least from the point of view of theoretical journalism, because they are wonderful.

Among those who are doing something similar in Russia is Vitaly Suvorov, author of On my favorite, which I open immediately after “Mel”, this is one of best authors. True, he rarely writes lately, to my regret.

Dud or Posner?

Dud, of course.

Cord or Urgant?

Urgant. Also, of course.

What is your most valuable personal item?

I can't call myself that wealthy, so it's hard to answer this question.

What is your most treasured personal item?

It's probably something to do with family. I used to be fond of sports, maybe then there were some dear to the heart things. But when children appear, everything else fades into the background.

Best advice you would give to your 20-year-old self? AND best advice What will you be like in 20 years?

Don't quarrel with your wife for a year. Seriously, I can't complain. I have good family, nice job. I can’t say that all this was given to me at the cost of some incredible efforts.

If you weren't a journalist, what would you be?

Maybe something related to politics or social activities. I love people, talk, love attention. Therefore, in any case, it would be some kind of public profession.

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