Propaganda by group members. The "propaganda" group in Russian show business

Dear Gossip Girls, hello everyone! I’ve been on Gossipnik for a long time and closely)) But I still didn’t dare to write my first post, and then the idea came up after watching an old video of the group “Propaganda - Chalk” on the music channel. I remember how, as a child, I found in this song deep meaning)) I really liked this group, I knew, naturally, I knew all the words by heart)) Then I was still a ten-year-old girl and in children's summer camps we just listened to their songs.

A little history. The Propaganda group was founded in 2001. The first lineup, which will be discussed in this post, consisted of soloist Victoria Voronova, Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina. They were the authors of all the first songs. But then there was a rift between the girls and the producer, and Victoria Petrenko left the group, followed by Yulia Garanina. Then there were other girls, but I won’t write about them, because... I am interested in precisely this, the first and most famous composition of this group. Well, let's remember our youth?)

We haven’t heard anything about the group for a long time, they don’t appear anywhere former members this trio. But after rummaging through the Internet, I finally found them. And I’m sharing with you, I think many of you also listened to them in childhood.

Of the trio, I liked the soloist Victoria Voronina, who is also a songwriter, the most. This is what she looked like during her popularity

I considered her an incredible beauty, so lively, with big eyes, With good voice(yes, I sincerely thought so). BUT, what happened to her next is, excuse me, a complete joke... In general, judge for yourself.

Now Victoria, already an ex-soloist of Propaganda, is engaged in solo work, as her VK page tells us, writes songs for other authors and appears in videos. But for some reason no one sees them.

She was not spared the fate of duck lips and tuning, which makes everyone look the same. Now let's see what Vika looks like now.

Now Vika is 32 years old, Karl is thirty-two!

You know, girls, but I still like it, even now. She’s kind of cute, well, I don’t see any malice in her, even though she’s not popular now, she still continues to do something, which is commendable.

Two other girls - Victoria Petrenko and Yulia Garanina created their own group with the simple name "Petra and Yukka"

This is what the girls look like now

The Propaganda group was created in 2001. Three teenage girls came to the then-famous producer Sergei Izotov and said that they had wonderful songs and they wanted to become famous. These were Vika Voronina, Vika Petrenko and Yulia Garanina. The producer really liked the songs and he started recording songs with the girls. During the work, it turned out that of all three, only Vika Voronina could sing, so “recitative parts” were written for the rest. Thus was born own style“Propaganda”, but in this composition the team lasted less than a year. Soon after the release of the first album, as Vika Voronina recalls, the girls were overwhelmed star fever and the producer was forced to part with two of them. For some time they were replaced by several more bright participants, to whom increased demands were placed in terms of vocals. As a result, Katya Oleinikova (2002-2003), Olga Moreva (2002-2006) and Ira Yakovleva (2003-2009) worked in the team for a long time. There has been a turn in the work of the Propaganda group - the abandonment of recitative parts and the transition to professional lyrical vocals. In addition, a fourth member appears in the team - musician, saxophonist Dasha.

In 2007, all rights to the Propaganda group passed to the new producer Sergei Ivanov, who had worked with the group up to this point as a director. Only Vika Voronina and Ira Yakovleva retain their places in the group of four participants, they are joined by Maria Bukatar. It is from this moment that the group begins to perform exclusively live, without using a soundtrack. The tour schedule of the Propaganda group includes 10-15 concerts every month, and the girls’ free days from touring are occupied by almost daily vocal and choreography rehearsals.

Not everyone can maintain such a schedule, and in 2010 Victoria Voronina left the team, who dreams of finding time for solo creativity. And a little earlier, in 2009, instead of Ira Yakovleva, new member- Anastasia Shevchenko.

The group has a large number of national music awards (“Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”, “Stopudovy Hit”, “ Major League", "Silver Disc", "Bomb of the Year" and many others) and is a laureate of many television festivals and competitions.

Over the years of its existence, the group has released a large number of hits, such compositions as “Chalk”, “Who”, “Nobody”, “So be it”, “Rain on the roofs”, “5 minutes”, “Yay-ya”, “Super” -Baby” and “QuantoCosta” topped various charts of radio stations and TV channels for weeks.

In 2010, the song “You Know,” composed by Alexander Yankovsky, became such a hit. This track spent several weeks at the top of the DFM chart, and the video for this song is still on air on music TV channels.

The Propaganda group, consisting of Masha Bukatar and Nastya Shevchenko, continues to delight its fans with new dance compositions and regular concerts.

In 2011, the track and at the same time the video clip “I’m like that” were released, which entered the DFM chart and received more than 10 million views on YouTube. Then the group releases the album “You Know”, where one of the tracks “Dial” also appears on air on some radio stations.

At the beginning of 2013, the tracks “Girlfriend” and “I Wrote Love” were released. Video clips were also shot for these tracks, which are widely presented on television channels.

The track "Girlfriend" has gained immense popularity among the people. Most recently the group released new album- “Purple Powder” and shot a video for the single “It’s a pity.”

The Propaganda group celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2016. Over the entire period, the composition of the team changed several times; we counted 9 such changes. These compositions are presented in the photo. Today the Propaganda team includes Maya Podolskaya, Veronica Kononenko and Arina Milan. They replaced Maria Bukatar and Anastasia Shevchenko in November 2015. Based on the time they worked in the group, the rating of “veterans” of Propaganda is as follows: 1) Maria Bukatar - 9 years and 6 months, in 5 compositions; 2) Victoria Voronina - 9 years and 4 months, in 5 compositions; 3) Anastasia Shevchenko - 6.5 years in 4 teams; 4) Irina Yakovleva - 6 years in 2 teams; 5) Olga Moreva - 4.5 years in 2 teams; 6) Ekaterina Oleynikova - 1.5 years. All others: Victoria Petrenko, Yulia Garanina, Victoria Bogoslavskaya, Maria Nedelkova - less than 1 year.

Official website of the PROPAGANDA group:
Official VKontakte group:
Official community on Facebook:

The Propaganda group was created in 2001. Three teenage girls came to the then-famous producer Sergei Izotov and said that they had wonderful songs and they wanted to become famous. These were Vika Voronina, Vika Petrenko and Yulia Garanina. The producer really liked the songs and he started recording songs with the girls. During the work, it turned out that of all three, only Vika Voronina could sing, so “recitative parts” were written for the rest. This is how Propaganda’s own style was born, but the team existed in this composition for less than a year. Soon after the release of the first album, as Vika Voronina recalls, the girls were overwhelmed by star fever and the producer was forced to part with two of them. For some time, several brighter participants, who were subject to increased demands in terms of vocals, were vying for their place. As a result, Katya Oleinikova (2002-2003), Olga Moreva (2002-2006) and Ira Yakovleva (2003-2009) worked in the team for a long time. There has been a turn in the work of the Propaganda group - the abandonment of recitative parts and the transition to professional lyrical vocals. In addition, a fourth member appears in the team - musician, saxophonist Dasha.
In 2007, all rights to the Propaganda group passed to the new producer Sergei Ivanov, who had worked with the group up to this point as a director. Only Vika Voronina and Ira Yakovleva retain their places in the group of four participants, they are joined by Maria Bukatar. It is from this moment that the group begins to perform exclusively live, without using a soundtrack. The tour schedule of the Propaganda group includes 10-15 concerts every month, and the girls’ free days from touring are occupied by almost daily vocal and choreography rehearsals.
Not everyone can maintain such a schedule, and in 2010 Victoria Voronina left the team, who dreams of finding time for solo creativity. And a little earlier, in 2009, instead of Ira Yakovleva, a new participant appeared - Anastasia Shevchenko.

The group has a large number of national music awards (“Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”, “Stopudovy Hit”, “Major League”, “Silver Disc”, “Bomb of the Year” and many others) and is a laureate of many television festivals and competitions.
Over the years of its existence, the group has released a large number of hits, such compositions as “Chalk”, “Who”, “Nobody”, “So be it”, “Rain on the roofs”, “5 minutes”, “Yay-ya”, “Super” “Babe” and “Quanto Costa” topped various charts of radio stations and TV channels for weeks.
In 2010, the song “You Know,” composed by Alexander Yankovsky, became such a hit. This track spent several weeks at the top of the DFM chart, and the video for this song is still on air on music TV channels.
From this moment on, the main authors of subsequent tracks were Alexander Yankovsky and Sergey Ivanov. This creative union brings success.
The Propaganda group, consisting of Masha Bukatar and Nastya Shevchenko, continues to delight its fans with new dance compositions and regular concerts.
In 2011, the track and at the same time the video clip “I’m like that” were released, which entered the DFM chart and received more than 10 million views on YouTube. Then the group releases the album “You Know”, where one of the tracks “Dial” also appears on air on some radio stations.
At the beginning of 2013, the tracks “Girlfriend” and “I Wrote Love” were released. Video clips were also shot for these tracks, which are widely presented on television channels.
The track "Girlfriend" has gained immense popularity among the people. Most recently, the group released a new album, “Purple Powder,” and shot a video for the single “It’s a Pity.”

Many people remember the hits of the Propaganda group that once thundered throughout the country - “Chalk”, “Eat Apples” and “Superdetka”. At the time of the release of these songs, the band members Vika Voronina, Vika Petrenko and Yulia Garanina were very young girls. Now there is no trace left of the group’s former composition, and the girls have gone through numerous trials over the years. The soloist and author of many songs of “Propaganda” Vika Voronina shared the details of her life.

“Our first album “Children” sold a huge number of copies. After concerts, fans tore pieces of our clothes as souvenirs. We could be an unsinkable group. But, unfortunately, our relationship with Vika and Yulia did not stand the test of fame. I was quite happy with receiving $100 for a concert, which was comparable to monthly salary parents. And the girls caught star fever. They began to show dissatisfaction with Izotov,” says Vika about the group’s first producer. - It seemed to them that he was doing everything wrong: he was shooting the video according to the wrong script, dressing us in the wrong clothes, etc. As a result, Sergei Evgenievich fired them. Because of this, the girls and I quarreled and stopped communicating. Only a year and a half later, Vika and Yulia called me and admitted that they were wrong. We met, cried, hugged. But it was already too late."

After this event, Voronina turned out to be the only soloist from original composition groups. The rest appeared and left, and with such speed that the girl could not even really get to know them. According to the singer, the group underwent changes twelve times. In addition, Izotov acquired another business, and he completely abandoned producing Propaganda.

“It was a hard blow for me. I remember, from anxiety, I lost 28 kg in two weeks. I was stuck with a car loan. There was no rich lover. Only retired parents. And I didn’t know how to live on,” Vika shares. - I turned to the concert director of “Propaganda” Sergei Ivanov for support. According to Ivanov, he negotiated with Izotov for a long time and eventually bought the rights to Propaganda from him. “Now I’m your producer,” he told us in the summer of 2007. We sign new contracts with me.” I trusted the man so much that, without really delving into it, I signed everything he asked. Moreover, she signed for him twice on blank sheets of paper, which, according to him, were intended for fans. It never occurred to me that Sergei could deceive me.”

It turned out that the conditions of contact became virtual slavery for Voronina. Under the pretext of the need to pay compensation to the former producer, Ivanov took all the fees from the soloists. Vika was also prohibited from going to other jobs and selling songs. own composition, because it was allegedly written so in the contract. “For trying to communicate with one of my colleagues or their producers, he fined me. In fact, I became his slave. In the summer of 2010, she couldn’t stand it and told Ivanov: “Seryozha, either you raise my salary, or I leave the group. I can’t work anymore for that kind of money.” “I’d rather raise the salaries of other girls,” he replied. “And you, old, crooked, hunchbacked and fat, are not particularly needed by the team.” After that, “Propaganda” worked for some time without me,” Vika continues in the interview. "Express newspaper".

Then followed a series of mutual lawsuits, and persecution of Voronina by Ivanov. According to the girl, these problems have not been resolved to this day. However, her producer has his own opinion on this matter.

“After Voronina left, only two participants worked in Propaganda. We tried to take the third one, but no one stayed longer than three months. I still have a valid contract with Voronina, concluded until 2017. It stated that if she left, she must pay a penalty of 300 thousand dollars. But I treated her with understanding and did not demand this money from her. For two years there was no word from her. And then Vika wanted to return to the stage again, and she needed to terminate the contract. If she had come to me and asked me in a humane way, it would have been a different conversation. But Voronina immediately sued me. She threw hysterics at meetings and shamelessly lied, as if I had not paid her wages for years,” explains Ivanov. - Yes, I could give up on her and terminate the contract with her. This makes me neither cold nor hot. But Vika behaved in such a way that, for the sake of principle, I will not terminate anything.”

“I draw the word “enough” on the asphalt with white chalk” - everyone remembers this hit ten years ago. Some even remember two pretty blondes Vika Petrenko and Yulia Garanina, who sang this song in company with Vika Voronina.

And now most of Propaganda has returned to the stage with new song and the same unique personality.

- What happened many years ago when you left Propaganda? Or have you been left?

Petra: I was fired for immoral behavior.

- What was it? Did you run naked on stage?

Petra: Worse... I just had the courage to have my own point of view on the image of the group, its repertoire and positioning and did not hesitate to voice it. Since I was the creator of this group, it seems to me that I had every right to do this.

Yucca: Our producer decided that the money we earned from concerts was not enough for him, so he should change his image - go on stage in one underwear so that bathhouses can be added to our stadiums. As is known, the main income came from them in those days.

- So Yukka was fired because she didn’t want to go on the “bathhouse” tour?

Petra: Yukka left to support me as my best friend! Nobody fired her, even moreover, she was offered a fur coat, a car and the opportunity to earn money for an apartment in Moscow.

Yucca: You can’t sell a friend for the corpse of a mink... although it’s probably possible for a chinchilla. Kidding. Initially, “Propaganda” was Petra’s dream, in which I took part. I believe that when a dream is left to live without the person who came up with it and embodied it, then it no longer makes sense. And to remain in the team would be a betrayal, in my opinion. In general, if you think about how stars appear in world music, then the most successful projects, as a rule, created by friends or like-minded people.

Petra: As was the case with us. But it is very convenient for the producer to assemble a group of people who are not related to anything. It is much easier to influence people who are not a cohesive team.

/ Grigory Goryachev / Russian Look

- Well, okay, you left the group - why didn’t you immediately start recording your album?

Petra: According to the terms of the contract, until 2006 we could not show off our beautiful faces anywhere.

- But you were fired. Was the contract still valid?

Yucca: Legally it turned out that yes. Well, plus we were threatened.

Petra: Our producer said the following: “Don’t rock the boat if you don’t want something to happen to you.” Then you yourself understand what times were like. Singers every now and then, after leaving the producer, ended up in the hospital with injuries. Therefore, few people sued to terminate the contract. We were 18 years old, and to be honest, it was scary.

- What have you been doing all these years?

Yucca: At first they wiped away the snot... especially Petre.

Petra: I was depressed for six months and didn’t leave the house. In general, it’s terrible when you [feel bad], and every now and then they ask you what, how and why. In short, I shaved my head and changed my image so that they wouldn’t recognize me anymore.

- Did the contract expire in 2006? Why didn't you come back after that?

Yucca: Then force majeure circumstances arose. I met great love in life. By chance (or perhaps not by chance) he turned out to be a fan of the group. He looked after me beautifully. And I somehow became completely immersed in this warm relationship. We were together for many years. And the only thing I cared about was our love. It filled my entire existence so much that it left no time for any creativity. Plus, I entered college in the PR department and graduated very successfully.

- What have Petra been doing all these years? Personal life too?

Petra: I went to great lengths. I decided to try everything. I staged a plastic performance - fortunately, my education allows me to do this, I graduated from a variety and circus school with a degree in pantomime. Participated in other theater projects, such as the sensational hip-hop opera “Cops on Fire”, sewed T-shirts and dresses, painted pictures, worked as a journalist, wrote her own column in Bravo magazine, filmed three “short films”, taught plastic arts to children in an Anglo-French school , worked as an assistant director in a circus... well, in short, a lot of things. And I want to say, it was also very interesting and no worse than singing in a group.

/ Official website of the group /

- So you don’t regret that things didn’t work out with “Propaganda”?

Petra: At first I regretted it. There was resentment. And now I look at everything and understand that it was very interesting. For example, I worked at Gloss as a stylist. I had to be in character all the time, talk accordingly, behave in a certain way, dress strangely. How to play a role in the theater. You come to the showroom to choose hats with rhinestones for shooting and admire their beauty for about fifteen minutes, but you think: some Vasya took a hat for 600 rubles, stuck the rhinestones on the table, and now he’s selling it for attention, drumroll! - 60 thousand. Hat - 60 thousand! Can you imagine?

Or you glue hygienic pads to your shoes for shooting - well, so as not to scratch the soles. And a certain star deliberately walks on pebbles in these shoes. In general, at many jobs people told me “Well, you’re a real journalist, this is exactly how I imagined them” or “You’re such a good administrator - it’s immediately obvious that a person of this type cannot be an artist,” and after that I went on stage with them , and they didn’t recognize me.

Despite the fact that you left Propaganda so dramatically, I know that last year you performed with the old lineup. How did it happen?

Petra: An offer was received from Vika Voronina to perform together. We thought for a long time. And they decided: why not revive the old days?

Yucca: We decided that we need to close the gestalt. Well, to put an end to this.

Petra: We even recorded two new ones joint songs which were performed at the concert.

Yucca: We felt: “but the trousers are too small.”

Petra: We realized that Vika and I are now so different people, with such different views on music, style, positioning that we simply cannot all get along together. We'd rather go to each other's houses for tea.

Yucca: Although, of course, there were immediate offers to make a nostalgic tour of the cities of our vast homeland. Mow the dough.

Petra: And although it may seem strange, we refused. We understand that reflecting on lost youth is now a trend, but for us it is strange.

- Well, what now?

Yucca: And now we have an ass-kicking hit! A song about peace, about goodness. In our turbulent times, what could be more important than Good? Petra lives not far from me and comes in for coffee in the morning. And in general he calls me for any reason. One day she brought me another song. She turned out to be good. And I immediately came up with a verse for her.

We recorded it. And they even shot a video. Petra was the director. We took the last “mark” from a friend. They took turns filming each other. There is not a single frame in the video where we were together, since there were no extra hands. I filmed Petra on the roof of her house. From time to time my hand would lose its grip, and Petra would say: “Leave it, we’ll consider this a technique.”

Petra: In the video, we also filmed random people and our acquaintances who wrote on signs the names of the cities in which they were born, as a symbol of the fact that no matter where we come from, we are united, there are no differences between residents of the capital and regions, as well as other states.

Yucca: That’s why we actually went to the skateground. We needed young people beautiful people. And here, you won’t believe it, during the filming process someone started playing the song “Chalk” on the guitar. They definitely couldn’t recognize us; ten years had passed. Moreover, when we laughed, no one paid attention to us. But for us it was like a sign.

Petra: The heavens opened up and the hand of the Lord reached out to us...

/ Anatoly Lomokhov / Russian Look

- What will the name of the song be? Will there be a video on TV?

Petra:"Good"! As for TV and radio - hell knows. So I’m thinking: maybe sell Yukka’s car and pay for radio rotation. Although with this money you can make a low-budget movie or stage a play.

Yucca: Who told you that I would let you sell my car?!

Petra: What if I really ask?

Yucca: Well, ask!

Petra: Oh please!..

Petra: I slowly write and upload it to the Internet. I’m filming my second video, also by myself.

Yucca: Now a song has been born, tomorrow something else will be born - a show or a movie... The main thing is not to be bored. Nowadays there are a lot of opportunities to try. Times are strange these days. There are no heroes left either in music or in journalism, although it is time for heroism. Even real freaks have become few and far between. Maybe the norm has just changed and everything that used to be special has become ordinary.

Petra: We think it's good to be free. An idea arises - we get down to implementation.

Yucca: We have a lot of ideas. We're like Pinky and the Brain - every day starts with a plan to conquer the world.

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