Event for summer camp "music marathon". Scenario of an event for a summer camp Interesting events in the camp scenarios

Each shift hosts a lot of events on various topics.

Main topics/events of the shifts

What are the evening events like?

Evening activities at the camp alternate with films on big screen and all your favorite discos.

  • Evening performances are organized on stage from each unit, in which all interested children participate. In a five-minute performance from each unit, counselors and children convey an idea to the viewer through dance, song, and acting.
  • For all performances, outfits are taken from a rich costume room, where you can find EVERYTHING:
    - folk sundresses,
    - ball dresses,
    - animal costumes,
    - costumes of fairy-tale characters
    - much more.
  • If necessary, performances are accompanied by a pre-recorded soundtrack.
  • Concerts are illuminated by theater spotlights and filmed on video and photos, and subsequently posted on official groups In contact with And Instagram.

Daytime activities

During the day, in addition to constantly working circles, there are sport games– volleyball, football, mini football, table tennis, archery, arm wrestling, relay races and other competitions.

Quests or “errands” are organized for children - themed games with stages located throughout the camp:

Miss camp

"Miss Camp" is one of the most favorite events of children and counselors in Orlyonok. This is a show that everyone will remember for the rest of their lives. Each girl-competitor has a chance to receive the title and crown of "Miss Camp" at whole year. Preparation for the competition is an important component of the success of the event.

Each contestant is helped by counselors, circle leaders and a large number of friends.

Dresses are sewn, an avant-garde costume is invented, a song and dance support are chosen, a speech is written, and a worthy gentleman is chosen. The girls rehearse with the choreographer, consult with the costume designer and vocal coach. And when all the preparations in the children's camp are completed, the queens of the evening, to the loud applause of the fans, gracefully step onto a specially equipped podium with spotlights, a beautifully decorated stage, smiling at the professional jury invited to the camp... At this moment, everyone sees a charming young lady in a teenage girl, which is very important for young ladies.

Russian Culture Day

Have you ever been woken up to the accordion and children's laughter by cheerful guys and girls dressed in Russian folk costumes, dancing and playing all kinds of musical instruments such as rattles, spoons, and whistles? No? Then you don't know what it's like to wake up in in a great mood at the children's camp Orlyonok! And if you add to all this: a fun fair with various competitions, pancakes with condensed milk and jam, lots of goodies, jumping in an inflatable castle (trampoline), horse riding, Russian folk games.

Plus a wonderful costumed Russian fairy tale, in which children and camp counselors take part. And at the end there is a festive disco! It's hard to believe, but this all happens on one day, on the Russian day, which celebrates Kid `s camp Eaglet!


It’s a shame, boring and unfair when you’re bursting with energy and want to walk, jump and have fun all night long, but at the children’s camp the all-clear sounds. What a blessing that Night exists!

The time of romance of the night, the beauty of the falling stars, the freshness of the wind and the mystery of the pink dawn. The Eaglet camp falls asleep, and the detachment, dressed warmly and taking everything they need, sets off into the night. A fire, potatoes baked on coals, bread fried over a fire, songs with a guitar, horse riding, scary stories and, finally, watching the dawn...

Tourist relay race

Among the usual sunny day In the children's camp Orlyonok, an alarm suddenly sounds. What is this? Fire? Disaster? War? No! This is a relay race! Everyone comes running to the line, the units are being rolled out, the number of children is being counted, and the relay race starts! This means that a team from each camp squad is put up for a serious battle of the most resilient, fastest and most dexterous.

The spectators are happy to support their friends, and the participants try not to lose face while overcoming the obstacle course: run along a log, climb over a rope ladder, crawl on your bellies without hitting a low net, fly over a pit on a bungee, cross a river crossing, climb over a wall, gallop over the bumps. But that’s not all, it is important for real heroes to complete important tasks: put up a tent for a while, light a fire, carry a “wounded” person, assemble a machine gun.

On the day when a tourist relay race is held at the Orlyonok children's camp, dinner is prepared in the army field kitchen. After the competition, children dine with appetite on food specially prepared over wood. The atmosphere of a hike is created. And at the end of this unusual day, the Orlyonok children's camp hosts a disco where the winners are awarded!

You can see last year's relay in.

Adventure Night

Mysterious events always attract people. The night of adventure in the children's camp Orlyonok is a trail of trials in the dark with scary stories and characters for older children and fairy-tale heroes for younger children. On the way you may encounter large wild animals, souls of pioneers, monsters, skeletons, zombies, crosses, ghosts, a headless horseman...

Having walked the trail, everyone can get rid of their fears by “throwing” them into the treasured fire at the end of the path, become bolder and more self-confident, and get a prediction for the near future from the organ grinder. The Adventure Night at the children's camp ends with a magical fireworks display to commemorate goodness.

Merry Express

A fun relay race for the entire children's camp serves as a good start to each session. The rules are simple, the children's group moves to the music, holding hands from station to station, completes tasks, and answers questions. Already here the guys become more united, friendly and proactive. After passing each station, the squad receives points based on the results of calculation of which the winning squad is revealed.


By taking part in competitions and creative tasks, children earn “rubles” from the Orlyonok children’s camp. Making money is fun, but how to spend it? Here you need a smart head and competent financial calculations, because you can order a song, ride a horse, buy sweets, souvenirs, toys.

Sympathy Day

Everyone at the Orlyonok children's camp is looking forward to this day, both boys and girls, both small and big. On this day, there are many options to confess your love, express your sympathy, and send congratulations. You can receive and send a Valentine card through the “angels” postal service with recognition and congratulations. You can call the local telephone number on the radio broadcast of the children's camp and order a song, say hello and congratulations.

It’s very nice to hear your voice on the radio broadcast throughout the entire camp. In addition, you can send SMS from your mobile phone, which are displayed in real time on the screen of the televisions located in each building. During this entire time, both children and adults can come to the video room and record their congratulations. The evening before the film, the entire Orlyonok children's camp gathers for a film screening, before which everyone eagerly awaits video greetings on the club's big screen.

Festival of the Nations of the World

Do you think it is impossible to visit 14 countries in one day? Here in Orlyonka everything is possible! The children will learn about each country represented on stage, its geographical location, symbols, customs, and get acquainted with the traditional costumes of this country, its dances and songs. It may also happen that very important people from these countries will appear on stage, for example, presidents, great artists, athletes, say, football player Ronaldinho - very cheerfully parodied by the guys.

On this day, we do not forget about Russian traditions; the counselors always represent Russia, using ancient Russian customs in their performances.

Camp birthday

Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year. This is exactly what the guys say about their birthday and about Eaglet’s birthday. This holiday is so large and colorful that at the end of the day you feel sad that the day is over. From the very morning, a festive mood is created when dressed up counselors walk through the buildings with songs and jokes and wake up all the children, congratulating them on the holiday!

Important guests and delegations from other camps arrive, and the Eaglet boys meet them and show them their mugs and give them a tour of the camp. Of course all those present are waiting festive concert, amazing in its scope! After all, in a limited time on stage, we need to show everything that happens in our dear and beloved camp, show its history, its customs and achievements.

Guys from all units take part in this holiday very carefully and responsibly. On this day, the camp treats everyone with various delicacies - popcorn, cotton candy and festive breakfasts, lunches and dinners. And in the evening, of course, there will be magical fireworks and loud shouts of “Happy Birthday, Eaglet!!!”

Golden microphone

Talented Russia

This event is for all the talents of our camp. If you read poetry so that everyone falls silent, sing songs so that you want to sing along, dance so that it takes your breath away, play a musical instrument so that others want to go to music school, and maybe you know how to do all this at the same time and much more - " Talented Russia" for you!

A huge number of guys go through several qualifying rounds and in the end, getting to the finals, the best of the best take the stage! But all the guys in the squad help make their performance bright! Therefore, if you decide to go to Orlyonok, be sure to determine your repertoire and immediately begin rehearsals!

Here we are

The time has come for the first acquaintance between the squads. After all, the camp does not yet know what names the units have chosen and what mottos they will now live by. It is at this event that a cheerful, creative, friendly mood is set for the entire shift. For some of the guys, this is the very first appearance on the stage of the camp, and for some even the very first performance in their lives, so there is always a feeling of festive excitement.

This event is held at the beginning of each shift and is the first joint performance the entire squad, which undoubtedly unites the guys into a strong creative union!

Ceremonial lineup

The ceremonial line-up is held at the beginning and end of the shift. At the opening of the shift, the camp administration introduces the teachers and camp leaders to the children and informs them of the plan of events. The flag is solemnly raised during the Russian anthem.

The closing of the shift is carried out on the day of departure. All children and staff gather at the line to sum up the results and reward the most active, creative and athletic children. The Russian flag is lowered, but after a few days the guys on the next shift will raise it again.

Counselors Concert

The shift is coming to an end... And everyone sums up the unforgettable days of relaxation in the children's camp Orlyonok. They thank their friends, the camp, their counselors. And the counselors sadly say goodbye to the children who have become family to them. All their skills and talents come in handy at the counselors’ concert in order to express their emotions and feelings for the past shift at the children’s camp. The counselors read poetry, show skits, dance, and play musical instruments. There is a place for lyrics, humor, and a splash of energy. And finally, a farewell song... And here, wiping away our tears, we all understand that the shift was not in vain...

Stolen afternoon tea

At the children's camp, older children can show their directorial and creative abilities by preparing the "Stolen Afternoon Tea" event for the little ones. The kids come to the camp cafeteria for afternoon tea, and there’s a bunch of pirates stealing their rightful sweets right in front of them.

Kind people appear to help children fairy-tale heroes, be it Puss in Boots, Malvina, Thumbelina, Fairy who lead them in the footsteps of pirates, stopping for clues from Grandma Hedgehog, Devil, Koshchei, Robin Hood, Humanoids, Space aliens and other heroes. The scenarios are always different, the characters and tasks are always different. Emotions are overwhelming, as a result, the entire children's camp is always satisfied: the younger children have found their afternoon snack, and the older ones are glad that they were not torn apart by hungry kids.

Ropes course

Very important for a good holiday in a children's camp is a close-knit, friendly team that builds its relationships on the principles of respect, mutual assistance and support. The Rope Course is aimed at developing these qualities.

As a result of overcoming difficult stages, where each person is necessary, important and valuable, a responsible position towards each other and the team begins to form. The exercises are structured in such a way as to involve both active and insignificant members of the children's team, as a result of which each member of the group and the entire group as a whole participate in achieving their goals.

As a result, the squad becomes united, a friendly atmosphere is formed, mutual assistance skills are developed, barriers in communication are overcome, and leaders are identified. Children's camp Orlyonok holds such an event every shift for groups of middle and older ages.

Video clip competition

You can discover your abilities as a video clip maker, a very fashionable profession today, if you take part in the “Video Clip Competition” event. It is here that the guys will have to direct a video for any musical hit and perform it right on stage.

As a result, the entire camp will witness a new creation in the field of show business. Believe me, the clips created in our camp often turn out to be brighter, more fun and more ideological than those shown on television.

Day of "Memory of the Fallen"

Asphalt drawing competition

Who else but children can make the world brighter, kinder and brighter? In our camp, even gray asphalt paths become colorful when an asphalt drawing competition is held.

Most often, children paint the asphalt according to a given theme, for example, “May there always be sunshine,” “April Fool’s Day,” and others. The guys as a group come up with an idea and implement it. Walking around the camp, you understand that talented, kind and friendly children are vacationing in Orlyonok.

Christmas story

Each of us, whether a child or an adult, is waiting under New Year fairy tale With good ending. In our children's camp during the winter shift, a fairy tale becomes a reality. Little ones and adults become fairy-tale characters. Bright costumes, interesting stories, humor and mysticism - immerses everyone in festive atmosphere and impressions just a few hours before the New Year.

Our fairy tale cannot be complete without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden with a magic bag of gifts for children on the morning of January 1st. A lot of troubles haunt the main characters, but...good always triumphs over evil. Every year at the children's camp Orlyonok new fairy tale, new characters, new scenery and new childhood experiences.

Summer holidays are part of the social environment, therefore, using the potential of summer free time, we want to solve the problems of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development children. The “Musical Rainbow” program is designed for children attending the camp day stay.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 5

city ​​of Belorechensk


on preparation, organization and conduct

Summer recreation and health improvement for children

Musical director Gorbulina T.G.

year 2012

Explanatory note

“There are no vacations in education” - this pedagogical formula is the main rule for the teaching staff of MBOU Secondary School 5.

We consider education in summer conditions not as a targeted pedagogical influence, but as the creation of conditions for interaction and cooperation between children and adults. In the summer, the child becomes active, a participant in a collective activity, and not a passive contemplator. Various techniques are used and educational technologies, but their essence is the same - the child’s self-development in joint creative activity.

It is very important that by participating in the program, a child can increase his knowledge and skills, which he could later be able to apply in practice. Work in children's team is aimed at children mastering certain skills of working in a team, at demonstrating and developing them personal qualities, children gain self-confidence, discover their talents, and gain performing arts skills.

Summer holidays are part of the social environment, therefore, using the potential of summer free time, we want to solve the problems of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development of children. Summer holidays are, on the one hand, a form of organizing children’s free time, and on the other, a space for the child’s health and development. We provide children with the opportunity to gain additional knowledge and skills and use their free time, protect from bad habits. We teach you to take care of your health.

Man is endowed by nature with a special gift - a voice. It is the voice that helps a person communicate with the world around him and express his attitude to various phenomena of life. The singing voice apparatus is an extraordinary instrument, fraught with an exceptional wealth of colors and various shades. A person begins to use a singing voice from childhood as his ear for music develops.

From an early age, children feel the need for emotional communication. It is during this period that it is important to realize the child’s creative potential, develop singing skills, and introduce children to the art of singing, which contributes to the development creative imagination. Each child finds an opportunity for creative personal expression through solo and ensemble singing, folk and modern songs with musical accompaniment.

Relevance of the program

Singing is quite effective method aesthetic education. In the process of studying vocals (including pop), children master the basics of vocal performance, develop artistic taste, broaden their horizons, and learn the basics of acting. Most shortcut emotional liberation of the child, relieving constriction, teaching feeling and artistic imagination - this is the path through singing, playing, and fantasizing. It is precisely so that a child, endowed with the ability and desire for creativity, the development of his vocal abilities, can master the skills of vocal art, self-realize in creativity, learn to convey the inner voice emotional condition, a program has been developed additional education children "Musical Rainbow", aimed at spiritual development students.


creating favorable conditions for the life of children during the holiday period, as a purposefully organized environment for personal growth and self-affirmation, health improvement and employment of children, introducing students to the vocal art, teaching singing and developing their singing abilities.


1.Organization of recreation, health improvement and employment for children.

2.Search for new forms of attracting children to various types creativity, instilling useful skills, developing independence.

3.Unleash the creative potential of children through musical performance and play activities.

4. Prevention of antisocial behavior.

The program was developed taking into account the needs of children, their parents, the capabilities of teachers and the institution.

Expected results:

For teachers:

Improving the content and forms of recreation, health improvement and employment for children;

Self-realization assessment creative potential program participants;

Generalization best practices use effective forms working with children during the holidays;

Social, psychological and practical assistance to children in adapting to society;

Family support.

For children:

Health-saving skills: a reasonable combination of various types of activities;

Skills and abilities acquired in music classes;

Introduction to various types of gaming activities;

Acquiring skills and abilities to conduct musical games;

Acquisition of abilities and skills of individual and collective creativity.

The teaching staff relies on the following priority principles:

Main directions of program implementation:

I Organizational and methodological.

II Organization of creative activities with children.

I. Organizational and methodological work

Target: updating the system for organizing summer recreation, health improvement, employment of children during the summer health period, increasing the professional skills of teaching staff, timely provision of methodological assistance to all categories of teaching staff

I.Organization of creative activities with children

The Musical Rainbow program is designed for children 8-14 years old attending a day camp. We divide children into groups, which are formed depending on the age of the pupils. The camp has a name, motto, emblem and song.

Team Rule:“Together, friendly and with enthusiasm!”

The program includes the followingareas of work:

I Artistic and aesthetic:

Musical lessons (vocal work).

II Entertainment and gaming:

1. Educational activities (games, educational and entertainment, competitive programs, situational and creative games).

2. Concert programs.

Forms and mode of classes

Classes can be held with the whole team, in subgroups, or individually.

Conversation, which presents theoretical information, which is illustrated by poetic and musical examples, visual aids, presentations, video materials.

Practical lessons,where children learn musical literacy, learn songs by modern composers.

Lesson-production, rehearsal:are being processed concert numbers, children's acting abilities develop.

Final lesson, completing the topic - a lesson-concert. It is held for the children themselves, teachers, and guests.

Planning the work of a music club

Musical association(classes 1 time per week, duration 2 hours, total: 8 hours).

Lesson topic

Number of hours


  1. Musical lessons - preparation for concert program"Summer mood"


  1. Learning songs for events
  1. Concert program “Summer Mood”


  1. Learning songs for events
  1. Music classes - preparation for the concert program “Smile and Laughter - Health for All”
  1. Game "Guess the melody"


  1. Music and game program

"Smile and laughter - health for everyone"

  1. Concert program “It’s fun to walk with a song”




Methodological support of the program

1. Availability of a special room (music room).

2. Availability of a rehearsal hall (assembly hall).

3. Piano, synthesizer.

4. Music center, computer.

5. Recording phonograms in “+” and “ modes- ».

6. Electrical equipment.

7. Sheet music, collections of children's songs.

8. Audio, video recordings, CD, MP3 format.

MBOU "Nimengskaya Osh"

Scenario for an educational and musical event at a summer camp

Title "Flower Day"

Teachers prepared and conducted the event summer camp:

Saltykova L. N., Oreshnikova P. N., Farzullaev R. M.


Broadening one's horizons, developing attentiveness and accuracy;

Fostering love for nature and respect for it.

Equipment and materials: laptop, projector, speakers, screen;

for practical work - scissors, glue, paper napkins, colored paper and cardboard, stapler, pens, long skewers for daisy stems, glue gun, blanks of fabric daisy petals and centers, padding polyester.

Progress of the event:

The first part of the celebration takes place in the school assembly hall:

Music plays (sounds like "Merry Song")

1 Presenter:

Hello, dear children and adults! We start today's day at our camp with such a cheerful song!

2 Presenter:

Hi all! My name is Tsvetik! Hello from me to you all!

Guys, are you familiar with these lines? What cartoon character did this phrase remind you of? (Yes, this is “The Adventures of Dunno.”) Do you think Dunno loved flowers? Did he know anything about flower festivals?

1 Presenter:

Guys, what holidays do you know? (New Year, birthday, tanker’s day, Teacher’s day, miner’s day and many others). What do you think, is there a flower holiday in our calendar? Do not know? The summer days of June are considered a real holiday of flowers. It is during this period that many flowers shine with all the colors of the rainbow. This period in nature is called the summer solstice. And the date is June 21. And it is on this day that International Flower Day is celebrated. In many countries, various flower festivals are held, where you can see the unprecedented beauty of nature’s creations and human hands. Who founded this and when? beautiful holiday, unknown. Each country has its own symbol. In Russia, the holiday is celebrated under the emblem of chamomile. So today, let us also arrange this magical, wonderful holiday. Let's go..... On the screen is the cartoon "Locomotive in Romashkovo".

2 Presenter:

So what will we be talking about? Of course about summer, about flowers. After all, they are different: spring and summer, autumn and winter. Flowers always decorate our lives. They are the most pleasant gift. We give them to our family and friends. "Flowers" - beautiful word, it conceals tenderness, smile, kindness and joy. So, let's begin our amazing flower journey...

1 Presenter:

Guys, I invite you all to sing a karaoke song together - a warm-up "There is a flower in the world...". Well done everyone!

2 Presenter:

Guys! What flower names do you know? Do you know how flowers appeared? Let's watch a short video clip of "Legends of Flowers".

1 Presenter:

But I’m very interested, do you know riddles about flowers? Shall we play? in my hands big flower. What's its name? - “Chamomile”, guess why I chose it. Girls often use the daisy flower to tell fortunes. And at “Romashka” I have prepared various tasks for you. Tear off the piece of paper and complete the task.

No. 1. Read the poem expressively:

Dandelion golden
He was handsome, young,
Wasn't afraid of anyone
Even the wind itself!
Dandelion golden
He has grown old and gray-haired,
And as soon as I turned gray,
He flew away with the wind.

No. 2. Guess the riddle:

I'm capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful! (Rose)

No. 3. Guess a riddle:

Rye is spiking in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

No. 4. Guess a riddle:

The lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All covered in large double flowers -
White, pink, burgundy! (Peony)

No. 5. Read the poem expressively:

What is the bell about?
Ringing in the meadow?
Reply to this
I can't help you.
But I think this:
It will ring in the morning
And they hear the flowers -
It's time to wake up.

No. 6. Choose two friends and sing a funny karaoke song:

"Friends don't have days off."

No. 7. Read the poem expressively:

Hey daisies,
Give me an answer:
Where are you from,
If it `s not a secret?
- Not a secret, -
answered the daisies, -
The sun carried us
In your pocket!

No. 8. Guess a riddle:

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is? chamomile
No. 9. Guess a riddle:

Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire. (Geranium)

No. 10.Guess the riddle:
I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy. (Iris)

No. 11. Write a description of the flower - (Rose).

No. 12. Make up the name of a flower from letters - (o-z-r-a = rose, a-t-r-a-s = aster)

1 Presenter:

- Guys, you are so great! You read poetry loudly and expressively. You guess the riddles correctly.

2 Presenter:

Guys, you know that there are many different legends. It turns out there is a legend about chamomile. Let's watch the video "The Legend of Chamomile".

The task on the “daisy fortune teller” is simple. But I have prepared a very difficult task for you. Well, no one can guess. Let's watch the presentation "Flower Riddles". Shall we begin?!

1 Presenter:

Once again, you know a lot and are good at guessing.

Guys, do you know medicinal plants? List them. Well done! The simplest ones, those that are often necessary and grow literally under our feet - you know. This is very wonderful, it means we can safely go on a hike with you. And I propose to continue this topic. Let's watch the video" Medicinal plants"and remember them.

2 Presenter:

This concludes the first part of our Flower Day holiday. Now we will go to the school workshop and work with our hands.

The second part of the holiday takes place in the school workshop:

All children go to the workshop for a master class on making an applique “Dandelions from paper napkins” and a flower from fabric (see video tutorial and pictures).

1 Presenter:

Well done, you have created wonderful dandelion flowers, some unique, each with their own, no two are alike. Your works are original and beautiful in their own way. A photo shoot of crafts is taking place.

Have you ever noticed how beautiful flowers are? No? So let's immediately admire them. Watch the video "Amazing Flowers".

2 Presenter:

Now I invite everyone to sing together the song “It’s fun to walk together” and “If you are kind.”

Guys! It is not necessary to pick flowers to put them in a vase for just a few days. Listen to the poem here:

If I pick a flower...

If you pick a flower...

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers,

They will be empty

And trees and bushes...

And there will be no beauty

And there will be no kindness

If only you and me -

If we pick flowers...

1 Presenter:

Guys! Did you know that not all flowers can stand in the same vase?

Lily of the valley cannot be placed in water with other flowers. It releases toxic substances into the water that destroy other flowers.

Did you know that our ordinary carnation does not tolerate noise? If you put it next to a radio, it will wither.

2 Presenter:

Rose and mignonette are at enmity with each other. They will die if they are placed in the same vase. And the carnation, although it does not like the rose, can stand together with it, only both flowers lose their aroma.

Let's take care of the meadow flowers, take care of native nature!

1 Presenter:

Love beautiful world colors. It is filled with joy and happiness, as well as its magnificent variety of colors and smells.

Summing up the holiday.

Internet sites used:




8.Teacher presentation primary classes Zakrzhevskoy E. D., Karaganda.

Results of the master class:

Natalia Danilina
“In the Land of the Treble Clef” (Music quiz for school camp children)

"IN country



(Music quiz)

Musical event for school camp children

Target: consolidation of knowledge about music received earlier; development creativity and listening skills music; instilling love for music, to the world of beauty; showing attention, resourcefulness and respect for comrades.

Equipment: stripes with the names of competitions; "chamomile" with tasks; stands with images of scales and musical instruments ; musical arrangement.

Quiz progress

Music supervisor:- Today, guys, we will visit an unusual country-« Country of the treble clef» . Who knows what it is « treble clef» ? (this is a special icon at the beginning of the musical line on the left). live in this country kind and funny people. They know how to compose such wonderful songs that their fame spreads all over the world. In this country there are no quarrels and fights, but favorite dish people - beans. They take "F", add "salt", and it turns out "beans"- an excellent delicacy.

Do you know how they appear good songs? I'll reveal 3 to you secret:

1) good music Only a kind and good person can compose;

2) good song should be given to friends and acquaintances immediately;

3) a good song needs to be written down so as not to forget.

To find out how the song is recorded, guess riddle:

Five steps - a ladder,

There is a song on the steps. (notes)

Let's listen, what notes are these and where do they live?

Every note has a home.

Where do you live, note "before"?

Here on a small bench.

On the extension line.

Note "re", where do you live?

Where do you sing songs?

Below, under 1 line,

I hide my song

And if necessary, I sing.

Look, remember and understand, -

A note sang softly "mi",-

I don't have to climb high

I'm good at 1, here.

Between 1 and 2

"F" looks out the window

Between 1 and 2

She's a little cramped.

On line 2 "salt"

With a note "F" meet.

If you say "F" And "salt" ,

It turns out "beans"- the word comes out.

Did you notice me? –

The note asked "la".-

Between 2 and 3 I sing songs children:

"La la la la la la!"

On line 3 "si",

Right in the middle

Sings whenever you ask

So loudly, without hesitation.

Music supervisor:- Below 4, above 3

Note "before" we will meet again.

"Before" And "before"- octave,

Fun for kids.

(each child hangs his own note on the staff on the board)

Music supervisor:- So, we remembered about the notes. What else will we meet in this country you will now find out, at the same time, test your knowledge and skills. This will not be just a journey, but a competition. I announce the beginning of our music quiz. (fanfare sounds)

Take part in there will be 2 teams in the quiz:

"Bells", motto: “We, like bells, ring with a song.

IN music. we will definitely win the quiz».

"Merry notes", motto: “We are cheerful notes, louder than all, more cheerful,

to the perky club musicians

We invite all friends."

Music supervisor:- And our competitions will be judged by a respected jury consisting of our wonderful teachers.

Music supervisor:- We all love to listen music. When we hear our favorite melody, we smile at it like good friend. I think you know a lot music. instruments through which we hear music. Now I will ask riddles about music. instruments. For each correct answer, the team receives a point.

So, 1 competition « Musical riddles » For "Kolokolchikov".

The box is dancing on my knees -

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he cries bitterly. (harmonic)

I stand on 3 legs

Feet in black boots,

Black teeth, pedal.

I call myself (piano).

It's huge, like a closet

He's not on his feet

It has powerful bass,

This is important (double bass).

Youth from different countries

Dancing dashingly to (accordion).

I put the pipe to my lips,

A trill sounded through the forest;

The tool is very fragile

Called (pipe).

He was born from an accordion,

I became friends with the piano.

It also looks like a button accordion.

What will you call him? (accordion).

Riddles for "Merry notes":

1) Leather on top, leather on bottom,

2) We’ll go in a round dance,

Let's sing the song louder.

He'll jingle for us, guess what?

Veselushka (balalaika).

3) We have a cheerful friend,

He loves a ringing knock.

The question here is not at all difficult,

Everyone knows what it is (tambourine).

4) Can play "forte" And "piano",

That's why they called (piano).

Guys, who knows what the words mean? "forte" And "piano"(loud quiet)

5) Carved in the forest,

Smoothly hewn

Sings, sings,

What is it called? (violin) .

6) Six- and seven-string,

Light and good

Always necessary

On a hike bonfire. (guitar).

(show the named instruments at the stand)


Music supervisor:- We remembered the names of all the notes. Let's repeat them together: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. Now you must come up with and write down words, the first syllable of which is our notes. For example, do-house, river, etc. The team that writes the most words will win.

So, 2nd competition “Oh, those notes!”


Music supervisor:- Next 3 competition "Guess the melody". Your task is to guess the proposed melodies.


Music supervisor:- Well done, you know all the songs. And now the 4th competition « Musical daisy» . On the board you see "chamomile", on the petals of which questions are written. Participants take turns answering questions, receiving a score.


Petal Quests:

1. What note is put in the soup? (salt)

2. Which one key doesn’t burst out from under the ground and doesn’t open anything? (violin)

3. Seven guys on the ladder started playing a song. (notes)

4. Who writes music. works? (composer)

5. He lives without a tongue, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (radio)

6. What combination of notes grows a vegetable garden? (beans)

7. 2 notes, 2 letters, all together a game that kids love to play. (do-mi-no)

8. What 3 pillars exist in music? (march, dance, song)

9. What instruments have strings? (violin, harp, double bass, cello)

10. Which instruments have keys? (piano, accordion)


Music supervisor:- I think you all love to sing and know a lot of songs. Now I will speak to each team in turn initial words songs, and you should will you continue them.

Next 5th competition "I'll start, you continue" For "Kolokolchikov":

"May there always be sunshine..."

"2*2, four..."

"Friendship is strong..."

"The rivers have cooled..."

“Kneading the snow with a spoon...”

"Born in the forest..."


"Nothing in the world..."

“Tell me, Snow Maiden...”

"In the field..."

And songs for "Merry notes":

"Little Christmas tree..."

"Let them run..."

"The tired sleep..."

"The sun came out..."

“I was sitting in the grass...”

"I was once..."

"Across the blue sea..."

"What do I care about snow..."

"I'm in the sun..."



Music supervisor:- Next 6th competition "Bird Choir". Talking about music, we usually say that it is performed by a person. But let's remember whose choir we can hear in the forest in the summer? Of course, avian. I have prepared riddles about these singers. For the correct answer, a score.

Riddles for "Kolokolchikov":

1) Lives in the meadow violinist,

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop. (grasshopper)

2) Not a king, but wearing a crown,

Not a horseman, but with spurs. (rooster)

3) Our best singer has finally arrived to us,

He sings all day and night. (nightingale)

4) She has a long tail, black on the back,

White belly and shoulders,

chattering instead of speech. (magpie)

Riddles for "Merry notes":

1. There is a trunk, there is a stake on the trunk,

The palace is on stake, there is a singer in the palace. (starling)

2. Variegated bird, she’s not big,

3. He builds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow

His song and flight

Entered into poems. (lark)

4. He doesn’t mind sleeping all day,

But as soon as night comes,

His bow will sing.

Call the musician(cricket).


Music supervisor:- Next 7th competition "Dancing! Dancing!" You all know the notes, you know the songs, you know the instruments and the singer birds. What about dancing? Tell me, what names of dances do you know? (answers children) I have 2 envelopes with letters in them, from which you can add up the names of 3 dances.

"Bells"- waltz, quadrille, tango;

"Merry notes"- mazurka, hopak, polka.

A point for speed.

(summarizing, awarding)

Music supervisor:- So ours is over quiz. I would like to congratulate the winning team and thank everyone for their participation and good knowledge. I wish to keep my love forever music. She gives us many wonderful moments; listening to her, we dream or remember something good and pleasant. Guys, did you like the competitions, what new did you learn from our meeting? (answers children) IN conclusion, I propose to perform a song "It's fun to walk together".

See you again!

Riddles, crosswords and creative tasks about music

What other musical instruments do you know? Try to guess these musical riddles.

Musical riddles

You will take it in your hands,

You will stretch it, then you will compress it.

Voiced, elegant,

Russian two-row.

It will play, just touch it.

What is her name?... (accordion).

She's glad for you to play,

Invites you to dance!

Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,

The game makes everyone happy!

And only three strings

She needs it for music.

Who is she? Guess it

This is our... (balalaika).

Balalaika, balalaika,

Have fun playing!

Sings very cheerfully

If you blow into it.

You all play it

And you will guess right away.

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, da-da-da, da-da!

This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube,

What is this? ... (pipe).

3. Petrova

On a piece of paper, on a page

Either dots or birds.

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

And songs chirp. (Notes.)

Smooth bow movements

The strings make me tremble,

The motive murmurs from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders -

He orders everyone to keep pace. (Drum.)

He has a pleated shirt

He loves to dance squat

He dances and sings -

If you get your hands on it.

It sounds like a dreamy tune

How clear the sounds are overflowing.

There is joy and a smile in them

Its name is... (violin).

Forty buttons on it

With mother-of-pearl fire.

Each instrument

There are strings and a pedal.

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (piano).

B. Zakhoder

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -

The sparrows have arrived.

They sat on my notebook

And they sang the melody (notes).

Triangular body,

Well, try and guess?

This is our (balalaika).

It will sparkle in the sun,

It will hum with a gentle sound.

In jazz he is the very first -

Silver... (saxophone).

Brainstorming tasks

If you look closely and listen closely, you can find the presence of music literally everywhere.

1. Find the presence of music in the objects around you.

Clue: salt, to la ska, before horns, F ry, la gushka, re ka, sire no, re pa, before mino, by midor, home k, k la ksa, si ha re ta, F goth, pemok salt, beans, mi texture, re mont, etc.

2. Remember six famous great singers, musicians or composers whose last names begin with the letter “SH”. Write them into the “rays of sunshine”.

Answer: Schumann, Chopin, Chaliapin, Schnittke, Shostakovich, Schubert.

3. Unravel the secret of this amazing flower. The incomparable flower is incomparable because it contains the famous names of great composers whose surnames begin with the letter “B”.

Answer: Bizet, Bargok, Bach, Beethoven, Borodin, Balakirev.

a) Hoffman;

b) Tchaikovsky;

c) Mussorgsky.

Answer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

5. Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin became famous as a talented chemist or an outstanding Russian composer?

Answer: A talented chemistry professor, studying scientific work at the Medical-Surgical Academy, entered the history of Russian classical music How outstanding composer and founder of one of musical styles- epic symphonism (wrote the epic opera “Prince Igor”),

6. One of the most delicious cakes is named after this world-famous composer.

Answer: Georges Bizet (1838-1875) is an outstanding French composer, author of the opera Carmen.

7. The names of musical instruments are hidden among the letters. Try to find them. (The words are arranged in a straight line in any direction.)

Answer: Harp. Guitar. Drum. Pipe. Violin. Piano.

8. This is Russian folk song, based on the repeated repetition of a small verse. The rhythm is clear and danceable. It is usually accompanied by playing the balalaika or accordion. It has always been very popular among the people.

Hint: this word is a derivative of the word frequent, that is, repeated many times...

Answer: Paganini.

11. Famous guitarist, our contemporary and compatriot, talented improviser and performer classical works in their own processing.

Answer: Zinchuk (Viktor Zinchuk).

12. Finish the sentence with a semantic rhyming word:

As is known from the newspapers,

The London... (quartet) is coming to us.

Symphonic Illustrious Quartet

The Philharmonic gives only one... (concert).

Who wants to go to.... (concert)?

I have an extra... (ticket).

Once upon a time at the edge of the forest

The concert was started by animals.

The blacksmith-violinist played a rhapsody.

Caused applause... (flurry).

We danced the “Cossack” dance

Beauty fly and... (cricket).

Shy sullen rhinoceros,

Suddenly becoming bolder, I read my... (monologue).

Two cute frogs

Performed for everyone... (ditties).

The cockroach also cheered up the animals,

He performed with his relatives... (cancan).

A terribly fat hippopotamus broke his stomach from laughing.

And the stork even shed a tear: “It’s been a long time since I’ve had so much... (had fun)].”

The audience was leaving the concert to the sounds of the mosquito... (duet).

E. Arsenina - fragment of the poem “Amazing Concert”

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