Name of the KVN team at school. The best ideas for school KVN teams: names, team introductions, mottos

School events and school holidays

How to form a KVN team


Many organizers ask themselves the question: “Where can I find people willing to play KVN?” Team formation usually takes place in two stages.

The first stage of collecting the KVN team

To begin with, an advertisement is given for recruitment to the team. Those who want to take part in KVN gather at an organizational meeting, where the organizers clearly and clearly explain what KVN is, and through a questionnaire or conversation they get to know the guys, finding out who can do what. To test the guys in action, you can start holding warm-up games or so-called brainstorming sessions already at the first meeting.

For example: Participants are given the theme “Autumn.” Everyone needs to write their association on a piece of paper and give it to their neighbor. Usually the guys start writing down associations, remembering only adjectives (golden, bad...). After going around five circles, the sheet can be replenished with original associations and the first jokes.

Once the core team has been decided, it is necessary to find someone who can write the script and direct it. Otherwise, the help of a screenwriter and director is needed.

From the very first rehearsals, the guys must learn to work with a microphone and behave on stage. During the same period, much attention was paid to stage speech, body plasticity, and the development of musical abilities.

The more games are played in the first year, the faster the core of the main team will emerge, i.e. Only those who will endure and understand everything will remain.

Second stage of team gathering

Approval of the main core of the team, which, as already mentioned, should be no more than 12 people. They must be able to think “KVN-style” and constantly replenish their collection of jokes for the next games.

Which of the main 12 people can be the real captain of the team? Of course, the leader. Someone who enjoys authority and can rally the team. He is responsible for maintaining the archive and documentation of the team, as well as searching for sponsors and patrons of the arts.

The core team must constantly “rejuvenate”, i.e. it is necessary to introduce players 3~4 years younger into it. This will ensure the team's longevity and help maintain its individuality.

How to name a KVN team

It is worth paying special attention to the choice of team name. It must match the style of the players, their age and social class.

Examples of KVN team names

  • for the team of students - “Devils”;
  • for the student team - “KGB” (Cool City Brigade);
  • for youth - “KMTS” (Whom They Could, That Was Collected);
  • for workers - “Lucky guys”;
  • for adults - “Enskie Cowboys”.

How to gather fans of the KVN team

A popular team is considered to be the one with the largest number of fans and supporters.

By organizing fans, you can create your own fan club, which will support this or that team throughout many games with slogans, posters, sound effects, and also take part in KVN, bringing your team additional points. At the same time, they must remember 10 commandments for KVN fans:

1) When you get excited, don’t interfere with the jury.
Don't kill!.. And don't be stupid!

2) It’s really not a sin to laugh
Over something that is not funny at all!

3) Be curious, find out someone else's secret:
Provide a brilliant response to the team.

4) Appreciate impromptu! Don’t be a spendthrift in your assessments -
Don't be bribed by an old joke!

5) Love your neighbor's witticisms as if they were your own.

6) Hold on, fan, well done -
Mother and father in front of the screen!

7) The enemy is formidable in jubilation!
Don't let him open his mouth.
Kiss him! Then in silence
He, stunned, will freeze!

8) What is destined will happen ahead...
Be as honest as possible - don’t steal!

9) Laughter for no reason is a sign of insincerity!

10) Fan, don’t imitate monkeys
And always respect everyone who is on stage.

A well-chosen team, a well-chosen captain and organized fans are not everything. A lot depends on what the literary basis will be, i.e. the script for the team’s performance.

The humorous KVN program is not only popular on television, but also in school life. In the KVN program, the main thing is to successfully select a topic, organize an exciting game and help teams write a script.

To win, you need not only humor, but also coherence, artistry, cohesion and confidence.

In the game, everything depends on the composition of the school KVN team. To ensure fair recruitment to the team, you can write and post an announcement throughout the school. It is advisable to form school KVN teams according to age group. The competition is arranged between middle group students and senior group. Typically, the middle category is for students in grades 6-8, and the senior category is for grades 9-11.

Now it’s time to choose the hosts and judges of the KVN game. The presenter must be resourceful, competent, who can find a way out difficult situation, has good diction and knows the answer to any question. Several teachers are involved in judging. You can also get teachers from other schools, you will immediately feel an objective assessment. And, of course, the director or head teacher is invited. And then the KVN school humor will be unambiguously objective.

A special role is given to organizing a support group for each team. The support group includes students, parents, friends, and relatives. For the support group, the main task is to prepare posters with slogans about the team and come up with quatrains for chants. And everything needs to be presented in the best possible way.

Each team has its own uniform, color and paraphernalia for performance. There must be a twist that fans and judges will remember for a long time. If it is not possible to purchase clothes, then you can make emblems. The KVN logo must include the name of the school team and theme. The team is given extra points based on the originality of the name.

KVN is not a game, but a way of life. The task of KVN participants is to demonstrate their abilities, sense of humor, erudition, and talents. Develop the ability to make collective decisions.

The organizers of the competition come up with the theme for the KVN teams. The day before the start of the game, school teams hold a dress rehearsal. During rehearsals, all the shortcomings are visible, so mistakes can be corrected immediately.

The presentation of the school KVN team begins at the first stage of the game. The teams stand out for their wit. Jokes should captivate the audience and be funny. In greeting, the team must win over the jury, spectators and reveal its image. A spectacular exit will certainly do. For example, cheerful, playful music will help with this.

The team greeting should be clear and short. Good joke usually left for the end of the game. This happens in the correct form. At the end of the greeting, a phrase is inserted that has deep meaning or an energetic song is sung. The song is funny and short.

Requires special treatment musical competition. The game situation takes place in the form of an operetta, a musical, or a mini-performance. Naturally, it should be understandable to everyone watching. KVN team members must have musical ear and choreography. The jury members take note of this. It’s great if parodies and medleys of famous songs go well and contain subtle humor. Parodies are performed on a well-known melody. It is better if the text is short, otherwise the audience will get tired. Lines in the text must be interconnected.

Each KVN team performs “ homework" It includes jokes, plots, and incendiary humor. This is where the acting skills come into play. Happy ending The performance will have a philosophical conclusion on the topic.

The “warm-up” competition should be taken seriously. Participants need to show their wit and come up with jokes on the go. Teams ask each other questions to which the answer must be funny. The question is asked short.

It should be understandable and contain sparkling humor. Two answers are prepared in case the members of the other team were able to guess the answer.

Impromptu jokes require practice. During the competition, members of each team stand in a circle so that everyone can hear the answer ideas. And only those whose jokes are funnier take part.

Of course, there is a competition for captains. This is how you can see the leadership qualities of team captains. Captains must find a way out of a difficult situation, have a sense of humor, fully disclose the topic, and quickly respond to jokes.

Some people ask, how to write a script for a KVN game? It’s not difficult at all, the main thing is to know a couple of rules. To write good and funny jokes, the school team needs to get together. Creative activity and intellectuality will lead to a bright and unusual creation. For efficiency, each participant in the discussion process should write down in a notebook interesting ideas and thoughts. After completing the reprise, you need to rest, get distracted, and then walk around in a circle again, only to read everything out loud. The most successful reprises are those where most people laugh.

Do not forget that jokes can be one-day and “eternal”. You need to come up with a joke that will make people laugh at it different generations. And not the kind of jokes that were made thirty years ago and are no longer funny to anyone. Jokes are written when there is inspiration.

The motto for the school KVN characterizes the team. For example, “Our job is not easy, we need to earn points.” Special attention given to the team name. Name school teams It is better to choose those related to the topic, but not necessary.

List of team names on different topics:

· For the children's KVN team: “Angel Little Devils”, “Brought by Storks”, “Children in a Cage”, apparently, the name comes from the participants’ uniform, “Curfew”.

· Names for school teams: “Around the Corner”, “Nerds on the Titanic”, “B – 8 – Past! "for the 8B class team, "A thousand days until graduation."

· Interesting names for the women's game in KVN: “Broken a Nail”, “Valentine School”, “In Heels”, “Amazons from a Gas Station”, “Bachelorette Party”.

· Names for creative teams– girls: “Sea girl”, “Not boys”, “Anti-Barbie”, “Pink and fluffy”.

· Names of school KVN teams for teachers: “Elbow-deep in the chalk”, “Teacher advisors”, “Call for the teacher”, “Sukhomlinsky style”.

· Name of a team on a mathematical theme: Plus and minus”, “X, Y and everyone else”, “Beyond the brackets”, “Exception to the rules”.

· Titles on the topic of ecology: “Past the trash can”, “I don’t litter”, “Forest nurses”, “Inhale-exhale”, “Beavers”.

· Title on the topic of chemistry: “In the sediment”, “Kolbotshary”, “Ash-two-Vo!” ", "Alchemists", "Litmus tests".

· Title on the theme of economics: “Only losses”, “Gold reserve”, “Funny money”, “Three kopecks”, “Loot and evil”.

· Title on the theme of autumn: “Hibernating”, “Out of Season”, “Leaf Puzzle”, “Heating”.

· Title on the theme of spring: “Birch Fresh”, “The Rooks Have Flocked”, “Avitaminosis”.

· Title on the topic of philosophy: “Feuerbach’s Joke”, “Herodotus – but not the same”, “Life on Marx”.

One of funny names"Meat grinder of humor." Motto: “Mash, march to make minced meat!” " For junior classes The name “Kolobok” is suitable. Motto: “Rivals, believe us, Kolobok is too tough for you” or “There are no better teams in the world than Kolobok.” The name is “Energizer”, motto: “Energizer is our squad, there are many of us like these guys, we give energy, we never get tired! “Team name: “Progress”, motto: “Not a step back, Not standing still, But only forward, And only all together.” Team name: “Worms”, motto: “Breaks off all the hooks - we are cool worms.”

KVN teams should follow some tips for organizing a holiday. Organizing a holiday is an important element in the game, which must be treated with responsibility.

When preparing KVN, you can involve teachers. For example, a literature and Russian language teacher will be able to prepare a script. The music teacher will take charge of the musical arrangement. The labor teacher will put the decoration on his shoulders. Of course, the team must have a basis for playing KVN, and the teachers will just make adjustments. By the way, these teachers can no longer participate as a jury, since they know all the scenarios, jokes and cannot judge objectively.

It will be more interesting if none of the teachers helps. Let everything be kept secret. But you can attract people from outside, outside of school. Surely there are many people with a sense of humor who want to help. You can call for help creative people, they will probably have many interesting ideas.

You can invite the director or head teacher to be members of the jury. For competence and objectivity of assessment, people outside of school. For example, teachers from other schools. Teachers will benefit from the event. They will be able to evaluate the level of training in their school and in the invited one.

As already mentioned, the KVN program is not only popular on television, but also in the lives of schoolchildren. Schoolchildren reveal their potential and become interested. All energy and strength will go into creating jokes and scenarios, and not into doing all sorts of nonsense in class. The KVN team includes mischievous, cheerful, artistic, musical guys. Their main advantage is their possession of subtle and sparkling humor.

The KVN school program is interesting for all generations. The teams themselves are interested in fighting each other, showing who is capable of what. There should be no hard feelings between the teams. This is a game, life. As they say, “Life is a game, play it beautifully.”

If you lose, it means you need to work on your mistakes. And the jury members should reward them with prizes or at least certificates. After all, when a person is awarded, it’s very nice and you want to play more and more.

At all times, it was believed that the name is the most important attribute and symbol not only for a person, but also for various creatures and objects. After all, everyone knows that whatever you call it, that’s what fate will be.

What is the name of the KVN team? It would seem that a fairly simple and not difficult task is to come up with a name for your team, but when you are directly faced with this problem, you understand that it is simply not possible to cope with it alone. It’s not for nothing that they say that one head is good, but two are better. And in order to somehow facilitate this whole process, experienced specialists and professionals have developed a special memo with tips and recommendations, which will help you make the most correct and optimal choice. The main thing is to try to adhere to all these subtleties, then you will definitely succeed. After all, the choice of names pleases with its rich and most unusual abundance.

Tips and recommendations on how to choose the right name for a KVN team.

  • Firstly, in no case should you opt for a name consisting of one word, and especially if they have some abstract meaning and concept. For example, names such as Lux, Debut, Impromptu. They are unlikely to be suitable for a cheerful and mischievous KVN team; they will become excellent option for some serious organization.
  • Secondly, in no case is it recommended to use lines from your favorite songs or phrases in the team name, and even more so, titles from movies or feature films. literary works. Of course, you can take such names as a basis, but put your own meaning and imagination into them, improving and remaking them until they are completely unrecognizable.
  • Thirdly, try not to copy team names and be one of a kind. For example, if in your city there is no such team called “Team”, then this option is suitable. But if such a team already exists, then it’s worth looking for another option or coming up with a reverse name, that is, “Anti-team of the city.” The result will be very original and unusual.
  • Fourthly, in the name of the team in to a greater extent her image and themes of invented jokes and numbers are reflected. Therefore, you should approach your choice quite thoughtfully and not stop at the first task that comes your way.
  • Fifthly, choose a name in game form, playing with words and phrases. This is how you can choose the truly correct and only correct solution.
  • Sixthly, the name of the teams should directly suit your specifics and focus. How to understand this? It’s simple, if you are a school team, and your class is with a literary bias, then the right choice would be the following titles - “Dead Souls”, “War and Peace”. It is worth noting that there are a large number of such names in this direction.
  • Seventh, in an interesting way is the replacement of words with consonant ones, thereby causing a kind of violation of idioms. What does this mean? For example, for school teams with a mathematical bias, bright and original names will be “Ties of the Hypotenuse”, “Cones - Bonuses”.
  • Eighth, names with a geographical bias. The advantage of such names is that it is not only unusual and beautiful, but also memorable, and from the name itself it will become clear and understandable where you came from. It is these kinds of names that will help glorify and tell the whole country and the world about your native land. A striking example and the proof of this is “ Ural dumplings", "Makhachkala tramps", "Tambov wolves".

Today, absolutely any topic and focus can be used as a basis and as a name. The main thing is that it is interesting, funny and fun. But, if you can’t come up with anything, then you should just familiarize yourself with the names of the most popular teams, perhaps they will help you come up with something of your own.

Popular and unusual names for KVN teams.

    1. “Volodya’s Childhood” and “Children in a Cage.”
    2. “Anti-Barbie” and “Pink and Fluffy”. These are names that are perfect for women's teams.
    3. “The bell for the teacher” and “Elbow-deep in chalk.” Optimal options for a team of teachers.
    4. “Dreamers” and “A Thousand Days Before Graduation.” Popular names for school teams.
    5. “Zhinamite” and “Tornado”.
    6. “Team of sober people.”
    7. “KVN team named after Brezhnev.”
    8. “Well, wait a minute!”
    9. "Pirates of the Caribbean."
    10. “Dad can!”

The name of a KVN team is one of the important steps on the path to success, so you should work a little and really choose a worthwhile, fun and unforgettable name. Don't be afraid to use all your imagination and creative ideas.

Names for the children's KVN team: “Brought by Storks”, “Angel Little Devils”, “Curfew”, “Volodya’s Childhood”, “Children in a Cage” (by the way, this name may have something to do with the team’s uniform)

Funny names for school KVN teams: “Fantasers”, “B-8 - by!” (respectively for the 8″B class team), “Around the corner”, “A thousand days until graduation”, “Nerds on the Titanic”

For KVN on ecology, teams can take the names: “Forest nurses” (team of girls), “Past the trash can”, “Beavers”, “Inhale-exhale”, “Don’t litter”

If a KVN game in chemistry is started, the names of the teams can be: “Ash-dva-Vo!”, “In the Precipitation”, “Litmus Bugs”, “Alchemists”, and the best name for the team is “Kolbotshary”

Well, it’s completely exotic: At school or at the KVN university in philosophy. If this happens, call the team “Feuerbach’s Joke”, “Life on Marx”, and a couple more funny team names - “Geygel - Meigel” and “Herodotus, but not that one”

There are still places in this world where the KVN team’s greeting begins with a loud choral chant of the team’s name and motto.
It is believed that by doing this the team welcomes rivals, spectators and the KVN jury. It is also quite likely that the team uses its motto to drive away evil spirits. One way or another, we have 15 cool options for names and mottos for greeting KVN teams.

Examples of names and mottos of KVN teams

Name:"Meat Grinder of Humor"
Team motto: And laughter and stuffing!

Team name:"Ficus"
Motto: We called ourselves “Shpili-vili”, but we were forbidden to do something!

Name:"Cotton Palychi"


Our team for peace in Guadeloupe
And for the pork in pea soup!

Name:"Alexander 42nd"
Motto: Let's quickly joke and get on the minibus!

KVN team name:"Botany"
Motto: The rival of the Botanica team will share the fate of the Titanic!

Name:"KVN team named after Brezhnev"
Motto: The older the Secretary General, the longer the kisses!

Motto: Whose team would be mooing, but our team is “Mochalo”!

Name:"Team of Sober People"
Team motto: We are living up to the name so far!

Name:"Optimistic pessimists"
Motto: We believe in the rise of the Russian automobile industry! We believe, but something is not very strong...

Name:"The President's Team"
Motto: It's either good or great!

Name of the KVN women's team:"Girls from the chat"
Team motto: We are so different, humorous!

Team name:"Brilliant goofballs"
Team motto: Brevity s.t.

Name:"Furious Decembrists"
Motto: We guys go anywhere: even to Chita, even to Magadan!

Name:“Caution, boiling water!”
Motto: Let's make a joke!

KVN team name:"Witnesses of Elena Berkova's sex"
Team motto: God forbid you see this!
Chants, mottos, chants, names.

Titles for the children's KVN team: “Brought by Storks”, “Children of Angels”, “Curfew”, “Volodya’s Childhood”, “Children in a Cage” (by the way, this name may have something to do with the form of the team)

Funny names for school KVN teams: “Fantasers”, “B-8 - by!” (respectively for the 8″B class team), “Round the Corner”, “A Thousand Days Until Graduation”, “Nerds on the Titanic”

Some interesting names for women's KVN teams: “Valentine School”, “Amazons from a Gas Station”, “Broken a Nail”, “Reticule”, “In Heels”, “Bachelorette Party”

Very creative names for girls’ KVN teams: “Anti-Barbie”, “Sea girl”, “Pink and fluffy”, “Not boys”, “KVN team named after the sixth episode of the series “Ranetki””, “Girls”

Names for the KVN team of teachers: “Teacher advisors”, “Sukhomlinsky-style”, “Call for the teacher”, “Elbow-deep in chalk”

Cool names for teams on mathematical KVN: “Beyond brackets”, “Plus and minus”, “Exception to the rule”, “X, Y and everyone else”

For KVN on ecology, teams can take the name: “Forest nurses” (girls team), “Past the trash can”, “Beavers”, “Inhale-exhale”, “I don’t litter”

If a KVN game in chemistry is started, the team names can be: “Ash-dva-Vo!”, “In the Precipitation”, “Litmus Bugs”, “Alchemists”, and the best name for the team is “Kolbotshary”

KVN in economics? Then the names of the teams are appropriate: “Gold reserve”, “Three kopecks”, “Funny money”, “Loot and evil”, “Only losses”

For autumn KVN suitable titles: “Leaf Puzzle”, “Hibernating”, “Heating”, “How I Spent Lena”, “Out of Season”

At the spring KVN, other team names are needed: “Rooks have swooped”, “Plans for the summer”, “Avitaminosis”, “Birch Fresh”

Well, it’s completely exotic: At school or at the KVN university in philosophy. If this happens, call the team “Feuerbach’s Joke”, “Life on Marx”, and a couple more funny team names - “Geygel - Meigel” and “Herodotus, but not that one”

And if suddenly you happen to have a KVN in religious studies, then here are some cool KVN team names for you: “Jolly Agnostics”, “Heretics from Ninth A”, “Two Fingers”, “Dad Can”. And if suddenly such a game happens, please call me.

well and best name KVN team, I still think the name is “Meat Grinder of Humor” with the motto “Mash, march to make minced meat!”

I hope these fun options team names will give you some impetus to create your own original name for your KVN team. Don't forget that a good half of a good name is the legend of its creation.

The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. President of the International KVN Union and creative association"AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of the KVN MS “On participation in non-KVN television projects.”

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues

The KVN post office has ceased operations. You can use the temporary KVN Mail Archive to extract valuable information from your mailbox. The KVN Post Archive will cease operations on March 1, 2015.

Thank you for being with KVN Mail all this time.


In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is that KVN members continue to read this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby sound surround and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


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