EIC network - free search for business partners in Russia and abroad. What are the benefits and benefits of outstaffing?

Are you familiar with the situation when a company loses precious time and resources on HR work? Are your HR and accounting departments mired in paperwork, and your business is losing too much profit when paying taxes?

The company “Your Personnel Advisor” has been providing outstaffing services on the market for more than six years. Thanks to this service, we have helped a huge number of companies resolve labor issues, optimize taxes, reduce labor risks and reduce the burden on the employee relations and accounting departments.

Are you interested in this service? Today we will look in detail at all the pros and cons of outstaffing, and also tell you how this service will help solve your company’s personnel problems. But first things first.

Outstaffing - what's the point?

The service implies the exclusion of a certain number of employees from the official staff of the enterprise, after which they are immediately accepted into the staff of the outstaffing company. At the same time, employees retain the same workplace and they continue to carry out your instructions. But legally, you are no longer an employer, but a customer. The employer is now an outstaffing company, which is fully responsible for the personnel.

You are probably wondering what is causing such an active growth in the popularity of outstaffing and why is this service so highly valued by leading companies in various industries around the world?

Undoubtedly, its main advantage is the optimization of the enterprise’s economic model, as well as cost reduction. Outstaffing significantly reduces costs and minimizes your company's expenses on non-core business processes. In addition, this procedure allows you to get rid of the costs of financial and resource services for employees.

Outstaffing allows you to save resources on finding personnel - an outstaffing company will do this for you. This service will also allow you, as a business owner, to increase probation for new employees, which makes it possible to check their professional qualities in more detail.

Are you familiar with the situation when the labor inspectorate finds any violations? If you have encountered similar situations, then you probably know that responsibility falls not only on the employee, but also on management. But even minor violations lead to significant fines that are imposed on a legal entity.

By using this service, you receive absolute protection during inspections by regulatory authorities, because in fact, you simply do not have employees who are subject to the outstaffing procedure. Even communication with regulatory inspections becomes the responsibility of the contractor company. You will no longer be bothered by various checks, and you will be able to completely devote yourself to the main processes that bring you profit.

You are completely freed from obligations regarding labor relations with staff. If a conflict situation or labor dispute arises with an employee, the outstaff company will deal with it. All risks associated with employees, as well as litigation regarding work-related injuries and accidents, including deaths, are transferred to the outstaffer, as a legally registered employer.

Your company employs foreign employees, and you spend a lot of time on proceedings with the migration service? We will help you solve all these issues!

The outstaffing company takes upon itself the solution of all problems with the migration service and official registration of foreign citizens in accordance with the law. Your qualified workers from abroad will be able to work peacefully in their previous place, and you, as a business owner, will forever get rid of communication with migration service inspectors.

Do you still have a large HR staff, but the accounting department often simply cannot cope with the large number of personnel? We have a solution for you.

Reducing the number of employees on staff will significantly reduce the load on your accounting department. After all, the outstaffing company undertakes the following obligations:

  • Selection, registration, accounting and dismissal of employees.
  • Calculation and payment of wages.
  • Registration of benefits, travel allowances and sick leave, vacation planning.

You can also reduce the staff of the HR department, or simply transfer an entire department to the staff of an outstaffing company.

Outstaffing will allow you to maintain the status of a small enterprise and minimize taxes, while increasing the number of employed employees several times. After all, the more employees are officially registered in your company, the higher the taxes, and you have absolutely no need for this. In addition, with an officially small staff and low personnel costs, you will increase financial performance per worker, thereby increasing investor interest in your company.

Disadvantages of outstaffing

Despite all its advantages, outstaffing still has some risks. Fortunately there are not many of them at all.

The most important issue that needs to be resolved immediately after the outstaffing procedure is communication and coherence of interaction between the customer company and the provider. And if a communication system is not established between the management of the customer company and the outstaffer, the staff may not receive instructions and recommendations for work in a timely manner. This may cause some delays, and as you well know, time is money.

Another risk associated with employees outside the company’s staff is the negligent attitude of workers to the tasks performed. In addition, the division into full-time and outstaffed employees can negatively affect the quality of the work performed. Outside employees may lose motivation due to the lack of benefits and incentives that permanent staff have.

VKS specialists have learned to eliminate all of the above risks thanks to a well-established scheme of interaction with the management of the customer company and operating personnel. In addition, the system of employee incentives, proven over the years, guarantees high-quality and timely completion of your tasks.


Do you want to reduce personnel costs and taxes? Is your accounting department overstaffed and unable to cope with its tasks? Do you need qualified personnel for a certain period of time or for seasonal work? Our specialists will help you resolve all these issues. By using the outstaffing service from the VKS company, you will be able to get high-quality results within the time frame you set minimal risks. Our reputation is very important to us, so we carefully monitor the motivation of each employee and the high-quality performance of the tasks you set.

A detailed analysis of the concept of “outstaffing”. What is outstaffing, what are its main types that exist today, what are the main tasks of outstaffing and what are its advantages and disadvantages. As well as expert comments and useful video materials on the topic.

What is outstaffing: basic concepts, features and examples

Outstaffing is the temporary transfer of employees from one company to another to perform certain jobs. The concept itself is defined as the removal of personnel outside the state (in the case of outstaffers).

For example, a company has released a new product and needs to start selling it. She needs to temporarily increase the number of sales representatives to demonstrate the product and introduce it to consumers. But the company’s staff itself is small and there are no available employees who are ready to become short-term specialists in product promotion.

In such a situation, the company resorts to the services of an outstaffer from whom it rents required amount sales representatives.

A similar service can also be considered using the example of logistics.

Let's say there is a trading company whose store is located in one region and its main warehouse in another. Deliveries from the warehouse are rare. Accordingly, it is inappropriate to maintain full-time drivers and loaders.

In this case, it is beneficial to enter into an agreement with an outstaffing company, which will provide drivers and loaders at the required time.

Like , outstaffing allows you to reduce the company’s costs for paying employees and increase the flexibility of the management system.

“Outstaffing is the reassignment of employees to the staff of a specialized company. At the same time, employees continue to work in their previous places, but the employer’s responsibilities are transferred to the company providing the outstaffing service.

Why is it more profitable to outstaff employees than to keep them? Because you will reduce the cost of tax and pension contributions by more than 50%.”

Artem Ozhogov – representative of the outstaffing company “Nova»

Main types of outstaffing

There are only two main types of outstaffing on the modern market.

With recruitment

This includes searching and selecting personnel, as well as placing temporary or seasonal worker(s) on the company staff for a specific project or job. The relationship between the outstaffer and the customer company is concluded on the basis of a civil law contract. This type of outstaffing is called temporaristaffing.

This type also includes personnel leasing, which differs from temporary staffing in that the employee lease is long-term.

Without recruitment

In this case, the organization’s existing personnel are transferred from its staff. That is, employees are transferred to the provider company. This is also formalized by concluding an agreement. In this case, the document is concluded not with the employer himself, but with the outstaffer (intermediary company).

“Outstaffing, in its purest form, is the removal of personnel from staff.

For example, you have a certain number of employees whom you, according to various reasons, you cannot keep them in your state or you cannot register them. These include merchandisers and promotional staff. That is, as a rule, these are support staff.

Temporaristaffing is the provision of temporary staff. It is a little broader than outstaffing in that personnel selection is carried out here. In the same way, his personnel records management, accounting affairs, that is, payroll, tax deductions, and so on. And this scheme exists only when it can be “white”. That is, in no case can we talk about any “gray” schemes here.”

Galina Dmitrieva – Marketing Director of the company “Ventra Employment»

Main tasks of outstaffing

Introduction of outstaffing and hiring into the company's activities temporary employees allows you to solve a number of problems:

  1. Optimize management labor resources companies.
  2. Optimize most economic models in the organization’s field of activity.
  3. Reduce the burden on the accounting and HR departments of the enterprise.
  4. Optimize and simplify work with personnel.
  5. Reduce insurance risks relating to personnel and relieve the company of obligations in labor disputes.
  6. Reduce the financial burden on the organization.
  7. Eliminate the need to expand staff and maintain seasonal and temporary workers on a permanent basis.

“When using outstaffing, administrative work for management is reduced and there is an opportunity to solve more important business problems. The amount of work in accounting is also significantly reduced. The HR department also receives less work and, in some cases, is eliminated altogether.

Thus, the company’s work becomes more productive and efficient, which leads to excellent operating results.”

Lyubov Yakovleva is an entrepreneur.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern outstaffing


  • A company or enterprise has the opportunity to use employees for seasonal work who do not need to be registered as staff.
  • Outstaffing allows you to avoid problems with staff turnover within the organization.
  • Inspections of working personnel by government services are excluded.
  • When leasing employees through an outstaffing service, even if the number of employees exceeds the established norm, the company retains a simplified taxation system.
  • The costs of maintaining personnel records, searching for qualified employees, accounting, administration and retaining valuable employees in the company are significantly reduced.
  • Outstaffing helps to find employees even for unpopular vacancies.
  • The company's legal and legal liability for personnel is reduced.
  • A company, enterprise or organization increases its investment attractiveness and optimizes its staffing as much as possible.


  • When leasing staff, it is difficult to monitor and control employee motivation and improve the level of professionalism of employees.
  • Contracted employees may be negligent in performing work that is not related to their direct employer as stated in their employment contract.
  • There are no guarantees that an individual employee will strictly adhere to work deadlines, since his salary does not depend on output.
  • When outstaffing, it is difficult to control the quality of work performed, but this problem arises only when the outstaffer himself experiences a high turnover of managers.

Conclusions and Conclusion

From the above information, appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

Outstaffing is the removal of workers outside the company and their rental by another organization on short-term or long-term terms.

Outstaffing helps reduce costs for various directions– accounting, personnel issues, tax, etc. It is advisable to use such a service when workers are needed for short-term or seasonal work.

What is the difference between outsourcing and outstaffing?

Modern market relations are developing extremely dynamically. Not long ago, two options for using freelance labor with the foreign names “outsourcing” and “outstaffing” became widely used in our country. At first glance, both of these types of relationships between employee and employer are very similar. Indeed, they have similar features, but there are also colossal differences. Therefore, under no circumstances should these two concepts be confused. The differences between these two services begin with their very definition.

Outsourcing is an English word that can be translated as “other people's resources.” At its core, it is the transfer by a company of any of its non-core functions to a third-party contractor who performs this function on a contractual basis.

Term outstaffing literally translated means “freelance”. Using this service, the company transfers some of its employees to the staff of the outstaffing organization. At the same time, they continue to work and perform their functions in the old place.

The main differences between outstaffing and outsourcing include:

-form of labor– outsourcing offers the full implementation of any work or provision of services, with a guaranteed required result and control by the outsourcer. Outstaffing is simply the provision of personnel of a certain qualification on a temporary or permanent basis;
- wages– as a rule, the outsourcing agency receives a reward after completing the required work; with outstaffing, the customer constantly pays the outsourcer’s costs associated with hiring and maintaining staff;
- conclusion of an agreement– during outstaffing, an agreement is concluded between the customer and the contractor that fully regulates their relationship, and also excludes any types of labor relations between the customer and the staff. An outsourcing agreement is essentially identical to a regular contract;
- functions performed– outstaffing is used to perform both complex tasks, so simple work. Outsourcing is more often used for complex intellectual tasks of a legal, accounting and personnel nature.

In addition, the purposes for which these two types of relationships are used are very different. Outsourcing is used in the following cases:

Occurrence of vacancies for a short-term period - when employees go on vacation, maternity leave or sick leave, are sent on business trips and other situations;
the need to perform temporary or seasonal work;
the need to implement a new project in conditions of lack of qualified employees, equipment or premises.

Outstaffing services are most often used when:

Desire to reduce staff without loss of personnel;
the need to reduce costs associated with the tax system used;
desire to optimize overall personnel costs and reduce legal risks associated with hiring personnel;
the need to use personnel in regions where there is no opportunity or desire to open their own representative offices.

What is attractive about outstaffing technology?

We will describe the features and advantages of using this technology for modern organizations. The principle of outstaffing is that the provider company becomes the formal employer for the employees of the customer company and takes full legal and financial responsibility. Employees of the customer company are included in the staff of the provider, to whom the responsibilities for paying wages, taxes and building labor relations are transferred in accordance with Russian legislation.

Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, employees of various departments can become outstaffers. But it is advisable to remove employees of the administrative department and service personnel from the staff: accountants, secretaries, drivers, cleaners, etc. Based on market trends, we can propose for modern large organizations the following ratio of positions removed from the staff (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The ratio of positions removed from the staff

You can use the outstaffing service in organizations in the following cases. For example, when you need to change the real number of employees, while actually leaving it the same; in cases where the company wants to gradually get rid of support structures, or intends to use employees on a specific project, or extend the probationary period for an employee, which by law lasts no more than three months (in the case of outstaffing, a decision on the competence of an employee can be taken for as long as the manager deems necessary). Also, managers will thus protect themselves from the risks associated with the emergence of possible labor disputes if personnel are needed for a short period of time. Outstaffing is good to use with new employees.

On the other hand, it is more difficult for a manager to call on a freelance employee to comply with labor discipline, even if he actually works at his previous workplace. In addition, formally, the real manager, when changing the status of the personnel, has the right to demand from the employee only the final result of work.

When outstaffing, an external organization can provide personnel according to two schemes (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Staffing schemes

1. The enterprise or customer organization dismisses a certain group of employees who are hired into the staff of the service provider’s organization. But the same employees continue to work at their old jobs on the basis of a staff contract, while on staff and receiving a salary from the service provider.

2. The service provider, guided by the requirements of the customer company, finds personnel with the required qualifications on the labor market or on its staff and provides them to the customer company to perform the agreed functions. This scheme is called body shopping. Unlike outsourcing, when a service provider supports a particular business function of the customer company and decides who will do the work and how, outstaffing involves a greater set of restrictions on personnel, and most importantly, the transfer of personnel management to the customer company.

The economic efficiency of outstaffing is lower, since the provider cannot control productivity and qualifications when performing large-scale and complex work.

Outstaffing, or the removal of personnel from staff, assumes a tripartite model of the relationship “customer - provider - employee”. The personnel removed from the staff have two employers - actual and formal. The first sets work assignments for him and monitors their implementation, and the second hires personnel, signs employment contracts with them and acts as a tax agent for these workers. That is, when outstaffing is used, labor relations in the traditional sense do not arise.

How to apply outstaffing technology in the legal field?

In accordance with current legislation, labor relations must be bilateral and be based on an employment contract, concluded verbally or in writing.

The emerging “employee-provider” relationship is a labor one, since an employment contract is concluded between the parties; accordingly, the norms of labor legislation must be applied, but we must not forget that in this case we are dealing with a formal employer. In accordance with Article 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a labor relationship is possible only with the employer for whose benefit the employee performs a labor function. The legal status of the provider does not correspond to the legal status of the employer, enshrined in Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since in essence it only has the right to conclude, amend and terminate employment contracts with employees in the manner and under the conditions established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

The content of the employment contract concluded between the provider and the employee also raises numerous questions, since it is impossible to reflect all the essential conditions prescribed by Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, as a rule, it is impossible to indicate the place of work with the name structural unit, indicate the working hours, since the employee will obey the internal rules labor regulations a third party - the customer company, a reference to which in the agreement between the provider and the employee is impossible. In addition, the execution of an employment contract between the provider and the employee directly violates the norms labor law specified in Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the employer is the person who actually “entered into an employment relationship with the employee.”

In the relationship between the customer company and the employee, we see that formally no official labor relations arise between these two entities and neither an employment nor any other contract is concluded. However, the employee, and this follows from the employment contract he has concluded with the provider, undertakes to perform a certain labor function on the instructions and under the supervision of the customer company. That is, by virtue of concluding an outstaffing agreement, the employee undertakes to perform all the functions provided for in Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which form the basis of the employee’s legal status. At the same time, the customer company must ensure labor safety and conditions that meet occupational safety and health requirements, provide workers with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform their job duties. In relation to these workers, the customer company performs almost all the functions of an employer defined in Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

All of the above allows us to conclude that an employment relationship arises between the customer company and the employee and the entire structure with the outstaffing agreement is aimed at releasing the actual employer from fulfilling the obligations established for him by law and may infringe on the rights of the employee, which, in turn, may lead to recognition the court invalidated the employment contract and forced the customer company to conclude employment contracts with the staff. These consequences are only assumed, that is, they can arise only by going to court.

The provider and the company enter into an agreement under which the customer transfers a certain amount to the contractor monthly, and this greatly facilitates the work of managers, and they can focus on other important matters, and all issues regarding personnel will be resolved by the provider company. And the most important thing to understand when concluding such an agreement is that employees cannot be the subject of the contract, the subject of leasing, or rented out.

Outstaffing is profitable!

Let us describe the sources of mutual benefits during outstaffing. Outstaffing agreements also have a tax aspect. As is known, to support organizations - small businesses, the legislation established a simplified taxation system (STS). Such organizations are exempt from VAT, and the unified tax for them has been reduced from 26 to 14% (replaced by a tax to the Pension Fund). Organizations operating under the simplified tax system can choose two taxation schemes:

From “income” - in this case the tax is 6% of income.

From the “difference of income and expenses” - the tax is 15% of this figure; if income does not exceed expenses, the tax is 1% of income.

Thus, personnel transferred from a client company operating under the main taxation scheme (OSN) to the staff of a provider operating under the simplified tax system costs him less.

Let's consider an example of savings in personnel, when a service provider (outstaffer) works under the simplified tax system and uses the income-expenses scheme, while its profit is zero (Table 1).

Table 1. Example of tax savings when using the simplified tax system (unit - conventional unit of measurement)

Customer company
Staff salaries 100 units
UST tax 0,26 26 units
Total 126 units
Provider (income-expenses) 100 units
Income/expenses 0,14 14 units
PF tax 0,01 1 unit
Single tax
Total 115 units
Saving 11 units

Thus, tax savings through the use of the simplified tax system can reach 11% of the wage fund of the employed personnel in the customer company.

Another source of savings when outstaffing is a reduction in indirect personnel costs, such as:
- medical insurance;
- corporate events (New Year, company birthday and other holidays);
- mobile connection;
- subsidies for travel, food, sports, etc.;
- training and certification.

The reduction in costs for these items in most cases significantly exceeds the savings from using the simplified tax system, but the employee may lose out.

So, outstaffing has its pros and cons (Table 2).

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of outstaffing

Pros of outstaffing Disadvantages of outstaffing

It allows you to reduce direct costs that affect the cost of the product produced, and wages fall into the category of direct costs, and if you, using outstaffing, attribute these costs to another expense item (financing the service), then the cost will decrease automatically.

The company's top management, while directly continuing to manage employees, is freed from administrative and financial routine, i.e., there is no need to calculate salaries, communicate with trade unions, etc.

The risks associated with the payment of compensation when dismissing employees are reduced, in addition, the HR department has additional time to master and implement innovative methods of personnel training and personnel management; as a result of optimizing the management system, the company is able to increase employee salaries and bonuses.

Every employee wants to work in a prestigious company, the brand is very important for them, because working in a well-known company has a positive effect on the image of the employee himself and on his future employment, and when registering with the help of outstaffing, the name of another organization will be indicated in all documents, and for For some this is unacceptable. The company almost always loses the trust of its employees. It's about not only about those who are removed from the staff, but also about full-time employees.

An employee who has written a resignation letter during outstaffing is psychologically unable to work with the same dedication and, willy-nilly, begins to look for a new job. In the minds of the staff, this is the first real “bell” before dismissal. And from this point of view, outstaffing can no longer be a tool for optimizing the organization’s management system. It becomes more difficult to manage, and the efficiency of staff decreases noticeably.

Outstaffing is a wonderful tool for business

When using outstaffing, the customer company will be able to get rid of seasonal staff turnover, mass absenteeism and lateness, and will ensure full implementation of the production program for the production of finished products in accordance with market requirements.

Outstaffing is truly a wonderful tool for business; its main advantage is that it reduces the burden on the HR department. Employees of the HR department do not need to fill out time sheets, draw up orders for hiring, dismissals, vacations, fill out work books, and as a result, the number of employees decreases. personnel service. Labour Inspectorate, the migration service and other inspection authorities will not be able to fine the company for violations related to personnel, migration and tax issues regarding personnel. The number of full-time employees is also reduced and personnel costs are reduced, the load on the company’s accounting department is reduced, risks when dismissing employees and the risks of insurance and other unforeseen incidents with personnel are minimized.
It can be concluded that outstaffing not only simplifies the process of the organization’s activities, but is also cost-effective, as it allows one to avoid many risks associated with the activities of hired workers.

Expand the range of HR technologies used in your organizations!

Project Manager "Center for Personnel Audit and Development of Professional Competencies" N. E. Katunina.

Personnel provision agreement

_______________ «___» _____________
(Place of imprisonment) (Date of imprisonment)

Article 1. Subject of the agreement.

1.1. The subject of the agreement is the provision by the Contractor to the Recipient of personnel meeting the qualification requirements and in the quantity established by this agreement, as well as payment by the Contractor for the provided personnel.

1.2. The purpose of providing personnel is ______________ (achieving certain indicators, performing specific tasks, ensuring the performance of certain functions of the Recipient).

Article 2. Obligations of the parties.

2.1. The Contractor assumes the following obligations.

2.1.1. Based on the request formulated by the Recipient, select, select and place at the disposal of the Recipient personnel in the number of people who meet the following requirements
(clearly indicate the requirements)
to carry out work (specify which ones)
at the Recipient's facilities (specify where)
for up to (indicate the period for providing personnel).


      1. Qualification requirements should include: level, profile of education, diploma qualifications, work experience in a specific field, skills and abilities, if necessary, the presence of certain licenses, certifications, permits (admissions).

      2. The list of qualification requirements, the list of requested persons, the terms for the provision of personnel can be drawn up in the form of annexes to this agreement, which are an integral part of it.

2.1.2. Ensure the arrival of the provided personnel ______________ (specify where and when).

2.2. The recipient undertakes the following obligations:

  • form an order for the provision of personnel indicating the number and required qualifications, including level, profile of education, work experience, skills and abilities in certain area, availability of necessary licenses, certifications, permits (admissions);
  • accept the provided personnel and provide them with work;
  • provide personnel with appropriate conditions for performing labor functions in accordance with clause 3.4 of this agreement;
  • familiarize the provided personnel with the requirements for the organization of work, labor protection, fire safety and other requirements necessary for the safe and high-quality performance of work;
  • pay for the provided personnel in accordance with Art. 4 of this agreement.

Article 3. Conditions for the provision of personnel.

3.1. The provided personnel does not provide any services and does not carry out any actions on behalf of the Contractor.

None of the provided personnel is an employee of the Recipient and is not in civil legal relations with him in connection with the conclusion of this agreement.

3.2. The staff provided consists of labor relations with the Contractor, in connection with which it is subject to the Internal Labor Regulations and all orders of the Contractor.

The provided personnel are also obliged to comply with the Recipient’s requirements for the organization of work, labor protection, fire safety and other requirements necessary for the safe and high-quality performance of work.

3.3. Personnel are provided on a non-exclusive (or exclusive) basis.

      Note. The exclusivity of provision for the purposes of this agreement is understood as ensuring the employment of personnel during the period established by the agreement only with the Recipient.

3.4. The Contractor has the right at any time, but with notification of the Recipient, to replace a specific individual from the list of provided personnel in cases where such a replacement meets the qualification requirements and does not have a significant impact on the quality of the provided personnel.

3.5. The recipient, at his own expense, provides staff with all necessary documents, materials, means and tools, premises and everything necessary related to the implementation of professional activities.

3.6. The Contractor bears full responsibility for paying wages and other remunerations to the provided personnel, if they are provided for in the Regulations on remuneration and incentives for the Contractor's work, as well as for providing the staff with social and labor guarantees and benefits provided for by current legislation, including compensation for damages in the event of a work injury and other damage to health through the fault of the Employer, for the payment of state and social insurance benefits, for maintaining the average salary for the period of study.

3.7. Payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget accrued in connection with the payment of remuneration to personnel is carried out by the Contractor. The executor is an agent for withholding income tax from citizens.

3.8. Personnel is provided within three days from the moment the Recipient submits the appropriate request in accordance with clause 2.2 of this agreement.

3.9. Delivery of personnel to the Recipient’s facility (territory) is carried out by (indicate who and at whose expense).

      Note. When drawing up a request for personnel on a monthly basis, the contract may stipulate that the request is submitted no later than the 15th day of the month preceding the month in which the personnel will be provided.

Article 4. Terms of payment for provided personnel.

4.1. For the provided personnel, the Recipient pays the Contractor monthly, no later than the ____ day of each month during which the personnel was provided, based on ____ rubles. for one man-day (or man-hour) for (indicate what profession and qualifications the personnel have).


      1. A man-day is taken to be equal to 8 working hours; A man-hour is taken to be equal to 1 astronomical hour.

      2. Pay rates and lists of paid personnel can be drawn up as an annex to this agreement, which is an integral part of it.

4.2. The Recipient also compensates the Contractor, within the time limits specified in clause 4.1, for overhead costs for the delivery of personnel (if delivery is carried out by the Contractor), costs for housing workers, issuing visas and other permits.

4.3. To ensure payment for the provided personnel, the Contractor, no later than the ___ day of each month, issues an invoice to the Recipient calculating the amount specified in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of this agreement.

Article 5. Guarantees and liability.

The Contractor guarantees to the Recipient that the provided personnel will carry out their activities in accordance with their level of qualifications, conscientiously and reasonably.

Article 6. Duration of the contract and procedure for termination.

6.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until “___” _________ year. If neither party declares termination of the contract within the specified period, the contract is considered concluded for an indefinite period.

6.2. Either party has the right to terminate the contract early by notifying the other party in writing at least 1 (one) month in advance. In this case, the Recipient is obliged to pay for the actual personnel provided.

Article 7. Resolution of disagreements.

Disagreements under this agreement are subject to settlement through negotiations between the parties. Disagreements not resolved in this way are referred to the arbitration court having jurisdiction.

Article 8. Other conditions.

This agreement has been drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties.

The agreement is not related to the parties obtaining any permissions and is not subject to registration.

      Note. If any of the parties, in accordance with legal requirements, require any permits or licenses, then they must be indicated in this paragraph.

Article 9. Details of the Parties.

Signatures of the parties

Brief description of the legal support for outstaffing services

Officially, personnel services are mentioned in Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Here is a short excerpt from this article.

    Article 264. Other expenses associated with production and (or) sales.

    1. Other expenses associated with production and sales include the following expenses of the taxpayer...

        19) costs of services for the provision of workers (technical and managerial personnel) by third-party organizations to participate in production process, production management or to perform other functions related to production and (or) sales...

But, despite this, according to N., candidate of legal sciences, deputy. General Director of JSC “X”: “The use of the staff provision scheme is not without certain drawbacks. The organization that receives the personnel is, in fact, deprived of the legal opportunity to influence the quality of the work performed by the provided personnel. He is not on the staff of the host organization, which acts as the actual employer; he is not subject to the internal labor regulations of this organization. That is, disciplinary sanctions cannot be applied to “provided employees,” they cannot be removed from their work, or dismissed at the initiative of the employer. The issue of personnel who do not meet the qualification requirements can be resolved only by resolving the relevant disagreements with the organization that provided it. But aspects of the responsibility of this organization lie within the boundaries of providing personnel with a certain qualification, and not responsibility for the quality of the work performed. Therefore, it should be recommended to define in detail in the contract for the provision of personnel what the parties understand by “personnel of appropriate qualifications”, including as essential terms of the contract requirements for the level and profile of education, work experience, the presence of certain skills, and, if necessary, the availability of state licenses and certifications , examinations."

Interesting fact: representatives of company “Y” answered the question: “How will I manage the personnel provided, since they are on the staff of another company?” They immediately answer that at the customer’s request there may be special representatives at the sites who will monitor the work of employees sent for outstaffing.

Brief classification of types of outstaffing services

According to research by company “T”, as well as “X” and “U”, the following trend is currently observed on the Russian market, which can be conditionally divided according to the specialization of enterprises providing outstaffing services.

1. Personnel and outstaffing services, including selection and support of personnel, for example “A”, “B”, “C”.

2. Accounting and outstaffing services, including external accounting, auditing and outstaffing, for example “Zh” (St. Petersburg), “Z” (Moscow).

3. Consulting and outstaffing services, including training and consulting support for enterprises, as well as outsourcing of part of the business processes of the customer organization, for example, “I”, “K”, consulting group"L".

4. Legal outstaffing services, including legal support for the activities of enterprises and personnel support, for example, the consulting group “M”, Law Firm"N".

5. Outstaffing services themselves, for example “O” (Moscow).

This distribution is connected primarily with the desire of organizations providing services in the field of servicing the work of enterprises to expand the line of services provided so that new areas of work are linked with the existing main areas of activity of enterprises.

The most popular in the “X” and “Y” market at the moment are: personnel and outstaffing (75% of surveyed respondents), accounting and outstaffing (15% of surveyed respondents) and consulting and outstaffing services (10% of surveyed respondents).

Brief justification of the economic attractiveness of outstaffing services

When drawing up an economic model of the enterprise’s activities, employee work schedules are also drawn up with the calculation of the cost of each man-hour, the cost part of which includes the cost of equipment, consumables, premises rental, cost of work of service personnel, various taxes, etc.

Thus, a decrease in personnel service costs leads to a decrease in the cost of each man-hour of work of the enterprise’s employees, which leads to a decrease in the cost of manufactured products and, as a consequence, to an increase in the actual (non-accounting) profit of the enterprise.

Below we provide a list of actions that can optimize the expenditure activities of an enterprise.

1. An increase in expenses shown in the enterprise’s balance sheet in order to reduce income tax.

2. Reducing the cost of servicing full-time employees in the accounting and personnel departments (office, paper, consumables, PC, software, equipment, etc.).

3. Reducing the number of full-time employees in the accounting and personnel departments of the enterprise by an average of 1.5–2 staff units, in the worst case by 4–5 staff units, depending on the time and quantitative indicators of the technological chain of work execution. This point applies primarily to enterprises that are forced to expand their activities by increasing the number of employees performing production (for example, workers) or trade and advertising (for example, merchandisers) functions and, as a result, increasing the number of personnel serving their work: assistant accountants, cashiers, secretaries and assistant managers in HR departments. This service also allows you to save on opening new vacancies or recruiting additional work employees in these departments with an increase in the load associated with processing additional documents. The calculation of savings on employees is given below.

4. Reducing downtime for employees of the above departments in a situation where, with an increase in the number of employees in other departments, the accounting and personnel departments no longer cope with their work and are forced to hire additional workers who will be 50% loaded with work.

5. The ability to avoid redistribution of regular functions among the personnel serving the work of the enterprise with a sharp increase in the number of working employees during the reorganization of the enterprise.

6. Expandable social package workers without actual costs on the part of the customer enterprise. Thanks to the resource available to the outstaffer - numerous full-time employees - the company is able to provide its employees with travel vouchers at the expense of social insurance, as well as receive significant discounts on other services (preferential consumer lending, insurance (medical and property), etc.).

Reducing costs for additional specialists serving enterprise employees (accountant and HR specialist). Approximate calculation

Cost nameApproximate cost per month Note
1 Accountant assistant salary From 10 to 12 thousand rubles Average salary in St. Petersburg according to the Statistics Committee
2 Personnel salary 6 thousand rubles Based on 0.5 employee rate
3 Renting a workplace 3.5-4 thousand rubles For 1.5 employees
4 Employee workplace equipment:
  • 2 pcs;
  • 2 tables;
  • 2 chairs;
  • closet;
  • office;
  • software;
  • equipment maintenance;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • and so on.
30 thousand rubles at a time and 2000-3000 rubles monthly For 1.5 employees
5 Advanced training, training 300 rubles For 1.5 employees
6 Work of technical specialists, etc. 200 rubles
7 Other 2000 rubles For 1.5 employees
Total 24,500 rubles per month and 30 thousand rubles at a time When using outstaffing, the savings are about 12,500 rubles per month and 30 thousand rubles at a time

Examples of using outstaffing

1. Goal: reducing administrative costs.

Initial data: Company B has 300 employees. Of these, 8 people are accountants involved in calculating payroll and related taxes, 6 people are employees of the personnel department, who mainly maintain personnel documentation. These costs, including salaries (including taxes) for administrative staff, workstations and equipment, amounted to A= $17,416 monthly.

Solution: 286 employees of company “B” were transferred to the agency staff. The staff of accountants who calculated wages and related taxes was disbanded, and from the staff of HR managers (6 people), 1 employee was left to train staff.

Effect: payment for outstaffing agency services amounted to: O= R× V= $14,300 (monthly), where R= $50 – rate of payment for outstaffing services per employee per month, V= 286 — number of employees removed from the workforce. Company B reduced administrative personnel costs by $3,116 per month, i.e., by 17.9%.

2. Goal: solving problems associated with staff limitations.

Initial data: Company A is a regional division of Company AA. Company “A” is developing, the volume of current work is increasing. The full-time employees of Company A cannot cope with the flow of orders, but the corporate policy of Company AA does not allow further expansion of the staff.

Solution: after the failure of two important orders totaling $200 thousand within a month, company “A” additionally recruited employees using the outstaffing model. 6 employees of different levels were hired and removed from the staff. After 8 months, the volume of orders completed by Company A has increased significantly.

Effect: Using outstaffing and personnel selection services, company “A” stopped losing orders and successfully continued its growth. For 8 months the company spent on this: S= I+ T+ U 1 + U 2 = 48.912 thousand dollars, where I= 24 thousand dollars - salary of recruited employees, T= 8.592 thousand dollars - the amount of taxes charged on wages, U 1 = 70 dollars/month. x 8 months x 6 people = 3.36 thousand dollars - cost of outstaffing services, U= 1 thousand dollars x 12 months. x 6 people x 18 % = 12.96 thousand dollars - the cost of services for the selection of 6 specialists with a salary of 1 thousand dollars per month. With the described average level of orders, i.e. an additional 200 thousand dollars per month, which was at initial stage, the amount of lost profit for 8 months would be $1.6 million, the total personnel costs to obtain this profit would be just over 3 %.

3. Goal: optimization of relations with personnel involved in individual projects.

Initial data: Company X is actively involved in project activities. Most projects last on average 1-1.5 years. The company's own staff is small, and specialists are recruited for each individual project. The difficulty is that at the end of a project, most of the employees involved in it leave, and Company X incurs significant costs associated with the payment of severance pay.

Solution: Company “X” retires employees involved in projects. 30 employees of company X on one project and 18 on another were transferred to the agency staff for 14 and 10 months, respectively. At the end of the projects, Company X terminated the contract with the external provider and, of course, did not pay any severance payments.

Effect: using outstaffing services, company X significantly reduced costs through compensation payments to employees for completed projects. For the first of the projects described compensation payments upon dismissal of specialists, it should have been over 42 thousand dollars, in the second case - over 25 thousand dollars. The total payment for the services of an external provider was $31.5 thousand for the first project and $13.5 thousand for the second, a total of $45 thousand. Thus, the net savings amounted to over 22 thousand dollars, i.e. more than 33 %.

Brief description of the decision-making system for purchasing outstaffing services

Based on market research, as well as studying the operating models of organizations that, in our opinion, may be potential consumers of outstaffing services, we have highlighted the following points.

1. Persons influencing the purchase of outstaffing services:

  • HR managers;
  • commercial directors;
  • Director of Marketing and Advertising;
  • deputy general directors, executive directors;
  • financial directors, chief accountants;
  • persons holding these positions;
  • consultants (legal entities and individuals) located outside the company's staff who can provide direction and influence decision making.

2. Factors and persons influencing the decision to purchase this service:

  • budget (in Western companies) - all decisions are made only within the framework of an already formed and planned budget;
  • budget for the next period (in Russian and Western companies) - many Russian companies plan their actions in deciding to purchase a particular service a year in advance;
  • director of Eastern Europe and Russia (Western companies);
  • deputy general directors, who are “opinion leaders” in their companies, actually performing the functions of general directors;
  • general directors of enterprises who are also owners.

3. Western companies. Purchase decision model:

  • a problem arises in the area of ​​personnel selection or support for the HR department;
  • situation analysis performed by the HR manager;
  • report to HR director;
  • market monitoring with the permission of the HR director (independent, outside proposals);
  • selection of 2–3 companies;
  • acceptance of commercial proposals;
  • holding negotiations and meetings (2–3 meetings);
  • coordination with senior management (only those companies, working with which does not threaten the HR director personally);
  • introduction of the selected company to the management of the HR director (1–2 meetings);
  • agreeing on the price of the issue and interaction models (2–3 meetings);
  • making a purchase decision by the HR director;
  • the beginning of joint actions;
  • The general period for making a decision is from 1 month to 1 year.

4. Russian companies. Purchase decision model:

This section discusses only outstaffing services, and not personnel leasing or outsourcing of certain business processes. If the company operates according to the Western model (see paragraph 3). In the case of personnel selection for leasing or temporary work (no more than 6 months), interaction is carried out only with the HR manager, other positions are used to establish contact with the HR specialist.

1) A problem occurs.

2) Trying to solve the problem on your own.

3) Shifting responsibility to other departments.

4) An attempt to expand the staff (HR manager, additional accountant).

5) Management receives a proposal for a consulting service.

6) Analysis of the enterprise's work.

7) Establishing contact with the financial director, chief accountant or manager responsible for maintaining the financial statements of the enterprise in order to justify the economic attractiveness of this service.

8) Establishing contact with the Deputy General Director and the head of the department(s) in which specialists in the outstaffing scheme will work, in order to alleviate concerns about possible problems.

9) Getting to know general director and the owner of the enterprise in order to please and show himself as a reliable and manageable partner.

10) Preparation of a commercial proposal.

11) Checking the work of the enterprise in the area related to outstaffing services, for example, recommendations for changing the organizational structure of the enterprise or conducting an audit.

12) Support of changes within the activities of the enterprise.

13) Conclusion of an agreement within the framework of work already being performed.

5. Description information channels access to persons making decisions about purchasing outstaffing services:

1) Acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances (including professional contacts).

2) Various associations and industrial unions.

3) Chamber of Commerce and Industry of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.

4) Professional clubs where managers responsible for decision-making gather, for example, “Marketing Club”, “HR Club”, etc.

5) Clubs where senior management of enterprises gather, for example, “Dunes Golf Club”, “Ego Club”, etc.

6) Presentation events.

7) Seminars conducted by other organizations.

8) Consulates and industrial representative offices of foreign powers, for example, the KD Society.

9) Information bases and joint events with publishing houses specializing in a particular market (for example, IRC “Real Estate” - recommendations of authorities).

10) Enterprises specializing in related markets.

11) Databases and information about competitors’ market (economic intelligence).

13) Concluding agreements with foreign, small consulting, etc. agencies, primarily from Europe (Germany, Poland, Austria, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, etc.).

14) Consulting companies - partners involved in business planning.

15) Labor Committee.

16) Own seminars - preferably not of an outstaffing focus, but designed for people making decisions about purchasing outstaffing services.

17) The media - only as a means of improving the image of the organization.

Brief description of the company’s competitors in accordance with the staff and organizational structure for outstaffing services

1. Staff of enterprises that can provide outstaffing services (competitors)

Based on the principle of operation, four groups of enterprises can be roughly distinguished.

First group has its own permanent staff of 2 to 5 people, 2–3 of whom are founders. These are primarily independent consultants and small consulting firms, supported by 1-2 leading specialists, who, due to a lack of resources, have a narrow specialization and serve a small group of regular clients. Quite often, leading employees of these companies additionally work in other companies. The founders in 80% of cases are residents of city X. In rare cases, these firms are representatives of enterprises from city Y, in fact becoming their regional representative offices. Examples of these organizations: “A” - audit services; "B" - legal services; "B" - recruiting; “D” – included consulting and others.

Second group enterprises - staff from 5 to 12–16 people. This is the bulk of recruiting and consulting firms, as well as firms providing legal, auditing and accounting services. Often enough this group When carrying out complex orders, enterprises strive to involve external consultants in the implementation of projects, periodically becoming operators. Examples of such organizations: “E” - legal and accounting services; “F” - external accounting, “Z” - recruitment and leasing of personnel, “I”, “K”, etc.

Third group of firms— staff from 18–25 to 60 people. These are organizations specializing in providing a wide range of complementary services, such as business planning, auditing, legal services, etc. (“L”); recruiting, personnel leasing, outstaffing, personnel audit, personnel training, labor market monitoring, etc. (“M”, “N”). Representative offices of foreign companies in city X also contain a similar number of full-time employees: “O” - approximately 50–60 people, “P” — approximately 30–40 people, etc.

Fourth group companies have a staff of 70 people and above, and, as a rule, when providing the above services, they sell various software: “1C: accounting”, “Consultant +”, “Garant”, etc. An example of such an organization would be a trading brand "R".

2. Basic principles of management structures of competing enterprises

First group enterprises have a strict centralized management system, where all decisions are made by one person, who is the main strategist and negotiator. The second leading specialist performs all major work on all orders. Accounting is carried out by an external accountant or an external company. If a company also provides accounting services (for example, auditing or submitting zero balances), then the main reporting is carried out by a specialist engaged in auditing (“primary accounting” is carried out by a secretary, combining it with the functions of an office manager; company “A”).

Second group enterprises have the management structures shown below. The main feature of these organizations is that 2-3 top managers are involved in promoting the market and selling the main services of the enterprise. Also, enterprises of this type seek to expand the range of services provided by attracting external consultants or partner organizations, periodically becoming operators for the distribution of orders.

Third group The company has an extensive management structure, including numerous departments and divisions, and relies primarily on full-time employees. Appendix 6 shows the “P” and “O” management structures.

Fourth group firms, in contrast to the third, creates a large department for finding clients and selling software, through which the rest of the company’s services are mainly sold.

3. Management structures for an enterprise with a staff of 5–16 people

Option 1.

By job title - management: general director, executive director, marketing director, commercial director, department head.

Employees: manager, recruiter, lawyer, accountant.

Option 2.

Distribution of vacancies for the best specialists- regular customers, necessary customers and high-paying customers.

Legal registration - from 1 to 2 enterprises

Option 3. Project system.

Legal registration - from 1 to 4 enterprises.

4. Management structures for enterprises with a staff of 18 to 60 people

1. Management structure “X” (according to the recruiter).

The structure of the enterprise also includes departments specializing in promoting the services of the enterprise.

Management structure of departments involved in personnel selection in accordance with the staffing table.

2. Management structure "Y".

Brief description of market positioning models of the main competitors for outstaffing services

1. Outstaffing as a separate product

1) The product is developed only by outstaffing.

2) There is a separate specialist(s) searching for orders.

3) There is a specialist(s) to fulfill the order.

4) The direction is developing as a separate project, having the status of a separate direction with access to full self-sufficiency.

    : when introducing a service to the market, a division cannot use the resources of the enterprise’s areas (an independent division).

    : Deeper concentration on one activity.

    In our opinion, this development model is beneficial in a market where there is no competition at all. The market for outstaffing services, according to our research, is not such.

2. Outstaffing as a by-product

1) There are main areas of activity (for example, personnel selection or external accounting).

2) There are specialists developing these areas of activity.

3) There are specialists who carry out orders for these types of activities.

4) There is an additional product that may be of interest to buyers, expanding the capabilities of the product offered by the seller.

5) Outstaffing is a by-product used as an additional source of income for the enterprise and additional income for service sellers.

    The main advantage of this approach: expansion of the enterprise’s line of services using internal resources.

    The main disadvantage of this approach: limiting the size of the service provided (limitation on the quantity and quality of orders performed).

    In our opinion, this approach is beneficial primarily for organizations that have regular orders or conduct mainly outsourcing work.

3. Outstaffing as a product within all enterprise projects

1) There are enterprises where activities are carried out in different areas.

2) There are specialists who carry out orders for this service.

3) There is a dedicated sales department that carries out the sale of all services of the enterprise.

4) There are prescribed types of various products that combine several services provided by the enterprise.

5) There are prescribed technologies for the integrated creation of these products and calculation of their joint profitability.

6) There is a separate outstaffing service.

7) Outstaffing service is offered in conjunction with other products of the enterprise.

    The main advantage of this approach: complexity of offers on the market.

    The main disadvantage of this approach: complexity of order fulfillment technologies, large staff.

    In our opinion, this approach is beneficial for organizations with at least 20 employees.

4. How to outstaff component enterprise activity project

1) There are organizations that provide comprehensive services to the enterprise that sells the service.

2) There are specialists involved in promoting these services.

3) There are specialists involved in performing these services.

4) The seller has a desire to integrate into the work of the customer company.

5) Outstaffing service allows you to more deeply understand the scope of work of the customer organization.

    The main advantage of this approach: more serious integration with the customer.

    The main disadvantage of this approach: reducing the profitability of a service in order to obtain future income, increasing the complexity of the technology for performing services provided by the enterprise.

    In our opinion, this approach is beneficial for outsourcing organizations and management companies.

5. Short description technology models and basic principles for calculating the economic efficiency of outstaffing services (basic principles and approaches of competitors’ management)

1) Accounting and financial reporting is carried out by one specialist (other specialists are involved at best in the background and the costs of their salaries are determined primarily by other areas of the enterprise’s activities). The payback of the project is calculated from the costs of a specialist’s salary, rent of premises, equipment, and searching for an order. Each new order is calculated based on the conditions “1 person - 1 order”. When describing this model, all opinions of the enterprise employees were taken into account. For example: “If we take another order, we will need to hire another specialist for it,” is the opinion of an employee of the Z plant leading the order.

2) Accounting and KDP for outstaffing are carried out by several specialists, who also conduct accounting in other areas. Outstaffing is a side line of activity and is considered as a profitable addition to the costly part of the enterprise for accounting or an additional service that simply brings profit to the enterprise, without taking into account any costs (accounting is not 100% loaded); the client is “guided” either by one of the company’s managers, or by a specialist performing work in other areas of activity (for example, personnel selection). Example: recruiting agency"AND".

3) Maintaining accounting records and KDP for outstaffing is carried out by a team of specially dedicated specialists who are not engaged in any other activities. As a rule, several companies are in development, and the calculation of payback is based not on one customer, who must provide a certain number of specialists for the payback of the order, but on several enterprises with different amounts employees removed from the staff (from 1 to N). With this approach, the amount of income is calculated not from one organization, but from the number of employees necessary to ensure the profitability of the direction. The remaining orders are considered as profit of the enterprise.

4) Mixed approach, when the profitability of a service is associated with another area of ​​activity. Project profitability is calculated as the sum of profitability N-directions, for example: service X— income 100 rubles, outstaffing — income 10 rubles; total amount: +90 rubles.

Of the above models, the third and fourth are the most attractive, since they allow a more flexible approach to the requirements of the market, taking into account first of all its needs, and not just the needs of the organization selling the service.

Interaction between the ACh department and departments of the enterprise

1. Breakdown or modernization of equipment, urgent repairs or modernization of premises belonging to departments (everything, except for PCs and consumables for PCs, duplicating equipment and consumables for duplicating equipment) - regulations for solving the problem.

1) Department - event: equipment breakdown for an employee.

2) Department (employee) - drawing up an application to the ACh department.

3) Department (employee) - appeal to the immediate superior with an application to the ACh department.

4) Department (head) - approval of the application (endorsement with signature).

5) Department (either an employee or an employee’s boss) - contact the ACh Department as part of an application for equipment repair (applications are placed in the designated place - a folder or box, etc.).

6) ACh Department (employee Petrov - employee’s position and last name) - checking the folder with the application.

7) ACh Department (Petrov) - if necessary, transfer the application to a subordinate.

8) ACh department (employee) - operational communication with the department (with the employee’s boss or employee) and clarification of the parameters of the application, as well as the deadlines for its implementation.

9) ACh Department (responsible employee or employees) - repair of equipment in a timely manner.

10) ACh Department (Petrov) - if repairs are impossible, contact the immediate superior (Grigoriev) for the allocation of funds for the purchase of equipment.

11) Director of the ACh Department (Grigoriev) - approval or rejection of the application.

12) Director of the ACh Department (Grigoriev) - allocation of cash or non-cash (through the accounting department of the enterprise) funds.

13) ACh Department (Petrov or employee) - search for equipment.

14) ACh Department (Petrov) - purchase of equipment or assignment of purchase to a subordinate employee. If there is a non-cash payment, then contact the financial department (accounting) to pay for the selected equipment.

15) ACh Department (employee) - delivery of equipment to the department.

16) Department - acceptance of equipment and signature of the employee and his boss on acceptance of the equipment.

Possible sample application (option 1)

Department name_________________
Equipment name Problems Application deadlines Note




Applications for the current purchase of consumables. The deadlines for completing the application are determined in advance and approved by the signatures of department heads. The budget is set for each department in advance and approved by the General Director. The procedure for solving the problem is as follows.

1) Department (responsible employee in the department) - drawing up a general application.

2) Department (responsible employee in the department) - approval from the immediate supervisor with the obligatory signature of the manager.

3) Department - transfer of the application to the ACh department in the current expenses folder.

4) ACh Department (Petrov) - checking the application folder.

5) Director of the ACh department (Grigoriev) - allocation of cash or non-cash funds. If the cost limit is exceeded, additional approval is required.

6) ACh Department (Petrov) - if necessary, transfer the application to a subordinate employee.

7) ACh Department (Petrov or a subordinate employee) - purchase of consumables or entrusting the purchase to a subordinate. If there is a non-cash payment, then contact financial department (accounting) in order to pay for the selected equipment.

8) ACh Department - delivery of consumables to the department.

9) Department - acceptance of consumables and signature of the responsible employee.

Possible sample application (option 2)

Department name_________________
Type of consumables, desired manufacturer Quantity Deadlines Note




Routine maintenance of premises and routine repairs of premises: regulations for solving the problem

1) ACh Department (Petrov or a responsible employee) - daily inspection of public premises (from 9 to 10 o'clock) (toilets, rest rooms, etc.), checking the operating condition of equipment, cleanliness of the premises, providing the premises with consumables: toilet - toilet paper, soap, paper towels; rest rooms - ashtrays, cups, tea, coffee, etc.

2) ACh Department (Petrov or a responsible employee) - if malfunctions are identified, lack of consumables, insufficient cleanliness of the premises, etc., the problems that have arisen should be eliminated within the framework of the funds allocated by the director of the ACh Department.

3) ACh Department (Petrov or a responsible employee) - once every three days (from 9 to 11 o’clock) a tour of all premises of the enterprise to identify their current technical condition and the state of communications. If problems are detected, draw up a technical request for repairs of the premises or eliminate the problems yourself.

4) ACh Department (Petrov or a responsible employee) - drawing up a technical application.

5) Department of chemical engineering (Petrov) - calculation of costs and setting deadlines for work.

6) ACh Department (Petrov) - coordination of deadlines and regulations with the immediate head of the department.

7) Department of ACh (Petrov) - approval of the estimate and work schedule by the director of the ACh (Grigoriev).

8) ACh Department (Petrov and subordinate employee) - purchase of consumables.

9) ACh Department (Petrov) - execution of work.

Sample job description

Job Description for an Advertising Collection Consultant

1. General Provisions.

1.2. Reports to the commercial service manager, who heads the group of consultants, and receives orders and instructions directly from him.

1.3. During vacation, in case of temporary disability, etc., he is replaced by another consultant based on the order of the commercial service manager.

1.4. The work time frame is irregular working hours. Acts on the basis of the job description, orders and instructions of the general director of the enterprise, the head of the commercial service, the manager of his group, as well as regulations and regulatory documents adopted by the enterprise and approved by the signature of the general director of LLC " ", labor and regulatory legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.5. This job description may be changed and supplemented due to production needs based on the order of the General Director of LLC " ».

2. Qualification requirements.

2.1. Education: secondary specialized or higher.

2.2. Work experience: at least 1 year in this field.

2.3. PC knowledge: Word, Excel, Access, etc., ability to compile and maintain databases, work with the Internet.

2.4. Knowledge of internal regulations, regulatory documentation, etc., ability to use this data.

2.5. Knowledge of the psychology of human behavior, social psychology, negotiation skills, collection and analysis marketing information and so on.

3. Purpose of the work.

The purpose of the work is to sell advertising space in publications published by LLC " » in the territory allocated to him, conducting negotiations, concluding contracts, as well as signing original layouts from customers within the established time frame. Fulfillment of the set plan to attract advertisers to each publication published by the enterprise. Collecting feedback and wishes from advertisers and potential advertisers, as well as collecting information that can affect the efficiency of the enterprise. Maintain and timely provide documentation and reporting.

4. Job responsibilities.

4.1. Production responsibilities.

4.1.1. Carry out the established plan for concluding contracts for the sale of advertising space for each publication with a mandatory report to the manager of the commercial service (CS).

4.1.2. Receive from the manager a list of all publications published by LLC " ", as well as the publications themselves. Study them for structure, sections and headings, as well as the information contained in them, the types and specialization of companies that place advertisements and information about their activities in these headings and subsections for each publication separately.

4.1.4. Find out from the manager the territory in which he will work, its clear boundaries, study it for the main transport routes, as well as routes of surface and underground transport, the population living or working there, as well as the location of companies - potential advertisers of publications produced OOO " ».

4.1.5. Before starting your work, obtain from the manager plans for advertising campaigns for each publication separately, and strict reporting forms. You should also receive a weekly work schedule for a month in advance in accordance with advertising campaigns, a plan for individual and group meetings, and recommendations for interaction with potential clients.

4.1.6. Obtain from the manager a database of companies that advertised in publications last year, study the database for the location of companies in their territory, their needs and capabilities in terms of submitting advertising to publications published by LLC " ».

4.1.7. Study other databases of companies - potential advertisers who did not advertise in publications published by LLC " ", to attract them as clients.

4.1.8. Make a plan for calling and possible meetings with representatives of companies - potential advertisers in accordance with advertising campaign plans using strict reporting forms issued by the manager. Draw up schedules of your work for each publication separately as part of advertising campaign plans.

4.1.9. Call potential clients of the company, tell them about the services provided by the company, send promotional materials and arrange a meeting.

Meet with a possible client, negotiate, conclude an agreement, fill out an order form for advertising in a publication together with the customer. Issue an invoice to the customer for payment for the company's services.

4.1.10. Come to the office of LLC " "and submit the materials in the prescribed form to the editorial department with a report from the manager of your group.

4.1.11. After preparing the original layout and oral or e-mail approval of advertising from the customer by the editorial department, take the documents and the original layout to the customer, sign the original layout, take it to the office.

If the editorial department is unable to approve the order verbally or via email, the consultant must approve the original layout himself.

4.1.12. Monitor the progress of orders for timing, quality and payment.

4.1.13. Be polite and correct in communication, avoid conflicts with potential and existing clients of the Publishing House. If conflict situations arise, you must try to resolve them yourself with a mandatory report to the manager of your group. If the conflict cannot be resolved on its own, the consultant should contact senior management, explaining the essence of the situation and the reason for its occurrence.

4.1.14. Collect information about reviews, wishes and complaints from customers, their opinions on the effectiveness of publications, as well as their recommendations for improving the efficiency of publications.

4.1.15. Collect information about the actions of competing publications, opinions on the effectiveness of their actions from potential clients and clients of the Publishing House.

4.1.16. Together with the manager and database administrator, maintain the client database, make changes about old clients or add new ones.

4.1.17. Resolve day-to-day work issues, including those related to training or conflict resolution, with your manager.

4.1.18. By order of the manager, participate in exhibitions, seminars, presentations, etc. in order to obtain new working contacts.

4.1.19. Improve your skills in working with clients, undergo training, etc.

4.2. Interaction within the department.

4.2.1. Interact with the manager of your group to receive orders and instructions, as well as plans for your activities, necessary documentation, as well as improving your qualifications.

4.2.2. At the request of the manager, provide a daily and weekly plan of his work with possible further consideration of errors in actions in order to improve work efficiency.

4.2.3. If you are unable to appear in the office due to a meeting with a client, etc., call your manager at the end of the working day with a brief report on the meetings and agreements that took place that day.

4.2.4. Participate in general meetings of your group and individual meetings with the manager to provide reports on the work done and improve your skills.

4.2.5. Participate in general meetings of the Constitutional Court to receive complete information about current events (changes in the direction of the company’s work, information about possible discounts and other innovations).

4.2.6. Interact with colleagues to improve their skills, exchange experience and marketing information.

4.3. Interaction with company departments.

4.3.1. Interact with company departments: with the sales department for certificates of sale of publications; with the production department (designers, layout designers, etc.) for a certificate of readiness of the customer’s material; with the accounting department regarding the transfer of reporting documents (contracts, payment information, etc.).

4.3.2. Participate in corporate events (New Year, March 8, February 23, company birthday, etc.).

4.4. Equipment and machinery managed by LLC " ».

4.4.1. Monitor the careful and effective use equipment and machinery under the jurisdiction of the CC. Avoid damage to property and material assets; in case of intentional or negligent actions, immediately report to the manager of your group. If there is a need for repair or modernization of machinery, equipment, etc., submit requests to your group manager in a timely manner.

4.5. Document flow.

4.5.1. Keep a brief daily plan of your activities.

4.5.2. Interact with the accounting department to monitor order payment deadlines, receive various documents and reports.

4.5.3. Maintain document flow in the CS, prepare weekly reports for each publication, providing information to the CS manager.

4.5.4. Fill out and promptly submit to immediate superiors questionnaires, forms, etc. (in accordance with the samples and lists approved by the General Director).

4.5.5. Together with the KS manager, maintain a client database and ensure the correct storage of documents.

4.5.6. Monitor the transfer of clients, some of whom may become potential partners, into the client database.

4.5.7. Provide financial statements (contracts, invoices, etc.) to the accounting department.

4.6. Trade secrets and company image.

4.6.1. Maintain trade secrets in the CS, i.e. prevent the leakage of factual and strategic information that could affect the work of the company and, as a result, reduce its actual and planned profits.

4.6.2. By order of the manager, participate in various exhibitions, advertising campaigns, competitions, etc. (in accordance with the budget approved by the general director), which affect the image, fame, and popularity of the enterprise in relevant circles, in order to increase the development prospects of the company.

4.6.3. Maintain ethical interactions between company employees and customers. Stop inappropriate behavior of colleagues. Promote positive relationships within the team.

4.7. Interaction with third parties.

4.7.1. Take part in the interaction between the CS and partner organizations for the exchange of experience and advanced training.

5.1. Conduct negotiations on behalf of the company with organizations with the conclusion of the necessary contracts to increase the number of orders and increase the profit of the enterprise in accordance with plans approved by the general director.

5.2. Receive in a timely manner the company's representative products necessary for the group's work (price lists, contract forms, booklets, etc.).

5.3. Have access to the customer database.

5.4. Suggest innovations for use in LLC " "and receive bonuses for the company's profits.

5.5. Have a salary approved by the General Director, paid leave, travel expenses, as well as performance bonuses established by the General Director.

6. Responsibility.

6.1. For poor performance or failure to fulfill each point of the job description, a reprimand is issued, and for repeated violations, a disciplinary sanction is imposed. If there are two disciplinary sanctions penalties are imposed, established in regulatory documents and approved by the signature of the general director of the company.

6.2. Unfulfilled instructions (poor execution) require immediate correction, otherwise all penalties are automatically transferred to the next month.

WITH job descriptions familiarized:

"____" __________ 200__ ______________ / ________________ /
"____" __________ 200__ __(signature)

Promotional Events

1. By groups of publications:

  • edition;
  • group of publications

2. By main audiences:

  • promotion of the IC brand among readers and advertisers, including competition;
  • among potential and actual advertisers of publications produced by the Information Center (both the publications themselves and individual sections or areas within publications), including competition;
  • among advertising agencies;
  • among potential and actual readers of publications published by the Information Center (both the publications themselves and individual sections or areas), including competition;
  • among distribution networks and wholesale buyers of publications produced by the Information Center;
  • in government bodies.

3. According to the areas of activity of departments, divisions and departments of the IC.

1) Distribution department:

  • aimed at attracting new readers;
  • aimed at increasing popularity among actual readers;
  • competition (indicating specific publications).
  • aimed at attracting new advertisers (headings, subsections of publications);
  • aimed at increasing popularity among actual advertisers (headings and subsections of publications);
  • competition (indicating specific competing publications).

3) Personnel department:

  • aimed at improving the socio-psychological climate of the enterprise;
  • aimed at attracting new employees;
  • corporate events and holidays.

4) Administrative department:

  • preparation of participation of the general director of the information center in actions aimed at developing the activities of the enterprise.

5) Publishing department:

  • attracting new partners for printing and processing publications produced by the IC;
  • retention of actual partners.

Methodological materials for planning and evaluating promotions

1. Determined:

  • goals of the promotion;
  • what criteria will be used to evaluate the promotion by our advertisers;
  • how and after what time our potential and existing advertisers learn about this promotion;
  • how many additional advertisers will the promotion attract to our publication;
  • how long will it take to attract advertisers;
  • whether our agents will be able to use this promotion as an argument in negotiations with potential advertisers;
  • how will this campaign affect our image among existing advertisers;
  • how many potential readers this promotion can reach;
  • how and after what time;
  • how readers will react to this promotion, by what criteria they will evaluate it;
  • what reaction will our competitors have;
  • How government officials will react to our actions.

2. The place, time, media and regulations for the promotion are determined.

3. The costs (finance, time, personnel and human-emotional resources, image resources - in case of failure) for carrying out the advertising campaign are determined. The consequences of these costs and their impact on the performance of the organization are determined.

4. The results that the organization will receive as a result of these activities are determined. The results are determined according to the following criteria:

  • how many people were reached;
  • in which areas;
  • how many legal entities and what positions they occupy;
  • in which areas;
  • how many companies and people are reached from target audiences (readers - advertisers);
  • how many companies provided additional advertising to publications, whether new advertisers appeared;
  • what kind of advertising and in what volumes;
  • after what time;
  • what is the income from advertising and sales (comparison with last year’s results and the monthly plan);
  • what are the costs (time and money, human resources);
  • what is the reaction of competitors (which ones);
  • What is the reaction of the authorities?

5. Conducted comparative analysis costs and benefits of the promotion - how much money was spent, how much was received and after what time.

6. Control is carried out in different directions.

7. What actions were carried out (by areas and publications):

  • city ​​administration;
  • advertisers;
  • readers;
  • internal PR (company employees).

8. What dividends were received from:

  • city ​​administration;
  • advertisers;
  • readers;
  • internal PR (company employees).

9. What are the costs of holding events (for each event separately - estimates).

10. What are the costs of servicing the department:

  • employee salaries (information provided by the accounting department);
  • costs of consumables (information is provided by the ACh department);
  • costs for repairs and modernization of equipment (information is provided by the ACh Department);
  • costs for repairs and modernization of computer equipment (information is provided by the technical department);
  • costs of activities for other departments (information is provided by other departments).

Meeting preparation scenario

1 The topic of the meeting is determined -
2 The issues to be considered at the meeting are determined -
3 Departments and persons participating in the meeting are determined Positions, number of people
4 The order of discussion of issues is determined -
5 Persons speaking on a particular issue are identified -
6 Information materials required for the meeting are determined Activity plans, reports, etc.
7 The time allotted for the entire meeting is determined. -
8 The form of the meeting is determined:
  • formal - business;
  • informal;
  • "brainstorm"
9 The time allocated for discussing each issue is determined. -
10 The time for each participant to speak is determined. -
11 Supplies for the meeting are determined Pens, paper, tea, coffee, sugar, cookies, etc.
12 The personal assistant is instructed to draw up a meeting plan for distribution to planned participants -
13 The assistant is instructed to notify the meeting participants:
  • about the timing of the meeting;
  • meeting agenda;
  • regulations;
  • providing the necessary information materials;
  • deadlines for providing materials;
  • clarify force majeure circumstances;
  • clarify the time required to speak on the issue under consideration with the meeting participants
In 1–2 days. Preferably 1 day in advance.
For example, one of the planned participants has important negotiations
14 An order is given to the assistant when he must collect and provide the general director with information materials on the topic of the meeting, as well as the specified time for the participants to speak -
15 After receiving the data, prompt adjustments to the meeting regulations are carried out -
16 The adjusted regulations are provided to the assistant -
17 The assistant is instructed to distribute the adjusted meeting regulations to the planned participants -
18 The assistant is instructed to prepare the necessary supplies by the time of the meeting. -

Advertising - conveying information about a product to the consumer

  • attract attention and arouse interest;
  • form positive attitude to the product and manufacturer or seller;
  • ensure understanding of the benefits of purchasing products;
  • relieve concerns before purchasing;
  • form a belief in what is worth buying;
  • evoke desire and intention to buy;
  • make it easier for the buyer to make a purchase or contact the seller;
  • push to purchase or contact sales personnel.
  • informing;
  • infusion;
  • imposition.

Differences between brand and classic advertising

Brand- This is advertising of an enterprise's trademark, aimed at specific consumer groups. Task brand is to Name The enterprise worked on the image and attractiveness of its products for customers.

Some features of human perception of information

1. A person perceives and realizes the world with a delay of 0.5 seconds. In fact, he perceives information through all channels (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, etc.) and constructs an integral image of the surrounding world from memory.

2. In order to control the emerging image (or sensation), a person must identify it, that is, assign a verbal or sound label to it and pronounce it to himself.

3. A person perceives information only in relation to something, comparing it with similar objects in the environment or internal standards (which also arose on the basis of information from external environment), according to the principle “one’s own - not one’s.”

4. A person’s future is always determined and favorable (otherwise he begins to experience panic and fear).

5. A person has two types of images of information perception: three-dimensional and planar. The former control man, the latter are controlled by him. For a three-dimensional (or integral) image to appear, a person must “compare” several objects or an object with a standard from memory.

6. The human body is controlled by the brain crosswise: the right hemisphere (left eye) perceives images, the left hemisphere (right eye) perceives symbolic and textual information. The division of the hemispheres into symbolic and figurative is inherent in all people and is associated (according to scientists) with social organization person.

Survey questionnaire on the distribution of job responsibilities within the company

1. Please list your job responsibilities

2. Please list your responsibilities that you perform in addition to your main responsibilities

3. Please list the responsibilities that you consider necessary to perform in your position

4. How well is the interaction between departments in your company organized? Why do you think so?

5. What can you suggest to improve communication between departments in your organization?

6. Please list what you like about the organization of work in your company

7. What and how can be improved?

8. Please list the most pleasant events within your organization

9. If you were offered to become the general director of your company, what would you change in the organization of work, collective life, remuneration system, interaction between the structural divisions of the company and your department

1 Sample.

2 See also “Civil Code of the Russian Federation”.

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