Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Summary of GCD artistic creativity in the middle group drawing - “spreading tree.”. Abstract of GCD in fine art “Beautiful branchy tree in winter” for senior “B” group

Direct educational activities.
Educational field: “Artistic - aesthetic development».
Section: Drawing
Topic: “Beautiful spreading tree.”
Goals: To teach children to create an image of a tree in a drawing.
Objectives: Learn to find a beautiful compositional solution (one tree per
entire sheet). Strengthen the ability to use different pressure on a pencil
(wax crayons, colored pencils) to convey lighter and more
dark parts of the image. Learn to use lines of different intensities
as a means of expression. Develop aesthetic perception,
aesthetic assessment. Form positive attitudes towards drawing,
basics safe behavior in nature
Integration educational areas: « Speech development", "Physical
Materials: Sheets of paper ½ A4 size, colored pencils, simple
graphite pencil, colored wax crayons, painting “Winter Landscape”,
pictures of trees, pictures of various objects from
Vocabulary work: spreading, wood, useful, edge, birch.
Preliminary work:
When walking, pay attention to how big the big ones are.
trees, what thick and thin branches appear to be in color, consider
illustrations, reproductions of trees
Progress of the lesson:
Guys, today's lesson is dedicated to trees.
First I will tell you a few riddles about them.
What kind of girl is this, not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself, but uses needles whole year. (Spruce.)
Girlfriends are standing at the edge of the forest,
Not caring about the weather, they wear white sundresses. (Birches.)
Let's look at the pictures. What trees are shown on them? (o.d.)
(Birch, oak, willow, pine, maple, alder, poplar, etc.).
Trees are not only beautiful, but also useful. Their wood is used to make
many necessary things. Look at the pictures and say which things are from
wood is depicted on them. (od.)
Today we will draw on a sheet of paper
paper beautiful spreading tree in winter.
But first, you and I will have a rest.

Physical education minute.
We stomp our feet.
We stomp our feet, we clap our hands,
Shake our heads, Shake our heads.
We raise our hands, We lower our hands,
We give hands and run around.
Here, listen to something about the birch, an amazing tree.
Birch trees grow on forest edges and tolerate strong winds. Under
Spruce trees like to grow with birch trees, so they say: “The birch tree is the nanny of the spruce tree.” At
When the birch tree is flowering, earrings appear.
Furniture, baskets, and bags are made from birch wood. In birch buds
There are many vitamins, they are used in the manufacture of medicines. Early spring from
Birch trees extract sap, which is also beneficial for humans.
Now let’s start depicting a beautiful spreading tree in winter.
Choose the material you will use to paint.
But first our fingers will play.
Finger gymnastics “Let’s make peace.”
Two thumbs They argue: Who is the more important of the two?
Let's not let a quarrel happen
And we will reconcile them right away.
Children draw their own beautiful spreading tree.
During the drawing process, discuss the composition individually with the children.
Remind not only the diversity of tree species, but also their
at different ages.
Lesson summary:
Children, look at your work. What wonderful trees we have.
I feel like I'm in a winter forest.
I ask 23 children what trees they depicted.
Well done, good job. Set up an exhibition.

"Beautiful spreading tree in winter"
Program content. Teach children to create an image of a tree in a drawing, to find
beautiful compositional solution (one tree on the entire sheet). Strengthen the skill
use different pressure on the pencil (crayon, sanguine, charcoal pencil) For
transferring lighter and darker parts of the image. Learn to use lines
of varying intensity as a means of expression. Develop aesthetic perception,
aesthetic assessment.
Methodology of conducting the lesson. Clarify children’s impressions of trees obtained during
observation time on walks, while looking at illustrations. Say that today
they will draw a spreading tree. Offer to choose a colored pencil, sanguine,
colored crayons. Ask if all the tree branches are the same color, which branches seem
lighter. Clarify how this can be conveyed in the drawing.
Materials. Colored pencils (colored wax crayons, sanguine, charcoal pencil),
album sheets are white or any pale tone (for each child).
Connections with other activities and activities. Pay attention while walking
at how plump big trees how thick and thin branches appear
color, look at illustrations, reproductions of trees.

Summary of GCD in senior group on the topic “Winter Tree” (non-traditional drawing techniques).

Gracheva Natalia Vitalievna, teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution of the Samara secondary school of the Kurkinsky district Tula region.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Winter Tree” (non-traditional drawing techniques). This material will be useful for senior group teachers, GPA teachers, teachers additional education. This is a summary of a lesson aimed at introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques, development creativity and generating interest in visual arts.
Lesson topic:“Winter Tree” (non-traditional drawing techniques)
Program content:
- teach children independently in a certain sequence,
create a winter landscape using unconventional techniques drawings (“blowing”, “blotting”, “tamponing”, “spattering”);
- consolidate children’s knowledge about changes in plant life in different time of the year;
- develop speech, attention, thinking, respiratory system, fine motor skills children's hands;
- promote the development of creativity, fantasy and imagination of preschoolers;
- cultivate interest, love and careful attitude to nature, neatness, independence.
Material for the lesson: blue tinted paper, containers with diluted white and Brown, pipette, toothbrush, piece of corrugated cardboard, small piece of foam rubber or sponge, rag or wet wipe for hands, cocktail straw.
Demonstrative material: Reproductions, illustrations, photographs depicting winter landscapes.
ICT: computer, projector, screen, electronic educational resources (presentation for the lesson).
Preliminary work:
looking at illustrations of a winter landscape, observing while walking, learning poems and songs about winter.
GCD move"photo ris1.jpg" (“Ready for class!”)
1 Org. moment.
- Hello, dear wizards! Yes, yes, this is exactly how I am addressing you today, because today you will try to perform real magic.
2. Updating knowledge.
-What items do wizards use? (A magic wand, an invisibility hat, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, a magic mirror).
-You and I are wizards and artists, that’s why we have our own magical objects. They are on your tables. Please name them. (Tubes, sponges, paints, pipettes, etc.). These objects will help us perform magic - to paint an ordinary picture in an unusual way.
3.Self-determination for activity.
-But what exactly we will draw with these magical objects, you will find out by guessing the riddle:
Many arms, but one leg.
Let's check if you guessed correctly! (Children are shown a slide depicting the same tree at different times of the year).
"photo ris2.jpg" (“The riddle has been solved!”)

- What does it depict? (Trees)
- What trees do you know?
- How many trees are on the slide? Let's count! (4)
- Compare them. What is the difference? (1 - with flowers, 2 - with green leaves, 3 - with yellow leaves, 4- without leaves).
- Why do you think they are so different? (Trees look different at different times of the year.)
- Which of my wizards guessed which of these trees we will draw today? (Winter tree)
- Why do you think so? (Because now winter time of the year)
4. Work on the topic of the lesson. Practical part №1.
-What does a tree look like in winter? (No leaves, only trunk and branches) (Children are shown a slide showing a tree in winter)
-Are they the same thickness? (No, the trunk is thick, the branches are thin).
_Look at the tools and tell me, with which of them can we draw a trunk and branches? (Children's guess).
"photo ris3.jpg" "Choosing tools"

You and I are real wizards, so we’ll try to depict our winter tree without a brush and pencil. We will use a straw and air.
To do this, apply a drop of liquid gouache onto blue paper with a pipette and draw a tree trunk, blowing the drop through a tube (“blowing out” the trunk). “photo ris4.jpg” (“Magic drop from a pipette”)

"photo ris5.jpg" (“Blowing out a tree trunk”)

- If necessary, drop more gouache onto the base of the branches and continue to inflate the blot, “drawing” a tree of the required height.
"photo ris6.jpg" (“The tree has appeared!”)

5. Physical education minute. (on the slide is the animation “Falling Snow”
"photo ris7.jpg" ("Fizkultminutka")

Snowflakes are falling from the sky,
Like in a fairy tale picture.
(Raise their hands above their heads.)
We'll catch them with our hands
(They make grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.)
And we'll show mom at home.
(They extend their arms, palms up, as if holding out something.)
And there are snowdrifts around,
The roads were covered with snow. (Spread their arms to the sides.)
Don't get stuck in the field so that
Raise your legs higher.
(Walking in place with high knees.)
We go, we go, we go (Walking in place.)
And we come to our house. (Children take their seats.)
6. Work on the topic of the lesson. Practical part No. 2.
- You are simply real wizards! We were able to draw trees using air without a brush or pencil!
- What do trees do in winter? (In winter, the trees seem to freeze and fall asleep until spring.)
- When you go to bed in your bed, what do you do? (Cover ourselves with a blanket)
- Let’s cover our trees with a warm and light blanket so that they can sleep peacefully all winter in a sweet dream. But what can we cover them with? (with snow)
- For this, it must snow in our picture. What tool will help us depict snow?
Take the next “magic” object - a toothbrush, dip it in paint and, running the brush along the edge of the cardboard strip, spray it on the picture, saying the magic words:
“Let the snow fall on my magic leaf!”
"photo ris8.jpg" (“Snowball falls from the sky”)

- Our snowball must first cover the branches. Take a piece of sponge, dip it in paint and “cover” the branches to keep them warm.
"photo ris9.jpg" (“We cover the branches with snow”)

- And the snow in our picture keeps coming and going, covering the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And now there is more and more of it under the tree. Draw snow under the tree in the same way (with a sponge) or a toothbrush.
"photo ris10.jpg" (“Snow under a tree”)

- How beautiful winter trees you got it!
"photo ris11.jpg" (“Beautiful tree!”)

"photo ris12.jpg" (“It turned out very beautiful!”)

7. Reflection.
- How do you think our trees feel now? (They feel warm and comfortable. They have become even more beautiful.)
- Listen, it seems to me that they are whispering something to you for your efforts and help. How many of you heard? (Thank you, good wizards!)
What can you wish for them? ( Good night, trees!)
8. Summing up.
- Our lesson has come to an end. What did you learn today, what magic? (Draw in an unusual way).
- What helped you get such wonderful drawings, besides magic? (Diligence, accuracy, attention and, of course, love for nature). If you have such qualities, then I think you can do without magic.
9. Exhibition design.
Attach your drawings to the board using a magnet and admire the winter trees once again.

Description how to draw a spreading tree for children

How to draw a simple tree for kids step by step How easy - How to learn to draw a tree. Abstract of GCD in Fine Arts Beautiful spreading tree in winter! This is really the simplest and easy way draw a tree if you are a beginner. Abstract of GCD in Fine Arts A beautiful spreading tree in winter for a senior. Tell the children how to draw a tree correctly. That it is difficult for children to move from branches to a big tree. A tree is not as easy to draw as it seems. I tell the children: The trunk is narrow at the top, widens at the bottom and fits exceptionally well. Seminar on art activities Methods of drawing trees, transport, houses, animals. Clarify Improve children's ability to draw a tree. Three to four subject pictures to show to children, for example. This is not a very tall spreading tree. Let's draw a spreading tree in winter. Spreading, poking how to draw a trunk. Read to the children a story about how young winterers. Author: Olga Vladimirovna Borodacheva, teacher at MBDOU No. 38 Cheryomushki, Kemerovo region, Razvesistoe, pokes on how to draw a trunk. Abstract of GCD in Fine Arts Beautiful spreading tree. I show the children an illustration of a winter forest (music plays) Spreading, poking how to draw a trunk. The tree is bare These activities bring joy to children. Suggest that they draw simple figures first. Exercise your ability to draw a tree You just need to draw. Drawing A spreading tree Invite the children to cut out a pyramid. Provide children with paper in their clothing and hats. Invite the children to draw a spreading tree tinted to look like a tree. Explain to children the figurative similarity between a tree and a person; the trunk is the body of a spreading tree. Game complexes and different swings are, of course, good, but the design is also useful. spreading tree Complex classes in visual arts. Working program directly educational activity Drawing for children. Remind children Drawing Spreading tree. Children of the fifth year of life can depict not only individual items. Invite the children to draw and decorate a fairy tale. Invite 2 - 3 children to draw a tree at the board. A tree grows near him Didactic game Sell ​​the tree. Spreading Again, it is important to find a tree that is moderately tall and fairly spreading. Invite 2-3 children to draw a tree. If there is an old spreading tree on your site, draw it. Improve the DjVu book with pictures using a direct link - Children in a pioneer camp. In addition, it is important to find a tree that is moderately tall and fairly spreading. Draw a house Draw a book for a rebus - Working programm preparatory group 7 on Give yourself and your children another gift.

Before you draw a tree for your child step by step, you need to carefully study these natural objects and find similarities between them.

What does any, well, almost any tree have? The answer suggests itself - a straight and powerful trunk. As a rule, from below it is quite thick and voluminous, but the closer to the top of the tree, the thinner it becomes. It is from the trunk that branches go in all directions, while the main ones rush upward.

Closer to the base, the branches are long, and towards the top, on the contrary, they are short. From large skeletal branches smaller branches grow in different directions, from them even smaller ones, etc. The crown of almost all trees directly depends and is formed from such branches. Considering all these facts, you can easily draw the “skeleton” of a tree.

Important: you can depict trees in winter in a similar way - just branches, without foliage.

Interested? Then let's look in more detail at how to draw a tree with a pencil step by step for children. Believe me, it will be very educational and also interesting.

How to draw a tree: general diagram

First of all, let’s decorate the “skeleton” of the tree with leaves. You can create them with simple dots, making a leafy crown from individual dots (Figure A). As for coloring, for a summer tree it is better to use several shades of yellow or green, autumn version can be done using red, yellow, orange or green paints.

In addition, most children can easily depict a certain plane with an irregular, oval-like shape (Figure B). This method is ideal for teaching drawing to kids. Drawing trees in a landscape will also be useful in this case. First draw one trunk and skeletal thick branches. Now paint over the green part of the tree and add small branches.

Foliage image options

As mentioned above, we draw a tree “in principle,” that is, an image familiar to most of us. Naturally, in nature different kinds trees differ significantly from each other. In our drawing there will also be a difference in the trunks: a powerful and thick giant oak, pine or rowan, a weeping slender birch with drooping branches. What exactly to depict is up to you.

Simple tree: drawing lesson for children from 4 years old

It's actually very easy, but interesting way draw a tree. Of course, it is impossible to determine its type. Yes, this is not required here. The main thing is that we know for sure that the tree is deciduous.

1. Together with your child, draw a trunk and several voluminous, large branches. The foliage must be made in the shape of an oval.

2. Color your drawing with colored pencils, markers or paints. Everything depends only on your imagination.

At first glance, it seems that such a drawing is very simple and ordinary, however, it provides rich soil for creativity and allows you to embody the most original ideas. Take a close look at the picture below and see for yourself what variety of trees you can draw using this technique.

Oak - step-by-step execution with children from 6 years old

This oak is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary tree, which we have already considered. However, there are much more individual details: complex branches, bark texture and hollow. Don't worry if your child makes the lesson easier or misses something. The main goal is for the tree to be powerful and stocky.

We draw a birch tree with children from 8 years old step by step

For many children, drawing a tree like this is difficult task. Why? Here everything is as close as possible to a realistic image, there are complex lines and details. Therefore, you should not draw a birch for preschoolers, as well as for those who study primary school. Most likely they will try to simplify the drawing.

Draw your child's attention to the birch branches - they are leaning down!

Pine: step-by-step implementation with children from 8 years old

Now let's leave deciduous trees and move on to conifers. Tell your children, if they don't already know, that the pine tree is an evergreen tree. Therefore, it makes no difference what time of year you paint it: summer or winter - the crown is always the same. To draw pine trees, use the same principle as for deciduous trees. The only difference is that the green needle spots must be clearly connected to the branches. In addition, unlike deciduous trees, this tree has a more voluminous “bare” part of the trunk.

Christmas tree - a simple drawing diagram for children from 4 years old

You can draw another, no less popular and well-known coniferous tree, a Christmas tree, in several ways. But we will consider only one - a coniferous and very realistic tree for adult children. You can see the drawing in the picture below.

And now an unusual option - we draw a palm tree with children from 7 years old

So, earlier we learned how to draw trees that grow in our country. Now it's time for more exotic plants. For example, it is very interesting to draw a palm tree - a decorative, simple, but at the same time, original tree. Translated from Latin, palm means “palm” - “palma”. Apparently this is due to the palm leaves spread out like “fingers”.

We will present two main options for drawing this tree: the first is a more realistic image, the second is, one might say, “cartoonish.” The difficulty of completing both drawings is approximately the same. Children from 7 to 8 years old can easily cope with this task, of course, not without the help of their parents.

Option No. 1 - a diagram of drawing a palm tree with children from 7 years old in several steps.

Option No. 2

OK it's all over Now. Now you have personally seen that drawing a tree is easy. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you want to depict: oak, birch, palm tree, etc. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and, of course, show a little imagination. Below we provide additional materials.

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There are 15 presentations in total

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