Types of innovative projects and their composition. Innovation project

In this article you will learn

  • New innovative projects and their difficulties
  • Unusual developments and their implementation

“The lack of ideas and those who implement them is what awaits the West in the next decade,” said Pekka Viljakainen, advisor to the president of the Skolkovo Foundation for startups. What are we observing? While experts are convinced that there is no single balanced innovation policy in Russia, small companies are developing more and more new and new innovative projects.

New innovative projects continue to be introduced into business

Dmitry Parshkov, Managing partner of Priority Management Company, author of the LifeTable idea

“Currently, our development has no competition and is a Russian innovative project that has no analogues. We are the link between catering establishments and social networks. In addition to the new format of entertainment and the new format of advertising media, it is important for us to improve the quality of service for guests of restaurants and cafes.”

About the project. The idea of ​​automating the process of ordering and communicating with restaurant customers lies on the surface: some elements were tried to be implemented back in the 70s of the last century. However, it was only now possible to do this.

We started working on the project of tables with impact-resistant touch screens in 2010. We did almost everything ourselves, including hardware development and writing software. The main goal was to create a completely flat surface, without gaps or differences between the interactive screen and the tabletop. Simply put, the mug should travel across the entire table without delay. Therefore, we tested the products in the conditions of a night party of rockers with a sea of ​​alcohol and dancing on the counters. The tables withstood the attack and worked flawlessly the next day.

Our products installed in a restaurant take into account the interests of not only visitors, but also the owners of the establishment and advertisers.

  • Distribution development: how to run a business in modern conditions

LifeTable allows visitors to view the establishment's menu, order and even pay for a dish. In addition, the menu contains services such as Internet access, chat for communicating with those sitting at other tables, games and music.

For staff, the “smart desk” simplifies work with clients and optimizes business processes (paying a bill, calling a waiter and ordering a dish).

Attachments. The project was created entirely with the funds and resources of the management company "Prioritet", the volume of investments is about $ 660 thousand.

Income. LifeTable will reach profitability in 2013. Now there is a fixed contract price for restaurants and advertisers - 2 thousand euros for two years. The service life of the company's products is about two years, then we try to upgrade the equipment.

Difficulties. Leaving aside the technical details (production, hardware improvements, software solutions), one of the problems was explaining to restaurant staff that LifeTable is not the enemy and is not trying to take away part of the waiters' income.

Today, the marketing department's main task is to convey the LifeTable idea to guests: early users thought they were sitting at a table with a built-in TV. We had to make the interface simpler and clearer. Work to improve it does not stop now.

Gennady Medetsky has developed a new innovative project in Russia called “i-garden”

Gennady Medetsky, CEO, "i-garden", executive director, "Synergy of Innovation"

“When an entrepreneur starts a business, he must realize: it is important that the business idea is interesting not to him, but to the consumer. This also applies innovative projects in Russia".

About the project. The idea of ​​the “i-garden” arose in early 2011. And already in the fall we had our first clients and started their own gardens.

The essence of the project is that people who want to eat tasty, and most importantly, environmentally friendly vegetables, but do not have the opportunity to grow them themselves, can do this via the Internet. In the “i-garden”, clients choose the area of ​​land (from 6 sq. m) in a greenhouse in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region, and the vegetables they want to grow. Then they either take care of the plantings themselves (using a special service on the website to indicate when to water, dig or fertilize), or choose automatic care (specialists do everything themselves). In addition, you can always see what is happening in the garden at one time or another - web cameras are installed in the greenhouse. There is also the opportunity to spy on what and how is growing on your neighbor’s plot.

Among other things, we cooperate with several online stores of natural and rural products: we supply greens, salads and herbs, and take part in various fairs and festivals of natural products.

At the moment, we have no direct Russian competitors; there are only a few foreign resources that make it possible to rent vegetable gardens for growing vegetables yourself.

The target audience of the project is raw foodists and vegans 1 .

Attachments. The Synergy of Innovation Foundation 2 invested money in the project. However, I will not disclose the amount. I can only say that about $100 thousand was spent on cameras alone (100 pieces).

Income. The i-garden has not yet paid off. This can happen faster if we manage to increase the area 10 times, which will require an investment of $5 million. So far, our fund does not plan such investments.

We are currently negotiating cooperation with several vegetarian restaurants. Chain establishments are not suitable for us - as a rule, they use products on an industrial scale.

Difficulties. The i-garden project does not produce crops on an industrial scale, so it is difficult for us to compete with large enterprises. For example, the cost of tomatoes in the “i-garden” exceeds 800 rubles per 1 kg. It is expensive, but the client can be sure that he is eating an environmentally friendly product. Another surprise was the high yield: 12 sq. m bring about 60 kg of tomatoes. Often the “gardener” does not know what to do with the harvest, and sometimes does not even take it, leaving it to us, and we take the surplus to the orphanage.

We also did not provide for a very long ripening period: we said that clients would receive the first harvest of tomatoes in 60 days, but it turned out - in 7 months. Therefore, part of the money had to be returned.

1 Strict vegetarians, excluding all animal products from the diet, including meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products and sometimes honey.
2 Russian venture fund, part of the Synergy University holding. Founded in 2010. Specializes in investing in companies and projects that have a serious scientific foundation.

New innovative project for the production of interactive aerial displays

Maxim Kamanin, CEO, Display

“In the future, three areas of new innovative projects will develop: IT in the consumer market, increasing computing power while miniaturizing the physical size of devices, and the transition to augmented reality. Displair is at the intersection of these areas.”

About the project. Our company's main product is the screenless aerial display Displair I, which allows you to display images in the air.

The Displair system consists of a projector and a screen onto which an image is transferred using a special spray from tiny moisture particles.

The display diagonal is 30 inches (60 × 45 cm), and the image quality allows you to read texts from it. Water particles are so small that due to strong surface tension they become solid. If the user touches the screen, the particles will not leave wet marks and will generate an image that bypasses the obstacle. In addition, they can withstand temperatures ranging from –50 °C to +50 °C. Water consumption is liter per hour, and the built-in reservoir is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation.

The monitor is controlled using gestures that are monitored by infrared motion sensors. They use one and a half thousand points - this allows the computer to “see” even fine motor skills and “understand” what exactly the user is showing with his hand. The optical system is capable of processing up to 1.5 thousand touches simultaneously, the delay time is less than 0.2 s.

The idea of ​​creating a display appeared back in 2010, when I was graduating from Astrakhan State Technical University. By the time I received my diploma, the project was already ready, which I registered on the Seliger forum. I was invited to the event and asked to show a prototype of the display, which Dmitry Medvedev also got acquainted with. Also in 2010, we held a presentation of the development in Silicon Valley, as a result of which Displair was included in the top ten most promising startups of the year according to the Plug’n’Play technology center. Today our company is a member of the IT park in Kazan and the first resident of the Skolkovo innovation center, and also topped the rating of Russian startups in the hi-tech segment according to the Center for New Technologies and Technological Entrepreneurship Digital October.

Even at the prototype stage, large advertising agencies showed interest in the screenless display, which discovered its potential for using a new generation of computers in various events. At the moment we are working on projects with BBDO Moscow, Instinct and Grape. Intel Russia, Microsoft Russia, Google, and Megafon have already successfully used Displair screens in their BTL campaigns.

Attachments. In May 2012, we raised $1 million in our first round of investment. The money was spent on renting an office and searching for personnel (now the company has 50 people on staff); a little later, a production site was prepared.

Among our investors are the Leta GIV fund as part of the Leta Group, business angel Esther Dyson 3, co-founder, editor-in-chief of East-West Digital News Adrien Enni, CEO of Acrobator Bastian Godska (led the development and marketing of the companies Ozon.ru, KupiVIP.ru, Lamoda.ru), co-founder of East-West Digital Alexander Baderko.

Income. According to optimistic forecasts, it is planned to reach self-sufficiency in 2014, and according to pessimistic forecasts - in 2015. Today, the main source of income is renting prototypes of the Displair I display for events. A day's rental costs 30 thousand rubles. This year we plan to launch the first display model for sale. We are currently working on a b2b model, but we will switch to b2c when we achieve a price that suits ordinary users.

Difficulties. The main problems in the development of the project are related to the specifics of the domestic market. Like any high-tech production, Displair suffers from inconvenience due to a shortage of personnel: in Russia it is difficult to find specialists of the required profile. Therefore, we gather the best all over the country and even abroad: in addition to Russians, our staff includes employees from France and Germany.

The second problem is the complex supply chain. The necessary components are not produced in Russia, so the only way out is to arrange supplies from China.

3 Esther Dyson - member of the board of directors of Yandex, president of the venture fund EDventure Holdings (initial investor in Flickr), actively invests in IT projects.

Alexander Valencia-Campo, Mikhail Pogrebnyak and Pavel Cherkashin implemented an innovative project specializing in visual search on the Internet

Pavel Cherkashin, co-founder, sales director, Kuznech

“The Russian venture environment is designed to copy successfully implemented Western innovative projects, but not to create new ones. Everyone asks about Western analogues and shakes their heads in displeasure if they don’t find any.”

About the project. The author of the idea is Alexander Valencia-Campo, one of the founders of the company. Before that he was developing computer games and was constantly faced with the task of finding similar images for illustrations. In 2006, having not found a single high-quality proposal in this area, he formulated the basic algorithms for the operation of the future service. For several years, Alexander had plans for implementation and attracted me as a partner and business angel, but all attempts to create a working system did not lead to success. To successfully complete the task, there was a lack of an expert in the implementation of complex software systems. Mikhail Pogrebnyak, CEO of the IT company Qbix, became such a partner.

The Kuznech project offers technologies for indexing and comparing billions of images on the Internet based on their visual content, rather than text descriptions, as Google does. By the way, the name Kuznech comes from the word “grasshopper” and partly reflects the company’s activities. The fact is that some species of these insects have two anatomically and functionally different means of obtaining visual information.

Kuznech technology is suitable for Internet companies working with large volumes of images when conventional keyword searches do not provide adequate results. The system can be used in online stores, in social networks, on photo sites - wherever a significant amount of information is presented in visual form rather than in the form of texts, as well as in industrial fields - from medicine to information security and industrial design.

Attachments. An initial investment of $500K was made by the founders and a few close friends who believed in the idea. Subsequently, we attracted a Skolkovo grant in the amount of $660 thousand, which allowed us to conduct scientific research and solve a number of complex technical problems, as well as significantly reduce technological risks.

Income. It is planned to achieve operational payback in 2014. Already in December 2012, the Kuznech project began to generate income. Among the first clients are news agencies, online stores, and social services.

Difficulties. The main challenge at the moment is to find the most commercially attractive applications for the technology. The potential is huge, but we need to start with small steps. The most promising sales market is the United States, where the bulk of visual information and the business around it are concentrated. We opened there entity, issued American patents and established a legal address in California.

Innovative economy of Russia: a persistent feeling that “the drive belts are smoking, and the flywheel is barely spinning.” In this matter, it is important to avoid the slightest dramatization and stop value judgments. To discern progressive trends and prerequisites for system solutions, it is necessary to dive into the subject area of ​​the basic design methodology. Dissect in detail the innovative project as an essential phenomenon, determine the types, methods of selection and initiation, models of execution. This gives a sense of support and source of knowledge.

Basic points of innovation theory

The concept of innovation in a general sense is changes made that allow significant innovations to be introduced into the process of thinking and action. Innovation in business is an invention, innovation, brought to the stage of a commercial or other new product. It can significantly change the balance of power in the market due to obvious advantages over competitors. This definition does not claim to be a canon due to the fact that the concept itself has not yet been established in the modern world. The innovation concept follows the idea of ​​invention and innovation in the form of other, previously unused:

  • ways;
  • funds;
  • methods;
  • products;
  • technologies.

Innovation must have practical application. Next to the concept of “innovation” there are always accompanying “innovation process”, “innovation projects” and “innovation activity”. The concept of activity was introduced into scientific and business circulation by Academician L.I. Abalkin. Below are a number of definitions given to them.

The philosophical meaning of creating innovations is to resolve the regularly arising contradiction between existing capabilities and increased needs. The effectiveness of new things implemented in business is to satisfy consumer expectations and lay the foundation for expanded reproduction of the innovation process. Therefore, activities for the development and market use of innovations must be a priori profitable. Thus, the signs of introducing a new one are the following.

  1. Novelty as a set of unique scientific and technical knowledge.
  2. The ability to be implemented in products, technologies appearing on the market or in society for the first time or in a new quality.
  3. Satisfying the expectations of representatives of the target audience who vote with rubles for the success of innovations they recognize.
  4. The presence of economic, technological and social effects sufficient for the expanded reproduction of innovations.

Three types of innovation

The functions of innovation are divided into functions in the economic environment and functions of social significance. The functions of innovation as a result of business activity and government policy are divided into stimulating and reproductive. If a company profits from bringing something unique to the market, it encourages more innovation. This is the essence of stimulating meaning.

Innovations make it possible to reproduce not only themselves, but also the entire complex of the enterprise as a system: both operational activities and development. Increasing the efficiency of labor and production processes in society as a whole carries out serious social function. Increasing the level of production, quality of products and services through innovation improves the standard of living in society. The intellectual potential of a person as a subject of society develops.

Project activities in the innovation sphere

We can say that a scientific theory, management system and knowledge system in the field of innovation are actively being formed around us. The meaning of “innovative” is increasingly being applied to the content of the words “management”, “process”, “program”, “project”. An innovation project (IP) is a basic element of the system of organization and management of innovation. It is understood as a project (in the traditional project management interpretation) aimed at solving the unique problem of creating, implementing, mastering innovations, bringing their results to consumers and obtaining benefits.

The presented definition forms a special ideal and universal picture of the project results. It is not for nothing that innovative projects are isolated from a certain “substrate”, a field of activity for innovation management. Projects as a means of achieving goals and objectives cannot cover the entire gamut of the management system for creating something new. Before projects, it is necessary to carry out powerful ideological, strategic, educational, and structural preparation. It is required that the philosophy of innovation enters the mental and cultural zones of society and organizations.

Innovative projects are linked into a single project system with a complex of relationships among themselves, with projects of other types in the context of implementing the strategic plan. The chain of project events creates a unified reproduction model of innovation. In addition, local tasks of creating and introducing something new are not able to handle the issue of withdrawing previous generations of an innovative product from the market. And this is also part of the system.

Consumers of innovation results are found in a variety of niches and environments. Internal corporate consumers expect unique innovations in their workplaces. Market consumers are part of target audiences company products. Consumers social services act as parents, students, pensioners, etc. State institutions constitute the most significant class of consumers of innovations: the army, healthcare, science, education.

Innovative projects can be carried out sequentially one after another. Their implementation is also possible in an independent parallel mode. Moreover, several duplicate projects can be carried out on the same topic. A variation of this form of activity is its imitative, copying nature. This type of work to create something new, when someone else’s intellectual results are appropriated, also exists. Paradoxically, imitation and compilation of other people's innovations can give birth to something new, but already our own.

Correlation of innovative projects and process

A company that has chosen an innovation strategy inevitably goes through the formation and development of the innovation process. The organization and execution of this complex process involves the inclusion of individual innovative projects. A systematic, comprehensive process of selection and selection, generation of new knowledge, implementation and dissemination throughout the entire market space is the innovation process. It is associated with significant transformations in the material and social environments of society.

The function of creating an innovation, its implementation and dissemination is performed by individual economic entities - companies. The form of such activity is innovative projects, which are objects and means of development management. Now let’s imagine that in society and the business environment there are ideas directly in the air, waiting for their implementation. In perfect quality conditional example You can consider techno-ideas of self-driving crews (cars), augmented reality, wearable technologies, etc. In each of these cases, a commercial entity first appears - a company that accepts this idea as an object of innovation.

Let us assume that an innovating company begins an innovation process, which in the first stages of its development can never do without cooperation with applied science, venture funds and state support. Most likely, cooperation will also be required in the field of experimental design developments and with the owners of technological capacities for mass production of products. Only a few companies in the world have a full range of capabilities to implement all stages of the innovation process. These include, for example, Samsung.

Model of the innovation process

I would not like to call the innovation process global, but in the modern world this is exactly the case. It is almost impossible to narrow the breadth of events occurring in the process to the size of a single company. Another thing is the development of an innovative project. The concept of the innovation process allows, through a project, to solve local or complex tasks of stages under a single governing body. Let's consider the composition of the main components of the innovation process. It includes interrelated sets:

  • knowledge, scientific, marketing information;
  • scientific research and marketing studies;
  • effective means of labor that make work easier and more productive.

Innovation processes have certain differences from production and other basic and supporting processes of the operating cycle. The following points are inherent in the activity of creating innovations.

  1. There are significant risks and uncertainty regarding how to achieve the intended result.
  2. Detailed planning is not possible; it is impossible to rely on forecasts.
  3. There is permanent resistance not only from those involved in the innovation process, but also from the very environment of consumption of its results in society or on the market.
  4. This process itself depends on the market and society in which it is produced and developed.

Stages of the innovation process

Contents of innovation management

The implementation of a company's innovative activity within itself and on the market is based on the system of the management section created within it, called “innovation management” or “innovation management.” Innovation management is based on traditional “pillars”: organization, environmental analysis and approaches to problem solving. In addition to the basis, the management system includes a block of opportunities, restrictions and ensuring the safety of innovation, sections for resource distribution and gaining experience. The organizational arrangements of this system include the following aspects.

  1. Distribution of responsibility for innovation management.
  2. Search and ranking of innovative ideas.
  3. Developing the company's innovation policy and communicating it to participants in the process.
  4. Formation of an innovation strategy and composition, tasks arising from it.
  5. High-quality and reliable design (innovative projects).
  6. Fostering an innovative culture among company employees.
  7. Creating a special environment that allows for the possibility of learning from mistakes.
  8. Development of employees to advanced innovative positions, expanding their competencies and intentions to contribute to the company’s innovation program.

Algorithm for searching for an innovative idea: responsibilities, deadlines, execution

When analyzing the environment in the innovation management system, benchmarking of innovative solutions among competitors and within the company is ensured. There is permanent monitoring of existing trends and trends in the market. Technologies and registered intellectual property for know-how are assessed. Acceptable technologies are assessed and ranked for application. Problem solving approaches include the following.

  1. Holistic approach to products.
  2. Stimulating the generation of ideas, identifying significant and minimally competitive ones, and their effective processing.
  3. Identification of root problems and discrepancies between consumer expectations and market offers. Formulation of innovative tasks in the value field of consumer preferences.
  4. Simulation of consumer experience throughout the entire life cycle of a company’s product as a basis for organizing modeling and design of work to find new things.
  5. Comprehensive assessment of risks and opportunities based on the degree of innovation and distribution of work over time.

Methods and means of initiating innovative activity

At the beginning of the article, we have already examined some concepts and categories of innovation as a branch of management science. Among them, we touched upon the concept of innovative activity. The innovation process involves a large number of participants both within the company, including the innovator himself, and in the immediate and distant environment. By innovator we mean a company employee who not only carries the idea of ​​innovation, but also personally leads in its implementation.

We have found that the innovation process usually goes far beyond the boundaries of the company that owns such a process. This means that when we talk about activity, we should consider the entire chain of parties involved in the process. Initiating such a large number of people to actively engage in the creation, implementation and promotion of innovations is a difficult matter. And my breadth of vision is clearly not enough to present to your attention the universal means of such initiation. However, regarding the company this is quite possible.

Organizational barriers to initiating innovative activity in a company

The diagram shown above shows the main barriers to activity initiation. Innovation activity, like process projects, must correspond to the company's strategy. It demonstrates the existing connection between the planned content of activities and results. Let's consider the main methods and means of initiation in innovation management.

  1. Motivating teams, collecting, recording and archiving ideas.
  2. Retrospective review, analysis of information and decisions.
  3. Group search sessions for ideas and their ranking using teamwork methods.
  4. Ensuring the implementation of models for consumers to gain experience using the innovation product.
  5. Carrying out ethnodemographic studies.
  6. Multi-aspect design (including the actual innovative project).
  7. Resolving issues with intellectual property.
  8. Identification, formation and development of knowledge management and talent management.
  9. Figurative modeling of expected results.
  10. Assessment of all possible risks of project implementation.

Variety of types of innovation projects

The classification of innovative projects as a systemic phenomenon is, first of all, made from the point of view of including the main element of innovation - the depth of its justification. In modern times, the highest measure of this is the scientific method and approach. Consequently, all individual entrepreneurs can be divided into two dichotomous parts: those using scientific and technical research and development and those not using them.

Thus, scientific and technical innovations are distinguished, divided into product and process types of innovative projects. This division is made in the same way that innovations themselves are divided into unique changes in product, process and strategy. Product and process innovations are interrelated, since product innovations cause process innovations and vice versa. The model for dividing projects according to this criterion is presented in the diagram.

Classification scheme for design innovations by the nature of innovations

If an innovation is based on scientific and technical development, its implementation requires the implementation of a project. An innovative project includes the research and development stage among its first stages. The next classification of projects is their division based on the degree of coverage of the stages of the innovation process. There are a complete project for the development and implementation of innovations, an incomplete project of the first type and an incomplete project of the second type of innovative fullness.

Two-phase model of a complete innovation project

Types of innovative projects are also divided according to the level of scientific and technical significance and the scale of the tasks being solved. According to the first of these classification criteria, projects are divided into 4 types.

  1. Modernization projects. The product prototype, its design features, and production technology do not fundamentally change.
  2. Innovative projects. Significant improvements are being made to the product design.
  3. Advanced projects. Advanced technical solutions are used that fundamentally distinguish the new product from the old one.
  4. Pioneer projects. Completely new materials and design solutions are being developed, and unique technologies are emerging.

Innovative project tasks, taking into account the scale of the projects being implemented, are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Mono-projects. A single innovative idea is implemented and marketed within the framework of one company.
  2. Multiprojects. A whole pool of mono-projects is regulated from the coordination center. Multiprojects solve multifaceted technological problems (creation of a unique medical surgery center, construction of a collider, etc.).
  3. Megaprojects. Multipurpose and intersectoral programs with centralized government funding. Special management centers are created for them under the control of ministries and departments (the level of creation of breakthrough technology in the industry, industry re-equipment projects, etc.).

Life cycle of innovative projects

The life cycle of an innovation project, like any other project task, is subject to certain patterns. It consistently includes the main elements of an innovation project and two cornerstone time points: the launch and closing moments. The internal stages of creating innovations in their composition depend on the type, internal content and scale of the project. Milestones as control points for making fateful decisions have a special specificity.

Due to the fact that the development of an innovative project has a higher risk of unsuccessful completion and loss of funds, when milestones are reached, it is necessary to carefully analyze the results achieved. Of particular importance is the level of the person making the decision about the next stages of the project and the advisability of its continuation. Project events should be treated like a minefield: take a step - stop and look around, the chances are still high - move on.

Therefore, for an innovative project, a system of step-by-step verification of intermediate results and solutions is actively used. The advantage of this system is manifested when developing a design work plan of such a level of depth that the assigned tasks allow for both continuous and stage-by-stage control. All stages of the project according to the GOST R 55347-2012 Standard provide a procedure for confirming the satisfaction of their results.

Confirmation is accompanied by intermediate checks, covering the revision of work at one or all previous stages. They must confirm that the level of the organization and the functional environment are unchanged and consistent with the company's strategy, project objectives and customer expectations. One of the conclusions of intermediate checks may be recommendations for reorientation or closure of the project if there are deviations from the original goals or their unreasonable fragmentation. Decision review stages and event options include:

  • coordination of activities for the stage, new approval of the project plan for moving to the next stage;
  • permission to move to the next stage;
  • requirements for making changes and additions to the content of the stage;
  • requirements for re-inspection if necessary;
  • returning designers to previous stages for improvements and redesign;
  • refusal to accept the results of work performed at a stage and the requirement to repeat them;
  • suspension of the progress of work on the project, conservation of results for a certain period or untimely;
  • stopping the project and exiting it.

Life cycle stages and secondary structure of a product innovation project

Features of the design phase in IP

Another model of the IP life cycle will be presented in this section. In this model, the stages of commercial promotion and distribution of the project product, which occupy a large amount of work, are practically not expressed. That is, the life cycle shown in the diagram gravitates towards innovations of the second type without taking into account the presence of the scientific and technical aspect. The development of an innovative project has specifics due to the special role of two states that do not belong to the design phase. This refers to the phases of activity before project development and implementation and the phases after it.

The most important stages in the design of innovations according to GOST R 55347-2012 Standard

Before considering the design stages, let's restore the general sequence of events. The company has adopted an innovative development strategy. Innovation management is being actively implemented. From among the top management, a person responsible for innovation and development of activities in the form of an individual entrepreneur has been appointed. He also acts as the curator of relevant projects. A structure has been formed within the company to deal with this topic. The innovation process has been launched. Ideas are selected, ranked and ready to move into the pre-project phase. This is the infrastructure and precursor to designing innovation.

As a rule, the created innovation policy council (sometimes the scientific and technical council) forms almost the entire IP management team. The first task of the project management team is to determine the actual opportunities to complete the project. Then the first iteration of the project plan is carried out in an enlarged form. The output of this phase is the approval by the decision maker of the project presentation with a conclusion about its start.

The diagram above illustrates the stages of innovation design, pilot production and transition to mass production and distribution of a product. Some stages are performed simultaneously. The features of individual IPs also allow for the presence of additional and intermediate stages within the phase. The design and implementation stages are subject to detail and configuration for optimal planning purposes. The initial information about the stages includes:

  • general information about the stage (name, purpose);
  • tasks solved at the stage;
  • a list of non-task type activities to be completed;
  • composition of responsible persons for the activities and tasks of the stage;
  • deadlines for tasks and assignments;
  • mechanisms and resources involved in the stage;
  • techniques, methods and other tools for innovative solutions at the stage;
  • results of tasks and the entire stage;
  • indicators for conducting step-by-step inspections.

Composition of participants in the innovation project

When we talk about the innovation management system, it is advisable to separate the participants in the innovation process and the participants in the individual entrepreneurs. The composition of the participants in these two categories overlaps in many ways, but since the process is significantly broader than the project, there are differences. First of all, let’s consider who the stakeholders are in both the process and the increase in the number of projects in the innovation field:

  • the state represented by numerous institutions and regions;
  • municipal authorities;
  • basic science;
  • subjects of scientific research and applied development;
  • venture and investment funds;
  • companies developing innovative solutions and their owners;
  • manufacturing companies of components and the product itself;
  • end consumers of the product.

Participants in the innovation process are divided into entities that create demand for innovations, entities that offer innovative solutions, and intermediary participants. The first category includes government bodies and institutions (army, medicine, education, etc.), companies using innovative products for production, end consumers. A group of participants actively forming (actually or expected from them) an offer on the market of innovative products:

  • holdings and defense industry enterprises;
  • Research institutes and universities;
  • engineering companies;
  • producers of high-tech goods and services.

The group of innovation intermediaries includes:

  • investment capital market;
  • business incubators;
  • technology parks;
  • free economic zones as business entities and tax benefits;
  • innovation and technology centers;
  • patent and licensing authorities;
  • commercial banks;
  • insurance and leasing companies.

Everything that was noted above predetermines the composition of participants and stakeholders in an innovation project. Participants in an innovation project build all interactions through the developer. The corresponding diagram is presented below, in which the developer is considered a collective participant consisting of a curator, a project manager, a project management group and a team. Among the immediate environment one can distinguish the customer, investor, designer and contractor (if the contractor is a separate company, research center).

Key stakeholders and participants of the IP

Methods for selecting innovative projects

Due to the high risks of developing and implementing IP, the financial justification for choosing a project among numerous innovative intentions is of great importance. This procedure It is also significant because, in addition to the risks, this category of project tasks is characterized by large potential for revenue and profits in case of success. The theory of blue ocean strategy demonstrates in detail such opportunities thanks to an innovative approach not only in the material embodiment of a new idea, but also along the entire value chain for the consumer.

Among the important innovation intermediaries is the banking sector. Some commercial banks are beginning to specialize in long-term lending to projects for investment in innovation. They independently master methods for selecting innovative projects. Credit institutions are increasingly conducting independent assessments of intellectual products, which in itself can give impetus not only to solving the problems of lending to innovators. Bank assessment is a tool for external expertise in project selection. An innovative project receives a financial justification, which undergoes qualified inspection and testing.

Some banks, as part of their credit departments, have groups of professional experts capable of making a qualified assessment of a portfolio of innovative projects. At the first stage, an analysis is made and a preliminary conclusion is issued on internal innovation characteristics (return on investment, project implementation period, etc.). The rationale for attracting external sources is analyzed using banking methods, and the conclusions are included in the conclusion. The basic evaluation indicator is the price of capital plus the standard of additional profit. The limits of capital for self-financing innovation and the possibility of attracting it are determined.

Methods for selecting innovative projects used by banks include active assessment tools. Among them is a method for assessing intangible assets, namely an audit of registered intellectual property rights. Expert analysis is aimed at checking the validity of the declared value of an object of intellectual value, establishing the size of the possible return from the position of market valuation. Experts also conduct an additional analysis of the security of intellectual resources, since this question is a risk factor for the project.

Next, the expert group proceeds to the main analytical block. The submitted justification in the form of a business plan for the project, calculations of the efficiency of internal and external investment, sensitivity analysis and composition of various risks. A model of measures for selecting projects for long-term lending, and, consequently, for their possible launch using borrowed funds, is presented below.

Model of assessment procedures for selecting innovative projects

The theory of Kondratiev cycles and world news obviously indicate that in the coming years the sixth technological order will begin its march. In Russia they talk about this, but the innovation process is still not gaining momentum. Oddly enough, the Russian economy still has a chance to become innovative. I am convinced that this is inevitable. Therefore, a practicing PM should definitely spend time mastering the specifics of innovation, studying the basics of development and implementation of IP, the stages of its life cycle, and methods for their selection. Imagine that tomorrow the regulatory framework will change, a unique Russian mechanism for mass innovation will appear, and you are already ready - great option, is not it?

Bibliographic description:

Nesterov A.K. Examples of innovative projects [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

The main feature of Russia is that we always have an abundance of ideas and the desire to experiment. This is a feature of the Russian mentality.

More and more Russian entrepreneurs, passionate about the prospects of domestic technologies, are choosing the high-tech sector as an investment tool. They are willing to take risks and are enthusiastic about learning new business. In general, the state has chosen the right direction, encouraging commercialization programs based on leading research centers, universities, and research institutes. At universities, economic and marketing disciplines are being introduced in technical specialties, aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills among students.

In the 21st century, promising developments of individual Russian companies not directly related to knowledge-intensive industries were financed mainly through loans and their own funds. However, some projects were financed by private investors.

Let's look at successful examples of innovative projects.

Anodized microfilm coating

Moscow construction company "Rik-S" carried out the development and implementation new technology– anodized application of microfilm. This technology was supposed to be used for gilding various surfaces. The development turned out to be successful, the company began to receive contracts from temples, mosques, stadiums, etc. Thus, the company took part in the renovation of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Luzhniki, etc.

Mini engine production

Another example of a successful innovative project in Russia, financed by a private investor: the production of mini-engines for aircraft models was established in Yaroslavl. Now the company producing these engines has taken a strong position both in Russia and in foreign markets. But these are relatively small projects implemented at the stage of company expansion.

Aramid composite fibers

A larger project is the history of the development of the Armocom company. The Center for High-Strength Materials "Reinforced Composites" (Armocom - www.armocom.ru) was created in 1992 at the Central Research Institute of Special Engineering in Khotkovo, Moscow Region. The idea was based on the fact that from aramid composite materials, which are used in spaceships it is possible to make high-strength cords, which should be in demand everywhere, since a cord made from aramid-composite fibers is stronger and lighter than nylon. The first contribution was made directly by the founders of the company - employees of this institute, who together purchased 2 necessary machines for the production of cords. After this, a “business angel” came to the rescue, actually financing the purchase of material for production. From the first batch of 2 tons, several tens of kilometers of cord were made, which almost immediately began to be in demand: it was purchased for use as towing ropes, as well as on yachts, in mountaineering, etc. As a result, after a year the project brought tangible profits.

The next step was the production of body armor from aramid-composite fibers. After the production of the first samples, there was a need to create a production chain for production. It was not possible to get a loan, and there were not enough own funds for this. The money was received from a private investor at a high interest rate. But the idea was worth it. The creation of the body armor coincided with the beginning of the active development of the private security industry in Russia, and among businessmen there were many who wanted to wear hidden body armor. After that, Armocom received government orders from the Presidential Security Service, the State Customs Committee, and then from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After creating a special armored kit for the crew of an armored personnel carrier, which in terms of characteristics turned out to be one and a half times better than the American one, the Ministry of Defense turned its attention to Armocom. We received orders for helmets, body armor, and protective kits. As a result, the project paid off with interest. Both for the investor and for the owners of Armocom. Further development technology was financed from public funds. Currently, Armocom produces most of its products under government orders.

This example shows that the success of an innovative project is based on the following:

  1. Technology. Technology used in space technology, was successfully used for the production of “peaceful” products, displacing already operating enterprises in this niche.
  2. The leader's charisma, without which the company would not have been able to attract investors at an early stage of development.
  3. Constant movement forward. Do not stop there, but move further and further, inventing new products based on technology. If they had stuck with cords, they would likely still be a small business.
  4. Transition from small to medium business. At one stage in the life of the company, obtaining a government order became the main goal, the achievement of which brought the enterprise to a new level and allowed it to gain a foothold in serious business.

Online store Ozone

One more a good example An innovative project is the creation of an online store "Ozon". The store was created at the end of 1997 by Reksoft LLC and was previously intended for sale to a strategic investor, which was considered to be a publishing house. However, none of the publishing houses were interested in this project at that time. As a result, Reksoft LLC began looking for potential investors and venture funds. However, as a result of the crisis of 1998, development was stopped, and Reksoft LLC had to once again finance the development of its project. In 1999, the business plan of the project was revised and a new stage of searching for an investor was undertaken. As a result, Reksoft LLC sold it to Ru-Net Holding Ltd. 50% plus two shares of Ozone for $1.8 million. According to the terms of the deal, Ru-Net Holding Ltd was required to invest another $1.2 million in the Ozon project by the end of 2000.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that “Ozon” at the stages of a business idea and startup was financed by the parent company, and financing by a venture investor was carried out at the stage of project development, when it needed expansion.


Skolkovo is an example of a complex innovative project with complex infrastructure. As part of the project, the Rusnanotech Group of Companies initially created a closed mutual investment fund for venture investments, Skolkovo-Nanotech, in partnership with the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. The fund's industry strategy is investing in promising fast-growing companies in the field of nanotechnology.

Skolkovo's purpose is to create an infrastructure segment responsible for working with companies at an early stage. A whole category of projects have already been implemented that have been at the level of innovative ideas for many years. Skolkovo works with complex innovative projects, harmonizing the process at the most difficult, initial stage of development. The project was initially intended to eliminate the imbalance in the development of innovative entrepreneurship, which was expressed in the fact that, for example, Rusnano supports projects at the production creation stage, and the Russian Venture Company (RVC) supports venture projects, and support for innovative enterprises for more early stages was not carried out, in fact, by anyone. In addition, there are various types of grants and federal programs that contribute to the development of individual projects. However, they are not able to cover all areas in which innovative projects arise.

Within the framework of Skolkovo, an innovation system has been created that harmoniously combines all elements of the innovation process: venture and seed funds, business incubators, technology parks and technology research university. At the same time, the bottleneck in the innovation process, i.e. the commercialization of all projects is significantly facilitated by attracting large companies and funds that are interested in innovative developments or have the resources to facilitate such developments.

As part of cooperation with Intel, the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo signed a partnership agreement in the field of innovation design. The basis was the creation of a laboratory for the development and implementation of the innovation creation process.

In addition to Intel, several other multinational companies have shown interest in the Skolkovo project. The German company Siemens is focused on creating a center for research in the field of biology and energy efficiency in Skolkovo. A cooperation agreement was also concluded with Microsoft Corporation, which purchased the Finnish company Nokia. In this regard, it is planned to open a research center in the field of software development in Skolkovo. Separately, we should also highlight the development of cooperation with foreign innovation centers. In particular, in the field of developing a system for commercialization of innovative technologies in Skolkovo together with the Swiss technology park "TECHNOPARK Zurich".

On the one hand, the creation of an innovation system in Skolkovo is necessary in order to support research activities, and on the other hand, in order to create and create a certain demand for innovative products, which today either do not exist, or exist, but are not enough. In fact, Skolkovo is an innovative testing ground for the development of all types of innovative entrepreneurship. Within the framework of the project, an innovative system has been created that allows any innovative enterprise or private innovator to advance their project from the idea stage to commercial implementation. In other words, the creation of such a system means the formation of a powerful factor in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia.

The combination of all these factors and elements is the main condition for creating a critical mass of intellectual potential, the emergence of innovative ideas and the realization of their value on the market.

When Skolkovo was created, the time frame for the implementation of such an innovative project was set: in terms of the construction of the main elements of the science city - about 7 years, for the formation of innovative infrastructure - 10-15 years.

The future innovation center will be financed from the federal budget in terms of promoting infrastructure development, in terms of developing design documentation for non-commercial facilities, as well as in terms of scientific infrastructure. The remaining facilities related to commercial infrastructure, including a number of social facilities, are provided as part of co-financing.

When creating Skolkovo, the following plans were set:

  • creation of the largest center for the development and commercialization of innovative technologies;
  • the creation of branches of the largest innovative companies in Russia and foreign countries, as well as scientific and design laboratories of Russian universities;
  • development of innovative projects across five priority areas. This includes five “breakthrough” branches of science: nanotechnology, energy, information technology and telecommunications, biomedical and nuclear technologies.

At the moment, Skolkovo, as an example of an innovative project, is assessed as successful, while the science city has become one of the starting points for the “breakthrough” development of the economy of the Russian Federation.

The concept of “innovation project” can be considered in several aspects:

as a set of activities to achieve innovative goals,

as a process of implementing innovative activities, as a package of documents justifying and describing this activity.

These three aspects highlight the importance of an innovation project as forms of organization and targeted management of innovation activities. An innovative project is a complex system of processes, interdependent and interconnected in terms of resources, timing and stages.

Market mechanisms for coordinating the activities of firms and various institutions in the development, implementation and commercialization of innovations are very imperfect. This is explained by the state of the Russian economy, the unfavorable investment climate, the inertia of large industrial firms, and the lack of resources among small businesses. One of the most favorable opportunities for creating and implementing innovations is a special system for organizing and financing innovative projects.

The formation of innovative projects to solve the most important scientific and technical problems provides an integrated, systematic approach. Depending on the type of project, dozens of design and industrial organizations, various financial institutions, scientific, public and government institutions, and commercial structures may take part in its implementation. The main elements and participants of the innovation project are presented in Fig. 11.1.

Thus, the implementation of the concept of an innovative project is ensured by dozens of participants and organizations. The variety of goals and objectives of innovative development determines many types of innovative and scientific and technical projects.

Rice. 11.1. Structure of an innovation project

According to the subject-content structure and the nature of innovative activity, projects are divided into research, scientific and technical, related to the modernization and renewal of the production apparatus, as well as projects for the systemic renewal of the enterprise. In addition, innovative projects are divided according to the level of solution, the nature of the goals, the type of innovation, and the period of implementation.

Types of innovation projects are shown in Fig. 11.2.

Development of an innovative project is a long and very expensive process. From initial idea to operation, the process can be represented as a cycle consisting of three distinct phases: pre-investment, investment and operational (Figure 11.3).

Innovative projects are characterized by high uncertainty at all stages of the innovation cycle. Moreover, innovations that have successfully passed the stage of testing and implementation into production may not be accepted by the market, and their production should be discontinued.

Many projects give encouraging results at the first stage of development, but then, due to unclear resource or technical and technological prospects, must be closed.

Even the most successful projects are not guaranteed against failure, and at any point in their life cycle they are not immune from the emergence of a more promising new product from a competitor. No less specific for an innovation project compared to an investment project is the availability of options at all stages of the innovation life cycle. If, after selecting an investment project, only one single decision is made, which should be implemented, then the innovative project requires a new re-evaluation and revision at the next stages and at numerous control points. Innovation is fundamentally characterized by alternative and multivariate solutions. Hence the difficulty of predicting it. This is related to the assessment of future competitiveness and market adaptation.

Innovation can be successful if it is supported by concentrated and coordinated actions of all stakeholders - the state and the private sector. To develop and implement such economically justified, coordinated actions of Russia's innovation strategy, it is advisable to develop a state information system "Innovation Policy of the Real Sector of the Economy." Its use will help enterprises and organizations in adjusting the strategy and tactics of their innovative and entrepreneurial activity.

An important condition for the feasibility of an innovative project ~ is the selection of a reliable basis for forecasting and analyzing innovations and the involvement of a team of specialists in the project: high-class professionals, highly qualified performers, responsible founders and creditors interested in the success of the implementation of all stages of the innovation. Often

In innovative projects, finding a basic model causes great difficulty.

Another feature of an innovation project is the problem of identifying an individual innovation as a unit of observation and analysis. If this is a routine procedure in an investment project, then isolating one innovation from the interconnected multiple elements of innovation activity turns out to be an independent complex process. Intensive research into a particular type of innovation gives rise to a complex range of accompanying “incremental”, partial, less radical innovations.

As experience accumulates, the number of modifications gradually decreases and a basic one appears model. It becomes obvious that while the initial single innovation is in the prime of its life cycle and brings financial success, it is possible that it will become obsolete due to changes in the basic model itself. Reducing the technical uncertainty of an innovative project does not mean reducing financial and commercial risk. Moreover, when developing a number of fundamental innovation projects, the elimination of technical risks leads to the identification of shortcomings of the selected technology and equipment, which in itself can cause the cessation of funding. Technical and commercial risks in innovative projects are not in any correlation, and to eliminate or prevent risks one should follow an empirical path.

The duration of the planned life cycle of the innovation is of great importance in choosing a method for forecasting and analyzing an innovation. Innovations with a short life cycle remain highly dependent on the duration of the stage R&D, from the emergence of competing new products and the development of innovations based on this technical principle. When forecasting this type of innovation, one should always provide for the possible obsolescence of this principle within the framework of the innovation.

It should be borne in mind that financial success may depend on lengthening the life cycle of an innovation, both by increasing its useful life and by earlier entering the market. When comparing the financial efficiency of alternative innovations, success will in many cases be on the side of a high-tech, short-lived new product, and not on the side of a mastered product.

An innovative project, therefore, must develop within the framework of the necessary and sufficient conditions and rational restrictions. Each project begins with a clear statement of its goal, criteria for successful implementation and preliminary outlines of the main stages of its implementation. Boundary conditions can be the uncertainty and unpredictability of fundamental research and the inconsistency of the project with the goals of the organization, all possible resource and technological limitations. At the initial development stage, attention should be paid to the success criteria, and not to the details of the project.

Criteria for the success of an innovation project also require careful and rigorous consideration.

If for an investment project the only and main criterion is financial success, then for innovative projects fundamental novelty, patent purity, licensing protection, priority of the direction of innovation, and the competitiveness of the introduced innovation are no less important. In addition, the criteria for success include production and resource capabilities, technical feasibility, financial efficiency, as well as the social feasibility of the solution.

An innovative project is a complex system of actions aimed at achieving certain goals in the development of science and technology. They are interconnected by event performers, deadlines and resources. An innovation program is a set of interconnected innovative projects, as well as projects that are aimed at supporting activities in this area. At the moment, innovative projects in preschool educational institutions are gaining popularity, examples of which inspire the creation of new educational programs.

Level of scientific and technical significance

Innovative projects, as well as technical solutions and ideas that they implement, may have the following levels of scientific and technical significance:

  • modernization ( basic technology does not undergo fundamental changes);
  • innovative (the design of the new product is significantly different from the previous one);
  • advanced (the design was created thanks to advanced technical solutions);
  • pioneer level (new technologies and materials appear that did not previously exist).

The level of significance of an innovative project determines the complexity, scale, features of promoting the results of the process and the composition of the performers. This will affect the content of project management.

Classification of innovative projects

Innovative projects can be classified as follows:

1. By the nature of the goals:

  • final;
  • intermediate.

2. By implementation period:

  • short-term;
  • mid-term;
  • long-term.

3. According to the needs that the project satisfies. They can focus on creating new or satisfying existing needs.

4. By type of innovation (creation of a new or improved product, reorganization of the management structure, etc.).

5. According to the degree of decisions made, they can be of the following nature:

  • branded;
  • regional;
  • industry;
  • international federal

6. According to the scale of the tasks performed:

  • mono-projects - projects that are carried out by one company within strict financial and time limits, and have a clear innovative goal;
  • multiprojects - complex programs aimed at achieving complex goals;
  • megaprojects are multi-purpose programs that combine a number of multi-projects that are connected by one difficult to achieve goal.

Each project goes through certain stages of its development from its inception to its completion. Their totality forms its life cycle. It is customary to divide it into phases, then into stages, and then into stages. They vary depending on the work organization system and field of activity.

Development of an innovative project

When created, innovative projects undergo implementation and completion. It is worth paying attention to the main stages:

  • idea formation;
  • opportunity research;
  • preparation of documentation for concluding a contract;
  • preparation of documentation for the design of the project;
  • work to implement the program;
  • monitoring of economic indicators.

At the development stage, attention is paid to the success and effectiveness of the project. Moreover, the details of his existence at this moment are not too important. For them, novelty, competitiveness, licensing protection and the presence of a patent are especially important. In addition, innovative projects require investment of funds aimed at improving the business.

Implementation of innovative projects

Most organizations use internal and external sources of financing simultaneously. Internal sources are their own funds, which are mainly generated from the sale of assets or are insurance sums and depreciation charges. External sources of financing include those attracted and also financing from the regional or federal budget.


Innovative projects are the programs with the highest risk for investment. For this reason, their creators should realistically assess their capabilities. The most attractive for investment will be programs aimed at promoting ready-made ones. Projects related to the promotion of new technologies are characterized by increased risk, since it is much more difficult to create a marketing concept for them.

Problems with financing arise if the project has an unfinished stage of exploratory research. When they are carried out, there is a high probability of obtaining a negative result.

Risk classification

The risks of an innovation project are uncertainty that depends on the decisions made, and their implementation takes some time. Part of business decisions is risk assessment. To classify them, it is advisable to apply the block principle, which provides for the distribution of risks by categories, groups, types, etc. The risks of innovative projects can be classified as follows:

  • As predictable as possible: foreseen and unforeseen.
  • By the presence of intentional creation.
  • By detection time.
  • At the place of discovery.
  • By detection method.
  • For reasons of appearance.
  • According to the culprits of the appearance.
  • By duration of action.
  • If possible, insurance.
  • By methods of eliminating consequences.
  • By stages of the technological process.
  • According to production conditions.
  • At set prices.

To assess the risk of an innovation project, it is necessary to determine the degree of research and development, the program's compliance with the company's market strategy, and marketing. Classification, assessment and study of risks will be required to manage them.

Assessing the effectiveness of an innovation project

The effectiveness of a project of this type from the point of view of its participants can be determined by the corresponding indicators of their participation. It is worth considering its assessment by the innovative university, which is responsible for the implementation of the project and also attracts outside participants and additional funding. Assessing the effectiveness of an innovative project is based on the following principles:

  • prices for services, resources, goods that are provided for by the project or established on the market are applied;
  • cash flows must be calculated in the same currencies as provided by the program for paying for products and purchasing resources, after which they will be converted into rubles at the current rate;
  • in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the profit from financial and investment activities, as well as apply the project financing scheme;
  • it is necessary to take into account contributions to additional funds and the income received from them.

In the process of calculating the performance indicators of a company's participation, it is worth taking into account funds, regardless of whether they are own or borrowed. Loan payments will be called outflows, and borrowed funds will be called inflows.

project taking into account efficiency risks

It is worth considering the development of an innovative project taking into account the assessment of its effectiveness. As an example, you can take the example of the EcoZdrav LLC project. The company operates in Krasnoyarsk. The project is aimed at the production and sale of reagent-free and cartridge-free units, which are intended for purification of drinking and Wastewater. At the moment they have no analogues.

Preliminary market research has shown that the need for these installations is quite high. According to estimates, it is 25,000 pieces, which is only a tenth of possible buyers. Based on this information, the company plans to produce 10 thousand units per year, which will be quite reasonable.

To evaluate performance, you need to find the net present value (NPV) using prices and the sum of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The following formula applies:


where E is equity capital, D is the amount of borrowed capital, K is the amount of invested capital, y is the expected return on equity, b is the expected return on borrowed capital, t is the income tax rate.

For this company the indicator will be:


If we take the inflation rate of 7%, which was set at the time the project was developed, we can get a discount factor of 0.340624.

According to the plan, the profit volume will be 448,060 rubles. in the first year, 3,229,925 rubles. - in the second, and 3,919,425 rubles. - in the third. Taking them into account, it is necessary to calculate indicators on the basis of which the effectiveness of the innovation project will be assessed.

Net present value calculated for the next three years (NPV):

NPV1 = 448060/1.340624- 2000000 = - 1665782.5

NPV2 = 448060/1.340624+ 3229925/(1.340624)^2 - 2000000= 131343.21

Return on Investment Index (PI):

PI = (448060/1.340624+ 3229925/〖(1.340624)〗^2)/2000000 = 2131343.21/2000000 = 1.0656

Internal rate of return (IRR):

IRR = r_1+NPV(r_1)/(NPV(r_1)- NPV(r_2)) (r_2-r_1)

The cost of capital r1 is taken to be 20%.

Then IRR = 0.3+255859.8/(255859.8- 131343.21) (0.340624-0.3)=0.383475

We can conclude that the calculated rate of return exceeds the cost of capital. Thus, the implementation of this innovative project will be appropriate.

Innovative projects in business

Today, innovative business projects are successfully conquering the world market. This is explained by the fact that the modern consumer is not so easy to please. If a company repeats its competitors, it will lose its popularity over time. For this reason, any business needs innovation. It is best if these are truly innovative projects, and not an update of old technologies, goods or services.

It is actively changing due to the development of the scientific and technical sphere. From this point of view, business requires attention. In addition, innovations must be recognized by society. If they do not accept the developed innovative project, an example of which was demonstrated to consumers, it will not bring any benefit.

The benefits of innovation in business

It is worth noting that innovation in business requires significant intellectual, financial and labor costs. In addition, you will have to invest not only in the project, but also in the company’s employees. Innovations in business activities can be technical, managerial, administrative, economic and organizational.

Among the main innovative projects of this kind can be called computerization. They help create databases of bathhouses, carry out calculations using the Internet, use computer programs for work and sending emails. In addition, an entrepreneur will be able to create a commercial website or online store.

Thus, projects of this kind in business make it possible to improve the procedure for development, provision of services, sales, etc. In addition, the process will be significantly simplified and take less time. This means that the business will have greater profitability.

Innovative projects at school

Parents often face the question of where to send their child, regular school, gymnasium and lyceum. Most of them are identified quickly, but the concept of “innovative school” is rarely familiar to them. Despite this, all modern educational institutions can be called such. This is because most curricula are designed with innovation in mind.

It is not at all necessary to send your child to an innovative school, because an innovative pedagogical project is also being implemented in a traditional institution. But they will still focus on developing children’s ability to independently acquire knowledge.

The use of innovative technologies in school allows us to individually select a training program for each child, which has a positive effect on his capabilities. In addition, children will be more eager to study, since they can be interested. What is an innovative project at school? Example - application in education various programs. With their help, you can positively influence the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.

Innovation project: example

In order to finally understand what constitutes an innovative project, it is worth considering specific example. Electrolux Design Lab held a student competition in China in 2013. There, a graduate of the Animation Institute, Qing Ji, presented his project, which was aimed at improving human sleep. He developed a cell cushion in the form of green mass. It can provide not only optimal rest, but also protection against harmful bacteria. In this case, the innovation project, an example of which is presented, involves the invention of a completely new and complex technology.

The pillow contains aloe cells that absorb carbon monoxide and release oxygen. For this reason, people who sleep on it do not have breathing problems. Aloe cells are able to eliminate any harmful bacteria around them. This innovative project, an example of which was described, became successful, but if you want to create something new, you can prepare a program that is not so complex. It may contain an update to existing technology.

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