How to draw a butterfly the easy way. Learn to draw a butterfly

Children really like to draw a variety of butterflies, because their wings have very unusual and bright patterns. Today we invite you to draw a simple but quite realistic butterfly with your child.

You need to prepare all the materials necessary for the drawing:

  • colour pencils;
  • medium weight paper;
  • a simple pencil and eraser.

So first we need to do a light sketch of the wings of our butterfly.

We also outline the patterns that will decorate the butterfly’s wings with a simple pencil. We start by drawing small spots along the edge of the far upper wing.

Then we draw them on the upper near wing. On the lower (small) wing we draw only one row of spots.

The main pattern of the wings of this butterfly is oblong-shaped veins. They need to be created on the remaining section of the wings. We draw such patterns arbitrarily, without creating any particular symmetry.

That's it, the sketch is ready and now you can start drawing with colored pencils.

We start by painting the large oblong veins on the lower wing yellow.

We also paint over the large spots (middle row) on the upper wings.

Using an orange tone, we draw large round spots on the lower wing and veins at the base of the upper pair of wings.

Then we shade the yellow spots with an orange pencil.

The remaining small spots are not painted over; they remain white.

Using a black pencil, we begin to fill in the remaining parts of the wings. We start from the farthest wing.

Then we draw the nearest upper wing, and then the lower one.

Without putting down the black pencil, we move on to drawing the body of the butterfly and its small parts. First, we outline the outline of the antennae and draw their tips.

Then we paint over the body with a black tone, leaving white highlights in some places.

Now under the resulting butterfly we create a green leaf. We paint over it, outlining the thin veins.

We shade the upper part of the leaf with yellow, and create a translucent shadow under the butterfly with a black or brown pencil.

Now the drawing is complete!

How to draw a butterfly - the most beautiful of all insects that exist on earth? If you approach the process responsibly, draw up an action plan, stock up on the necessary materials and tools, then you are guaranteed a good result. Children love to draw butterflies: images of colorful, weightless moths fluttering among flowers are a favorite theme of creativity for 4-5 year olds.

Which butterfly should I draw?

The question of how to draw a butterfly is not difficult for a child, especially if his parents help him. Adults can also engage in a fun creative process. Among hundreds of species of noble lepidopteran insects, you can choose several specimens, the most famous and popular, for drawing. These are monarch butterflies, blue butterflies, admiral butterflies, swallowtail butterflies, moth butterflies, atalia, caligula and some others.

How to draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil?

Any image begins with a sketch, in most cases a pencil sketch. How to draw a butterfly if you have a blank sheet of paper in front of you and a simple pencil in your hand? The first thing you need to do is take a ruler and draw two lines (horizontal and vertical) so that they intersect in the middle of the sheet at an angle of 90 degrees. This crosshair will allow you to draw the body of a butterfly, positioning it symmetrically. At the first stage, draw the abdomen in the form of an elongated oval, so that the first quarter is above the horizontal line, and the remaining three quarters are below. Then we draw the head - it can be a simple circle at the top point of the abdomen.

At the next stage, you can outline the initial contours of the wings. Most butterflies have four wings, two front and a pair of back. The front wings in your drawing will start from a horizontal line and rise up, and the rear wings will go down from this line. The proportions of the wings will have to be determined by eye, but there will be no mistake, since the sizes vary over a very wide range, from the smallest to the very large. Everything will depend on your taste.

How to draw a butterfly with a pencil so that it looks like a real one after coloring? The contours of the wings must be outlined with a pencil, stepping back slightly from the edge. The new lines will serve as the border of the coloring at the very last stage. Now that the outer edges are marked, you can begin drawing the boundaries of future colored segments. Each butterfly has patterns on its wings that are strictly symmetrical, circles and dots alternate with stripes, fringed lines alternate with wavy ones. All details of the drawing should be carefully outlined with a pencil. At the last stage, you need to outline the butterfly’s eyes and draw the antennae. Additionally, you can draw a few strokes across its abdomen.

How to draw a butterfly step by step with paints?

The butterfly is a miracle of nature. Its beauty lies in the bright, multi-colored colors of its wings, iridescent tints and translucent shades. How to draw a butterfly to convey all its charm? First of all, you need to stock up on thin artistic brushes, since when coloring a picture you will have to apply strokes, barely touching the paper - this is the only way to convey the color and splendor of the coloring of the wings of a noble creature.

What paints are best to use?

Watercolor paints like "Neva" are best suited for coloring butterflies. They are contained in tubes, the consistency requires a minimum amount of water, which means that the paper will not have time to get wet, the image will be clear and contrasting.

Coloring should begin from the outer edges. The general principle for painting pencil outlines is to apply paint to the largest areas of the image first, then to the smaller ones, and finally to the smallest areas.

Many butterflies have bright spots on their wings of a regular round shape, reminiscent of the open eyes of an unknown animal. This is a special protection bestowed by nature itself to scare away enemies. Circle eyes can be surrounded by a rim, which enhances the impression.

Own style

If you do not want your butterfly to repeat the colors of already known specimens, such as the admiral or monarch, then you can come up with your own combination of colors, exclusive and unique. But at the same time it is necessary to maintain the harmony of the color scheme. It is desirable that the color design of the picture contains only warm tones or, conversely, cold ones. It is not recommended to mix them.

Black goes well with orange, red, coffee and pink. Blue can be successfully complemented by blue and lilac. Blue goes well with white. Yellow goes well with dark brown, green and khaki. Turquoise - with blue and light blue.

In order for the drawing to be contrasting, it is necessary to select colors of the same range, but of different intensities. For example, dark blue next to light blue, and lemon next to dark saffron. In this case, you will end up with a very

Learn to draw a butterfly with paints and pencils.

Little artists love to paint an airy, graceful, light and graceful butterfly. The simple lessons offered in this article will help you learn this difficult creativity.

How to draw a beautiful butterfly with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

  1. We begin the drawing by sketching the contours of the details of the figure.
  2. At the top of the sheet we make a circle, under which we draw an irregular oval - this will be the basis for the face. Stepping back a little down and to the right from these figures, draw a large circle to form the body of the butterfly
  3. We connect the first two figures with an oval, in the shape of an elongated egg, leaving a little space for the future eye
  4. Attach a round base to the resulting face
  5. We got the face and body of the butterfly
  6. Now we draw 2 wings on the left side
  7. Next, duplicate the wings on the right side. Please note that these wings are a slightly different shape compared to the left ones
  8. Line the insect's body with cheerful stripes
  9. Let's add large, spherical eyes
  10. Let's draw horns on the head in the form of two cherries
  11. Let's liven up your face with a cheerful smile
  12. Now let's decorate the upper wings by adding a few ovals inside
  13. On the lower wings we make similar ovals
  14. Add a few circles between the ovals on the upper wings
  15. Next, erase all the auxiliary lines, clearly outline all the main lines
  16. Let's paint our cheerful moth with rich colorful colors
Step by step diagram
Coloring the flying darling

How to draw butterfly wings?

Most often, the main problem when depicting wings is the synchronicity of the drawing.

  • To make identical wings, line the sheet as shown in the picture.
  • For each part of the wing, allocate a specific place
  • Then, focusing on the mesh you made, draw one wing, then completely copy the second one
  • Continue to form the selected wing pattern, strictly observing the established dimensions.
  • Place the emitted eyes between the second and third lines
  • Duplicate the wings with an inner wavy line, add a body, antennae and legs
  • You can color the butterfly at your own discretion

The main stages of depicting wings

How can you easily draw a simple butterfly in cells?

  • Drawing with cells is not only interesting, but also very useful.
  • During this creative process, the child develops spatial thinking, attention, and perseverance.
  • For adults, this skill will be useful for 3D drawings and decorating handicrafts.
  • You can repeat any of the butterfly drawing patterns by cells given below using a sheet of paper lined with cells and a printed ready-made diagram
  • To make it easier to draw, number the horizontal and vertical lines on the original and on the sheet in a box
  • Work using a coordinate system

Choose from the proposed schemes below the most suitable and interesting scheme for you:

A simple diagram for beginners of a cartoon heroine

Not a complex lemon butterfly pattern

Beautiful and easy to make flying insect

Drawing complemented by ornaments

Graceful creature in flight

A very simple monochromatic pattern

Another version of the bright butterfly template

Video: Drawing by Cells: Butterfly

How to draw a butterfly with paints and watercolors?

Let's draw a colorful moth with acrylic paints.

  • First of all, we sketch a butterfly using a simple pencil. To do this, choose any available method from those described above.

In our example, the butterfly looks like this:

Step 1
  • Let's start with the background design
  • Apply the first layer with yellow, dark green, blue, black colors

Step 2
  • We detail the drawing, applying thick watercolor in places, and where necessary dilute the paint with water

Step 3
  • Let's move on to the image of a butterfly
  • We use colors:
  1. red
  2. yellow
  3. white
  4. blue
  5. black
  • We obtain the missing tones by mixing existing colors
  • Carefully apply a thin white layer to the wings
  • We add specks with the selected colors, without detailing anything yet

Step 4
  • Draw the outlined details with a thin brush
  • Remember to color with dots, not strokes.

Step 5
  • Adding bright, rich contrasts
  • Having finished with one wing, move on to the second
  • Detailing using dotted strokes

Step 6
  • Acrylic paint dries instantly, so you can immediately apply a white pattern to the existing black one.

Step 7
  • Having painted the upper wing, move on to the lower one
  • We work in the same way as with the first
  • We detail the threads of the veins with a thin brush, using black color, diluted until transparent
  • Distribute it to the darker areas of the wings

Step 7
  • Having finished with the wings, let's move on to the body
  • Make it striped, alternating black and white colors
  • We imitate a hairy belly with broken strokes

Step 8
  • If you feel unsure, sketch with thinned colors first and then add details with rich colors.
  • We bring the insect to life by painting a bright yellow eye on its head.
  • We darken the edges of the eye with transparent black, and put a white spot in the center
  • Add black mustache
  • Admiring the created drawing

Ready creative composition

How to draw a small butterfly on a flower with a pencil and paints?

Make sketches of the head and body, as shown in the figure

Stage 1
  • Adding whiskers and paws
  • Painting on the eyes
  • We decorate the body with stripes and elongated circles

Stage 2
  • Drawing the contours of the wings

Stage 3
  • Adding a beautiful edging to the wings

Stage 4
  • Drawing graceful veins

Stage 5
  • Place the butterfly in the center of a flower with large petals
  • It’s not difficult to draw a flower

Stage 6
  • Erase auxiliary lines
  • We clearly draw the contours of the drawing
  • Color the butterfly with pencils or paints at your discretion

Graceful creature on a flower

Different drawing methods require some experience. Start with a simpler option and gradually move on to a more complex one. Don't be discouraged if you don't get the butterfly picture perfect the first time. Enjoy the creative process itself, not the result.

Happy creative process!

Butterflies delight children and adults with their unearthly beauty. Intricate patterns on the wings, a harmonious combination of colors and shades, complex shapes attract and fascinate. However, not everyone can recreate all this splendor on a sheet of paper, especially kids who have their own artistic skills. Therefore, it is quite logical that little ones turn to their parents with a request to draw a butterfly.

But here’s the thing: not every adult knows how to draw a butterfly beautifully so that the drawing meets the child’s expectations. Well, let's look at a few simple schemes for creating such a masterpiece.

How to draw a fairy-tale or “cartoon” butterfly with paints?

Children always like colorful and bright fairy-tale characters, so, without a doubt, a butterfly of this kind will delight a preschooler.

You can draw such a butterfly either with a pencil or with paints, and the scheme for its implementation is so simple that the little ones can be involved in the process.

So, let's look at how to create this wonderful “cartoon” butterfly using simple geometric shapes, numbers and letters. First, let's prepare a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil, colored pencils or paints, and an eraser to correct errors. Now let's get started:

How to draw a beautiful butterfly step by step for older children?

After practicing the initial skills, you can take on a more difficult task and draw a real butterfly:

How to draw a butterfly on a flower with a pencil?

Surely, young princesses will want to complement the composition with a beautiful flower. In this case, it is better to draw a butterfly in profile, and this is a task almost for artists. But it’s still worth a try so as not to disappoint the little lady.

So let's get started:

As you can see, drawing a butterfly on a flower is not as difficult as it initially seemed. Of course, not everything may work out right away, but if you practice a little, success is guaranteed.

Drawing a butterfly with colored pencils begins with drawing simple lines and geometric shapes. Then everything is adjusted and transformed into a beautiful butterfly!

Necessary materials:

  • colored pencils yellow, brown, orange, green;
  • simple pencil;
  • marker;
  • ruler;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. First, draw a vertical line on a sheet of paper.

3. Now draw a horizontal line in the middle of the body. Using it we will draw the wings of a butterfly.

4. From the horizontal line, draw one arc along the sides.

5. Let’s draw one more arc to it. The upper wings have already been drawn.

6. Now let's draw the lower wings in the form of circles.

7. Through each lower wing we will draw a line that will extend slightly beyond the circle.

8. Draw the tips of the wings below. Make the bottom part wavy.

9. We change the shape of the upper wings. We make sure to make them symmetrical and without sharp corners. Everything should look gentle and beautiful!

10. We detail the body of the butterfly: we finish the eyes in the form of tiny circles, the ends on the antennae, and smooth out the shape.

11. At this stage, you should remove all unnecessary auxiliary lines and bring the step-by-step drawing of a butterfly to the application of contour and color.

12. We begin to outline each wing and antenna with a marker, and also do not forget about the body, where the head with eyes is located. In some places you can make a beautiful thickening of the line. This is very easy to do: just run a marker over this area not once, but two or three times.

13. Then in the middle of each wing we will draw patterns at our discretion and desire. You can also leave them untouched and simply decorate them with bright colored pencils.

14. If you prefer patterns, then you should outline them with a black marker or felt-tip pen.

15. We begin to paint the upper wings yellow.

16. Add bright orange accents.

17. We paint the lower wings with green pencils.

18. Draw the body and head with a brown pencil.

This is a beautiful drawing! You can add painted flowers or greenery to it.

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Would you like to be able to draw beautiful butterflies with a pencil in a matter of seconds? The lesson on this page will show you how to draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil in just 4 simple steps!

How to draw a butterfly step by step

The basis of a beautiful butterfly is symmetry in everything. Drawing a butterfly step by step is very simple, the instructions in the pictures show you how to do it. You can even make the task easier for yourself if, after step 3, fold the sheet in half and outline the wings, then the butterfly will turn out really even.

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Coloring the butterfly

It is best to color the butterfly with markers or colored pencils. In this case, small patterns on the wings will be clearer and more symmetrical. What colors can butterflies have? Here are the most famous of them:

  • Completely bright yellow - lemongrass butterfly
  • White with monochrome patterns - satyr butterfly
  • Bright blue - morpho amatonte butterfly
  • A multicolored asymmetrical pattern is found in only one species of butterfly - Urania Madagascar

A hand-drawn butterfly can be painted with pink, purple and other rare colors, giving it fabulous features.

Artistic skills at a basic level are inherent in almost every person, and whether they will be developed depends on him. You can always learn to draw simple elements yourself, but you need to know how to do it correctly. There is nothing difficult in drawing a butterfly when the algorithm does not raise any questions. It’s up to you to decide which of the existing schemes to use.

How to draw a butterfly for children?

What does a drawn butterfly consist of? From several ovals - the body and wings, as well as antennae lines. Then patterns, shadows and highlights are superimposed on this basic shape. But despite the fact that in words the sketch looks very simple, for some reason not everyone gets it right on the first try. Perhaps there are some tricks?

It is recommended to start using the pencil technique so that you can correct potential flaws. To do this, select a pencil of medium softness - its lines will not be imprinted into the paper, and if desired, they can be easily shaded. A butterfly is always created from the body: it will be a kind of axis along which in most cases it will be possible to make symmetrical parts if the butterfly is not located sideways.

The simplest scheme, ideal for young children, does not require much detail. A horizontal line is drawn thinly on a sheet of paper with a pencil: this is an auxiliary axis, which will subsequently be erased. On it, in the middle, an oval is located so that with this line it is divided into 2 parts: the upper one is 2 times larger than the lower one. The lateral parts of the horizontal axis should be equal to the one enclosed in the oval. Now, from its lower area, from the middle, semicircles slightly elongated diagonally are drawn out and connected to a horizontal line. Their size is equal to the 3rd lower parts of the oval. The upper zones of the wings are drawn in the same way, but the semicircles are not drawn out, and their length slightly extends beyond the invisible upper edge of the oval.

At the next step, you need to shape the “body” of the butterfly: the existing oval is compressed unevenly from the sides: it is compressed most strongly towards the bottom. Then, from the junction of the wings and the body, antennae emerge - upward-looking lines with a semicircle curl at the end. Their height is 1.5 times the lower part of the oval. When the basic sketch of the butterfly is ready, you can give it life by adding patterns on the wings and relief on the body. To do this, the oval is drawn with arcs looking up, which should not be arched too much. Slightly deformed circles appear on the wings - after all, nature does not create ideal geometric shapes. Now all that remains is to remove the auxiliary lines with an eraser and color the resulting butterfly with colored pencils or crayons.

Learning to draw a butterfly with a pencil: master class for beginners

If you managed to cope with the previous task, it is worth trying your luck in a more complex execution, also aimed at beginners. The auxiliary line is drawn again, but now vertical. This will be the axis from which everything will begin to be drawn in a mirror manner. A small oval is outlined in its middle, after which the same oval is drawn down from it, but 1.5 times longer and pointed at the end. A small circle is drawn at the top - the head of the future butterfly. So, from 3 figures we got her torso, which can be immediately given volume with transverse arcs: they are located only on the lower part.

The new auxiliary line will be horizontal; it must be marked crosswise to the middle oval, in its lower third. It is advisable to make not a perfectly straight axis, but with a slight bend so that its ends smoothly go down. Each part of it - right and left - is equal in length to the entire body of the butterfly. A semicircle is drawn from the middle of the lower oval, closing on a transverse auxiliary line, not reaching 2-3 mm to its end. If you mentally draw this element, it will look like a drop: these are the lower areas of the wings.

In order for the upper zones to appear, rays equal to the length of the butterfly’s body are drawn upward from the very edge of the horizontal line. They need to be connected with arcs to the middle oval, the ends should be left sharp: they will soften later. At the same step, you should draw tendril lines, without curls. After which attention is returned to the lower areas of the wings: the angle obtained between the body and the horizontal axis is divided into 3 equal parts, the lower one is marked with a pencil ray emerging from the apex. This diagonal should not be made bold: it is auxiliary and will be removed in the next step. Important nuance: beyond the semicircle, the diagonal extends to the length of the middle oval belonging to the body.

Now soft connecting lines are drawn from the end of the diagonal to the semicircle of the wing: on the inside they are wavy, on the outside they are smoother. At this point, it is recommended to erase the auxiliary diagonal and part of the half-circle, and outline the resulting contour of the lower area of ​​the wing more clearly. The sharp outer corners of the upper parts should be rounded, also removing excess with an eraser. And at the next step you can start painting the wings: in this matter it is better to rely on your imagination or continue to copy patterns from the proposed diagram. If desired, the resulting butterfly can be colored.

Features of the image of a butterfly sideways

A butterfly in profile is a little more difficult to draw than in front. Here it is almost impossible to outline the same vertical and horizontal auxiliary lines, and therefore it is advisable to take on such a task only after practicing the initial skills. First, try sketching a diagram of a butterfly with folded wings, and then you can try a half-turn sketch, where you will need to remember your knowledge about projection.

The starting stage is the head, to which a curved thin body is attached. It should be remembered that the parts before and after bending must remain equal. In its upper zone, the legs are outlined with short strokes: 2-3 pairs will be enough. Following them, arcs indicate body segments, and long antennae with “droplets” of seals at the ends grow from the head. The head can be divided into parts using the same arcs, and a small circle can be used to mark the eye, which is painted over with black.

When folded, the wings emerge from the part of the body that is located above the bend. The upper arc is drawn so that it touches the butterfly's head and grows above it by 2 antennae lengths. The lower one is less rounded, and in terms of its size, this part of the wing should not cross the horizontal line indicating the end of the body: ideally, it remains at a distance of 1.5-2 heads from it. The middle line dividing the wing into top and bottom is drawn so that the lower zone is larger than the upper. It is recommended to draw the outer lines of the wing with wavy lines: this will give them realism. Lastly, the patterns are worked out: a wide border and different lobes of irregular shapes.

We do an exquisite manicure

Having practiced drawing on paper, many girls want to take their skills to a more practical level. For example, try to depict the same butterfly on your nails as an accent to your usual manicure. There are several nuances here: it is best to work with the thumb or ring finger, as they have the largest surface area. It is much easier to draw with a pen or acrylic paints: varnish is not suitable because of its ability to spread, as a result of which the lines that were thin a second ago will blur, and the drawing will be ruined. A synthetic long and thin brush is recommended for work - in stores its number is 00 or 01.

In the case of nail design, it is easier to create a butterfly sideways than from the front. And the auxiliary lines will be the boundaries of the nail itself: the horizontal axis of the free edge and the vertical axis of the side roller. For example, you can use the diagram above, or you can try to reproduce any other sketches. It is better to start creating a butterfly from the wings, mentally releasing 2 rays from the center with an angle of 60 degrees between them. The upper one turns into an oval, the tip of which has been pulled back and narrowed. The lower one is a parallelogram with the same elongated and narrowed end. Then the head is outlined, rounded lines-antennae looking forward, and the wings are painted with patterns.

We will start our drawing with the initial contours, namely the image of the body and head. Such initial contours will help to correctly depict the butterfly. When performing the first stage of the drawing, you should also draw several lines, which in the future will become the wings of a butterfly.

2. Let's start drawing the wings and head of the butterfly

First you need to draw the antennae; try to draw their edges with slight thickenings, so it will be clear that you are drawing a butterfly. Then you need to draw the lines that will become the upper contours of the wings. After this, our task is to draw the lower fender liners. You also need to draw the upper part of the lower wings; we draw it rounded. Try to depict all these contours with great accuracy, because the initial markings will indicate the entire drawing.

3. We are engaged in drawing general contours

I would like to note that this is not difficult to do. You just need to connect the previously drawn lines, thus depicting the outline of the wings. There is no need to put pressure on the pencil with your hand, so we draw easily.

4. Working on the silhouette of the wings of our butterfly

The next step is also easy to draw. In reality, the shape of a moth's wings is "irregular" so there are no special rules for how to do them. These lines can be drawn arbitrarily, at your discretion, as you like. The main requirement is that the moth's wings must be symmetrical.

5. Lines on the wings of a moth

You have probably noticed more than once that the wings of a moth are delicate and sometimes it even seems that they are transparent. However, there are veins inside the wings, which is what we need to draw. These veins can also be drawn arbitrarily, but there should not be many of them. So, step by step, we got a charming butterfly, very similar to the real one. This drawing is not at all difficult to complete if you follow the step-by-step instructions accurately. True, first you need to come up with patterns and then apply them to the wings. For example, there are butterflies whose wings have patterns in the form of large eyes. With the help of these huge eyes, butterflies successfully protect themselves from various birds that want to feast on them.

6. Let's start drawing patterns

If you have never used paint for drawing, we recommend coloring the butterfly using colored pencils. You can also try shading the drawing using a simple pencil. As you have seen, drawing a butterfly is easy and simple. Of course, this cannot be done without certain difficulties. For example, when drawing the rough surface of wings, everyone experienced slight difficulties. To make this task easier, you need to draw the surface of the wings with pencil strokes, directing them in one direction. Then you can try to rub the strokes you made with your finger.

The variety of patterns depicted on the wings of a moth is very large, so you can use those that you can draw best. In addition, you can come up with patterns yourself. I would like to note that almost all garden butterflies have a black outline on their wings, but the cabbage butterfly has lines with circles that are not observed in other butterflies.

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Butterflies are, of course, one of the most beautiful insects that can hardly leave anyone indifferent. They are quite widespread, so in the summer you can draw a cabbage butterfly or, for example, a peacock’s eye from life. Every painter knows perfectly well how to draw a butterfly, but beginning artists often find it difficult to draw this graceful insect. But to achieve success, as a rule, it is enough to know the structural features of a particular butterfly, and also try to achieve symmetry in your drawing, that is, so that the right and left parts of the body, including the wings, are almost identical. Explaining to a child how to draw a butterfly step by step is not at all difficult - after all, kids love bright and colorful objects and will be happy to learn how to draw this wonderful insect.
Before you draw a butterfly with a pencil and then color it, you need to prepare:
1). A piece of paper;
2). Multi-colored pencils;
3). Pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). Pen – preferably a black gel pen.

If all the items that were listed just above are ready, then you can draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil, and then color it:
1. Draw a vertical line. Mark the beginning and end of the segment, and then divide it into two approximately equal parts;
2. Based on these marks, draw two rectangles, and in the middle of them outline the body of the butterfly;
3. In the upper rectangle, draw two large wings;
4. In the bottom rectangle draw two more wings;
5. Draw the body and head of the butterfly;
6. Using light lines, outline the outline of the pattern on the wings. When learning how to draw a butterfly, remember that each variety is characterized by a certain color and pattern on the wings. In this case it is a peacock butterfly;
7. Trace the sketch with a pen;
8. Having erased the extra lines with an eraser, start coloring the image. First, paint over the head and body of the butterfly, using, in addition to a black pencil, red-brown and light brown shades;
9. Use a black pencil to draw a pattern on the upper wings;
10. Use yellow, brown and black pencils to paint the edges of the upper wings;
11. After adding a blue pencil, continue working on coloring the upper wings of the insect;
12. Use a dark red pencil to shade the main part of the upper wings. Then use dark blue and black shades to draw the veins;
13. Use light brown and black pencils to color the edges of the lower wings;
14. Paint the central part of the lower wings with a dark red pencil, and then draw veins on them with black.
The peacock butterfly drawing is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a butterfly, and also how to color it correctly with colored pencils!
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