Musical scripts for elementary school. Material (7th grade) on the topic: Script for the school musical "The Bremen Town Musicians"

The script for the musical “Lady Luck. In the corners of time"

Grushevsky Igor Vladimirovich - director, actor. “Show Theater “Anthill””, Riga.
Target: introducing children to some historical events, in a cheerful manner.
Tasks: cultivate a sense of responsibility, duty, devotion, as well as a sense of friendship.
Description of material: Author's poems. The script was written by me in 2012 based on my original plot. It was staged for the first time in the same year. Children from 5th, 7th and 8th grades played. The second production was in 2013. Children from the 5th and 6th grades played. The performance was watched by children from 1st to 9th grades. The script also contains quotes from poems famous songs. Authors are listed.

The team comes to the edge of the stage (one at a time) to the sound of “Freedom (Feel The Spirit Mix)” (consists of 16 1/8th samples) from the second sample. Everyone takes specific place and freezes (they stand in a checkerboard pattern). From the 9th sample, each (one at a time) begins to come to life and goes to the middle of the stage, where some of the artists line up in a row, the rest behind them, in a checkerboard pattern, and make an acrobatic pyramid. During the mixing of “Freedom (Feel The Spirit Mix)” and the backing track of “Freedom (Radio Version Instrumental)”, the pyramid “crumbles” and the artists disperse around the stage as the music plays, begin to dance and sing.
Song: “Start to believe, light the candles” ((Minus “DJ Bobo - Freedom”):
(mixing a MIX of two tracks: “Feel The Spirit Mix” and “Radio Version Instrumental”))

We invite you to the stage, to our world,
And we remove the secrets of the veil.
We want to show you the department,
Where you can tell the world about goodness.

Theater enlightens our mind.
Fills souls with light.
Theater is the art of reflecting life
And feel the feeling of catharsis in your soul.

Start believing, light the candles,
And drive away the spirit of problems.
And time reliably heals wounds -
You didn't build walls when you did.

Go boldly and without looking back,
Carry faith in your hearts.
Don't be afraid to solve riddles,
And know that your enemy is fear.

(The theater is a pulpit from which you can say a lot of good to the world. N.V. Gogol
Theater should enlighten the mind. It should fill our brain with light... Romain Rolland
If the meaning of theater were only an entertaining spectacle, perhaps it would not be worth putting so much effort into it. But theater is the art of reflecting life. K.S. Stanislavsky)


The scenery of the ship is built to play (chairs, a stepladder and a table) and a miniature is shown - life on the ship (someone climbs the stepladder, looks from there, like, through a spyglass, someone washes the deck with a mop).

Song: “Behind the Scenes” (Minus “DJ Bobo – The Last Vampire”)

A world of games and adventures,
It calls into the distance, beckoning.
It's like he's from a dream
It carries us over the abyss.

Fairy tale heroes live here,
Adventures and epics.
Heroes have so many masks
And the change of pictures.

Behind the scenes the world is completely different,
Not like ours, almost unearthly.
The hero lives there according to his own laws.
Helps us find the key to our hearts.

(Everybody leaves)

Linda (the role of the Countess in the 2012 version)

Varvara Godunova (the role of the Countess and the Guy, a representative of the female pirate crew in the 2013 version)

Me as the Count with Varvara Godunova (role of the Countess) 2013

Danik (role of Steward, Boy and Pirate 21 in the 2012 version)

Misha (role of Steward, Boy and Half past seven in the 2013 version)

The Count appears on stage with his daughter (Countess) and begins to sing:

Song: “This Count is a bore” (Minus “DJ Bobo – I Need Your Love”)


What is wrong, daughter, in your life?
Why are you silent for so many days?
An obvious lack of my attention?
Apparently it’s all because, all because I...

Listen, father, leave me alone!
I have the right to decide for myself,
What is possible, what is not. And so I decided
Hurry up and run to the pirates.
Yes Yes Yes!!!

Ahah. This count is boring
Ahah. Did he fall from an oak tree?
Looks like a dusty closet
Ahah. He's got a lot of stubbornness in him!
And sand falls.

After the chorus, the Countess leaves, and the Count sits down at a table on the “deck”. The steward approaches him:
Steward: What do you want, sir?
Graph: I have tea. Oh yes, my dear, don’t forget about the pies that my grandmother baked for me.
The steward leaves, the Count opens the newspaper and begins to read. A steward passes by and the Count calls out:
Graph: Man, come here. So how are my tea and my beloved grandmother’s pies?
Steward: Your Grace, you just ordered the tea to be put on the gas. Wait a couple of minutes.
Graph: No, well, it’s always like that, as soon as I ask for something, it’s like, “Hello! I'm your grandmother."
The Countess appears. Sticks his tongue out at the Count.
Graph: Daughter, it’s also not beautiful!
Countess: How beautiful it is! And you, daddy, are not behaving nicely.
Graph: Well, please, my dear, tell me, what didn’t I do that was beautiful?
Countess: Yes, what? You haven’t had time to ask for some tea to be made before you demand that it be stood in front of your nose? How should we understand you?
Graph: No, look, look! Yes, it’s just the right time for you to become an artist. The heroine of a cheap vaudeville show! – crumples the newspaper and leaves.
The Countess clenches her fists and shakes them, after which she also leaves. The steward appears. He is holding in his hands something that looks like a skull.Steward: To be or not to be, that is the question?
Suddenly the Count appears and shouts:
Graph: To be in the galley!
"Yorik" falls out of your hands.
Steward: Poor Yorick!!!
Graph: Yorick, glug-glug
Cat "Murzilki Int. - Mu Mu":

(“Gerasim Mumu drowned,
Standing on the high stern,
Into the blue wave
And the end of Muma!” – Murzilki Int)

(The Count and the servants leave)

The Countess appears and begins to sing:

Song: “I want to become a successful pirate lady” (Minus “DJ Bobo – We Gotta Hold On”)

Longing filled my heart,
The distance beckons me.
And a tear runs down my cheek again,
On shoes, it breaks, ringing.

Oh, how I wish I had wings
Fly somewhere for adventure.
I want to become a successful pirate lady.
Play a tragicomedy in battle.

We will become a thunderstorm of the seas,
We'll capture a lot of ships.
Let's take the gold
We'll take you to the islands,
And we'll bury the treasure.
Tremble with fear!
We're already on our way...

(Countess leaves)


Dasha Mazepa (the role of Jessica and Muli (Bubble)). year 2012

Adeline (the role of Jessica) and Daria (the role of Elvira). year 2013

Elvira and Jessica appear on stage and begin to sing:

Song: “We are Pirates” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Pirates of Dance”)

Pirates, we are Pirates.
We hate order
And we'll tear up school notebooks.
And with the teachers we will play hide and seek.

We didn't go to school
Lessons were not taught
And my heels were tickled,
Some kind of little guy.
Teachers, tremble
And don't teach anymore.
Let's run away.
Goodbye in advance.
Your heels sparkle -
Let's play hide and seek with you.

Elvira: Eh! How tired I am of all this!
Jessica: What?
Elvira: And all!
Jessica: Well, friend, it doesn't happen that way.
Elvira: And here’s how it happens!
Jessica: So I'm tired of it too?
Elvira: No, you're not tired of me.
Jessica: Well, you’re tired of everything, everything, everything, everything, everything.
Elvira: No, I’m tired of everything, everything, everything, everything, not everything, everything, everything, everything, everything.
Jessica: Hooray!!! So you're not tired of me?
Elvira: No! And how can your best friend get bored?
Jessica: Hooray!!
Elvira: And who else, if not your best friend, will clean, wash, cook? – Pause. - Yes, please go and bring me something tasty.
Jessica: Well, it’s always like this - frowning, he leaves. – And also my best friend, my best friend... – speaks while walking.
Elvira: By the way, they don't get angry with friends. You don't choose friends; you live and die with them. – Pause. - Well, something like this, - thinks, – I heard somewhere... – To the side. - And I hate reading!
Pause. Jessica returns.
Jessica: Do you want some tea?
Elvira: Tea? – Lost in thought, he looks somewhere to the side. - No, probably not.
Jessica: What?
Elvira: No, probably...
Jessica: So will you or not?
Elvira: Are you deaf? Balda!
Jessica: What? – Confused. - Now you will answer for the bullshit!
Elvira:(claps his hands): “Right now,” I’m daydreaming! Ha ha ha.
The girls are going to fight. Jessica grabs Elvira by the hair and... away we go.
A boy is walking “on the water.” Approaches the ship. He sees a fight, stops and says:
Boy: What are you doing here? A?
Together: Boy, - girls say in unison. - Don’t bother me, go where you went... What?!
Jessica: He walks on water...
Elvira: And it doesn't sink...
Jessica: Aki dry...
Elvira: I am, I am, I am... Ugh!
Jessica: No, it seems so to me.
Elvira: Oh, mom, mommy, what should I do?
Jessica: When it seems necessary to be baptized.
Elvira: Mind you, mind you, mind you!
The boy enters into a conversation:
Boy: Hello girls!
Together: Hello!
Boy: What are you still doing?
Together: F-f-fighting.
Boy: With what?
Together: R-r-hands.
Boy: Why not with your feet?
Together: Oh thank you! Good idea. - AND girls want to start fighting with their feet out of excitement.
Boy:(speaks aside): Well, they are stupid. – Then he changes his tone. – Swords, axes, knives, forks. Swords, axes, knives, forks. And also stools. Tablecloths and napkins. Special offer: a book with the phrases “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”! Buy it. Cheap and cheerful. And whoever doesn’t buy it, I’ll make you eat a jar of mustard. Come, take it apart, buy it quickly. Commodity money, money commodity.
Elvira: Oh, but we don’t even have money.
Jessica:(with a smile): Boy, give it to us for free, huh?
Boy: Ha! – the boy is indignant. - Now I’ll just pull up my pants! – Pause- We're daydreaming! They won't even hit you on the head for free. And you wanted forks FOR that way.
Elvira: Leave the forks with you, comrade boy. We need stools. Don’t you see, or something, we are finding out which of us is the “shameless redhead” - Elvira sticks her tongue out at Jessica.
Jessica: It's not true, I'm blonde too. And this is not a natural color. I'm painted.
Boy: Ha ha ha! – boy laughs.
Jessica: And nothing funny, - says offended.
Elvira: Listen, comrade boy...
Boy: I'm not your friend!
Elvira: Oh, come on.
Boy: A stone in you?
Elvira: Well, why use a stone? With a sword, for example, at this girl, - points to Jessica.
Boy: Eh, you're a cunning girl.
Elvira: Such as there is. Listen, how do you like it, let's barter?
Jessica: Wow!!! What words do you know? – girlfriend is amazed.
Elvira: And I'm an erudite girl.
Jessica, perplexed, walks away.
Boy: What is barter?
Elvira: What a fool you are, boy. I learned to walk on water, but you don’t even know what barter is.
Boy: What am I saying, this is Dolce Gabana, - points to boots. “And what dad told me is that if I get my feet wet in this puddle, he’ll force me to listen to Verka Serduchka for a whole week.”

Cat “Verka Serduchka – Do-re-mi”:

(“Do... Re... Mi... Do... Re... Mi... Fa... Sol... La... Si"... - Verka Serdiuchka)

Elvira: OK OK. Well, what's the deal?
Boy: Let's go to the legs, I just have an extra one left.
Elvira: Ugh, what a disgusting thing!
Boy: Nasty is a jellied fish.
Elvira: Stop doing that!
Boy: Oh, fried rat!!!
Elvira: Wow!!!
Boy: Ha ha ha!!!
Elvira: Listen here, boy, did you see this? – shows fist. - Now, as soon as I give it to you, my dear, you won’t be able to collect your seeds. Understood!
Boy: Got it, got it, the boy says offended. - So what do you want to offer me in barter?
Elvira: Slugs.
Boy: Oh, slugs. I love them. – And then he faints.
Elvira: Well, it fell like the ruble in 1991. Weakling, - in the tone of “Yulka Gribkova” from the film. "Guests from the future."
Jessica returns to the stage.
Jessica: What's going on?
Elvira: Nothing. Boring...
Jessica: Well, let's have some fun, shall we?
Elvira: Let's!

Elvira and Jessica begin to sing.

(The boy runs off the stage)

Song: “If you’re not in the mood/You listened to the advice” ((Minus “DJ Bobo – There is a Party”): (MIX mix of two tracks: “Radio Version Instrumental” and “A And R Rhythm Nation Remix Instrumental”))

If you’re not in the mood,
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
We'll tell you a secret -
Do not tell anybody.

Only we will tell you -
You can appreciate this.
We'll show you all the colors,
I just have to forgive everyone.

Hey, friend, don't be sad,
Better yet, look at the sky.
Swallows flutter in it blue
And messengers of peace fly around the area.

White clouds float slowly -
They bring bright news across the Earth.
You shouldn't be discouraged at all,
One must respond to the light with joy.

You listened to the advice -
Turned his face to the light.
You threw away your sadness
And she sent it into the distance.

Sunday evenings
The mood appeared.
Charged with positivity
And you are not friends with negativity.

A Guy appears, a representative of the female pirate crew.

Adelina (the role of Jessica), Daria (the role of Elvira), Varya Godunova (the role of the Guy). year 2013

Boy: Girls, why didn’t you call me when there was a fight?
Elvira: And you slept sweetly. His hand was under his cheek and he was snoring so sweetly that it was a sin to wake him up.
Boy: Girls!!!
The girls giggled.
Boy: Girls!!! – the guy repeats. - Well, that’s not possible.
Elvira: Oooh, how touchy we are.
Jessica:(suddenly unexpectedly): Oh, go and get some water.
Boy: For what?
Jessica: And they carry water to the offended! – laughter again.
Boy: Here, I’ll go and leave you!!
Elvira: Board for the road.
Boy: What?
Jessica: Board for the road.
Boy: And what about the board?
Elvira: No, give him the tablecloth. What are you, Vasilisa the Wise?
Boy: No!!
Jessica: Got nervous - laughter.
Elvira: You’re on a ship, and here, once you’re ready to leave, you have to walk along the plank and, plop, and immediately with a hatchet to the bottom of the sea. – Laughter.
Jessica: Just don’t forget to take the harp with you, otherwise the King of the Sea is a big music lover, - and again laughter.
Boy: Yah you! It's not interesting with you! I'd better go to bed. At least in a dream they are like that beautiful cartoons you can look.
Together: GOOG night kids, - laughter. - Piggy and Stepashka. – Laughter again.
Elvira: Kar-kar-kar.
Jessica: Woof woof woof.
Elvira and Jessica laugh. The guy is about to leave.
Jessica: Uh, where did you go? Whose turn is it to steer the ship?
The guy throws up his hands.
Elvira: Your turn. And no “buts”! Understood?
Jessica: That's it, let's go to bed! You are on duty at the helm. – Laughter again.
The girls left.
Boy: Well, it’s always like this, until you look back, life will pass by. Eh, life is a tin can. Damn this one, - gaped. - It’s not nice to do that. How to fight, please, without me. Or maybe I also wanted to pull the “redhead”’s hair and tear off a lock of the “blonde” one. And they are without me. This is very unsightly - the last word speaks syllables and scratches his head.
Suddenly Something appears behind him.

Masha (role of Pirate 21, Something and Map Keeper). Year 2013

Something: How beautiful it is! – suddenly a voice is heard.
Boy: Who is there? – screams and jumps in fright.
Something: I!
Boy: Who am I?
Something: I!
Boy: I realized that it was not me.
Something: I am not you, and you are not me.
Boy: But still?
Something: Your conscience!
Boy: Oh, do I have a conscience?
Something: It's still there.
Boy: Hooray!
Something: What are you happy about?
Boy: There is someone to talk to.
Something: So speak.
Boy: I say so.
Something:(dissatisfied): So you repeat everything after me.
Boy:(a little offended): I’m not repeating anything.
Something: So repeat!
Boy: What needs to be done?
Something: Sleep.
Boy:(surprised): How to sleep?
Something: Silently.
Boy: Why silently?
Something: Well, stupid! If you talk, you will fall asleep.
Boy: Ahh, - trying to sleep.
Something: Finally fell asleep - nasty laugh.
Boy:(suddenly wakes up): Oh, what about the girls?
Something screams out of surprise:
Something: What do girls have to do with it?
Boy: Well, I'll let them down.
Something: In a sense, yes. – And aside. – To hell ( emphasis on the second "e"). – And again the mean laugh.
Boy: So…
Something: So sleep and don't think about anything. They didn't think about you when you were sleeping either.
Boy: Well, yes…
Something: Sleep!
Boy: OK, - and falls asleep.

(on the backing track, the Guy and the Thing leave and the third scene begins)


Elvira, Jessica and the Guy with chairs (“lifeboats” (the ship ran aground) appear on stage), sit on them (sideways to the viewer) and begin to move one step apart from each other, simulating rowing. They turn towards the audience and begin to sing:

Song: “You Don’t Value Life” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Respect Yourself (B And B Remix Instrumental)”)

This is how it always is when you value life.
This is how it always is when you respect your friends.
And you constantly spin for them -
And you still forgive their grievances.

And this time he gave us a surprise,
The ship ran aground.
What a gift he gave to his enemies.
What plan did he fail us with?


Sorry, I fell asleep.
We won't forgive you!
Sorry, I didn't mean to!
Talk more!

You don't value life...
You don't appreciate it at all...
And you're in a hurry...
And you won't change...


Here is the result
It is visible on the face.
You are guilty
It's very difficult for us.


Since I am very guilty before you,
Now nothing will come back.
I am ready to correct the most difficult situation -
More action and less words.

We will capture the new ship at once,
And we will pay everyone’s bills right away.
Take a quick look into the distant distance.
Look at the new ship.

(On the penultimate line, the Guy is “shot” by one of the pirates. The guy finishes the last line and runs away from the stage)


Elvira and Jessica take out their swords and begin to sing:

Song: “We are Lady Luck” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Vampires Are Alive”)

Getting ready for battle again -
Eternally, preserved by fate.
Dreams don't torment us,
And there is no shadow of doubt.

We boldly go on boarding,
And we immediately take the ship.
The swords are sharpened,
And the heart is full of courage.

We are Lady Luck.
We solve complex problems.
And we can handle difficulties -
We believe in sword and sword.

Elvira and Jessica, after the chorus, with the words: “to board”, turn towards the wings, the Count appears and the battle begins. The pirates drive the Count backstage.


The Count, Countess, Elvira and Jessica appear on the stage.

Graph:(with excitement): Well, I told you, I said that your hobbies will not lead to good. Satisfied, right? Are you satisfied? Admire it. No, just admire...
Jessica: Finally, calm down this old fool.
Elvira is about to hit the Count, but then his daughter intervenes:
Countess: Stop! Its my father. Don't touch him, he's not himself.
Jessica and Elvira laugh.
Countess: I am one of you, so to speak.
Elvira: What?
Jessica: No, I'm about to burst with laughter. The Countess is a pirate! Ha ha ha!!!
Elvira: Listen, baby, don't play with matches, it's not a toy...
Jessica: Otherwise it might be hot...
Elvira: Listen, Count, where did you get such a miracle? – and points to the Countess.
Graph:(mockingly): Gave birth, – with emphasis on "O".
Jessica: Oops, we have a Nobel laureate in front of us.
Elvira: What kind of Nobel laureate is this?
Jessica: Oh you! You don’t read books, and you also give me slaps on the head in front of people.
Elvira: Where are the people here?
Jessica: Okay, okay, let's go. Haven’t you heard that if such a Count gives birth - ( with emphasis on "O") - a child, then he will receive a million from the Nobel committee?
Elvira: Count, drive a million, - grabs the Count by the chest, – or else bang-bang your daughter!
Graph: Let me go! Stop it immediately! I don't have any million. Do what you want, but I didn’t have and don’t have a million, - pirates. - Look what you want, - to the side, - take a pencil and roll your lip back.
Countess: Oh, that's how you are, daddy, - to the side. – Dear pirates, I have an official statement for you!
Jessica: Wow!
Elvira: Yah? Does the Countess know how to make a statement? – laughter.
Countess: Teach your dad a lesson, he's not much use anyway. Besides, I'm tired of him, he grumbles and grumbles all the time. And in the light latest events He turned out to be a bloodsucker and murderer...
Elvira:(surprised): Can't be.
Jessica:(mockingly): Oh, what a bloodthirsty count.
Graph: Daughter, my dear, what are you doing? When is it me?
Countess: Yes, daddy, yes. But just now, when the conversation came up about “Privalov’s millions,” these noble young ladies wanted to shoot me if you, daddy, didn’t give them these notorious millions. And you? And you took me and gave me to them to be torn to pieces. And since they didn’t tear me to pieces, they are noble. Not like you.
Elvira: Listen, Jessica, - it is clear that she is flattered by the words of the Countess, - it looks like the regiment has arrived. Let's take it. She is cool. Look how she talks to her daddy.
Jessica: Ha ha ha!!! Let's finish it, and that's it.
Elvira: Well, beat the liar! There is no place for liars and deceivers on a ship. Beat him! Beat him!!!
Graph: Ahh, have mercy... Don't destroy me.
Countess:(scared): Or maybe he’s overboard?
Elvira: Great idea!
Jessica: Great! On the board with a hatchet. And don’t forget to give us the harp!
The Count resists, but Elvira and Jessica manage to push him off. The Count falls and starts screaming:
Graph: Ahh! Help! I'm drowning! I'm drowning! Save! – jumping and waving his arms.
The pirates laugh, the joke was a success:
Elvira: Listen, Count, the Baltic Sea is hot, - laughter again. “And I immediately understood,” addresses the Countess, - that you are not bloodthirsty, but decided to teach your daddy a lesson.
Countess: Oh, thanks girls.
Elvira: Come on, - modestly so.
The count is helped onto the ship.
Graph: Daughter, forgive me, a simpleton, a sinner, - gets on his knees and starts hitting his forehead on the floor.
Jessica: (to the side): Well, yes, force a fool to pray to God, he will hurt his forehead.
Graph: Well, I didn’t hear the question, I didn’t hear it.
Countess: Dad, what are you doing, what are you doing. Get up off your knees quickly, it’s not nice, people are looking at us here. I'm not angry with you.
Graph: Is it true?
Countess: True true. I just, with the girls, decided to teach you a lesson for your nasty character.
Graph: Well, I won’t do it anymore, I won’t. And what do you think - appeals to everyone- that I have always been like this. No, - so clever. – At your age, I was a romantic, I also dreamed about adventures, about uninhabited islands, pirates... – pause. – A dream came true... Yes... So I got scared, I remembered my childhood and was afraid of my childhood indecision. Well, I didn’t have the courage to run away from home and set sail for adventure.
Jessica: Ay-yay!
Graph: But, - sly smile, - I have something...
Girls: Yes? What? This is getting interesting.
Graph: Here! – and proudly holds out the card.
All: What? Map? And you were silent for so long?
Graph: This card is not simple, but magical. The spirit of the times lives in it. He is the keeper of many secrets. And especially the secrets of “Ghost Island”...
All:"Ghost Island"? Oh, mommy, I'm afraid. How scary. Wow. How interesting.
Graph: This is another reason why I could not travel. I didn't have the key to the card.
All: What's the key?
Graph: Three brave girls who are not afraid of anything and have a sense of nobility.
Elvira: Still would, - with a grin.

(Starts magic ritual. The Card Keeper appears)

Song: “Ghost Island” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Garunga”)

Monologue of the Map Keeper:
Hello Count. I'm tired of waiting for you,
And I had to wonder for so long
Where did your courage go?
Dexterity and skill.

You managed to forget everything,
And to isolate my daughter from this.
Forgot what you promised me?
And quickly disappeared after that.

Your daughter is now responsible for this.
May the path always be bright for her.
I don't hold any grudge against you at all.
Out of old friendship, I will tell you everything.

Go to Ghost Island
Beware of obstacles at every step.
The map will show you exactly the way,
And an honest heart will tell you in a difficult moment.

Get on the road immediately
And come back quickly.
My time is running out...
Farewell... The sun is rising...

(Keeper of the Map leaves)

Girls: Wow! Wow! Scary, but wildly interesting! Wow!
Countess: Dad, why have you been silent for so long?
Graph: Well, I would say, so what?
Countess: Like what?
Graph: And who did I tell just now that the key to the map requires three brave girls? And you are the only one I have.
Countess: Oh, daddy, how naive you are. I would have found the other girls.
Graph: Is it true?
Jessica: It looks like the Count fell from the oak tree, - laughter.
Elvira: Count stop playing the bagpipe...
Graph: What?
Elvira: Stop the market. What are we going to do?
Graph: Like what? Swim.
Elvira: Won't you die from fear, uh?
Graph: What? Why would the count be afraid of difficulties? Why would the thunder strike me?
Suddenly Jessica sneezes loudly.
Graph: Ahh, - falls to the floor and covers his head with his hands.
Everyone laughs.
Graph: Uh-this is me training.
General laughter.
Countess: Girls, daddy can really handle it.
Graph: I can handle it.
Countess: Plus he has a map.
Elvira:(lost in thought): Okay, let's take it. After all, a valuable person.
Countess: Hooray! – pause. - Girls, do I have another proposal?
Elvira: Which?
Jessica: Which? – repeats.
Elvira shows her fist.
Jessica: I'm silent, I'm silent, - And forefinger puts it to lips.
Elvira: (Jessica): Like this! – ( Countess): – So what kind of proposal?
Countess: Girls, what do you call yourselves?
Elvira: How? – thought about it, she was puzzled. – Jessica, what are we called?
Jessica: Pirates, of course!
Elvira: Jessica says it exactly.
Countess: Girls, it doesn’t sound romantic – a pirate.
Elvira: And how then?
Countess: Lady Luck.
Jessica: How?
Countess: Well, since pirates don’t call themselves pirates, but call themselves Gentlemen of Fortune, then why are we girls worse than them?
Jessica: Exactly, why are we worse?
Countess: We are not some kind of sea robbers, but adventurers. So, I propose that we call each other Lady Luck.
Jessica: Oh cool! Hooray! Lady Luck!
Elvira: I like. Lady Luck! I decided! All! Let's go looking for treasures...
Jessica: Elvira, did the Phantom promise us treasure?
Countess: Yes, by the way, what did he promise us there?
Elvira: What's the difference. We sailed just for adventure. And since there is an island there...
Jessica: Uninhabited.
Elvira: Yes, uninhabited. What is a desert island without treasures?
Jessica: Hooray!
Elvira: The main thing is that we good company. Isn't it true, Count?
Graph: Good, good.
Countess: It's great to be with friends and great when dreams come true.
Elvira: Prepare the ship for departure!
All: Eat!

Song: “Let the wind be fair” (Minus “DJ Bobo – We Are What We Are”)

Chorus (intro):
Together we are luck,
And any task is possible,
We will go all the way to the end.
Fate brought us together.

Let the fair wind blow into our sails,
And we run merrily through the waves.
Let everyone whisper: “I will part with the past,”
We are on our way to other shores.

It’s great happiness to be close to friends:
Fight together, walk together.
To be shoulder to shoulder with him in the battle with enemies -
There is no greater happiness than saving a friend.

Chorus (main):
There was no happiness in that past life,
As if I was superfluous in that life,
Even though I was dancing and singing songs,
When I was a countess.

(Everyone leaves. The decorations are dismantled)


The Countess, Elvira and Jessica appear on stage and begin to sing:
Song (MIX of two tracks): “There is darkness everywhere” and “Night. Shadows are coming out” (two minuses “DJ Bobo – Moscow” and “DJ Bobo – Shadows of The Night”):
Song: “There is darkness everywhere here” (minus “DJ Bobo – Moscow”)

Dreams have come true -
We have now arrived at the island.
But somehow it became scary here,
And the island is creepy, somehow.

Let's join hands now.
Oh, and the torch suddenly went out.
Girls, what should we do?
Look around?

There is darkness everywhere here. How scary!
And it got so humid here.
And who is here? How scary!
It's important not to get lost.

During the mixing, ghosts appear and run across the stage several times. The pirate girls and the Countess are taken backstage. Ghost Dance. The girls return and perform the chorus.

Song: “Night. Shadows Come Out" (on minus "DJ Bobo – Shadows of The Night")

Night. Shadows come out.
There is a full moon in the sky.
From terrible dreams
There was an ominous silence.

The evil spirits are hungry
Need hot blood
And human souls
With a dried tear.


The time on the tower strikes midnight,
And our time is already coming.
We'll push the gravestones apart with our claws -
We will take the lives of sinful people:

Who took an oath and swore allegiance to us,
Who cheated and blatantly lied to us.
And also in the answer, who owns the card,
And his daughter will now regret him greatly.

We'll capture the Countess right away,
And with this act, we will repay the Count.
The cold gates are open over the abyss,
And we will remain even with the Count forever.

But what is all this? Did everything go smoothly?
Why are we so drawn back?
Warm heart? Oh no, how can that be?
How we miscalculated, we got into trouble!

(Everyone runs away)


Pirate 21 appears

Song: “Pirate of the XXI Century” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Don’t Stop The Music”)

I'm a pirate of the twenty-first century -
This is the dream of an ancient man.
Now you don't have to go hiking,
And you don’t have to sail the sea.
Now you're just sitting at home,
You look carefully at the monitor screen.
You tap your fingers on the keyboard,
And you move a plastic mouse, for real.
You select the code, transfer the information,
And you will quickly leave this place.
One, two-two, two-three, four,
And this money is already in Taimyr.

We do it quickly and carefully.
It's not difficult to be attentive.
Easily pulled off a risky business -
Now you walk boldly all the time.


He is a pirate, he is a pirate of this century.
He is a pirate, he is a pirate of this century.
He is a pirate, he is a pirate of this century.

(The pirate appears at half past seven)

Pirate 21: Hello! My name is Pirate 21. Yes, yes, you understood correctly, this is not a nickname - this is my essence. I am a pirate! And this is my assistant - half past seven.
Half past eight bows and makes a curtsey.
Pirate 21: So we met. What do I want to tell you? It became very, very scary to live, - in a whisper.
A half past seven: Yes Yes. You understand, in the world of new technologies there is no place to store information safely. Cyber ​​crime is rampant. Yeah... How can we not know about this, - with pathos.
Pirate 21: So, my value is an iPhone. And the valuable thing in it is information. Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that someone will take advantage of it. Woe is me, woe, - again with pathos. - What if they break it?
A half past seven: But there was no sadness... ( index finger pointing upward)

Cat “Philip Kirkorov – Summer was just leaving”:

(“There was no sadness, summer was just leaving,
There was no separation - a month according to the calendar" - Philip Kirkorov)

A half past seven: And then he wouldn’t have been Pirate 21 and wouldn’t have lived in the World of New Technologies.
The pirate nods and again switches to a loud whisper:
Pirate 21: I created a Time Machine.

Cat “Time Machine – Turn”:

(“Here’s a new turn and the engine roars
That he brings us an abyss or a rise" - Time Machine)

Pirate 21: No, not Makarevich, but a real one, a Machine in which you can travel through time.

Instrumental theme from the movie “The Purple Ball”

A half past seven: It will take us back to the past. Why to the past? What have we forgotten in the future? There we will be completely stripped to the skin. With the world on a thread. Ha! Do not agree!
Pirate 21 nods affirmatively.
A half past seven: Well, in the past there were all sorts of corsairs, they sailed on primitive boats, and they didn’t know how to steal information from computers.
Pirate 21: Why?
A half past seven: And they didn’t have the Internet.
Pirate 21: Yes. So, in those days, the most valuable things were kept in a bank. Yes, yes, it was the most reliable place - a three-liter jar.
A half past seven: Imagine! No one could even imagine such a thing, and therefore the swindlers robbed financial institutions - banks.
Pirate 21: But ordinary people didn’t keep anything valuable there, because they didn’t trust it. And he did the right thing. Because, I repeat, the most reliable was a three-liter jar. Here.
Together: So, it's time to go. Long live the world of new technologies! Long live the most precise technology in the world, which does not know what a failure is! Made in China ( Made in China).

Song: “Welcome to the world of new technologies” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Superstar”)

Our dreams
Moms, dads,
And a lot of porridge
Ate for my aunt
Ate for my uncle
For a cat, a dog,
To grow big -
They were in a hurry in 2000.

And they rushed.
We touched.
“Wow,” they said! –
"They did not expect.
No wonder they ate porridge,
But in vain they didn’t want to.”

Eat porridge...

Into the world of new technologies...
Into the world of new technologies...

The pirates are preparing the Time Machine for launch. And with the words “Let’s go” they run backstage.


“Real girls” from the dashing nineties appear: Belka, Mulya and just the Girl and begin to sing:

Song: “At the dawn of the 20th century (The Wild Nineties)” (Minus “DJ Bobo – I Know What I Want”)

I loved going to school -
They sell Coca-Cola there
But before it was impossible to get.
Only I could dream.

Snickers-Mars appeared.
What joy for us.
It's a pity that the volume is not the same
But how sweet this fruit is.

The Seg console was given as a gift.
They taught me how to play games.
I can't always play.
Father and mother are playing there.

They gave us the Internet,
Grandfather is not happy now.
And when we sit there,
They can't call us.

At the dawn of the twentieth century -
The era of techno discos.
The dashing nineties
We are like that, you, dear ones.

The holiday is coming at school -
DJ Bobo when he sings.
Eurodance sounds are heard
Hearts beat in unison.

Pirate 21 appears, who runs onto the stage with some part from the Time Machine, which has broken down, and Half Six.

Girl: Whoa, who is this?
Pirate 21:(proudly): Pirate 21!
A half past seven: And take your hands off me, lady.
Pirate 21:(addresses Belka): You heard what he said: Half past seven! – The girl and Mulya are laughing. - Oh, it hurts! ( “gets” from Belka in the eye).
Squirrel: Serves you right!
Pirate 21: I'll have a flashlight.
Squirrel: You will shine under your feet.
A half past seven: How ill-mannered you are!
Girl: Well, who will it be? – addresses Pirate 21.
Pirate 21: I already introduced myself.
Girl: Oh, the tongue won't fall off a second time.
Pirate 21: Pirate 21. And this is half past seven. We are from the 21st century...
Girl: Come on, goodbye, do you know how many people like you? A half past eight. I wish I had introduced myself as half past ten, - friendly laughter.
Pirate 21: What?
Mulya: Go away! – and stamped her feet on him.
Pirate 21: Nothing, nothing!
A half past seven: See you…
All: Don’t forget about the mielofon, - laughter. – Made in China!!! – laughter.

(Pirate 21 and Half past seven leave)

Kat minus "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio runs out (with a normal nose), dances a little and runs backstage.

All: Who is this? Pinocchio. What about the nose? Looks like he's stopped lying. But the log remained.

Ivan Ivanovich appears with a girl. They go on stage, do not notice Belka, Mulya and just the Girl, greet the audience and bow. Squirrel and Mulya run up to them and stick a piece of paper on his back with the inscription: “Quiet”, and on her “exclamation mark”.

All: Hello, Ivan Ivanovich! – girls scream.
Ivan Ivanovich and the Girl turns his back to the audience.
Ivan Ivanovich: Hello girls!
Girl: Hello! – laughs and waves his hand.
All: Goodbye, Ivan Ivanovich.
Ivan Ivanovich: Goodbye girls!
Girl: Bye bye!

Ivan Ivanovich and the Girl turn their backs to them. Ivan Ivanovich spreads his hands in front of the audience, the girl laughs.

(Ivan Ivanovich and the Girl leave)

Girl: What an eccentric, Ivan Ivanovich.
All: Yeah!
Mulya: Listen, Bubble...
Squirrel: I'm Belka!
Mulya: Bubble!
Squirrel: Mulya, stop making me nervous.
Mulya: Bubble! Bubble!
Girl: Girls, it’s not worth it...
The squirrel is offended and leaves.
Mulya: Oh, how we puffed out our cheeks, turned up our noses and... off we went: one-two with the left, one-two with the right...
Girl: Well, you offended her...
Mulya:(imitates): You offended her, you didn’t see my tears.

(Everybody leaves)


The Countess appears.

Song: “The hour has struck and turned upside down” hourglass"(Minus "DJ Bobo - Come Take My Hand")

The hour has been struck and the hourglass has been turned upside down,
Already, alas.
Now everything that was and was not falls on the scales.
End of chapter.

(A ghost appears)

From scratch
Start your journey.
No! I need
Bring back friends.

Where did you go?
Girlfriends. Hey, answer me.
We stuck together
I'm all sad.
I'm going in search.
I will find you too.


No! I won’t leave you in trouble, and I will go and walk and find you.
They say that the hour has struck, or the hour has not struck – it’s a lie. I'm coming to you.

(Elvira and Jessica appear)

Don't believe everything
They'll show you what they say
And trust your heart -
He will tell the whole truth.

(Girls hug and run backstage)

Song: “Boy, it’s like you’re from a mirror” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Man is a Mirror”)

The frightened Countess, Jessica and Elvira run out, and Pirate 21 and Half past eight appear behind them.


Hello, wandering wanderer,
Looks like he fell here from the moon.
Have you come to us as a subject, an envoy?
Or maybe who sent you to exile?

Why did you come to us with a roar?
Why did you scare all the ghosts?
Or maybe we even dreamed?
And anyway, why did you come to us?

Boy, it's like you're from a mirror
You look at us, coldly.
And Alice cried again...
Your gaze faded into her world.

Pirate 21: I'm sorry, girls, we didn't mean to offend or scare you.
A half past seven: We just got a little lost in time.
Pirate 21: We are from the future.
A half past seven: From the twenty-first century...
All: Wow! Wow! It can not be! This is unscientific! This is a heretic! Ay-yay!
Elvira: I wonder how old we will be in the year two thousand?
Jessica: Oh, then, probably, everyone will live in separate apartments.
Countess: Yes, then communism will come...
Pirate 21: Well, let's start with the fact that none of you will live to see the year 2000, so let's refrain from asking other questions.
A half past seven: You know, those who know little are fast asleep.
Pirate 21: And you also...

Cat song “Winged Swing”:

(“For now we are just children,
we still have to grow
Only the sky, only the wind,
Only joy lies ahead." - Yu. Entin)

All: Ooo!!! Great!
Pirate 21: Not entirely true. Here:

Catalog of the song “Beautiful Far Away”:

All:(gloomily): Well... Not fair! To non-paradise lands! Nope!
Pirate 21: Girls, don’t worry... By the way, the future will be rich in interesting events.
All: Yes? Great!!!
Pirate 21: Yeah. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte...
Countess: And who is it?
Pirate 21: And one guy, so to speak, will be a pioneer in creating the European Union.
All: What? What kind of union?
A half past seven: Looking ahead, there will be several alliances, only here - throws up his hands, – are not durable, they will turn out to be.
Elvira: Oh well!
Jessica: They just don't know how to be friends. Nothing can break a strong friendship.

Catalog of the song “Strong friendship will not break”:

(“A strong friendship will not break, It will not fall apart from rains and blizzards. A friend will not abandon in trouble,
He won’t ask too much - That’s what real means, True friend!» - author of music and words unknown.)

All: That's right!
Countess: Who else?
Pirate 21: Hitler.
Jessica: This is which, without announcement?
Elvira glances sideways at Jessica.
Jessica: Books must be read. Books.
A half past seven: He is.
Countess: And what is he famous for?
Pirate 21: And he, like Napoleon, will get it in the neck in Russia.
Countess: Well, you're all about the bad and the bad. Aren't there any good people there?
Pirate 21: Why? Grandfather Lenin is a friend of children. Died in 1924.
Elvira: Eh, it’s a pity we won’t be there good grandfather Lenin.
Pirate 21: Why? I found it.
Jessica: Oh, well preserved boy.
Countess: Or maybe he's a vampire? Forever young and forever alive?
Pirate 21: Well, well, well, well, well!!! Girls? What kind of vampire am I? And you will find him.
Jessica: Lenin the vampire?
Pirate 21: Nope. Grandfather Lenin is not a vampire. He lies in the mausoleum on Red Square.
Elvira: Oh, almost like in the red corner.
A half past seven: And back in the 20th century there was one children's writer: Arkady Gaidar. He wrote a book " A military secret» about Malchish Kibalchish and Malchish Plokhish. The bad guy sold himself to his enemies for a barrel of jam and a basket of cookies.
All: Wow, what a bastard!
Pirate 21:(as if to the side): I wonder, did his granddaughter Yegorushka, who was a reformer, read this fairy tale?
All: Wow, what...
Pirate 21: About the dead it’s either good or nothing.

Cat of the song “We are children of the 20th century”

(“What’s missing? What’s missing?
On this on white in the world
We got a lucky but difficult ticket
We are children of the twentieth century”... – Yuri Entin).

A half past seven: By the way, can you tell me where we are?
All: As where? On Treasure Island.
A half past seven: Oh, what we need!

Song: “Treasure Island” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Way to Your Heart”)

Here we have a map -
Pickaxes and shovels.
Count the steps like this, six
And ask dad:

Treasure island, priceless island -
There are adventures, assaults and combat.
Grottoes, caves and underground city,
The kingdom of ghosts at lunar times.


Graph: Hello my dear!
All: Hello!
Countess: Hello daddy! How did you end up here? You deigned to stay on the ship.
Graph: Service.
All: Well, still?
Graph: Service, – smiling. - Well, hello, Pirate from the twenty-first century, or whatever your name is, Pirate 21.
Pirate 21: How do you know me?
All: Yes, how do you know him?
Graph: Service, – smiling. - By the way, show me your treasure?
Pirate 21:(hands a three-liter jar to the Count): Here!
Graph: (takes out the phone): And the iPhone is broken!
All: Can't be. Ha ha ha!
Graph: And was it worth going with him into the past to break it anyway?

Song: “Let fairy tales look into your world” (Minus “DJ Bobo – Becouse of You”)

So always, any story,
The promised ending will come.
The hero waves his hand to us,
Saying farewell words.

How sad we are to part with him,
And we must part with the other:
With another hike, adventure,
With friends, just with him again.

Open the doors in your heart boldly,
And let fairy tales look into your world.
Melt the melancholy and light up the stars,
So that we can all see the cosmic path.

Believe in your dreams and good luck

Don't be afraid, you will return to fairy tales,
To touch those secrets again.

All roads lead to space,
And fairy tales are calling us all into the distance.
Believe in your dreams and good luck
The wind of wanderings will dispel sadness.

The Bremen Town Musicians. Musical script


  • Jester -
  • King-
  • Princess -
  • Detective -

Princess's friends:

  • First girlfriend -
  • Second friend -
  • Third friend -
  • Fairy Godmother –

Court ladies:

First court lady:

Second court lady:


  • Boss -
  • Security guard -

The Bremen Town Musicians:

  • Cat -
  • Dog -
  • Donkey -
  • Rooster -
  • Troubadour –


  • Atamansha -
  • The first robber -
  • Second robber
  • The third robber -

City residents:

  • The owner of the pastry shop -
  • Blacksmith –
  • Seller at the fair -

Before the performance, while the audience is gathering.

1 Music

2 Music

Action 1.

1 Slide with a view of the city.

3. Music. Exit of city residents.

City residents come out and dance. Some are holding decorations, a “Welcome to Bremen” banner. Three people dance. They freeze.

4. Music. Fanfare for the jester's entrance. He runs out.

Jester: Ladies and gentlemen, you have no idea what kind of performance awaits you! I am the Jester of the King and the King of Jokes! There will be a lot of fun in what you are about to see: the cheerful young Troubadour and his friends; there will be many beautiful things: a beautiful Princess; there will be a lot of scary things: terrible forest robbers; there will even be something brilliant: a brilliant Detective; but of course, a lot of good things - our good king, for example.

But While I was speaking, musicians and singers from all over the area came to the Bremen city square. There it's already underway performance.

5.Music. Singing a song (1st issue) “This city.”

At the end of the performance, the performers bow and leave along with the city residents

Jester from behind the scenes... “here comes His Majesty!”

6. Music. On the King's Exit

The King comes out. The jester pulls him back. Your Majesty, what shape are you in? (Places a robe and crown on him.) That's better.

King: Listen, the princess went for a walk a long time ago and still hasn’t come back. He's probably walking around here somewhere. (dials the number) She always doesn’t answer the phone, either it’s empty or the money has run out. Well, when he returns home, he’ll cut his ears.


7. Music from the film “Girls”.A princess appears on stage with her friends, dressed like a commoner. They sing a song. The blacksmith and the owner of the confectionery stand from behind the scenes to the side.

The friends and the princess look at each other's outfits.

1st friend: - I don’t understand why such a masquerade. I like my French dresses better.

2nd friend: - Annette, you won’t walk through any door in this city in a French dress, the crinoline is too wide.

Princess: dear friends, it’s not about the outfit. Look how fun it is! Not like in our palace. There is a city bazaar here, and a concert is taking place on the Main Square. Buffoons, troubadours, trained animals!..

A seller runs by with a basket of goodies.

Salesman: " Tara-bars, rastabars, there are good goods. Not a product, but a real treasure, grab it in great demand! Garden apples, honey apples, pears, pineapple - gather in reserve."

The princess and her friends are buying something. Girlfriends put it in baskets. The seller runs away.

Princess: Look, there's a forge. Let's ask the blacksmith to make us a horseshoe for luck. I really want to fall in love, maybe a horseshoe will help me. They approach the blacksmith.

Princess: Dear, I want to order a horseshoe from you. Just tell me, do the horseshoes you make bring happiness?

Blacksmith: it depends on you, Your Highness!

Princess surprised: How do you know that I am Highness?

Blacksmith: The most talkative girl in our kingdom is our Princess

Princess: walking away with a horseshoe in her hand, thoughtfully... That’s it, I’ll be silent.

1st friend: Your Highness - I see a pastry shop, there are such delicious cakes, let's go in.

Princess: I have to be silent, but I want some cakes, let's go.

The friends choose cakes and argue about which one they like.

Slide 2. Cakes.

Princess: I will break my vow of silence to say, we take this cake.

Slide 3. Cake(points to screen)

Confectionery owner: I'll wrap it up now, Your Highness!

Princess: But where?...

The owner of the candy store - everyone knows that the biggest sweet tooth in the kingdom is our Princess.

Princess: That's it, it's time to go on a diet!

2nd friend: Your Highness, let's go to the concert. You will be silent and try not to chew anything.

Princess: Well, we persuaded you... (they leave, sit on the steps of the stage and watch the next number)

8.Music. Song “You, me and you and me”.

Act two.

Slide 4: palace.

9 Music. 2nd exit of the king.

The princess and her friends walk on one side and the king meets the guards.

King: Daughter!

Princess: Dad!

King: Don't folder! Where were you?

Princess: I went to the people.

King: And what do people say?

Princess: Well, they say that season 3 of Attack on Titan will be released, that Cristiano Ronaldo will come to Russia to choose a bride, that the glaciers are melting, and much more. They also say that AC/DC is coming to Russia with a concert, I have to go, so I need to book tickets now! Oh, maybe invite them to my sixteenth birthday...

King: Shut up! What do we have, domestic music worse?! Come on, find me some musicians! Urgently!

There is a knock on the door.

King: Come in!

The doors open and the Jester announces.

Jester: Your Royal Majesty, the musician Trumpet with the group “Dur” has arrived!

The king immediately assumes a friendly look and greets the guest.

Troubadour: Hello, Your Majesty, did you call?

King: Hello, hello, I called! We should play for fun, can you handle it?

Troubadour addressing his group: Shall we pull?

Group in chorus: Let's pull!

The king whispers: Where will you go?!

Princess: But dad! I want AC\DC!

The musicians begin to tune their instruments, the Troubadour begins to sing.

10. Music. Troubadour sings.

The princess listens to the Troubadour's song in fascination and falls in love.

The king is shocked.

King: Come on, guards!! Take this Romeo away, he will ruin my daughter!

The guards take the Troubadour and his friends away.

The princess is crying. Her friend consoles her.

1st friend: Your Highness, don’t cry, everything must end well, you will definitely meet him.

11 Music. The song sounds: “Where the sky ends...” The princess and her friend leave the stage.

Act three.

Slide 5 – dense forest.

12. Music. Night forest.

The Bremen musicians walk dejectedly through the forest.

Cat: We've lost our way. We got lost.

Rooster: I would like to warm up by the fire, eat, and go to the side.

Troubadour: I can’t sleep now, friends... I can’t forget the beautiful Princess.

Rooster: I see a fire!

All: Hurray! We are saved!

Cat: I wonder who got into such a wilderness?

Rooster: Why guess? I'll go have a look. What if there’s ko...ko...ko...

Rooster: Smugglers!

All: Robbers!!

Troubadour: Hurry up and follow me! I think I've come up with something.

They leave.

Act four.

Slide 6 – hut in the forest.

13 Music. The chieftain's exit. While she speaks, the music plays muffled.

The Atamansha appears from the hut (from behind the door). There are three sleeping robbers under the tree.

Chieftain: Hey, you byaki-buki! Get up, it's already night!

A friendly snoring is heard.

Chieftain: You don't want it, as you want. I'll eat alone.

The snoring stops.

Chieftain: First - pilaf

The first robber jumps up.

Chieftain: For the second course - dumplings

The second robber jumps up.

The third robber is awake: What about compote?

14 Music. ATAMANSH'S SONG (the robbers sing together)

Suddenly the Bremen musicians appear. They scare the robbers.

BM: Everyone stay put! We are State Drug Control!

The robbers run away. Bremen musicians pick up weapons thrown by robbers.

Troubadour: Tomorrow the King will pass here, We will be on the alert...

They confer in whispers.

All: Cool idea! It should work!

They leave.

Act five.

Slide 7 “Forest”.

15 Music. The king circles the stage and the music turns off

The King, the Jester and the guards appear. The king is riding in a carriage, with guards dragging suitcases behind...

They are walking through the forest.

King: Halt!

Jester: Let me lean against this log!

King: Jester!

Jester: The fool is with you, Your Majesty!

King: Listen, today I dreamed that we were sitting in the forest at the edge of the forest, and suddenly someone whistled... Why would that be?

16 Music. Whistling.

A robber whistle is heard.

16.1 Music of the King's Capture.

Robbers jump out of the bushes. The security raises their hands and runs away. The robbers grab the King and tie him to a tree. The music ends.

King: Let me go now! I am your king!

First robber):We are our own kings!

King: What are you going to do to me?

Second robber. Now let's cock!

King: (whispers) Guard! For help! They decided to kill me!

BMs run out. Troubadour:This should not happen!

17. Music. Battle.

Troubadour and BM get into a fight with the robbers and drive them backstage, frees the King, and he hugs Troubadour.

Troubadour: Meet, Your Majesty, my artist friends!

King: I ask everyone to the palace!

They leave.

Act six.

Slide 8 – palace.

The guards, courtiers and the Princess run out.

Princess: Poor daddy!

He throws himself into a hug.

The Jester and Troubadour appear.

King: Daughter, here is my savior.

The princess notices the Troubadour, approaches and takes his hand.

Princess: Thank you!

Troubadour: Princess!

Princess: Brave young man! His Majesty the King is giving a ball in your honor!

King: Daughter?

Princess: Dad!

They start dancing.

18. Music. Country dance.

General dance. The king sits on the throne, next to the jester and court ladies. Dancing: The princess and the troubadour, the princess's friend and the detective, the fairy and the guard. Afterwards everyone moves to the back wall. The cat passes in front of the audience.

Cat: Ah, friends... Cats are scratching my soul. It seems to me that our Troubadour has forgotten us. Apparently, love is stronger than friendship. Our free bird is caught in a golden cage. Leaves.

19. Music. According to the godmother.

Jester : The ball is over. The troubadour and the Princess decided to run away from the palace. The fairy godmother gives them parting words.

Fairy Godmother: I don't want to hold you back, but a troubadour could become a prince.

Troubadour: No, dear Godmother! I feel cramped and stuffy here. We'll go on a trip. Only my friends will help us, we need to find them as soon as possible!

The troubadour and the Princess run away from the palace. Dancing couples leaving.

Castle. The king is on the throne. Nearby stands the jester and the ladies of the court.

King: I just had a dream. I dreamed that my daughter ran away from the palace with this wandering artist.

Security guard: Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I was now making my evening rounds of the palace chambers.

King: So what?

Security guard: There is a note on Her Highness's bed.

The guard passes the note to the Jester.

Jester: (reading) Goodbye, forgive me, don't look for me!

20. Music. The king is fainting.

King to the music:So and so escaped from the palace! This and that upset my father!

Music off

Gather all the smartest courtiers!

The courtiers come out and begin to argue.

King : think, think about how to get my unlucky daughter back. You speak:

First court lady:we need to post notices around the city: “The princess, fair, pretty, capricious, has disappeared. Urgently return it to the finder for a decent reward.” And the photo is on the city gates.

King: What-o-o? Princess - at the city gates??? What nonsense. Any other suggestions?

Second lady of the court: I suggest calling the “Wait for me!” program, I heard they are looking for missing people.

The king is interested: And what do they always find?

Lady: Well, not always...

King: how is this? Maybe I’ll find it, maybe I won’t? This does not fit! Everything is out of sight. I'll think alone. ABOUT! Invented!

21. Music. from James Bond, the Sleuth appears.

King: Brilliant Detective! My Majesty begs you to return Her Highness to the palace. My daughter has fallen into bad company...Beasts, not people!

Detective: Understood. I’m starting the search, I’m confident of success, I hope for a decent reward.


Act seven.

Slide 9 (forest)

A troubadour and a princess walk through the forest

Music 22.

Princess: How scary it is in the forest... and cold... I'm tired, Troubadour... I want to eat, I want to go to dad, home...

Troubadour: My friends must be here somewhere, we will definitely find them... Your Highness, would you like me to sing you a song?

The princess stomps her foot:I don't want songs. I'm thirsty!

Troubadour: Your Highness, I’ll bring some water now, there’s a stream flowing nearby. Leaves. The princess, saddened, sits down on a tree stump.

Robbers come out from behind the scenes.

Music 23.

Chieftain: What a present! Princess!

Grab her, don't sleep...

The robbers grab the princess and go backstage.

Chieftain: I’m already dreaming of getting a ransom, and then going to the Australian Opera and becoming a singer! (Leaves)

Troubadour runs out with a glass of water, looking for the princess. Finding nowhere, he sits down on a stump and says in despair: “What have I done!”

Music 24. Here the music of the detective sounds, then he runs across the stage, looking at the marks on the floor...passing the Troubadour, he says:

Detective: Why are you sitting here, gather a team, let’s go rescue the Princess...

They leave together.

Slide 10 – palace

Music 25. The king enters with his guard and jester. Sits on the throne. The guard reports that a detective has arrived.

The king is excited: yes, yes, where is he? Let him come...

Detective enters

King: Well, did you find it? Found?

The detective whispers something in his ear.

The king is shocked...

King: How about the robbers? Ransom? Give me everything I have, just give me back my daughter.

Detective: Your Majesty, there is a person here who can help you.

King: Who is this? Let's get it here

The Troubadour enters with a sad look and bowed head.

King: It is he? How dare you come here. Guards, capture him and send him to prison.

Troubadour: wait, Your Majesty. I promise that I'll find her and you won't lose a single stamp..

The king thought: oh well, fine, go.

The troubadour leaves.

Music 26. The sound of battle is heard.

At this time, the king shows impatience and tries to spy on the progress of the battle...

27. Music.

Until the end of words.

The troubadour and the princess enter the stage. BM is with them. The Princess rushes to the King:

King: Daddy!

My good-for-nothing daughter!King Troubadour:

Troubadour: For the release of my daughter, ask whatever you want.

I don’t need anything except the heart of the Beautiful Princess. (Takes her hand)

King: A jester in the ear of His Majesty: They love each other...

Wow, I never would have thought...Rooster on the other hand:

King: it's time to have a wedding.

Yes, of course, I agree, I really want the fairy tale to end happily!

They freeze on stage.

Jester: A jester appears on stage. Once upon a time, as now, in this world there lived good kings, beautiful princesses, terrible forest robbers, cheerful troubadours who lived, fought, suffered, but at all times, always won. real love

and friendship!

All participants come out and sing the final song.

28. Music. Final song.

There is nothing better in the world,

Why friends wander around the world,

Those who are friendly are not afraid of worries,

Any road is dear to us.

La-la-la-la... (The First Robber skips across the stage)

We will not forget our calling,

We bring laughter and joy to people!

The palaces offer us tempting vaults

Freedom will never be replaced.

La-la-la-la...(The Second Robber skips across the stage)

Our carpet is a flower meadow,

Our walls are giant pine trees,

Our roof is a blue sky,

Our happiness is to live such a destiny.

La-la-la-la...(The Third Robber skips across the stage)

Final bow.



Musical script for children senior:

preschool age

“Out there on unknown paths...”

Explanatory note Everyone in our country, young and old, knows and loves the works of the great classic of Russian literature, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. From early childhood we love and read his fairy tales. Based on his works wonderful films and cartoons, performances were staged, thousands of paintings were written by artists, composers composed wonderful music
I wanted to give the students the opportunity to touch literary creativity A.S. Pushkin in all aspects of children's creative activity.

The relevance of this idea is to let preschoolers feel the beauty and richness of the Russian language in the poetry of the great classic. Since in modern society The Russian language is becoming more and more simplified; we really want our children not to forget the beautiful style of poetry and the spirit of the works of the great master.

For this purpose, a large preliminary work with children on the project “Pushkin is our everything...”, in which it became possible to implement this idea. As a result, the result of the project was the musical “There on Unknown Paths...”

The musical was based on a New Year's Eve script

L. Oliferova, supplemented musical material and your own text.

Target : To develop children's interest in the works of A.S. Pushkin, using different kinds artistic and aesthetic activities

Preliminary work:

  • Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “At the Lukomorye...” - an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes."
  • Listening musical works composers who used fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.
  • Examination of illustrations to fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.
  • Drawing characters and plot scenes from fairy tales. Exhibition fine arts children based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin
  • Watching films and cartoons based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, puppet shows based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin


Projector with video image, player, piano, Oak, chest, hut on chicken legs, tent, carpet, “golden chain”, costumes and attributes for fairy-tale characters.

Scientist cat
Little Mermaids
Goblin Children


Oriental beauties
Baba Yaga

The screen depicts a book with fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, turning over the pages with his fairy tales (music by Rimsky-Korsakov “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

Narrator: They come to us Pushkin's tales,
Bright and kind, like dreams,
Words are pouring out, diamond words,
To the evening velvet of silence.
Magic pages rustle
We want to know everything as soon as possible,

Children's eyelashes flutter
Children's eyes believe in miracles.

Music is playing.
Narrator: There is a green oak near the Lukomorye
Golden chain on oak volume.
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around and around in a chain.
Enter the scientist cat. Sings a song (Lyrics and music by L. Oliferova)
Cat: Meow-meow, I'm a scientist cat,
Meow-meow, no big worries,
I live here under the oak tree,
I invite you all to visit.
I'll sing you a song

I'll catch you some fish
I'll put you to sleep under an oak tree,
I'll tell you a bedtime story.

The cat sits under an oak tree with a fishing rod, “catching fish.” Mermaids peeking out from behind the curtain, picking up the cat's melody, as if imitating they sing.
Mermaids: Meow-meow, he is a scientist cat,
Meow-meow, no big worries,
He lives here under the oak tree,
He invites us all to visit.

Cat: Hush, you mermaids! All the fish were scared away.
Mermaids: Greet guests kindly,
Well, at least make some tea,
Feed us, give us something to drink,

After all, we are your amulets!
Dance of the little mermaids (music."Dancing Flowers")
The cat carries cups of tea on a tray. He turns around and looks at the oak tree.
Cat: I don’t know how to tell you:
It's not time for us to drink tea!
Look: there is no golden chain,
And our oak stands as an orphan.
Little Mermaids: Let's call the devils
Golden chain We'll find it soon.
They know all the paths in the forest,
It’s not for nothing that they are considered crazy.
Leshy enter to the music of L. Oliferova

The goblin sing and walk: Along unknown paths
We walk in Lukomorye,
Miracle berries in baskets
Here and there we collect.
Then we sneak like cats
Then we rush in a crowd,
And it’s very, very easy
Lure you along!
Dance of mermaids and goblin. (Excerpt from Stravinsky’s ballet “Petrushka”)
Narrator: Where did the golden chain disappear to?
On that mighty oak tree,
Whose evil will has been fulfilled,

Nobody knows about him.

Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone, get up quickly,
Follow me merrily!
Only, mur! Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!
G. Gladkova " New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya"

While the children walk through the hall, a hut on chicken legs is displayed

Narrator: There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts,

There's a hut there on chicken legs
It has no windows, no doors.
Everyone comes across a hut on chicken legs (all actions are accompanied by music)

Goblin: Hut, hut, stand up like your mother did,
Towards us in front, to the forest behind!

Hut: What else do you want? And the magic word!

All in unison: Please!

The hut turns creakingly.
Baba Yaga comes out from behind the hut with a broom. She “flies” around the entire hall and approaches the Cat with a threatening look.
. (music by M. Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition”)

Baba Yaga: Yes! It's dark in my hut

And I don't need a window

I don't need a door either
The main thing is that there is a broom!
Why did you come to visit?
Or are bones not dear to you?
Hide quickly from me
Run away in all directions!

Dance of Baba Yaga with a broom!
Little Mermaids: You, Yagusya, don’t shout and don’t knock with your broom.
Well, it’s better, if you can, help our grief!
We are in trouble on the Lukomorye,
The chain has disappeared to God knows where!

Baba Yaga: That's trouble, that's trouble,
We can't go anywhere without the golden chain!
Walks back and forth, thinks.

Baba Yaga: Now we’ll ask the wind if he’s seen anything?
Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds,
Everywhere you blow in the open air, and you worry the blue sea...
Have you seen it, tell me, if you can, point it out,

Where should we look for the golden chain? Who fulfilled the evil will?
Voice behind the scenes:

Yes, of course, I saw, through the forests,
The sorcerer carried the hero across the seas.
He is bound with a golden chain,
And in dead dream he is immersed.

(The familiar melody of the Cat Song sounds)
Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone, get up quickly,
Follow me merrily!
Only, mur!. Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!

Children stand behind the cat train and walk like a snake to the music
leaving the hall.At this time, the tent is erected and the carpet is laid.
Witch: The sorcerer sits in a tent on pillows. To the music oriental beauties dancing (oriental music)
All the heroes enter the hall, the dancers hide in the tent.

The music of M. Glinka “March of Chernomor” sounds, the Sorcerer with a long black beard and a shining ring on his finger slowly gets up and addresses the heroes
Ha-Ha! Why did you come here?
What did they find in my chambers?

Goblin: Why did you, damned sorcerer, deceive the hero?
You stole the chain from our native oak tree in vain!
You have silver and gold, and so your chambers are full. (
shake their fists)

Baba Yaga: Give it back kindly
Otherwise I’ll grind it into fine powder! ( Threatens a broom).

Witch: Okay, okay, don't make noise,
And don’t use a broom here

I exchanged the chain for gold,

Koschey gave me the ring. (shows how it sparkles)

Now look to him
Just be quiet... go away... (grabs his head as if it hurts)

Cat: Along paths and forests
We need to get through.
Everyone, get up quickly,
Follow me merrily!
Only, mur!. Keep!

Let's go look for the golden chain!
Children stand behind the cat train and walk like a snake to the music
leaving the hall

Koschey: To the music of D. Verdi “March of the Toreador” Koschey appears, walks and sings a song:
Day and night, day and night
I count the money
Day and night, day and night
I don't know rest
Over your wealth
I'm slowly wasting away,

I'll look into the chests -

And I’ll gasp with happiness!
Koshchei's dance

They come forward and speak at the same time

Baba Yaga and the Cat: Happiness is not a chest of rubles,
Happiness is a circle of friends.
Give us the golden chain,
Then join the circle of friends!

Koschey brings a chain. All characters take the chain and lift it above them. They hang it on an oak tree.
Narrator : Come on, together, come on, together
Fairy tales are very, very necessary.
Lukomorians smile, and
Get ready for the dance!
Dance and song of all the characters of "Lukomorye" muses. Usacheva Pinegina.

Song: Found a golden chain
In the kingdom of distant lands.
We came to Lukomorye,
Everything is fine now.
Let the path be hard

We know without a hint
What's good stronger than evil,
In reality and in a fairy tale

Narrator: The scientist cat starts a song,
Stupa with Grandmother - Yozhka wanders.
Mermaids and Leshis are sitting,
They look at the sea from the oak tree!

Together: We were there, we drank honey,
They spoke in leshish language,
They danced like mermaids,
We read Pushkin's fairy tales.


IN: Styopa!

WITH: Vasya!

IN: How glad I am to see you!

WITH: I'm very happy too!

IN: Hello, Styopa!

WITH: Hello, Vasya!

IN: So you and I forgot to do something!

WITH: I haven't forgotten anything!

IN: We forgot to say hello to the guys.

WITH: This is true. Oh! How bad. It's your fault, Vasya.

IN: It doesn’t matter who is to blame. We need to say hello. You start.

WITH: But I can’t.

IN: You can not? Then I’ll say hello to the guys first, and you watch and listen - it’s very simple.

WITH: Okay, now it’s me.

It's very simple.

Hello guys, hello!

IN: “Very simple” is not necessary. Just say “Hello guys, hello!”

WITH: You teach me badly, and even scold me.

IN: Well, don't be angry. Let's say hello together.

TOGETHER: Hello guys, hello.

WITH: How many guests are there?

IN: How many friends are there?

WITH: We all gathered here at once

For a fun fairy hour!

Storyteller (to the tune of the song “Come on, quietly...”

We old fairy tale let's read

And to distant childhood, and to carefree childhood

Let's quietly enter on tiptoe

Let's close our eyes and in our dreams and daydreams

You and I will hit the road

After all, it is impossible to return a fairy tale without mentally

But we still want to take a risk

We remember this fairy tale very well

We will play it out of spite for all the years.


Hello, dear guests!

Get your ears ready, kids!

Get ready, guests, to listen!

A fairy tale enters a bright house

And he will tell you everything.

Someone threw it at us at the window,

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles our face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

While flying, did you drop it?

Guys! Who did the letter come from, would you like to know?

(fanfare sounds, the presenter opens the letter)

I’m opening the letter now, and you all need to try and guess together!

The heroine is not simple!

She walked across the field

She found the money.

Flew to the market

And I bought...

What is the name of this fairy tale?

(audience responses)

Right. This is “The Tsokotuha Fly.” And this fairy tale was written by the wonderful writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

The gentle sun is shining. White clouds are floating across the sky. The birds are singing. Grasshoppers chirp. Variegated butterflies flutter in the meadow. And a light warm breeze plays with the flowers.

(dance of flowers)

I'm a clicking fly

And I beautiful - I bet No

And friends around, around know and understand this

It is a holiday today

My birthday

I have guests today

And an invitation and a treat

My friends are relatives

Unfortunately, on my birthday

No money for food

What should I do?

What do i do?

What should I treat my guests to?

Yesterday I went for a walk in the field

And I took my wallet with me

Maybe I forgot it somewhere

And it became - not a penny

IN beautiful dress I'll go for a walk

And I’ll go look in the field again

Perhaps a miracle will happen after all

And I will find the money

M-C: How good is that!

How great is this!

Live in a green meadow

And be friends with flowers.

(minus “Song of Little Red Riding Hood” sounds)

M-C: (dances and sings)

If it's long, long, long

If it's a long time along the path

If it's long along the path

Run, jump and buzz

Then, perhaps, then of course,

It's probably true, true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

Can I find some money?


Ahh, I’ll go to the market with this money

Ah, I’ll find a lot of different products there

A-ah, look, boots,

Ahh, painted cups, spoons

Ahh, buy lilies of the valley -2 times


Oh! What a beautiful girl!

Well, what paws! Well, what kind of wings!

How can such a charmer live without flowers?

Buy flowers. After all, these are lilies of the valley!

Song "Lilies of the Valley, Lilies of the Valley"

I don't need your lilies of the valley.

I'm looking for a samovar!


So I went to the market

And she bought a samovar.

Because it's a birthday

I will celebrate today.

All the bugs, cockroaches

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

(sets the table)

I'll treat my friends to tea,

Let them come in the evening.

I have for guests

Lots of delicious sweets!


Came to Mukha

Grandma bee


I brought honey...

(polka sounds, bee comes out)


Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm from all my native meadows

I brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I also brought honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

(hands Mukha a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey)

Thank you, thank you!

My dear!

Sit down at the table,

The samovar is ready!


Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots.

(song to the tune of “Small Country”)

There behind the mountains, behind the forests

The fly lives alone

Visiting yourself for your name day

She calls fleas

There guests will have fun from night until morning

There will be songs flowing loudly

Oh! Tskokotuha!

The fly is beautiful!

The fly is a miracle worker!

Happiness, health and good luck

We want to wish!

1st Flea:

Take these boots from Flea!

2nd Flea:

The boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

(hands a boot to Mukha)

Thank you, my dears!

Sit here, the guests will arrive soon.


And here come the naughty butterflies,

Cheerful flyers.

Flying through the fields

Through groves and meadows.



We don’t get tired, we flutter merrily,

We spin, we fly.


We flutter through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES:(in unison):

Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

We treat you to flower jam!

(pass the jam to Mukha)

Thank you, dear friends,

Please come to the table !(Butterflies sit down at the table.)


All the bugs -

Three cups each

With milk

And a pretzel:

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!

(song by I. Alegrova “Birthday”)

The arrows are spinning faster and faster

The stars have become a year older,

The leaf fell off the calendar,

But don't be sad in vain.

And not in vain on my birthday

All friends gather.

And the more friends around,

The younger the heart beats.

Happy birthday!

Success, joy, luck,

Any wishes come true

And a million nights and days.

Happy birthday!

Love until you're dizzy

And a crazy mood,

And the most devoted friends!

Come, cockroaches,

I'll treat you to tea!

(cockroaches with drums come out and walk around the hall)


Shhh... Here are some flowers for you!

We collected them on the meadow.

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

Eat, don't be shy

Help yourself, everyone.

Look what gingerbread cookies I baked!


We drove through the mountains, we rushed through the valleys

To the Goryukha Fly, to the Tsokotukha Fly!

The fly was waiting for guests, baked gingerbread,

She made tea and gave water to all the guests.

Beautiful butterflies, eat the jam!

Or don't you like my treat?


Your treat is simply a sight for sore eyes!


Your treat is simply delicious!

There's cream and sweets here.

And what’s missing here!

Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Gingerbread is mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

Cream tubes, pies

And very tasty cheeses!


Suddenly out of nowhere

Old Man Spider

(a spider appears)


I am the evil Spider, long arms!

I came for Mukha

The clattering one has arrived!

(throws a net over Mukha)


Here he is, our Fly in the corner

Dragged -

He wants to kill the poor woman

Destroy the clattering noise !

M-C: (kneels and says plaintively)

"Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!"


I not only eat flies,

Me and Bees and Mosquitoes -

Ready to try everyone!

Ha-ha-ha, ready to try everyone!


But the worm beetles

We got scared

In the corners, in the cracks

They fled.

(everyone runs screaming in different directions, hiding behind trees, under tables)


But the villain is not joking,

He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes,

Sharp teeth pierce into the very heart

And she drinks her blood.

The fly screams


And the villain is silent,


Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little Mosquito,

And it burns in his hand

Small flashlight.

(march sounds)


I am the brave mosquito

Well done!

Where is the Spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares!

I'm not afraid of spiders

I will fight the Spider!

(battle reenactment)


Flies up to the Spider,

Takes out the saber

And he's at full gallop

Cuts off the head!

There are bugs and boogers here

Crawling out from under the bench:


"Glory, glory to Komar - the Winner!"


Did I defeat the villain?


Did I free you?



And now the soul-maiden,

I want to marry you!


People are having fun -

The fly is getting married

For the dashing, daring,

Young Mosquito!

(butterflies put a veil on a fly, cockroaches give flowers - Mendelssohn's march)


Boots squeak

Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning:

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!


Oh, you dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!


The time has come to part,

We say to you: "Goodbye!"


We will say goodbye to the theater

But you don't leave, our viewer is the only one

There are hundreds of children's performances on the posters of the capital's theaters. But among them, musicals stand apart. Bright musical productions always have a better chance of winning the love of the audience: piercing music, the power of live voices, the dynamics of the action, and A New Look on familiar subjects.

Information about all the musicals that you can go to with the whole family can be found in our section. In this review, we present to your attention 11 musicals for adults, children and teenagers.

Attention! Before purchasing tickets, please carefully read the reviews from our readers.

It is also necessary to take into account that not all productions that are positioned as musicals can rightfully be called such. Some of them are more like operettas, while others, on the contrary, can be classified as musical performances. In general, read the reviews, choose and enjoy your viewing!

Cinderella(Moscow operetta) from 6 years old

Schoolchildren junior classes can be taken to a musical based on the film script of the same name by Soviet playwright Evgeny Schwartz, which is staged at the Moscow Operetta.

Musical production Andrei Semenov is essentially a remake of everyone’s favorite film, which for more than half a century cannot leave either adults or children indifferent. The musical even features music from this movie. But, according to reviews from viewers, what they saw is still more like an operetta.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes.

The Snow Queen(Moscow International House of Music) from 6 years old

Another original children's musical for no less famous fairy tale You can watch it with the whole family at the Moscow International House of Music or the Central House of Culture for Railway Workers. The dramatic basis was the play by the same E. Schwartz, inspired by Andersen's fairy tale.

This story is known to everyone: the brave girl Gerda overcomes all obstacles, wanting to save her friend Kai, who was captured by the heartless To the Snow Queen. It was this story, full of exciting adventures, that inspired Stas Namin to write great music. He is also a production director.

Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes, with intermission.

The Wizard of Oz(Children's musical theater named after Sats) from 7 years old

Musical in 2 acts based on fairy tales by L.-F. Baum play within the walls of the Children's Musical Theater named after. Sats. The performance was created by a Russian composer according to Western models and tells about wonderful adventures in songs and dances main character fairy tales of the girl Dorothy and her faithful friends: the dog Toto, the Tin Woodman and the Straw Scarecrow.

Looking for the magical Emerald City they will visit the Blue and Yellow Kingdoms, almost die in a battle with an evil witch... but, of course, everything will end well.

Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes, with one intermission.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist(Children's Musical Theater of Young Actor) from 7 years old

L. Bart's classic musical "Oliver", a Broadway favorite, is presented on the stages of the Moscow Music Hall and the Young Actor Musical Theatre. The story of a boy from workhouse, told a century and a half ago by Charles Dickens, is modern and interesting today.

In the musical everything looks less tragic than in English writer. Brilliant musical parts - bright, precise - a kind of tuning fork for those seeking the right life's path hearts The main roles are played by very young actors. To make the plot more understandable, it would be better if, before going to the theater, children read the book itself, on the basis of which the musical was based.

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes, with intermission.

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