Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the preparatory group. “Letter from Pinocchio! Lesson outline (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of a comprehensive open lesson (in the preparatory group) “Treasure Journey”

Fishes in an aquarium. Fun account.

Objectives: To consolidate the skills of ordinal counting (within 10), the concept of the ordinal value of a number and ordinal relations; clarify knowledge of the questions: “How much?”, “Which?”, “Which”; teach children silhouette cutting out of simple-shaped objects, prepare pieces of paper of the required size; develop hand coordination; to teach to achieve a distinct form, to develop a sense of composition;

Strengthen ideas about ordinal counting within 10; continue to correctly formulate children’s answers to the teacher’s questions about the content of the fairy tale, using ordinal numbers in speech; Make your own appliqué with fish figures. Properly organizing the composition; know and follow safety rules when working with scissors.

Developmental environment: cards, geometric materials and items for counting; aquarium with fish: paper the size of a notebook sheet in pale blue (sea), pale green (river) and lilac (aquarium) to choose from, pictures of river, sea and aquarium fish for cutting out; “playing” cubes glued together from cardboard (on each side of the cube dots indicate numbers from 1 to 6), colored pencils, scissors, glue; illustrations for a fairy tale.

Progress of the lesson.

Part I Guys, she came to visit us gold fish she has a task for us. (you can create a problem) Let's complete them.

Part II Sequential counting up to 10.

Listen to the fairy tale “About the Little Goat Who Could Count to 10” (author Alfia Preisen, retold from Norwegian by V. Ostrovsky) and answer the questions of the Goldfish.

Once upon a time there lived a little kid who learned to count to 10. One day he came to a lake and saw his reflection in the water. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at himself for a long time. Now listen to what happened next.

“One,” said the Little Goat.

What did the Little Goat want to do when he said “one”?

Who did he count first?

Did he do it right?

What number can be used to indicate the first in order?

Compare such concepts as “one” and “first”. How are they connected? What's the difference between them? (One indicates the quantity; the first indicates the order of objects when counting). Spin the dice. Open the part of the cube that shows 1 point.

“One!” said the Little Goat.

This was heard by the Calf, who was walking nearby and nibbling grass.

“What are you doing?” asked the Calf.

“I counted myself,” answered the Little Goat. “Do you want me to count you too?”

Oh, what are you talking about! I am very afraid. And my mother probably won’t allow it,” the Calf stammered, backing away.

But the Little Goat jumped after him and said:

I am one, you are two. One two! Me-uh!”

Who did the Little Goat count as second?

Consider the sides of the dice. Color the part (face) of the cube that shows 2 points.

Mother! – the Calf called plaintively.

Then a Cow ran up to her with a bell around her neck.

Mu, why are you crying?

The little goat is counting me! – the calf complained.

“What is this?” the Cow muttered angrily.

Oh, now he has counted you too!_ the Calf roared.

When the cow realized this, she became very angry.

I'll show you how to make fun of us! Come on, Calf, let's give it to him!

Who was the third person the Little Goat counted?

How many animals has the Little Goat counted now?

Color the part of the cube that shows three points.

(etc. according to the work)

Questions at the end of the work.

How many animals did Little Goat count?

Who did he count as seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth?

Count all the heroes of the fairy tale based on the picture.

Will they be able to sail together on a sailboat?

Part III. Application 2Fish in the aquarium."

In the middle of the table is an aquarium (jar) with aquarium fish covered with a napkin.

Guess the riddle of the Goldfish:

Look, the house is standing

It's filled to the brim with water.

Without windows, but not gloomy,

And transparent on all sides.

In this house there are 2 residents -

All are skilled swimmers. (Aquarium.)

When the children solve the riddle, the teacher removes the napkin.

Look carefully and tell me which aquarium fish you already know and which are unfamiliar to you.

Who knows what they are called? (Guppies and angelfish). There is also new fish, it is called “sword bearer”. Who guessed why? Because the lower part of their caudal fin looks like a sword. How are all these fish similar? How are they different from each other? What shape is the body of an angelfish. What is the guppy's? What color and size is the fish? Pay attention to the fins of the fish, what they are like on an angelfish and a swordtail. Guppy's? What else is there in the aquarium besides fish and water? Where else do fish live? (In the river, in the pond, in the sea...)

Game "Who Lives Where?"

There are three paintings on the stand depicting an aquarium, a river and the sea. On the table you have pictures depicting the inhabitants of various bodies of water, you must cut them out and paste each one into its own house. Describe the body shape of the fish. Trace the outline of the figure with your finger. Then draw its outline in the air.

Children independently cut out fish figures and paste them onto the corresponding images (sea, river, aquarium).

Part IV. Summary of the lesson.

Looking at all the children's crafts. Choose the most expressive and neat crafts

(V preparatory group)

"Treasure Journey"

Goals and objectives of the lesson

continue to teach sound analysis and word synthesis; continue to develop basic mathematical representations; develop graphomotor skills and visual attention; improve your movement skills to music.

Correctional and developmental: develop phonemic and speech hearing, form orientation in the sound system of the language; develop visual perception, attention, memory; enrich vocabulary, practically introducing antonyms.

Correctional and educational: create good mood, cultivate accuracy, kindness, and the ability to follow game rules; desire and ability to work in a team, encourage activity and independence.



Municipal budgetary general educational institution

"Bolshemoretskaya Secondary School named after. A. I. Kostrikina"

(structural unit - kindergarten)

Synopsis of a comprehensive open class

(in the preparatory group)

"Treasure Journey"

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

Pustovalova O. S.


Evdokimova E.V.

Anishchenko V.V.

Goals and objectives of the lesson

Correctional and educational:continue to teach sound analysis and word synthesis; continue to develop elementary mathematical concepts; develop graphomotor skills and visual attention; improve your movement skills to music.

Correctional and developmental: develop phonemic and speech hearing, form orientation in the sound system of the language; develop visual perception, attention, memory; enrich vocabulary, practically introducing antonyms.

Correctional and educational: create a good mood, cultivate neatness, kindness, and the ability to follow game rules; desire and ability to work in a team, encourage activity and independence.

Equipment: tape recorder, easel, pictures (Saw, Turkey, Cancer, Watermelon, Pumpkin), massage ball, treasure map, cardboard clouds with ribbons, “draw by dots” pictures, letters, red and blue-green flags, educational game “Collect flowers”, envelopes with tasks, sheets of paper with syllables (bumps), the game “Fishing”, handouts (sound chips, fishing rods, fish, markers, pebbles), refreshments.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment (Children enter the hall to the music)

Leading: Guys, look how many guests we have in the hall today. Let's say hello to them all together.

Children: Hello!

1. Psycho-gymnastics together with finger exercises

Leading: Now let's stand in a circle and wish each other a good day, and a small ball will help us do this.

(Children stand together with the leader in a circle. Lyrical music plays.)

This ball is not simple, but magical. With his warmth, he radiates goodness and transfers it to the people who hold him in their hands. We will hold it in our palms, saying kind, warm words, and then pass it to the neighbor on the right.

(Children hold the ball and say kind words)

Problem situation

Leading: Guys, today we have an unusual activity. He came to visit us... let's guess who it is?

Children guess the name of the hero based on the first sounds of the word-pictures.

(Saw, Turkey, Cancer, Watermelon, Pumpkin – “Pirate”)

(Pirate music plays)

Pirates: Hello guys!!!

Pirate 1: I'm Captain Jack, and this is my mate, Boatswain Billy. We want to invite you on a dangerous journey. The fact is that I was going through old things and found a map where treasures were hidden that needed to be reached by ship. But I need a team. Do you agree to sail with us?

Children: Yes.

Pirate 2: Difficult trials await us, and only by coping with them will we obtain treasures. Are you ready for the challenge?

Children: Yes

Pirates: Then let's go!

Pirate 1: Let's say the magic words: “Turn around yourself and find yourself on a ship.”

Children: Everyone says the magic words together.

Breathing exercises

Pirate 1: Here you and I are standing on a ship, but what is this... a storm is raging at sea! The clouds covered the sun. It blows in our faces strong wind and a terrible rain falls. Let's clear away the clouds. We will blow hard, hard on them so that they fly away. (Children blow on the clouds. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Introduction to the topic

Development of visual attention

Pirate 2: (unfolds the map and shows it to the children) Guys, here is the map, as you complete the tasks, the ship will move along the map. Here comes the first test. You need to connect the dots in order to get a picture.

(Children do tasks)

Pirate 2: Well done!

“1,2,3 – our ship sails forward!”

Characteristics of sound.

Pirate 1: Guys, our boat has sailed to " Port of Sounds.

(Envelope with letters) I will now tell you the sound, and you must determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant. If it's a vowel, which flag should be raised? (red). And if it is a consonant (blue-green).

Pirate 1: A. Describe this sound. What sound is this? (vowel or consonant)

Pirate 1:. Well done!

II. Main part.

Pirate 2: So we're getting closer to Lake of Changes.

Phonemic awareness development task

Game “Add Sound” (using a ball)

Goal: Development of phonemic hearing, attention, thinking.

Pirate 2: I will say words with the sound R, and you try to change it so that instead of the sound R there is the sound L. I will throw the ball and call a word with the sound R, and the one to whom I threw the ball must change the word and replace the sound R with sound L. For example: cancer-lac. Ready?

Crayfish-lac, horns-spoons, rum-scrap, frame-lama, rye-lies. Marina - raspberry.

Pirate 2: Well done boys!

Leading: Guys, what are sounds? How does a letter differ from a sound? (Letters - we see and write, but we hear and speak sound)

Children: Sounds are what we hear and pronounce.

Development of fine motor skills

Leading: Guys, now we will try to lay out these letters from stones on the shore of the lake. (Children make the letters R and L from stones) Well done! Let's hit the road further.

Pirate 1: Guys, we're leaving nowto the Plain of Flowers.

Guys, don’t you think that this clearing is somehow strange, as if enchanted? Look, there's an envelope here. “An evil sorcerer bewitched the flowers, if you disenchant the flowers, you will continue on your journey.”

Game “Collect flowers”.

Goal: Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis

The group is divided into two teams. One collects a flower with petals - pictures, the name of which contains the sound L, the other - a flower with petals - pictures, the name of which contains the sound R.

Pirate 1: Well done, you have successfully completed this task, and we can sail on.

Pirate 2: Guys, now we are entering a very difficultStrait of Opposites.A new task awaits us here

Finish the sentence with enemy words

Purpose: Exercise children in selecting antonyms.

The fluff is light, and the stone is…. (heavy)

In summer the weather is hot, and in winter -…. (cold)

Mustard is bitter, and sugar is... (sweet)

The soup is hot, and the compote is ... (cold)

The hare is cowardly, and the lion is…. (brave)

Grandfather is old, and grandson is ... (young)

The wolf is well-fed in summer, but in winter... (hungry)

The asphalt is rough, and the stone... (smooth)

The puddle is shallow, and the river... (deep)

The sorceress is good, and the witch... (evil).

Leading: Now it's time to rest. We got with you to the island “Fizminutki”. (Children do physical exercises)

Syllable reading task

Goal: Practicing the skill of syllable reading.

Leading: Guys, now we need to move to another island. But to get there, you need to walk over the bumps and read the syllables. (pi, rat, mo, re, sun, duk, pa, rus, vol, ny). (Children step on bumps and read the syllables).

Leading: Now try to connect these syllables so that you get words (waves, sea, pirate, chest, sail). What words did you get?

Let's divide these words into syllables (Children clap)

How many syllables are in the word WAVES? (two).

Let's lay out a diagram of this word, guys. (Children work with chips).

(Children characterize the sounds)

Well done!

Pirate 1: Our ship sails on. On the horizon is the River of Rich Words.

Pirate 1: There are unusual fish in this river. While the ship is on the way, I suggest catching some fish with your fish soup, but first everyone needs to stretch their fingers.

Finger gymnastics

The fish swam and dived

In warm, clean water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

(Children repeat the movements to the text together with the teacher)

Game "Fisherman"

Goal: Development of fine and gross motor skills, mathematical concepts.

Children take turns using a magnetic fishing rod to catch fish from the river with a sign with a number printed on it. Children must write adjacent numbers on the sides.

Pirate 1: Well done!

III. Bottom line.

Pirate 2: Guys, we successfully coped with all the tests and got to the treasures. Let's see what's hidden in the casket. How do we open the lock? We need a key.

Pirate 1: Thousand devils! I remembered that I had a key, but I didn’t know what it was for.

(Children open the chest and find treats there)

Leading : Well, our journey has come to an end. It's time to go back to kindergarten. Say goodbye to pirates, guys!Now let’s say the magic words: “I’ll turn around myself and I’ll find myself in kindergarten.”

Did you guys enjoy traveling? (children's answers)

Where have we been?

What challenges have we faced?

Now let's say goodbye to the guests and go to the group.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center kindergarten No. 5 “Thumbelina”.

Summary of the integrated GCD

for pre-school groups.

On the topic: “Soon to school!”

Integration of areas: Cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, health.

Completed by: higher education teacher
qualification category

Batyrbaeva Mukhabat Kamylzhanovna.

Pushchino, 2014

Target : To consolidate the acquired knowledge with children, to give children pleasure from developmental games.

Tasks (educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, health)

Educational:To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, parts of the day, and days of the week. Continue to learn how to find the neighbors of a number, solve problems, read words, determine the number of syllables, put stress in a word, and compose a sentence according to a diagram on a given topic.

Educational: Develop attention, thinking, coherent speech, work on the expressiveness of speech, continue to develop the ability to answer a question with a complete extended sentence.

Educational: Bring up general culture children's behavior through teaching verbal politeness. Learn to be polite and friendly, and be able to work in a team.

Wellness:Create a positive emotional mood, provide a health-saving non-stop form of carrying out GCD.

Preliminary work:Guessing riddles, learning the games “Say a word”, “The ABC of beautiful words”, learning poems about kindness, conversation on the topic “What is kindness?”

Methodical techniques:Surprise moments (letter, hidden envelopes with tasks, gifts). Verbal techniques ( artistic word, conversation, problematic cognitive guiding questions, positively stimulating assessment - encouragement). Verbal didactic games“Say a word”, “The ABC of beautiful words”. Work according to the diagram, work with letters to compose words, show a presentation.

Equipment and technical means: A letter from the guys in a postal envelope, envelopes with a picture of a pencil, books and notebooks with tasks inserted there and cards with the syllables “dob”, “ro”, “ta”, colored cards with letters and numbers, a sentence diagram from three words, briefcase. Three magnetic boards, 15 magnets. Laptop, projector.

GCD move:

Teacher and children:

“Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello - “ Good morning!

Good morning! Sun and birds!

Good morning to smiling faces!”

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

May good morning last until evening!

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and give them our smiles. Now everyone look at me and give me your smiles. Good morning, dear children and adults. This morning we received a letter, now let's see who it is from... The envelope says from Artyom, Alyosha, Masha, Denis and Diana (these children left our group for school a year ago)."Hello, Dear friends! Everything is fine with us, we really enjoy studying at school, we have made many good friends. We try to study at "4" and "5", and at school it is very important to be kind so that you have many friends. We know that you will also be going to school soon and have hidden it for you interesting tasks. When you find them and complete them, a surprise awaits you. Good luck and success, see you soon.”

I know that you want to go to school, but why?

Children's answers.

Educator: So, let's complete the tasks, but where are they? To find the task you need to guess the riddle, listen:

He writes when dictated, he draws and draws

And this evening he will color the album for me. (Pencil.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done, you guessed correctly, look for an envelope with a picture of a pencil.

The children find an envelope and take it to the teacher.

Educator: Let's see what the task is... You need to answer the questions with complete answers, are you ready?

What time of day is it now? Neighbors time of day morning? What day of the week is it today? What was it like yesterday? What day of the week will be tomorrow? Name Monday's neighbors? Fridays? How many days are there in a week? Seventh day of the week? How many fingers are there on a hand? And on your hands? What time of year is it outside? Neighbors of winter, autumn?

Seryozhka fell into the snow, and Alyoshka followed him,

And behind him Marinka, and behind her Irinka,

And then Ignat fell, how many guys were there? (Five.)

Uncle hedgehog entered the garden and found ten ripe pears.

He gave three of them to the hedgehogs, the rest to the hares.

(How many pears did he give to the bunnies?) (Seven.)

The ants live together and do not scurry around idle.

Three carry a blade of grass, three carry a blade of grass,

Three carry needles. How many are there under the tree? (Nine.)

During the answers, the teacher insists on a complete answer, the children answer with complete common sentences.

Educator: Well done, you completed the task, but there is something else in the envelope (takes out a card with the syllable “TA”, the children read), I wonder what it’s for? We will look for the second task, to find it you need to solve the riddle:

Not a bush - but with leaves, not a shirt - but sewn,

Not a person - but talking... (Book)

Let's look for an envelope with a picture of a book... (Children find the envelope, the teacher opens it.) Here are multi-colored cards - these are encrypted words and a diagram. You must arrange the letters according to the color of the card and in order according to the numbers, read the resulting words, divide them into syllables and determine where the stress falls. (The teacher hands out colored cards, the children complete the task: make up words, read them, divide them into syllables, put emphasis.)


After the kids have done it.

Look, what kind of scheme is this? !_____ ______ ______ .

Children: This is a three word sentence outline.

Educator: That's right, you need to make sentences about winter according to the scheme, and I will post them here winter picture, I think it will be easier for you.

Children's answers.

Educator: Smart guys! We also did a very good job with the second task, and this is what is in the envelope (takes out and shows a card with the syllable “RO”, children read). Guess another riddle:

Either I'm in a cage, then I'm in a line

Be able to write about them!

You can also draw...

What am I? (Notebook.)

Educator: You guessed correctly, well done! We are looking for an envelope with a picture of a notebook. (Children find an envelope, the teacher opens the envelope, takes out the task.) Here is the game “Say the Word”

I'll start, and you finish, answer in unison

A block of ice will melt from a kind word... “thank you”!

The old stump will turn green when it hears... “good afternoon”!

When you are scolded for pranks, you say... “please forgive me.”

If a friend is in trouble... “help him.”

Resolve disputes with words... “not with your fists.”

Let us never forget kind, polite words. Let's say them to each other more often, speak kindly, gently, quietly, looking into the person's eyes. At the same time, smiling, because a smile makes a gloomy day brighter. Beautiful word and helps to live.

Let's play the game “The ABC of Beautiful Words”:

(The teacher names the letters of the alphabet, and children should name singular, masculine adjectives.)

Guys, what do you think “good” is?

Children: One “good” is treasures, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. Such “good” can be seen and even touched with your hands. Another “good” you can hear is Beautiful music, sincere poems, gentle, polite words.

Educator: But there is such a “good” that every person should have, including me, your parents, our guests, and you. This kind heart, kind soul to help those in trouble. Such people are referred to as “good people.”

There was a card left in the envelope (the teacher takes it out, shows it, and the children read it) “DOB.” We have three syllables, let's try to make a word out of them.

Children form the word “KINDNESS” and read it.

Educator: Our guys know wonderful poems about kindness, let's listen to them. What a great fellow you are! We have completed all the tasks correctly, I suggest everyone sit down comfortably to watch and listen...

Presentation "Kindness" Funtik's song sounds.

Educator: I found a briefcase, probably this is a surprise prepared by the guys, but why is there only one? There are a lot of us, let’s see what’s there... (Takes out the copybook with a pen.) And here’s a surprise! Here is another note from our schoolchildren: “Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks and deserve these gifts. We are waiting for you at school."

Educator: All tasks have been completed. You handled everything well. I suggest you choose one of the three cards and answer the question with the card: “Did you like the lesson?”

Red – liked it; Yellow - not very good; Blue – I didn’t like it.

(Children choose, the teacher clarifies why.)

Children's answers.

Educator: Thanks to our guests, teachers, thanks to our children.

(Children say goodbye)

Galina Shchipunova

Summary of a comprehensive lesson (mathematics, literacy) In the preparatory group "Letter from Pinocchio"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge of the days of the week, practice problem solving

Continue to train children to do sound-letter analysis of words, drawing up word diagrams

Achieve a complete solution to the intended word

Learn to differentiate words that answer various questions(which, which, which, who, what, etc.)

Practice selecting the right word for a semantic series (based on supporting features, adding the right word)

Develop attentiveness, memory and interest in the activity. Create a desire to help a friend.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, very soon you will go to school, and in order to study well at school you need to know and be able to do a lot. So today we will show our guests what we learned in kindergarten classes.

Attention, what miracles!

Someone in the corridor is making a lot of noise,

Someone is knocking loudly on our door... (postman Pechkin enters)

Hello guys! You recognized me?

I'm a funny postman!

I have known the children for a long time!

Lots of letters and newspapers

Carries my bike!

Multi-colored envelopes,

And postcards and packages

And I’m very happy with the parcels

I deliver to kindergarten!

Here is a package for you...or maybe not for you...

Is reading: " Kindergarten“Scarlet Sails” (reads to himself)

What is your d/s called? ,What about the group? Everything is accurate, everything matches... sign and pick up your parcel...

Postman Pechkin, since you came to our garden, sit and rest. Look how our guys can do it.

Thank you for the invitation,

But I won’t stay, unfortunately,

There are still quite a few letters here,

And they are probably waiting for them too!

Excuse me, I'll go

I need to be in another garden.

I made a promise to the guys

And to you - another time, goodbye! (Pechkin leaves)

Let's open the parcel, guys. Who do you think it could be from (children's answers)

Now we’ll find out... oh, I think I can guess!

Guess the riddle and you will find out...

What a very strange thing this is

Wooden man.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

His long nose sticks everywhere,

Who is this...Pinocchio!

Well done! (we open the parcel) ... Yes, there is a letter! You need to read it.

“Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you - Pinocchio! My dear children: girls and boys! Please help me find my friend the Dwarf. He was in a hurry to go to the kindergarten, but ended up in the Kashcheevo kingdom. In order to find and save him, you need to unlock 10 locks. All these castles are MAGICAL. But he definitely needs to be saved on the third day of the week! Do not forget! Good luck. Pinocchio"

...So these are the keys and magic locks...

Guys, do you remember what day of the week we need to save the Dwarf? How many days are there in a week? What day of the week was yesterday? Will be tomorrow? What is today? So today! Then let's go! Aren't you afraid of difficulties? There are different tasks ahead of us, if we cope with them, we will save the gnome! Have you changed your mind? SO, so... which lock will we open first? Go, Julia, choose!

Task “Make a word”

Wow! This is a real “Field of Miracles”... we look at a poster with children on which there are magic flowers, a code is given for them to decipher (it is indicated which number corresponds to which letter). Children need to solve the problem that is written on the flower, write down all the answers in one line, then each replace the number with the corresponding letter, and read the word using the indicated code: 1-CH, 3-E, 8-B, 6-U, 2-R 4-A, 5-SH, 7-K, 9-A)

1. How many suns are there in the sky? (1)

2. A hedgehog walked through the forest and found mushrooms for lunch

Two under the birch, one under the aspen

How many will there be in a wicker basket? (3)

3 There are 10 birds sitting on a tree: two sparrows, the rest are crows

How many crows are sitting on a tree? (8)

4 Andryushka arranged toys on the shelf:

Next to the monkey is a teddy bear.

Together with the fox, the bunny with a scythe,

Following them are a hedgehog and a frog...

How many toys did Andryushka place? (6)

5 How many tails do two donkeys have? (2)

6 May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother,

7 Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries.

But one kid was tired, fell behind his comrades,

Now find the answer - how many bears are there ahead? (5)

8 Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats

Fisherman Korney caught three perches,

Fisherman Evsey - four crucian carp.

How many fish did the fishermen catch from the river? (7)

9 How many heads do nine cows have? (9)


We substitute the resulting letters, we get the word: CHEBURASHKA

Well done! Next task...

To study well, you need to be very attentive

Assignment Game table “What’s missing?”

(unfinished letters are drawn on the table; children need to find the part and “complete it”)

Let's take a close look at the table. Dunno probably wrote the letters here...

Children complete and correct mistakes.

Well done guys, they did it again!

Task "Be careful"

(for the sounds “zh”, “sh”)

I will tell you the words, if you hear the sound “w” in a word, you will “flapping” your wings together, and if you hear the sound “w” in a word, show the snake, like this...

Task Game table “Guess whose rug”

(Multi-colored rugs are drawn on which squares indicating the number of syllables are placed, and at the bottom of the table various animals are attached (cat, lion, bear, dog, giraffe, etc.)

(by the number of syllables in a word, children need to determine whose rug is where)

Good guys, they found it quickly.

Task game "Ball"

(children come up with words that answer this question)

Catch the ball, don’t yawn, answer the questions...

Who is this? (cat, mom, Roma, Vika)

What is this? (book, apple, car)

What is he doing? (draws, sleeps, washes)

Which? (green, big, snowy)

Which? (juicy, red, tasty)

Task “Say it differently”

Guys, I’ll throw the ball to you, and you answer quickly...

A house for a starling is...a birdhouse,

Brick house...

House made of logs...

Walk in the evening -…

Chocolate candy -...etc.

Quest "Magic Word"

(children look at the pictures attached to the board: HAT, KEY, CLOUD, Watering Can, WATERMELON,

It is necessary to create a new word using the first letters of these words)

What happened? SCHOOL

We have a very necessary word. We need to make a diagram of this word. Who wants it, guys? Go, Zhenya (the child is at the blackboard, and all the children in the field are making diagrams, then we check)

Task "Telegram"

Guys, we received a telegram.

This is not a simple telegram, who can read it? (children read)


How many words are there in a telegram?

What is the first word in this telegram?

What's the fourth? 2nd, 3rd?

Knock on the door...

Who could it be? Guys, look, Gnome! (the gnome thanks the children and is interested in the tasks that the children had to overcome)

For the sake of our friendship, let's dance with the Dwarf!

Dance “Stamp my foot”

The gnome gives out his “Photos” to the children as souvenirs.

Mathematics is an important discipline for every person. Thanks to it, people are able to solve not only easy problems and examples, but also complex ones. To make it easy to study at school, a math lesson is held once a week in the preparatory group. It goes easily and naturally. The teachers try to make sure that the children enjoy studying. To do this, they conduct a lesson in game form, with a variety of characters.

Topics for mathematics classes in the preparatory group

Lessons are held on a wide variety of topics. It is important that the children enjoy the lesson and are able to fall in love with numbers, problems, puzzles, etc. The preparatory group conducts classes on the following topics:

  • Geometric figures.
  • Fixing numbers within 5.
  • Writing problems about apples and hedgehogs.
  • Getting ready for school.
  • Fun counting to 10.
  • Journey over the rainbow.
  • Getting to know new flowers.
  • Let's have fun with math and more. etc.

The above topics are given to children to consolidate the material they have covered and learn new things. Teachers create a math lesson in the preparatory group that is fabulous and interesting, so the children will love to count and they will enjoy learning new things.

How to work in an open class

Educators often demonstrate their experience or ideas in front of their colleagues, methodologist and director. For this purpose, an open lesson in mathematics is held in the preparatory group. The teacher prepares special methodological techniques, where he implements the main directions of the lesson.

Mathematics classes in the preparatory group are conducted with specific goals. It can be:

  • Arithmetic problems that can be solved in reverse.
  • Logic exercises.
  • Complicated examples.

Such lessons should show the teacher’s experience, new teaching technologies, positive traits children. You cannot rehearse such classes, because your colleagues will immediately see the difference and understand the deception.

It is advisable to warn preschoolers a day in advance that guests will come to them and they must show the best result. The guys will be ready and not afraid of new people. It is impossible to conduct several such lessons with one child in one day, because then they will have a large psychological burden.

Purpose of the open lesson

To prepare for such a lesson, the teacher needs to allocate enough time. He needs to think about what the didactic goal will be: teaching, educational, developmental or motivational.

In an open lesson, the teacher reveals the following techniques:

  • Organizational aspects.
  • Interesting start.
  • Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.
  • Prepossessing tone, friendliness, gestures.

Children should not be distracted by strangers in the group, so guests should be seated behind preschoolers, and not next to them. The teacher must ask those invited not to distract the kids and sit quietly (do not laugh or talk).

If a teacher competently organizes an open lesson in mathematics in a preparatory group, then he will quickly improve his qualifications and improve his skills.

What is an integrated lesson?

Integrated lesson - teaching children several types of activities in one lesson. You can combine mathematics with speech development, modeling with construction or the world around you.

First, count the dishes with the children, then look at them color scheme, consolidate the material, and then move on to talking about what mom needs when she cooks borscht. In this lesson you will practice counting, colors and the world.

An integrated lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group arouses the interest of the children, relieves tension and fatigue. After all, switching to another type of activity is the best break from the load.

An example of an integrated mathematics lesson in a preparatory group

Educator: “Children, do you all remember the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Woe”? That’s right, the dishes ran away from her, let’s return them to their place.” Toy plates, cups, spoons, knives, forks, frying pans, and pots are hidden in advance throughout the group.

Teacher: “Let’s look for the dishes. Where did they hide? There should be 20. Three plates and cups each. The same number of spoons, forks and knives. Two frying pans, one small saucepan and 2 large ones.”

Educator: “Guys, you did great. All the dishes were found. Oh, the spoon was lost? What should we do? I think I came up with an idea, let’s make it ourselves. Here is plasticine. Think about what color it should be? Well done, you helped Fedora and returned her spoon. Now look at the rest of the dishes. What color are the pans, pots (etc.) Well done, right. Fedora is going to fry pancakes, what kind of dishes will she need for this? Now Fedora? wants to cook borscht. Will you help her choose the dishes? Well done.

This little activity touches on math, sculpting, and the world around us. The children smoothly moved from numbers to modeling, then to fixing flowers, and then to dishes and products.

An integrated math lesson in the preparatory group is fun, interesting and relaxed. Therefore, children do not get tired of such lessons, but simply play, without thinking about the fact that they are currently studying.

What is a complex lesson?

A comprehensive lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group consists of several blocks. There are 3 of them. The first block is responsible for creativity. Children are interested in appliqué, modeling, and drawing. During this block, children develop motor skills and a sense of color.

In the second block, children are given tasks such as counting, magnitude, and fixing geometric shapes. The teacher tries to develop the children’s speech and continues to introduce them to the world around them. Thanks to this block, children develop memory, logical thinking and attention.

The last, third, block is musical. Children learn to listen not only to songs, but also to the text itself, to reproduce it by ear, to understand the nature of the music, to dance to the rhythm, and to play light children's instruments. Thanks to this block, children develop a sense of rhythm, musical and dynamic hearing.

When and why is the final lesson held?

At the end school year the material that the children have been studying for nine months is consolidated. The final lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group is carried out in order to remember the names of figures, days of the week and their order, how to determine the time, what numbers, colors have been learned, etc.

With the help of such lessons, thinking, memory, attention, logic and speech develop. At this age, preschoolers should be able to independently do what an adult asks (counting, answering questions, solving simple problems).

Sample questions and tasks for the final lesson

To consolidate the material covered, students must know the answers to the following questions:

  • Who knows today's day of the week? What will be tomorrow?
  • What is the name of the first month of winter?
  • Which last month autumn?
  • Name the second month of spring.
  • How many ears do three cats have?
  • How many tails do four squirrels have?
  • From which geometric shapes can you build a house? Train?
  • What time do you wake up for kindergarten?
  • What time do you go to bed at lunchtime? And in the evening?

The teacher should present such tasks so that the children find it interesting and easy. It is necessary to create examples from them, it will be easier for children to count. For example, three bunnies were jumping on the lawn. One thought that a fox was coming, he got scared and ran away. How many bunnies are left on the lawn? Three fly agaric mushrooms grew under the tree, it started to rain, and another mushroom grew. How many are there?

Have the children write down an example on a piece of paper. This way you will develop thinking and attention.

The final math lesson in the preparatory group will show how much the child has mastered the material covered. There may be a need for additional training in the summer. After all, preparing for school is very serious; a subject like mathematics requires special attention.

Lesson on Federal State Educational Standards: preparatory group

All lessons in a preschool institution must be conducted in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards. These are mandatory programs and requirements. It is necessary to teach them to all children, both in kindergartens and in schools.

To implement the Federal State Educational Standard preschool develops promising and calendar plans, schedule, goal and structure. After this, classes with children begin. Now teachers will not be able to move away from educational plan, since it is signed and approved by the administration.

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