The topic is innovative management in personnel work. Innovative HR Management

A new paradigm of sustainable economic growth, which is based on the use of knowledge and innovation as the most important economic resources. Innovation creates the strongest competitive advantages of modern organizations, and a prerequisite and condition for the innovation process is the presence of innovative potential in the organization.

The innovative potential of an organization includes resources that can be used to achieve positive innovative results: material, financial, informational, organizational. An important innovative resource of an enterprise is its personnel, the innovative potential of which is based on the ability of employees to develop and effectively implement both their own and third-party new ideas and projects. Increasing the innovative potential of personnel is one of the pressing problems of personnel management arising from the need to accelerate innovative transformations of the economy.

The innovative potential of personnel is the totality of the abilities and capabilities of employees to carry out the sustainable development of the organization.

The innovative potential of personnel is determined by the capabilities of both the individual employee and the entire workforce. In psychology and sociology, groups of employee qualities that are innovative in nature are traditionally distinguished:

Innovative readiness for work (intellectual development, ability to increase general and professional knowledge, professional competence);

Motivational qualities (developed motives for work, desire for self-expression, creativity, reasonable risk; initiative);

Innovative attitude to work (focus on high standards of labor quality, creative attitude to work, receptivity to innovation);

General human and personal qualities (openness to new ideas, healthy ambitions, desire for professional growth, desire to exchange ideas and experiences).

Research by Russian scientists has made it possible to identify characteristic types work collectives that have different abilities to carry out innovative activities (Table 7.13).

The most optimal types of work collectives are “family” and “hive”. In work collectives formed according to the “herd” and “flock” type, innovative activity, in principle, cannot receive proper development. The middle position between them is occupied by work collectives formed according to the “bus” type, in which innovative projects can be quite successfully implemented.

An organization's innovative challenges can be solved if they are accepted and supported by employees. Usually, in an organization's team, several groups of workers can be distinguished: some perceive new things quite quickly, others - after a considerable time, others (and these happen to be the majority) occupy

Table 7.13. Classification of types of work collectives depending on the ability to innovate

Team type

Type characteristics

A relatively stable community of workers, led by an unconditional leader - the “shepherd” - and obeying the force of tradition, habit or instinct. Characterized by minimal relationships between members of the team and the absence of pronounced individual functions of its members

The position in the team is determined by the relationship of workers with the manager, there is tension in relations with colleagues, and rivalry. and sometimes even hostility. The leader is a winner, a person with unquestionable power


A collective can be considered as a temporary community of people interested only in achieving the ultimate goal of the movement, which essentially does not depend on them. The well-being of the team is determined solely by the state of the enterprise as a whole. Relationships within the team are kept to a minimum

The interests of the workers and the manager are closely related to the interests of the team as a whole, friendly relations are violated only in the event of sharp antisocial behavior of any member of the team

A permanent community of workers, each person’s place is determined in accordance with his work activity and functional capabilities. The leaders of the team are the most worthy members of this community

intermediate between these two extreme cases. E. Rogers identifies five categories of workers: “innovators”, “early implementers”, “preliminary majority”; "late majority"; "fluctuating".

“Innovators” are open to new things, absorbed in innovations, can “grasp” abstract ideas, and are willing to take risks (2.5% of the team).

“Early implementers” follow innovators and often become opinion leaders, influencing others (13.5%).

The “preliminary majority” masters innovations after the “early implementers”; it takes them much more time to make a decision than the leading groups (34%).

The “late majority” begins to adopt innovations, sometimes under pressure from the social environment, sometimes as a result of an assessment of their own needs, but under one condition: when the team clearly and unequivocally speaks out in their favor (34%).

For those who are “undecided,” the main characteristic is an orientation toward traditional values. The decision to adopt an innovation is made with great difficulty, being, in fact, a brake on the spread of innovation (16%).

The characteristics of the selected groups are not absolute. Thus, in scientific communities where creativity is valued, opinion leaders become not only early implementers, but also the innovators themselves.

In order to manage the innovative potential of personnel, assessing the socio-psychological characteristics of employees is not enough. A necessary element in managing the innovative potential of personnel is an objective assessment of the level of its development at a given point in time.

In table 7.14 presents a system of indicators for assessing the level of innovative potential of the organization’s personnel, which makes it possible to determine it in conjunction with the innovative potential of the enterprise as a whole. Experts evaluate eight indices in fractions of a point, with one corresponding to the maximum development of the quality in question.

Table 7.14. System of indicators for assessing the innovative potential of personnel


Innovation Intensity Index (III)

Intensity of development and assimilation of new ideas (degree of activity, level of employee enthusiasm)

Number of patents, certificates, improvement proposals Average validity period of enterprise patents Number of personnel engaged in research and development

Innovation implementation period

Level physical development personnel

Personnel Intellectual Development Index (IDP)

Share of intellectual work. Level of creativity of employees. Flexibility, mobility, adaptability.

Staff satisfaction

Personnel Professional Development Index (PPDI)

Conscious policy of encouraging proactive employees Degree of use of the innovative potential of personnel

Personnel Educational Level Index (PEI)

Ability of personnel to receive and assimilate new knowledge Structure of personnel (including persons with higher education, those who have improved their qualifications, who have undergone retraining)

Level of self-education of personnel A set of specific knowledge, skills and abilities determined by professional competence

Information and Communication Index (ICI)

Information support for innovation. Level of development of communications within the organization. Innovative reputation

Working conditions, including conditions of access to necessary information

Index of investment and technical and technological equipment of labor (IITTOT)


Costs (including R&D by stages of the innovation cycle, personnel selection and training, management automation)

Fixed capital (size, age structure and growth, wear and tear of equipment)

Fundamentally new technologies

Level of upgradability of technologies, equipment, organizational methods, etc.

Underutilized capacity (including due to unpreparedness of personnel)

Enterprise Competitiveness Index

Projected share of innovations (turnover from projects/products no older than 3 years to total turnover)

Products (volume, range and quality of sold products (services), including new types) Customer satisfaction Intangible assets Marketing expenses per consumer

Innovation Financial Performance Index (IFRI)

Profit (efficiency)

Business cost (capital, liquidity, turnover, profitability)

Labor productivity

Then the average (according to experts) normalized estimates of these indices are displayed. The integral index of personnel innovation potential is determined by the geometric mean of the considered averaged indices:

It should be emphasized that the level of innovative potential of the personnel largely depends on the position of the organization in relation to its staff (Table 7.15).

Table 7.15. Levels of development of innovative potential of personnel

The position of the organization in relation to its personnel

Level of development of personnel innovative potential

Personnel - costs

Personnel is one of the resources

Personnel - a specific resource (human capital)

Above average

Personnel - asset and uniqueness

Staff - social partner


Unlocking the innovative potential of employees is the basis of innovation and requires the creation of conditions for the development of innovative proposals and the generation of new ideas. From this point of view, it is important to consider the factors that support, enhance or block, preventing the innovative activities of personnel.

A climate negative for innovation is characterized by:

Uncertainty of functions;

Insufficient interest in the innovative activities of staff in general and managers at all levels;

Limitations in the communication system, lack of openness and trust;

Insufficient competence of managers;

Inability to organize interpersonal relationships;

Autocratic decision making.

Factors blocking innovative activity include:

Managers' distrust of new ideas put forward from below;

The need for many approvals on new ideas;

Interference by other departments in evaluating proposals, immediate criticism and threats of dismissal due to mistakes;

Control over every step of the innovator;

Behind-the-scenes decision-making on innovative proposals;

Transferring instructions to subordinate managers accompanied by threats;

The emergence of “all-knowing expert syndrome” among senior managers.

Factors supporting innovative activity can be considered:

Providing the necessary freedom when developing innovations;

Providing innovators with the necessary resources and equipment;

Support from senior management;

Conducting discussions and exchanging ideas;

Maintaining effective communications with colleagues, other departments, universities and external scientific organizations;

Creation of a system of moral and material incentives for innovation;

Benevolence in business criticism;

Lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of their right to make decisions that are significant for the group;

Deepening mutual understanding among employees.

Factors that enhance innovation include:

Creating opportunities for self-development and advanced training;

Combination of special knowledge and multidisciplinary training in the training system;

Free expression of one's own opinion on the changes being carried out;

Encouraging combination of professions, staff rotation;

Overcoming barriers and “blurring the boundaries” between different types of work and functional responsibilities;

Availability of meaningful business information;

Conducting regular meetings of working groups;

Logical argumentation of the need for changes and reorganizations, constant support of an atmosphere of trust and receptivity to change.

Of course, creating a favorable innovation climate, thanks to which each employee would be able to take initiative, share information or experience with others, and take responsibility for assigned tasks, requires significant and targeted efforts. Innovations in personnel management through appropriate personnel technologies should be aimed at creating a modern type of employee who has a whole group of innovative qualities.

7.7.2. Initial prerequisites for personnel innovation

The intensification of innovation activity predetermines fundamental shifts in the forms and methods of human resource management.

At the macroeconomic level, these trends and processes can be traced in the dynamics of changes in the structure of employment of the population by sector of the economy, the transition from an economy focused primarily on the production of goods to an economy creating services. Constant socio-economic, scientific, technical and technological development is the cause of changes in the content of labor, the emergence of qualitatively new jobs, changes in the educational and qualification levels of workers, the emergence of new specialties and professions, and changes in the qualitative characteristics of workers.

At the microeconomic level, the changes taking place require the timely identification of innovative problem situations in connection with personnel management problems. Among the problems arising in this regard, one can note the contradictions between the technical level of new production and the existing level of personnel qualifications, between the capabilities of educational institutions for training, retraining and advanced training and the required qualifications of personnel, between qualitatively new tasks for personnel development and the insufficient level of training of the management service personnel for this work, between the levels of qualifications and motivation of workers, between elite personnel and the bulk of the enterprise’s personnel, between the existing organizational structure and the implemented strategy, etc.

Resolving contradictions creates the conditions for constantly updating HR systems that can take into account complexity external environment, anticipate and implement emerging opportunities for constructive use of the innovative potential of personnel, improve personnel work at every stage of the organization’s life cycle.

The basis for the constant process of improving both the organization’s personnel management system as a whole and its most important elements is personnel innovation.

To describe the creation of personnel innovation, let us consider the basic concepts of personnel innovation.

Personnel innovation is the result of intellectual activity (scientific research) in the field of personnel management.

Personnel innovation can be presented in the form of documentation describing new theoretical knowledge, principles, methods, etc., as well as organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena in the field of personnel management. Thus, personnel innovations can be formalized in the form of a standard, recommendations, methodology, or instructions.

A participant in the innovation process who searches for innovative ideas and develops innovations based on them is an innovator.

Personnel innovation is the process of implementation, dissemination and use of personnel innovation.

If “innovation” means that the innovation is used, then the essence of the concept “innovation” is revealed in its following characteristics: orientation towards final results of an applied nature, i.e. for rapid and widespread implementation; measurability of the result in categories of economic or social order.

Personnel innovation is the final result of the introduction of an innovation, leading to a change in personnel work as an object of management and obtaining an economic, social or other visible effect.

Innovative activities in personnel work significantly change the content of the functions performed by the organization. As a result of the innovation activities carried out, changes occur: new functions are assigned to functional units, new goals are set, adjustments are made to the composition of the work and functions of individual employees, the content of work (and sometimes its nature) in the workplace changes, the costs of performing functions decrease or increase . In turn, functional activities provide resources for the implementation of innovative activities: financial, material, human.

Thus, when carrying out innovative activities to establish a personnel evaluation system at the enterprise, positive changes occurred in the work of functional departments: managers began to plan and evaluate the activities of subordinates, subordinates began to realize the importance of their work for the development of the enterprise, the first negative attitude towards the evaluation system was replaced by an understanding of its necessity and importance.

Positive changes in functional activities provided the company with the opportunity to win a larger market share, make greater profits, showed the staff that the new does not pose a threat to them, and formed a group of people in the team who are aware of the need to develop the organization based on innovation. The next one in the field of personnel management will be provided with greater financial resources, personnel more loyal to change and employees ready to participate in innovative activities. Thus, the interaction of traditional and innovative activities takes place in a spiral, qualitatively changing from one turn to another.

In a modern organization that implements innovative development principles, all ordinary personnel management functions are adjusted to innovative activities (Table 7.16).

A personnel manager working in an innovative organization should pay special attention to choosing the optimal operating mode. Periods of high brain activity depend on the excellent qualities of each employee. Since creative and intellectual activity come to the fore in innovative activities, such factors should be taken with due seriousness, providing the opportunity for individual innovator specialists to start their day later/earlier, have a flexible work schedule or a compressed work week.

A significant difference between innovative approaches to personnel management and traditional ones is also expressed in the employee selection system. Innovative activity places additional demands on a potential employee. In addition to standard methods for assessing an employee’s potential, they resort to a qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual, publications and patents. In the process of personnel selection, the personnel management service of an innovative organization has to resort, in addition to traditional methods, to a system of tests, psychological examinations and creative competitions.

Taking into account the peculiarities of working in an innovative organization and personal characteristics innovative specialists, the problem of personnel adaptation requires increased attention. The HR manager must create all the conditions so that the newly arrived specialist feels comfortable in the team. Not

Table 7.16. The focus of innovations in personnel work in a traditional and innovative organization

HR function

In a traditional organization

In an innovative organization

Labour Organization

High specialization of personnel functions and tasks, control over execution and discipline

Distribution of group, team work.

Selecting the optimal operating mode

Personnel selection

Mainly produced based on behavioral standards and technical qualifications

Made primarily on the basis of the candidate's potential abilities

Personnel adaptation

The main task is to adapt the employee to the requirements of the workplace and standards of behavior

The main task is to adapt the employee to the innovative climate in the organization

Motivation and stimulation

Based on fair rewards for actual achievements and merits Material incentives are used more often

It consists of creating conditions for maintaining and developing the innovative potential of personnel. Great importance is attached to non-material incentives

Personel assessment

Assessment in accordance with detailed instructions, standards of behavior

Assessment of staff potential and the results of participation in innovation activities

Career management and professional advancement

Mainly vertical promotion

Development of a system of horizontal movements


Training is aimed at ensuring that workers’ knowledge, skills and abilities match the requirements of the workplace

Training is aimed at comprehensive long-term development of personnel

Release of personnel

Management does not make cuts until the organization is too weak

Management plans ahead for possible layoffs

Organizational culture

Subordination of individual interests to the common cause with the help of power, firmness and personal example of the leader

Accepting existing values ​​in the organization as your own

In an innovative organization, the role of motivation and stimulation of personnel increases, which poses additional problems for the personnel management service: employees can be influenced mainly indirectly, replacing traditional administration with the implementation of leadership styles that involve participation, recognition of the personal merits of specific specialists, publicity of performance results, provision of information for self-esteem. The role of material motivation is reduced, and the need for self-realization, universal recognition, success and self-development for a specialist engaged in innovative activities comes to the fore. However, the role of money should not be underestimated.

In innovative organizations, the so-called “promotion ladders” or “double career ladders” have recently become widespread, which suggest the possibility of alternative promotion either along the administrative ladder or along the scientific ladder, based on the abilities and wishes of the staff. Within one organization, an employee has two more planes of movement: within traditional and within innovative activities. Options for such moves may be taking a leadership position in your department, participating in a project as a participant or manager, moving to another project (more interesting and significant) in a new status, etc.

The content of training in an innovative organization is focused on developing the innovative potential of staff. Along with traditional training models - subject-oriented, when the emphasis is on ensuring the employee’s success in mastering educational and practical material, and activity-oriented, when training is aimed at meeting the current needs of the enterprise - a model is used that is focused on acquiring knowledge and skills of an innovative and advanced nature. .

Special requirements for employees of an innovative organization lead to the fact that a large number of psychologically incompatible creative people who do not want to adhere to the rigid framework of the imposed organizational culture have to work in one team. This leads to a greater number of conflicts compared to traditional organizations. Conflict management is also a critical function of the HR function in an innovative organization.

The formation and development of the organizational culture of an innovative organization lies in the formation of an innovative climate, or “innovative spirit,” which includes personnel orientation towards change, openness, sociability, and receptivity to innovation. For example, the basis of the corporate culture of the ZM company is “... respect for the dignity of people, the value of the individual, encouraging initiative and unleashing creative potential, providing everyone with equal opportunities for development...”.

The role of the organization's managers, personnel management services, work teams of functional departments, and temporary working groups from among the members of the work team determines their importance in the innovative activities of the organization. The content and significance of this role is presented in Table. 7.17.

Table 7.17. The role of subjects of personnel management in innovation activities

Stage of innovation activity

The role of subjects and objects of personnel management in innovation activities

Identification/awareness of the need for innovation

Heads of the organization

Has a leadership role

Accumulate and analyze information about the state of the external and internal environment of the organization. Develop a strategy for the development of the enterprise. Decide on the need for innovation

UP service

Collects and analyzes information about the state of human resources and the possibility of its participation in innovation processes in the organization

Monitors job satisfaction Analyzes the attractiveness of the enterprise for the region’s workforce

Labor collectives

Identify and inform managers about shortcomings in the workplace. Put forward rationalization proposals

Temporary working groups

Do not take part

Stage of innovation activity

Subjects and objects of personnel management

The role of subjects and objects of personnel management in innovation activities

Innovation development


Determine the purpose and possible effect of introducing innovation

Monitor, review and make adjustments to the work of the Administrative Working Group

UP service

Develops and conducts events aimed at creating an innovative climate in the team

Develop PM technologies in accordance with the essence and requirements of innovation

Labor collectives

Submit proposals to managers or members of the temporary working group

Temporary working groups

Has a leadership role

They put forward ideas, conduct their critical analysis, develop each step of this stage

Implementation of innovation


Has a leadership role

Organizes the process of implementation and implementation of the innovation program

UP service

Has a leadership role

Provides methodological assistance to managers in organizing the process of implementation and implementation of innovation through PM technologies that meet the requirements of innovation

Labor collectives

Implement innovations

Temporary working groups

Monitor the process of implementation and implementation of the innovation program, make the necessary adjustments

Assessing the effectiveness of innovation


Has a leadership role

They consider the achieved effect from the introduction of innovation and draw a conclusion about the success of the innovation.

UP service

Participate in assessing the effect of introducing innovation

Labor collectives

Do not take part

Temporary working groups

Assess the effectiveness of the innovation

7.7.3. Management of innovations in HR work

Management of innovations in personnel work is the purposeful activity of the organization's managers and personnel management specialists to ensure the pace and scale of updating personnel work based on the implementation of personnel innovations in practice in accordance with the current and strategic goals of the organization.

There are product, technological and management innovations.

As a rule, organizational and managerial innovations accompany major product and technological innovations. The process of creating management innovations is no less important for economic and social progress than technological innovations.

Management innovation is a purposeful change in the composition of functions, organizational structures, technology and organization of the management process, methods of operation of the management system, aimed at replacing elements of the management system or the management system as a whole, in order to speed up or improve the solution of the tasks assigned to the enterprise based on identifying patterns and factors development of innovative processes at all stages of the life cycle of products, technologies and the enterprise as a whole.

If we consider personnel management as part of the overall management activities in an organization, it becomes clear that the modern personnel management system itself is an innovation.

Managerial innovations involve, first of all, the restructuring of companies, i.e. changing the entire organizational structure or its individual elements in order to optimize business activities. This should also include innovations in the forms, principles and methods of remuneration. Considerable importance is attached to the introduction of new concepts for the development of corporate culture. Thus, management innovations are largely innovations in the field of personnel management.

Innovations in the field of personnel management differ from product and technological innovations in that they:

They are usually carried out with lower one-time costs;

It is more difficult to make an economic justification before its implementation and evaluate it after it;

Specific to the organization in which they were created (if technology is easy to transfer, then personnel innovation is problematic);

The implementation process is complicated by a psychological factor, expressed in the phenomenon of resistance to change, which manifests itself more noticeably than with material innovations.

The classification of innovations in personnel work makes it possible to describe them on the basis of various characteristics, depending on various combinations of which there is a variety of innovations (Table 7.18).

Table 7.18. Classification of innovations in personnel work

Classification feature

Characteristic values

Life cycle of an innovating organization




Reason for innovation

Changes at the macroeconomic level Changes at the microeconomic level

Scope of innovation

Human resource management methodology (philosophy, principles, methods of personnel management)

Personnel management system (goals, objectives, functions, organizational structure)

Human resource management technology (procedures and methods of working with personnel)

Degree of novelty

Absolute (pioneer, basic innovation) Relative (modernization, introducing qualitative changes to an existing one)

Private (modification, improvement)

Personnel management object to which the innovation is aimed

The organization's staff as a whole. Certain categories of personnel. Individual teams Individual employees

Type of innovation

New regulations. New technology. New structure. New technique. New procedure. New service

The following stages of managing personnel innovations are distinguished: development of innovation, determination of the receptivity of the organization and personnel to innovation, implementation of innovation, operation and maintenance of innovation (Table 7.19).

Table 7.19. Stages of the innovation management process in HR work

Stage name

Characteristics of the stage

Innovation development

Identifying the organization's need for innovation.

Research of the market for personnel innovations with a whole collection of information about innovations in personnel work: selection of personnel innovations that could potentially form the basis for the development of an innovative project for improving personnel work:

Determining staff receptivity to innovations

Identification of factors that can have either a stimulating or inhibitory effect on the implementation of innovations, development of measures to ensure the successful implementation of innovations

Introduction of innovation

Conducting an experimental implementation of HR innovation in order to eliminate shortcomings, and then full implementation

Operation and maintenance of innovations

Manufactured in accordance with developed documentation

The organizational form of innovation management is an innovative project, which in the field of personnel management can be defined as a set of research, organizational, financial and other activities, linked by resources, deadlines and performers, documented in a set of scientific, normative and methodological documentation.

There are two possible forms of organizing the work of personnel involved in the development, implementation and implementation of innovative projects:

Within the framework of functional activities, when the performance of current functions and participation in an innovative project are combined;

Implementation of an innovation project separately from current activities, by an innovation team rather than a functional department.

An innovation project team is a temporary organizational association of employees for the purpose of developing a specific innovation.

Project management is carried out by a manager who has great powers and is also responsible for coordinating the activities of various participants in the implementation of the project. Functional separation labor in the project group is presented in table. 7.20.

Table 7.20 Functional division of labor in the project team

Project team member

Main function

Accumulates and analyzes information, distributes tasks to the next stage of work


Offers options for management decisions

Skeptically assesses the likelihood of achieving management decisions

Idea's generator

Puts forward innovative ideas to solve a problem situation

Information gatekeeper

Provides the group with initial analytical information to discuss the problem situation

Responsible for external contacts

Interacts with other departments


Records the achieved results of group members, draws up a work plan for group members at the next stage

Thus, we are talking about a matrix structure for organizing the development, implementation and implementation of an innovative project in personnel work.

Among the main advantages of the implementation and implementation of an innovative project by a project team is a reduction in project implementation time, the ability to quickly respond to changes, simplification of the control system, interest of group members in the results of the project, close relationship between all project participants, and reduced resistance to innovation.






The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Man has become the most expensive resource. Many organizations, wanting to emphasize their weight and scope, do not talk about the size of their production capacity, production or sales volume, financial potential, etc., but about the number of employees in the organization. A good organization strives to make the most effective use of the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest performance of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

But there is another side to this interaction, which reflects how a person looks at the organization, what role it plays in his life, what it gives him, what meaning he puts into his interaction with the organization. The establishment of an organic combination of these two aspects of interaction between a person and an organization provides the basis for the effective functioning of any organization. The quality of the work performed is determined not only by the abilities of the staff, but also by the employee’s motivation to apply their abilities and reveal their potential.

Every organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment must constantly look for ways to improve its operations. In such a situation, attention should be paid to the rational use of all types of resources at the company’s disposal. One of the most important resources is the organization's personnel. Pledge successful activities organizations are its personnel with their own skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas. Constant development of personnel and the search for new approaches to managing them are necessary attributes for the successful functioning of an organization.

Most companies are aware of the importance of the innovation process and are not afraid to take the path of introducing innovations that are no longer one-time, turning into a continuous process that provides the company with a more advantageous position in the long term. There are many approaches to defining innovation, and the concept of innovation is covered in some detail in the scientific literature. At the same time, most of the works are devoted to product innovations, and there are almost no works that consider the personnel management system as an innovation.

Thus, the purpose of the work is to study innovations in working with personnel.


Personnel are an integral part of any organization, because... any organization is an interaction of people united by common goals. Personnel management, as well as the organization as a whole, is a necessary element of this interaction. In the domestic literature there is no consensus on the definition of personnel management, but several approaches can be distinguished:

1. Institutional approach. From the standpoint of this approach, personnel management is considered as a diverse activity of various entities (among which specialized personnel management services, line and senior managers who perform the management function in relation to their subordinates) are most often identified, aimed at achieving goals strategic development organizing and performing tactical tasks for the most effective use of workers employed at the enterprise.

2. Content-based (functional) approach. This approach is based on identifying the functions of personnel management, its goals and objectives of functioning within the organization, it shows what actions and processes must be carried out in order to achieve these goals, in contrast to the institutional approach, which focuses on what should give personnel management for the organization. This allows us to talk about personnel management as a special type of activity, as an integral system that has its own specific content.

3. Organizational approach. From the point of view of this approach, personnel management can be defined as a complex of interrelated economic, organizational and socio-psychological methods that ensure efficiency labor activity and competitiveness of enterprises. Here we are talking about the interaction of an object and a subject; mechanisms, technologies, tools and procedures for implementing personnel management functions are considered.

4. An interesting approach is that the object of the personnel management system is the process of targeted interaction and mutual influence in the joint productive activities of managers and staff. This approach defines the management system as the unity of the subject and the object of management, which is achieved as a result of not only self-regulation in complex social systems, but also the targeted influence of the object of management on the subject. In this case, the control object is social relations, processes, groups, as well as social resources and the person himself, who inevitably enters into social relationships, participates in social processes and groups, in the implementation of resources.

Based on this, we can talk about personnel management as a system that has an object and a subject of management, between which there are organizational and managerial relationships, as well as management functions that are implemented through a system of certain methods.

Personnel management, being social, contains several aspects. In particular, the following aspects of personnel management are highlighted:

Technical and economic - reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technologies used in it, production conditions, etc.;

Organizational and economic - contains issues related to planning the number and composition of workers, moral and material incentives, use of working time, etc.;

Legal - includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in working with personnel;

Socio-psychological - reflects issues of socio-psychological support for personnel management, the introduction of various sociological and psychological procedures into work practice;

Pedagogical - involves resolving issues related to personnel training, mentoring, etc.

In addition to the fact that personnel management has many aspects, it can be based on different conceptual positions. The concepts reflect the philosophy and initial principles in personnel management on which the coordination of the interests of the organization and employees is based.

They exist objectively, can be realized and organized organizationally, or can be implemented intuitively, without a specific organizational design.

The concept of personnel management contains the basic principles of management and its general orientation; its provisions are unique in a single organization, but, nevertheless, the content of personnel management includes elements that are common. Thus, the content of personnel management includes:

Determining personnel requirements taking into account the enterprise development strategy;

Formation of the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel (recruitment, selection and placement of personnel);

Personnel policy (principles of selection and placement of personnel, conditions of hiring and dismissal, training and advanced training, evaluation of personnel and their activities);

System of general and professional training;

Adaptation of employees at the enterprise;

Payment and incentives for labor (forms of remuneration, ways to increase labor productivity, etc.);

Performance assessment and certification of personnel;

Personnel development system (training, career planning, etc.);

Formation of a personnel reserve;

The organizational culture of the company, as well as interpersonal relationships between employees, administration and public organizations.

The personnel management system is an indispensable component of the management and development of any organization; it is objective, because arises with the emergence of the organization itself and regardless of anyone’s will. Being, in fact, one of the most important subsystems of the organization, the personnel management system determines the success of its development.

In order to understand as best as possible what the personnel management system is and how to achieve its most effective functioning, it is necessary to consider it in the consistent unity of all approaches to personnel management.

For effective functioning, the personnel management system must be built on scientifically based principles, must use optimal methods and technologies that correspond to the principles underlying it, and also not contradict the general concept of the organization's development.


Changing and improving the personnel management system is a complex process that requires taking into account many variables. At the same time, it is advisable to consider the change in the personnel management system itself from the point of view of innovation. Let's consider innovation in general and the features of the innovation process. Currently, neither in the economic literature nor in the legislative and regulatory framework there is generally accepted terminology in the field of innovation. In this regard, to reveal the concept of “innovative activity of an enterprise” it is necessary to analyze existing literary and legislative sources. Depending on the goals and subjects of research, each economist views innovation in his own way: - as a process (B. Twiss, A. Koyre, I.P. Pinings, V. Rappoport, B. Santa, V.S. Kabakov, G.M. . Gvishiani, V.L. Makarov, etc.); - as a system (N.I. Lapin, J. Schumpeter); - as change (F. Valenta, Yu.V. Yakovets, L. Vodachek, etc.); - as a result (A. Levinson, S. D. Beshelev, F. G. Gurvich, D. V. Sokolov, A. B. Titov, M. M. Shabanova). Yu.P. Morozov understands innovation in a broad sense as the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products, organizational, technical and socio-economic solutions of a production, financial, commercial or other nature. A.I. Prigozhin believes that innovation comes down to the development of technology, equipment, and management at the stages of their origin, development, and diffusion to other objects.M. Hucek notes that in the Polish language dictionary, innovation means the introduction of something new, some new thing, a novelty, a reform. In accordance with the Frascati Guidelines (a document adopted by the OECD in 1993 in the Italian city of Frascati), innovation is defined as the end result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or in a new approach to social services. In the dictionary "Scientific and Technological Progress" innovation (innovation) means the result of creative activity , aimed at the development, creation and distribution of new types of products, technologies, the introduction of new organizational forms, etc. The authors of the reference guide “Innovation Management” P.N. Zavlin, A.K. Kazantsev, L.E. Mindeli and others believe that innovation is the use in one or another area of ​​society of the results of intellectual (scientific and technical) activity aimed at improving the process of activity or its results. R.A. Fatkhutdinov defines innovation as the end result of introducing an innovation with the aim of changing the object of management and obtaining economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical, and other effects. Innovation in accordance with International Standards in Statistics of Science, Technology and Innovation is the end result of innovation activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced into the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice, or a new approach to social services. V.G. Medynsky understands innovation as an object introduced into production as a result of scientific research or a discovery made, qualitatively different from its previous analogue. In general, depending on the place of application, three groups of innovations are distinguished: 1. Groceries - new products consumed in the sphere of production or in the sphere of consumption.2. Technological - new methods (technologies) for the production of old or new products.3. Managerial - new methods of work used by the management apparatus. The following characteristics are decisive for innovation: - they are always associated with the economic (practical) use of original solutions. This is their difference from technical inventions; they provide specific economic and/or social benefits for the user. This benefit determines the penetration and diffusion of innovation in the market; - means the first use of an innovation in an enterprise, regardless of whether it has been used elsewhere. In other words, from the point of view of an individual company, even imitation can have the nature of innovation; it requires a creative approach and is associated with risks. Innovations cannot be created and implemented during routine processes, but require from all participants (managers and employees) a clear understanding of the need for them and creative abilities. This thesis will examine management innovations, which can be defined as any organized decisions, systems, procedures or management methods that are significantly different from established practice and are being used for the first time in the organization. It is necessary to take into account that novelty correlates with management practice in this particular organization. The innovation process is a set of states of innovation that replace each other in the process of transforming the initial state (for example, a proposed marketing, personnel or technological idea for an innovation) into the final state (entered for consumption, new materials, products, methods, technologies used and giving effect). The innovation process can be carried out on different levels: federal, regional, at the level of a company or division. Table 1 - Differences between innovative and stable processes

Process characteristics

Innovation process

Routine process

Final goal

Satisfying a new social need

Satisfying existing social needs

Ways to achieve the goal

Numerous and uncertain

Few in number and the optimal one is known

Risk in achieving the goal

Process type



Manageability as a whole

Possibility of planning

Long-term plans, their adjustment is possible.

Short-term plans that have the nature of directive production tasks

Development of the system within which the development process is carried out

Taking it to the next level

Maintaining this level

Interaction of the process with the existing system of interests of participants


Based on them

The degree of coincidence of interests of participants in the process

Distribution of areas of responsibility



Forms of organization

Flexible, with weak system structuring

Strict, based on norms and regulations

Let us highlight the features of the innovation process: - targeted nature (orientation towards specific tactical and strategic goals of the organization); - riskiness (factor of uncertainty of the result); - conflict (between old and new); - multidimensionality (changes in one subsystem of the organization cause changes in other subsystems and in the organization in general). When structuring the innovation process, one can construct the following scheme: determining the need for innovation - research - development - implementation - use. The need for innovation can be realized both under the pressure of external factors (increased competition, changes in the economy, the emergence of new legislative acts and etc.) and internal (decrease in productivity, presence of conflict situations, etc.). After realizing the need for innovation, it is necessary to conduct diagnostics (collect relevant information) in order to determine the true causes of problems. To eliminate the identified problems, an innovation team is formed, which searches for new and unique solutions to these problems, i.e. is directly involved in the development of innovation. The development of innovation ends with its implementation. During the implementation process, with the help of control mechanisms, it is determined to what extent the planned changes help to improve the unsatisfactory state of affairs, how they are perceived and how their implementation can be improved. Thus, during the implementation process, an innovation may undergo some changes in order to achieve higher efficiency. Also, in the process of introducing an innovation, it is necessary, using incentive mechanisms, to achieve support and acceptance of the innovation by staff. Introduction is the most difficult stage of the innovation process. There are parameters by which the complexity of introducing an innovation can be analyzed: the difference between new and old; the scale and interconnectedness of change; the need for a program of targeted activities; uncertainty, unforeseen problems and opportunities. In general, the problem of implementation contains several aspects, namely: - time delay of necessary organizational restructuring; - low efficiency, and sometimes simply non-viability of innovations in management; - a significant gap between the development of new management systems and methods by theorists and their use in practice. The main reasons for the manifestation of problems in the implementation of management innovations are: 1. Inconsistency of goals, motives of activity, interests of participants in the innovation process; staff resistance to new things; the emergence of bureaucratic barriers to the implementation of management innovations. 2. Disintegration of the innovation process, its fragmentation, distribution of individual stages (development, dissemination and implementation) between various participants.3. Unsatisfactory work of innovation developers and specialists organizing the process of its implementation. The decision to introduce an innovation largely depends on the properties of the organization itself. In addition to innovative potential, factors influencing the success of an innovation include the presence of a source of creative ideas (without creativity there can be no innovation ); an effective system for selecting and evaluating projects; effective project management and control; compliance with the goals of the organization; individual and collective responsibility; market orientation, as well as the quality of personnel. Exist common factors influencing innovation activity (Table 2). Table 2 - Factors hindering and facilitating innovation activity

Group of factors

Factors hindering activity

Factors promoting activity

Technical and economic

Lack of funds to finance risky projects; weakness materially and scientific and technical bases; lack of reserve capacity; domination of interests of existing production

Availability of a reserve of financial and logistical resources; availability of the necessary economic, material, scientific and technical infrastructure; incentives for innovative activities


Legal restrictions

Legislative measures (benefits) encouraging innovation activities

Organizational and managerial

Established organizational structures; excessive centralization and conservatism of management; hierarchical principles of organizing organizations; the predominance of vertical information flows; planning indicativeness; departmental isolation, the difficulty of intersectoral actions; rigidity in planning; orientation to established markets; focus on short-term payback; difficulty in coordinating the interests of participants in innovation processes

Flexibility of organizational structures; democratic management style; the predominance of horizontal information flows; allowing for adjustments; decentralization, autonomy, formation of inter-organizational, mutually targeted, problem groups


Resistance to changes that can cause such consequences as changes in status, the need to look for a new job, restructuring of established ways of activity, violation of behavioral stereotypes, established traditions; fear of uncertainty; fear of punishment for failure; resistance to everything new that comes from outside ("the syndrome of someone else's invention")

Moral encouragement, public recognition; providing opportunities for self-realization and creative work

Separately, motivational factors influencing innovation are highlighted (Table 3). Table 3 - Motivational factors influencing innovations

Factors promoting innovation

Factors inhibiting innovation

1. Personal interests of employees

1. Personal interests of employees

Increase in wages as a result of innovation; Empowerment; Reducing responsibilities; Improving position and positions (in and outside the organization); Improving future chances (in and outside the organization); Improving opportunities for self-affirmation; Full use of knowledge and capabilities; Good awareness (in and outside the organization); Increasing prestige (in the organization and outside it); Expanding informal opportunities to improve the well-being of the employee and his family members (education, leisure, medicine, etc.)

Reduction of wages as a result of innovation; Reduction of rights; Expansion of responsibilities; Deterioration of position and position (in the organization and outside it); Deterioration of future chances (in and outside the organization); Deterioration of opportunities for self-affirmation; Incomplete use of knowledge and capabilities; Poor awareness (in and outside the organization); Reducing informal opportunities to improve the well-being of the employee and his family members (education, leisure, medicine, etc.)

2. Relationships with other employees

Improved relations with management as a result of innovation; Improving relationships with subordinates; Improving relations with employees; Compliance of innovation with established collective norms, traditions, goals, values

Deterioration of relations with management as a result of innovation; Deterioration of relations with subordinates; Deterioration of relations with employees; Inconsistency of innovation with established collective traditions, goals, norms and values

3. Nature and content of work

More interesting work as a result of innovation; More convenient operating mode as a result of innovation

Less interesting work as a result of innovation; Less convenient operating mode as a result of innovation

The decisive factor in the effective implementation of innovation is the organization’s personnel and their attitude towards it. Therefore, the task of managers when introducing innovation is to form the psychological readiness of staff, which manifests itself in awareness of the production and economic necessity of implementing innovation, the personal and collective significance of innovation, as well as ways of personal inclusion in the implementation of innovation. There are six forms of employee attitude towards innovation: - acceptance of innovation and active participation in its implementation; - passive acceptance of innovation; - passive rejection of innovation; active rejection of innovation, speaking out against; - active rejection associated with opposing innovation; - extreme forms of non-acceptance of innovation (ignoring and sabotaging the implementation of innovation). These positions are formed on the basis of psychological barriers that must be taken into account when introducing innovation. It must be taken into account that staff resistance to innovation is due to three main reasons: uncertainty, a sense of loss and the belief that change will not bring anything good. Therefore, in the innovation process, maximum support for personnel from management and providing them with as complete information as possible about upcoming changes is necessary. Also, it is necessary to take into account factors influencing the innovative activities of personnel: 1. Supporting factors include: - providing the necessary freedom when developing an innovation, providing innovators with the necessary resources and equipment, support from the top management of the enterprise; - conducting systematic discussions and free, encouraged exchange of ideas; - maintaining effective communications with colleagues, other departments, external scientific organizations, universities; - in-depth mutual understanding among the enterprise personnel.2. Strengthening factors are considered: - development and support by management of the desire of employees to constantly improve their skills; - the opportunity to express their own opinion about the changes being carried out; - overcoming barriers and “blurring of boundaries” between functional responsibilities; - systematic holding of meetings of working groups; - constant support of an atmosphere of receptivity to changes.3. The factors blocking innovative activity are: - managers’ distrust of ideas put forward from below; - the need for multiple approvals on new ideas; - interference of other departments in the assessment of innovative proposals; - petty supervision and control of the innovator’s steps; - behind-the-scenes decision-making on an innovative proposal; - the emergence of superior managers of the “all-knowing experts” syndrome. Resistance to change is directed in proportion to the strength of the “breaking” of culture and power structure that occurs due to change. Therefore, innovations must be introduced gradually, because An organization and its people can only withstand a limited number of changes per unit of time. The main issue in managing development work is the balance between change and stability. The main thing in development management is the ability to see the state of the organization’s goals in dynamics. A goal is a direction, not a destination, so achieving a goal requires constant readiness for change and response to the need for internal and external changes. You need to get used to changes. CONCLUSION Changes in the economic conditions in which Russian companies operate have entailed the need to change the style of their activities. This also applies to all internal processes in companies. If we apply an innovative approach in production and sales, then why not do the same in relation to personnel management. The research carried out in the work allowed us to draw the following conclusions: Firstly, the personnel management system is a relatively autonomous and specific subsystem common system organization management; a set of interconnected processes for managing human activity; performing activities of various subjects influencing the labor process and personnel of the organization; a set of methods of influencing human behavior in the process of work, as well as the process of interaction between the subject and the object of management. Secondly, as an innovation, the personnel management system has the features and characteristics of innovation in general. And, accordingly, when developing and implementing changes to the personnel management system, it is necessary to assess their timeliness, feasibility and effectiveness, to do everything necessary to ensure that staff resistance is as little as possible and the effectiveness of innovation is as great as possible. And finally, speaking about the specific features of the system personnel management as innovations, we can highlight such as the need to build a concept and model, develop a strategy and policy for personnel management, as well as take into account various factors influencing personnel management. Also, the personnel management system, like the management system in general, involves setting certain goals and developing mechanisms for monitoring their implementation. LIST OF REFERENCES USED 1. Alekhina O., Pavlutsky A. Personnel service.//Personnel management. - 2004. - No. 11. - C. 56-59.2. Balabanov I.T. Innovation management. Textbook - St. Petersburg: Publishing house PETER, 2003.3. Barancheev V.P. Study of a company’s innovative activity as its competitive force // Management today. - 2006. - No. 4.4. Barancheev V.P. Marketing of innovations - M.: LLC "Firm Blagovest-V", 2006.5. Barancheev V.P. Management of innovative business: review of current ideas - M.: Sputnik+, 2005.6. Bogdanov V. Preliminary results of the work of the EUROSET company in the first half of 20077. Bychin V.B. Personnel in the management of radical innovations in an organization - M.: Inform-Knowledge, 2001.8. Neubauer H. Innovative activity in small and medium-sized enterprises Shaburishvili M.V. Innovation activity as the implementation of the innovation process on an organization scale

The last decade is inextricably linked with the concept of “innovation”. Innovations were created in order to satisfy people's needs for a comfortable life and new technologies that make daily activities easier, since modern people have become consumers and need to get everything new. There is no general agreement on what innovation is. Several scientists consider and relate this concept to the following actions: generating, creating, attracting and using new ideas, technologies, and products. In this case, innovation makes sense as a process. Other scientists define the concept “innovation is an idea, practice or product that is perceived by an individual as new.” The term “innovation” was first mentioned in the 19th century. And already in the twentieth century. in the 1900s, the Austrian and American economist J. Schumpeter introduced this term into scientific activity. Currently, innovation excites the minds of various economists such as Agarkov S.A., Rogova E.M., Tkachenko E.A., Shevchenko S.Yu., Vachugov D.D.
Thus, innovation is the result of innovative activity, which consists in the creation, development, diffusion and use of innovations. In the resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 1999 N 4685-II of the State Duma on Federal law“On innovation activity and on state innovation policy” the term “innovation activity” is interpreted as “the performance of work and the provision of services for the creation, development in production and practical application of new or improved products, a new or improved technological process...”. To understand how important innovation is in our time, let's look at the World Economic Forum. The Forum is known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland since 1971, where leading economists, politicians, journalists and public figures from around the world are invited. In 2015, the Forum compiled a ranking of the competitiveness of countries around the world and indicators characterizing it. Innovative potential and innovative activity are in third place in the competitiveness of countries and organizations.

The path to the development of a company directly depends on innovative management in the organization, namely on the activities of personnel management or the personnel management system. Personnel innovation or innovation management in the personnel service refers to a subsystem of the entire system for managing innovation activity at an enterprise. Personnel management in any organization is carried out by the personnel department. Currently, the personnel service has a list of mandatory tasks to complete. Previously, it was enough for HR services to deal with the organization’s documentation support issues, but now the HR department meets many other requirements of the enterprise, since today much attention is paid to the person in the management system, and therefore HR management (human resource management), which is difficult to implement and requires a lot of attention.

To achieve the best results in working with personnel, it needs to adhere to innovative management methods, without which it is impossible to implement human resources programs at this stage of society's development. There are different variations of innovations in the management methods of an organization, the implementation of which directly depends on the decision of the head of the organization and the resources provided for the implementation of innovative activities.

1. The importance of management innovation in all departments of the company should be explained and instilled in the organization’s personnel;

2. Try to create some kind of problem-solving culture in the organization. Observe the reaction of employees to complex and sometimes unusual tasks facing them. Next, analyze alternative solutions, find out how they solve them: using standard methods, creative ideas or already tested competitors. At this point, the analysis will show the employees’ potential for innovation. The author believes that employees should be encouraged to solve problems in non-standard ways;

3. The necessary environment for conducting experiments without losses for the organization, with low risks. However, not every manager has the right to allow every employee to use new ideas in practice, so it is preferable to create some kind of experimental model in the organization, on which any innovative idea can be tested with the participation of a limited number of people over a limited period of time.

4. Innovations in the field of management should not be one-time, but periodic in nature, as a result of which their implementation will lead to the visible success of the company.

Since modern society cannot be imagined without the use of various electronic gadgets (mobile phones, laptops, tablet computers), the organization also requires the presence of information media and means of processing them. In the age of information technology, personnel work should be aimed at solving two problems: the introduction of modern computer technologies in the process of collecting and analyzing data; creation of a virtual office - a system of direct access and active interaction of people located at a distance from each other. The main technologies based on the use of software and software applications include:

1. Remote access and online interaction to solve typical problems in the field of personnel management - interviews via Skype, filling out electronic application forms, broadcasting electronic copies of personal documents, distance learning, etc.;

2. Creation of databases for accounting and control of personnel statistics (labor discipline, personnel dynamics, analysis of personnel quality, etc.);

3. Conducting video conferences with the participation of employees of remote departments;

4. Sending significant information (news) to personal email employees, etc.

However, in order to equip offices and each department, including working personnel, with the necessary equipment, the organization needs large expenses, and great attention should be paid to equipment maintenance, which can be afforded by this moment only large organizations.

1. Training in advance, necessary due to the development of the employee’s potential;

2. Fairly high wages;

3. Attracting and retaining effective employees;

4. Ensuring career planning and development in the organization;

5. Encouragement and support of personnel who produce high performance results;

6. Necessary exchange of information necessary to achieve high organizational results;

7. Encouraging initiative, independence, and responsibility of employees;

8. Ensuring a balance between the interests of the company and the employee.

Based on the listed features in personnel management, the important role of the employee in the innovative activities of personnel management is clearly visible. The main trend of HR management is a personal approach to each employee, taking into account his characteristics, therefore the approval of any innovation directly depends on the acceptance or non-acceptance of its employees by the organization. But the introduction of innovations may be perceived by staff as refusal and resistance. In this regard, before introducing an innovation, most authors are of the opinion that personnel should be prepared for innovation. These directions may be reflected in the following management decisions:

1. Increasing the level of education of personnel. Enlightened workers with a good outlook will be easy to innovate and also be innovators of ideas;

2. Technologization of management and production. Provide free access to technical equipment to personnel;

3. Providing freedom to staff to express their opinions on the changes being carried out. Conduct discussions and consultations with employees on the topic of innovation in the organization;

4. Supporting employee communication with all departments of the organization, as well as external competitors and educational institutions;

5. Enable staff to go beyond their functional responsibilities, encouraging creative initiative and independence;

6. Provide personnel with the necessary amount of information and resources to achieve organizational goals.

Thus, the presented innovative personnel management gives a clear idea that in personnel management the main place is occupied by the employee in the organization. All activities to increase profits are based on meeting the needs and development of personnel, receiving in return effective work with a creative approach. Each organization determines its own management style and takes its own measures to implement innovation policy in practice in the personnel department. The most important aspect of the successful development of an organization is the attitude towards people in the workforce. It is difficult to motivate staff to work if they do not have a direct desire to innovate. It is also necessary to analyze and test personnel in order to identify similar individuals into a separate team to achieve the goals of the organization. Only along with the desire to work, the comfort provided and the right people nearby during the work process will the organization function successfully.

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innovation management personnel management


In an environment where competition between enterprises is steadily moving into the field of knowledge and human capital management, innovation in personnel management is becoming a decisive factor for success. In personnel management, the process of creating innovative approaches is no less important than technological innovation, since it is no longer possible to increase productivity only by increasing quantitative indicators. Management innovations have a positive impact on the way and efficiency of companies. There are examples where management innovations have created strong competitive advantages for modern businesses. Thus, General Electric changed the approach to the order and discipline of work in the field of scientific research, as a result of which it gained access to a large number of technologies and patents. Procter & Gamble since the 1990s. changed specialized approaches to brand management, as a result of which the productivity of company employees increased. That is, it is the innovative technologies of the personnel management system that make it possible to build competent and efficient work of the enterprise and to establish relationships between its divisions. This is the relevance of this topic.

Many scientists have studied the concept of the diffusion of innovations: G. Tarde, F. Bass, F. Ratzel, L. Frobenius, E. Rogers, D. Hawkins, etc.

Object of research: innovation, subject - innovative technologies in personnel management.

Purpose of the work: to study innovative technologies in personnel management.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

Give a general concept of innovation;

Describe the features of innovations in personnel management;

Reveal innovative technologies used in personnel management.

The work consists of an introduction, two main chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Innovations in personnel management

In an environment where competition between organizations and companies is steadily shifting to the field of knowledge management and human capital, innovation in human resource management is becoming a critical success factor. Innovation in human resource management is strongly linked to innovation in business. In order to survive and improve, every organization or company must make innovative decisions and implement innovations. At the same time, the leading factor that determines the basis for the development of innovative ideas and their successful implementation in an innovative economy is its employees with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas.

Innovation (from the Latin In - in, novatio - new - in the direction of change) is understood as an introduced innovation that is in demand by the market, providing a high-quality increase in the efficiency of processes or products. Raizberg B.A. Modern economic dictionary / B.A. Raizberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtseva. - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - P. 136.

So, the key to innovation success lies in the human resource management system. The use of certain technologies in management practice forms an innovative company. In general, the characteristics of an innovative enterprise are shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 - Components of the activity of an innovative enterprise

Personnel innovations are considered as a subsystem of the overall system of management innovations in an organization. And Investing in human resource development plays a larger role than investing in improving production capacity. The importance of human (intellectual) potential increases with the increasing speed of technological progress, with the development of information technology, increased competition and other conditions. The importance of personnel at the innovative stage of economic development is presented in Fig. 2. Yakovleva E.V. Intellectualization of personnel as a technology of innovative personnel management in modern socio-economic conditions / E.V. Yakovleva // InvestRegion. - 2011.- No. 2. - P. 39.

Figure 2 - The importance of human resources at the innovative stage of economic development

Every organization strives to make maximum use of the potential capabilities of its employees and rationally use their mental abilities. Considering innovative activities in personnel management, we note that it has distinctive features inherent in the general concept of innovation: firstly, changes in personnel management are aimed at solving specific problems in accordance with the company's development strategy; secondly, it is impossible to determine in advance the exact result to which they can lead; thirdly, changes in personnel management can provoke conflict situations associated with resistance from employees and their non-acceptance of innovations; fourthly, changes in personnel management have a multiplier effect, that is, they provoke counter changes in other subsystems of the company, due to the fact that they concern the key component of the organization - its employees. Kuzmina M.I. Innovations and their features in the enterprise personnel management system / M.I. Kuzmina, A.V. Kitov // Creative Economy. - 2010. - No. 6 (42). - pp. 122-128.

The formation of an innovative economy inevitably leads to a transformation in the structure and quality of the workforce and an increase in the requirements for the professional and qualification level of employees. Modern knowledge-intensive and information technologies penetrate into all spheres of the economy. As a result, professional knowledge is combined, and related and borderline professions arise. An innovative economy mainly needs creative intellectual workers. Consequently, approaches to managing the “new labor force", technologies for innovative personnel management are emerging.

Technology (from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill; logos - word, teaching) is a set of methods carried out in any process. New Philosophical Encyclopedia / Edited by V.S. Stepina. - M.: Thought. 2011. - 736 p.

Innovative technologies are a set of methods, tools and activities aimed at developing existing ones or creating fundamentally new types of production activities. Kolosov V.G. Introduction to innovation / V.G. Kolosov. - SPb.: SPbSPU, 2012 - P. 15.

There are different types of innovative technologies: Nekrasov S.I. Philosophy of science and technology: thematic dictionary / S.I. Nekrasov, N.A. Nekrasova. - Eagle: OSU. 2010. - 289 p.

a) implementation - the implementation of the final stage of the research and production cycle of developing a new product;

b) training - business conversation, a type of socio-psychological exercise focused on the development of attitudes necessary for successful communication in professional conditions, which are used for the purpose of personnel training;

c) consulting - consulting producers, sellers and consumers on economic, business and legal issues;

d) transfer - free provision of technology from one person to another;

e) audit - verification of finances and documentation by independent experts or organizations;

f) engineering - presentation on a paid basis of engineering and consulting proposals, such as design, provision of licenses and know-how) for the creation of industrial facilities, infrastructure, etc.

Innovations in personnel management are most often initiated by the personnel manager, who sees the need to introduce innovation into the work of the company. At the same time, innovative personnel management is based on the following starting points: Lymareva O.A. Innovative approach to personnel management / O.A. Lymareva, A.A. Gorenko // Economics and management of innovative technologies. - 2013. - No. 10. - P. 9.

The need for a close relationship between the company's development strategy and personnel planning.

Assessing the degree of influence of personnel costs on the economic indicators of production;

Formation required quantity competencies, professional skills for effective work in the labor market.

Any organization needs only those innovations in personnel management, the need for which is clear and understandable to all employees, and which are united by the managerial and economic needs of a particular company. To do this, it is first necessary to identify a number of key problems that require such a solution, then analyze options for solving one of the identified problems, and subsequently select a suitable option. And, if this implementation is successful, the innovation will be implemented. In the future, innovations in personnel management are analyzed and adjusted as necessary. It is possible to identify a number of circumstances that justify the need of organizations for innovative personnel technologies and predetermine the main directions of their development: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanich // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 9.

Increasing the level of education of the workforce: Diversely educated employees demand greater freedom and autonomy in the workplace;

Technologization of management and production: the emergence of new, primarily information, technologies requires mandatory retraining of both workers and managers;

Changing the composition of the workforce: workforce planning of any organization requires taking into account the increase in the proportion of women, older people and other groups of the population, which will lead to a change in the organization’s values ​​and personnel technologies.

The increasing role of technologies for the protection of health and safety of professional activities: this trend involves the introduction of new methods of personnel selection and training;

Changing the role of the organization’s top management, which in the future is becoming an increasingly active participant in the personnel development process;

Formation of a new work ethic: in connection with the development of project and team forms of work, more and more attention will be paid to the personality of the employee;

The changing role of HR services in strategic planning: understanding personnel as a source of profit will change the essence of the work of personnel services;

Development of procedures for assessing employee achievements: organizations will be required to share income with employees based on more objective and result-oriented systems for assessing personal contribution;

New personnel policies: Traditional formal hierarchical management will give way to professional management with a greater focus on human dignity.

Innovative approaches to personnel management should also be based on taking into account the specifics of personnel, which consists of the following: Kizim A.A. Formation of human potential in the context of globalization / A.A. Kizim, S.K. Luzinov // KubSAU. - 2011. - No. 28. - P.7-13.

1. People are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to external influences is emotional and meaningful, and not mechanical, and, therefore, the process of interaction between the company and the employee is two-way.

2. People are capable of constant improvement and development, and this is the most significant and long-term resource for increasing the efficiency of any company.

3. The working life of a person in modern society lasts 30-50 years, according to this, the relationship between the employee and the company is long-term.

4. People come to the company consciously, with specific goals, and, accordingly, expect support from it in realizing their goals. Employee satisfaction with the interaction with the organization is a necessary condition, as is satisfaction on the part of the organization.

Thus, innovation is not only the use of high technology, but also innovation in the field of management decisions. And, therefore, it is personnel management that is the main component of the innovative enterprise management system as a whole and occupies the place of the most important factor in the economic success of the company. To increase the efficiency of innovative development of an organization, it is necessary to have a management system for innovative personnel management, which creates favorable working conditions, and also provides the opportunity for career growth and necessary degree confidence in the future.

To implement the main tasks facing the company, structural transformations of the personnel management system based on new management technologies are necessary. The introduction of innovations into the personnel management system must be carried out on the basis of a study of the existing personnel management system, identifying its capabilities and revealing shortcomings, as well as taking into account the requirements of the latest trends in the field of personnel management and the specifics of the company's development.

In addition, when developing and implementing innovations in the personnel management system, one should assess their timeliness, feasibility and effectiveness, that is, do everything possible to ensure that staff resistance is as little as possible and the effectiveness of innovations is as great as possible.

2. Innovative technologies in personnel management

For the purpose of effective operation, the personnel management system must contain optimal methods and technologies that coincide with the principles underlying it. At the same time, innovative technologies in personnel management can be considered as: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanich // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 10.

New methods of human resource management that increase the efficiency of the organization (actually innovative technologies of personnel management). These include new (know-how) ways of influencing personnel. For example, the emergence of new methods of communication (telephone, Internet, etc.) has led to a sharp increase in the efficiency of organizations due to an increase in the speed of information transfer in space and time);

Traditional technologies for introducing innovations into working with the organization's personnel (traditional management technologies for introducing innovations) - involves the use of a new control element within the framework of the old procedure. For example, the traditional procedure for selecting employees for the management personnel reserve can be supplemented with an innovative technique for identifying genetic markers of leadership (if any are discovered).

Innovations in the personnel management system can be implemented in the following forms: Harrington J. Optimization of business processes. Documentation, analysis, management, optimization / Harrington J., Esseling K.S., Nimwegen Harm Van.. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2012. - 320 p.

With gradual improvement of individual qualities of staff work (current);

In the form of constructive, step-by-step improvement of the entire personnel management system as a whole (breakthrough).

At the same time, progressive improvement is not associated with sharp changes in the performance of the organization’s personnel; as a rule, it does not affect structural changes in any way. In its most general form, it can be thought of as long-term continuous improvement involving a maximum number of employees. Breakthrough improvement of the personnel management system usually affects not only the improved aspects of employee activity, but also the entire personnel management system as a whole. The system for working with innovations in personnel management, based on the distinction between current and breakthrough innovations, is clearly shown in Fig. 2. Dolzhenko R.A. Innovations in the personnel management system of an organization / R.A. Dolzhenko // Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University. - 2013. - No. 1 (99). - pp. 149-153.

Figure 2 - Model of working with innovations in the personnel management system

The modern focus of innovation in personnel management is associated with the following main tasks: Kudryavtseva E.I. Innovative technologies in personnel management / E.I. Kudryavtseva, V.M. Golyanich // Management consulting. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 10.

1) improving productivity;

2) effective training and development of personnel;

3) improving working relationships and creating a creative environment;

4) improving the quality of life;

5) stimulation of constructive ideas;

6) better use of people's skills and abilities;

7) increasing the receptivity and adaptability of personnel to innovations.

There are several basic innovative areas in personnel management:

1. Innovative educational management - innovations in the training of professional personnel at universities, institutes, colleges, and other educational institutions.

2. Innovative personnel marketing - the formation of new and effective personnel potential.

3. Innovative and technological personnel management - modern ways of working with personnel at the stage of mastering types of new equipment and technologies in their professional activities, certification, new distribution of functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, innovations in forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, ways of promoting and relocating employees, improving work with elite personnel.

At the present time, the most common are innovative personnel technologies based on personnel processes, the use of which is possible in the field of personnel management:

Personnel development technologies (HR marketing, case interviews, testing, headhunting, competency interviews, e-recruitment, etc.);

Differentiated remuneration system (grade remuneration system), including a system of public recognition of merits and achievements;

Assessment of individual contribution based on the assessment of professionally significant organization-specific criteria for professional assessment - competency models;

Career planning and plans technology individual development(realization of potential), based on assessment of the competencies of employees at all levels using the 360 ​​system;

Technologies for personnel assessment and certification (assessment center, 360 degree method, coaching, etc.);

Technologies for staff release (personnel leasing, outsourcing, outstaffing, etc.);

Technologies for current work with personnel (personnel grading, stress management, conflict management, etc.);

Technologies for training and personnel development (coaching, team building, role-playing and business games, knowledge management, etc.);

Development of feedback mechanisms, especially in the “bottom-up” direction, creation of a system of open discussions of organizational problems;

Creation of project groups for the development and implementation of current organizational, long-term and professional projects, development of the organizational knowledge system.

One of the most important innovative approaches to personnel management, in contrast to classical ones, is the personnel selection system, since work in an innovative organization places additional demands on a potential employee. In addition to traditional qualities (skill, experience, hard work, theoretical knowledge), he needs to have creative potential, flexibility and agility of thinking, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, a predisposition and ability to learn and retrain. In addition to standard methods of assessing the potential of employees, the manager also resorts to qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual.

Specialists working in the direction of systematization of innovations in the field of personnel management identify several areas, which are based on the use of modern telecommunication systems, which are aimed at: introducing modern computer technologies into the process of collecting and analyzing data; creation of a virtual office - a system of direct access and active interaction of people located at a distance from each other.

It is known that the personnel management cycle contains some processes, namely: recruitment; personnel administration; development and training; assessment, certification; motivation, stimulation of work; organizational development and career management. Within the framework of these processes, as a rule, the following main tasks are solved:

Development of uniform principles of personnel policy and determination of its goals;

Planning the need for human resources, developing staffing schedules;

Formation and development of a system for the movement of personnel information (information policy),

Principles of cash distribution, providing an effective system of labor incentives (financial strategy);

Providing a development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning their individual promotion, professional training, retraining and advanced training (personnel development strategy);

Assessing the results of work, studying the compliance of the company’s personnel policy with its strategy, identifying problem areas in personnel work, as well as assessing labor potential. Savchenko I.V. Innovative capabilities of information technologies for personnel management / I.V. Savchenko // Innovative technologies of human resource management: collective monograph / Ed. A.A. Korsakova, E.S. Yakhontova. - M.: MESI, 2012. - P. 160.

All personnel information can be generated and monitored within the framework of the existing collective information system - in the “Personnel Management” block. This software makes it possible to coordinate the action of various channels of interaction between staff and management. All this allows HR managers to access the complete personnel information needed to better plan and control budgets for salaries, training, travel, etc. On the basis of this data, it is possible to carry out automated recruitment and selection of personnel for a regular position, analyze the compliance of a specific employee with the requirements for the work assigned to the regular position, generate a planned time sheet indicating the structure of planned cases, etc.

In addition, the Internet is now increasingly being used to search for employees and find jobs. On Vseti you can find virtual recruitment agencies, websites of real existing recruitment agencies, bulletin boards, corporate websites with available vacancies, etc. The Internet has been appreciated by employers, recruitment agencies, and job seekers. The main advantages of these tools are speed, accessibility and free information. In addition, they also provide the opportunity to formulate the request and requirements for candidates in more detail than an advertisement in the press, where you have to pay for the volume. This improves the quality of the search and allows you to quickly and effectively solve problems when your own database is not enough or you need to find a specialist urgently.

Almost all experts believe that network “labor exchanges” in the foreseeable future will be much more effective than other methods of searching for work and personnel.

In addition, the Internet makes it possible to increase the company’s staff by attracting, for example, “remote” employees from other regions, and even other countries. An employee has the opportunity to be located at a considerable distance from the main office of the company and, at the same time, work for this company and interact with other employees using network technologies. This increases the mobility of both workers and the company.

5. Development of interactive applications of the internal network (Intranet) for prompt collection of feedback, development of employee participation in the discussion of significant problems.

Thus, the technologization of personnel management processes allows us to solve a number of new problems, while creating new opportunities, including:

a) for management: to increase the performance of the company as a result of accurate placement of personnel; reduce the period for making management decisions and monitor their implementation; reduce costs and carry out full accounting of them for personnel management.

b) for HR managers: significantly reduce the labor intensity of work; automate personnel document flow and preparation of external and internal reporting; increase efficiency, labor productivity and performance discipline.

Information technologies, in order to solve the problems of personnel management, create the following innovative opportunities:

Acceleration of the company’s business processes related to the automation of routine recruitment processes;

Reducing the labor intensity of many types of HR work;

Possibility of individualization of personnel work;

Expansion of staff due to “remote” and mobile employees;

The emergence of new prospects that were not previously available without the use of information technology, namely: the formation of individual employee profiles; support for their “personal accounts”, while any employee has the opportunity to find information on wages, income tax and more.

In addition, in the context of competition for personnel, interest in integrated personnel management systems is growing. The growth of this segment, according to experts, will become very intense in the near future - 20-30% per year, and probably even 40%. Right there. - P. 162.

At the same time, despite the advantages of information technologies, they cannot automate absolutely all functions of personnel management. There are many tasks that cannot be automated. This is, first of all, everything that is associated with psychology, because You can prepare technical specifications and program anything, but not relationships.


Thus, in order to function successfully, any organization needs to change. In the conditions of modern personnel work, innovation is an urgent need. This paper examines the features of innovation and innovative technologies in personnel management.

In its most general form, innovation is understood as the introduction of a new (or significantly improved) product (good or service) or process. Activities that consist of a set of scientific, financial, technological and other activities for the creation, development, dissemination of innovations and are aimed at using the results of these activities in order to increase the competitiveness of a certain type of business are called innovative.

Innovative technologies in personnel management represent ways and methods of more effectively managing the organization's personnel processes.

The main goal of innovation in personnel management is to provide the organization with employees who continuously generate innovations in all areas of their activities, their effective application by creating conditions for the introduction of innovations, professional and social development of personnel with benefit both for the employees themselves and for the company and society as a whole.

There are many innovative technologies. The most significant ones, ensuring high innovative activity of personnel, include: a graded remuneration system, incl. public recognition of merits and achievements; assessing individual contributions based on organization-specific competency models; technologies for career planning and individual development of employees; techniques for effective feedback, especially in the “bottom-up” direction; development of the organizational knowledge system.

At the same time, among the numerous innovative technologies for working with personnel, one of the key positions should be occupied by information technology.

The main technologies based on the use of information technology include:

1. Remote access and online interaction to solve typical problems in the field of personnel management (interview via Skype, filling out electronic application forms, broadcasting electronic copies of personal documents, distance learning, etc.).

2. Creation of databases for accounting and control of personnel statistics (labor discipline, personnel dynamics, analysis of personnel quality, etc.).

3. Conducting video conferences and webinars with the participation of employees of remote departments.

4. Cascading significant information (news) to employees’ personal emails.

5. Development of interactive applications of the internal network (Intranet) for prompt collection of feedback, development of employee participation in the discussion of significant problems (block “Human Resources Management”).

The following are considered as promising tasks:

Integration of personnel management systems with existing systems of psychological and mental testing;

Certification and assessment of jobs according to working conditions;

Standardization of work;

Personalization of learning, i.e. formation of individual education and training programs, as well as monitoring their effectiveness;

Using information about the employee, his interests and abilities in order to increase his effectiveness.

Thus, of course, new technologies in personnel management allow the company to take a leading position in the market and increase the profit received by the company.

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The most effective development of the economy of a country, region or enterprise occurs evolutionarily through qualitative changes in manufactured products or services provided, resources used, equipment used or management processes. The main bearer of new competitive ideas, solutions to non-standard problems or new ways to solve standard problems is the organization's personnel. The practical activities of Russian enterprises and organizations show that implemented innovations are often rejected by the organization’s staff, creative abilities are not activated, and the staff actively resists the changes being made. As a result, innovative activity is implemented with low efficiency, time and material costs for implementing innovation are exceeded, the expected result is not achieved, and the risk of innovative activity increases many times over. The unpreparedness of the organization's personnel for the implementation of innovations and resistance to them leads to a slowdown in the development of the organization, aging of management methods, loss of competitiveness in the market of goods and services and, as a result, to a deterioration in socio-economic performance indicators. Thus, a problematic situation arises at the enterprise when a qualitative change in processes and products cannot be carried out due to the motivational and qualification unpreparedness of the organization’s personnel. In such conditions, the organization’s personnel become an obstacle to further development. The reason is the application to the management of innovative activities of the same management methods, including personnel management, that were used to manage conventional, non-innovative activities, i.e. functional activity.

The solution to the current situation should be the awareness of the need to change approaches to managing innovation activities, which differ from functional ones in their instability, high degree of risk of the final result, and the high importance of the role of the organization’s personnel (creative abilities, professional outlook, motivation, etc.). To accumulate knowledge, creative skills, and reduce staff resistance to innovation, it is necessary to develop and implement in an organization that makes frequent qualitative changes, new approaches to managing all activities and personnel management.

The scientific interests of domestic and foreign authors are in the field of development and implementation of high-tech technologies, products and processes both at the enterprise level and at the regional or country level. Scientific research is devoted to the development of mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of innovation processes and increasing the country's innovative potential.

The purpose of this work is to identify and analyze the features of personnel management in innovative organizations.

Study the theoretical aspects of personnel management in an innovative enterprise;

Consider the practice of personnel management at CJSC Technopark LTA;

To study possible ways to improve personnel management at JSC Technopark LTA;

Develop measures to improve the efficiency of personnel management at CJSC Technopark LTA.

The object of the study is the innovative organization "Technopark LTA".

The subject of the study is the personnel management system of an innovative organization.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the research are monographs, articles, textbooks of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of economics and sociology of labor, personnel management, management, innovative management of the organization.

1. Theoretical aspects of personnel management in an innovative enterprise

1 Personnel as an object of management in an innovative enterprise

The organization's personnel are the main bearer of new competitive ideas, solutions to non-standard problems or new ways of solving standard problems. The practical activities of Russian enterprises and organizations show that implemented innovations are often rejected by the organization’s staff, creative abilities are not activated, and the staff actively resists the changes being made. As a result, innovative activity is implemented with low efficiency, time and material costs for implementing innovation are exceeded, the expected result is not achieved, and the risk of innovative activity increases many times over. The unpreparedness of the organization's personnel for the implementation of innovations and resistance to them leads to a slowdown in the development of the organization, aging of management methods, loss of competitiveness in the market of goods and services and, as a result, to a deterioration in socio-economic performance indicators. Thus, a problematic situation arises at the enterprise when a qualitative change in processes and products cannot be carried out due to the motivational and qualification unpreparedness of the organization’s personnel. The reason is the application to the management of innovative activities of the same management methods, including personnel management, that were used to manage conventional, non-innovative activities, i.e. functional activity.

Personnel management of an innovative enterprise includes several basic issues. Personnel management is carried out through assessment, training and career management. After all, no organization can know in advance how employees should behave in every situation. Therefore, most organizations establish general rules of behavior that are applicable in many situations and which become part of the organization's inherent culture.

Goals, positive examples of staff development, evaluation systems - all this can influence the desire of employees to take risks and try something new. In addition, innovative organizations create their hiring systems in this way to attract employees who are prone to innovative activities. In addition to standard methods for assessing an employee’s potential, the manager of an innovative enterprise also resorts to a qualitative assessment, which includes taking into account the creative qualities of the individual, his publications and patents.

Innovative companies not only seek to hire creative workers, they also develop their creativity. The first means of such development is the rotation of personnel between different functions, business units or territorial departments. The second means is detailed, thoughtful management of personnel promotion. The third is the introduction of some common practice that would ensure that all staff have certain key practical skills and key capabilities.

The most important element of personnel management in an innovative organization is incentives. Along with them, many other management factors influence the interest of employees in innovative activities. Managing people development can have a particularly large impact on employees' ability to generate and develop new ideas.

There are several approaches to motivating staff in innovative organizations:

Using the "effect?ers?active". As relative stability is achieved, it is advisable to stimulate organizational dynamism, setting new guidelines for the team and thereby supporting the energy of development. The implementation of this approach is a good basis for the transition to “growth management” - management aimed at development in the long-term?

Virtual and physical expansion of the horizon of professional activity. As already noted, in terms of the scale of social implementation, the sphere of science and private manufacturing business differ significantly. It is unreasonable to sharply limit the scope of professional activities of employees within the framework of a separate enterprise, even by providing them with a significant package of material benefits. After all, unfulfilled scientific and social ambitions can weaken an employee’s motivation.

Know-how in organizing personnel work is the maximum preservation of the social and scientific space in which the socialist moved before joining a private company. This principle is essentially a compromise between the demands of the socialists themselves and concessions from the leadership. As a result, the organization receives significant benefits.

If a person shows creative qualities and offers something fundamentally new, the issue of his promotion, as well as an increase in his subordination position, is resolved. Moreover, subordination, as a rule, does not go beyond the expert hierarchy. A horizontal career takes place within the same official framework (it is not formalized legally), but the satisfaction from such horizontal moves gives the professional a strong motivational impulse. .

Thus, the need for specialists who know the specifics of working in an innovative organization is increasing, because, first of all, the success of an organization depends on its personnel.

1.2 Personnel management system at an innovative enterprise

The personnel management system is integral part management of an innovative enterprise as a whole, involves monitoring changes in the professional and qualification structure of personnel and is designed to identify trends in the development of the workforce, timely determine the qualitative and quantitative requirements for it. The personnel management system affects the ability of employees to conduct innovative activities. Let's consider several elements of the personnel management system (Figure 1).

Figure 1 “Elements of the personnel management system.”

The formation of a personnel management system involves, first of all, building a “tree of goals”, both the goals of employees and the goals of the administration, ensuring their least inconsistency, identifying the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of the enterprise (organization, company).

The goals of enterprise personnel management are:

increasing production and labor efficiency, in particular, achieving maximum profits;

Successful achievement of set goals requires solving such problems as:

meeting the enterprise's needs for labor force V required volumes and required qualifications;

achieving a reasonable relationship between the organizational and technical structure of production potential and the structure of labor potential;

full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing employee habits of interaction and cooperation;

securing an employee at the enterprise, forming a stable team as a condition for recoupment of funds spent on labor (attraction, personnel development);

ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees in relation to

coordination of production and social objectives (balancing the interests of the enterprise and the interests of workers, economic and social efficiency);

increasing the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

There are certain differences between goals and functions. A goal is the state one strives for, and a function is the actual action.

Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves: determining the goals and main directions of work with personnel; determination of means, forms and methods of achieving the set goals; organization of work to implement decisions made; coordination and control of the implementation of planned activities; continuous improvement of the personnel management system.

In practical terms, the following main functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

forecasting the situation on the labor market and in one’s own team to take proactive measures;

analysis of existing personnel potential and planning of its development taking into account the future; motivation of personnel, assessment and training of personnel, assistance in the adaptation of employees to innovations, creation of socially comfortable conditions in the team, solving specific issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc.

Senior management has overall control over HR policies and ultimate responsibility for their success. The methods and effectiveness of personnel search and selection are influenced by management policies regarding personnel, employee training and development, and an understanding of the importance of maintaining a good moral climate in the organization. In innovation activities characterized by uncertainty and significant risk, it is almost impossible to predict the future need for labor resources. Also, working in an innovative organization places additional demands on a potential employee. Two features of hiring policies are immediately noticeable in the most innovative, creative companies. The first is the emphasis on finding and hiring creative workers. However, there are no single certificates characterizing the creative achievements of employees. Therefore, finding the most creative among those who come to get a job is a difficult task for the HR departments of innovative organizations.

The second feature is the preference for workers with diverse qualifications and training. After all, some innovative organizations show Special attention to hire workers with different basic education and different training. As a result, they tend to hire graduates from a wide variety of universities in the hope that a mixture of different backgrounds will create creative tension and encourage the development of new ideas.

Often innovative organizations seek to accommodate variations in their geographic and national characteristics, especially if the organization requires knowledge of the development features of various countries. In addition, this leads to a variety of approaches to solving any business development problem. Workers with different backgrounds from different countries generate a variety of ideas when solving any business problem.

Studying the personnel management system is necessary for the manager of an innovative organization, because only with the help of this system can he understand how to influence the ability of employees to conduct innovative activities.

1.3 Experience in personnel management at an innovative enterprise in Russian and foreign practice

The experience of personnel management accumulated in leading foreign organizations is very relevant for the modern Russian economy from the point of view of building a model for innovative development of human resources. Studying this experience makes it possible to determine what in this activity is applicable in Russian organizations and can give a real economic effect, and what is only the prerogative of foreign management. It is generally accepted that the best world experience in innovative development of personnel management has been accumulated in Japanese organizations. The successes of Japanese organizations are not limited to the national economy. The advanced Japanese experience in innovative development of personnel management of innovative organizations is adopted primarily by the countries in which the subsidiaries of the largest Japanese organizations producing electronic equipment and auto giants are located. These are primarily the countries of Southeast Asia - Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan.

The starting point in assessing the possibilities of building a model of innovative development of personnel management in Japanese organizations is that a Japanese organization is not only an economic unit, but also to a large extent a social organization. Each organization has its own corporate philosophy, which emphasizes concepts such as sincerity, harmony, cooperation, and contribution to the betterment of society. The approach to innovative development of personnel management in Japanese organizations is based, first of all, on the absolute understanding that this is an area of ​​human activity within which all the intended goals of creating material and spiritual values ​​are realized. The Japanese experience of personnel management at an innovative enterprise is based on persuasion rather than coercion of employees.

For modern Russia such experience is also very interesting, even if only because Japan is our territorial neighbor and economic partner, and is in worse conditions than Russia (an island state, a lack of its own mineral resources, the highest population density, lack of free territories, etc. .).

IN post-war years Many types of activities that make up the content or personnel technologies of personnel management have received a regulatory legal basis.

The professionalization of state and municipal services abroad entailed the organization of a network of educational institutions. The training of employees who will be associated with the sphere of management throughout their subsequent lives is an important starting point for building official relations. Specialists of various profiles are trained in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. The training programs include legal subjects, office work, and workshops on working with the public.

In many countries, the admission of candidates for government and municipal service is carried out only on the basis of a passed exam. So, in Great Britain since the middle of the 19th century. The practice of enlisting in the service only after a competition became established. Moreover, in order to pass the entrance test, the candidate required a very specific basic education, where legal and humanities predominated. A kind of circle of “caste” universities emerged that trained specialists whose level of acquired knowledge could allow them to apply for vacancies in the apparatus of state and municipal institutions.

In the 20th century In the countries of Europe and North America, a kind of “moral code” for the work of employees was formulated. They reflected the most important areas of activity in the system of administrative power.

In the United States of America since the 80s. XX century The idea began to take hold that work with personnel should be carried out according to business models. This meant that personnel management must meet the requirements of effective management, when the criteria of efficiency, rationality, and economy become the main ones in determining the results of personnel work. An employee of an innovative organization must be committed to action, be able to make independent decisions within the limits of their competence, without waiting for management to do it themselves, be ready to accept with understanding the initiative and independence of subordinates and, if the task is successfully completed, certainly encourage them.

The effectiveness of innovative development of an organization's human resources potential is closely related to the ability of managers to rationally organize, regulate and control all the activities of a particular team.

In Russia, under the command-administrative system of economic management, the authoritarian style of managing labor collectives has become widespread. But the transition to a market economy, the processes of democratization of the entire public life in the country, the expansion of business areas, the emergence and development of various forms of business, including non-state ones, urgently required a fundamental change in leadership style while ensuring the innovative development of the organization’s human resources. The work of managers of economic entities began to be built on the principles of democracy. At the same time, authoritarianism in the leadership of work collectives has taken root so firmly that it is almost impossible to free oneself from its harmful influence overnight. In this situation, it becomes necessary for Russia to train and educate a new generation of leaders capable of working in a democracy.

The conducted organizational and economic assessment of the possibilities for innovative development of the personnel potential of Russian organizations allows us to state the fact that today programs and strategies for innovative development are formed with an emphasis on the human worker without taking into account his personal component and when he is used mainly within the framework of the economic, rather than social system. The practical functioning of many organizations indicates a strict dependence between management decisions on the strategic activities of the organization and the processes of innovative development of human resources, which in the new economic conditions, while maintaining the well-known classical tasks of personnel administration, as part of the whole, should contribute to the achievement of the main goals of the organization.

Thus, an analysis of foreign and Russian experience allows us to conclude that the rational use of human resources and the innovative development of human resources are strictly linked to the need to formulate approaches to personnel management, the development of new technologies and methods for its improvement.

2. Practice of personnel management at JSC Technopark LTA

1 Characteristics of JSC Technopark LTA and assessment of its personnel potential

CJSC Technopark LTA was created in 1994 on the basis of the experimental workshops of the Forestry Academy. Currently it includes:

a modern plant for the production of window beams in the village of Sosnovo;

production of luxury and historical windows;

repair area for crankshafts and cylinder blocks;

metalworking shop (for the production of aspiration units, lines for producing pallets and other equipment);

department for promoting new technologies and selling equipment and tools for woodworking;

workshop for sharpening tools for woodworking;

Department of frame wooden house construction.

The works of Technopark LTA have been repeatedly noted by the Administration of St. Petersburg, with diplomas and certificates from domestic and foreign exhibitions. The company's staff numbers more than 300 people, of which about 50 are students and graduates of the Academy.

"LTA Technopark" together with the Academy participates in Russian and international exhibitions, in targeted scientific and technical government programs developed by the Academy, and also organizes and conducts seminars.

"Technopark LTA" supports the advanced scientific and technical traditions of its predecessors, and is currently actively engaged in innovation activities.

The development concept, which is actively being developed at LTA Technopark, provides for the implementation of the following goals:

Development of high-tech business in the Russian timber industry.

Scientific and information support of state and regional authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of use of forest resources.

Innovative activities to promote scientific developments of educational and scientific institutions in the field of forestry and the timber industry complex in the Russian Federation.

Transfer to the Russian Federation of advanced foreign technologies for harvesting and deep processing of forest resources.

Promotion of small business development, incubation of small high-tech industries in the timber industry.

When forming the above goals, the results of numerous recent scientific discussions were taken into account. The above goals form the main activities of the organization, which can receive the status of a “technopark”. These types of activities include:

Innovation activities.

Technology transfer.

Incubation of small high-tech enterprises.

Promotion of innovative developments to medium and large industrial enterprises, conducting patent and licensing activities.

Educational activities, consulting in the field of new technologies for forest management and processing of forest resources.

Collection and processing of information on advanced technological resources of your industry, both in Russia and abroad. Analysis and provision of information to interested authorities, organizations, enterprises and firms.

The technology park of the St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy was created in 1994. At that already distant time, in the scale of the period of state reforms in Russia, the basis for innovative activity was laid, but in an environment of a deep shortage of funding for educational institutions, priorities were given to preserving the educational and production base and finding additional extra-budgetary sources of funding. Based on this, the goals of creating the technology park were determined - creating conditions for the preservation and development of the academy’s educational and production base and obtaining additional extra-budgetary funds. The most suitable organizational form for that period of time from an economic point of view was chosen - a closed joint stock company. The technopark received the name ZAO Technopark LTA. The production base for JSC Technopark LTA was the territory and production premises of former training and production workshops.

Currently, CJSC Technopark LTA, which is a commercial organization in form, but in essence is still a non-profit organization, since all profits go towards achieving the main goal - improving the training and production base of St. Petersburg GLTA, has encountered great difficulties in its further development in connection with changes in the regulatory framework. As a commercial structure, JSC Technopark LTA rents production space from one of its founders, the Forestry Academy.

Until recently, funds from the rental of premises were used as a means of additional extra-budgetary financing of the university, and higher education institutions could establish certain benefits on rent for individual organizations whose commercial activities were aimed at ensuring educational process and expansion of research and development activities. Currently, rental payments are considered as additional budgetary funding for the university.

The management of JSC Technopark LTA, understanding the need for deep reforms at the enterprise, makes a choice of the main direction - innovative activity. Innovative activity implies a whole range of different functions that the organization conducting this activity must implement.

At JSC, human creative potential is highly valued. Creative abilities are the main criterion when hiring. Employees have flexibility and agility of thinking, the need for creative self-realization, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing working conditions, and the inclination and ability to learn and retrain. This gives the company a guarantee that this specialist will be able to work at the proper level and will be able to benefit the company.

2.2 Organization of personnel management in CJSC Technopark LTA

Each enterprise has its own personnel management system. Let's consider the elements of the personnel management system at JSC Technopark LTA.

The goals of personnel management of this enterprise are:

increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

increasing production and labor efficiency;

ensuring high social efficiency of the team’s functioning.

Successful achievement of the set goals requires solving the corresponding tasks, namely: meeting the enterprise's needs for labor, achieving a reasonable relationship between the organizational and technical structure of production potential and the structure of labor potential, full and effective use of the employee's potential, providing conditions for highly productive work, ensuring the realization of desires and the interests of employees in relation to etc.

The effectiveness of personnel management and the most complete implementation of set goals largely depend on the choice of options for constructing the enterprise personnel management system itself, knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, and the choice of optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

If most private companies lure employees from organizations with similar profiles, then the innovative enterprise Technopark LTA, as an employer, competes primarily with academic and applied science (budgetary scientific and research-and-production organizations). Competitive personnel are an important factor in a competitive enterprise.

Increased production and labor efficiency is achieved by the following feature of the JSC: control in the organization is minimal, since the degree of trust in the self-organization of the design personnel is quite high. Management provides some organizational freedom to leading employees, due to the focus not on generating man-hours, but on the final result - a knowledge-intensive product.

Every employee who comes to LTA Technopark can see how fast the enterprise is developing. The organization has a large number of partners, which expands the horizons of professional activity. Consequently, such an enterprise has great growth prospects. This applies not only to the growth of qualifications, but also to career advancement.

CJSC Technopark LTA provides employees with the opportunity to set their own working hours. In addition, when employees perform company tasks, they are allowed to choose how to complete the task. In this case, the goal can be set by the manager, but the employees can decide for themselves how to achieve this goal.

Great prospects for growth, career advancement, and improvement of qualifications attract new specialists, since people are always interested in broad career opportunities. This enterprise does not make “good” or “bad” conclusions about a person’s past activities. They assume that negative evaluation demotivates employees. When evaluating an employee, they look at the contribution the employee has made. The most promising employees have a special career path. In addition, financial criteria are included in the assessment system, since the development of a high-tech business requires a serious economic basis.

Once the overall strategy of the organization is understood, it becomes possible to establish individual HR functions that will best align with that strategy.

At JSC Technopark LTA, the following main functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

a clear understanding and implementation of the strategic and tactical goals of your company;

analysis of existing personnel potential.

Close contacts with SPbGLTA allow the company to solve personnel problems by selecting future employees from among talented students. Thus, one of them, who has repeatedly undergone internship at the company, can quickly fit into the team after graduating from the institute and in a short period “grow” to the head of the department. For example, during the selection of candidates for a position, they are tested in order to identify first of all those who intend to work in the organization for a long time. Also, to maintain staff stability, the company is trying to improve its motivational policy.

In an innovative enterprise characterized by uncertainty and significant risk, it is almost impossible to predict the future need for labor resources. At LTA Technopark, when hiring employees, they look at a person’s creative potential, since in the market, and especially in the innovation market, there are constant changes, the employee also needs to have flexibility and agility of thinking, creative potential, the need for creative self-realization, the ability to adapt to rapidly changing working conditions, the inclination and ability to learn and retrain. Only such a specialist will be able to work at the proper level and benefit the enterprise.

2.3 Assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management in CJSC Technopark LTA

We reviewed the personnel management system at the company Technopark LTA CJSC. Having analyzed this system, we can identify the main features of the personnel management system in LTA Technopark and understand what impact these features have on the work of the company.

Conclusions about the main management parameters of Technopark LTA CJSC and the nature of their impact on innovation activity can be presented in the form of a table (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. The impact of the personnel management system on innovation.

Managerial parametersInterpretationMethod of influencing innovative activitySources of personnel: hiring workers Hiring workers with a “creative flair”, experience in participating in innovative projects. The chances that workers will put forward and develop new ideas increase. Hiring workers from diverse backgrounds Increases diversity of perspectives. People development. Rotation between functions, product lines, and geographic areas. Increases diversity of perspectives and ideas. Promotion of workers with different backgrounds into management. Makes the composition of the organization's senior management team more balanced. Stability of personnel and staff turnover Ensuring staff stability and low staff turnover. Maintains skills and abilities, knowledge of communication networks in the company. Individual goals Providing the opportunity to spend part of the working time at your own discretion. Encourages entrepreneurial activity, speeds up the response to new opportunities. Methods of personnel assessment Focus on performance or on the capabilities of employees. Negative results can demotivate the employee Who participates in the assessment The more people participate, the more aspects of the performance are taken into account Criteria and data used in the assessment: Influence what employees pay attention to attention: Wide range of criteria, including the way to achieve results Increases the attention of employees to long-term development Proximity of the assessor to the employee Affects the coverage of data that will be used Motivation of personnel Use of the “perspective” effect, virtual and physical expansion of professional activities, the principle of an individual approach, career and qualification incentives - Concentration of attention on financial results. - Increased employee attention to long-term development. - Affects the coverage of the data to be used.

So, at the enterprise CJSC Technopark LTA, the main criterion for hiring is a person’s creative abilities. They try to understand how a person approaches a matter. Does he have some kind of creative flair, does the person strive to do something in an unusual way, outside the box, is he looking for his own path in work. Or the person simply adapts to existing norms and styles and does a good but unremarkable job. Particularly interested are people who have experience promoting their own projects, who strive to put their own ideas into practice, to do something in their own way. They pay special attention to hiring workers with different basic education, different training, specialists in a variety of areas, in a variety of fields. This guarantees that this specialist will be able to work at the proper level and will be able to benefit the enterprise.

Minimal control in the organization gives employees freedom and the right to shape their working day. In addition, when employees perform company tasks, they are allowed to choose how to complete the task. In this case, the goal can be set by the manager, but the employees can decide for themselves how to achieve this goal. This gives employees a sense of importance, a sense that the company trusts their ability to organize themselves.

Great prospects for growth, career advancement, and improvement of qualifications attract new specialists, since people are always interested in broad career opportunities. The personnel evaluation system at JSC Technopark LTA strives to ensure that employees always try to make an outstanding contribution to the organization. To maintain staff stability, the company is trying to improve its motivational policy.

Management tries to prevent staff turnover. Employees who leave an organization take with them skills that the organization could use. If an employee leaves, then a link in the organization’s network is lost. Thus, it is the problem of staff turnover that is relevant for this enterprise.

3. Improving personnel management at CJSC Technopark LTA

1 Development of organizational and methodological support for personnel management

management personnel innovative

As the study showed, one of the key tasks for an enterprise is to increase the efficiency of the personnel management system. A modern human resource management system must ensure the achievement of the necessary level of professionalism and motivation of employees to fulfill the strategic objectives of the company. Human resource management is a complex system that includes interconnected and interdependent subsystems for the creation, use and development of labor resources. Thus, the human resource management system is part of the overall strategy of the enterprise, without connection with which it loses all meaning.

Improving the personnel management system in accordance with the structure and goals of JSC Technopark LTA should be carried out in the following areas:

Selection and placement of personnel;

Remuneration and remuneration carried out taking into account the principles of fairness and impartiality, based on a clear in-house methodology;

Assessment of work and its effectiveness, based on clearly defined criteria (carried out by HR managers);

Personal development with an emphasis on qualitative growth of the level and expansion of the field of activity;

Training and advanced training of employees;

Move planning based on actual travel needs and using a wide variety of methods.

Bonuses (encouragements) for distinguished employees outside of remuneration systems, which can be carried out on the basis of the following indicators:

Proper performance of the duties assigned to the employee by job description;

Increased labor productivity;

Improving product quality;

Personal contribution of the employee to the activities of the enterprise;

The result of the enterprise's activities;

The ability to make optimal decisions within one’s competence.

A controversial question asked by every innovative enterprise is the role of employee turnover. For some reason, this situation is seen as conducive to innovation. But in order to preserve professional skills, the organization must retain employees. After several years of work, each person knows many people in the organization. When someone needs some specific information, they know where to go. Or when others need some information from an employee, they know who has it. When leaving, the employee takes with him some of the information important for the enterprise.

But despite the requests from practice, science has not yet developed a holistic concept and technology for managing this process. However, the consequences of turnover depend both on its quantitative size and on the qualitative composition of the organization’s employees who have left (dismissed). Therefore, the basis of the concept of reducing staff turnover should be not only ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the organization as a whole, but also the widespread development of its personnel potential in comparison with changes in the external environment, as well as programs for the adaptation of accepted personnel. Adaptation cannot be considered only as mastering a specialty. It also provides for the adaptation of the newcomer to the social norms of behavior operating in the team, the establishment of such cooperative relations between the employee and the team that best ensure effective work.

New employees need knowledge about the place - the functional responsibilities and requirements of the work performed, the team - that is, the people around the employee with whom he will come into contact in everyday affairs, politics - that is, the company's objectives and the expectations of its employees, and the product - the There is a product or set of services with which the company enters the market.

Structural consolidation of adaptation management functions can take place in the following areas:

allocation of the appropriate unit in the structure of the personnel management system. Currently, the onboarding management functions are part of the personnel training division;

distribution of specialists involved in adaptation management among production divisions of the enterprise during downsizing, coordination of their activities by the personnel management service;

development of mentoring, which has been undeservedly forgotten in our enterprises in recent years.

3.2 Measures to improve the efficiency of personnel management at JSC Technopark LTA

To increase the efficiency of the personnel management system of JSC Technopark LTA, we propose the following measures:

Develop a complex to improve material and non-material incentives aimed at normalizing the level of turnover among industrial production personnel, namely:

material incentives (develop a program for providing free sanatorium and resort vouchers, payment for telephone calls, payment for lunches for employees, organization of corporate events with the presentation of gifts);

non-material incentives (the opportunity to use the corporate library, carry out disease prevention - vaccinating employees against the flu). Before making a decision to update the non-material incentive program, it is necessary to conduct an anonymous survey of employees to find out their opinions and wishes regarding changes to the social package. The most interesting offers (within the financial capabilities of the company) become part of the motivation program.

No less important point in the functioning of the non-material motivation system is the financial justification of its effectiveness, competent budgeting of a particular expense item. When making any changes or additions to the program, we calculate the possible economic effect and draw up a cost budget. Then, at the Board of Directors, when approving the budgets of departments and the consolidated budget of the enterprise, we present an analytical note on the proposed changes. The draft budget with changes is sent to the General Director for approval. Analysis of the effectiveness of the changes made is an obligatory part of the HR director’s work; it will be carried out every six months.

Introduce a “Young Specialist” Center into the HR department, which should implement a compulsory training program for young specialists, the main objectives of which are:

Adaptation of young specialists, preparing them to effectively perform assigned tasks;

Development of technical skills necessary for work;

Training specialists with leadership and creative potential.

The center should carry out work in several areas:

represent the interests of young specialists before the management of the Company;

promote the growth of motivation of young professionals to succeed in their working lives;

help in solving social problems and production issues;

supervise young specialists who are experiencing difficulties in completing the tasks assigned to them.

This program may consist of three stages, each lasting 1 year (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Stages of the compulsory training program for young specialists.

Stages Characteristics of stage 1 stage Acquaintance with the Company (with the organizational structure and production, with the team of the enterprise, directly with the functions and powers of the structural unit in which the young specialist will work, with his job responsibilities, with the workplace, etc.) 2 stage In-depth studying the regulatory framework relating to work, consolidating practical and technical skills, increasing the level of qualifications, because a high level of knowledge and skills of specialists is the key to successfully solving problems and achieving strategic goals facing the enterprise Stage 3 Identification of management potential is carried out in the form of a business assessment game. During the game, participants are assessed for their ability to work in a team and their motivation for development.

A special commission, observing the progress of the game and evaluating the results, identifies the participants who have shown themselves best, who receive individual recommendations and assessment of professional and personal qualities. Young specialists who successfully apply the acquired knowledge and demonstrate efficiency in the workplace are included in the personnel reserve of JSC Technopark LTA. To register the results of work with young specialists, the following methods can be used:

Questionnaires, surveys, interviews;

Participation in the conference;

Evaluation procedures (calculation of economic efficiency);


The effectiveness of the Center "Young Specialist" will be reflected in the achievement of the following results:

no dismissal of young specialists during the probationary period;

introducing young professionals to corporate culture, team cohesion;

rapid adaptation of young specialists in mastering their work activities, acquiring practical skills, and the ability for career growth;

level and stability of quantitative indicators: systematic fulfillment of tasks, increased qualifications of personnel, increased level of discipline;

satisfaction with working conditions, social guarantees and the team; increased motivation of young professionals to succeed in their working lives;

ensuring preferential filling of vacancies with trained internal resources.

Calculating the economic effect of actions to reduce staff turnover is a very important, but at the same time difficult stage, since it requires special economic data. It is almost impossible to accurately calculate in monetary terms the losses from high staff turnover and the costs of eliminating it at JSC Technopark LTA today. Therefore, the course work will present indicative calculations (see tables 3.1 and 3.2).

Table 3.1. - Costs of the Center "Young Specialist" (per year).

No. Events Comments 1 Material remuneration for the person responsible for training young employees The person responsible for this event is the HR manager. The approximate amount of costs is 10,000 rubles. per year.2Purchase of technical equipmentCost of laptops: 2 pcs. * 50 thousand rubles. = 100 thousand rubles. Cost of telephones: 2 radiotelephones at a price of 700 rubles; 2*700 = 1400; The cost of the air conditioner is 17 + 6 thousand rubles. (installation); Total: 100,000 + 1,400 + 17,000 + 6000 = 124,400 rubles 3 Improved mentoring system The new mentoring system involves a more attentive attitude towards the “newcomer”, this will be paid in the amount of 1000 rubles. The mentoring system is designed for 1-2 months. Taking into account that 8 people will be recruited per year: (1000-700) * 1.5 months. * 8 people = 3,600 rubles. 4 Conducting interviews and questionnaires If you add up the costs of paper and printing, you get approximately 7,000 rubles. per yearTotal: 144.600

Table 3.2. - The amount of losses from high staff turnover (per year).

No.LossesComment1Search and selection of personnelDuring the year, due to staff turnover, an additional 254 employees were recruited. Searching and selecting personnel costs approximately 150 rubles. per employee (recruitment costs, Internet, electricity, cost of telephone calls, etc.) 150 * 254 = 38,100 rubles. 2 Training and mentoring An average of 1 thousand rubles is spent on training one employee. (recruitment, payment of employees for mentoring, handouts, electricity, etc.) 1.000*254 = 254.000Total: 294000

Thus, the cost of carrying out measures to reduce the level of staff turnover is 149,400 rubles. per year is less than the losses from it, which proves the economic efficiency of the proposed recommendations. With the help of these recommendations, the length of service of employees in the organization will be increased from several months to a year or more and the number of unexplained departures will be reduced. This will be facilitated by a more effective motivation system, more comfortable working conditions and a more attentive attitude of management towards staff.

Advice on personnel selection will help avoid hiring incompetent employees, and the personnel reserve will ensure that in the event of an emergency departure of employees (including illness, maternity leave, etc.), the rest of the staff will not be overloaded with work and there will be no downtime. Monitoring employee departures will help identify the exact reasons for employee departure and identify gaps in management. The measures recommended in the third chapter to improve the efficiency of personnel management will increase employee job satisfaction, as well as reduce staff turnover.


So, in the course of studying the topic: “Personnel Management of an Innovative Enterprise,” we studied theoretical sources, such as books, textbooks, teaching aids, electronic magazines, as well as Internet resources. As a result of this, we learned that an innovative enterprise is an enterprise which introduces product or process innovations, regardless of who was the author of the innovation - employees of this organization or external agents. In addition, it was studied what elements the structure of the personnel management system in an innovative enterprise consists of.

Traditional HR services are not designed to work in innovative organizations that have their own characteristics and distinctive features. Consequently, there is an increasing need for personnel management specialists who know the specifics of working in an innovative organization, who are able to solve the problems of managing conflicts and stress, managing work motivation, managing employee adaptation, regulating group and interpersonal relationships etc. in a rapidly changing innovation system. This is evidenced by a review of foreign and Russian experience in the field of personnel management at an innovative enterprise.

The solution to the current situation should be the awareness of the need to change approaches to managing innovation activities, which differ from functional ones in their instability, high degree of risk of the final result, and the high importance of the role of the organization’s personnel.

The measures recommended in the third chapter to improve the efficiency of personnel management will increase employee job satisfaction, as well as reduce the rate of staff turnover. The proposed ways to improve personnel management will help reduce staff resistance to innovation and contribute to the further accumulation of knowledge and critical creative skills.

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