Dream interpretation large red apples on a tree. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of apples in a dream: collect, tear or eat them

Apples on a subconscious level symbolize the internal state of a person. To understand why apples are dreamed of, you need to pay attention to the smallest details of the dream. You must remember the color and size of the fruit you dreamed about.

What you do with the fruit plays a very important role in the interpretation of dreams with apples. Also, one of the determining factors for the interpretation of a dream is the color of the apples seen in the dream. But in any case, these fruits seen in a dream do not pose a serious threat to real life.

I dream about a lot of apples

Perhaps the exception is the dream plot in which you see a lot of apples. This indicates disagreements in the family that will begin soon.

Apples on a tall tree

In addition, you should pay attention to a dream in which apples grow on a high tree and you cannot pick them. This may indicate your excessive arrogance, which greatly interferes with your life.

Red apples - interpretation of sleep

People often wonder why bright red apples are seen in dreams? In a dream, these fruits symbolize a joyful and good mood. Therefore, you need to know why such fruits are dreamed of.

Some stories can be interpreted as follows:

    If you see fruits on a tree, then expect good news soon; When you buy red apples in a store, this portends a successful completion of the work you started; Apples scattered on the ground indicate that you are always the center of attention of friends; Eating apples red color, which means you can expect a very pleasant surprise in life.

Rotten red apples

Dreaming of such apples is also a good sign. The following should be considered:
    Apples lying on the table portend a long trip or sudden profit; If you eat such apples, you will receive a well-deserved reward in the near future.

Dream interpretation - wormy apples

When in a dream your attention is focused on the fact that apples are wormy, it means that you can count on the support of a close friend. A beautiful red apple cut in half foreshadows a successful marriage soon.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, then such a dream characterizes your relationships with loved ones. If you dreamed of wormy yellow apples, then this foreshadows discord in the family, although such conflicts, as a rule, are not significant and compromises are quickly found to resolve them. Small, wormy yellow fruits seen in a dream signify changes in your personal life. But if you go through them in a dream, it means that in the near future you will fall in love.

Actions with apples - the solution to dreams

The main plots in the dream can be interpreted as follows:
    Picking fruits from a tree means being jealous of a loved one in real life and experiencing strong melancholy when he is not around; Using fruits to fill a pie means you will soon receive pleasant news from your closest relatives; Eating an apple means that you will soon declare your love .

Seeing green apples in a dream

It’s very good if you dreamed of green apples. This indicates that a successful career awaits you and, as a result, a significant improvement in well-being. If in a dream you buy green fruits, then this means that in real life you will successfully complete the project you have started.

Why do you dream of spoiled apples?

But, if you dream of spoiled green apples, then be careful when communicating with colleagues. Since you may suffer from their intrigues. But if you eat such fruits in a dream, then the leadership will be on your side.

Apple taste

It is very important, upon waking up, to remember the taste of apples in a dream, if you ate them. It is noteworthy that sour apples foretell a prosperous and joyful life. Why do you dream of apples if they:
    Large, then soon you will have an unforgettable vacation and fun adventures; Small, then in the near future you will have the opportunity to do what you love.

Dreamed about sweet apples

Dreaming of sweet apples indicates that in real life you have to make a serious choice. If you pick an apple from the tree before eating it, it means that it will be easy for you to make a choice. But if you take a fruit from the ground, it means that before making a decision, you must consult with a wise person.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, apples in a dream definitely promise prosperity. The most favorable dream is considered to be one in which you see a red apple surrounded by green leaves. Ripe apples on a tree indicate that your deepest desires will soon come true. But at the same time, rotten or spoiled apples seen in a dream are not considered a very good sign. This may indicate:
    To the efforts made in vain on the way to the goal; To the occurrence of minor troubles in life.
According to Miller's dream book, it is not very good if you pick apples from the ground in a dream. This could be a warning that in real life, someone wants to harm you.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous healer Vanga considered the apple a symbol of wisdom. She argued that if a person picks an apple in a dream, then he shows an interest in deeply understanding the phenomena of life. According to Vanga’s dream book, eating an apple means that in life you will meet a wise person whose advice you should definitely listen to. A wormy apple in a dream, according to the healer, foreshadows the arrival of false news to you. Therefore, for some time you need to carefully think through your actions and decisions, otherwise big troubles await you.

According to Freud

Freud's psychological dream book associates apples in dreams with intimate relationships. If you dreamed of a beautiful ripe apple, then your hopes for an intimate relationship with the person you like will not come true. Wormy apples seen in a dream emphasize the fact that you are jealous of your partner. But, as a rule, in this case, nothing threatens the union of two loving hearts. If you dreamed of apples, do not rush to interpret the dream. First, analyze the events happening around you. Listen to your inner voice, it will certainly tell you to which area of ​​life you should apply the apples you saw in a dream.

What an apple means in a dream, as a rule, portends very good events. However, for a correct interpretation, you need to take into account all the details of the dream. Interpretation largely depends on the condition, quality and degree of maturity of the fetus.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream foreshadows illness. Eating apples means being disappointed in something. Collecting them is a sign of temptation and deception.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

As a rule, an apple symbolizes restoration of potential, increased vitality and good health. It can also foreshadow temptation.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Apple, an important discovery awaits him in the future.

Zadeki's Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an apple?

This dream foretells success in all matters and endeavors.

Assyrian dream book

When a dreamer eats an apple in a dream, then in reality he will receive everything that his soul strives for.

Gypsy dream book

What you dream about portends inconstancy in matters of friendship. Ripe red fruits indicate friendly relationships that you can rely on. or apple pie in a dream tells a person that his high expectations will end in disappointment.

English apple?

This dream is a very good omen. It portends happiness, long life, success in career and love. Apples in dreams promise mothers a lot of joy. The dream suggests that their children will grow up to be extraordinary and rich people.

Miller's Dream Book

For most people, apples promise very good things to happen. If you dream of red fruits hanging among green foliage on trees, then this is a very good sign. When a person eats rotten or rotten apples in a dream, this is an unkind omen. Ripe fruits on the trees - the onset of a favorable time for the fulfillment of the dreamer's desires. He should think carefully about his goals and boldly move forward. If the apples hang too high, closer to the top of the tree, the sleeper should not set the bar too high in his desires and dreams. Fruits falling to the ground warn the dreamer against flatterers and imaginary friends who could cause harm.

Moon apple?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the state of the fruit. If the apples are ripe, then the sleeping person will have a happy marriage. When they are immature there is damage. Baked fruits are self-interest. Sweet and tasty apples mean fun and prosperity, and wine apples mean great joy. White fruits mean success, and red fruits mean tears.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The apple is a symbol of love relationships, temptations, as well as clarity and certainty. Picking these fruits means great luck and fulfillment of desires. Cleaning them means frustration and disappointment. Eating sweet apples is a good sign, but sour ones are a sign of sadness and some kind of compulsion.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

What big apples mean in dreams (especially if they are ripe and strong) can be called a great success. Seeing them on trees means plans will come true. Buying fruits and eating them is a very good sign. Not being able to reach the apples on the tree is a risk due to excessive ambition. Cutting a fruit means some controversial situation that will negatively affect business. Green apples indicate that there will definitely be success and plans will come true, but you need to be patient. But if they taste sweet, luck will come to the sleeper before he expects it.

Why do you dream about apples | Good Dreams

Apples in a dream are a good dream, especially if they are ripe, beautiful and large. Sour apples mean annoyance, bitter ones - sadness, boiled ones - joy, baked ones - self-interest, green ones - troubles with your health await you. Seeing a lot of apples means family squabbles. Collecting apples in a basket in a dream means that your efforts will not be in vain, you will achieve what you want. If in a dream an apple lies on a plate, it means that some interesting event will happen, and you will be a direct participant in it. Holding a golden apple in your hand means receiving recognition, fame, love. An apple is rolling along the path - relatives will come to you.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming about apples is usually a good sign, especially if you dream of red apples among green foliage. Ripe apples in a dream - soon your dreams will come true. But apples lying on the ground are not a very good sign. Most likely, someone close to you wants to do something unpleasant for you. Spoiled or rotten apples predict the futility of your efforts. There are spoiled apples in a dream - trouble is approaching.

However, if you dreamed of rotten or wormy apples, such a dream is a warning - troubles are coming, false benevolence, betrayal from those whom you considered friends.

Apple in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book, apples are interpreted as a symbol of femininity, as well as wisdom, which will certainly be rewarded. But you shouldn’t be too arrogant; it’s better to rely on the will of fate. Only she ultimately decides who, when, with what and for what to reward, and gives not what we want, but what we really need.

If you dreamed that you were cutting an apple into pieces, it means that you are in a strong delusion, the payment for which will be high, but, nevertheless, you will have to pay it. Perhaps this will be a break in a significant relationship with one of your close friends.

Ripe apples in a dream They say that a favorable stage has come in your life for solving all problems. All goals will be achieved, plans will be implemented. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions and act thoughtfully and measuredly, then success will not keep you waiting long. Green, unripe apples are usually dreamed of as a warning about impending deterioration in your health. Rotten, wormy apples in a dream promise disappointment in loved ones.

Why do we dream of yellow apples if the generated signals, through new forms, seek an opportunity for the manifestation of internal sensations? Pourable, ripe fruits are an indicator of good health, prosperity, high energy, and sexual activity. Attempts to reach a fruit-bearing branch with your hand indicate an internal desire for development. Only optimistic people who are drawn to the sun and success see the sunny shade. Pay attention to career-related events. Transformation in relationships and self-development is not excluded.

If you see white apples, expect productive events associated with long expectations. The test of patience is over, and inner triumph is expressed through pure color. For brides this is a signal of a wedding, for business people - success in business.

Spoiled apples in a dream

Spoiled apples - why rotten apples are dreamed of - means losses and disappointments for a businessman in the financial sector. A dried apple or apple tree is a sign of the “futility” of affairs and projects.

Seeing rotten apples in a dream means coming to terms with empty hopes, a string of troubles, being disappointed in your partners and your own beliefs. A warning that trampling in one place and loss of life guidelines will lead to depression. It is known what wormy apples mean in dreams. In this case, viruses of consciousness generated by gloomy thoughts are responsible for failures in response. Protect yourself from negativity by creating a virtual filter in your head that controls the flow of thoughts. Fish cannot be found in muddy water.

Despite the fact that dreams about harvesting from branches warn us against haste, seeing padanka apples in a dream and picking them is a very bad sign. We must beware of dubious connections so as not to find ourselves in an ambiguous position. Choose your new acquaintances carefully.

Picking red ripe fruits from an apple tree - expect serious material losses due to your own carelessness or due to a quarrel with your patron. Collecting ripe fruits in a basket means that the result of your work will be appreciated by everyone, only after some time.

When you pick apples from the ground, you hope to have something that you have no right to. Remember, they were wormy? Vanga's dream book explains why a wormy apple is dreamed of. There is a possibility of losing if you rely on unreliable information and do not predict the result.

Of course, it’s good if an apple tree with huge apples on its branches bends under the weight of the fruit. The dream book will tell you why you dream of a bag of collected apples - of course, an improvement in your financial situation, remarkable financial success. Have you already prepared your wallet? If you are a young girl, you won't need it. If a girl picks apples in a dream, and there are a lot of them, a wedding ring, a happy family life and a fat husband’s wallet await her.

If in a dream you see apples in the snow, then in real life you should slightly cool down your love fervor.

Picking apples is a dream that predicts pleasure and the fall from grace.

Taking apples from a deceased person is a sign of insincerity or fading of your feelings for your loved one.

Peeled apples are an unfavorable symbol for the dreamer. No matter how much you regret what you did.

A bitten or bitten apple is a sign that you are being misled. This same dream is a harbinger of quarrels with a loved one.

Apples falling on your head or directly into your hands is a favorable sign. You are on the threshold, if not of great discoveries, then of knowledge of the truth.

Dream interpretation apples cut, distribute, different varieties, dried, throw

Cutting or distributing, giving, giving away apples in a dream means parting with a loved one in real life.

Seeing apples of different varieties in a dream means instability in love relationships.

I often dream of apples in the form of a pie, baked or in other dishes. This is an important sign - most likely, the World wants to advise you not to exaggerate your expectations in any matter. Otherwise, you will be disappointed - after all, there will be fruits, but far from what you hope or expect.

If you had to pick apples from a tree in a dream - this is great, feel free to expect a generous reward for your work, new friends or even love, recognition, money. What you truly deserve and sincerely desire will certainly come into your life!

An apple is rarely a bad symbol, but warning dreams do occur. For example, buying apples in a dream means deception or unsuccessful business. Such a dream can speak of your own selfishness, insincerity, and greed. Try to be more honest with people and in business.

Erotic dream book

Apple - Quarrel

Jewish dream book of Azar

Dream Interpretation: Seeing apples in a dream

Apple - Betrayal in the family

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of Apples according to the dream book:

Apple - Seeing a large ripe apple in a dream is a sign that a great discovery will soon be made. Such a dream tells the dreamer that in the future he will receive respect from a large number of people. If you dreamed of a rotten apple, then such a dream means that the business you are doing will end unsuccessfully. Eating an apple in a dream means meeting a beautiful woman who will have a great influence on your destiny. Perhaps this dream indicates that in the future a woman will come to power in one of the states of the world, who will manage to make this state the most powerful in the whole world. If in a dream you saw a large number of apples, then in the future amazing fruits will be discovered that resemble apples in shape. These fruits will restore health and youth to people.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream about Apples:

Apple – Green, unripe youth of the soul; spoiled, fallen, your soul is subject to premature aging. Ruddy, pouring period of good health, elation. The wormy thing is that some kind of disease is “wearing away” at you, despite your apparent health. See "Fruits".

And throwing picked fruits from the top of a tree to the ground is a symbolic, but very pleasant present. If a thrown apple hits someone, you can relax - your colleagues will do the bulk of the difficult work for you.

When in a dream you are sorting the harvest, in life be careful with your statements. If you see green among the ripe fruits, this indicates your sexual dissatisfaction. And the rotten among the good reminds you that you need the moral support of your friends.

If you saw a dream: apples and everything connected with them, interpret it based on your vision of life and the events taking place in it.

By using intuition, you can easily understand what will happen in your life. By carefully considering possible options for the development of events, you can adjust them to your advantage.

Dreams in which you dream of apples, according to most interpreters are considered positive, however, there are also negative interpretations of these fruits in your dreams. The Assyrian dream book contains information that if you dreamed about eating pieces of apples, then you will always have success in love affairs. The British note dreams about apples in their dream book as a good sign. At the same time, the dream book says - your life will be filled with happiness, your career will go uphill, and you will also be lucky in love. The British see a very good omen if a mother has such a dream, because she can count on the fact that her children will grow up to be extraordinary and famous personalities. The usually gloomy Meneghetti boils down his interpretations to the fact that the apple can be considered the personification of a successful life and the pleasures derived from it.

However, there are also negative interpretations of dreams about apples, for example, in Tsvetkov’s dream book. The interpreter is sure that these fruits are harbingers of troubles or possible illnesses.

Picking and eating apples in dreams. What is it for?

Miller, in his dream book, views dreams about apples as generally positive. Especially if in a dream you saw ripe, juicy red fruits. In his opinion, such a dream foreshadows the quick achievement of your goals, the fulfillment of some of your hopes. It also matters whether you saw the apples on a tree or on the ground. crumbled, they report that you may be harmed in some way by the flattery or hypocrisy of others.

Vanga in his interpretations identifies apples with wisdom and reward. A dream in which you had to pick fruits from a tree means that soon you will feel the need to comprehend some essence, communicate with people and have long thoughts. If you dreamed that you were eating an apple, the fortuneteller sees in the dream an indication of a quick acquaintance with a person older than you, from whom you can learn a lot if you respond kindly to him for the knowledge and experience gained. Apple cut into slices, according to the woman, will be a warning about possible retribution for one’s own delusions.

Freud interprets dreams in which you ate a delicious, ripe apple as a signal that the person for whom you have some feelings will not be able to answer you in kind because of his homosexuality.

The fortuneteller Nostradamus notes that large and ripe fruits dream of future discoveries, and eating an apple in a dream, in his understanding, promises a quick acquaintance with a woman who knows how to have a significant impact on your life. At the same time, the soothsayer is confident that such a dream could mean the coming to power in one of the countries of a woman who will be able to turn the state into the No. 1 world power in the world.

Hasse's dream book also contains positive interpretations of dreams about apples. An apple tree with fruits symbolizes making new friends; picking apples from a tree foretells some kind of joy or doing something pleasant. If you dreamed that you were eating an apple, pleasant experiences regarding your personal life await you ahead. At the same time, the dream book indicates that drunk in a dream Apple juice- prophesies illness, a sour-tasting apple will warn of sadness and possible insincerity of friends, and cutting the fruit promises separation from a friend.

Esotericists consider the apple to be the personification of your soul. Green apple in a dream may indicate spiritual youth, falling ahead of time may indicate the soul’s tendency to early aging; a ripe and red apple symbolizes a period of excellent health and unprecedented elation. The modern dream book considers dreams about ripe, red apples as an indication of the speedy fulfillment of all desires.

Rotten or wormy apple in a dream

According to Miller's dream book, rotten apples will warn of the futility of efforts, and eating spoiled fruits the interpreter considers it a bad sign. Vanga’s dream book says that a wormy apple in a dream is a harbinger of you receiving some false information; the seer recommends carefully thinking through any of your actions. For Freud, dreams of wormy fruits serve as an indication of possible betrayal by your significant other. However, the interpreter claims that there is no seriousness in this relationship and the partner who went on a spree will soon return back with a huge feeling of guilt. For Nostradamus, a dream about rotten apples is a reliable confirmation of the failure of the business on which you are currently spending time and energy, and Hasse regards such dreams as warning of impending danger, like modern interpreters. For the esoteric dream book, a wormy apple is a symbol of a disease that sits inside you without manifesting itself externally.

I dreamed about an apple tree

If you dreamed of an apple tree, interpreters offer a variety of meanings for the dream. Tsvetkova’s dream book considers such a dream to be a harbinger of a message about someone’s death, while Hasse sees in a dream with an apple tree future success in business or the receipt of good news. Freud points out that dreams in which you shook an apple tree to get its fruit are directly related to your sex life. The interpreter advises making more efforts in bed in order to please your partner. The modern dream book sees in dreams about an apple tree an indication of quick fulfillment of desires However, there is a clarification that those dreams in which you were unable to get fruits from the branches of a tree warn of the impossibility of achieving your goal.

Specific interpretations

What does a dream about red apples mean - find out right now.

The interpretation of a dream about green apples must be carried out taking into account the details.

What does a dream about many apples bring - joy or sadness?

How to use the hint correctly and avoid trouble after dreaming about rotten apples.

Don't miss the chance, by correctly deciphering the dream about ripe apples, you can achieve a lot.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

Prosperity awaits you in your family life. A promising marriage will develop into a real strong love that nothing can destroy. But be careful - you shouldn’t completely dissolve in another person, even if it’s your dearest and closest spouse.

Picking apples

To expect joyful, pleasant news. You already feel that something good and positive will soon burst into your life. This is true, everyday life will take on more meaning than it currently has for you.

Steal apples

Your love will be unrequited. You will have to suffer unrequitedly for some person, moreover, having learned about this, he may begin to openly mock you and your feelings. Therefore, if possible, try to keep everything secret.

Wormy apples

Changes in life will be completely joyless. Soon fate will present a black streak: everything you undertake will turn out to be impossible. By trying to solve problems that arise, you threaten to incur even more trouble.

apple core

You have to take part in a business that will bring big profits. The only thing that can darken the joy is that you will think that your share is too modest, and you should get much more, since you put a lot of effort into promoting this business.

Dream interpretation is an ancient science, and to this day people look into dream books in search of answers. Often we see symbols, signs, hints in our dreams - things that are definitely worth paying well-deserved, close attention to. One such obvious symbol is the apple. If you saw apples in a dream, what is it for? What to expect, what to hope for, and in general, how to behave?

Apples are the oldest of all existing symbols!

This is not an exaggeration. It is difficult to find a more ancient symbol in culture and history than this fruit - after all, it was the fruit that became decisive in biblical history. A forbidden fruit, a child of the Tree of Paradise, a symbol of eternal life and true pleasures - the apple has been endowed with sacred meaning from time immemorial. The apple tree itself is very ancient, but few people know about it - today the apple tree is too familiar to each of us. But earlier it was considered a sacred, sacred, powerful tree among many peoples, in particular among our ancestors. The apple tree is a symbol of fertility, limitless natural strength, life and longevity. The apple is endowed with many meanings: even a symbol of the Universe. Here is just a partial list of what this fruit means:

  • Force;
  • Fertility;
  • Wisdom;
  • Reward;
  • Life;
  • Longevity;
  • Temptation, temptation;
  • Beauty and youth;
  • Luck;

It is not for nothing that such a huge number of ancient rituals and predictions are associated with the apple tree and apples. Without a doubt, seeing apples in a dream is not just like that. An apple is too voluminous and important a sign to appear in a dream without a reason. Through such a dream, the subconscious, or even the surrounding Nature, wants to point out something, suggest a way out of a situation, warn about the wrong path, or, on the contrary, point out the right action. But the interpretation of such a dream must be careful - after all, apples are different from each other.

Apples in a dream – what to expect?

Dream books can help you decipher the meaning of the dream.

In most cases, apples appear in dreams as a sign of something good - it is rare in any dream book to find information about a bad omen if you dream about this fruit.

Most dream books indicate that eating apples in a dream means good luck, prosperity, and wealth. And it’s not surprising, because in the world of dreams you are absorbing a sacred fruit, and this is a good sign! The apple tree is a symbol of life and fertility, and it is also a feminine tree. It is the female nature that is close to the apple tree, so such a dream is very good for women, girls, and especially for. For a mother, seeing apples in a dream is a guarantee of the child’s health; for a pregnant woman, it is an assurance that the birth will be wonderful and the baby will be healthy and strong. Often pregnant women dream of an apple tree with apples - and this is a very good symbol, clearly a good sign.

For a young person, an apple can mean temptation, seduction, forbidden fruit. Remember Eve - she could not resist the beautiful ripe fruit. If a virgin has such a dream, this is a clear warning from the Higher Powers - and advice to be chaste, careful and not to commit rash, rash acts, and not to rush. So a young lady who saw an apple in a dream should be especially careful.

For a young man or man, an apple also has a positive meaning - it can mean victory, reward, recognition, etc. Such a dream often means the approval of the Universe in all endeavors, this means that you are most likely on the right path, and luck favors you.

Red, green - there is a difference!

The color of an apple is important in dreams. In general, colors have their own meaning, and the symbolism of various colors is a complex and extensive science. So, green has always been the color of goodness, friendship, cordiality, sincerity and honesty. This is a good, positive color. Therefore, we can safely say that if the apples in a dream are green, ripe, beautiful, this is an excellent sign. Probably, good, warm relationships with loved ones await you, reconciliation is possible, the end of the conflict. You might get an apology or make a new friend. If you recently started communicating with a new person, a green apple tells you that his intentions are pure and you can trust him.

As for the symbolism of the color yellow, everything is more complicated here. Yellow color is strength, assertiveness, survival, toughness. A man is more likely to dream of a yellow apple and will mean fruitful work, success in business relationships, and victory.

Red is the color of strength, passion, aggression, energy. If apples are red in a dream, this is a sign of fruitful friendship or cooperation, and perhaps love, passion, or conceiving a child. Often a red apple is a symbol of temptation, sensuality, which will not be in vain. Remember, an apple always means “fruit”, which means a result. Which one - you know better.

An apple from an apple tree...

The apple tree itself is an even more powerful symbol than its fruit. Therefore, the dream “apples on a tree” is a particularly important, fateful sign. Dreaming of an apple tree often means the same thing as the apple itself, only multiplied many times. If an apple is a good sign for a mother or a woman in labor, then an apple tree is simply excellent. In addition, an apple tree can mean a family reunion, a meeting with distant relatives.

I often dream of apples in the form of a pie, baked or in other dishes. This is an important sign - most likely, the World wants to advise you not to exaggerate your expectations in any matter. Otherwise, you will be disappointed - after all, there will be fruits, but far from what you hope or expect.

If you had to pick apples from a tree in a dream - this is great, feel free to expect a generous reward for your work, new friends or even love, recognition, money. What you truly deserve and sincerely desire will certainly come into your life!

An apple is rarely a bad symbol, but warning dreams do occur. For example, buying apples in a dream means deception or unsuccessful business. Such a dream can speak of your own selfishness, insincerity, and greed. Try to be more honest with people and in business.

It's even worse to steal apples in a dream- this is a clear hint from the Higher Powers that you are missing something important in life, while you believe that you yourself are unworthy of it. If you stole an apple in a dream, you probably don’t like, underestimate yourself in life, and this seriously bothers you.

Seeing rotten apples in a dream, or simply lying on the ground, dirty, ugly, beaten, and so on, is, of course, not a good sign. But he doesn't mean anything terrible. This means that someone close to you is not honest enough with you, or, on the contrary, you do not show honesty to people close to you. Also, rotten, spoiled apples can mean disappointment, the lack of desired fruits from work or creativity - keep this in mind.

Dreams are different

When interpreting any dream, a very important factor should be taken into account. No matter what the dream books say, each dream is an individual, unique phenomenon that will never happen again. And every dream has its own energy content, atmosphere, mood. Learn to feel this, because this factor can change the meaning of sleep! For example, you dreamed that you took a rotten apple and threw it out the window. The dream book says that this is a bad sign - disappointment, fruitless work, vain efforts and even illness. But in this dream you felt uplift, joy, delight, and woke up with a feeling of cleansing! How can there be such a contradiction? In fact, it may be very simple! If this happens, then feel free to interpret the dream differently: you threw the rotten apple, that is, illness, failure and powerlessness, out the window, that is, out of your life! And, of course, we felt a surge of strength and joy. Do it for real!

Having learned to feel the mood of a dream, you will be able to correctly interpret symbols and signs, and use dream books wisely. This also applies to good symbols - after all, it happens that you dream of something harmless, even, according to the dream book, good - and you wake up in fear and tears. How can such a negative, obviously bad state come from a good sign? Of course, it is worth reflecting on the meaning of this dream.

Sleep is not a death sentence!

No dream can become an accurate meaning of future events. If you dreamed of an apple, this is a good sign, but you should not assume that this is a 100% prediction. More often, such dreams are hints, codes, hints from the Universe. Rather, it is a guide to action. Our fate depends entirely on ourselves - and dreams only indicate possible dangers, the right and wrong path, and give subtle hints about the development of events. And it all depends entirely on how sensitively you listen to these hints...

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