Scenario of the propaganda team "patriots of Russia". Scenario for the competition of school propaganda teams “for a healthy lifestyle”

Poletaeva Oksana Yurievna,
biology and chemistry teacher
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 100 of the Kirov district of Vologograd

Propaganda team scenario

“I love you, life!”

Goal: To form an idea of ​​a person’s life values. Objectives: Reveal positive and negative factors influencing a person’s lifestyle; contribute to the development of the ability to speak in front of an audience and interact with other participants in the performance.
The song “Anthem of Youth” is played, to which members of the propaganda team appear on stage (first verse and chorus).
- Good afternoon!
- We are glad to see you in the hall.
- Hello, nice to see you!
- How many beautiful words have they told you?
- How much more do we want to say?
- Hello!!!
- Healthy
- Kind
- Joyful
- Active
- Funny
- Cute
- Creative
- Polite
- Dear
- Good afternoon! Welcome again

ALL: School No.... propaganda brigade “(name)”!
- We present oral journal"Live with pleasure"
- Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once.
- Life is a value in itself.
- How we think is how we live.
- Take care of your valuables, because with them life becomes bright and interesting,
- complete and necessary.
- Life values- this is what a person should value in life,
what he should value
- something to which he must treat responsibly.
- Do you know what the most important values ​​are for us?
-This is: labor.
- family.
- health.
- creation.
- happiness, - goodness.
Participants of the propaganda team are reorganized, their speech is accompanied by a presentation.
- Page No. 1 WELCOME (raises balloon with the inscription "Good")
- It’s easy to find a rhyme,
Write poems about goodness.
Try it for real
The kindness of the heart captivates.

It’s not in vain that they say when we meet
"Good afternoon" and " Good evening».
- And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wishes "Good morning."
- Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration.
- As always, there are not enough good people...
There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
- Kind people are not always understood
The hearts of the kind hurt more.
- Kind - they generously help the sick,
Kind ones give warmth and comfort,
- The good ones walk in step with the weak
And no thanks are expected.
- All people need kindness
Let there be more good deeds.
(A candle appears in the hands of one of the speakers)

Reader 1. Hurry to do good deeds,
Hurry to extend your hand to those who have fallen,
So that for those who are in the wilds at night
Now he's wandering, losing direction
The dawn flashed... and the first ray
He gave them hope and salvation!
Reader 2. Look, in your palm there is a ray of light,
Let us carry its warmth,
We are the youth of Russia, remember this,
And bring your goodness into her life.

Page No. 2 LOVE (raises a balloon with the inscription “Love”)
- When a person is in pain, someone should caress him,
- Someone must be
just there to hug and kiss.
- When a person feels bad... and the whole world in half,
There must be someone other than God to give one’s soul.
- When a person is lost... and doesn’t know what to do,
Someone should be wiser, advise, but not teach.
- When a person is scared... he has his head under the pillow,
Someone must say quietly: “Don’t be afraid, because I am with you.”
- When a person is upset... and doesn’t know how to continue to live,
Someone just needs to be there
EVERYONE: Someone has to LOVE him!

Members of the propaganda team are reorganizing.

Page No. 3 HEALTH (raises a balloon with the inscription “Health”)
- We chose health and, we think, not in vain:
Any healthy beggar is happier than a sick king
- Not for a minute are we all together,
We don't sit still
Stadium, gym, nature,
Everything for us, at any time of the year.
- Our health is a gift of nature
So stay healthy man
In the era of technology and fashion
Dedicate your life to health.
- We swim in pools, run in stadiums,
A healthy lifestyle beats in the hearts of millions!
- Sport is good for health!
Stadium, pool and court,
The hall, the skating rink - we are welcome everywhere.
- Reward for effort
Our muscles will become hard,
There will be cups and records.
- Strengthen your health with sports,
Go hiking and watch the sunrises,
The secret of success in life, know for sure -
Your health, remember this.
- Strive to the top of unidentified pages,
Open your readings
Know, man, your health is life!
Life without illness, grief and sadness.

READER One, two!
Breathe deeper (in chorus)
Three four!
Stand up straighter (in unison)
Let it become in our school
Happy health day every day.
ALL: Do with us! Do as we do! Do better than us!
(Participants of the propaganda team perform sport exercises to the music)
Page No. 4 Family and love for parents. (raises a balloon with the inscription “Family”)
- Family, home is a place where we spend a lot of time, there are no trifles here.
- The family must be preserved reverently, with love!
- Family is happiness, love and luck,
- Family means trips to the country in the summer.
- Family is a holiday, family dates,
- Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
- Family is work, caring for each other,
- Family is a lot homework.
- Family is important!
- Family is difficult!
- But it’s impossible to live happily alone!
- Always be together, take care of love,
- Drive away grievances and quarrels,
- I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!
(A propaganda team member reads poetry to music)
Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!
Page No. 5 Creativity (raises a balloon with the inscription “Creativity”)
- If I don't burn,
- If you don't burn,
- If we don't burn,

CHORUS: Who will dispel the darkness then?
- Ask yourself, ask others,
- What did you do to make the city richer?
- And what is the scale of the application of forces,
- And what is the specific return?
- Ask yourself!
- Ask now, immediately and immediately!
In chorus: Ask yourself!
Don’t wait for change, but try to change everything yourself!
- Live and give joy to people
Not tomorrow, not today, but now.
- And don’t waste a single minute...
After all, youth is given only once.
(Members of the propaganda team perform a dance)
- You can live in different ways in life,
It is possible in sorrow and in joy.
Eat on time, drink on time,
Do nasty things on time.
- Or you can do this: get up at dawn
And, thinking about a miracle,
With a burnt hand, reach for the sun
And give it to people!
- Life is me, it’s you and me.
Live and be proud of your destiny.
- To give people both happiness and joy
You need to live in such a way that you shine brightly.
(Participants of the propaganda team gather from balloons heart)
- The earth is surrounded by rays,
The earth is surrounded by flowers,
- Walk on clear roads,
Fly high routes
- Orbit of love and greetings
Let our entire planet rush.
- Strive to open at least once
The star of humanity in everyone.
ALL: Love life! And live with pleasure!
(Members of the propaganda team perform the final song)
Song based on "Light Up"
It lit up, sparkled, like the brightest star.
As if born again
at least still young.
And the soul did not rust,
the heart beats in the chest.
So, do your thing
everything is still ahead.
It's not fun
this is not a game.
Do you want to be happy
And always love
Choose! Live so that it’s not in vain
Choose, it will immediately become clear.
Look at the stars in the blue sky
Know and believe, Russia needs you!

Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school No. 6 named after. I.T.Sidorenko

Ust-Labinsk municipality

Ust-Labinsky district

Scenario of the propaganda team's speech

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Secondary School No. 6 named after. I.T.Sidorenko


Krasnodar region

Speech by the propaganda team “WE ARE RUSSIANS!”

The composition opens with the song “We are the loudest word in the world.”

The literary roll call continues.

LEADING. Where? And who are “WE”?

1. We are from the vast forests.

2. We are from the darkness of the siege.

3. We are from the burned poems.

4.We are from lead rods

They fell into the snow with a running start.

5.But they rose in height,

Sounds like victory!

6.As a continuation of the day,

They walked hard and powerfully...

7.You can kill me

It is impossible to kill us!

LEADING. What is “WE”?

1. We are from low huts,

Song omnipotence.

2. We are from immortality,

From your flesh, Russia!

3. Just think about it,

Listen carefully

In the name - “Russia”!

There is dew in it,

And the radiance

THE SONG SOUNDS “Look how beautiful everything is!”

LEADING. What is Russia like?

4. Our steppe with blue forget-me-nots, wheat fields with scarlet poppies.

LEADING. It's Russia?

5.This is Russia. You walk along mountain paths to Lago-Naki, sit on the shore of our lake.

LEADING. It's Russia?

6.Yes, this is Russia. The sparkle of the domes over the churches, mother’s hands, fragrant bread baked by grandmother, cheerful dance, without which Russia is unthinkable.


7. Singing about Russia - why striving to go to church

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

LEADING. Do you know Russian songs? (addresses the hall)

Yes, a broad Russian song

Suddenly from some paths and paths

Can immediately splash into the sky

In native, Russian, avidly.

THE FOLK SONG SOUNDS “And I’m in the meadow...”

5th grade students are replaced by 9th graders.

1.And in the hour of testing

Bow to the Fatherland

In Russian,

And tell her:

“You are my life.

You are more precious to me than life!

To live with you

Die with you!

2. Be faithful to the Fatherland

And no matter how long

A difficult day of war,

If you are a plowman,

Give her everything, like Minin,

Be her Suvorov,

If you are a warrior.

3. I will love Russia.

I swear, like our grandfathers

Stand up like a mountain

For her life and honor.

To say

At the desired hour of Victory:

“And my drop is here!”

LEADING. Where? And who are “WE”?

1.I am Russian! Thank God!

I am the field, grandmother's cross!

I am a hut in the Ryazan region.

I am Trinity and Blagovest!

2. I am Russian to the very neck!

Forever and ever! Through!

I am a white feathered swan.

I am a fallen warrior.

3. In today's squabble and meanness

To spite all your troubles:

I am Russian! Thank God!

I am not given anything else.



Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 6

Krasnodar region


Engels street, 71



Prepared and carried out:

senior manager Zapara G.V.,

students of grades 5 “B” and 9 “B”.

2008-2009 academic year



Slide No. 1-3.

The composition opens with the song “We are the loudest word in the world.”

The literary roll call continues.

1. We are from the vast forests.

2. We are from the darkness of the siege.

3. We are from the burned poems.

4.We are from lead rods

They fell into the snow with a running start.

5.But they rose in height,

Sounds like victory!

6.As a continuation of the day,

They walked hard and powerfully...

7.You can kill me

It is impossible to kill us!

Slide No. 4.5.

LEADING. What is “WE”?

1. We are from low huts,

Song omnipotence.

2. We are from immortality,

From your flesh, Russia!

3. Just think about it,

Listen carefully

In the name - “Russia”!

There is dew in it,

And blue,

And the radiance

And strength...

Slide No. 6-8.

THE SONG SOUNDS “Look how beautiful everything is!”

LEADING. What is Russia like?

4. Our steppe with blue forget-me-nots, wheat fields with scarlet poppies.

LEADING. It's Russia?

5.This is Russia. You walk along mountain paths to Lago-Naki, sit on the shore of our lake.

LEADING. It's Russia?

6.Yes, this is Russia. The sparkle of the domes over the churches, mother’s hands, fragrant bread baked by grandmother, cheerful dance, without which Russia is unthinkable.

Slide No. 9-11.


7. Singing about Russia - why striving to go to church

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

LEADING. Do you know Russian songs? (addresses the hall)

Yes, a broad Russian song

Suddenly from some paths and paths

Can immediately splash into the sky

In native, Russian, avidly.

Slide number 12.

THE FOLK SONG SOUNDS “And I’m in the meadow...”

5th grade students are replaced by 9th graders.

1.And in the hour of testing

Bow to the Fatherland

In Russian,

At your feet,

And tell her:

“You are my life.

You are more precious to me than life!

To live with you

Die with you!

Slide number 13.

2. Be faithful to the Fatherland

And no matter how long

A difficult day of war,

If you are a plowman,

Give her everything, like Minin,

Be her Suvorov,

If you are a warrior.

Slide number 14.

3. I will love Russia.

I swear, like our grandfathers

Stand up like a mountain

For her life and honor.

To say

At the desired hour of Victory:

“And my drop is here!”

Slide number 15.

HOST.Where from? And who are “WE”?

1.I am Russian! Thank God!

Propaganda team scenario

“When we are together, life is more interesting!”

Realization of creative abilities of schoolchildren;

Formation of a sense of patriotism, sustainable life position and professional orientation in the context of a positive attitude towards life and others.

Development of leadership qualities and culture of communication in the team.

Hey girls and boys!

We are all a friendly family

At our school number 9

Good deeds await us!

We represent a children's organization - SHKID

School team

Initiative children







All: Equal

To be ahead, to say and to do,

Serve ideas, think boldly,

Be able to take full responsibility,

Help the younger guys.

Become more interesting for everyone.

Be a leader in your constellation!

Every year, more and more active children, full of ideas and creativity, join the ranks of our children's organization.

1st: The children of our school have a wide variety of hobbies and interests.

2nd: They love mathematics and physics, history and literature.

3rd: Some play sports, others draw.

4th: Still others dance, and others dream vocal career.

5th: The school lives in an amazing, diverse, interesting and creative life.

6th: How many traditions have developed at school!

7th: All school events, we prepare holidays together.

8th: There is not a single one left idle!

9th:In a kaleidoscope bright events,

10th: Good actions, bold discoveries...

11th: It’s enough for all of us to unite,

12th: And you can safely be proud of everyone!

(performance of school athletes: karatekas, wrestlers, gymnasts)

1st: We are together today

To burn ourselves

And light up others!

2nd: So that our childhood sings,

Like a song

For youth to develop

Like a poem!

3rd: Drawing on years of experience

From wise books.

And in friendship we are looking for self-expression.

4th: We are a young and seeking people!

Together: We are a new generation for school

We will paint this world with colors

And deeds will give us inspiration.

5th: Our youth strives forward

Together: We are a new generation for the school!

6th: We live according to the laws of school self-government:

7th: Law of Honor

Good fame gives birth to a good name.

8th: The Law of the Word

Don't waste your words.

9th: Law of Caring

To a kind person and someone else's misfortune to the heart.

10th: Law of Friendship

Stand for each other and you will win the battle.

11th: Law of knowledge

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

12th: New things are growing

All: The glue generation.

(a dancing group "Danzfolife”)

We, young citizens of Kazakhstan, make up more than a third of the population and therefore want to be heard and understood by society.

We are not indifferent to the future of Kazakhstan and our region, where there is a children's country, where creativity knows no boundaries.

Our Kazakhstan rich country!

She has great culture!

Our city is the best!

The most live in it wonderful people!

My native Petropavlovsk is my favorite city!

The alleys turn green, houses grow...

He has not yet achieved worldwide fame,

But for us this region is a dear land.

Here we go to school and live happily.

Here youth merges with gray centuries,

Prosper Petropavlovsk, have a good day after day!

So live and be healthy, our beautiful city,

Let the country be proud of your deeds,

May everything always be “excellent” in everything

And today, and tomorrow, at all times!

Song vocal group"New day"

competition of school propaganda teams


Fanfare sounds
(leaders come on stage)

Presenter1 Good afternoon, Dear friends, participants in the competition of propaganda teams “For healthy image life"!

Presenter2 We welcome all those thanks to whom our competition, our holiday will take place. Thanks a lot the kids who took part in the competition and the teachers who organized the kids into teams and helped them bring their ideas to life on stage.

Presenter1 Today we are going to see the performances of nine propaganda teams.

Presenter2 “Healthy lifestyle”... It’s probably not worth explaining this thesis. It speaks for itself.

Presenter1 - Of course, there are many ways to express your ideas and thoughts. Humanity has come up with many forms of propaganda and agitation. One of these forms is the “propaganda brigade”. It is interesting that this form was invented and widely developed in our country, in the early years Soviet power. People called the propaganda brigades “blue blouses”, since the majority of members of the propaganda brigades wore striped blue and white blouses.

Presenter2 - The propaganda brigade was a kind of “living newspaper”. All significant social and political events immediately found their stage embodiment in the performances of propaganda teams. All current and topical problems of society immediately became objects for satire, which was powerful weapon"blue blouses"

Presenter1 - The propaganda teams of that time did not wait for their spectators, but went to them themselves. They performed in factories and factories, on collective farm fields, in clubs and parks, in military units and even on warships. In a simple, accessible and bright stage form, they conveyed their ideas to people, among whom were many illiterate people who did not read newspapers and did not have the opportunity to listen to the radio.

Presenter2 - That’s why the speeches of propaganda teams were always awaited like a throat fresh air, as a source of news happening in the country, as carriers and conductors of new ideas, as denouncers of everything ossified, harmful and vulgar.

Presenter1 - However, today we will not delve into the theory and history of the propaganda brigade movement, because we all have to personally see that this movement lives and develops, that even in the Leading2Leading1 century it has not lost its relevance and its audience.

Presenter2 - But, since today we have not just performances by propaganda teams, but a competition, a competent jury will evaluate the competitive performances. So, allow me to introduce the distinguished members of the jury of our competition:

    Chairman of the jury - school director - Zaretskaya Elena Olegovna

Jury members:

    Deputy Director for Academic Affairs – Svetlana Anatolyevna Kizyakova

    Deputy Director for educational work– Timoshchuk Natalya Sergeevna

    History teacher – Savinova Elena Nikolaevna

    Life safety teacher – Kubarev Sergey Alekseevich

Presenter1 - The floor for the opening of the competition of school propaganda teams is given to the chairman of the competition jury: Elena Olegova Zaretskaya

Word from the Chairman of the Jury

Presenter2 - Thank you. But before the teams begin their performances, I would like to tell an old parable. One day a sage was walking along the road. Suddenly he sees a man coming towards him and carrying a heavy wheelbarrow with stones. "What are you doing?" - asked the sage. “Don’t you see, I’m carrying stones,” he answered. The sage moves on. He sees another person coming with the same wheelbarrow full of stones. "What are you doing?" - asked the sage. “I earn my bread,” the man answered. The sage walks further, and again a man with a heavy wheelbarrow of stones meets him. "What are you doing?" - the sage asked the man. “I’m building a temple,” the man answered. It was not in vain that I told this parable. If you think about it, then, of course, each of these three people in his own way he was right in his answers. But the essence of the parable is different. It’s not so important WHAT you do in life, what’s more important is: WHAT you do it for. And it is very important for us that you know and understand “what” and “for what” you are doing in this life. We sincerely hope and believe that your deeds and thoughts are pure.

Presenter1 - And I’m sure that this is exactly the case. And the guys’ upcoming performances today will prove this.

Presenter2 - So, we begin our competition. And the first to be invited to this stage is the propaganda team of the _____ class. Prepare for the ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Thanks to the guys from class ___ for an interesting presentation. For some reason I even remembered the words of Seneca: “living happily and living in accordance with nature are the same thing.”

Presenter2 - Yes, words of wisdom, and very consonant with the theme of our competition. And the great Byron writes about this in verse: “No, the one whose spirit finds one language with nature cannot be lonely.”

Presenter1 - Great words. But the guys from _____ class are waiting for their turn to perform. Let's give them the floor.

Get ready for the ____ class team.

(leaders leave)

(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Yes, wonderful, I simply have no words! It was a performance by the ____ class propaganda team. It’s simply amazing that the guys raise such global issues in their speeches and present the topic in such an interesting way.

Presenter2 - Yes, I agree with you. But this can be learned. Here's how Chizhevsky said about it:

Oh, look at what's happening around you,

Look inside yourself and close this circle,

Know others and you will know your own spirit,

Know yourself and you will suddenly open up the world.

Presenter1 - You couldn’t say better than a poet. But let’s reveal and get to know another team, the team of ____________________________________ school. I think that they will also surprise and delight us with their performance.

Presenter2 - I am for it". So, on stage is the team of ____ class. Get ready guys from ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Thanks guys. Wonderful performance. I just want to say: “To breathe, air is not enough for me, and to live, even peace is not enough for me!”

Presenter1 - Beautiful words. Is that what you said?

Presenter2 - Alas, Camoes said it.

Presenter1 - Then I will support you, however, in the words of Feuerbach: “The world is pitiful only for a pitiful person, the world is empty only for an empty person.”

Presenter2 - Yes, a pathetic and empty person does not have access to a healthy lifestyle, because he does not have healthy thoughts. However, I'm looking forward to watching the next team perform.

Presenter1 - And me too. The propaganda team of the ______ class is performing. Get ready guys from ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Many thanks to the guys of _____ class. A very talented performance.

Presenter1 - And I think so. Do you know what Goethe said? “Talent grows in the quiet of solitude, character is formed in struggle.”

Presenter2 - He said it very correctly. And if you haven’t forgotten, we have a competition today, that is, the guys are fighting for prizes.

Presenter1 - And they also fight for the right way of life, which requires not only willpower, pure thoughts, but also talent.

Presenter2 - Our guys have a lot of talent.

Presenter1 - Agree. However, let's look further. The ____ class team is invited to the stage. Get ready ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Wonderful! Thank you guys, you just made me happy.

Presenter1 - I fully support it. After such performances I just

your wings grow, you want to do something good, something real.

Presenter2 - By the way, I’ve been wanting to ask for a long time: what about your healthy lifestyle?

Presenter1 - To be honest, not everything is working out yet. But I strive.

Presenter2 - Well done. Let's try.

Presenter1 - I will definitely strive for a healthy lifestyle. And now the guys from the _____ class propaganda team are rushing onto the stage. Get ready for the guys from _____ class.

(leaders leave)


(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Thanks to the guys from _____ class.

Presenter2 - Thank you. And I want to return to our previous conversation. Do you want me to help you in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, or rather, not me, but the wonderful oriental poet Jami? Listen:

Five important rules observe in life -

on earth you will see a bright paradise:

in worldly affairs do not disturb the peace,

don't risk your head in vain,

Take care of your health like a rare treasure,

live in abundance, but don't be rich,

and let him come to share his leisure time

a reliable and cordial friend to you.

Presenter1 - Nice line.

Presenter2 - And most importantly - it’s correct. And it would be absolutely correct to invite the propaganda team of ____ class to the stage. Get ready for the guys from _____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 -Thank you very much to the guys from ____ class. It is very important to know what is good and what is bad. And help friends who are in trouble. And prove with your life that health is the most important component of life.

Presenter2 - Thales of Miletus, who lived in Ancient Greece in the six hundredths BC, to the question “What is the best life?” -, answered: “When we do not do what we condemn in others.”

Presenter1 -Indeed, while condemning drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism, we should not allow them into our lives, and if this happens, try to get rid of bad habits as soon as possible.

Presenter2 - And the guys from _____ class will certainly help us with this. We welcome them. Get ready ____ class.

(leaders leave)
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 -Applause to the guys of ____ class!

Presenter2 - Yes, I am convinced again and again that the propaganda brigade movement lives and develops, that it will never lose its relevance and novelty.

Presenter1 - And how much work the guys have done!

Presenter2 - The main thing is useful work, creative work, work for the benefit of a noble goal.

Presenter1 - Great Mark Aurelius said this about this: “Don’t get tired of receiving benefits by bringing them.”

Presenter2 - Very correct. Anyone who brings benefit to people, who does good to people, receives doubly benefits and goodness. This is also one of the facets of a correct, healthy lifestyle.

Presenter1 - Oh, what a pity that the guys from ___ class will now perform and this will be the last performance today.

Presenter2 - Yes, I'm sorry too. So let's cheer for the guys, because they have been waiting for their turn for so long.

Presenter1 - Come on, especially since it’s hard to perform last, as well as first.

So, it completes competitive program performance by the ____ class propaganda team. Meet!

(leaders leave)


(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Thanks to the ___ class team! I have no words.

Presenter1 - And I have words, a lot of good words! And all teams deserve praise. But let the jury members tell them for me to the guys.

Presenter2 - The jury members, of course, will have their say, but I can imagine how difficult it will be for them now.

Presenter1 - Yes, if it were my will, I would divide my heart into 9 equal parts and give it equally to all teams.

Presenter2 - Alas, this is impossible. A competition is a competition. But I know one thing for sure: there will be no losers today. After all, if after today’s performances by the guys at least one person thought about himself, his life, his health, became a little cleaner, kinder, turned his face to a friend, smiled, extended an open palm to him - this is already a victory.

Presenter1 - Yes I agree. This is already a victory. But the most important victory is the victory gained over oneself. And all the guys, all the participants in today’s competition have already won: today from this stage they loudly and honestly said “No” to drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, foul language, laziness, lies. They all took the side of a healthy lifestyle, and now there are more of us.

Presenter2 - Thank you, guys, for your choice, for your life position, for your work and your creativity! In the meantime, our esteemed jury will deliberate and solve the difficult task of determining the winners of today's competition, we invite you and all viewers to watch the videos that were created by high school students

(leaders leave)

Fanfare sounds.

(leaders come out)

Presenter1 “The moment we’ve all been waiting for has come.”

Presenter2 - And the participants in our competition did not just wait and wait, they also hope and believe. So let us wish them that their hopes come true. And may the best man win!

Presenter1 To announce the results and award the winners of the regional competition of school propaganda teams, we invite the chairman of the competition jury to the stage: __________________________________________________________

(Against the background of solemn music,

chairman of the jury)



(award mascara)

Presenter1 - This concludes our competition! See you in next year!

Presenter 2 - And remember: thousands of paths lead away from the goal, and only one single one leads to it! Have a nice trip!

Presenter1 - And goodbye!

(background music)


Spanish Vasilyeva L.V.,

teacher-organizer of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5 Klyuchi-1

Viktor Vladimirovich Lysenko
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team “I raise the flag of my state”

I I raise the flag of my State

/Scenario of the propaganda team's speech"Donbassovets"/

Call signs sound. “My native country is wide”. On stage screen, on which a presentation of Lugansk is projected.

Speaker. We are the younger generation.

Hope, the future of the country.

And for fathers there is a replenishment,

Worthy sons are growing up.

Us price Andrienko Mark with the song “Where the Motherland Begins. Presentation of Lugansk on the screen

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

Andrienko Mark leaves stage. Participants at a stretched white screen

Valchuk Ilya. I glorify our Donbass!

That land is wonderful and I won’t hide it,

That region has become for many of us

A huge house and destiny!

Shishkin Dmitry. Glory to my mining land...

May you prosper Lugansk my city...

In my soul you are the island of Paradise...

You are, as always, beautiful and young...

A girl with a violin comes in and starts playing 20 second pieces of music on the projection screen.

Shadow sketch (Projection on screen)

Valchuk Ilya. Seventy-four years ago

The houses were boiling with fire and noise.

And the soldiers walked through this hell,

Irresistible - to a higher goal.

Shishkin Dmitry. And suddenly, above the fury of attacks,

The last, frenzied delirium -

Not red over the Reichstag flag,

And the red sun of Victory!

Valchuk Ilya. Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!

The centuries have tested your strength!

You have shown your power more than once

The warmth of coal, the elastic shine of steel!

Shishkin Dmitry. Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!

Mighty land of my native state!

For centuries this layer will not become scarce

Workers' Honor, Courage and Glory!

Screen readers leave stage

Soldier's dance

1st. Time influences days and events,

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

2nd. We are on the verge of a big discovery

Strong, free, rich Donbass.

3rd. Time to change obstinate promises,

But it was done here and now.

4th. People are free, ambitious,

Tomorrow of Donbass depends on us.

5th. Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

6th. Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

7th. Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, is science propaganda,

8th. Who, if not us, will make the strong beat,

Who, if not us, is free Donbass!

9th. This is our land, we were born on it,

To increase her wealth,

10th. We are responsible for the well-being of the country,

Children of the good, peaceful kingdom!

My country, my destiny, my dream, my war,

My love, my spring, and I am the wall.

The son of the fatherland, the country of soldiers, so it was a hundred centuries ago,

For a friend, a friend, for a brother, a brother, the world is holy for this.

And each one lights his own hearth,

And each one is his own raises the flag,

And our souls and hearts are bonfires

Like a lighthouse in the darkness.

I'm taking a step again, I'm I raise my flag,

Through the evil winds of anxiety and unbelief of the kingdom,

In this battle I am in the ranks, I believe in my truth

I I raise my flag of my state.

Propaganda brigade"Donbassovets" leaves stage

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of the speech of the environmental propaganda team “Meeting the Birds” for senior preschool age Goal: formation of an ecological worldview and active life position of children preschool age for bird protection. Tasks: reveal.

Script of a creative performance by the environmental propaganda team "Globus" SP GBOU Secondary School No. 1 " Education Centre" Kinel-Cherkassy village kindergarten"Cornflower" Script creative performance environmental.

Scenario of an extracurricular event on traffic rules in the form of a speech by a propaganda team Performance of the “Romantics” team of students of grade 2 “B” of school No. 34 in the municipal review-competition of propaganda teams on road safety.

Scenario of an educational conversation with students of the cadet corps “Symbols of the State” State educational institution Voronezh region"City Cossack cadet corps» Symbols of the state: Coat of Arms, Flag.

Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “Svetoforchik” (senior group) Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “Svetoforchik” senior group Children march into the hall accompanied by lively music. stand in front of the audience.

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