Pelageya is woven from contradictions. Pelageya's mother doesn't want to hear about her new boyfriend

Not long ago, there was a discussion on LiveJournal about Pelageya Yankina’s performance of “Nyurkina’s Song”. Mostly there was negativity and all sorts of nasty things. Meanwhile, Pelageya’s mother, Svetlana Khanova, was not just an acquaintance, but almost a friend of Yana Diaghileva (read why “not just” and “almost” below). Her very valuable memories were in the comments in one odious community (which I myself practically don’t look into), and, apparently, unfortunately, they remained completely unnoticed.
I managed to contact a journalist from FUZZ magazine and the author of a book about Yanka Ekaterina Borisova, who gave the go-ahead and kindly provided letters-memoirs of Svetlana Khanova.

They are large, but worth reading carefully.

Svetlana Khanova (Novosibirsk-Moscow)

From: Sveta Khanova
To: Igor D. (Journalist who met S. Khanova in March 2004 at the concert of the group PELAGEYA (Svetlana is Pelageya’s mother and director of the group) and began correspondence with her. I asked him to contact Svetlana on my behalf, with a request write memoirs - note by E. Borisova.)

I will try to formulate my intuitive attitude towards the request of the authors of the book. Firstly, “participating in memories” goes completely against my principles. That is my participation. About anyone. This is from the same series as not giving interviews and not going to filming. In a private conversation, I can tell something - there is no taboo here (this is the phenomenon of the forum for me - I can write whatever I want). But when this story is sent to the mass reader, lies and forced posturing begin. Just yesterday, I once again refused to allow the central channel to participate in a talk show on a topic like “parents of gifted children who have dedicated their lives to them” or something like that. They still didn’t understand - they were offended. It probably won’t be very clear to you, a person who is used to writing articles. There is something bad in this (for me), immodest is not the right word. A - deceitful, hypocritical. Even if - not a word of lies. The very act of putting me in a position of speaking, telling, sharing gives me a feeling of staging, of a scenario. And not because I don’t accept someone else’s script (although I’m lying, and that’s why too), but also because everything is already predetermined everywhere. And, whether I want it or not, I will have to play along with this theme, which means losing the opportunity to say only what you consider necessary. I would love to maybe tell you what problems Polya and I had a year ago, what scandals we sometimes have... but that’s not what they need.
Same with the book. I'm not the character they want. There is practically nothing to tell. All that I have in my memory are fragments of pictures, which, if connected with text, especially literary ones, will be lost both from memory and from the text. This looks like a memory: in the morning after a sleepless night with cognac, I, having performed “Rigoletto’s aria” in the toilet, enter the room with the thought: “I wonder if Yanka is just as bad now?”, and I see two girls sitting on the floor - Yanka and three-year-old Polya. They read about hobbits... This is just a picture, if you make it accessible to everyone, you need to describe it differently, which means lying.
I don’t want to remember about the funeral, and besides the vile Yegor and my endless explanations that it is necessary to bury “humanly,” order a funeral service in the church, running around the shops for fabrics and sewing a modest wedding outfit, I remember practically nothing. Some hateful looks at the cemetery (I’m not part of the crowd, and many couldn’t understand - who’s crying here?), a bus ride from the cemetery, and their conversations about something, as it seemed to me then, to be indecent not related to the event...
There is also now a writer I hate, Agatha Christie. I read it while living at the dacha with Polya. Yanka drowned several kilometers upstream, but was found further downstream. Our dacha is located on the very bank of the Inya... She floated past me, and I read detective stories so as not to think and feel...
There is also a pink jacket in which I was photographed for my passport, then it was given to Yanka (one day she came to wash her clothes, put on mine, and she really liked it), they found her in it, they identified her in it...
Our friendship was just beginning. Such a woman's, good friendship - she really wanted this, so that it would be like ordinary people" When she came to me, I had not heard a single song of hers, and she liked it terribly. I listened to it only after death, and then not immediately. Well, with the exception of “Nyurka’s Song” and “From a Great Mind,” we sang in chorus in the kitchen.
Polly still can’t listen to her, he says, it’s very scary. And I'm scared. I am her as she is in the most strong songs, dont know. I knew her as a girl, severely broken by the illness and death of her mother, female soul, worn out by an unhealthy relationship with the talented, selfish, rational, indifferent Yegor, knew a woman’s desire for comfort and warmth. I was just starting to find out.
And I haven’t read books about her, I don’t want to. For those who knew her, this is unlikely to be unambiguously “about Yanka.” And those who didn’t know, let them listen to songs and read poems - there is everything that was intended “for everyone.” My memories are between us, together, and these conversations did not concern anyone except us, two girls.
What difference does it make now - what was it like, and even in someone’s memories? She herself did not know who she was, what she was, why she was, and what she really wanted. So do we all.
To be honest, I’m a little sorry that I supported this topic with you in the forum and misled you. I really, by and large, have nothing to remember except what I wrote to you. She had many acquaintances who knew her much closer and longer. And the most important in my memories is Anya Volkova, now Vladykina, my friend to this day. This man really loved Iancu, pitied him, and cared for him. Unlike everyone else. Yankino’s creativity was just as unimportant to her; she herself was much more important.
Honestly, I couldn’t add anything to the book to what was said. This is of no interest to anyone except me, and maybe Paulie, when she starts listening to her.
April 2004

From: Sveta Khanova
To: Igor D.

Hello, Igor.
I can’t make up my mind... I keep thinking, trying to figure myself out. All kinds logical reasoning for agreeing, but, behold, something in the soul interferes, and that’s it. Today we talked with Anya Volkova (Nyurka) for a long time - she says: “Don’t worry, write to them. Your memory will be unlike many. And Paul has nothing to do with it. People cling to everything that can add at least a little something new...” I kind of agree with her, and I want to help people, but something stops me, and that’s it.
In St. Petersburg, a journalist from FUZZ gave us a brochure about the book (Special issue of “FUZZ” magazine about Yank) , - I read everything that was there - it’s all one specific circle...
Well, in general, I still think. Or rather, I listen to myself. I decided this: one day I’ll sit down and continue the first letter to you about Yanka. Then I’ll read it, and if he says something to me, don’t, I’ll erase it. Now everything will become clear. If I sit down, again.
Today Nyurych told a strangely creepy story about that night of ours with cognac, but I don’t remember it. Or rather, I remember that there was something metaphysically terrible, but it all blurred and somehow hid behind Yanka’s story about the illness and death of her mother... Memory is an amazing thing - over the years it gives us what is easier to remember. ..
Say hello to them from us, they are doing a very necessary job, they are just great. I would never have had the strength, patience, or faith to deal with all this complexity. And don’t let them be offended by me, if anything happens. This is such a delicate moment for me - I don’t recognize myself. Usually everything is immediately clear - this is good, this is bad. I need this, it’s better without me. All my life I’ve been making the best of myself so that I don’t regret later that I didn’t do it. And here is something else.
Now, since your letter, I live with her every day, and with that time. Strange feeling, need to say. And no longer fear. Then I dreamed about her for a long time, she kept calling me somewhere, I had to see some children... Until my husband took me to St. Petersburg, this whole nightmare lasted.
Write me the deadlines when it’s too late to think about it, okay?

From: Ekaterina Borisova
To: Sveta Khanova

Hello Svetlana.
Igor Druzhinin sent me a fragment of your letter with the following content: “I have news for the authors of the book (not about my “memoirs”), give them my address, please, we will talk with them.”
I couldn’t write to you right away because I was away, but I hope this delay is not fatal.
I will be happy to talk with you on any topic. My co-author on the book Yakov Sokolov on at this stage withdrew from the project and its development (which, naturally, does not detract from Yakov’s merits in working on the book), so in this sense I was left alone. Therefore, write to me.

From: Sveta Khanova
To: Ekaterina Borisova

Hello, Ekaterina.
I will also apologize for the delay - I just arrived.
But the main thing and, believe me, my tearful apology will be for something else - I just can’t decide on the so-called “memories” of Yanka. I write “so-called” because, indeed, I have so few of them, and they are so overgrown with the mud of time... Moreover, they were never clear from the beginning for a reason alcoholic state indecently few meetings, and my incomprehensible to anyone (including me), some kind of pathological state during the funeral...
Not only were there few meetings, there were only two. One - at some rock festival in Chekalda (Chkalova House of Culture), where Kolya Gnedkov brought me (I don’t remember why, I don’t even remember how I ended up there - I couldn’t stand this drunken, dirty party, in which I got there periodically throughout my life). It took me out of there immediately more than once, because everything irritated me - from the ubiquitous “balls” (despite the fact that a lot of it was real talented people) to drugs of all types, consumed in unlimited quantities.
Maybe I was just unlucky, but every time I came across some kind of dirt and uncleanliness - despite the fact that my idea of ​​rock as a movement of Sincerity, Truth, was unshakable. It was later that I watched “The Doors” and, having finally matured, I realized that it wasn’t all that big... Maybe also because theater, classical and “parties” were available to me at that time. jazz musicians, and there the relationships between people look different, and people take their work (profession) more seriously...
Sorry, today is June 27th, I’m just continuing my letter to you. In general, this is what happened, sorry.
I understand perfectly well that for your work you need everything that can still be found, but I repeat once again: there was practically nothing special in my life connected with Yanka. After Igor Druzhinin wrote to me about your request, I called Anya Volkova (Nyurych), who, in fact, introduced us to Yanka for the second time - it didn’t work out the first time, it seems. Gnedkov, introducing us, described my achievements in vocal art, and the influence that I had on his life and work, and Yanka listened attentively and looked more and more surprised. Then - there was a madhouse there, a lot of people... They took me somewhere, and I watched her performance - I was no longer comfortable communicating further - suddenly she asked: “How do you like my songs?” But I had already written something about her in my head - she somehow looked separate from everyone else - the shy, calm color in her behavior in this situation could not help but be remembered. And then, - I clearly remember my curiosity, - she’s not at all a beauty, it seems, but very attractive for some reason - I wanted to watch her. Some kind of mesmerizing either sadness or fatigue - mystery, in general, and most importantly - a different tempo, different from those around...
So, Anya (my friend now - she was a witness at my wedding, I introduced her to her current husband, etc.) told me that I must write to you that my argument is that I didn’t know Yanka much , doesn’t work - because during our two meetings, in her opinion, we became closer to Yana much more than many who had known her for years. I don’t know, I don’t feel it, one thing I can say: if everything had turned out differently, she and I would have continued to communicate. Since the contact arose immediately - instantly. And the sympathy is mutual.
Some time after that concert in Chekalda, Anka and I were already friends, and she told me something about Yanka. I already wanted to get to know her in a new way. One day they called, I was free, and the two of them arrived with a whole heap of clothes (the excuse was to wash things in the car). And strange things began to happen - Yanych and I just talked “bingely”, drank cognac, sang songs, she told me about my mother, her illness, death, we cried... It felt like we were both isolated somewhere for a long time, and directly attacked each other with revelations... My life “inserted” it - I lived alone in a small cozy apartment with my daughter, my whole life was somehow correct, sweet, subordinated to necessary and fair things - everything was very feminine, and only the way I want. At the same time, I taught directing and acting at the school, I loved my students and classes terribly... She was surprised that, it turns out, a woman can build her life bit by bit herself, without other people’s interference, and be happy alone, without turning into a chicken , engage in creativity, realize oneself... I don’t remember verbatim, but this topic was the main one - as far as I understand, she was very impressed with this model of life and tried it on herself.
Our communication gradually became so intense that Anka freaked out, either because she was jealous of us (Yana and I later decided that), or it looked really strange. But she simply slammed the door with the words: “Look what you have done here - just some kind of coven!” and went to bed. The next day, getting up with a wild headache, I thought: “I wonder if Yanka is also sick?” I went into the room and saw them with little Polya on the floor, they were reading Yanka a book about hobbits. Then it was already the day of her communication with Polka - they were playing something, I was going somewhere... That, in fact, was all - only two days at our place (we washed things, but Anka, Yana did it I immediately gave up on household chores). She left in my favorite pink knitted sweater (she pulled it on the evening before and really liked it - she said she had never worn such clothes. They say she was found in this sweater...)
And here’s what Anka told me just now on the phone: “Don’t you remember why I left you?” “No,” I say. - “Yanych said: “Girls, I wrote one song here, I haven’t sung it to anyone yet - how do you like it?”, and she sang... After which you began to sob and beg her to never sing this song to anyone again, that there are such songs should not exist in the world, she got down on her knees, in general, we all ended up on our knees...” For some reason I don’t remember this, I only remember that our whole conversation was like some very strange, almost mystical action, something spilled out of both of us then onto each other, and at the same time there was no fatigue or regret after did not have...
She called me a couple more times later, but somehow it still didn’t work out to meet. And after a while, I accidentally drove home from the dacha and heard Anka’s voice on the phone: “Light, we have a misfortune. They found Yanka...” I immediately came to her - she already had in her apartment, as it were, a headquarters for organizing funerals, they called everyone, met those who were coming, decided who would go to the morgue to identify... Egor arrived - I saw him in the first time - I remember my surprise at his condition. I cried periodically, my soul was simply torn into pieces - it was such a grief for me. And he, perhaps, himself loved one(with the exception of my father), there is only some kind of confusion and almost irritation on his face... I remember how I had to convince him for a long time, first of all, that it was necessary to bury a person in Russian - a young girl should be in a wedding dress, bride to go to God. I just couldn’t understand why? And the coffin will be closed, and what kind of philistinism is this? I spat, went, bought fabrics and sewed there at night. I also tried to convince them that it was necessary to order a funeral service in the church - they called it nonsense, Yanka supposedly didn’t believe in God or anything in hell (complete nonsense, we talked about it for a long time!). I realized that they didn’t know a damn thing, and I decided to do it the way I think she would have done. I went to church, somehow waited until the end of the service, and got to the priest. She began to ask to perform the funeral service for a young girl who might have been killed... Now - attention! The young priest asked what her name was, and in response to my answer he said, lowering his eyes: “So this is not murder, she herself, of her own free will, took sin on her soul. But our church does not forgive suicides; they are not entitled to any funeral services.” I clung to his clothes, dragged myself behind him, muttered something about how this had not been proven, that I knew she wouldn’t have done that, but I achieved nothing. She left with one thought: “How does he, a church minister, know Yana, know official version etc.?" The question remained unanswered. And my story about this made an impression only on Anka; the rest, in my opinion, didn’t give a damn. I wasn’t at the wake, Yegor told Anya that he didn’t want to see me. And then she went with him to Omsk, and lived there for several years...
Yes, that song was “Water Will Come.” I think you understand.
That's basically all I can tell you. Of course, I regret that there were whole months when we could have met, but everything was postponed somewhere. We all think that there are still several lives ahead, we will manage to do everything. After. I can’t say that it completely changed me, but something clicked inside, now I often think - no, I need to do this and that now, without putting it off. Especially when it comes to meeting people. Another thing is that now these people are coming into my life less and less. Not because there are fewer of them, but because the soul can no longer open up so much to meet someone else’s new fate, or respond so readily to other people’s joy and pain. Everything needs to be done on time. I missed my time with Yanka.
And I still hope to make Yanka’s “Nyurka’s Song” with Polka, because it’s ours, a woman’s song. The rest are only Yankins, no one can sing them. And this one belongs to all of us, one might say, national.
Here are my two letters to Igor on this matter, these are my answers to his letters about your proposal. I just can't repeat it all...
Good luck to you, Katya. In everything.

From: "Staying to Your Roots"
"FUZZ" : I can’t help but ask, what is your attitude towards your fellow countrywoman, Yana Diaghileva?
Pelagia : My mom was hers close friend, and I rather have a personal relationship with Yana... I don’t remember her well. I was very little - she read books with me... What she did evokes great respect, but I can’t look at it... adequately. Due, again, to some personal factors.
Alexander Polishchuk
FUZZ №8/2004

The name of this talented artist, star of the show “The Voice.Children” has not left the media headlines in recent months.

Let us remind you that Pelageya took hockey player Ivan Telegin away from his family. The 24-year-old CSKA striker is so fascinated by the 29-year-old singer that he left his common-law wife Evgenia and newborn son Mark for her sake, for whose maintenance he allocates meager sums.

But I had to spend money on the wedding with my new lover. More recently, photographs of a couple from the registry office appeared on social networks - the newlyweds decided to hide one of the main events in life from Pelageya’s many fans. Journalists found out that renting a restaurant for a celebration, where no one else could witness the celebration, costs around a million rubles. In addition, a bride’s dress made to order and with an urgent tailoring service was also valued at approximately 850,000 rubles.

After the wedding, already in the status of husband and wife, they went to Honeymoon to Greece. Where they were photographed in company with another famous couple, Alexander Ovechkin and Nastasya Shubskaya.

Now it has become known that one of the main festivals of the summer, “Invasion,” which will take place in July 2016, will take place without the singer - despite the fact that the 29-year-old singer was announced among the participants. In addition, there is not a word on the star’s official website about upcoming concerts in 2016.

All this time, Pelageya preferred not to comment on her turbulent personal life. Now he doesn’t comment on the concert.

What could be the reasons for secretly marrying a man who has just given birth to his first child? Why such a rush? And why does the very popular singer, whose every two days were previously scheduled for performances, have no concerts or other public activities for the coming year?

The answer was given by those surrounded by the singer:

It's simple: Polya is pregnant and recently married CSKA hockey player Telegin! - TV friends said. - Agree, in interesting position It’s not good to travel around festivals where there is a lot of noise, alcohol flows like a river and dubious characters walk around. Her time was short, but Ivan insisted that Polina needed to take care - there was no need for unnecessary stress. Even from major projects the singer decided to refuse. Recently there were negotiations regarding the filming of the next season of the show “The Voice” at the end of the year. Children". And then it was announced to everyone - Pelageya would not be on the jury! For this period she has just recent months pregnancies are lost. Of course, maybe he’ll change his mind - a lot depends on how he’s feeling, but this is the situation for now.

Komsomolskaya Pravda called the singer’s mother, who also acts as her daughter’s agent. When asked to comment on information that appeared in the media about the cancellation of concerts due to her daughter’s pregnancy, Svetlana Khanova responded as follows:

I am not interested in what your media writes! We do not give any comments. Leave us alone! The public loves Pelageya not because of what they write about her!

Name: Pelageya (Pelageya Telegina)

Age: 32 years

Height: 163

Activity: singer, TV presenter

Pelageya: biography

Pelageya is a famous Russian folk singer, known for her unique deep voice and wide repertoire of romances, folk and original songs.

Childhood and youth

Singer with amazing voice Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova is a native Siberian. She was born in the summer of 1986 in Novosibirsk. Along with her birth in the sky Russian culture broke out bright Star, amazing and unlike all the others.

Everything about this girl was initially unusual: her name, her rapid growth, the amazing timbre of her voice. At first Pelageya received the name Polina. This is what the registry office employees decided, considering that Polina is a derivative of the “outdated” name Pelageya. Later, when it was time to receive a passport, Pelageya corrected the mistake. to his old name She values ​​it very much, because that was her grandmother’s name. And the surname Khanova came from her stepfather; the girl does not remember her own father.

Pelageya Khanova inherited her musical abilities and stunning voice from her mother, a jazz singer. Meanwhile, mother, whose singing career turned out tragically (Svetlana Khanova lost her voice after a long illness), she put her whole soul into her daughter. Seeing that the girl from the cradle began to show extraordinary musical abilities, the woman did her best to develop her talent.

Already in infancy, Pelageya tried to repeat entire musical phrases after her mother sang a lullaby to her. At the age of 3, the girl surprised everyone around her by the fact that she already knew how to read. The first book she read was satirical novel"Gargantua and Pantagruel".

The singer’s creative biography began even before school. Pelageya Khanova became acquainted with the stage at the age of 4. This happened in St. Petersburg. Mom took her little daughter to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. The debut made an impression on everyone present, including the young singer. She fell in love with the stage forever. Performances continued in the kindergarten of her native Novosibirsk, where little Polina regularly gave “concerts” at all matinees.

At the age of 8, Khanova entered a special music school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. Here the leader heard the 9-year-old star for the first time musical group“Kalinov Bridge” Dmitry Revyakin. The musician invited the parents to bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the Morning Star competition.

Revyakin’s advice turned out to be correct: Pelageya received the title “Best Performer” folk song in Russia 1996". Participation in " To the morning star"was a turning point in the life of the little performer. From that moment on, Pelageya Khanova made a rapid career takeoff. Soon, not only her compatriots heard the unique voice of the Siberian woman. called the young singer “Russian”. Pelageya applauded, and, tearing up, called her “a symbol of a resurgent Russia.”

Pelageya and Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II

At the age of 9, Pelageya Khanova is a scholarship recipient of the “ Young talents Siberia." The singer participates in International program UN “New names of the Planet”. Russian romances performed by Siberian women are applauded in the Kremlin Palace and the State concert hall"Russia". During her speech in the Kremlin, Pelageya met the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II and received his blessing for further creativity. Many people talk about this Russian performers could only dream. The young singer meets and many others.

In 1997, an 11-year-old girl appeared on the KVN stage. Pelageya competed for the Novosibirsk team state university and created a sensation. Pelageya becomes not only a performer of musical numbers, but also a full member of the team. We can safely say that KVN discovered a starlet named Pelageya for the audience.

Pelageya in KVN (NSU 1997)

At the same time, Pelageya signed a contract for the release of several albums with the Fili recording studio, which is known for its collaboration with the groups TekkilaJazz, Chaif, and Kolibri. Among Fili’s projects is a tribute album by the British band “Despatch for Depeche Mode", for which Pelageya performs the track "Home". According to the authoritative magazine FUZZ and the members of Depeche Mode themselves, the cover was recognized as the best musical composition album.


Demand and constant participation in concerts and competitions become the reason for Pelageya’s relocation to the capital. The girl moves to Moscow with her mother. Here they rent an apartment. Khanova goes to study in music school at the Gnessin School. At this time, Pelageya recorded her debut music album“Any!”

Pelageya in the program "Old TV"

The girl's vocals are handled by her mother. An amazing range of 4 octaves turns out to be an obstacle even for eminent teachers: teachers are afraid to work with young talent, so as not to spoil Pelageya’s unique natural abilities. Under the guidance of Svetlana Khanova, the young singer mastered complex bel canto singing.

Living in the capital, Pelageya Khanova becomes a regular participant in official events. The young singer’s songs are applauded at the “Nika” and “ Golden mask", at the Easter in the Kremlin concert and the summit of the heads of France, Germany and Russia. It is noteworthy that at the last event, which had national significance, Pelageya's solo concert was the only one cultural event provided by the protocol.

With the participation of Pelageya, a concert took place on Red Square on the occasion of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, directed by. Performance by the young star and Kubansky Cossack choir with the song “Love, brothers, love!” was seen by residents of the whole planet thanks to the international broadcast by the BBC television channel.

In the spring of 1998, an episode of “Anthropology” was aired with the participation of Pelageya. The girl was then 11 years old. And in next year the singer participated in the prestigious music festival in Evian, Switzerland. The girl received an invitation to the festival from . did not skimp on praise for the Russian starlet, calling the young singer “the future of the world opera stage».

Pelageya on Dmitry Dibrov’s program “Anthropology”

In the same 1999, Pelageya Khanova sang at the international folklore festival in Scotland, amazing the sophisticated audience in Edinburgh. The singer's performances were broadcast on a huge screen in a London park. The artist's tour took place from incredible success, 18 sold-out concerts took place. The girl received an offer to record new album in Switzerland and met the manager of the legendary. The manager invited Khanova to participate in the world premiere opera singer in 2000, Pelageya accepted the offer.

At the age of 14, Pelageya Khanova became a student at RATI. While studying in 2003, the singer released the retrospective album “Pelageya”. It includes popular songs by the performer, with which the girl performed from the age of ten: “Cossack”, “Vanya was sitting on the sofa”, “Party” and others.

Pelageya - "I was on my way home"

In 2005, Pelageya graduated from the pop department and received a red diploma. In the same year, the Siberian performer founded her own music group, which was named "Pelageya". According to the musicians of the group, they used ethno-rock as a genre of music and relied on the ideas of Inna Zhelannaya, Angela Manukyan, Sergei Starostin, and the Kalinov Most group. Together with her colleagues, Pelageya strives to recreate authentic Russian songs and introduce elements of modern rock music into them.

Pelageya - "Cossack"

In 2009, Pelageya released an online release, and a year later on physical media, a new double album, “Paths,” which included Russian folk, Cossack and original songs. Recorded on two discs famous songs, performed by Pelageya: “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Roses”, “Midnight Rider”, “Bylinka”, “Steppe”, “Werewolf-Prince” and others. Performed by the singer, these works became real hits, which still become an integral part of the artist’s concerts. The group's first performance took place at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and was warmly received by the audience.

To date, Pelageya has recorded 6 albums. The performer is working on the 7th, which will be called “ The Cherry Orchard" In addition, the singer’s repertoire includes dozens of popular romances and folk songs, which Pelageya performed only on stage, without recording on discs. Among these compositions: “Spring will not come for me”, “In the Upper Room”, “Horse”, “Black Raven”, “Under the Green Rocket” and other compositions that have been loved by the inhabitants of the country for generations.

Pelageya - "In the Upper Room"

In 2004, the girl made her debut as an actress in the TV series “Yesenin”, and since 2009 she became a participant in the 3rd season popular show“Two Stars”, where she sang in a duet with. Then a misunderstanding occurred between the project management and Pelageya, which was discussed in the media.

According to the organizers of the show, the singer refused to go on stage for no reason after several programs, allegedly “letting Daria and the project down.” Pelageya replied that in fact the temporary contract was concluded for a couple of issues due to health problems, but after the Pelageya-Moroz couple became the leader, the organizers decided to leave the singer in the project, but the performer was not ready.

In 2012, fans talented singer saw Pelageya in the show "". Pelageya appeared in the role of a mentor. Khanova worked as a mentor in three seasons of “The Voice”; the singer’s numbers were distinguished by amazing arrangements, costumes and the depth of the works. Polya, as the singer was called by her colleagues on the show, and, gained the love of millions of television viewers, becoming one of the best and most emotional mentors of the project. In 2014, the singer became a coach-mentor in an offshoot of the “Voice” project, the music competition show “The Voice. Children".

Alisa Ignatieva, Pelageya - "White Snow"

In 2014, viewers noted that Pelageya, whose height is 163 cm, had lost weight. Some had difficulty recognizing the 29-year-old folk singer, noting the unusual and somewhat sickly look performers. Khanova admitted that she had indeed radically lost weight. But the singer did not disclose the exact figures of her anthropometric data, so it is unknown what specific figure the scales of the famous artist showed.

Group "Pelageya" - "Snow White Cherry"

Fans noted that along with the kilograms, the performer’s charm also went away. After some time, Pelageya found “her” weight, gaining a couple of kg. The singer is not ready to change her appearance that much anymore. However, during the process of stabilizing her weight, the artist studied all possible diets and revised her diet. Pelageya generously shared her experience with her fans. Besides proper nutrition, the artist devoted time to sports activities, massage sessions and visiting the bathhouse. According to the singer, per week thanks to this an integrated approach she managed to lose up to 7 kg.

Personal life

Pelageya openly shares her creative plans on the official website, where detailed posters of the singer, galleries with photographs from concerts and videos are posted: filming of performances, fragments of concerts and presentations - and last news. There are no clips on the site for compositions performed by the singer.

Pelageya in the show "The Voice"

Pelageya does not often appear in studio videos, because this type of video is not very suitable for the genre of folk song, beloved by the musician. In addition, from the pages of the site, the singer reports that she does not have official accounts on social networks, except “ Instagram ».

Personal life Pelageya rarely becomes the subject of discussion in the press: the singer does not like scandals and never appears in them. In 2010, Pelageya Khanova got married. Pelageya's chosen one was the director " Comedy Woman» Dmitry Efimovich. The folk singer even took her husband's last name. But after 2 years this marriage broke up.

In 2016, the press became aware of the romance between Pelageya and the hockey player. Rumors and gossip fueled the couple's joint appearances in public. The singer was noticed at the 2016 World Hockey Championship in Russia among the wives and girlfriends of the national team's hockey players.

Note that Ivan Telegin broke up with his common-law wife, who gave him a son. Three months after the birth of the boy, the athlete left the family, giving vent to rumors about Pelageya’s role in family drama.

June 16, 2016 Pelageya and Ivan Telegin at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. The ceremony was attended only by relatives and friends of the couple. The wedding of Pelageya and Telegin was not advertised. The newlyweds went to a restaurant after the wedding and then flew to Greece.

Pregnant Pelagia

The singer hid her pregnancy while she had the opportunity. Fans learned that the family was expecting a new addition when the singer went to the latest dates. On January 21, 2017, Ivan Telegin and Pelageya became parents. Singer Taisiyu.

A year later, rumors about Pelageya’s husband appeared in the media. Reporters' speculations were based on photographs in which Ivan Telegin appeared hugging unknown girl. But the couple denied the rumors by appearing together at a performance by Cirque du Soleil artists. The couple Pelageya and Ivan arrived at the performance in excellent spirits, and besides, the husband did not leave his beloved for a minute.

According to Pelageya, her daughter is growing up as a “severe” child. The singer suggests that with her seriousness, Taya took after her dad, who as a child amazed those around him with his discipline and responsibility. Parents try to give everything free time daughters, but sometimes they leave the girl with a nanny or grandmothers.

Pelageya now

A month after being discharged from the maternity hospital, Pelageya went on stage, the singer appeared at Crocus City Hall at the anniversary. Pelageya performed a duet with the birthday boy. Also in 2017, Pelageya, together with her, held a concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice”.

In the same year, the creators music competition pleased fans with the “golden composition” of the jury. The return of Pelageya and Alexander Gradsky to the project was greeted with enthusiasm by the audience. A year later, the singer triumphantly returned to the judge’s chair of the “Voice. Children". The finalist of the fifth season, Pelageya’s ward took first place in the competition.

Now the Pelageya group continues touring activities regularly attending concerts big cities Russia. In the summer of 2018, the singer attended the Shukshin Days in Altai music festival, performing in the finale of the gala event. The artist performed the tracks “Horse” and “Bird”, which were greeted by the audience with thunderous applause.

Pelyageya at the World of Siberia festival

At the end of spring 2018, Forbes magazine published a list of the 50 most famous stars pop and athletes, where Pelageya was in 39th place thanks to her annual income of $ 1.7 million.


  • 1999 - “Love!” (single)
  • 2003 - “Pelageya”
  • 2006 - “Single” (single)
  • 2007 - “Girl Songs”
  • 2009 - “Siberian Drive”
  • 2010 - “Trails”

Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova was born in Novosibirsk into a family that was closely connected with musical art. Pelageya's mother, Svetlana, was quite famous jazz singer. Having lost her voice after a long illness, the courageous woman did not break down and changed music scene to the theater. Throughout her subsequent career, Pelageya’s mother worked as a director and taught acting in one of the local theaters.

The singer’s creative biography began even before school. This happened in St. Petersburg. A mother took her four-year-old daughter to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. There she fell in love with the stage forever.

At the age of 8, Khanova entered a special music school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. It was here that the leader of the Kalinov Most musical group, Dmitry Revyakin, heard it for the first time. The musician invited the parents to bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the Morning Star competition.

Revyakin’s advice turned out to be correct: Pelageya received the title “Best folk song performer in Russia in 1996.” After this, a series of new achievements began. The young artist successfully performed at the “Young Talents of Siberia” and “New Names of the Planet” competitions, and also appeared on the KVN stage (as part of the Novosibirsk State University team) and sang for three presidents at once at the trilateral summit of Russia, France and Germany.


14-year-old Pelageya graduated from school as an external student and entered the Russian Academy theatrical arts in Moscow. Later, the singer became the lead singer of the group “Pelageya”, with which she soon released her first single “Lyubo!” Despite the very unusual musical style the composition became very popular.

In 2006, about the life and work of one of the most famous singers V modern history The autobiographical film “Prodigies” was shot in Russia.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, she toured extensively throughout Russia and the CIS countries, in the middle of this period presenting to the public her first studio album"Girls' Songs" The album includes 12 songs - mostly folk compositions, covered by Pelageya.

In 2009, Pelageya released an online release, and a year later on hard copy, a new double album, “Paths,” which included Russian folk, Cossack and original songs. Two discs contain famous songs performed by Pelageya: “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Roses”, “Midnight Rider”, “Bylinka”, “Steppe”, “Werewolf-Prince” and others. The group's first performance took place at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg and was warmly received by the audience.

In 2012, the girl was invited to vocal show talents "Voice" as a mentor. And two years later, the singer became a coach and mentor in the show “The Voice. Children".

Personal life

In 2010, the folk singer married the director of the “Comedy Woman” project, Dmitry Efimovich. It is noteworthy that Pelageya met him when she was only 11 years old - at a KVN performance in 1997.

The marriage did not last long, and the couple divorced after two years.

In 2016, the press became aware of the romance between Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin. Rumors and gossip fueled the couple's joint appearances in public. The singer was noticed at the 2016 World Hockey Championship in Russia among the wives and girlfriends of the national team's hockey players.

Pelageya Khanova is a real prodigy. At the age of three she learned to read, and at three and a half she was already composing. short stories and tried to type them on a typewriter. When the little star turned eight years old, she entered a special school at the conservatory in Novosibirsk without exams and became its youngest student. Pelageya graduated from school as an external student and at the age of 14 she entered GITIS in the variety department, which she graduated with honors in 2005. At the age of 13, the singer created her own musical group, which she named after herself “Pelageya” and which joined the Association of Independent Musicians.

The singer also tried herself as a dubbing actor: in 2014, she read the voice-over text in the television film “Alexandra Pakhmutova. An unfamiliar star is shining,” and voiced ladybug in the cartoon "Flap Your Wing".

In 2015, Pelageya became a member of the jury of the Voting KiViN 2015 festival. In the same year, the singer became the winner in the category “Best Folk Performer” of the first Russian National Music Award.


The singer has been practicing yoga for several years and also prefers partial vegetarianism.

Personal life

In 2010, Pelageya married Comedy director Woman Dmitry Efimovich. During marriage, the singer changed her last name, but when she divorced her husband in 2012, she returned hers. In 2016, it became known about Pelageya’s affair with hockey player Ivan Telegin. Their relationship was very stormy and a couple of months later the athlete proposed to her. On June 16, 2016, the lovers secretly signed in one of the Moscow registry offices. After the wedding, the singer refused to participate in television projects due to pregnancy.


Pelageya's mother Svetlana Khanova was a former jazz singer. It was she who developed her daughter’s vocal talent. Now Svetlana is the only producer and director of Pelageya. Yours extraordinary name The singer received it in honor of her grandmother, Pelageya Mikhailovna Khanova, but until the age of 14 she had to live with the name Polina. When the parents of the future star received the girl’s birth certificate at the registry office, they saw an error in the document. Only when the passport was issued was the name changed to Pelageya.

At the age of 10, Pelageya became the youngest KVN participant in the history of the game. She competed as part of the Novosibirsk University team.

In March 1998, 11-year-old Pelageya received a unique offer: to perform with a small solo concert at a meeting of the heads of three powers: Russia, France and Germany. This was the first such meeting since the Second World War, and the performance of young Pelageya became the only number of the “cultural program”. By the way, after this concert, former French President Jacques Chirac called the young singer “Russian Edith Piaf.”


Beauty for me is the inner light, the smile, the energy that a person transmits to the world.

When a person jokes, I see how his brain works. In this sense, a sense of humor is a litmus test. Stupid people can't make funny jokes.

You have to love yourself for who you are. And if you are not satisfied with something globally, you should not whine about it, but simply change it.

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