Life after KVN - who became famous. Tragedies in the lives of KVN stars A KVN legend has passed away

Popular artist, KVN star, captain of the “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” team Grigory Malygin was found dead in his own apartment. The circumstances of death have not yet been established.


Grigory Malygin died at the age of 43. What was the cause of death famous artist, unknown. The day before, Grigory was undergoing treatment and was in the hospital. What happened after the visit to the clinic is unknown, but for some reason the showman’s health worsened. It is too early to talk about the cause of death - experts have not yet given their conclusions.

The dead Grigory Malygin was discovered by his wife Victoria when she couldn't open the door to their own apartment on Vishnyakovskaya street. She even had to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. “To get into the apartment, I had to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because the door was locked from the inside. When we broke the door and were able to go in, we found Grisha, who was lying in blood,” Victoria Malygina told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Let us note that Malygin and his wife Victoria left Siberia long ago - within five recent years they lived in Moscow. As his friend and colleague Vladimir Duda admitted, Gregory had grandiose creative plans. Among the closest ones is participation in the “Big Difference” festival.

The head of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, Alexander Maslyakov, commented on the tragic incident: “This is very sad news. There are KVN teams that are in the game, but there are teams that remain so in life. The “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” were exactly such a team, and Grisha’s great merit is in this. He periodically appeared at the games, and recently they celebrated their team’s birthday in Moscow.”

Grigory Malygin led the KVN team "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" since 1996. This team, having broken into the Major League of the Club, became the winner in the first season, and then won the highest prize - the Champions Cup. Since 2008, Malygin has headed the company of the same name creative association, mainly performed solo and in duets with teammates at various concerts and corporate events.

Malygin managed to star in several films. He has worked in the TV series “Happy Together”, “My Fair Nanny”, “Scribblers”, “Moscow - Central District”, as well as the main role V feature film"Day of the Hamster"

A few days ago, fans of the KVN team “NATE” rejoiced, because the club managed to reach the major league based on the results of the festival in Sochi. The comedians themselves reported this. They were able to impress the jury with their jokes, and therefore took one of the first places at the event.

However, just a few days later it became clear that the star team had suffered a real tragedy. One of the team members, Sergei Balenko, died. His friends hastened to tell about this in in social networks, without indicating the reason for what happened.

“On January 19, 2018, our brother and friend, Sergei Balenko, passed away. He died too early and could have done so much more. My thoughts are confused, I don’t want to believe it,” club representatives said.

According to media reports, the tragedy occurred in Rostov-on-Don. However, it is still unknown what happened and under what circumstances Balenko died. Fans of the comedian were shocked by the news. They rushed to express their condolences to the star’s family and friends. “I remember Seryozha well on stage. He was always so fiery, just glowing with enthusiasm and energy,” “I understand that it’s tactless to ask, but what happened? There is no information anywhere about the cause of death,” “When young people pass away, it is always a tragedy. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for the guy’s parents now,” wrote the young man’s fans.

Sergei's friends decided to support his relatives financially. They opened a fundraiser and asked everyone who cared to transfer money to Balenko’s mother, which will be used to organize the funeral. In the first hours of the campaign, a decent amount was collected. Club representatives also called for tolerance and not asking questions regarding the cause of the incident.

“Friends, the number of messages that each of us receives, the support that you provide, is simply beyond any calculation. We cannot answer the question: “What happened?” until we ourselves are 100% sure of the information,” said members of the team.

Some fans of the NATE team suggested that Sergei took his own life. However, the majority of the club's fans came to the conclusion that such a conclusion was irrational. The fact is that Balenko’s humorous career was on the rise. The team reached the major league of KVN, and the deceased was considered one of its main stars.

“Today our Vova Duda died. Stroke. After the operation and all possible measures that the doctors in Novosibirsk were capable of, they did everything that was needed and everything that they could. We, not doctors, from different parts of the world tried to hold him, asked, begged, prayed, but no matter what, I decided. It's somehow... offensive, or something. Well, in general, as always.

Vovka is an absolutely conflict-free person, this is how it happens, yes, I have rarely seen such people in my life. Nice, cheerful and very kind and decent. It's funny that he was the one who took my mother's cat in after her death. Some unlucky cat. And a year. “I still love you,” Lazareva wrote.

“Sad news for Planet KVN. Vladimir Duda, captain, died in Novosibirsk legendary team Novosibirsk State University,” the post says. “MC KVN offers condolences to family and friends.”

The TV presenter, actor and comedian also commented on Duda’s death.

“We studied at the same faculty as Vladimir Duda. KVN began with a faculty club - a humorous Club of Mathematicians. One of bright people“The one I paid attention to was him,” RT quotes him as saying. “He’s one of the first people who got me started doing comedy.” I have the warmest bright memories associated with him. Friends from the faculty, from KVN, from life.”

Duda graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Novosibirsk State University, was a member and captain of the NSU university team, which became the champion of the KVN major league in 1987-88, 1991 and 1993.

According to the comedian, he got into KVN by accident.

“In fact, it all started back in FMSU. My roommate and I sang songs for money in the cafeteria. There, some songs were for three kopecks, some for five, some for ten. They even organized entire concerts - well, also for money, of course. They also sang in the hostel. It all ended after another classmate bought a subscription to all the performances, taking us to the cafeteria,” Duda recalled in an interview with the university website. — After that, we somehow became uninterested, the business faded. Well, then somehow it happened. The path is standard: mathematics department, “Office of the Divanov Brothers”, KVN.

I was a fairly well-known figure in the Kontor, so in general there was never any question of whether or not to include me in the team. Starting from applications, from qualifying performances, and until the very end.”

He said that when the NSU team made it into the league and they were shown on TV, the participants felt like real stars.

Photo report: Siberian captain Vladimir Duda has died

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“I remember after the first game I was hugging two girls I knew from the physical and technical school, and Guzman was walking towards me and said: “Girls, something talented is hugging you.” Well, that’s all: naturally, I became proud there,” admitted Duda.

Last September, another iconic comedian died - one of the creators of KVN and the TV show " Good night, kids" Andrey Menshikov. At that time he was 72 years old.

For the President of the International KVN Union, Alexander, Menshikov’s death was a complete surprise. “This piece of my life somehow passed away and disappeared, because Andrei played in KVN in his youth, then we met in the Youth Editorial Office and worked together,” Maslyakov said.

According to him, Andrei Menshikov was one of the initiators of the revival of KVN in 1986.

“You can’t forget all this. And this is in my memory and in the memory of the colleagues with whom we worked. Andrey is my colleague and friend, and this is forever,” said Maslyakov.

"Incredible sad story. We didn’t communicate for many years, but I remember him all my life. Today is an incredibly sad day for me,” Salibov said. He remembered that he helped revive the legendary KVN in 1986.

“I wrote the song “We are starting KVN.” He really wanted to do it [revive KVN]. But there was a thought whether this should be done. There was a legend. It's always scary to revive a legend. I helped him,” said the composer.

According to him, together they made many programs, and he was amazed by Menshikov’s attitude to work.

“We worked together every day for 10 years. We made a lot of passes. He amazed me with his attitude towards what he did. He never considered himself a genius, unlike many. He was very calm about what he did. We all had normal, comradely grounds,” added Salibov.

Over the past few months various reasons Several players of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club have died.

A 32-year-old man was fatally stabbed in Kazakhstan former member KVN team "Team Aktobe". The tragedy occurred in the city of Aktau.

As friends of the deceased said, a fight broke out near one of the local bars. The man stood aside when three people attacked him. He was stabbed in the leg and the arteries and veins of his upper limb were also damaged. Alimbayev was hospitalized in critical condition in serious condition. Doctors performed surgery on him, but he died some time later.

Law enforcement officers opened a criminal case under the article “Murder” and ordered a forensic examination. The suspects were soon detained - they turned out to be three local residents.

This is not the first tragedy that has happened to KVN players recently.

Committed suicide

A player from the KVN team "Pyramid" committed suicide at the age of 34. The comedian's suicide became known in early July.

Starkhit", on that day the police officer was relaxing at the private dacha of ex-prosecutor Anatoly Dzidzoev. Alborov was there with his girlfriend (not his wife. - Note ed.), niece of Dzidzoev. According to rumors, the young people had a fight and the police officer beat the girl. He soon left, and when the girl went to look for him, she found his body near the garages.

As part of Pyramid, Alborov was twice KVN vice-champion, in 2007 and 2008. He also played for the team “On Character” and worked on the local TV channel “Ossetia-Iryston”.

Fell and died

KVN participant, " Comedy battle"and the show" Open mic"died in April of this year. The cause of death was heart failure.

Zhmakin died right on the street, having lost consciousness. Moreover, he had never complained about his health before.

The comedian in one of the programs talked about how quickly everything happens in his life. He talked about getting married at 19, getting divorced, and being a young father. The captain left behind a four-year-old daughter.

Died at 21

In Rostov-on-Don, on January 19, at the age of 21, a member of the KVN team "NATE" Sergei Balenko died. Later, rumors about his suicide began to actively spread in the media, however, as the humorist’s colleagues on the team later said, he had big problems with my health and the doctors simply did not have time to help.

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The man was a famous director and presenter in Novosibirsk. Since 1987 he participated in the games of the Novosibirsk KVN team state university. The team became champion three times Major League KVN. By the way, in 1997, he first brought the future singer Pelageya to the stage, who was then only 11 years old.

In 1998, he was a member of the creative association “Neighbors” and played in plays. In 2000, he took part in the premiere of the production "Day of the Hamster". During four years, from 2001 to 2005, toured with the team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, participated in the plays “Fools”, “Maid in China”, “Three Fires”.

In 2017, he took part in the first semi-final of the KVN Major League and was present as a guest. He was also a member of the KVN-Siberia jury. Doctors named the cause of Duda's death as a stroke.

General Director of "Ural dumplings"

Famous cavalier, CEO"Ural dumplings" 42-year-old Alexey Lyutikov was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg in August 2016. The man did not leave his room for more than a week, and there was a “Do not disturb” sign on the door. Numerous alcohol bottles were found near his body. As forensic experts later found out, he died as a result.

In the 1990s he was captain of the KVN team "Service Entrance". He moved from his native Kursk to Moscow in the early 2000s, participated in the Comedy Club, and rose to head the regional development department. In 2015 he was taken to " Ural dumplings".

Lyutikov had heart problems since childhood. According to KP, he was teased a lot as a child because of his cleft lip, and he was so worried that he started having problems with his cardio. He was absolutely forbidden to drink. However, getting ready to go home after the Ural Dumplings tour, he changed his mind at the airport and went to the hotel. There, I first emptied the minibar, and then ordered a bottle of cognac for my room.

According to rumors, on that day he could have learned about his dismissal from Ural Dumplings, for which he had successfully negotiated tours more than once. By the way, Lyutikov also accompanied the artists at the performances. One of the authors of “Ural Dumplings” suggested then that Lyutikov did not want to return home unemployed.

Many KVN participants shone on television and won the sympathy of the audience. However, the image of the merry fellows often remained on stage, and behind the scenes they went as different people: with their problems, sorrows and fears.

Death of the Bride

Player of the Moscow team “Parapaparam” Sergei Oborin buried his beloved Anna Bazhanova in September of this year. Almost immediately after Sergei proposed marriage to her, doctors gave the 32-year-old girl a terrible diagnosis.

Despite treatment in Israel, the couple lost their battle with breast cancer. Metastases had already spread to Anna’s liver and brain, and the disease at the fourth stage could no longer be cured.

After the funeral of his fiancee, the comedian did not contact his fans for about a month. He recently announced that he was ready to give away expensive cancer drugs left over from Anna’s treatment to cancer patients.

“In our family, death was always nearby”

Perhaps one of the most bright participants KVN "Parma" team Svetlana Permyakova experienced the death of her closest family members - her brothers and mother.

She had three siblings, and they all died tragically. Andrei died from an electric shock at the age of two, Vasily died from heart disease at the age of 25, and the eldest brother was poisoned by surrogate alcohol, just shy of 50 years old.

Grief undermined their mother's health. She died in 2011, and Svetlana did not have time to tell her good news about what awaits the child.

“In general, it seems to me that it was my mother who sent me her daughter - as if as a consolation,” the artist is quoted as saying by Anews.

However, the loss of loved ones is not the only thing that the talented comedian has experienced.

Wanting to finally have a child, in 2008 Permyakova hastily married a former promoter of a Moscow nightclub.

His name was Evgeny Bodrov, and he turned out to be an HIV-positive drug addict. As the comedian herself said, he also abused alcohol, did not work, and cheated on her with both men and women.

She divorced him a few months later, and in 2012 gave birth to her long-awaited daughter Varvara from her manager Maxim Scriabin.

Ex-husband The artist died of AIDS in 2014.

Fatal attack

The captain of the Siberian KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” Grigory Malygin died in 2012. He was 42 years old. His wife discovered his body in an apartment in the east of Moscow. There was a pool of blood next to the deceased's head.

Pathologists stated that he died from acute heart failure; the artist hit his head when he fell to the floor.

Nevertheless, law enforcement officers saw criminal overtones in his death.

Grigory was brutally beaten in the Moscow district of Vykhino a month and a half before his death. There were three attackers, their target was Malygin’s bag.

After this incident, he was hospitalized with a concussion, a double fracture of the lower jaw with displacement, and numerous soft tissue bruises. Perhaps the consequences of the incident caused his death.

Didn't come out of coma

A member of the KVN team of the Belarusian State University, Viktor Tolkach, died when he was only 36 years old.

In 2013, he underwent major surgery and was in a medically induced coma. However, after the allotted time, he did not come out of it and died.

Victor is survived by his wife and little son.

Busy schedule

The captain of the “Service Entrance” team and the general director of the “Ural Dumplings” project, Alexei Lyutikov, was found dead in a hotel room in Yekaterinburg. The body was discovered by a maid.

Immediately after his death, many versions of his death appeared. The media wrote about him drug addiction, someone claimed that the KVN star died from a stab in the heart.

Forensic experts found that Alexey suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy, a disease characterized by a sharp deterioration of his condition and sudden death.

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