Tamerlan Sadvakasov - winter lyrics. Tamerlan sadvakasov Nikita was very worried

You said too much, you're gone - forever
The wind builds a road for me that leads me there,
Where I will think for a long time why you are so alive.
You asked for so little, you got "never".

You have work now, and you have no time for me anymore
You went to the west - friends will appear there.
I no longer dream of anything, just like you.
We laughed and swam in the warm lake of love.

As if the children were confused and all their dreams were broken

Winter is falling into my soul, and you are somewhere
You freeze like me, without the warmth of love,
Where do you look for this path, where will you achieve success?
But happiness cannot be returned, there is not enough room for love.

Winter is falling into my soul, and you are somewhere
You freeze like me, without the warmth of love,
Where do you look for this path, where will you achieve success?
But happiness cannot be returned, there is not enough room for love.

Winter is falling into my soul, and you are somewhere
You freeze like me, without the warmth of love,
Where do you look for this path, where will you achieve success?
But happiness cannot be returned, there is not enough room for love.

Tamerlan Sadvakasov - Winter video

“I see rehearsals even in my dreams!”

Photo: Stanislav Solntsev

Young singer and composer Tamerlan Sadvakasov, son legendary guitarist group A’Studio Baglan Sadvakasov, is far from new to the world of show business. At twenty-three years old, he has already achieved a lot and strives to achieve even more in the near future. As a teenager, he put together his own group called Timer, which included his friends, but the project was not destined to live long. Now the singer is promoting a new music group named after him. With her he intends to conquer musical Olympus. The experience of past years helps the singer in this - both the unsuccessful first attempt and the period when he worked in popular group A’Studio, replacing his father, guitarist Baglan Sadvakasov, who died in a car accident in August 2006. Tamerlane recently released debut video for the song “Tasty”, directed by his friend Nikita Presnyakov, grandson of Alla Pugacheva. And now the newborn group is preparing a second video and plans to release its first album.

Tamerlan, as a young musician who has already learned the pros and cons of show business, do you consider your profession romantic?
I wouldn't say so. There are too many complications. Especially now: I have my own group, we constantly rehearse, “test” the lineup, and look closely at each other. This takes a lot of time and effort. The guys all came from different cities Russia. My first project consisted of friends, but it was just pampering. Now it's serious.

What kind of relationships do you have in the group?
Perhaps someone is a little jealous because the group is called by my name - “Tamerlan”, and besides, they interview me more often than others. True, I invest the most financially.

What was it like working at A’Studio?
It was very difficult. Constant rehearsals, concerts... I was terribly tired. Even over time, I acquired the same habit that my dad had - he began to constantly wear dark glasses. So that no one sees that I'm sitting with eyes closed.

What is the group working on now?
We are writing an album. We have an excellent sound producer Arseniy Ardeleanu, he worked on Thomas Anders' album Strong. We will soon be filming a video for the song “Winter,” a script has already been invented for it. This song has a special feature - a sound similar to the beeping of a cardiogram. Like this: tyn, tyn, tyn! It abruptly blends into the general rhythm, and at the end it turns into a depressive “pi-i-i-i...”. You know, like in the movies, when a person is lying in a hospital bed and his heart stops. This is a very sad song about separation.

Isn't it from yours? personal experience?
No, I composed it in English for my first project, in which a girl sang. When I heard the vocalist speak English, I decided to translate this song into Russian. In general, its origins are somewhere in Kazakh songs. ( Reads the text aloud in Kazakh.) This translates to: “Hey Sersingul, look out the window, my leg hurts when I look at you.” ( Laughs.)

Curious. Do you do this with every song, or do you sometimes purposefully sit down and squeeze the lyrics and music out of yourself?
It depends. For example, the other day I came up with a song completely by accident. The story is funny: I came home from rehearsal, fell asleep and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night because in a dream I was telling the guitarist how to play his part. Apparently, I was worried and turned around in bed like a compass, because when I opened my eyes, it turned out that I was lying with my feet in the pillows. I couldn’t sleep anymore, I got up and shed tears, thinking about how hard it was to rehearse even in a dream. Well, I sat down at the guitar and started strumming... Things went well. It turns out like this: emotions accumulated, I threw them out, and it turned out new song. And if you write specifically, then only to order. When you know that it’s not for you to sing, but for someone else, it’s somehow easier.

Composing a song is a painstaking task; it can take a month or two. It happens that you write and think: it turned out too “uncommercial”, you redo it and think: it didn’t come out from the heart. But I want it to be done both from the heart and to have a financial return. When you don’t write for yourself, you only think about commerce.

So, you play the guitar, write poetry, promote the band...
...and also resolve all sorts of situations. I don't really like being a leader. I even told the musicians: “Guys, if you can do more than me, do it, and I’ll compose songs.” But for now everyone is being modest, so I have to be the leader. IN ordinary life I don't show leadership traits. I don’t tell everyone: let’s do this, let’s do that.

Why don't you want to be a leader?
Very strange and surprising, right? Everyone in Moscow strives for this. Everyone is so ambitious. When I told the musicians I knew that my band might have a concert in the Kremlin and Channel One would film us, and invited them to play with us, they said: “We have our own bands, we will play ourselves.” I don’t know what world they live in, but in Russia thousands of musicians cannot achieve any result, let alone a concert in the Kremlin, but they say they will do it themselves. Well…

In general, now you are a clear leader. What were you like before - for example, in school years?

I was a terrible rebel. I was kicked out of school several times, and I also had to move around a lot... people. (Laughs.) Just kidding, of course. He was a terrible rebel. He didn’t torture the teachers, but the students - yes...

Physically or mentally?

Some laughs and mockery. Kindly.

Are you a risky guy?
Yes. But I can’t take justifiable risks. It often turns out to be very ridiculous. For example, I recently bought quite expensive car, especially for this young guy, like me. My dad, for example, had nothing like this at all. This is what I do sometimes: I’ll buy something, enjoy it for a couple of weeks, and then have nothing to eat.

Isn't a tattoo a risk? What does this cross tattoo on your arm mean?
You know, like when you were a child: you put a cross on your hand with a pen and think that this will remind you of something. This tattoo reminds me that life is not a cartoon, that everything will not be forgiven, that you shouldn’t take risks often... However, after I got lost during filming, it seems to me that it doesn’t work. It was terrible, I could have died! ( Laughs.)

Yes, Nikita Presnyakov told ( in an interview with OK! dated May 17. - Approx. OK!) that during the filming of the video for the song “Tasty” you got lost in the canyon. What were you thinking when you went for a walk alone?
I just went to look for the sticks that Nikita needed for something there. I got lost, began to choke from lack of water, sat down in the shade and talked to the pebbles for two hours. Like in the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks. Remember the episode where he talks to Wilson the ball? That's how I am. Then I found out that this canyon where the video was filmed is called Witch Mountain. They say people hear witches calling them and get confused. I actually heard some whispers and conversations. Maybe it was a glitch from overheating, but it seemed to me that our guys were talking somewhere nearby. I walked along the sand, climbed a mountain, spent a lot of energy... It’s scary to remember.

Nikita was very worried...

Yes, he came at me later because I was walking somewhere. You know, we have a cool story with him. We must have known each other since childhood, since our dads had been friends for about twenty-five years. But Nikita and I met, oddly enough, in a karaoke bar. There were “live” instruments there, and Nikita asked into the microphone: “Are there any guitarists here?” Someone I knew pushed me up to the stage. We performed the song Creep by Radiohead - I played guitar, Nikita sang. Oh, how we performed! And then they castled: I sat down at the drums, and Nikita took the guitar. After that, we became friends and started going to karaoke together. And so we got to the point where I invited him to work together on a video for my song, which we presented in May.

How do you deal with failure? For example, I recorded a song, and it’s a hop! - and failed.
There's nothing worse than this. Such failure is followed by depression. You try to compose again, but nothing comes of it, and you become even more depressed. Generally speaking, I really don’t like it when things don’t go my way. True, I think it would be better if I tried less to get something.

Aren't you afraid of failure and shame?

I have a friend, Masha Oster, her dad is Grigory Oster, who, if you remember, wrote “ Bad advice" Amazing writer! One day I embarrassed myself in front of him. I said something like: “I wave and wave at you, but you don’t see me.” I told Grigory Oster this, can you imagine? Masha nudged me with her elbow and said in a whisper: “Waving, waving...”. Then I grabbed my head: oh no! How could I express myself so ignorantly in front of Oster!

What did your own dad teach you?
He taught me to love music. Mom told me that when she was still carrying me, dad would put headphones on her stomach so that I could listen good music: Depeche Mode, Sting, Elton John... But I was born, grew up and started listening to “Tender May”. Upon learning of this, dad exclaimed: “He is not my son, he cannot listen to this!” And then I reformed and got hooked on the Beatles. The whole family on my father's side are Beatlemaniacs. My dad's brothers still have huge posters of The Beatles. I remember someone told me that Ringo Starr- this is my uncle, who is very busy because he is constantly touring. And I kept thinking: “Cool, when will he come back? What a famous uncle I have, cooler than my dad..."

Someone played a cruel joke on the child.
It seems that it was dad himself. You know, he was such... an inexperienced dad. More likely not even a dad, but like this good friend, Older brother. He was constantly making fun of me and making fun of me. He brought me to Moscow when I was fifteen, after I said: “Stop throwing me out of your life.” It’s just that my mother lived with her new husband in Kazakhstan, and my father worked in the A’Studio group in Moscow. And I lived on two fronts. My dad and I saw each other once every few months, and even then, when I visited him, he came after rehearsals at 6 in the morning, went straight to bed, and left to give concerts during the day. I was very angry.

Sorry if it hurts you to remember. Tell me, how did you live when your father died?
I'm still worried. Arman Davletyarov ( director of Muz-TV. - Approx. OK!) once said, “You’ll never get better, just get through it.” He also lost his father. Of course, I answered him rudely then, but now I understand... Recently I thanked him for preparing me for this.

How did the tragedy affect you and your work?
I have always believed that a musician should have tragic fate so he can write cool music. But after my father’s death, I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time, much less write music. So I changed my views and now I can say for sure: neither tragedies, nor alcohol, nor drugs affect the creativity of a musician in in a good way.

Do you have a place in your life for any other hobbies besides music?

I love streetball. I also really like movies. By the way, I would like to act in a movie. I even finished drama school in Moscow. There was a case, they wanted to take me for a role in the film “House of the Sun”. The story is almost Hollywood: I came to the casting with a friend, an actor, who really wanted to star in this film, but he was not chosen, but they pointed a finger at me: “Let’s take this guy.” The next day I was given an audience with Garik Sukachev, who was the director of this film. The night before, my friend and I celebrated my appointment, drank a little, and in the morning he woke up first and... did not wake me up. Only a few years later he admitted that it was on purpose because he was upset and envious of me. I, of course, have already forgiven him.

Nikita seems to be planning to film great movie. Will you film with him?
With pleasure. We once sat at Aida’s birthday party ( Nikita Presnyakov's girlfriend. - Approx. OK!), and I suggested making a low-budget film in Kazakhstan. I even came up with a role for myself - I want to play a villain.

Why a villain? Do you feel like a villain somewhere inside?
When I go to bed, I imagine two things: roller skating - I love roller skates - and shooting people with a pistol. ( Laughs.) Sometimes you want to be some kind of maniac. (Pauses, looks surprised.) But isn’t it like that for everyone?

Looking at you, you would never think that this nice person is actually in this moment mentally killing you...
I get my sense of humor from my dad.

Read full version interview in OK! magazine No. 26

1. Tamerlane. You are a young singer, musician, author of music and poetry. Tell me, does the muse often visit you?)

Well, she doesn’t always indulge in this, which is probably why she’s so interesting. But I always wait for her and try not to offend her!))

2.You are originally from Almaty. How often do you manage to visit your homeland?

Not as often as we would like, 3-4 times a year. Soon we want to make a big presentation of the video there, at the same time I’ll see my family and have a great time.

3. I assume that you are a real star there, many people already know and love you?

There are fans, of course, and it’s always very nice to hear good words to your address. I take this opportunity to say hello to them!))

4.What are your favorite things to do besides music?

I love cinema very much, and now I’m working on soundtracks for films. But I would like to take part in the filming process as an actor, I’m done drama school, you need to somehow justify your training))

5.Your last clip The song "Winter" was shot by your friend and talented director, Nikita Presnyakov. How did you become friends? Who came up with the idea for the video?

We became friends at a karaoke club, played live instruments, and realized that we had similar tastes in music. This united us, I think.) The idea for the video clip belongs entirely to Nikita. The video is full of action, I'm either thrown into the air or hit the ground. Nikita and I are very similar in these ideas!)

6.Which countries have you been able to visit?

Where have I been!)) Los Angeles and Tbilisi, in my opinion, have the most beautiful sunsets! In London and Vienna, you can be very sad in bad weather; in Almaty and Moscow you can always have a great walk with good friends)

I noticed that when walking around the country you need to listen to the music that was composed in this place, for example, when walking around Los Angeles, you need to listen Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay in London - you feel like you’re walking into some kind of movie!) And while walking around Almaty, listen to Tamerlane haha

8.Which is your favorite National dish? In general, do you know how to cook any dish yourself?))

I love Mexican, Italian and Kazakh cuisine. I know the recipes and cooking methods in each of them by heart. But this doesn’t mean that I’m a chef, it’s better to let a girl do it

9.Do you love Moscow? What do you think is missing in a metropolis that seems to have everything?

I love Moscow very much, and I want everything in this city to only get better. What is missing? - kindness to each other. More smiles, and even traffic jams will be easier to bear! :)

10.What would you ultimately like to get from your creativity?

Of course, I would like to be needed and get money, but in the process writing songs, I and so I have a lot of fun.

11. The new year 2014 has arrived. What would you like to wish for yourself and your readers?

I wish my readers and myself: - smile more and enjoy the little things!)

12.Your father, Baglan Sadvakasov, former lead singer and talented guitarist of the group

A-studio. Tell me, how do you remember your father? Which of his words and advice will stay with you forever?

Very cheerful, kind and caring. I remember him for always showing great respect for creative people. For example, if you turn off the music in the tape recorder, but the composition did not play to the end, then you need to apologize to the artist whom you did not listen to. It's strange, but there's something in it)

13.Your three words about God (for example, my three: Comprehensive. Wise. Omnipresent)...

Creative. Influential Fair.

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