Notes on music lessons for the middle group. Outline of a music lesson (middle group) on the topic: Outline of a music lesson in the middle group “Musical Teremok”


This methodological development will be useful for music directors and additional education teachers.
Target: consolidate children’s knowledge of the concepts of “expressiveness” and “figurativeness” in works of art. To consolidate children's knowledge about the different durations of musical sounds.
1. Show the possibilities of conveying mood in musical works, literary genres, theatrical forms.
2. Teach children to listen carefully to music, to understand the nature of various musical fragments.
3. Find similarities between certain sounds of nature and musical instruments. Name familiar instruments.
4. Listen carefully to the poems, catch them general meaning, character.
5. Independently convey through movements the nature of the verbal-rhythmic etudes and nursery rhymes used in the lesson.
5. Teach children to schematically record various durations on a flannelgraph.
Progress of the lesson
Musical director. Dear Guys! Today I suggest going for a walk in a magical forest. I want to open it for you little secret: “The forests are waiting for us in the thicket amazing Adventures, new unexpected meetings and acquaintances with forest inhabitants. Do you want to get into an interesting world?
Children. Yes!
Educator. Then let's go! Look, a thin winding path has appeared in front of us. So that none of you gets lost, I suggest holding hands tightly and moving like a snake along with the sounds of the forest.
So you and I came out to a small forest edge. Let's sit down on the stumps and breathe in the fresh forest air. And in order for the healing forest air to have a beneficial effect on your body, I suggest you do breathing exercise, which is called the “pipe nose”. Our nose will be a pipe, and our nostrils will be the buttons of this pipe: press one button with your finger and inhale, release your finger and simultaneously press another button - exhale. We breathe evenly and calmly. Well done! (4 times). The forest is quiet now, you can only hear the bird singing its song. Listen and tell me what kind of bird this is.
The musical director performs the song “Cuckoo” by M.I. Kraseva.
Musical director. Who is this? That's right, cuckoo. What mood did you hear in the music?
Children. The music is calm, gentle, affectionate....
Musical director. I suggest listening to the cuckoo crow. (A fragment is performed), calmly or sadly.
Children. Calm, fun.
Musical director. Does the cuckoo sing loudly all the time or sometimes in a different way? Listen.
Children. The cuckoo sings either loudly or quietly.
Musical director. That's right - she sings differently. Sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, tender. Please tell me which instrument can be used to convey the ringing singing of a cuckoo?
Children. On the metallophone.
Musical director. Right. (Takes out the rest of the musical instruments: triangle, spoons, bell.) And now I suggest choosing an instrument that conveys the quiet singing of the cuckoo. That's right - it's a triangle. You need to play the triangle very carefully, quietly - after all, in the forest the cuckoo’s singing can be heard very far.
How can you depict the cheerful murmur of a river? That's right - bells. And to depict jumping frogs, you can also use spoons. Now I will give you the instruments, and we will all perform this song together.
Performing a song together with playing musical instruments.
Musical director. So the cuckoo stopped singing, and there was silence in the forest again. But what a sound that can barely be heard from afar. Let's quietly go out into the clearing and listen. (A tape recording from the series “Sounds of the World around us” sounds). An unusual incident - mosquitoes woke up in a magical forest. Let's ring quietly with them. Z-z-z-z-z-z.
Educator(with a twig in his hands).
Shoo, shoo, mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes fly away.
Don't bite me so many times in broad daylight. Musical director. Mosquitoes respond.
Children. We are already kind to you (* * * * * *) * tremors of palms.
After all, we bite you, (******) claps.
Even to the point of bleeding, but lovingly. (******) clapping
Children perform a song by M.L. Lazarev "Mosquito":
Z-z-z-z-z - the mosquito is ringing.
Z-z-z-z-z - the mosquito flies.
S-z-z-z-z-he’s so evil.
Z-z-z-z-z-chasing me.

Losing: children run around the hall, trying to “sting” each other with their fingers.
Musical director.
Stop, stop, mosquitoes
Children form a circle.
Rest for now. This is not the time for you to fly, in winter you need to sleep.
Educator. And the mosquitoes sighed:
Children. 3-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-2 times.
Exercise to restore breathing.
Educator. And the mosquitoes fell asleep.
Children. Z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z.
Children squat, folding their palms under their cheeks.
Musical director. And now let’s once again reproduce the sound of a flying mosquito: put your palm to the neck and ring - z-z-z-z-z. Do you feel the vibrations? Mosquitoes have revealed their secret to you - you need to do this exercise more often, and then you will never have a sore throat. Oh, what is this prickly ball under the Christmas tree? Guys, this is a hedgehog sleeping. Let's try to wake him up with a cheerful song.
Dramatization of the song “Hedgehog”:
1. The animal is covered in needles
Children sing, passing the toy around. From head to toe. Where are you going, prickly hedgehog? Where are you going - wandering?
2. I rummage, rummage through the bushes.
A child sings, holding a toy hedgehog in his hands. I get my own food. I look for mice in the grass, and drag them into my nest.
3. The hedgehog is looking for a worm.
Children sing.
And a frog and a beetle.
Fumbling, fumbling through the bushes,
Gets food himself.
The toy is returned to the teacher.
Children immediately proceed to reading the rhythmic nursery rhyme “Hedgehog”:

* * * * V V V V)
* * * * V V
* * * * V V
* * * * V V
* * * * V V
* * * * V V
Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,
Give me your needles.
Repair your pants
Fighting bunny.
Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog -
Lend me some needles.
* stomp.
V claps.
Musical director. The hedgehog snorted.
Teacher (hedgehog). Come here!
But don't ask for needles.
If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me
Better with teddy bears
Play hide and seek you. Musical director. Thanks hedgehog. Teacher (hedgehog). It's time for me to go home already! The teacher takes the toy behind the screen. Children. Goodbye hedgehog!
Musical director. And a little bear came out of the thicket into the clearing.
He swings and walks straight towards the kids.
“Bear” by F. Gershova is performed, the teacher moves puppet bear along the edge of the screen. Children sway to the beat of the music. The teacher puts on a bear mask behind the screen and goes out to the children. And now guys! Play hide and seek with the bear.
Children run up to stumps located in a checkerboard pattern at the front of the hall.
Playing the song “Cheerful Bear Cubs”:
1. There are bear cubs in the clearing
The teacher sings.
Played hide and seek with my mother.
They ran away in all directions.
Never find them.
Children. Yes! Children squat down. Losing: Children rise up
2. But the bear cheated.
Children sing, performing movements according to the text - index finger to lips. I made some delicious porridge. - They stroke their bellies.
He puts the cup on a tree stump and spreads his arms to the sides.
Nearby is a linden honey tree.-
They clap their hands. Loss: children pick up wooden spoons.
3. The children came running themselves,
Cups and spoons clattered.
Knock, knock, knock! (* * V) Children sing and play on spoons.
Knock, knock, knock! (* * V)
He ate a cup for nothing.
Knock, knock, knock. (3 times) (* *V)
* short blow to the spoons.
Stretch your arms forward, spoons away from you.
Musical director.
Lots of fun in the forest!
And now I'll ask
Remind me of the sounds of spoons,
What they sounded in the meadow.
Together with the children, they beat the rhythm and pronounce the words. Knock, knock, knock!.(Zraza)
Musical director. Well done, very good. You performed a small musical phrase. And now I propose to write this phrase on a flannelgraph. Please tell me how you and I will designate a musical phrase. That's right, with one long vertical line. We will denote the beginning of the phrase with an asterisk, and the end with a circle. Tell me where you heard the stop, at the beginning or at the end of the phrase? That's right, in the end, in a word - chok. Is this word short or long? That's right, for a long time. This means that at the end of the phrase we will record a long sound - with what? Yes - with a white stripe. And what did the spoons sound like at the beginning of the phrase: knock, knock. That's right - abruptly - these are short sounds, and we write them down with two ticks. Now let's all read together what we got. Amazing! Well done! And now the time has come to say goodbye to our magical forest. You and I will come here more than once: in the snowy winter, and the joyful spring, and the hot summer, and the golden autumn. In the meantime, I want to wish the forest:
Be healthy, magical forest
Stand in formal attire.
A lot of interesting meetings and knowledge
You gave us a magical forest.
I wish you all the best, may there always be a place for magic in your heart.
To the accompaniment of music, the children leave the hall.

Traditional activity
Average preschool age

Program content:
Musical and rhythmic exercises
Lead children to the ability to distinguish the character of music and convey it in movement. Continue to teach children to start and stop movements with music.

Practice calm walking (“Calm Step”, music by T. Lomova).
Teach children to move rhythmically, distinguish contrasting parts of music, run in all directions without bumping into each other, practice light, springy jumps and easy running, develop the ability to navigate in space (“Funny Balls”, music by M. Sakulina).
Perceive music of a calm, smooth nature. Learn to hear the shift musical parts and change movements yourself. Perform movements with soft hands, without tension. Develop Creative skills children, asking them to act with imaginary objects (“Rinse handkerchiefs”, Russian folk melody “Ay, meadow duck”),
Listening to music
Develop emotional responsiveness to music of different nature. Learn to recognize a piece of music. Activate children's mental activity. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to music until the end, without being distracted (“Lullaby”, music by S. Maikapara, “March”, music by Y. Slonov; Russian folk melody “Dance”).
Song creativity
Lead children to the ability to independently find intonations built on several sounds (“Bunny, bunny, where have you been?”).
Develop accuracy of melodic intonation with spasmodic movement of the melody. Follow correct breathing between short musical phrases.
Learn to clearly pronounce consonants at the end of words: “well done”, “tambourine”, extending vowels at the end of words: “I’ll dance”, “I’ll make you laugh”.
Sing with musical accompaniment and without it, with the support of the teacher’s voice (“Petrushka”, music by V. Karaseva).
Teach children to convey the bright, lyrical character of the song, continue to work on the expressiveness of the performance of this song. Perform with a light sound, lively, convey dynamic changes in singing. Cleanly sing jumps in the melody a fourth up or down. Correctly pronounce vowel sounds in the words: “our”, “yesterday”, “thawed patch” (explain the meaning of this word), “flower”, “sun”.
Clearly pronounce the consonants at the end of words: “snowdrop”, “flower”, “drip”, “smells” (“Song about Spring”, music by G. Frida, lyrics by N. Frenkel).
Work on the purity of intonation, cultivate emotional responsiveness to a song of a cheerful, danceable nature. Practice pure intonation of thirds and minor seconds. Teach children to sing with a light sound, accurately conveying the progressive movement of the melody up and down, and to maintain intonation on one sound.
Correctly pronounce vowels in words: “sun”, “radiant”, “mommy”, “first”.
Pay attention to the difference between the 1st and 2nd musical phrases.
Learn to sing expressively, emotionally, with a light sound. Cultivate kind, affectionate feelings for your mother (“We sang a song,” music by R. Rustamov, lyrics by L. Mironova).
Musical and rhythmic movements
Teach children to independently change movements with changing dynamics of music. Distinguish between lullaby, dance, calm, marching music. Strengthen the skill of calm and vigorous walking.
Achieve expressive transmission of musical and gaming images. Continue to develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey a simple rhythmic pattern in children’s percussion instruments. Encourage children to creative expressions in the transfer of playful images and movements in dance (“Walk with Dolls”, music by T. Lomova).
Playing children's musical instruments
Strengthen children's ability to play the metallophone in an ensemble with the simplest melodies built on one or two sounds. Foster a sense of responsibility, develop interest in this type of activity (“Accordion”, music by E. Tilicheeva; “Little Dancer”, music by A. Filippenko).

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall without music one by one. They say hello.

Teacher. Listen carefully to the beginning piece of music and remember what movements are performed to this music? (Performs the beginning of the musical play “Calm Step”, music by T. Lomova). (Children's answers.)
Right, but how should you walk? With a brisk step or a calm one?
(Children's answers.)
While walking, try not to bump into each other. Straighten your shoulders.
(A play by T. Lomova is performed. Children complete the task. Analysis of task completion)
And now we will continue to learn how to bounce like balls. But first, show how the toes will jump on the palm. (Shows a slight movement of two fingers on the palm of the other hand. Children repeat to the music with the teacher.)
Balls not only bounce, but also roll. Show on your palm how the balls roll.

Children, together with the teacher, perform the appropriate movements during the second part of the music. The play "Funny Balls" is performed in its entirety. Children independently perform movements as directed by the teacher. Analysis.

The play “Ay, meadow duck” is playing. Children are invited to learn the music and then choose handkerchiefs...
I like all the scarves. Let's start playing. (Music is played, children do an exercise. Analysis.)
They hid the handkerchiefs... Go and rest on the chairs.

Children sit on chairs and take handouts that are laid out on chairs in advance.
Listen to the music, determine its character and pick up the card that will tell you what piece it sounds like: a march, a dance song or a lullaby? (Music is played, children raise the corresponding cards. Analysis.)

Now I’ll sing “Bunny, Bunny, where have you been?”, and you tell me where you’ve been
bunny, but the response melody should be different.
(Calls 4-5 children for an individual response.)
All the bunnies answered differently, and now I’ll ask Maria Ivanovna a question: “Bunny, bunny, where have you been?”
Educator. I danced with Petrushka! (Shows the toy “Parsley.”)
Teacher. Let's sing a song about Parsley. (Sings with the children.)
I wonder how Parsley's bell rings?
The teacher points on the musical ladder and plays the instrument. At the beginning, children sing each sound separately.
Sing the song about “Petrushka” again. (Children sing.) Parsley is very pleased. (The teacher takes away the toy.)
Listen, guys, to the intro to the song, find out and name it.
Sounds like “Song about Spring”. Children sing a song accompanied by one melody.
Children, who can say what a “thawed patch” is? (Answer: Offers to repeat the word in which the children made a mistake and sing this musical phrase.)
Let's sing this song again while standing. The song is joyful and bright. With this spring mood and let's sing. (After singing, he conducts an analysis.)

Listen and find out what song I played. (Performs “We Sang a Song.”)
That's right, “We sang a song,” music. R. Rustamova, lyrics. A. Mironova. Let's sing it. You already know the melody of this song well.

Children sing with piano accompaniment several times. Then the most difficult verse is repeated. The words are spoken separately: “sun”, “radiant”, etc. Then the song is performed with lead singers. The 1st verse is sung by the girls, the 2nd by the boys, the 3rd verse is sung by everyone together.

Spring, spring outside,
Spring days.
Like birds, they pour out
Tram calls.
Let's go for a walk too. Girls, take dolls, strollers, boys - musical instruments.
Children get up from their chairs and sort out the attributes. "Dance with Dolls" is performed.
Teacher. The girls were caring mothers, the boys are good musicians. Everyone had good mood. Let's finish our lesson by playing instruments, but now everyone will be musicians. And the dolls will listen to us. (Performed “Little Dancer”. Analysis.)
The children played together and harmoniously, everyone tried their best. The dolls really liked it. And now goodbye, until the next lesson.

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You can Natalia Kuzmitskaya Summary of a music lesson in

middle group

“Why do we love summer?” (for children 4–5 years old)

"Why are we love summer Musical repertoire;

: R. Schumann,"The Cuckoo is Invisible"

"Cuckoo" ,rus. adv. song in arr. I. Arseeva; V. Gavrilin,;


"Beetles", Hung. adv. melody arranged by L. Vishkareva. Tasks, : 1. Develop the ability to express feelings caused by fun plastic movements and gestures (V. Gavrilin, ,rus. adv. song in arr. I. Arseeva;).

2. Evoke an emotional response to the song. Work on the purity of intonation of the descending third ( "peek-a-boo" using vocal dialogue between an adult and children ( : R. Schumann,).

3. Maintain interest in singing, sing familiar songs if desired (from the repertoire of the younger group)

4. Coordinate movements with character music in game"Capriccio" (Hungarian folk melody arranged by L. Vishkareva).

Material: a series of pictures about summer.

Move classes: The teacher welcomes the children in the hall, notes what happened during summer changes in appearance children: grown up, tanned, stronger. Children share their impressions of summer vacation: where you were, who you met, what interesting and new things you saw. Next, the teacher reads poems about summer and shows pictures depicting summer.

It was so wonderful in the summer,

Everything around was green,

The sun was shining brightly

And of course it was hot

Morning, evening and afternoon!

We swam, sunbathed,

We ate a lot of fruit,

And at my grandmother's in the village

We listened to fairy tales and songs.

How wonderful it was in summer!

Let's remember this.

Teacher: You spoke about your impressions of the summer in words, but "tell" You can talk about this with movements. Movements can express mood. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess what I want to express with the movement. Guess what the mood might be like if the movement is performed like this?

Teacher (without music) shows a careful step with "closed" body. “What’s your mood now?” Without music show a cheerful step with "open" body. Children must use a word to determine the mood, the nature of the movement. Then, the teacher consistently shows "closed" And "open" poses and invites children, after comparing them, to determine what is their difference (in the position of shoulders, back, head).

A play by V. Gavrilin is being performed, ,rus. adv. song in arr. I. Arseeva;.

Children, in collaboration with the teacher, convey character music with movements: at first they move with a light run, hopping, twirling, at the end of the movement they become calmer, the children switch to a soft step. At the end, the teacher invites the children to rest "in the clearing", everyone sits down on the carpet.

Teacher: In summer I was resting and often heard the voices of different birds, among them the voice of the cuckoo. The cuckoo always sings alone a short song "Peek-a-boo" (play F-D, A flat-F) and repeats it many times. Listen, I hear her song.

Listening to a play by R. Schumann, Musical repertoire

Teacher: - Where is the cuckoo? (searching gesture with a glance from under the palm, children repeat the gesture)- Can not see! (gesture of annoyance - arms spread to the sides). - This the music is calledMusical repertoire, why do you think it’s called that? (she is not visible, only her voice and the fluttering of wings are heard)- Try to hear the cuckoo call and the music of her flights.

Listening to the play again Musical repertoire, R. Schumann

Teacher: Where is the cuckoo flying? You can ask her about this with a song. The teacher introduces children to singing : R. Schumann,, russian adv. song in arr. I. Arseeva. After getting acquainted with the song, the teacher invites the children to sing only onomatopoeia at first "peek-a-boo" (the lead of the song is performed by the teacher)

Performing songs at the request of children from the repertoire of the youngest groups

Teacher: “We are growing and getting stronger in summer,

We love him for this!», -

On the lawn by the river

Beetles buzzed for me.

And we'll dress up in hats,

And we will turn into beetles!


The game is being played "Capriccio", Hung. adv. chalk, 1 part music the beetles fly merrily in all directions, in part 2 they lie on their backs, raise their heads, and merrily wave their arms and legs.

Lesson No. 2"Where are you, cuckoo

"Why are we: V. Kikta, "Russian cuckoos";

R. Schumann, Musical repertoire;

: R. Schumann,, russian adv. song in arr. I. Arseeva;

D. Kabalevsky, "Artist" (from the repertoire of the younger group).

"Beetles": 1. Promote the development of timbre hearing (hear the roll call of two cheerful cuckoos (V. Kikta, "Russian cuckoos").

2. Learn to sing slowly, slowly, with a light sound. : R. Schumann,, (Russian folk song, purely sing the descending

third ( "peek-a-boo").

3. Encourage selection on the piano and metallophone "cuckoo song".

tambourines, bells, wooden sticks.

Move classes. The teacher makes a wish for the children riddle:

I'm sitting high on a branch,

I sing: - Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku!

I don't play hide and seek

But who am I, guys?


Teacher: You guessed correctly, this is a cuckoo. Listen to how her voice sounds in nature.

Teacher: Can you and I sing like a cuckoo?

Children sing the intonation of the cuckoo song if they wish.

Listening to the play by V. Kikt, "Russian cuckoos".

Teacher: Who listened carefully music, how many cuckoos were cuckooing? (children's answers) What voices did the cuckoos have? (high and low).

Only we didn’t see the bird.

Hey, cuckoo, oh!

I'm inviting you to visit,

I invite you to lunch!

But the birds are not.


A play by R. Schumann is playing Musical repertoire (audio recording)

Teacher: Remember what bird this one is talking about music? (about the invisible cuckoo). – Is she sitting on a branch motionless? (flies from twig to twig). And now you and I, like cuckoos, will begin to crow and fly from branch to branch.

Under musicMusical repertoire R. Schumann, children together with the teacher move at a light run, waving their arms.

Teacher: Did you like the cuckoo song? The bird's voice is calm, a little sad. And, although she does not scream like a crow or chirp like a magpie, everyone can hear her.


1) I-II-I 2) III-V-I 3) I-III-I

Singing a song : R. Schumann,, russian adv. song in arr. I. Arseeva

The teacher encourages children to sing easily, slowly, slowly, and sing quarters. You can use vocal dialogue between an adult and children: children - cuckoos in the 1st and 3rd verses sing a descending third "peek-a-boo", the second verse can be sung independently.

At the request of the children, you can perform a song "Artist", D. Kabalevsky from the repertoire of the younger groups.

The teacher encourages children to sing in a mood, trying to convey the humorous content of the song. Singing by voices: the chorus is sung deep voices, chorus - high.

The teacher shows the children a flat figurine of a cuckoo and places it on the piano keys. - The cuckoo song hid among these keys.

Selecting a descending third on an instrument - the cuckoo's call (sol – mi): the child makes the first sound, the teacher makes the second, adjusting it to the descending third.

The teacher sings: - Where are you, cuckoo? Child sings: "peek-a-boo" and tries to find a minor third on the piano or metallophone.

Music lesson notes

Middle group

« Musical journey»


Introduce into a game situation.

Develop imagination and timbre hearing.

Develop expressiveness of gesture, fine motor skills.

Develop communication skills.

Develop coordination of movement and speech.

Practice dance figures, work on the integrity of the round dance performance.


Build performing skills

To cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste,

Evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

Learn to sing expressively, correctly convey the character of the song, collectively with piano accompaniment and to a soundtrack.

Learn to move expressively and rhythmically, to convey emotional and figurative content in the game.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music. Musical greeting - singing.

Children sit down on chairs.

Musical director. Holding a phone in his hands.

“Come quickly, urgently!”

I'm heading to the station.

Well, kids, it's time to travel

Pack your bags

Tell your moms

What will we go on?

(by train)

Song "Locomotive"

A soundtrack of birds chirping sounds.

Round dance "Spring in the Forest"

Children sit on chairs

The teacher finds a magic flower.

There is a mystery on every petal.

    (About pilots and the plane.)

Getting ready to fly
And sings with engines.
If you're very lucky,
He will take us with him.
The most important thing there is the pilot,
And the car is... (
airplane ).

Music game"Pilots, to the airfield"


In a piece of pastry
There was a place for the filling,
It's never empty inside -
Eat meat or cabbage.

Finger game"Pie"

Our hands kneaded the dough,

Then they rolled it out with a rolling pin,

Put the cottage cheese

And they made a pie -

Eat, my dear friend.

A song about pies at the request of children.

I catch bugs all day.
I eat worms,
IN warm region I don't fly.
I live here, under the roof.
Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!
I'm experienced

Song "Winter has passed"

Phonogram of an ax knocking

    (riddle about tools - hammer)

wooden neck,
Iron beak
Shouts: “knock-knock-knock!”

Song "Building a House"


At the fence, on a pole,
The house is at a height.
There will be chicks there,
Their fathers will feed them.
Mothers will warm them tenderly,
They call the house... (birdhouse)

There's a new house between the branches,
There is no door in that house
Only a round window
Not even a cat can get through.

Game "Occupy the House"

Our journey is over and we are returning

I go there every day.
This is necessary, even if you are lazy.
This is what I need for my family.
It’s good there and there are people there.
I've known everyone for two years now
I eat and sleep and play with them.
I'm very happy to go there
There's my favorite...

… kindergarten.

Let's listen new song

Song "Kindergarten"

The children say goodbye and leave the hall.

Getting ready to fly
And sings with engines.
If you're very lucky,
He will take us with him.
The most important thing there is the pilot,
And the car is... ( airplane ).

In a piece of pastry
There was a place for the filling,
It's never empty inside -
Eat meat or cabbage.

I catch bugs all day.
I eat worms,
I don’t fly to warm regions.
I live here, under the roof.
Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!
I'm experienced (Sparrow!)

wooden neck,
Iron beak
Shouts: “knock-knock-knock!”

At the fence, on a pole,
The house is at a height.
There will be chicks there,
Their fathers will feed them.
Mothers will warm them tenderly,
They call the house... (birdhouse)

There's a new house between the branches,
There is no door in that house
Only a round window
Not even a cat can get through.

I go there every day.
This is necessary, even if you are lazy.
This is what I need for my family.
It’s good there and there are people there.
I've known everyone for two years now
I eat and sleep and play with them.
I'm very happy to go there
There's my favorite...

Tatyana Ushakova
Summary of a music lesson in a middle group with elements of gaming activities

Summary of music lessons in the middle group

With elements of play activities.

Target classes:

Development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.

Developing interest in singing, love for music.

Developing the ability to interact with each other.

Using the game in various types musical activity.



Strengthen children's ability to recognize familiar songs by introduction

Practice rhythmically performing familiar musically-rhythmic movements.

Use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in play activity.



Develop emotional communication skills with each other.

Develop imagination and creative thinking

Develop singing skills, rhythmic ear, timbre ear, intonation.

Develop acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in play activity.

Enrich musical impressions of children.

Develop a sense of rhythm, timbre and dynamic hearing in children.

Develop movement skills: running, round dance step, spring step, stomping step


Cultivate interest and love for music and singing.

Be able to express your feelings and speak out about what you have heard music

Foster collectivism and love for collective performance

Methods: Visual-visual, visual-auditory, verbal, artistic and practical method.

Type classes: Classic

Visual aids:

Noise instruments: spoons, rattles, bells.

Driver's hat.

Two clown toys.

Drawn flowers to decorate a spring meadow.

Portrait of the composer D. B. Kabalevsky


Children enter the hall, under the marching line music, make a circle.

Progress of the lesson

Chant: Children greet in a clear, calm voice, a clear, abrupt voice and a gentle, melodious voice.

Held communication game "Acquaintance".

Each child sings his name (for example, "I am Natasha!",

Musical director: Today we are going on a trip by train. But our locomotive is far from kindergarten, and we must get to it. Come on, our feet, let's go along the road.

(Children hold hands and perform dance exercises "Road"

Let's hold hands together

And we'll go around in circles. “They walk in a circle in a round dance step”.

We all walk slowly.

We place our foot on the toe. We'll go down the path

And let's start stamping.

We are walking along the path. "Step with the Flood".

Keep your back straight

Straight as a reed

The toe was pulled back

Nicely unfolded. "Turned in a circle"

Sock - once,

Sock - two! This right leg, They put their feet on their toes

Sock - one, Sock - two

This left leg. “They put their feet on their toes”

Toes apart, heels together, "Spring".

We'll dance on the spot. "Spring".

The spring contracts

And the back straightens.

Now we'll hurry up

Let's run quickly. "Run"

And let's drown a little

Along the path, along the path! "Stomping Step"

Musical director: Guys, what a good train,

Let's clap our hands together. "Movement "plates"

Musical director: And now, without pushing, we get into the trailers.

And you Vera Nikolaevna (name, patronymic of the teacher) do you want to be a machinist?

Answer: Yes!

Then, take your place and let’s go, and to make the ride more fun, we’ll sing our favorite song together "Train".

A song is being performed: "Locomotive"

Musical director: We've arrived. First stop is the theater. Who was at the theater? (Children's response) What are they doing in the theater? (Children's response) Who is speaking? (Children's response) And here comes the third call, (the teacher rings the bell) quickly sat down. The entire theater hall busy, and cheerful on stage music sounds. And we will help you musicians orchestra members. (The teacher distributes noise instruments to the children: spoons, rattles, bells).

Russian folk phonogram sounds music.

Children playing instruments: first spoons, then rattles, bells and finally all together.

Musical director: It’s time for the orchestra to rest in the theater.

Get back on the train soon, kids!

Musical director: driver, the locomotive is ready to depart. Educator: Yes!

Musical director: Then let's go, I see our boys are sad, girls, let's make a song for them, and let's all do the movements together.

Girls perform a song "Locomotive" Words by M. Kartushena, Music. D. Kabalevsky, and the movements are performed by everyone together.

Musical leader You and I have come to the circus. And here come the clowns!

What does a clown do in the circus? (children's answer, amusing the audience)

Let's all sit on the chairs and listen to the funny music, which is called "Clowns"

Sounds musical composition"Clowns" D. B. Kabalevsky.

Musical director: What is the character of the listener? music, how does it sound fast or slow? Loud or quiet?

And I wrote this music B. B. Kabalevseii.

Let's listen to this one again music, and imagine how clowns perform at the circus

Rehearing. "Clowns" D. B. Kabalevsky.

Musical director: That's how the clowns amused us, we all smile. And as a parting gift, he really wants to give you his hat, which we’ll play with now.

The game is being played "Hat" S. and V. Zheleznov

Children stand in a circle and hold hands.

In the center of the circle is a child wearing a hat. The guys move around him in a round dance and sing:

“Put on your hat, my friend, and quickly go to the circle.

Stomp, stomp your feet, dance a little.

Now stop, turn around three times quickly,

Cover your eyes with a hat, choose whoever you want!”

"Driver" performs movements in accordance with the text. To words “cover your eyes with a hat” pulls his hat over his eyes so that he cannot see anything. After the word "choose" children stop and driver "blindly" chooses someone. The child he touches will lead when the game is repeated. (play 2-3 times)

Musical director: Driver, we are moving on, please everyone take your seats.

And now, while the train is moving, the boys will sing a song for the girls, and we will all perform the movements together.

A song is being performed: "Locomotive" Words by M. Kartushena, Music. D. Kabalevsky

Musical director: Our train quickly brought us to the station Musical.

I know that you all really love being artists and performing at a holiday in kindergarten. What kind of holiday did we have just recently? (Children's response) That's right, it's a holiday for all women, mothers, grandmothers, girls, and you sang a song about mom very well, and guess which one, I'll now play the intro to this song for you (Children's response) Now we will all stand up and sing it like artists.

A song is being performed "Congratulations mom" Music and words by Z Root.

Musical director:

You and I travel on a train, look out the windows, and what do we see there?

What time of year is it now? (Children’s answer, what signs of spring do you know? (Children's response). That's right, and now I invite you to the spring meadow, flowers have bloomed in my meadow, everyone choose a flower for themselves, stand next to it and we will all sing together spring song, which is called "Spring"

A song is being performed "Spring" Music and words M. V. Sidorova"


Musical director: Now it’s time to go to kindergarten. Our trip has come to an end, we all get into the carriages and while our train is traveling to the kindergarten, I would like to ask you:

Did you enjoy the trip?

On what noise instruments did you help the orchestra play?

Which we heard music at the circus? What was it called music? What character? What's the pace? Who wrote it?

I really liked how you played with the hat!

And you very correctly recognized the song that we performed at the holiday on March 8th, you are just great!

And when you sang the song "Spring" I saw that everyone around was smiling

Musical director: is our music lesson it's over, let's say goodbye to everyone.

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