Kystyby is a national Tatar dish. Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style

Kystyby are delicious Tatar flatbreads with mashed potatoes, which will surely remind many of the taste from childhood. Its dough is prepared and kneaded very simply, just like pies without yeast.

The secret to preparing this dish is to roll out a very thin dough and fry it in a dry frying pan. Preparing kystyby is very easy if you follow the step-by-step technology correctly. As a result, we will get a base that does not break and is easy to wrap.

I was lucky enough to get the recipe for kystybya with Tatar potatoes from a chef friend of mine, who was trained to cook the traditional version of the flatbread.

Kystyby flatbread with potatoes

Kitchen appliances and utensils: masher for puree, knife for fine chopping, rolling pin for dough, brush for greasing baked goods, three-liter saucepan, 2 kitchen towels.


How to choose ingredients

  • For the recipe for tender kostyby dough with potatoes, we need to take wheat flour from soft varieties of wheat. We also must not forget that buying flour in a plastic bag is unacceptable. After all, in plastic it simply cannot breathe, which causes a rotten smell.
  • At home, to check the quality of flour, you should try it. It should not have a sour, very sweet or bitter taste. We choose smaller potatoes without external defects and holes. For the puree we will need round tubers with a white shell and white pulp, as they are crumbly, tender and boil very quickly.
  • We take a larger onion, without unnecessary damage to the peel, with a weak “onion” aroma. It is also better to take a lighter vegetable, as it is distinguished by its piquant spiciness.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First, let's take 1 kg of potatoes, wash them thoroughly and peel them. Then cut into cubes and place in a three-liter pan filled with 2 liters of water. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 20 minutes. After the time has passed, add bay leaf and 0.5 tbsp. l. salt. Cook for another 3 minutes.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the onion into cubes and fry it in butter (50 g) until golden brown (about 4 minutes).
  3. Boil 200 ml of milk. Don't forget to stir constantly, otherwise the milk may escape. Drain the water from the finished potatoes and use a potato masher to puree them.

  4. Add boiled milk and beat again.

  5. Pour the fried onions into the potatoes and mix thoroughly.

  6. Beat the egg in a deep container. Melt 50 g of butter and pour it into a bowl. Also add 130 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt. Mix everything well.

  7. Adding 400 g of flour in small portions, knead the dough (until it stops sticking to your hands). Once finished, let it sit for 20 minutes.

  8. We make a sausage from the dough and divide it into 16 equal parts. Roll them into balls.

  9. Dip the balls in flour and use a rolling pin to roll them into a flat cake (sprinkling with flour).

  10. Remove excess flour from the cake and bake in a dry frying pan until golden brown on both sides (approximately 2 minutes).

  11. Using a brush, grease the kystyby with the remaining butter. Cover with a towel.

  12. Stuff the dish. Place mashed potatoes (2 tbsp) on half of the flatbread, and carefully cover it with the other.

  13. We perform this operation with the remaining kystybys. All that remains is to prepare the dish for serving.

Cooking video

You can learn more about how to make kystyby with potatoes from the video. With its help, going through all the stages of preparation is much easier than doing it yourself. What can we say about some of the subtleties and secrets that are shown in the video of the recipe for kystybya with potatoes.

How to decorate and serve a dish

  • The best way to decorate the Tatar dish kystyby with potatoes is with the help of greens. For this we use lettuce and parsley. You can also use onions, garlic, cherry tomatoes, cilantro and dill.
  • Despite the fact that we have learned how to prepare kystyby with potatoes, next we need to figure out how to serve it. To do this, place the flatbreads on a large plate and grease them with butter. The dish must be eaten hot, washed down with strong tea.
  • In the same way we decorate and serve - Moldavian placintas -.
  • Do not forget to add flour to the dough gradually so that it does not turn out too tight
  • The dough for the dish must be fresh. Under no circumstances should you do it in advance.
  • While frying pancakes, after each pancake, carefully remove dry flour from the pan with a paper towel.
  • Raw kystybya flatbreads should not be coated with oil before cooking.
  • We bake carefully. A high temperature will burn the dish, and a low temperature will completely dry out the dough.
  • Be sure to wrap the finished cakes in a towel so that they remain soft and do not break when bent.
  • Mashed potatoes should be made by hand rather than using a blender. Otherwise the filling will turn out rubbery.
  • It is necessary to cook kystyby only when it is hot.

We also fry classic flatbreads using water and flour in a frying pan.

Other cooking options

  • During cooking, the first thing we can experiment with is the flatbread. It can be made not only with milk, but also with water, kefir, or without eggs at all. Here everyone chooses an option based on their preferences. However, the traditional version is prepared with milk.
  • This dough is also perfect for “cheese flatbreads.”
  • We change the filling. Having figured out how to make kystyby with potatoes, let’s move on to another stuffing. We can prepare this dish according to another traditional recipe, along with millet porridge.
  • We’ll also try filling the flatbread with vegetable filling. Any vegetables you can find will work for this. We chop them and simmer them like a vegetable stew. If desired, you can add hot pepper to add some spice to the dish.
  • You can prepare sweet kystyby. All we need is to steam a glass of mashed poppy seeds in milk and mix it with chopped walnuts and honey. Spread the sweet mass onto hot flatbreads and serve.

Write to us in the comments if you liked the recipe for kystybya with potatoes. And also share your options for preparing the dough and filling the dish.

Today we have on our menu the national dish of the Tatars - kystyby. These flatbreads with a variety of fillings resemble an uncovered pie. The dough for kystyby with potatoes, cheese and vegetable stew can be kneaded with milk, sour cream, kefir or plain water. Let's look at the best recipes.

Kystyby - delicious Tatar flatbreads with mashed potatoes

Traditionally, mashed potatoes are used as a filling for Tatar dishes. You can complement the taste of the dish with fried mushrooms and onions. So, let's look at the recipe for kystyby with potatoes step by step.


  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 200 g soft butter;
  • 0.6-0.7 kg of sifted flour;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • dill;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 100 ml refined vegetable oil.

On a note! To ensure that kystyby has an aesthetic appearance and is also convenient to eat, do not add a lot of filling to the flatbreads.


Knead the dough with milk

The dough for kystyby with Tatar potatoes can also be kneaded with milk. You already know how to prepare the filling and fry the flatbreads, so we won’t go into detail on this.

Attention! Based on the dough, this recipe can be used to prepare not only kystyby, but also homemade noodles.


  • egg;
  • 170 ml cow's milk;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 2.5-3 tbsp. sifted flour.


Tender and manageable dough without eggs

Now let’s look at how to cook kystyby with potatoes without adding eggs. This base turns out to be delicate and very soft.


  • 500 ml milk;
  • table salt to taste;
  • 5 tbsp. sifted flour.


Unleavened base for delicious Tatar flatbreads

Kystyby made from dough in plain water is no less tasty. You can fill these flatbreads with cheese and herbs or mashed potatoes.


  • 250 ml filtered water;
  • 0.7 kg of sifted flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g soft butter;
  • salt.

On a note! From the specified amount of ingredients you will get approximately 1 kg of unleavened dough.


  1. Combine the eggs with salt and beat with a whisk.
  2. Mix the soft butter with granulated sugar and add to the egg mixture.
  3. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  4. Now add the sifted flour and knead the base not too tightly. It should not stick to the work surface or hands.
  5. You can roll out the flatbreads.

Another option for preparing dough

We offer another way to prepare the base for kystyby in water. Only now we will knead the dough in boiling water.


  • 3 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oils;
  • 1 tbsp. filtered water.


  1. Sift the flour and combine with salt, mix.
  2. Boil filtered water.
  3. Add refined vegetable oil to the flour and mix.
  4. Now add boiling water and stir the resulting mass very quickly.
  5. Let the dough sit for a minute and then start kneading it.
  6. Cover the finished base with cling film and leave for half an hour.

Whatever recipe for making Tatar flatbreads you choose, consider the following tips from experienced chefs:

  • Real Tatar flatbreads are fried without adding oil. It is also not recommended to lubricate the cakes themselves with oil before heat treatment, as they will dry out.
  • As a filling, you can use minced meat fried with onions or assorted vegetables.
  • Before frying the next flatbread, the pan must be cleared of any remaining dough.
  • Roll out the flatbreads thinner; too thick ones will separate during frying.

You can’t spoil porridge with oil, but neither can kystyby! Oiled flatbreads, but not greasy and filled with potatoes, similar to a version of a stuffed tortilla, subtly belong to the dishes of Tatar cuisine. Kystyby with potatoes or millet porridge is a very favorite dish for many men, and not only them. Today we will learn how to cook kystyby using these secrets and a cooking recipe.

What to use for kneading?

The liquid component of the dough can be water, milk, or both in equal proportions - these are the three most versatile options. You can prepare kystyby with kefir, then in the finished dish the slight sourness of the dough will be in perfect harmony with the sweetish puree for the filling, but the main thing is to choose the right proportions of the remaining ingredients and choose the spices. The most delicate dough is made from potato broth; it will need to be strained.

With or without eggs?

The dough with eggs is more dense and pliable. With eggs, the finished flatbreads taste pleasant and are golden in color, but may turn out to be harsher. They will be perfect if you soak them generously in melted butter. Try both options to find your ideal recipe for making kystyby and tasty dough for it. Eggs are added at the rate of 1 piece per 300-500 grams of flour. With any method, the dough should be allowed to rest a little after kneading.

Shape and size

The dough piece for the flatbread is small in size, about the size of a chicken egg. Each ball is carefully rolled out, very thinly (1-2 mm) away from the center. To speed up the process, you should detach a large piece of dough from the entire mass, roll it out and cut out circles with a plate.

Special mashed potatoes

The filling must be cooked perfectly. So kystyby with potatoes is filled with delicious puree, which is thoroughly mashed to remove lumps and lightly beaten. Warm milk and melted butter are a must in mashed potatoes. If you are preparing the filling with Turkish delight, then the onion and the remaining oil after sautéing are also added to the puree.

Alternative filling options

The filling, of course, can change depending on your preferences, the main thing is the dense structure and temperature (let the filling cool), so the cake will not get soggy. Kystyby with millet or potatoes are the most common types of this delicious Tatar dish.

In two stages

It is not recommended to immediately fill the flatbreads with potatoes or millet porridge. After frying the base on both sides without oil in a hot frying pan, they are immediately bent, otherwise they will break later. After this, they are wrapped in a towel or placed in a container and covered with a lid, and covered with cloth on top. At this time, preparation of the filling is completed. And only after such a thermal effect can you spread the slightly cooled filling. Fry with oil immediately before use, because when reheated it will not be as tasty, and the base may even become cardboard.

Kystyby with potatoes. The perfect recipe

  • Milk - 2-2.5 tbsp (1 tbsp - 200 ml)
  • Flour - 5 tbsp
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Small egg - 1 piece
  • Butter - 30 g (you can do without it, it will turn out piquant)

For mashed potatoes:

  • Potatoes - almost 1 kg
  • Milk - at least 150 ml
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Small onion - 1 pc.


  • Melted butter for greasing
  • For frying - butter

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into slices and boil.
  2. Pour melted butter into milk, add salt and beaten egg.
  3. Then gradually adding flour, passed through a sieve, mix the dough. Gradually begin to form it into a bun with your hands.
  4. It may stick a little. Does it stick a lot? Sift the flour onto the work surface (a little bit) and coat, stirring in the flour.
  5. Return the dough to the container, cover and let rest a little.
  6. Saute the onion with butter, heat the milk.
  7. Pour warm milk, onion and butter over the prepared potatoes (drain the broth). Also add spices and melted butter, mix everything thoroughly to remove lumps and beat into a fluffy mass.
  8. Take out the dough. Pinch off a small piece as described above and roll it out. Trim off the excess with a plate, it will turn out neatly.
  9. Cook the flatbread over low heat in a hot frying pan without fat.
  10. Then we oil the hot cake on both sides and bend it in half. You can oil them later when they are completely ready.
  11. Repeat until the dough is gone.
  12. Fold all the cakes and cover. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  13. Prepare the filling, heat the frying pan with fat. Fill each flatbread with 2-3 tbsp of puree
  14. Fry the finished kystyby with potatoes for 2-3 minutes on each side.
  15. Oil the kystyby (if you haven’t done this before) and serve.

Kystyby is a traditional Tatar dish that has firmly established itself in our cuisine. This is not surprising, because the flatbreads cook quickly enough, and you can take absolutely any filling for kystyby: vegetable stew, porridge or. Visually, it resembles a pie; the filling is laid out on half of the flatbread and covered with the second part. But the most important thing in preparing this dish is to correctly make the dough for kystyby in Tatar style. Let's look at some simple recipes for its preparation.

Dough for kystyby with milk


  • cow's milk – 500 ml;
  • wheat flour – 5 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.


How to prepare dough for kystyby? Sift the flour thoroughly into a bowl, and then gradually pour in the required amount of milk and add a pinch of salt. Knead the dough into a homogeneous dough and add a little more flour if necessary. Cover with cling film and leave to “rest” for about 25 minutes. That's all, the dough for kystyby without eggs is ready to work!

Dough recipe for kystyby


  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • goat milk – 170 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • wheat flour – 3 tbsp.


Break the egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Then pour in cool milk, sift the flour and knead a thick, homogeneous dough. After this, cover it with cling film and leave to stand for 15 minutes. After the specified period of time, the dough for making Tatar flatbreads kystyby is ready! After that, roll it out on the table into thin flat cakes and cut out even circles with a plate.

Dough for kystyby with kefir


  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour.


So, break the egg into a bowl, add salt and beat everything with a mixer at high speed. Then pour in slightly warmed kefir, add sifted flour and knead a stiff dough, without lumps. Cover it on top with cellophane and put it in a warm place for 20 minutes to proof. Next, roll out the dough on a floured table and use a plate to cut out neat and even cakes. After this, we proceed to preparing the filling, and cover the dough with a towel so that it does not dry out.

Kystyby dough on water


  • wheat flour – 3 tbsp;
  • boiling water – 1 tbsp.;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.


So, to prepare unleavened dough for Tatar flatbreads, sift the flour thoroughly through a sieve. Then add salt to it, pour in vegetable oil and pour in boiling water. Mix everything quickly with a spoon until the dough comes together into a smooth lump. After this, let it cool a little and knead it into a smooth, elastic dough with your hands. We leave it to rest for 25 minutes, and then proceed to

Soft dough for kystyby


This hearty dish will help out during times of total lack of money and after long holidays, when you want something tasty, but don’t have extra money for delicacies.

Even a novice housewife can prepare a beautiful kystyby with potatoes according to a recipe with a photo. Traditional Bashkir food, also found among the Tatars and in the cuisines of some other peoples, is very nourishing and tasty; both children and adults like it. Pies are convenient to take with you to the beach, for a walk, to the office, or to give to schoolchildren and students for a snack.

Budget set of products for cooking

For the filling you will need:

  • potatoes 6-7 pcs.,
  • 50 g butter,
  • milk,
  • 1 onion.

You can use not only potatoes for the filling - traditionally kystyby was filled with millet porridge or vegetable stew.

For fresh dough you need:

  • 1 egg,
  • 1 teaspoon salt,
  • 2 cups kefir (milk or just water),
  • flour - 600 g (approximately, but in general how much will the dough need).

Step-by-step cooking technique

The recipe for kystyby dough with potatoes is very simple: pour kefir into the sifted flour, beat in the eggs, and add salt.

Substitute the dough with kefir; it should turn out dense, but not as tough as for dumplings.

Place the ball in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator “to rest.” In the meantime, prepare the potato filling for the kystyby.

Boil the potatoes.

Finely chop the onion and fry it in sunflower or butter.

Make mashed potatoes, but thicker than for a side dish, adding butter, milk and fried onions.

The puree is ready, let it cool a little.

Cut a small piece from the dough and roll it out carefully. The diameter of the thin cake should be slightly smaller than the bottom of your pan. You can roll out several circles at once and cover them with film. Place the workpiece on a heated, dry frying pan.

Don't be alarmed if the cake bulges, this is normal. It should be browned. Place the finished juice on a plate, quickly grease with a piece of butter, turn over and distribute the puree over one half.

Fold the kystyby in half - you get a crescent reminiscent of a cheburek. It is advisable to do all this quickly, otherwise the cake will cool down and break when folded.

Kystyby with potatoes prepared according to this recipe cannot be called high-calorie and harmful. Due to the fact that the flatbread is fried without fat, such a snack will not affect your waist and hips. If you're keeping it light, use green onions instead of fried onions and reduce the amount of butter in the filling. During fasting, animal fats can be eliminated completely.

Don't know what to cook tomorrow? Try budget ones and turn them into . Tasty doesn’t mean expensive, difficult or time-consuming!

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