Biography of Tatyana Bulanova, how old is she? Tatyana Bulanova: famous songs and personal life

Tatyana Bulanova was one of the most popular singers 90s, whose lyrical and soulful compositions were loved by numerous listeners. The singer is still doing what she loves, but besides this, she tried her hand at other areas: she was a TV presenter, acted in films, and also took part in shows and television projects. Despite the fact that Bulanova's second marriage broke up, she retained her ex-husband a good relationship. The artist is proud of her children, who are already trying to realize themselves, while achieving significant success.

Tatyana was born in 1969 in Leningrad. Her parents were far from musical world: my father was a submariner, and my mother worked as a photographer. Her older brother Valentin also grew up in the family. IN school years the future star was involved in rhythmic gymnastics, but soon became interested in music. She played the piano and then mastered the guitar. After graduating from school, the girl chose the profession of a librarian. However, after studying for three years at the Institute of Culture, she moved to the studio school at the Leningrad Music Hall, choosing the vocal department.

The singer with her ex-husband Nikolai Tagrin

Bulanova’s personal life changed dramatically after she met musician Nikolai Tagrin, who was the leader of the “Summer Garden” group. Soon the girl left the university and began touring with the group as a soloist. Behind a short time the team became popular and loved by numerous listeners. In 1996, Tatyana left the group, taking up solo career. At the same time, she changed her image and style of songs. During her career, the singer was awarded numerous prizes and awards, becoming Honored Artist of the Russian Federation in 2004. She also sang duets with others famous singers: Natasha Koroleva, Anita Tsoi, Mark Tishman and others.

Meeting Nikolai Tagrin not only influenced her creative career, but also changed her personal life. The musicians' working relationship gradually developed into a romantic one. In 1992 they got married, and a year later their son Alexander was born. This marriage lasted more than thirteen years, and in 2005 the couple separated.

In the photo, Tatyana Bulanova with her ex-husband Vladislav Radimov

According to the artist herself, the reason for the divorce was her affair with football player Vladislav Radimov, whom she is seven years older than. She met her future husband when a sports magazine invited the star to interview him. Something broke out between them whirlwind romance, as a result of which the artist divorced her first husband and soon married a new lover. In 2007, the couple had a son, Nikita.

But family life It wasn’t easy with the athlete, and the spouses often quarreled. Increasingly, reports appeared in the press that Bulanova had problems with her husband, however, the spouses themselves rejected these speculations. For several years the singer tried to save the marriage, however, at the end of 2016 it became known that they had divorced. Despite this, she is grateful to her ex-husband for the years they spent together, which also included a lot of good things. After the breakup, their relationship got better, ex-spouses They often meet and celebrate common family holidays.

In the photo, Tatyana Bulanova with her sons Nikita and Alexander

Tatyana not only manages to pursue a career, but also spends a lot of time with her sons. The family loves active view recreation, so the artist and her children often ride bicycles in the park. The eldest son graduated from the Faculty of Economics, but does not want to work in his chosen profession, as he plans to become a specialist in making coffee. Also in student years the young man worked in a coffee shop, as a result of which he became interested in this business. Alexander recently broke up with his girlfriend, so he hasn’t gotten married yet. Bulanova’s youngest son is in junior high. He, like his star parents, enjoys playing football and singing. In addition, the boy likes to record videos, which he then posts on Youtube.

Tatyana Bulanova is a bright performer who became well known to the public in the mid-90s. During this period, our today's heroine was at the peak of her popularity. However this fact does not mean that after this she creative career began to roll down. The heartfelt and touching songs of this pop singer are still loved by millions of listeners in different parts of the CIS, and therefore this article, dedicated to the life and work of the famous singer, will certainly be of interest to many.

Early years, childhood and family of Tatyana Bulanova

Our today's heroine was born in Leningrad in 1969. Her mother is a photographer. Tatyana Bulanova’s father, Ivan Petrovich Bulanov, served as a torpedo bomber in one of the northern military units. It is quite remarkable that it was he who, with the advent of missile submarines, was one of the first to take the post of commander of a missile unit. In 1990, he retired with the rank of captain first rank and died of cancer eight years later. Tatiana, already an established singer in those years, barely had time to return from tour to say goodbye to her father.

Mine creative path Tatyana Bulanova started back in primary school. At that time, she was actively involved in rhythmic gymnastics, but then left classes due to her passion for music. At the age of nine, the girl began learning to play the piano, and then, having successfully mastered this instrument, she also took up the six-string guitar.

In 1987, our today’s heroine entered the library department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture, but studied there for only three years. In 1989, she applied to the vocal department of the St. Petersburg Music Hall studio school and was successfully enrolled. However, studying in this place also turned out to be short-lived for Tatyana Bulanova. Already in December of the same year, the young singer met Nikolai Tagrin, the leader of the “Summer Garden” group. And very soon she began performing with this group.

Together with this group, Bulanova recorded her first studio compositions, and later began touring the cities of Russia. Due to a busy work schedule, some time later the girl left her studies and devoted herself entirely to creativity.

Star Trek by Tatyana Bulanova, first songs and all-Russian glory

In the early 90s, the Summer Garden group became extremely popular in Russia and other republics former USSR. Their composition “Don't Cry” became a real hit of that time, and the group itself became the winner of many prestigious competitions.

On the wave of success, the group recorded an album of the same name, which also became very popular. The first record was followed by others - “Elder Sister”, “Strange Meeting”, “Betrayal”, which strengthened the popularity of “ Summer Garden" It is very noteworthy that already in 1994, the named team became the leader of the entire music industry CIS by number of cassettes sold.

Tatyana Bulanova about creativity (interview)

However, it was during this period popular group began to slowly disintegrate. Former participants left her, cherishing dreams of solo work. In 1996, Tatyana Bulanova also left the group, and very soon presented the public with her first solo album- “My Russian Heart”, and also recorded songs for the popular Russian TV series “Gangster Petersburg” and “Streets of Broken Lanterns”.

Subsequently, as a solo performer, our today’s heroine released several new records, including the experimental album “Flock”, recorded in rock style. The record turned out to be not the most successful, however, despite this, already in 2000 Tatyana Bulanova decided to make further changes in her stage image. During this period, she focused on dance music and moved away from her usual “tearful” ballads. This decision turned out to be more successful, and already in 2003 the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

A new stage in creativity

In the mid-2000s, the excitement around the name of Tatyana Bulanova began to gradually subside. Having lost the fight to younger and more energetic performers, the singer, however, did not lose heart and decided to slightly change her creative vector.

In 2007, she published her autobiography, which was called “Territory of a Woman.” Some time later, the singer also tried herself in a slightly new role and starred in the film “Love Can Still Be...”.

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

However, that was not all. In 2008, the singer appeared before the audience as the host of the author’s program “Collection of Impressions with Tatyana Bulanova,” but this project was very soon curtailed.

In mid-2010, Tatyana Bulanova again took up musical creativity and released the album “Romances,” which had previously been in the works for more than five years. In the period from 2009 to 2013, the artist recorded mainly duet compositions together with other singers.

At the end of the 2000s, our today’s heroine received the title “Woman of the Year 2011”, and also took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” project, which, by the way, she later won.

In May 2012, Tatyana Bulanova became the host of the reality show “Between Us, Girls,” which aired on Channel One (Russia).

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

While still working with the “Summer Garden” team, the singer married the leader of the group, Nikolai Tagrin. Together with famous musician the singer lived for more than thirteen years. During this period, their joint son Alexander Tagrin (born 1993) was born.

Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova. Born on March 6, 1969 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian pop singer and actress. Honored Artist of Russia (2004).

Father - Ivan Petrovich Bulanov (1933-1998), graduated from the Saratov Naval Preparatory School and the Higher Naval Diving School, served as a torpedo-miner in the North. With the advent of missile submarines, he was one of the first to become the commander of a missile warhead. In 1968 he graduated from the Naval Academy and began working as head of the laboratory. He retired in 1990 from the post of deputy head of the weapons department with the rank of captain of the first rank. He died after a serious illness.

Mother - Nina Pavlovna Bulanova - is a photographer by profession.

She has an older brother, Valentin Bulanov. Like his father, he became a submariner.

While studying in the first grade, I attended classes on rhythmic gymnastics, but because of studying at a music school, she was forced to leave gymnastics.

Tatyana Bulanova became interested in music thanks to her mother, and graduated music school in piano class.

By the age of 15, she began playing urban romances on the guitar.

In 1987, she was enrolled in the evening department of the library faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Culture, specializing in librarian-bibliographer.

While studying at the institute, Tatyana simultaneously worked in the library of the Naval Academy in the foreign department. Having learned that the studio school at the Leningrad Music Hall was recruiting students, Bulanova, from her third year at the Institute of Culture, went to the vocal department in the fall of 1989, where she studied for about a year. At that time this educational institution The level of education was equal to that of a theater school.

In December 1989, Tatyana met Nikolai Tagrin, who at that time was the leader of the group "Summer garden", and later became the husband and father of Tatyana’s first child. Together with this group, Tatyana Bulanova recorded her first songs, and later began to tour the cities of Russia.

Bulanova's stage debut took place on April 16, 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall of the Technological Institute.

In 1991, Tatyana and the “Summer Garden” group took part in the “Yalta-1991” festival and performed in television program“New Year’s Blue Light” with the song “As if it weren’t so.”

In the same year, she was awarded the Grand Prix for her performance of the song “Don’t Cry” at the “Shlyager-1991” competition. Subsequently, Bulanova performed in many cities and regions of Russia.

Tatyana Bulanova - Don't cry

Soon the group recorded the album “Strange Meeting”, the songs from which were written by the poet Sergey Patrushev. Two songs from the album were awarded the Song of the Year award: “Lullaby” (1994) and “Tell me the truth, Ataman” (1995). Later, the album “Betrayal” was recorded, but due to Tatyana’s pregnancy, its release had to be postponed. In 1994, the album “Betrayal” was released.

In 1995, Tatyana entered into a contract with the SOYUZ studio and recorded the album “Return Ticket” in collaboration with Ilya Reznik. The album was released in March 1996, and as the singer herself admits, it was not very successful, and Tatyana decided to change her image.

In 1996, together with composer Oleg Molchanov and poet Arkady Slavorosov, Tatyana recorded the album “My Russian Heart,” thanks to which Tatyana began to gain popularity. One of the songs from the album, “My Clear Light,” was awarded such awards as “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year” and became a hit in 1996. The singer also takes part in the filming of the television film “Old Songs about the Main 2” with the song “Tenderness”. The concerts are sold out at the Rossiya State Cultural Center in Moscow, and the concerts are broadcast on radio and television.

In January 1997, Tatyana continued to collaborate with Oleg Molchanov and Arkady Slavorosov. In the spring, a video was released for the song “My Beloved,” directed by Vladimir Shevelkov. In September 1997, the album “Endure and Fall in Love” was released and 3 more video clips were shot: “Crake”, “Endure and Fall in Love” and “So the Sun Has Set”. In the same year, Tatyana receives her second Golden Gramophone for the song “My Beloved” and participates in the Song of the Year festival with the song “Endure and Fall in Love.”

In 1998, the singer’s collaboration with the SOYUZ studio came to an end. The album " woman's heart", but its release had to be postponed until the end of the year due to the crisis in the country.

On September 27, 1999, Tatyana released an album in the style of rock music, “The Flock,” written by Oleg Molchanov. A video clip was shot for the song “The Wind Sang”. The singer also starred in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “Beware, Modern! 2", in which she played herself and also performed several songs.

In 2000, together with St. Petersburg DJ Tsvetkoff, a remix of the song “Buy and Sell” was made, which was never released.

In December 2000, the album dance music, the songs for which were written by Oleg Popkov. The song “My Dream” became the winner of such awards as “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year”. Video clips were shot for 3 songs from the album.

In March 2001, the album “Birthday” was released.

In the summer of 2001, the album “My Dream” was re-released under the new name “Summer Dream”, which included 2 new songs and 4 remixes. Later the album “Gold of Love” was released.

In 2002, the disc “Red on White” was released, which included cover versions of songs by the group “Ramstein” together with the group “Cardinal” and the first four albums were re-released as part of the “Summer Garden”. In the same year, Tatyana recorded the album “This is a Game” in collaboration with Oleg Popkov. In December, a presentation took place at the Metelitsa club. Video clips were shot for 4 songs from the album. In 2003, Tatyana released the album “Love”, together with Andrei Ivanov. In August 2003, the song “Angel” was released, for which a video clip was shot.

At the same time, the singer had a conflict with Channel One. At the festival “Song of the Year 2003” with the songs “Angel” and “Tenderness”, the singer was awarded the K. I. Shulzhenko Prize for her contribution to the development of national song.

In April 2004, the disc “White Bird Cherry” was released. 3 video clips were shot for songs from the album. In May 2005, the album “The Soul Flew” was recorded. Both albums were released at ARS studio. In the summer of 2005, Tatyana divorced her husband and producer Nikolai Tagrin.

Tatyana Bulanova - White bird cherry

In 2007, Bulanova, together with Oksana Robski, released her autobiography, entitled “Territory of a Woman.” In the same year he starred in feature film V. Aksenov “Love can still be...”, which is released on DVD in 2008.

In 2008, Tatyana participated in the NTV channel project “Superstar 2008. Dream Team” and reached the final.

In 2009, the hit “Endless Story” was recorded, the composer of which was the lead singer of the Vintage group, Alexey Romanov. The song is successfully rotated on Russian Radio and receives the Song of the Year award. Another track, “My Trance,” together with Noel Gitman, failed commercially, but gained some fame.

Tatyana Bulanova - The Neverending Story

In 2009-2010, the STO channel, on which Tatyana had hosted the program “It’s Not a Man’s Business” since 2008, was removed documentary, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the “Summer Garden” group.

In the summer of 2010, the first album in three years, “Romances,” was released. Work on the disc continued for 5 years.

In 2011, he participated in the television project “Dancing with the Stars” together with dancer Dmitry Lyashenko. Tatyana becomes the winner of this television project, and also receives the title “Woman of the Year 2011”.

In 2012, Tatyana wins the “20 successful people St. Petersburg" in the category " Performer».

In 2013, new tracks by the singer “Signs” and “Current on the Body” were released, new duets appeared - “From this day” (with K. Kostomarov), “Bridges are raised” (with A. Inshakov), “Never say never” (with A. Lominsky). Collaboration with A. Ivanov is renewed - the song “The Only Home”. Video clips were shot for these compositions.

At the beginning of 2014, the video clips “With New Rock” and “Never Say Never” were presented. In February 2014, she became a participant in the transformation show “Exactly” on Channel One, making parodies of such musical performers like Natalie, Sandra, Patricia Kaas, Modern Talking, Britney Spears and others. In the summer, the singer released the songs “Dimka” and “Time”.

In 2014 she participated in the show “Exactly the Same”.

Reincarnations of Tatyana Bulanova in the show “Exactly”:

Natalie - “Oh, God, what a man” - March 2, 2014 (19 points out of 25);
Zhanna Bichevskaya - “Across the wild steppes of Transbaikalia” - March 9, 2014 (25 out of 25);
Edita Piekha - “Manzherok” - March 16, 2014 (22 out of 25);
Natalya Vetlitskaya - “Look into your eyes” - March 23, 2014 (21 out of 25);
Patricia Kaas - "Mon mec à moi" - March 30, 2014 (25 of 25) " Best Performance release";
Marilyn Monroe - “I wanna be loved by you” - April 6, 2014 (25 out of 25);
Viktor Saltykov - “Horses in Apples” - April 13, 2014 (21 out of 25);
Alla Pugacheva - “It’s Time” - April 20, 2014 (25 out of 25);
Sandra Cretu - "Maria Magdalena" - April 27, 2014 (24 out of 25);
Britney Spears - "Oops!...I Did It Again" - May 11, 2014 (22 out of 25);
Marylya Rodovich - “Kolorowe jarmarki” - May 18, 2014 (25 out of 25);
Thomas Anders - "You're My Heart, You're My Soul" - May 25, 2014 (23 out of 25);
Cesaria Evora - “Besame mucho” - June 1, 2014 (25 out of 25);
Ardis Fagerholm - "Ain't Nobody's Business" - June 8, 2014 (25 out of 25);
Lyubov Uspenskaya - “Lyuba, Lyubonka” - January 1, 2015 (New Year’s performance).

In 2015, he presented several solo novelties: “Not You,” “Childhood,” “Don’t Let Me Go,” “In My Movie,” “Don’t Be Afraid of Love.”

In April 2015, Tatyana received the second “Chanson of the Year” award for the song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin). At the end of 2015, Tatyana receives the Golden Gramophone award ( Best songs for 20 years, Russian radio) for the song “My Clear Light” (Sixth statuette).

On December 11, 2015, a bright new product, “Don’t be afraid of love,” was released, written by the famous songwriter Gutseriev and composer Konstantin Kostomarov.

On December 13, 2015, Tatyana became the winner of the “Road Radio Star” award for the fifth time, performing the songs “Don’t Let Me Go” and “My Clear Light.”

Tatyana Bulanova in the program "Alone with Everyone"

Tatiana Bulanova's height: 160 centimeters

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova:

Her first husband is musician and producer Nikolai Tagrin. They lived together for 13 years. The marriage gave birth to a son, Alexander, on March 19, 1993.

With her first husband and Nikita's father, producer Nikolai Tagrin, Tatyana literally lived on tour. While the couple traveled around the country, the child lived with the singer’s parents.

“In general, as for my first marriage, we had a rather peculiar union with Nikolai. Despite the fact that we had absolutely the same tastes, passions and interests and we were literally one material entity, I was completely independent... I, of course, could borrow money from him, but I clearly knew that then he would they will deduct me. It was completely normal. I bought both the apartment and the house with my own money. I was doing repairs and knew that I shouldn’t expect any free financial help from him. I don’t even know why we had such a long marriage - 13 whole years,” said Bulanova.

Tatyana Bulanova and Nikolai Tagrin (left)

On October 18, 2005, Bulanova married a football player for the second time. He is 7 years younger than her.

Since 2011, rumors about discord in the family relationships. Moreover, according to some reports, Bulanova and Radimov have only formally maintained their marriage for a long time.

In October 2016, Bulanova wrote a post on social networks, from which her fans concluded that: “I don’t know what is more disgusting - the betrayal of a loved one, as it seemed to me, or a friend (apparently as it seemed to me). Probably, the betrayal of a loved one is more painful and terrible. I can’t stand whining and complaining and, most likely, I’ll delete this post later, but either because it’s almost morning, or because of something else, I’ll just cry a little into your vests...” the artist wrote.

December 1, 2016: “Thank you for these 11 years! Yes, there were a lot of things, both good and not so good, but I am grateful to Fate for meeting you. And know that you still remain a dear person to me and can always Count on my help and support in everything!”

In October 2017, Radimov reported that there was no divorce.

Discography of Tatyana Bulanova:

1990 - “25 Carnations”
1991 - “Don’t Cry”
1992 - “Big Sister”
1993 - “Strange Meeting”
1994 - “Betrayal”
1996 - “Return Ticket”
1996 - “My Russian Heart”

1998 - “A Woman’s Heart”
1999 - “The Flock”
2000 - “My Dream”
2001 - “Birthday”
2001 - “Gold of Love”
2002 - “Red on White”
2002 - “It's a Game”
2003 - “Love”
2004 - “White Bird Cherry”
2005 - “The soul flew”
2007 - “I love and miss you”
2010 - “Romances”

Video clips of Tatyana Bulanova:

1991 - “Don’t Cry”
1992 - “What a pity”
1993 - “Blue Sea”
1994 - “Only You”
1994 - “Crying”
1996 - “My Clear Light”
1997 - “My beloved”
1997 - Crake
1997 - “The sun has set”
1997 - “If you endure it, you fall in love”
1998 - “Ice Heart”
1999 - “The Wind Sang”
1999 - “Dead Flowers”
2000 - “My Dream”
2000 - “Summer - Winter”
2000 - “Summer - Winter (Latrack Extasy Techno Mix)”
2001 - “I love you”
2001 - “Golden Time”
2001 - “You don’t love him”
2002 - “Yes is no”
2002 - “Just the Wind” (duet with O. Popkov)
2003 - “Call”
2003 - “I loved only you”
2003 - “That’s how things are”
2004 - “White Bird Cherry”
2004 - “Angel”
2004 - “Autumn in the eyes”
2005 - “The soul flew”
2006 - “I love and miss you”
2010 - “Flower” (duet with Sergei Lyubavin)
2012 - “Wounded Birds” (duet with Sergei Pereverzev)
2013 - “From this day” (duet with Konstantin Kostomarov)
2013 - “Bridges Raised” (duet with Alexander Inshakov)
2014 - “Never Say Never” (duet with Alexander Lominsky)
2015 - “Childhood” O. Gusev

Filmography of Tatyana Bulanova:

1996 - “Old songs about the main thing-2”
1997 - “Old songs about the main thing-3”
1999 - “Streets of Broken Lanterns 2” - Tanya Bulanova, cameo
2000 - “Gangster Petersburg. Film 1. Baron" - singer in a cafe, cameo (4th episode)
2000 - “Old songs about the main thing - P.S.”
2007 - “Love can still be” - Olga Nikolaevna, editor
2009 - " father's daughters" - cameo (episode 133)
2011 - “News” - cameo
2014 - “School Shooter” - mother of the main character Max Tsvetkov

In the 90s on Russian stage lit up new star. Tatyana Bulanova, who then became mega-popular, still has a large number of fans today, her songs are still loved by the public. Many remember her as a bright soloist of the “Summer Garden” group.

Someone is probably wondering how old the artist is. Tatyana has been on stage for a long time, and she always looks amazing, and on March 6 she will reach the age of 49.

Memories of childhood

Born famous singer in St. Petersburg. Tatyana Bulanova's family was not connected with musical art. Father, Ivan Petrovich, was a sailor in the navy; he was later appointed commander of a submarine; at the same time, he headed a scientific laboratory.

Nina Pavlovna, the singer’s mother, worked as a photographer in her youth, and after the birth of her daughter she became a housewife, and she always loved to sing and play the guitar. Apparently, Tatyana inherited her love for beauty from her mother. There was another child in the family - son Valentin.

As a child, it was hardly possible to find differences in Tanya from her peers and to discern in her future star. She was an ordinary girl, she studied well, participated in school amateur performances, and went to gymnastics. Later, she got bored with gymnastics and became a student at a music school. But in her youth, the talented girl began to like modern music more than classical music. In addition, the older brother taught Bulanova to play the guitar.

After graduating from school, Tatyana, at the insistence of her parents, entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the library department. Future profession She didn’t like it at all, and besides, in parallel with her studies, she was given a job as a librarian. And therefore, after studying for three years, Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova took her documents from the institute and transferred to the vocal school-studio at the Leningrad Music Hall.

After some time, student Bulanova met the founder and leader of the Summer Garden group. Nikolai Tagrin invited Tatyana to become the lead singer of the group, the girl agreed, and from that moment the new page in her biography.

Creative path: ups and downs

Tatyana Bulanova performed her first song as a vocalist in the 90s. The Summer Garden group has gained popularity not only at home, but also abroad. For the song “Don’t Cry,” the group received several prestigious music awards; many of the group’s compositions became real hits of the 90s.

“Summer Garden” released several albums (“Don’t Cry”, “Elder Sister”, “Strange Meeting”, etc.), videos were shot for the best songs; In terms of the number of sales of cassettes with recordings, the group was for some time the leader among other musical groups.

After 6 years, Tatyana Bulanova decided to set sail freely. She began by recording several solo songs, and subsequently released the albums: “My Russian Heart” (1996), “Endure - Fall in Love” (1997), “Flock” (1999). The album “The Flock,” recorded in the style of rock music, did not find its audience, and the performer realized that her work needed changes. Bulanova changed her performance style: sad, tear-inducing songs were replaced by modern dance music.

This was a fairly successful step in the singer’s career, which brought her new wave audience love, as well as recognition at the state level - in 2004 Tatyana was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Discography of Bulanova from the beginning solo career has about 25 song collections, which is approximately 200 songs, among which the most famous are the following:

  • "Angel".
  • "Running on the waves".
  • "Come back."
  • “Everything will be my way.”
  • "Dima, my favorite."
  • "I'm dizzy."
  • "House of cards".
  • "Summer garden".
  • "Mother Russia".
  • "I'm falling."
  • "Someone else's wedding."
  • "My clear light."
  • “Hey, director”, etc.

Tatyana performed songs in a duet with Alexander Lominsky, Sergei Lyubavin, Konstantin Kostomarov.

Life off stage

The first husband of the honored artist was the same Nikolai Tagrin, the founder of the Summer Garden. The marriage of the singer and producer lasted about 13 years. In 1993, Tatyana gave birth to a son, Alexander, from her first husband.

The second chosen one of Tatyana Bulanova was the football player Vladislav Radimov. IN happy family a son was born, who was named Nikita. In 2016, the couple separated, filing an official divorce. As the singer says, she maintains a good relationship with her ex-husband Radimov.

Today the heart of the people's favorite is free, but she is in no hurry to let anyone into it. Her personal life still remains under the watchful eye of journalistic photo and video cameras. Tatyana Bulanova's family consists of three people - herself and her two sons.

Increasingly in latest news you can find information about the eldest son Alexander. Many express bewilderment about his place of work. The son of a famous vocalist works in a cafe. However, this does not bother his star mother at all; Tatyana does not see anything wrong with this. She believes that children are not obliged to live the way their parents wish, and besides, in her opinion, if a guy decided to earn money on his own in this way, this is very commendable.

An independent young man is interested in music and intends to connect his life with it. later life. 11 year old Nikita, younger son, is still in school, it’s too early to judge his hobbies.

In addition to developing its musical career Tatyana Bulanova starred in more than 10 films. The singer also repeatedly participated in various television shows (“Two Stars”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Just the Same”, “Battle of the Choirs”). She released an autobiography entitled "Territory of a Woman." In addition, Tatyana Bulanova hosted programs on television (“Collection of impressions”, “This is not a man’s business” - on the 100TV channel; “Between us, girls” - on Channel One). Author: Sofya Maleeva

, guitar, piano

Genres pop music, chanson, folk Teams "Summer garden" Awards Audio, photo, video on Wikimedia Commons

Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova(born March 6, 1969, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian pop singer and actress. Honored Artist of Russia (2004). Two-time winner of the National Russian Prize"Ovation".

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Tonight with Andrey Malakhov. Tatiana Bulanova. Issue dated 02/18/2017

    ✪ Tatyana Bulanova. The fate of a person with Boris Korchevnikov

    Honestly with Yuri Nikolaev. Guest Tatyana Bulanova. Issue dated 12/03/2017

    ✪ Documentary - biographical film. Tatiana Bulanova.

    ✪ Tatyana Bulanova Move Tanya



Childhood and youth

Father - Ivan Petrovich Bulanov (1933-1998), who graduated from the Saratov Naval Preparatory School (SVMPU) and the Higher Naval Diving School, served as a torpedo-miner in the North. With the advent of missile submarines, he became one of the first to become the commander of a missile warhead. In 1968 he graduated from the Naval Academy and began working as head of the laboratory. He retired in 1990 from the post of deputy head of the weapons department with the rank of captain of the first rank. He died after a serious illness.

Mother - Nina Pavlovna Bulanova - is a photographer by profession.

The Bulanov family has two children - Tatyana Bulanova and her older brother Valentin Bulanov, who, like his father, became a submariner. While studying in the first grade, she attended rhythmic gymnastics classes, but because of her studies at a music school, she was forced to leave gymnastics. Tatyana Bulanova became interested in music thanks to her mother, and graduated from a music school with a degree in piano. By the age of 15, she began playing urban romances on the guitar. In 1987, she was enrolled in the evening department of the library faculty, specializing in librarian-bibliographer.

While studying at the institute, Tatyana simultaneously worked in the library of the Naval Academy in the foreign department. Having learned that the studio school at the Leningrad Music Hall was recruiting students, Bulanova, from her third year in the fall of 1989, went to the vocal department, where she studied for about a year. At that time, this educational institution was equal in level of education to a theater school. In December 1989, Tatyana met Nikolai Tagrin, who at that time was the head of the Summer Garden group, and later became the husband and father of Tatyana’s first child. Together with this group, Tatyana Bulanova recorded her first songs, and later began touring the cities of Russia. Bulanova's stage debut took place on April 16, 1990 on the stage of the assembly hall.

Carier start

In 1991, Tatyana and the “Summer Garden” group took part in the “Yalta-1991” festival and performed on the television program “New Year’s Blue Light” with the song “As if it weren’t so.” In the same year, she was awarded the Grand Prix for her performance of the song “Don’t Cry” at the “Shlyager-1991” competition. Subsequently, Bulanova performed in many cities and regions of Russia.

Soon the group recorded the album “Strange Meeting”, the songs from which were written by the poet Sergey Patrushev. Two songs from the album were awarded the Song of the Year award: “Lullaby” (1994) and “Tell me the truth, Ataman” (1995). Later, the album “Betrayal” was recorded, but due to Tatyana’s pregnancy, its release had to be postponed. In 1994, the album “Betrayal” was released.

In 1995, Tatyana entered into a contract with the SOYUZ studio and recorded the album “Return Ticket” in collaboration with Ilya Reznik. The album was released in March 1996, and as the singer herself admits, it was not very successful, and Tatyana decided to change her image.

Peak of popularity

In 1996, together with composer Oleg Molchanov and poet Arkady Slavorosov, Tatyana recorded the album “My Russian Heart,” thanks to which Tatyana began to gain popularity. One of the songs from the album, “My Clear Light,” was awarded such awards as “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year” and became a hit in 1996. The singer also takes part in the filming of the television film “Old Songs about the Main Thing 2” with the song “Tenderness”. The concerts are sold out at the Rossiya State Cultural Center in Moscow, and the concerts are broadcast on radio and television.

In January 1997, Tatyana continued to collaborate with Oleg Molchanov and Arkady Slavorosov. In the spring, a video was released for the song “My Beloved,” directed by Vladimir Shevelkov. In September 1997, the album “Endure and Fall in Love” was released and 3 more video clips were shot: “Crake”, “Endure and Fall in Love” and “So the Sun Has Set”. In the same year, Tatyana receives her second Golden Gramophone for the song “My Beloved” and participates in the Song of the Year festival with the song “Endure and Fall in Love.”

1998 - present

In 1998, the singer’s collaboration with the SOYUZ studio came to an end. The album “A Woman’s Heart” was recorded, but its release had to be postponed until the end of the year due to the crisis in the country.

On September 27, 1999, Tatyana released an album in the style of rock music, “The Flock,” written by Oleg Molchanov. A video clip was shot for the song “The Wind Sang”. The singer also starred in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “Caution, Modern! 

2", in which she played herself and also performed several songs.

In the summer of 2001, the album “My Dream” was re-released under the new name “Summer Dream”, which included 2 new songs and 4 remixes. Later the album “Gold of Love” was released.

In 2002, the disc “Red on White” was released, which included cover versions of songs by the group “Ramstein” together with the group “Cardinal” and the first four albums were re-released as part of the “Summer Garden”. In the same year, Tatyana recorded the album “This is a Game” in collaboration with Oleg Popkov. In December, a presentation took place at the Metelitsa club. Video clips were shot for 4 songs from the album. In 2003, Tatyana released the album “Love”, together with Andrei Ivanov. In August 2003, the song “Angel” was released, for which a video clip was shot.

In 2000, together with St. Petersburg DJ Tsvetkoff, a remix of the song “Buy and Sell” was made, which was never released. In December 2000, an album of dance music, the songs for which were written by Oleg Popkov. The song “My Dream” became the winner of such awards as “Golden Gramophone” and “Song of the Year”. Video clips were shot for 3 songs from the album. In March 2001, the album “Birthday” was released. At the same time, the singer had a conflict with Channel One. At the festival"Song of the Year 2003"

In April 2004, the disc “White Bird Cherry” was released. 3 video clips were shot for songs from the album. In May 2005, the album “The Soul Flew” was recorded. Both albums were released at ARS studio. In the summer of 2005, Tatyana divorced her husband and producer Nikolai Tagrin.

with the songs “Angel” and “Tenderness”, the singer was awarded the K. I. Shulzhenko Prize for her contribution to the development of national song. On November 23, 2004, Bulanova was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

On October 18, 2005, Bulanova married for the second time, to football player Vladislav Radimov. On March 8, 2007, their son Nikita was born.

In 2008, Tatyana participated in the NTV channel project “Superstar 2008. Dream Team” and reached the final. In 2009, the hit “Endless Story” was recorded, the composer of which was the lead singer of the group “Vintage” - Alexey Romanov. The song is successfully rotated on Russian Radio and receives the Song of the Year award. Another track, “My Trance,” together with Noel Gitman, failed commercially, but gained some fame.

Video clips were presented at the beginning of 2014 "Happy New Rock" and “Never say never.” In February 2014, she became a participant in the transformation show “Exactly” on Channel One, making parodies of such musical performers as Natalie, Sandra, Patricia Kaas, Modern Talking, Britney Spears and others. In the summer, the singer released songs "Dimka" And "Time".

In 2015, he will present several solo novelties: "Not you"; "Childhood"; "Do not let me go"; "In my cinema"; "Don't be afraid of love."

The video for the song is being filmed in March. "Childhood", directed by Oleg Gusev. In April 2015, Tatyana received the second “Chanson of the Year” award for the song "Flower"(together with S. Lyubavin). At the end of 2015, Tatyana receives the Golden Gramophone award (Best songs for 20 years, Russian Radio) for the song "My clear light"(Sixth figurine).

A bright new product comes out on December 11, 2015 "Don't be afraid of love" written by the famous songwriter Gutseriev and composer Konstantin Kostomarov.

On December 13, 2015, Tatyana became the winner of the “Road Radio Star” award for the fifth time, performing the songs “Don’t Let Me Go” and “My Clear Light.”

Before the New Year, two duets are released: “The Snow Is Spinning” (together with S. Lyubavin) and “Peter” (together with A. Arabov).


  • 1991 - Grand Prix of the festival “Shlyager-1991”, song “Don’t Cry”
  • 1992 - National music award“Ovation” - “Debut of the Year”
  • 1994 - Title " Best Singer of the Year" in the "Sound Track" Hit Parade of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets"
  • 1996 (I) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “My Clear Light”
  • 1996 - Title “Best Singer of the Year” in the “Sound Track” Hit Parade of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
  • 1997 - Alla magazine award “for the most unexpected and successful change of image”
  • 1997 (II) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “My Beloved”
  • 1999 (IV) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “A lot is not a little”
  • 2000 (V) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “My Dream”
  • 2000 (V) - Russian Radio Golden Gramophone Award, St. Petersburg, song “My Dream”
  • 2001 - Award for the “Stylish Things” program, STS TV channel
  • 2001 (VI) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, song “You Didn’t Love”
  • 2001 (VI) - Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone”, St. Petersburg, song “Golden Time”
  • 2002 - Silver Disc Prize, TVC channel
  • 2002 (VII) - Russian Radio Golden Gramophone Award, St. Petersburg, song “Don’t Cry”
  • 2003 - Anniversary Diploma of the Sound Track Hall of Fame
  • 2003 - Memorable Prize of the television festival “Song of the Year” named after K. I. Shulzhenko “for contribution to the development of national song”
  • 2004 - Memorial Prize “Sound Track”
  • 2004 - Diploma and memorable prize of the “Silver Disc” program
  • 2004 - Awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”
  • 2010 - Order of “Honor and Courage” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Veterans Foundation “for achievements in cultural activities for the benefit of the Russian state”
  • 2011 - Awarded the title “Woman of the Year 2011”
  • 2011 - Victory in the project “Dancing with the Stars”
  • 2011 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin)
  • 2011 - Peter FM Award
  • 2012 - First prize “Road Radio Stars”, song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin)
  • 2012 - 3rd Peter FM Prize
  • 2012 - Victory in the category “Variety Performer” - award “20 Successful People of St. Petersburg 2012”
  • 2012 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/09/2012), song “Women’s Friendship” and “These are the Things”
  • 2013 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/08/2013), song “My Clear Light”
  • 2014 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/14/2014), song “My Clear Light”
  • 2015 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, song “Flower” (together with S. Lyubavin)
  • 2015 - (XX) Russian Radio Award “Golden Gramophone” song “My Clear Light”
  • 2015 - Winner of the “Road Radio Star” award (St. Petersburg, 12/13/2015), song “My Clear Light” and “Don’t Let Me Go”
  • 2016 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, song “Don’t be afraid of love” (04/16/2016, Moscow, Kremlin)
  • 2016 - Award “Chanson of the Year”, songs “Don’t Let Me Go” and “Don’t Be Afraid of Love” (04/17/2016, St. Petersburg, Oktyabrsky Concert Hall)
  • 2016 - Winner of the sixth award “Road Radio Star” (St. Petersburg, 12/11/2015), the song “Don’t be afraid of love” and “My beloved”

A television

In 1996, Bulanova participated in the program “Field of Miracles” with the song “Tenderness”. As a prize, she received tangerines and roller skates. In the same year, the performer participated in one of the episodes of the “Guess the Melody” program. In 1993-1997 she participated in the TV game “L-Club”.

In 2007, Tatyana took part in the Two Stars project together with Mikhail Shvydkiy.

In 2008, she took part in the show “You are a Superstar” on the NTV channel, where she entered the top five.

In 2008, Tatyana Bulanova became the host of the television program “Collection of Impressions with Tatyana Bulanova” on the 100TV channel, and since February 28, 2010, one of the hosts of the 100TV channel talk show called “It’s Not a Man’s Business.”

In 2011, she became the winner of the television project “Dancing with the Stars”.

From May 2, 2012 it becomes talk show host(reality show) “Between Us Girls” on Channel One.

From October 27, 2013 to December 29, 2013 - participates in the “Battle of the Choirs” project on the Russia 1 TV channel, where for the first time he becomes the mentor of a choir from Voronezh and the Voronezh region.

Since March 2, 2014, she has become a participant in the transformation show “Exactly” on Channel One.

Images in the transformation show “Exactly”:

  • Natalie - “Oh, God, what a man” - March 2, 2014 (19 points out of 25)
  • Zhanna Bichevskaya - “Across the wild steppes of Transbaikalia” - March 9, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Edita Piekha - “Manzherok” - March 16, 2014 (22 of 25)
  • Natalia Vetlitskaya - “Look into your eyes” - March 23, 2014 (21 of 25)
  • Patricia Kaas - “Mon mec à moi” - March 30, 2014 (25 out of 25) “Best performance of the episode”
  • Marilyn Monroe - “I wanna be loved by you” - April 6, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Victor Saltykov - “Horses in Apples” - April 13, 2014 (21 of 25)
  • Alla Pugacheva - “It’s Time” - April 20, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Sandra Cretu - “Maria Magdalena” - April 27, 2014 (24 of 25)
  • Britney Spears - "Oops!...I Did It Again" - May 11, 2014 (22 of 25)
  • Marylya Rodovich - “Kolorowe jarmarki” - May 18, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Thomas Anders - "You're My Heart, You're My Soul" - May 25, 2014 (23 of 25)
  • Cesaria Evora - “Besame mucho” - June 1, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Ardis Fagerholm - "Ain't Nobody's Business" - June 8, 2014 (25 of 25)
  • Lyubov Uspenskaya - “Lyuba, Lyubonka” - January 1, 2015 (New Year’s performance)

Song of the year

Final songs:

Year Name of the song Music Words
Song of the Year 1994 Lullaby I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1995 Tell me the truth, chieftain I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1996 My clear light O. Molchanov A. Slavorosov
Song of the Year 1997 Endure - fall in love I. Zubkov K. Arsenev
Song of the Year 1999 A little not a lot O. Molchanov K. Krastoshevsky
Song of the Year 2000 My dream O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2001 Golden time O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2003 Tenderness A. Pakhmutova N. Dobronravov, S. Grebennikov
Song of the Year 2003 Angel N. Kablukov S. Sharov
Song of the Year 2004 Autumn in the eyes I. Latyshko I. Latyshko
Song of the Year 2004 White bird cherry O. Pakhomov O. Pakhomov
Song of the Year 2009 Endless story A. Romanof A. Romanof, A. Kovalev, A. Sakharov

Intermediate songs that participated in the Song of the Year:

Year Name of the song Music Words
Song of the Year 1993 What a pity A. Bogolyubov A. Bogolyubov
Song of the Year 1993 Blue ocean R. Pauls I. Reznik
Song of the Year 1994 Only you A. Bogolyubov A. Bogolyubov
Song of the Year 1994 Lullaby I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1995 Tell me the truth, chieftain I. Dukhovny S. Patrushev
Song of the Year 1996 Phoenix R. Pauls I. Reznik
Song of the Year 1997 Will endure, fall in love I. Zubkov K. Arsenev
Song of the Year 1998 Landrail O. Molchanov A. Slavorosov
Song of the Year 1999 Dead flowers O. Molchanov A. Slavorosov
Song of the Year 2000 I deceived O. Molchanov K. Krastoshevsky
Song of the Year 2003 Call O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2003 Balloon in the blue sky O. Popkov O. Popkov
Song of the Year 2004 That's how things are (remix) N. Kablukov S. Sharov

Song of the year in Kyiv:


Son Alexander (born March 19, 1993) Son Nikita (born March 8, 2007)


Studio albums

Year Album title Label
1 "25 carnations" Magnetoalbum; CD - "Union", 2002
2 "Do not Cry" Magnetoalbum; vinyl - “Russian Disc”, 1991; CD - "Union", 2002
3 "Elder sister" Magnetoalbum; vinyl - “Russian Disc”, 1992; CD - "Union", 2002
4 "Strange Meeting" Magneto album - APPF "Bekar" and "Soyuz", 1993; vinyl - APPF Bekar and Aprelevka Sound Inc., 1993;
CD - APPF "Bekar" and "Russian Supply", 1994, "Triary", 1994, "Soyuz", 1996
5 "Treason" Magneto album - APPF "Bekar" and "Soyuz"; vinyl - Aprelevka Sound Inc.; CD - UEP, 1994, "Union", 2002
6 "Return ticket" "Union"
7 "My Russian heart" "Union"
8 “If you endure it, you will fall in love” "Union"
9 "Woman's Heart" "Extraphone"
10 "Flock" "Iceberg-music"
11 "My Dream" "Iceberg-music"
12 "Birthday" "Grand Records"
13 "Gold of Love" "Iceberg-music"
14 "Red on White" "The Mystery of Sound"
15 "It's a game" "Iceberg-music"
16 "Love" "Arthur-music"
17 "White bird cherry" "ARS-Records"
18 "The soul flew" "ARS-Records"
19 "Love and miss" "Quad-disk"
20 "Romances" Bomba-Peter


Year Album title Label
1 "Ballads" UEP
2 "I'll drive you crazy" CD - "Union", 1996
3 "The pain will go away soon" CD - "Union", 1996
4 "The Best" "Union"
5 "Summer Dream" "Iceberg-music"
6 "White on Red" "The Mystery of Sound"
  • Lock
  • It's spring in the city (with Russian size)
  • Alarm melody
  • We are champions
  • Leaf's Song
  • Present
  • Dance
  • Near the window
  • Daisies hid (with A. Apina and N. Koroleva)
  • How much does love cost
  • I will not be back
  • Aircraft
  • Endless story
  • Secretly around the world
  • White rosehip
  • Let there be peace
  • Female friendship (with Athena)
  • Forever
  • I can not take it anymore
  • White snow
  • Promise (with N. Kablukov)
  • Mom (from the gr. “Sun of Khmari”)
  • Sadness (song by V. Tsoi)
  • Dorozhenka (with Vasiliev)
  • Wounded birds (with S. Pereverzev)
  • Let's not be sad (with S. Rogozhin)
  • Past
  • The only home
  • Hung up (Madonna song)
  • Flower (with S. Lyubavin)
  • You keep me warm
  • Cheremshina
  • Fly Away (aria from The Canterville Ghost)
  • Good girls (with A. Tsoi, A. Stotskaya)
  • Farewell to childhood
  • Something didn't come true
  • Officers' wives (with M. Tishman)
  • Love comes in different forms
  • My trance (with Noel Gitman)
  • And I'm young
  • Arithmetic of love
  • Wingless love (with Dj TsvetkoFF)
  • It's spring in St. Petersburg (with "Russian size")
  • Stars
  • Starlight Night
  • Winter sea
  • Someone came down the hill
  • Leningrad rock and roll
  • Forest deer
  • Love that no longer exists
  • Moscow doesn’t believe in tears (with S. Penkin)
  • My love
  • Don't cry (Superstar 2008 version)
  • Separation, you are separation
  • Troubadour
  • You gave me roses
  • Closing the Circle (Superstar 2008)
  • Got it into my head (with Sasha Popov)
  • Late autumn (with A. Dragunov)
  • Plasticine clouds
  • Lullaby of the Bear (from the group “Adventures of Electronics”)
  • My unrequited love ( Festive concert for Victory Day 2009)
  • Women's happiness (with T. Ovsienko)
  • Take me with you
  • Snowflake (with A. Tagrin)
  • The shore of a bygone childhood (with A. Tagrin)
  • Troubadour (with V. Saltykov)
  • Such a short summer
  • Everything will be my way
  • School waltz (song by S. Rotaru)
  • My clear light (in Chinese)
  • Signs (The sky sends us signs)
  • Like a current running through the body
  • Never say never (with A. Lominsky)
  • Bridges are raised (with A. Inshakov)
  • Tenderness (with L. Zykina)
  • Tenderness (with R. Ibragimov)
  • Duets

    • T. Bulanova and A. Bill - “Night Swimming”
    • T. Bulanova, N. Koroleva, A. Apina - “The daisies hid” (“Old songs about the main thing-2”)
    • T. Bulanova, M. Boyarsky, I. Kornelyuk, prof. Lebedinsky - “5 minutes”
    • T. Bulanova, Lada Dance - “Mamma Mia”
    • T. Bulanova, gr. “Russian size” - “It’s spring in the city”, “It’s spring in St. Petersburg”
    • T. Bulanova, gr. "Beasts" - "Rains are pistols"
    • T. Bulanova, Natalya Koroleva - Jewish medley songs
    • T. Bulanova, Tatyana Ovsienko - Women's happiness (cover version)
    • T. Bulanova, Jasmine, Alsou, Lera Kudryavtseva, I. Dubtsova - “Sleep, my sunshine”
    • T. Bulanova, Mark Tishman - “Officers’ Wives”
    • T. Bulanova, Sergei Lyubavin - “Flower”
    • T. Bulanova, Athena - “Women’s Friendship”
    • T. Bulanova, gr. "Adventures of Electronics" - "Lullaby of the Bear"
    • T. Bulanova, M. Boyarsky - “How much is love?”, “Love”, “The only home”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Aleksin - “On New Year’s Eve”
    • T. Bulanova, Tea for Two - “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” (project “Superstar-2008”)
    • T. Bulanova, Lolita, L. Senchina - “Diamonds” (project “Superstar-2008”)
    • T. Bulanova, M. Shvydkoy - “Lonely Accordion”, “How Many Good Girls” (project “Two Stars”)
    • T. Bulanova, E. Dyatlov - “Petersburg-Leningrad” (project “Two Stars”)
    • T. Bulanova, A. Tsoi, A. Stotskaya - “Good Girls” (“ New Year in the village of Glukharevo", 2010)
    • T. Bulanova, cardinal - “Anti-love”,
    • T. Bulanova, cardinal - “Wreath of barbs” (cover of the group: Wumpscut:)
    • T. Bulanova, cardinal - “Let there always be sun” (Rammstein cover)
    • T. Bulanova, O. Popkov - “Just the Wind”
    • T. Bulanova, N. Kablukov - “Promise”
    • T. Bulanova, S. Pereverzev - “Wounded Birds”
    • T. Bulanova, Burning - “How the rain ends” (TV series “OBZh”)
    • T. Bulanova, S. Penkin - “Love that no longer exists” (Superstar-2008)
    • T. Bulanova, S. Rogozhin - “We won’t be sad!”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Popov - “Got it into my head”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Inshakov - “Bridges Raised”
    • T. Bulanova, K. Kostomarov - “From this day”
    • T. Bulanova, A. Lominsky - “Never say never”
    • T. Bulanova, F. Kirkorov - “Anisya”
    • T. Bulanova, D. Beregulya - “Dad is with us”
    • T. Bulanova, N. Buchinskaya - “Hurt”

    Videography 23

    34 “Bridges are raised (duet with Alexander Inshakov)” A. Igudin
    35 “Never say never (duet with Alexander Lominsky)” Studio "Others"
    36 "Childhood" O. Gusev
    37 "Don't be afraid of love" O. Gusev
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