Natalya Andreevna dissolves Comedy Woman: where will Katya Varnava go? Why Dmitry Khrustalev left Comedy Woman Why are there no new releases of Comedy Woman.

"And they flash among the lights,

Like a never ending show.

And the country is ruled by a showman,

The brilliance of PR took as a basis.”

V. Zadorozhny

Fashionable, recognized and successful. Such celebrity personalities are well acquainted with the psychology of the viewer. How to amaze the audience, intrigue, shock? The showman is the king of parties; they create an enchanting show out of gray gatherings. We get used to them, we strive for TV screens to once again enjoy the spectacle and relax.

And how disappointing it can be when the usual presenter does not appear on your favorite entertainment television project. The viewer is disappointed and demands an explanation - where is the star! The same questions arose when loved by many Comedy Woman I lost my favorite presenter. Why did Khrustalev leave Comedy Vumen?

Biography of a showman

Dmitry Yuryevich is a native Petersburger (he was born in the city on the Neva in 1979). While still at school, Mitya became the soul and darling of the company. Not a single performance or school theater production could go on without him. But on big stage Dima came in an original way.

Upon graduation future star scene entered the Agrarian Institute, a year later he transferred to the Aerospace University of Instrument Engineering and successfully graduated.

“As old as I can remember,- said Mitya, - I was so drawn to jokes, laughter and fun. I was bored and uninterested in the institute; I wanted something bright, noisy and dazzling.”

He tried himself as a dance teacher (Dmitry studied ballet as a child), but this did not excite him. Fate condescended to him and brought the team to KVN in 1989, opening the door to serious show business.

KVN. By participating in the Club Major League, Dmitry became a finalist in the “King of the Carnival” competition, finishing in third place after Evgeni Plushenko and Sergei Shnurov. Khrustalev, leading the university team, was ahead of famous stars in popularity.

KVN tours sold out across the country, the halls were jam-packed with people who loved jokes and the sparkling humor of KVN members. In less than twenty years, the team leader Mitya was already driving around in limousines, staying in fashionable hotels and leading a crowd of fans. A test of glory fell upon him - star fever.

Stories about rudeness to waiters and Dmitry's arrogant behavior appeared on the pages of the press. But the smart young man managed to overcome stellar habits. Mitya gave many years to KVN. Initially, participation in competitions was entertainment for the guy, but soon the project switched to a commercial basis and Dmitry got the opportunity to earn money.

Work in the theater. Soon it was fulfilled cherished dream Dima - get to the real one theater stage. The showman's friends, directors Moshchitsky and Sarvin, invited him to participate in the production of Interview with the Vampire. All performances with Mitya's participation were accompanied by a noisy full house.

Khrustalev continued to participate in theatrical productions. He has included the performances “Handsome Prince” and “Love for Three,” where his KVN colleagues Viktor Vasiliev and Polina Sibagatullina participated. On the stage of the Music Hall, Dmitry acquired a diploma as a pop artist.

Comedy Club. In 2000, Mitya and his colleague and friend Viktor Vasiliev were invited to the new youth show Comedy Club. Some viewers perceive this project negatively, considering it indecently cheeky. According to Mitya “We didn’t show up on stage armed with vulgarity. Every joke was worked out, trying to bring intelligence and subtle humor into it.”

The Comedy Club includes former members of Dmitry's KVN team - Garik Martirosyan, Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Kharlamov, Pavel Volya and Timur Rodriguez.

Film career. Mitya’s first film debut took place in 2004. He participated in the filming of the humorous series “Allow me to enter.” Two years later, the showman starred in the next television series, Alice's Dreams. The success of a film actor came to Khrustalev after participating in the movie “The Most best movie 2" (2009).

Dmitry's personal life. Who is Mitya married to? The showman lived in a civil marriage. His wife Victoria Dyachuk is a lawyer and has nothing to do with the stage. After living together for 10 years, they broke up. Dmitry’s personal life is shrouded in darkness; there is talk of an affair with Ekaterina Varnava (a colleague on Comedy Woman). But since 2014, Mitya has positioned himself as a free man.

“It’s easier to work with women”!

This is what Dmitry said about the role of the presenter in popular show Comedy Women. Fate threw him with charming girls in 2008. New project became instantly popular. What is the reason for the overwhelming success? The group members come from KVN; bright, memorable players came to Comedy Woman:

  • Natalya Andreevna is a little “dandelion on crooked legs” (“Megapolis”).
  • Maria Kravchenko is a show-off chav (“Team of Small Nations” and “Own Secrets”).
  • Ekaterina Varnava is a sex symbol (“My Secrets and “Team of Small Nations”).
  • Polina Sibagattulina is a socialite from St. Petersburg, a poetess (“USSR Team”).
  • Natalya Medvedeva is an inadequate and desperate girl (“Fedor Dvinyatin”).
  • Ekaterina Skulkina - “descendant of Genghis Khan” (“Four Tatars”).
  • Maria Fedunkiv is an eccentric woman from the people (“Dobryanka”).
  • Tatyana Morozova is a simple Russian woman (“LUNA”).
  • Nadezhda Sysoeva is a blonde (“Territory of the Game”).
  • Nadezhda Angarskaya is a Yakut singer (“Deja Vu”).

Dmitry Efimovich, main director the show recalls: “Comedy Woman is far from the Comedy Club style. This is another genre of dazzling and noisy pop music, where there are songs, dances, transformations and magic! We bring jokes to the stage that make the viewer think. The girls work in the genre of clown eccentricity.

Interesting fact. Although we see bright beauties on stage, the jokes for the women's cabaret are invented and developed by men (the management of Comedy Vumen is male).

Over the years of work in the humorous show, Khrustalev played a huge number of roles. One can only sympathize with how many jokes and jokes the permanent presenter made at his own address when he went on stage women's show. But, looking at the pleasure with which Dmitry works, it is difficult to say that this state of affairs does not suit him.

During her time at Comedy Vumen, Mitya developed warm and trusting relationships with the girls.

As the showman recalled: “I always felt comfortable among girls. I've been doing it since childhood ballroom dancing- There are only girls around. Yes, and I was friends with them as a schoolboy. In general, it’s more interesting with girls; for a man, it’s football, a bathhouse and beer. But with girls, the brain turns on, other topics arise.”

So why is there no Dmitry? Did he go where they pay more? Judging by Mitya’s words: “I changed my profession because I love and respect comfort and convenience. And these two things are achieved with the help of money. I went to entertainment show business, as soon as working there began to bring me good income. If something is brought somewhere more money“I’ll go there.”

Where did Dmitry go?

The first rumors about Mitya’s departure from the show began to spread when the brilliant presenter was seen together with Ivan Urgant in the program “ Evening Urgant", broadcast on Channel One. But fans of Comedy Woman were reassured when they learned that Mitya is not retiring from the role of host and combines both positions.

Fans were alarmed when new episodes without Khrustalev were released in 2014. What happened to Dmitry? Was he kicked out? Why was the star removed? Will we see Mitya in season 6?

Dmitry had to leave the women's cabaret because of an offer to participate as a co-host of a new comedy show STS channel "Leningrad Club Stand-up". The program is based on contests and competitions for comedians, the main task of which is to make the audience laugh.

It became physically impossible to combine three positions and Mitya had to choose. The charming presenter chose. Comedy Vumen was left without Khrustalev. Dmitry left the women's project.

Why Mitya made such a choice, viewers can only guess. Maybe it's all to blame personal life? Rumor has it that Khrustalev did not part with his common-law wife Victoria. And living in two cities is too destructive for family life. And Dmitry is tired of being torn between Moscow and St. Petersburg? He made the right choice for himself.

The further fate of the showman

Where is Khrustalev now? Dmitry also works in two St. Petersburg entertainment programs. He did not forget about his film career. In 2015, the comedy film “Temporarily Unavailable” was released, where Mitya played one of the main roles.

Together with his friend Viktor Vasiliev, Khrustalev led the popular parody project “Variety Theater” for 4 months. The benefit had to be interrupted in order to participate in dance show“Dance”, where Dmitry came as a member of the jury.

Khrustalev is actively involved in charity work. Mitya is a trustee of the Galchonok Foundation (helping children with central nervous system lesions). He also collaborates with the Gift of Life foundation (helping treat children with cancer).

On the eve of the New Year 2015, fans of Comedy Woman received pleasant news - Khrustalev is returning! But the joy of the fans turned out to be premature - Mitya returned to the show temporarily. To dance the famous, legendary dance from the movie “Dirty Dancing” with the participants of the women’s cabaret in the New Year’s edition of the program.

Where did Dmitry disappear to? This is not disappearance, but development. Life goes on, new talents awaken, appear tempting offers and hobbies. People with this type of character are bright, fiery, and cannot stand in one place. They are moving forward, they need growth!

Good luck, Dmitry Khrustalev!

Natalya Yeprikyan (40) – permanent presenter and producer Comedy show Woman on TNT channel. Natalya Andreevna most often plays strict bosses. She is like that behind the scenes of the project. Yeprikyan often had to make difficult decisions. For example, which of the girls is time to say goodbye to?

Comedy Woman

In an interview with the project “Should we talk?” Yeprikyan said that the hardest thing for her was to part with Polina Sibagatullina (42), who left Comedy Woman three years ago. Madame Polina simply could not cope with the heavy filming schedule. “Yes, it was difficult to part with Polina. Moreover, at the time of our training camp, she was the closest person to me. I communicated well with the entire team from St. Petersburg. But there comes a moment when a person simply runs out of humor. This is typical for both our program and the Comedy Club. We filmed many programs at once, it was physically difficult. And at some point it became difficult for Polina to cope. I don't blame her in any way. It’s really hard to work at such a pace,” said Natalya.

Polina Sibagatullina

Elena Borschova (37) also had to be fired from the project. As Natalya admitted, at some point the actress became a hostage own image: “In KVN everyone joked about her eccentricity, but I didn’t want that. You can’t always talk only about Lena’s appearance. In the end, it happened that the topics simply dried up. But the contract was terminated on her initiative. At some point, she brought her contract, which not everyone was happy with. There were not only monetary conditions there.”

Elena Borscheva

But the loudest was the departure of the show’s shocking star Natalya Medvedeva (33). The actress said that her co-stars did not always treat her with respect, and within the framework of the show she was not allowed to realize herself. Yeprikyan voiced her version of what happened: “We broke up for a reason. There were reasons for this. But I probably won’t talk about this topic. I can’t say that we had a conflict, she’s like a child. What conflict? She just changed to the point where she needed to move on.”

Former member show Comedy Woman Ekaterina Baranova commented on Dnyam.Ru news about the dissolution of the project. The producer of the show recently announced such plans.

“Are you serious?! I didn’t know about this!” Ekaterina laughed when she heard the question from the Days.Ru correspondent. “Honestly, it’s no secret that the producers are looking for new participants. The castings were announced a long time ago. And to me on social networks Girls often write: they say, tell me Natalya Andreevna’s phone number, we want to go through the casting.”


The artist suggested that some participants would not leave the project. “Believe me, Natalya Andreevna will stay!” – Baranova said and added that she herself does not plan to return. “I’m no longer young blood. Participating in Comedy Woman was an interesting experience, but we need to move forward,” she concluded.

Let us remind you that the producer and participant of Comedy Woman Natalya Yeprikyan The statement was made in her characteristic humorous form, however, as it turned out, Natalya Andreevna really intended to change the composition of the show.

“That’s it, girls, run home,” Yeprikyan announced from the stage during the filming of one of the episodes. “Home, go home.” Dear friends, and I’m announcing a casting for the Comedy Woman show. Did I say something wrong or what? Home, home - to rest."

She later explained that the project needs new people: “Comedy Woman is constantly evolving, does not stand still. Any show sooner or later needs changes, new faces and young blood are needed, and often a complete change of the current cast.” According to Yeprikyan, the casting will begin in the coming days, and the fate of each participant will be decided individually.

In 2006, KVN star Natalya Yeprikyan created the club show Made in Woman, which quickly migrated to the TNT channel under the name Comedy Woman. Natalya invited her friends from the Cheerful and Resourceful Club to be her partners. We remembered 10 stars of the show who started Comedy Woman 10 years ago together with Natalya Andreevna. Let's see how the girls have changed during this time.

Natalya Andreevna
38 years old, creator of the project, participant in seasons 1–7

Until 2007, when the show Made in Woman was launched (later changed its name to Comedy Woman), Natalya Yeprikyan played for the KVN team “Megapolis”.

Ekaterina Varnava
32 years old, sex symbol of the show, participant in seasons 1–7

Since the launch of the project, Ekaterina has lost weight, changed her hair color and began wearing contact lenses. In addition, fans of Barnabas suspect that she resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon.

Maria Kravchenko
32 years old, participant of seasons 1-7

Varnava’s friend and colleague on the KVN teams “Team of Small Nations”, “Team of MISiS” and “Own Secrets”. During her participation in CW, Maria became a mother - in 2015, the artist gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, from producer Konstantin Zolotarev.

Ekaterina Skulkina
40 years old, participant of seasons 1-7

In the past, he was the captain of the KVN team “Four Tatars”. In 2006, Ekaterina left the Merry and Resourceful Club and joined the Made in Woman team, and two years later there were again pleasant changes in the artist’s life: in 2008, Skulkina gave birth to a son, Oleg. Since then, Catherine has transformed not only internally, but also externally. Last year Skulkina lost 20 kilograms! According to the star, in her new body she feels more relaxed and confident.

Tatiana Morozova
33 years old, Russian soul of the project, participant in seasons 1-7

Like Skulkina, starting work at Made in Woman brought changes in Morozova’s life. A former member of the KVN team “LUNA” came to the project in 2008, and in next year married businessman Pavel Titorov. In 2013, a daughter, Sofia, was born into the family.

Nadezhda Sysoeva
32 years old, main blonde of the show, participant in seasons 1-7

Did you know that 6 years ago Nadenka dated Pasha Volya? Now the artist is going to marry the 46-year-old general director of the Glavkino company Ilya Bachurin, ex-fiance actress Ravshana Kurkova.

Elena Borscheva
35 years old, participant of seasons 1-3, 6 and 7

Former member of Comedy Woman and the KVN team “Pyatigorsk Team” Elena Borscheva is the mother of two daughters (10 years old and two years old). Surprisingly, the youngest girl was born on April 1 - just as she dreamed comedienne. The parents gave the baby unusual name- Uma.

Natalia Medvedeva
31 years old, participant of seasons 1-3, 6 and 7

During her time working at Made in Woman/Comedy Woman, Natalia, like many of her colleagues on the show, became a wife and mother. Former member famous team KVN "Fyodor Dvinyatin" is raising his son with former captain team "STEPiKO" Alexander Koptel.

Polina Sibagatullina
40 years old, poetess of the project, participant in seasons 1–7

A member of the KVN team “Team of St. Petersburg” was married to a former Comedy director Woman by Dmitry Efimovich, but in the end she broke up with both the man and the project.

Dmitry Khrustalev
37 years old, male of the project, participant of seasons 1−5 and 7

Since the days of KVN, Dmitry has hardly changed!

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