Preschool methodology. Methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy



From point of view humanistic concept

Modern pedagogical theories and concepts of education and development of a preschool child

Pedagogical theory is a system of knowledge that describes and explains a strictly defined range of pedagogical phenomena, structural elements which are ideas (starting points), concepts; laws and patterns, principles, rules, recommendations.

A pedagogical concept is a system of ideas, conclusions about patterns and essence pedagogical process, principles of its organization and methods of implementation.

The following concepts of childhood are identified as methodological guidelines in modern preschool pedagogy.

The concept of the Nature of childhood is considered in the context

D. B. Elkonin specific historical conditions that determine

development, patterns, originality and nature of changes in human childhood.

Childhood is considered as a socio-psychological phenomenon in human life, as necessary condition for the individual to acquire human ways of satisfying organic, social, spiritual needs, and mastering human culture.

The role of an adult is to assist the child in mastering his native language, practical actions, and culture.

Concept by D. I. Feldshtein Childhood is a special phenomenon of the social world. Functionally, childhood is a necessary state in the system of social development, the state of the process of maturation of the younger generation, preparation for the reproduction of the future society. In essence, childhood is a process of constant physical growth, the accumulation of mental new formations, defining oneself in the world around us, one’s own self-organization in ever-expanding and increasingly complex contacts and interactions with adults and other children. Essentially childhood is a special state social development
when biological patterns associated with age-related changes in the child significantly manifest their effect, “submitting” to all Childhood is defined as boundlessness and uniqueness, as a special mission for oneself and for people. A child is endowed by nature with a unique individual combination of capabilities and abilities. An adult must help him grow up, create conditions of kindness and care, and then the child, becoming an adult, will bring joy to the people around him. “Man needs man, and people are born for each other. Life itself, seething according to its own laws, calls for birth the right person
. So he is born with his mission.” Concept by V. T. Kudryavtsev
Childhood determines the existence of a cultural whole and the fate of an individual. The value of childhood lies in the mutual determination of culture and childhood as a sphere of culture itself. There are two leading complementary tasks that the child solves - cultural acquisition and cultural creation. The same problems are solved by an adult who supports and enriches the child’s experience of interaction with culture. The result of their decision for the children and for the teacher will be a subculture of childhood. The concept of childhood by V. V. Zenkovsky Emphasizes special role

games in childhood. In play, the child is active, he fantasizes, imagines, creates, experiences, creating images that emerge in consciousness and which serve as a means of expressing the emotional sphere, and the game itself serves the purpose of the physical and mental expression of the child’s feelings.

Pedagogical theories are divided into global and specific, generated by the demands of real educational reality.

Education concepts. In the period from 1917 to the 1990s. in our country the system of public preschool education

, which was associated with social, socio-political changes. There was a correction of the real goals and concepts of educating the younger generation. In the 1920s - early 1930s. The leading concept was N.K. Krupskaya. The main directions of the concept: education of ideological orientation; collectivism, taking into account individual and age characteristics

child. During this period, the first program documents appeared - the Draft Kindergarten Program (1932) and the Program and internal regulations

kindergarten (1934). At the end of the 1930s. The concept introduces a requirement for patriotic and international education.

1950s characterized by attention to the mental development of children, compulsory education for children was introduced into the program (A.P. Usova). The 1959 decree on the merger of nurseries and kindergartens into a single preschool institution gave rise to the Program for the Education and Training of Children in(1962). Subsequently, this program was reissued and refined until 1989. All programs were aimed at subordinating one ideal goal - the education of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality - and were uniform and mandatory for the entire system of preschool education.

In 1989, a new concept of a person-oriented model for constructing the pedagogical process and interaction between an adult and a child in kindergarten appeared. The leading idea is the development of individuality. The new concept lacked the requirements for instilling ideology, patriotism, and collectivism.

An important event During this period, the peoples of the world adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The documents say that the child has the right to protection, to social security, to education, to the love of parents, to shelter, to respect for his person, etc.

In the 1990s. new variable programs have appeared, based on the concept of a personality-oriented approach to education: “Childhood” (St. Petersburg, 1996), “Rainbow” (M., 1996), “Development” (M., 1994), “Origins” (M. ., 1997) and others.

Currently, the pedagogical concept of the holistic development of a preschool child as a subject of children's activity is widespread (M. V. Krulekht, 2003). The holistic development of a child is the unity of individual characteristics, personal qualities, the child’s mastery of the subject’s position in children’s activities and individuality.

At preschool age, the child becomes aware of his own “I”, acquires components of the “I-end” pci and” (my gender, my interests, achievements, values, relationships with adults and peers), strives for independence (“I myself”), establishes relationships with the people around him, the world of things, nature. The child develops through activity, in which he realizes himself and asserts himself. Intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, his social status and well-being are associated with mastering the position of a subject of children's activities. A child’s mastery of the subject position requires special educational technologies and programs for the development of his individuality.

The traditional approach includes physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, labor education. The question is raised about the need to expand the content of education through sexual, legal, environmental, ethnocultural, etc.

Modern pedagogical theories implement the principle of integration, which is at the stage of scientific understanding (G. M. Kiseleva, Yu. N. Ryumina, S. M. Zyryanova, V. S. Bezrukova, etc.). B. S. Bezrukova considers pedagogical integration in three aspects:

✓ as a principle (basis) current state pedagogical theory (for example, “Problems of moral and labor education of preschool children”, “Psychophysical well-being of children”, “Cognitive and speech development of children”). With such integration, better results are achieved in scientific and pedagogical activity, the relationship between various aspects of the development and upbringing of children is revealed;

✓ as a process of directly establishing connections between objects and creating a new holistic system (for example, combining different types of arts in one lesson), combining forms and methods of cognitive activity (observation + story + experimentation + model);

✓ as a result (the form that objects take when they interact with each other - integrated classes, modular training, etc.).

In theory and practice preschool education The most indicative is the integration of teaching aids, for example, the synthesis of arts. Integration forces us to look for new forms of education. There is a search for ways to integrate activities (“game-work”, “construction-game”, etc.).



Criteria for selecting educational content (Yu. K. Babansky, I. Ya. Lerner, M. N. Skatkin):

1. Holistic reflection in the content of education of all components of social experience.

2. High scientific and practical significance content to be learned.

3. Correspondence of the complexity of the content to the real capabilities of a given age.

4. Correspondence of the volume of content to the available time to study this volume.

5. Compliance of the content with the existing educational, methodological and material base of the educational institution.

Structure of the content of preschool education.

1. The main component of education content is knowledge:

basic concepts and terms that create the basis for learning at school; facts, the accumulation of which is carried out through observation of the environment, actions with objects, various types of activities, generalization; laws, theories, concepts (laws of nature, mastered by children through observation);

knowledge about the methods of activity and cognition (about the ways of carrying out the main types of activity - motor, artistic, labor, play, speech, communication); knowledge about the norms of relations in society;

o evaluative knowledge (ways of assessing oneself, one’s own activities and behavior, the actions and actions of other people).

2. Experience in implementing methods of activity - skills and abilities of a practical and intellectual nature, are divided into general (speech skills, skills of moral behavior, ability to ask questions, ability to walk, run, etc.) and special (skills in specific types activities: musical, visual, constructive, etc.).

3. Experience creative activity- transfer known methods activities into new operating conditions and their transformation.

4. Experience of a child’s emotional and value-based attitude towards himself and the environment. Personality is characterized emotions, values, worldview, system of motives. The carriers of the system of relationships to the environment and to oneself for the child, first of all, are parents, teachers and other adults; in middle and older preschool age, peers play a significant role.

Thus, the content of preschool education consists of four interrelated elements.

federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program preschool education;

programs for the upbringing and education of children early and before school age;

educational and teaching materials, recommendations, manuals, guides.

Principles for constructing the content of preschool education.

1) Developmental, aimed at revealing the child's potential.

2) Systemic, that is, ensuring the interconnection of those objects and phenomena that the child learns.

3) Integrative, providing for the integration of sensory and rational cognition in the learning process.

4) Multicultural, consisting in introducing children to both own culture both traditions and the culture of other peoples, education of tolerance.

5) Active, providing various types of activities, subjectivity of children’s mastery of sociocultural content.

6) Health-saving, aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle, hygiene skills, the need for systematic physical education, and ensuring a health-preserving environment.

Methodological basis preschool pedagogy.

Pedagogical methodology is a system of knowledge about the starting points of pedagogical theory, about the principles of considering pedagogical phenomena and methods for their research, about ways to introduce acquired knowledge into the practice of upbringing, training and education.

The methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy reflect modern level philosophy of education. _______________________________________________
AXIOLOGICAL APPROACH Determination of the totality of acquired values ​​in human education, upbringing and self-development.
In relation to the development of preschool children, these are the values ​​of health, culture (communicative, psychosexual, ethnic, legal), the value of knowledge, the joy of communication, play, and work. These are enduring values ​​when raising children. CULTURAL APPROACH It was substantiated in the works of A. Disterweg and developed in the works of K. D. Ushinsky. Taking into account the conditions of the place and time in which a person was born and lives, the specifics of his immediate environment and the historical past of the country, city, region, main value orientations
people. Dialogue of cultures is the basis for introducing children to the traditions, customs, norms and rules of communication of their place of residence. SYSTEMS APPROACH A system is an ordered set of interconnected elements and relationships between them that create a single whole. Pedagogical system
(preschool education) is considered as a set of goals of education, subjects of the pedagogical process (educators, children, parents), content of education (system of knowledge, abilities, skills, experience of creative activity and experience of emotional-volitional attitude), methods and forms of organizing the pedagogical process, material resources (funds). ACTIVITY APPROACH
Determines the special place of leading activities that provide the opportunity to realize the various needs of the child, awareness of oneself as a subject (S. L. Rubinshtein, L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, etc.) . Play is of great importance in the development of a child as a leading activity, creative in nature, independent in organization and emotionally attractive for expressing oneself “here and now.” The Federal State Educational Standard for the general education program of preschool education lists children's activities: motor, communicative, productive, cognitive-research, labor, musical and artistic, reading fiction.
ACTIVITY-CREATIVE APPROACH Unlocking the potential of each child, his ability to be active, creative, and proactive.
PERSONAL APPROACH Development of the child’s requests, desires, interests, and inclinations. Preference is given to a humane, democratic (helping) style of education. The meaning of the pedagogical position is support: an adult helps only what is already available, but has not yet reached the proper level, i.e. development of child independence.(pupils, teachers, parents) as subjects of a self-developing subsystem.

Each subject has the potential for a transition from development to self-development and self-improvement. The child is capable of self-organization and constantuhfeedback from the teacher (for example, during the lesson the teacher with the helpyu questions determines how much the previous material has been mastered, and subsequent explanation

depends on the results of assimilation). Methodological approachesicipreschool pedagogy determines posture

From point of view humanistic concept yu of the teacher, his attitude to the child’s personality, understanding of his own role in the upbringing and teaching of children.

a person is considered as a person, an individuality, possessing freedom, responsibility, and the need for creative transformation of himself and the environment. These ideas are directly reflected in the field of preschool education. The child is considered as a subject, i.e. carrier of subject-practical activity and cognition. Thus, education is not just the transfer from the previous generation to the subsequent generation of social experience of activities and relationships, but also formation of subjective properties,

which allow each subsequent generation to enrich and build on this experience.

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Preschool education is a very important issue, at least for those parents who strive to raise a happy child.

See: What to give your baby for New Year

Preschool education: psychology of a preschooler, features of perception

The upbringing of preschoolers can be called a kind of foundation from which the construction and development of everything further begins - character, abilities, skills. The child’s personality begins to form during this interesting and difficult period. And to parents who care preschool education

, you have to learn a lot in order to be prepared for any surprises.

Preschool education of children: two directions The education of preschool children can be divided into two areas. The first is preparation for school, which, without a doubt, is necessary. And the second is the development in the child of certain personal qualities designed to help him in later life

. Of course, for those parents whose children attend kindergarten, it is in many ways easier. There, professionals are involved in educating preschoolers. However, in any case, the bulk of concerns about preschool education falls on the shoulders of parents.

How to determine if your child is ready for school? There are many tests for this, but all of them in one way or another imply affirmative answers to basic questions.

  • 1. Does the child express a desire to learn?
  • 2. Does he like to pretend to be a schoolboy?
  • 3. Does the child want to learn new things?
  • 4. Does the child have different interests?

If a son or daughter shows a desire to learn, to explore the world, to comprehend something new, then it is necessary to support them in this desire.

What not to do in preschool education?

Many parents, having decided to devote Last year before school preschool education, make common mistakes. For example, they deprive the child of a “quiet hour” after lunch (“to get used to it”), arrange home “lessons” with notebooks, bells and recess, and teach the child according to the 1st grade curriculum. All this is not only unnecessary in raising preschoolers, but can also cause certain harm: a child who is forcibly involved in an almost “adult” life loses the desire to learn and interest in school life.

What needs to be done in preschool education?

Child development preschool age implies that parents and educators must teach, first of all, to think independently, draw conclusions, reflect, and listen to other people. This is difficult for most first-graders because they did not acquire the appropriate skills during preschool education. When raising children at preschool age, it is very important to instill exactly these views and habits.

Development of preschool children: fine motor skills

Methods of educating preschoolers is largely based on the development of fine motor skills. There are a huge number of receptors located in a child’s fingers. They send impulses directly to the brain, to the centers that control the development of speech and the coordination of finger movements. These centers are located in close proximity. That is why it is so important to pay sufficient attention to the development of fine motor skills during preschool education and training.

By working with his hands and fingers, the child activates some parts of the brain and centers “responsible” for the development of speech.

Many parents, thinking about methods of raising preschoolers, mistakenly assume that they should begin to be used no earlier than at 3–4 years of age. In fact, preschool education of children begins from the first days of life. Even the simplest activities with the baby, which can be carried out from the first days of his life, contribute to the development of fine motor skills. " finger gymnastics“- you need to bend and unbend each of the baby’s fingers in turn, carefully massage them, make circular movements on small palms. The development and upbringing of preschool children should be accompanied by simple exercises that, if repeated regularly, perfectly stimulate points directly connected to the cerebral cortex.

Preschool education of children, their development is unthinkable without training the hands and fingers. If you are thinking about the proper upbringing of children of primary school age and their development, give them the opportunity to sort out some small objects (of course, under the supervision of adults, so that there is no temptation to try “by tooth”, for example, buttons). And for complete safety, teachers who specialize in educating preschoolers recommend sewing buttons to a piece of fabric. In addition, small and large cubes made from different materials(wooden, plastic), construction set parts, counting sticks, etc.

When engaging in the development of preschool children, give your baby a rug made from fabrics of different textures: silk, velvet, corduroy, wool, cotton.

And how much joy (and at the same time benefit) games of “magpie-crow”, “okay”, and “here goes the horned goat” bring to younger preschoolers! This is also included in the concept of development of preschool children.

Features of the psychology of preschoolers

Preschool education of children requires parents to understand the characteristics of child psychology. At this age, the formation of the child’s personality occurs. The baby constantly communicates not only with parents and other family members, but also with peers in kindergarten and in the yard, with older and younger children. Sometimes in the process of communication various difficulties arise due to the inability to listen to other people or defend one’s opinion.

Competent preschool education of children is constant monitoring of the child, understanding the characteristics of relationships between children.

Preschool education of children: from 4 to 6

Psychologists call the age from 4 to 6 years a relatively calm period. Raising younger preschoolers 4–5 years old is relatively easy: the baby is calm, obedient, sleeps and eats well, and does not need hourly care. If a child, for example, has trouble falling asleep, try to streamline evening activities and turn going to bed into a kind of ritual. Washing, bathing, changing clothes, reading or telling a fairy tale (the overhead light must be turned off, leaving the floor lamp or night light on).

Preschool education for children 6 years old

Raising and developing a child 6 years old and older requires great patience and the ability to negotiate. And if in the family the child is surrounded by love and care, then the situation is somewhat different in kindergarten. Peers are not always as friendly as parents. Therefore, friction, quarrels, and conflicts may arise. And yet contacts with children are more preferable and interesting for a child.

While paying great attention to the development of a 6-year-old child and being guided by the preschool education program, we must not forget about the interest in the world around us that all children at this age, without exception, experience. Get ready to answer the endless questions of the little “why”, not brushing them aside, but trying to find information.

Preschool education of children: do children need “horror stories”?

Early childhood education involves many factors, including reading and telling fairy tales and stories. Some parents, caring for proper preschool education and training, sometimes they try to develop “courage” in a child by telling him scary stories.

Almost all children are initially tuned to a positive perception of events; they are optimists by nature. This is why in preschool education you should avoid scary tales and all sorts of “horror stories”: the child’s fragile and vulnerable psyche may suffer; children at this age are not yet prepared to perceive negativity.

Try to maintain a bright and kind perception of life in your child. Tell him more often that you love him, hug him, kiss him, praise him. This is very important for proper preschool education. Your care, attention and love give the child a feeling of security, and later this feeling will develop into self-confidence.

If you pay enough attention to preschool education of children, taking an interest in methods of raising preschool children, this will certainly bear fruit, leaving an imprint on the child’s future life.

Preschool education: helping a child get rid of fears

Psychologists who deal with issues of preschool education and are the authors of methods for educating preschoolers argue that fears appear in children as a result of insufficient warmth that parents give them and an excessive number of various prohibitions.

To help your child forget about his fears, you should not do the following:

- lock him alone in the room;

– scare with a doctor (“he’ll give you an injection”) or a policeman (“he’ll put you in jail”);

– hit (in the face, hands);

– scare with a wolf, dog and other animals;

– stop talking to the child;

– forcing a child to stand or sit motionless as punishment.

Competent preschool education of children involves understanding children's fears. If your goal is to do the right thing raising preschool children, you cannot laugh at a child because of his fears, call him a coward, or punish him for being afraid of the dark or loneliness. And of course, the process of raising preschool children should completely exclude ridicule of the child, especially in front of other children or adults. All methods of educating preschoolers insist on this.

Preschool education of children is, first of all, the desire to understand them and accept them as they are. If your baby is afraid of someone specific - Baba Yaga, for example, Brownie or Leshy - play with him fairy-tale heroes, show them kind and fearless. Such preschool education will definitely help the child cope with fears.

Many children are afraid of the dark. In this case, the preschool education program provides following rules:

– do not close the doors to the nursery too tightly;

– leave the night light burning at night;

- walk around the dark room with the child, finding different objects by touch.

Psychologists specializing in the education of younger preschoolers recommend not having noisy games before bed, not reading scary fairy tales, and not watching cartoons about cannibals and evil sorcerers.

On our preschool education website you will find many interesting and useful materials on the system of educating preschoolers.

Methods of preschool education

This also includes the adoption of moral standards of behavior. The most effective remedy moral education- personal example of adults, since imitation prevails among children as a form of social adaptation. The child imitates his father and mother, the teacher and other children in appearance, behavior, standards of assessment of others. Discussing life situations and work moments, parents use specific evaluative words (“bad”, “good”, “right”, “wrong”), which becomes a guideline for the child to evaluate the behavior of peers, sisters or brothers, strangers. In preschool age, it is important to praise and encourage the child for generosity, kindness, respect for elders, following orders, and activity. This is the only way the baby has these positive traits will develop.

It is also important to form and maintain friendly relationships with peers, the ability to act together, in a team with other children. This is important for the social development of children and their introduction to life in a team.

Kindergarten classes

According to the preschool education and upbringing program, one of the main forms of work with children in kindergarten is classes. This is a form of educational interaction between a teacher and children in the implementation of physical, labor, aesthetic, and mental education. All classes in preschool institutions have the following structure:

Introductory part. It provides for the concentration of children's attention and arousing their interest in the upcoming work.

The main part of the lesson. This is the direct transfer of knowledge by the teacher to children and their active activity.

The final (consolidating) part of the lesson, related to the results of the work, analysis and evaluation. During the lesson, each teacher uses the necessary teaching methods and techniques to make the lesson effective. In preschool education, there is a certain classification of such methods and techniques for teaching preschool children:

During the lesson, each teacher uses the necessary teaching methods and techniques to make the lesson effective. In preschool education, there is a certain classification of such methods and techniques for teaching preschool children:

Verbal methods are the use of explanations, words, and answers to questions. With the gradual development of visual-figurative thinking in children, the teacher increasingly resorts to stories, conversations, and reading.

Visual methods are the use of objects and pictures, illustrations and teaching aids in the process of forming the knowledge of preschoolers.

Practical methods are the application of acquired knowledge in practical activities, mastering skills through exercise.

Game methods involve the use of outdoor games, role-playing games, didactic games, dramatization games, riddles, simulation exercises.

Let us recall that in preschool age the leading activity is play activity, therefore the didactic (educational) game takes important place in the process of preschool education. Sometimes classes are conducted in the form of didactic games. Their peculiarity is that they provide for variability in solving assigned problems. This allows the child to repeat practical operations feeling the results of your efforts.

The child’s development should occur smoothly and systematically, and, most importantly, in a timely manner. Therefore, to help parents and teachers, various methods of raising children have been developed, appropriate for a particular age.

The development of preschoolers occurs quite spasmodically: periods of calm are replaced by rebellion and protest. This article will tell you how to properly respond to this behavior of children and what parenting methods to use.

The development and growth of a child is an uneven process. It can proceed slowly at first, then quickly, or vice versa, but is always accompanied by periods of fractures. These fractures have a spasmodic character and are called crises. It should be distinguished age crisis from disobedience. The parents' reaction to such a difficult stage in the child's development should be softer. You should not restrain his natural impulses towards independence and activity, otherwise conflicts and problems with the baby will only increase.

Let's look at a few age groups preschoolers and trace the features of their development. Children from three to four years old characterized by the involuntary nature of memory, attention and thinking. They need emotional comfort. Situational business communication takes over. The adult is considered by the child as a partner in joint activities.

The visual-figurative nature of thinking, which prevails during this period, allows the child to manipulate not only objects, but also images and ideas. His cognitive activity is aimed at the world. The baby's speech is still in its infancy. It is important for parents to remember this, since their words are perceived by the child exactly as he heard them. Therefore, there is no point in demanding complete and detailed answers from the child.

Children from 4 to 5 years old still retain the involuntary nature of mental processes. A new stage in this age period is the emergence of consciousness beyond the boundaries of perceived reality and the formation of active speech. Communication takes on a non-situational business character. This suggests that the adult is perceived by the child as a source of educational and interesting information.

At 5–6 years old the child should already have an idea of ​​changes in quantity or characteristics. As an example, consider the situation of pouring water from a low, wide vessel into a tall, narrow one. At first glance, it may seem that there is more water in a tall vessel, but this is not the case. The amount of liquid in both vessels is the same. The child must understand that the amount of water remains the same.

At the age of 5–6 years, the imagination is activated. The child can already own verbal counting within ten and solve simple arithmetic problems. Thanks to the formation of geometric intuition, the baby can solve simple geometric problems.

During this age period, parents should value in their child independent activity, and not the ability to act according to a model. A preschooler should be able to form plans, ideas and implement them in activities thanks to his imagination.

How are the methods of educating preschoolers organized?

Methods of raising children mean the ways in which the teacher influences the consciousness of the student, main goal which is to achieve the goal of education. Educational methods allow you to correct children’s behavior, enrich the experience of their relationships, communication and activities, as well as form personality traits. From all of the above, it becomes obvious that the teacher does not develop individual skills and abilities, but a holistic personality.

Methods of raising preschool children do not exist in isolation from each other. Some may lead to others, but there is always a leading method. All others are its complement.

Is it necessary to instill morality in a child?

Basics moral qualities human development is established in preschool age. The further moral education of children depends on the success of this process. It is necessary from the very beginning to form in a preschooler moral ideas, feelings and concepts, because on their basis there is the formation of actions that correspond to the norms of behavior of a citizen of his society.

Moral education of children occurs in various types activities. Initially, the right qualities are formed in the company of peers. The teacher's task is establish collectivist relationships between preschoolers. In this way, a sense of friendship and camaraderie is formed between the children.

Moral feelings are formed in a child on the basis of emotional responsiveness. He feels satisfaction from the approval of adults and from doing good deeds; grief from unpleasant experiences and bad behavior, shame, dissatisfaction and comments from an adult. On the basis of moral education, kindness, responsiveness, joy for others, and empathy are formed. Children learn to be attentive, help others, please, calm, and care.

The sincerity of a preschooler's feelings can emphasize next example. A child, looking at a picture in which a baby takes a ball from a peer and threatens him with his fist, strokes a crying child on the head. This indicates the manifestation of the same feelings that his mother experiences when she consoles him.

By middle preschool age, moral feelings are better understood by the child than in the previous period. A feeling of gratitude and respect for the work of others is formed, and a feeling of love for the Motherland arises. In older preschool age, justice, self-esteem, responsibility for the assigned work, a sense of duty and respect for people appear.

Achieving all of the above qualities is what moral development child. In this system of raising children, the formation of patriotic feelings is of no small importance. The main quality is love for one’s native land.

Morning exercises, hardening, hygiene and movement

Active formation of musculoskeletal and nervous system child, as well as improving his respiratory apparatus is the basis for full physical development. It affects the intellectual development of children: the ability to navigate in space and time improves, knowledge about surrounding phenomena and objects becomes more extensive, and positive features character. Communication and Team work with peers develops the ability to act in a team. Children acquire qualities such as activity, endurance, a sense of camaraderie, independence, mutual assistance, initiative, etc.

The main task physical education children is protection and promotion of health of preschool children, hardening of the body, full physical development, formation of cultural, hygienic and motor skills . Hardening preschoolers helps increase their body's resistance to infectious and colds. Thus, if you harden systematically, the child will be ready for weather changes, temperature changes, etc. It is also important to develop motor skills in children, since movements have positive influence to improve the body functions of preschool children, their musculoskeletal system and help them adapt to changing environmental conditions.

In preschool institutions there is special system physical impact on the child’s body. It includes morning exercises, classes on physical culture, independent active motor activity of children, outdoor games. Distinctive feature physical education in preschool institution is its organization and focus.

A preschooler learns cultural and hygienic skills under the guidance of an adult. Due to them, the child’s health is strengthened. He learns to take care of his clothes, wash his hands, handle objects with care, and eat neatly. The child acquires the skills of thrift and accuracy, organization, independence, politeness and respect towards peers and adults.

Development of the mind of preschool children

Intellectual education of children is a child’s smooth mastery of the socio-historical experience that has been accumulated by humanity throughout history and is presented in skills, knowledge, norms, skills, assessments, rules, etc. The tasks of the mental education of preschoolers are developed by pedagogy based on nature and essence intellectual development of a person and the social order of society. The main objectives of such education include:

  1. Formation of worldview and the body of scientific knowledge about society and nature. Knowledge forms the basis of a worldview. Therefore, intellectual education faces the clear task of forming a broad scientific outlook in a preschooler.
  2. The formation of intellectual activity and its methods. This task includes the development cognitive processes such as representation, sensation, thinking, perception, speech, memory, imagination. At the same time, there must be accuracy and subtlety of sensations, awareness of memorization, completeness and purposefulness of perception, flexibility and logic of thinking, independence, speed of reproduction and creative character. When solving problems, the child must learn to use generalization, synthesis, analysis, comparison, and classification.
  3. Formation of a culture of intellectual work and the ability for independent cognition. This concept includes the ability to accept and set a task, organize intellectual activity, implement an action plan, evaluate results, etc. The culture of intellectual work is not only the ability to compare one’s point of view with others, but also the ability to measure, listen, calculate, observe , navigate a large amount of information, work with a book, use auxiliary materials.
  4. Nurturing the cognitive interests of preschool children. The child must want to learn about the world around him and how to master it. They should not be imposed on a preschooler. Therefore you should use various ways arousing the child’s interest in a particular task.

Intellectual education occurs through learning. Therefore, the task of the educator is to form the skills, knowledge, abilities defined by the program and organize cognitive activity children.

Is it difficult to teach preschoolers their rights?

During early childhood Not only knowledge is acquired, but also the needs of the individual, beliefs, and norms of behavior. The legal education of children plays an important role in this process. Thanks to clearly formulated rules, a person feels more confident and acts more effectively. If a child from preschool years learns to find and coordinate solutions with other people, then adult life he will not infringe on their freedom and rights.

Legal education involves not only the presentation of theoretical knowledge, but also its practical use . Therefore, you can’t just memorize the articles of a document; you also need to be able to use them in practice. Legal development involves instilling in children self-respect, self-confidence and respect for others. A preschooler's knowledge of his rights helps to form a full-fledged, self-sufficient and cultural personality.

The direction under consideration can be divided into civil and moral education. The first branch includes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the World Declaration for the Protection, Survival and Development of Children. It goes without saying that a preschool child cannot learn these rules in their pure form, so they need to be conveyed to children in an accessible form. It is best to start legal education from senior preschool age. You can use games or conversations for this.

The task of moral and legal education is informing preschoolers of their rights with an explanation of those actions that are useful and bad in relation to the people around them . It is necessary to explain to the child in accessible language that his actions in one way or another affect the entire society. Here it is important to tell the child about his rights to medical care, care and love in the family, leisure, education, expression of his interests and thoughts, obtaining information, comfortable living conditions, protection from violence, individuality, nutritious nutrition.

Remember that you should not simply learn your rights. It is enough that the child understands their meaning and is able to apply them in practice. Most in a simple way conveying information to a preschooler is a game. You can tell children about the symbols of countries, show pictures, and then ask the kids to draw the coat of arms and flag of their country. Another version of the game involves presenting an incorrect image of the coat of arms. The child must understand what is wrong in the picture.

Let's take another game as an example. Ask preschoolers to come up with their dream school and talk about it. Laws and rules may not exist in this school. Then ask the baby or other children to explain what result such behavior can lead to.

Perception of time, space, smell, shape, color

Sensory education of children involves the assimilation of external properties of objects, such as shape, position in space, color, taste, size, smell, etc. This type of education is aimed at developing the perception of a preschooler. Sensory development is the basis for the development of memory, attention, observation, imagination, and intelligence. It is aimed at assimilating sensory standards.

The expansion of a preschooler’s vocabulary occurs through sensory education. It can be carried out in the most different types children's activities. Games play an important role in this process. Parents can develop their child’s imagination themselves by letting him make appliques, draw, design, and sculpt.

Younger preschool age is characterized by the perception of the surrounding world: its shapes, sizes, colors. Another task confronts the sensory education of children in middle preschool age, when the child’s speech has already fixed ideas about the relationships of quantities between objects, geometric shapes and color. In older preschoolers, much attention is paid to the development of phonemic hearing - the distinction of sounds. Therefore, in order for the sensory development of children to proceed favorably and on time, you need to have in your arsenal toys made from various materials, nesting dolls, pyramids, rattling and noisy toys, construction sets, mosaics, books, lacing, etc.

Love for beauty is the key to a person’s spiritual wealth

Aesthetic education develops in a child the ability to see the beauty of art and the world and create it. From the first years of life, a child is drawn to everything shiny, bright, colorful and attractive. This beauty arouses his interest and pleasure. Joyful experiences arise from art, which the baby perceives from fairy tales, songs, and pictures.

Aesthetic education of children is aimed at conscious perception of beauty. It includes the sound, shape and color of things, and is therefore directly related to sensory education. It also cannot exist separately from experiences and feelings, such as emotional excitement and selfless joy that arises from the perception of beauty.

The task of the educator is not only to instill in the child the perception of beauty, but also its understanding. A preschooler must develop aesthetic assessments, judgments and ideas. This can be done both in the game and in artistic activity. The baby can express his impressions in a story, drawing, song or modeling. Developing aesthetic ideas and the feelings of children, their artistic ability and an evaluative attitude towards beauty, the teacher thus lays the foundations for a person’s spiritual wealth.

As you can see, each method of education is essential in the formation of a full-fledged personality, and each of them needs to be given attention both in a preschool institution and in the family.

Educational program about education

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The upbringing of preschool children acts as a kind of start from which the development of the child’s character, abilities and skills in the future begins. It is during this period that personality formation begins, therefore Parents should be especially attentive to their children and study methods of raising preschoolers, because everything good that can be invested in a child at this time will develop in him in the future.

Conventionally, the education of preschoolers can be divided into two areas: preparation for school and the development of the child’s personal qualities. It is much easier for parents whose children attend various preschool educational institutions, because professionals are involved in preparing the child, than for those who decided to raise and prepare the child for school on their own.

The development and preparation of children for school implies that parents and educators must use methods of educating preschoolers that will teach them to think independently, reflect, draw conclusions and listen to the people around them. The acquired skills will not only prepare the child for first grade, but will also facilitate his adaptation to school rules.

Methods of educating preschoolers in most cases are based on the development of fine motor skills, since it is in the child’s fingers that there are a huge number of receptors that send impulses directly to the brain, as well as to the centers that control the development of speech and the coordination of movements of the fingers. It is these centers - speech and those responsible for hand movements - that are in close proximity to each other, which is why the development of fine motor skills has such great importance. By working with his fingers, the child activates those centers and parts of the brain that are responsible for the development of speech.

Most parents who think about methods of raising preschoolers make the mistaken assumption that it is necessary to start using them no earlier than when the child is 3-4 years old. In practice, you need to start raising a child from the first days of his life. Even the simplest ones finger games activities carried out with the baby will contribute to the development of his fine motor skills. Methods of educating preschoolers should include exercises, the regular implementation of which will have a stimulating effect on points that are directly connected to the cerebral cortex.

The educational methods used by educators in preschool educational institutions are often directly related to the development of small children. hand motor skills, they use specially designed programs that work with children of various age groups. In kindergartens or preparatory groups There are a large number of various cubes, pyramids, construction sets and counting sticks, by playing with which the child automatically develops fine motor skills.

Family education methods

Parents who have not decided to send their child to a preschool educational institution, but want to educate them at home, should pay special attention to issues related to the psychology of a preschool child. Understanding the characteristics of child psychology and applying this knowledge with various methods When raising a child in a family, parents are directly involved in the development of his personality, because they are his only environment. There is an unspoken opinion in psychological circles that the age from 4 to 6 years is a relatively calm period in a child’s life. During this period, raising a child is quite simple, it is easy for parents to influence his opinion, the baby sleeps and eats well, listens, does not argue or contradict. Properly using methods of educating preschoolers, parents whose children do not attend preschool educational institutions should gradually prepare the child for the fact that communication with peers will not go so smoothly; the child should be taught to defend his opinion and communicate with people of different ages and be able to express your thoughts. It is much easier for those parents whose children attend kindergartens. Undoubtedly, the methods of education used in preschool educational institutions help the child adapt to life much faster. social norms and public order.

Makarenko’s education methods

IN Soviet times teachers and parents used in their practice the methods of education of Makarenko, a teacher who, while developing the principles of socialist pedagogy, turned Special attention on the problem of relationships between teachers and students, as well as developing methods for raising children in families. Makarenko believed that the education of students should be based on deep friendly relations with the teacher; he also described the methodology for educating the younger generation in a team and at work. By a team, the author understood people united to achieve common goals in common work, where everyone has their own powers and responsibilities.

The author made a significant contribution to the development of methods for educating preschoolers in families, in which one of the main points was the presence of a complete family.

  • He compared such a family to a strong initial team, in which each parent acts as an authority for their children. He identified several types of parental authority, namely: The authority of suppression is the most scary look
  • authority, which in most cases affects fathers, leading to weak-willed and downtrodden children;
  • The authority of love - parents make any concessions in order to achieve the obedience of their children;
  • Authority of distance – parents devote too little time to the child;
  • The authority of kindness - parents achieve obedience through children's love, showing stability, gentleness and kindness.

Makarenko’s education methods were widely used by parents and turned out to be quite effective, the author managed to enrich pedagogy not only with valuable ideas and methods, but also with techniques; he also created a unique Communard method of working with difficult children, adolescents and street children.

Hygiene education methods

By hygienic education of children we mean the formation of the correct attitude towards food in the younger generation. healthy image life, which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health. In general, methods of hygienic education are aimed at preschoolers acquiring hygienic knowledge, skills and habits, thanks to which most types of diseases are prevented.

The methods of hygiene education used in preschool educational institutions help preschoolers with early years instill useful hygiene skills and habits, and by the age of 6 these skills turn into habits. Such results become possible due to the fact that it is at this age that children develop a desire for imitation and observation, and they also tend to demonstrate independence. It is on this that the reflection in the child’s future life of the skills acquired thanks to effective methods education of preschool children.

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