Why does a person need meaning in life? What do we live for?

If we turn to religion for help, we will hear that earthly life is only a test, and real life begins after death. That is, you need to live in such a way that your good deeds outweigh your bad ones. And, if this is so, then you are guaranteed immortal life in Paradise. Otherwise it's hell. A place where sinners are tortured for their earthly sins. It would seem so simple... But, alas, man is created in such a way that his life is filled with temptations that are so difficult not to succumb to. And, besides, not everyone is sure that this is the path of truth.

The world knows many examples when very wealthy people abandoned everything and went to a monastery or simply led a solitary life in the wilderness. So what? Did they understand the meaning of life or maybe they realized that life is meaningless?

Often parents, when they send a child to school or a teenager to college, tell him to study, because this is the only way he can achieve something in this life. At the same time, when a child asks what is most important in life, he will be told that money is far from the main thing. What's the main thing? How can you raise your children without knowing what is important in life?

Of course you can say that for different people different things are important. For example, for a chemist, the meaning of life may be the discovery of new chemical element. But there is some higher goal to which we should all strive. It seems to me that it lies in living for living. That is, in helping other people, in loving other people. How nice it is to look at a couple in love or a child walking next to his mother. Life is designed to give something and receive something in return. And, probably, its greatest correctness lies in the fact that you need to give, but not brag about it. Give your last coin to a beggar, so that you can become a beggar yourself.

God gave us consciousness and the ability to think sensibly not so that we would invent unnecessary problems for ourselves or ways to destroy one another, not at all for this, but so that every person knows what he is and who he really is. So that he can understand: “Life is given only once, so that you can fully appreciate it, fully use it, so that you will not be ashamed later to admit what kind of life you lived.” Of course, you can’t do everything perfectly, since people themselves are not ideal. But you must understand that in any situation you must remain human.

To understand this issue, you probably need to live your whole life and look at it like a film, analyzing every moment of it. That is, for most people the answer to this question becomes obvious when everything is already lost, and therefore they can only transfer their life experience to the next generations. Isn't it better to learn from other people's experiences and live your life to the fullest?

And maybe to the question “Why do we live?” there is a clear answer. And everyone will live knowing him and trying to make people around him feel good. In the meantime, we must rejoice in the life given to us and use it not only to satisfy our physical desires, but also to achieve the harmony of our souls, and to give warmth to our loved ones.

Many times and in any difficulties, we ask the question: “What are we living for? What meaning is given to our life? And sometimes many of us do not find the answer to this question. And when we asked ourselves this question and did not find an answer to it, our simple existence began. Yes, yes, exactly, existence. We simply begin to go with the flow, without thinking at all that at the slightest movement, we begin to make adjustments that may one day play an important role in our lives.

But there are few such swimmers; as a rule, in difficult times a person gives up, and the flow of life simply carries him day after day to where the river is directed. Yes, it’s much easier, much simpler to live, or rather to exist. After all, there is no need to fight for anything, strive for anything, everything goes as it goes. But at the end of the journey, when the river of life has carried a person to the finish line, he, looking back, realizes that there is nothing left behind him. Emptiness…

Come and see the world.

Emptiness both external and internal. And that's when it gets really scary. It’s scary to understand that you can’t bring back the past, time can’t be stopped, and nothing can be corrected. We simply spent the most precious thing that is given to a person, the very thing that is unique and unrepeatable, or rather we didn’t even spend it, because when you spend, you get something in return, and in the case of a barren life, or rather existence, you don’t get Nothing. The ancient Slavs had such a concept as the world of reality and the world of Navi. The world is real, it's real existing world with living beings, the Navi world is a world of dreams and otherworldly forces. For our perception, the world of reality is already a deep philosophy about the meaning of life.

So why not think at the beginning of this path and find an answer to the question: “Why am I living? And why do I need this life?”

And the answer is very simple - you don’t have to live for something, you don’t have to live for something, and even more so you don’t have to live for someone, because everything is fleeting, everything changes in the blink of an eye, today it’s there, but tomorrow it’s gone , and then the meaning of life is lost again. So don’t live for the sake of..., but just live. Live every day, every hour, every minute, don’t waste a minute of time, a second has passed and you can’t get it back, never and for any money, appreciate this time, appreciate what is happening around you. In every breath of the breeze, in every ray of sunshine, look for happiness in every dewdrop, because only happy man- a living person, this is the waking world.

We must always remember that our whole life is a continuous struggle. The struggle is not only for a place in the sun, but above all it is a struggle with oneself. We very often drive ourselves into the framework of gray everyday life and stop noticing bright colors that decorate our lives. Everything around becomes gray and uninteresting, and each person has his own reason for this situation. But no matter how hard it is, no matter how much you want to scream in pain or choke yourself with tears, you need to look for and find the strength to live within yourself. It is to live in the world of reality, and not to exist in the world of Navi.

Hello comrade!
In this article, let's think about this: is it worth each of us to do something to save our Motherland, or can we calmly wait for what will happen?
Now let's think - in nature, in the universe, everything is interconnected, absolutely everything is interconnected! The Universe, space, any manifestation of reality has one or another level of consciousness, everything is subject to general universal laws being! Each material form, starting from a living organism and down to the elementary quantum of light, has its own purpose. Each phenomenon fulfills its function, its mission! Nothing is accidental...

Now stop whatever you are doing and think about this - now Russia is dying, there are fewer and fewer of us every year! The Russian-speaking population is declining, and there are more and more foreigners from the countries of Middle Asia. And I'm not saying that they are bad or that it is harmful. No it's natural process, since “nature abhors a vacuum.” It’s just that, after all, no matter what, our land, and it’s very disappointing to realize that we are losing it... By and large, we don’t produce anything, we only sell! Now pay attention - this is not happening by accident... We are being deliberately destroyed! In the light of geopolitical forecasts for the future of humanity, the following picture emerges: humanity has become so proliferated that there are not enough resources for everyone! We have enough resources, this gives rise to envy and hatred! So, getting our wealth in open confrontation is PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! Many have tried over our centuries-old history and they all “got it in the teeth” from our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers! But now there is a new time and new wars - invisible, informational ones. We are being destroyed with our own hands! How the Indians were destroyed in their time North America! And now they sell us firewater, tobacco, Snickers, lollipops, cocaine, heroin, marijuana and the like! But this is only half the trouble, the tragedy is that we have been hit by an information blow of unprecedented strength and scope! Never in the entire history of mankind has any nation been subjected to such a powerful destructive influence of information!!! We as a people began to rot just before our eyes. That is, in literally words before the eyes of a person who has lived for more than 30 years, i.e. one generation! If you observe, as if from the outside, it seems that the people suddenly went crazy and began to kill themselves with commendable zeal. And at a pretty fast pace! It turns out that people were so brainwashed that, without understanding anything, figuratively speaking, they ran to jump into the abyss!

There are a lot of examples of such an impact - the central channels show such series as “School”, “Happy Together”, “Our Russia” corrupting our youth, and in fact killing our future, programs such as “House 2”, “Let them talk”, as a result of viewing which, the honor and dignity of the people watching these programs are insulted, hidden advertising of alcoholic products such as “Russian Standard” vodka in the film Black Lightning. In most programs and movies are coming this is a terrible impact - alcohol and tobacco are imposed on us with incredible force. By the way, all this is happening despite the public statement of the authorities about the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism, propaganda healthy image life. False values ​​and behavioral stereotypes are being hammered into the heads of Russian people; the principle of consumption is being put at the forefront. Whoever consumes more is cooler, more successful - money, cars, houses, yachts, gold toilets, expensive restaurants. These are all attributes of a successful modern man. But to really look at it - now we really don’t have any great victories in sports, there are no great discoveries in science, the dignity of the Russian person is humiliated as never before. We are the same natives who sold their land for “bullshit” and let themselves be destroyed like sheep!!!

And now think about it - no matter what function you perform, your initial task should be to help save the country! After all, it’s hard to imagine a cook who, while sailing on a ship, would calmly bake his buns, after the ship that had received a hole began to sink... He would drop everything he was doing and begin to repair the hole! To survive! So, in order to survive as a people, we need to immediately, simply urgently, repair the hole in our ship. Otherwise, we or our children will live in a world where on the political map globe there will be no such country called RUSSIA!
Study the materials of the Concept of Public Safety (CPS), read the “dead water”! There are answers to almost all questions regarding the current situation. Join the ranks of the party “Course of Truth and Unity”, develop your body, train your brain, give up alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, do not pollute your soul with TV rubbish!
Every thing you do, no matter how small, is a pretty penny in the common treasury of our victory!

HOMELAND is waiting for you!

Every day we repeat the usual, previously established daily routine. In the morning we get up, wash, eat, go to work, do our usual things, return home, get ready for bed, and the next day the same thing is repeated. However, every person has a moment in life after which we think about what we live for? Who are we on this earth? As a rule, this moment is associated with the death of one of the closest and dearest people. Then we begin to analyze, understand that 100-200 years will pass, people will still go to work, take our positions, and will strive to climb the career ladder, and no one will remember about us.

Indeed, do you remember those people who lived before you? What organization do you work for? We are sure that people held your position before, they also fulfilled their job responsibilities and wished happiness for themselves and their loved ones. Time has passed, these people have long been dead, and you, sitting in their place, dream of a happy future. So, after all, what do we live for? What is life? Why are some people destined to live longer, while others die as soon as they are born? Why are some people born beautiful and enjoy their beauty all their lives, while others have complexes about their appearance?

There are many hypotheses as to why people live on this earth. Let's look at some of them.

Life is heaven and hell. Who said that heaven and hell are somewhere far away, that they are separated from each other and do not touch in any way? How can a soul determine what is in hell if it does not see any comparison? Let's explain on simple example. If you eat porridge on water all your life, live in an ordinary earthen house without a shower or toilet, then how will you determine that this is bad if everyone around you is in similar living conditions? You will consider your life to be the norm. You simply won't have anything to compare it to. The same thing will happen in heaven. Here all souls live well and comfortably, but how can they understand that this comfort is given for something? Isn’t it better to combine heaven and hell on one platform so that we can see, analyze and now everything that life provides us with? Life is the period of time during which your soul must be cleansed, having survived all the difficulties that befall your fate. It is very difficult in life to resist all temptations and remain honest with yourself. Maybe no one will notice your lies except you. However, your conscience will make itself known. It is on earth, seeing better life, you may experience remorse and envy. You will see that someone from birth is in better conditions. So, why can’t we learn for ourselves that it is on earth that hell and heaven are collected, that someone is born in good conditions, lives all his life long life happily, easily copes with all the trials that befall him. And someone is born in poor family, someone is beaten by their parents since childhood, they don’t even have enough money for food, and as a result, illness and death. Why are these different destinies on the same land? Yes, all because someone here goes to heaven, and someone goes to hell. And all misfortunes, difficulties, obstacles in life must be overcome, because at this moment you are paying for all your sins that you have committed earlier.

Book of destinies. Some people believe that there is a book of destinies. All children pay for the sins of their parents. Therefore, in this book The positive and negative aspects of each person are recorded. For example, if you lied to someone, then you may feel remorse, and your negative action will be entered in the book of fate. Subsequently, only your children will be able to atone for this evil of yours. The more negative, negative moments there will be in your life. The more difficult it will be for your children. Sometimes, children are simply unable to atone for the sins of their parents. There are so many of them that one person cannot survive it all. Then the unredeemed sins are transferred to the children, along with the sins of their parents. Thus, the dynasty begins to live worse and worse. Having a baby with incurable disease, caring for him alone can atone for all the sins that have accumulated over several generations. At the same time, both parents and children put the last point in atonement for those negative points that were made by their ancestors. We all carry not only in our character and appearance, but also in our destiny the imprint of past generations. Consequently, those who will continue the family line (if there are any) will begin life from scratch.

Everything is predetermined. Why are we born into a certain circle, why do some people meet us in life and not others? Someone can sit at home all their life, go home from work and vice versa, meet a loved one and live happily all their lives. And someone will devote all their time to searching for their soulmate, but never meet anyone. As the priests say, as the analysis of our life shows, a person lives exactly the life that was intended for him even before his birth. Therefore, what we consider our achievement was actually predetermined. However, this does not mean that now you should give up, sit in one place and think that everything in life will work out. You have the power to change your destiny and choose a better or worse path for yourself. In any case, you have a certain range of actions within which you can live. For some this amplitude is greater, for others it is less.

Our life. People who think that everything is possible in this life, and then absolutely nothing will happen, are extremely mistaken. Yes, we don’t remember what happened to us before, but we learn from our mistakes. Someone can allow their conscience to betray a person, but someone will not do this. Life is a test of strength. If you fail the exam this time, you will be born again to retake it. If now you live “according to your conscience,” then the vicious circle will be broken, and you will gain eternal harmony. How can you guess that there is a soul? Everything is very simple. If you need scientific evidence, then read about world research online. And if you want to feel the soul in your body, then listen to yourself at the moment when you feel bad. What is so compressed inside, why does it become unbearable to breathe? If our body is a mechanism, then where do all these sensations come from? Where is a person’s conscience that does not allow us to exist normally after bad deeds? By answering these questions, you will begin to see a little further than your own nose.

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